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Hey there, fellow ace attorney fans! Hisoka here with a fanfic of his own, which he wants to share with all of you! Before you start reading, here are a few points I wish the reader to understand:
*This fanfic is based on a character I made myself, but he has relationships with the other AA characters, i.e he is friends with Phoenix etc.
*I will post this in a chapter to chapter basis, with 4 chapters maximum, like most of the games in the series
*Some dose of magical mumbo jumbo can be found here, but I made sure it is minimal
*This character is based on myself (told you guys that I am so full of myself)

So without further ado, let us begin with the story, entitled: Wilhelm Fitzgerald: Ace Prosecutor
Enjoy :edgey:

NOTE: few more points which I forgot to type
*I am a Franziska fanboy and I ship her with my character. You don't like it, well, tough. Just deal with it haha :franny:

*The trial parts are hard to conceptualize, so it'll take a few days, unlike the investigation parts. That, and also I have the tendency to slack off :kristoph:

*As of Dec 6, 2014, I've decided to make it 7 chapters, not only to better build up the ship of franziska and my character but also to wrap up the story even better
*I'll also endorse my Ask/RP blog (beta phase)

Last edited by Hisoka on Sat Dec 06, 2014 3:40 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Chapter one: The bewildering turnabout

Date: June 16, 2029
Time:7:30 am



"zzz...huh? what trial? And what is a doctor doing in my bedroom?"

"Y-you're joking right?!"

I woke up to a strange woman wearing a white labcoat and pink glasses, shouting at the top of her lungs, who seems strangely familiar to me, although I can't seem to remember either due to sleepy bewilderment or simply because I just don't care. The only thing I know is that she must have some pressing matter on hand, for not only did she barge in my room at a time where people are still fast asleep but also she had the nerve to wake me up.

"So, what's the deal, doc? Am I dying?" I asked, yawning

"First things first, I AM NOT A DOCTOR. My name is Ema Skye, the detective assigned to this case" said the weird woman, frowning.

EMA SKYE! That's it! That's why she seems familiar to me! She is the forensics-obssessed little sister of the former Chief Prosecutor who Phoenix Wright got off the hook in case 1-5! She is also apparently a member of the Miles Edgeworth Fangirls club and hates Klavier Gavin with every drop of luminol in her bottle! Haha, if I only realized it sooner...

...wait, isn't Ema a character from a friggin' VIDEO GAME?! Why is she talking to me? How did she know my name? Why is she addressing me as "prosecutor"? Why does many weird creeps out there ship Phoenix and Edgeworth? What the hell is going on?

"Uh, Detective Skye, If I may ask, how did you know my name, and what is your business with me?" I had to draw info from her, but at the same time, I must not look like a total idiot.

She then whipped out her trademark bag of snackoos and started munching away in her trademark noisy munching.

"I am here to submit pieces of evidence you are going to use for the trial later"

"Ah yes, right. How could've I forgotten that?" I said with a sarcastic tone. I then took a quick glance round and saw stuff that wasn't and shouldn't be in my bedroom. Bookshelves filled with horrendous amounts of legal books and case files, a ladder(or stepladder) a Jammin' Ninja figurine, a cozy leather sofa, and a well polished writing table were inside. The only things that are familiar to me is the black guitar I bought for $40 in the Philippines, and my laptop, which had the same porn vid I was watching last night still playing (good thing I noticed it quick, or I'll have a lot of explaining to do.) On the desk was a name plate, with my name printed in fancy lettering. Aw, man, what the hell is going on?

Since this is the ace attorney world, this trial must be a murder case. I wanted to ask Detective Labcoat some more questions, but since it's already half-past 8, I have no choice but to summon her in court as a witness if I need to know more. She then handed me the pieces of evidence: the autopsy report, a knife, a tray of butter, and clumps of cat fur.

I still have a lot of questions in my head, but I cast them aside for now, for my heart is thrilling with excitement, because I am about to do what most AA fans would want to do: to experience a trial first hand, to expose contradictions and to point their fingers at someone while shouting "Objection!" at the top of their lungs.

My name is Wilhelm Reinhard V. Fitzgerald, and this is my story.

(part 2 tomorrow)
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Ch.1 The Bewildering Turnabout part 2

Date: June 16, 2029
Time: 9:21 am
Prosecutor's Lobby no. 4

"All right, here we are!" I said while stretching my arms and yawning, " Let's get this party-- eh what's up, Doc? What's with that nasty look? Ain't you happy we got here just in the nick of time?"

If it weren't for the fact that she may go ballistic any moment, I'd laugh at her. With her wide-open eyes twitching, ruffled clothes, heavy breathing, angry gnashing of teeth and her face sweating bullets, she looked like a victim of a scary prank (or Edgeworth seeing the countless yaoi fanfics and fanart of him and Phoenix in the internet)

"Happy? HAPPY?!" She shrieked " I almost got killed by your mad driving and yet, here you are, laid back and calm, asking me if I'm happy we got here in the nick of time? I'm happy we got here in one piece!! Grrr!"

"Hey, relax, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" I said, laughing " Besides, we're here for a trial, not for bickering over my motorcycle driving skills"

She then grabbed her amazing snackoo bag from her pocket (does it ever run out of snackoos?) and started munching noisily again (gotta admit, she looks cute, though)

"Fine, we'll settle this later, Mr. Fitzgerald" she said "Anything you need to ask before we head on?"

"Some info about those involved in this trial, if you please"

She then handed me a slip of paper containing the profile of the victim, witnesses, the defendant, and last but not the least, the defense. As I expected, their names were puns except for the defense attorney:

Pablo Jobs
age: 57
status: deceased
Head of the world-famous I.T. company, Banana systems. A well known genius in his field, as well as a pervert

Ann Arky
age: 25
The defendant in this case and Mr Jobs' secretary. Also used to be his private nurse. Wears a peculiar pendant

Sam Ting-Wong and Nat Ting-Wong
ages: both are 27
Twin tech support agents at Banana Sys. Also the witnesses of the murder

Athena Cykes
age: 20
Phoenix Wright's cute little protege. Has a strange penchant for orange juice

"Anything else, Mr. Fitzgerald?"

"Just one question. Is there a thermostat in the victim's office?"

"Well yes, and apparently, he likes it cold, at 17 degrees Celsius"

"Does he have a medical history of any ailment?"

"He has been plagued with various heart ailments, so it's safe to say his heart is a wreck"

"Very good. And now, we shall start the party"

That ride to the courthouse helped me to settle myself. The thrill of riding at a freakish speed allowed me to get a good grasp of the situation at hand, to jumpstart my brain and allowed me to go back to my usual laid back self. After checking the evidences once more and weaving the web of my scheme, we went inside the courtroom. (Part 3 soon)
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Feel free to post replies on this fanfic guys! wanna hear your thoughts as well as some pointers and advice! just don't try to sell me anything :phoenix:
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: Ch 1 The Bewildering Turnabout pt. 3 (YAY)

Date: June 16, 2029
Time: 9:32 am
Courtroom no. 4


"Court is now in session for the trial of Ann Arky" Said the judge. That OwO look of his never fails to give me a chuckle or two. "Is the prosecution ready?"

"The prosecution is ready, Your Honor" said I.

"Is the defense ready?"

"The defense is ready, Your Honor!" said Athena, with all that energy and spunkiness and hype I envisioned her to have.

"This is your first time to participate in a trial, am I right, Mr. Fitzgerald?"

Oh judge, if you only knew :phoenix:

"Yeah, I guess you could say so, Your Honor" I said, smiling "The Los Angeles District Court is famous for its prodigy prosecutors and legendary defense attorneys, and I'm hoping to be a part of it as well"

"Well then I guess we should proceed. Does the prosecution has any opening statement?"

"Let's get this over with" I said, yawning

"Alright, let's do this!" said Athena

"The prosecution would like to call its first witness, Detective Ema Skye to the stand"

A few seconds later, Ema was in the witness stand, with her snackoos

"Well, Ema, you know the drill" I said, strecthing my arms

Ema gave me the =_= look "My name is Ema Skye. I am the detective in charge of this case"

"Not to mention a self-proclaimed forensics expert" I said, grinning. "You may proceed with the testimony, but please refrain from excessive munching"

Alright, here we go!

Ema Skye's Testimony:

"The murder took place inside the victim's own office"

"He was found curled up in a fetal position near his desk"

"There was a huge and deep wound on his chest, caused by a steak knife which was driven blade deep into his heart"

"Miss Arky went to the victim's room to have some papers signed, and discoverd the body of her boss on the floor"

"An investigation soon took place, and she was arrested on account of all the evidence pointing to her as the criminal"

:udgey: "I see, so the evidence points at Ms. Arky as the criminal"

Gee, Thanks, Captain Obvious.

"Alright, just like Mr. Wright said, gotta find the contradictions and expose the lies in her testimony!" Said Athena. Good to know that she is still thinking aloud

There are some points in the testimony which needs to be clarified, but since I'm a lazy douche...

"What're you waiting for, Ms. Cykes? Proceed with the cross examination" I said, winking.

She gave me this look afterwards =_=

(part 4 tomorrow)
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Ch. 1 The Bewildering turnabout pt.4

"Why was he found curled up in a fetal position?" Athena asked

"Probably due to the unimaginable pain he felt during that time" Ema answered :yummy:

"Well it's only natural for anyone to fall down and squirm in pain, especially if you suffered such a ghastly wound" I said, yawning

"That's pretty natural to me" said the judge. I always wonder how this senile old man managed to be a judge

"Yet the defense would like to have the witness add this to her testimony" said Athena with a smug smile. If you're a fan of the games (like me) you know that when a testimony is appended, a contradiction is about to come.

Fortunately, I AM PREPARED :karma:

"Very well" said the judge with his funny OwO look "Witness, please add this to your testimony"


"The victim squirmed around for a bit due to the pain"


"Are you absolutely sure that the victim was still able to move?"

:yummy: "Uh-huh"

"That's funny, because your testimony contradicts this piece of evidence!"

She then presents the autopsy report (C.O.D Stab wound in the chest. Death was instantaneous. Autopsy Date: June 15, 2029)

"This autopsy report proves that the victim died the instant he got stabbed!" Athena exclaimed

"Wh-WHAAAAT?!" Ema shrieked. So that's how people would look like if the lie in their testimony was exposed. They look ridiculous but in Ema's case, ridiculously cute :hotti:

"Alright! I did it" Athena said, proudly

"Yes you did it" I said "You managed to pick a hole in her statement,and prove a contradiction which, sadly, is completely irrelevant"

"W-what do you mean, Prosecutor Fitzgerald?"

"Yes it's true that the death was instantaneous, but so what? That doesn't change the fact that Miss Arky was the one who killed him!"


As usual, the court is in uproar when something big turns up


"ORDER! ORDER!!" shouted the judge "If you're going to provide a contradiction Ms. Cykes, make sure that the contradiction is at least beneficial to your cause"

"Y-yes, Your Honor" said Athena

What Athena doesn't know yet is that her logic has proven yet another contradiction with my evidence, the most fearsome weapon the prosecution has at their disposal: an UPDATED autopsy report :franny:

According to this one, the victim died NOT BECAUSE OF A STAB WOUND, BUT A HEART ATTACK. And everyone knows that if you suffer a heart attack, no matter how grave, you can still squirm around in pain. And if my surmise proves to be correct, the true murder weapon wouldn't be the knife, but something unusual.

All I need are certain corroborative proofs which I can draw out from the next witnesses, and maybe from the defendant herself :edgeworth:

(part 5 soon)
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Ch. 1 The Bewildering Turnabout pt.5

"Now that farce is all over, perhaps we should proceed to cross questioning the next witness" I said

"W-well, you dont have to rub it in..." said Athena :thena-hair:

Man, she's cute

"The prosecution would like to summon the next witness, Mr. Sam Ting-Wong, to the stand"

A moment later, two goofy looking nerds, one reed thin and tall while the other one fat and short, was in the stand

"If memory serves, I only summoned Sam, so what are you doing there Nat?" I asked, confused

"Well, brothers always have to stick together, right?" answered Nat (fat guy)

"YOU LISTEN TO ME, YOU GRAY-HAIRED, FOUR EYED DOUCHE!!" shouted the other guy (thin dude)

"You listen to him" said the fat dude


"And so does Lucifer" I replied with some heat "Mr. Sam, please refrain from such childish acts of name calling at this court, but if you still wont back down, rest assured that your punishment will be swift...and PAINFUL" :shelly:

"*gulp* y-yes, Mr. Prosecutor!" they said in unison and in fear. Good to know that my scare tactics works also at unruly witnesses

"Now, please proceed" I said, with a cold smile


Sam and Nat's testimony (CAPSLOCKED letters are Sam's testimony, the small ones are Nat's)

"I'M CERTAIN THAT SHE DIDN'T DO IT! yes, he's certain"


"all ms. arky did was to deliver papers to mr. jobs, that's all"


:udgey: "I see, so you two are certain that the defendant was not the one who did it"


"Ms Cykes. if you please"

"Y-yes, Your Honor!" Athena said

Alright, here we go again (part 6 soon)
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Well then, I'm going to post my reply then!

As I've been writing fanfics for more than 8 years and publishing them on for a mere 4 years I could give you a bit of advice, but seeing how good this fanfic of yours is turning out, you don't have to worry. I really enjoy reading this fanfic and I shall be a passionate reader from now on!

The beginning was quite fun, just with all the ups and downs
But suddenly, we’re tired, from a waste of meaningless emotions

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Gee, thanks! :edgey:

It never crossed my mind that people will actually like this haha
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Ch1. The Bewildering Turnabout pt. 6


"Why are you so certain that Ms. Arky didn't do it at all?" Athena asked

"I've been wondering about that as well" I said, thoughtfully, although I already have a hint on what it is


Looks like my train of thought is going in the right direction. All I need is decisive proof, which Athena will provide a few moments from now

"Miss Cykes, I think it's time you use Widget's powers"

"Huh? oh, right, yes, Mr. Fitzgerald"

Finally I get to see it in action, the Mood Matrix. It makes me wonder why the prosecutors have no access to these gamebreaking things

...well I can't actually see the actual holographic thing, but judging from Athena's expression, she found out the reason why Sam was so adamant on protecting Ann

"GOT IT!!" Shouted Athena pridefully "Sam, why is it that whenever Miss Arky's name is brought up--"

"--'you feel happy?' Is that what you want to ask, Miss Cykes" I said, grinning

"Wha-? How did...?"

"It's obvious." I said, winking " From the start of his testimony, two things were obvious to me: 1. He's so certain that Miss Arky never did it, despite all the evidence pointing to her as the culprit and no.2 His testimony is nothing but a desperate attempt to cover something up, which raises the question 'Why is he so adamant to defend Miss Arky to the pt that he'd give a false testimony?"


" I know, and you know as well" I said :karma: "You are the one who stabbed Mr. Jobs, and your testimony is nothing but a desperate attempt to cover up for Miss Arky!!"


"Why would he cover up for Miss Arky if he was the one who stabbed him in the first place?" Athena asked

"Miss Cykes, try to listen to me when I lay out my argument." I said, frowning " He stabbed Mr. Jobs to kill him, then covered up for Miss Arky to ensure her acquittal. There can only be one reason as to why he did these things: he is in love with Miss Arky!"


"ORDER!! ORDER!!" said the judge "Mr. Fitzgerald, what are you driving at?"

"Sam's flimsy testimony only served to dig Miss Arky a deeper grave rather than to get her out of one. The vague details, the stuttering, the use of such a cliche device, the mysterious man in a trenchcoat, all point in one direction!! Sam Ting-Wong, I indict you...

:udgey: "Wha-

:thena-hair: "Wha-


"Yes, you heard right. Sam, thank you for providing me the last piece of puzzle I need" I said, grinning " Rest assured, I will make sure your sentence won't last long"

"what are you saying? ann did not..." said Sam, in a low and sad voice

"Stop covering up for her. I know you had knowledge of Ann planning a murder, that you stabbed the victim to make it look like you did it, and you are covering up for her!!

"Th-that's crazy!!" Athena shouted "You don't have proof that Ms. Arky did it!!"

"Oh, is that what you think?, well sorry to burst your bubble, but I do have evidence!!"

(pt.7 soon)

Last edited by Hisoka on Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mrs. Jeon Jungkook ♥

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Hisoka wrote:
Gee, thanks! :edgey:

It never crossed my mind that people will actually like this haha

It was the same at me, actually. Posting some of my fanfics on was probably the best thing I could do. People who still read my fanfics are cherishing them, okay there were some downs but then I kept getting better and better :)

It will be the same at you, sometime people will start reading your story and they will be impressed like me!

The beginning was quite fun, just with all the ups and downs
But suddenly, we’re tired, from a waste of meaningless emotions

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Ch. 1 The Bewildering Turnabout pt. 7

:udgey: "Mr. Fitzgerlad, please present to the court this decisive evidence you speak of"

"That...will have to wait for later" I said, smiling

"Why is that?"

"Well, you see my brain goes haywire when I'm hungry, and I haven't had anything since last night, so if you would be so kind as to grant me a 30 mintute recess, that would be great."

"Hmmm. Well I for one can't think straight when I'm hungry"

"Glad to hear that we share the same sentiments, Your Honor. I suppose the defense has no objections to this?"

"W-well, none" Athena said :thena-hair:

"Very well, then. The court will have a 30 minute recess, after which the prosecution shall present their evidence"


Date:June 16, 2029
Time: 12.57 pm
Prosecutor's lobby no.4

"SWEET!" I exclaimed as the box of pizza I ordered arrived in the room "A moment on the lips, an eternity on the hips. Haha"

"So you held up a trial just so you can eat pizza? Some Ace Prosecutor you are" Ema said, frowning

"Not really, I was waiting for a certain detective to arrive" I said, propping my feet up on the table and helping myself to a slice of double dough, cheesy beef and mushroom pizza "And speaking of the devil, here he comes, unless I am mistaken"

In comes a familar face to the Ace Attorney fans, a goofy looking man wearing a filthy trench coat, carrying with him a large, white briefcase

"Morning, pal!" said Detective Gumshoe, grinning. Man, this guy's still awesome

"Morning, Gummy" I said "Pizza?"

"Thanks, sir!" He said as he helped himself to a slice

"So how's the investigation?"

"We followed everything you told us, sir, and we did find the decisive evidence you speak of!"

He then handed to me the briefcase which contained all the evidence

"As I expected" I said, hepling myself to another slice "When a beautiful woman has the brains of a genius and a resolute mind of a veteran soldier, it's either a blessing or a disaster, in this case the latter"

"Let me see that evidence" Ema said. I then handed it to her while getting another slice of the pizza

"This is amazing! Scientific analysis says that these pieces of evidence are enough to prove the defendant's guilt, no matter how incredible it may seem"

"A hypothesis is always incredible until you can prove it is the right solution" I said winking "Who would've thought that such homely a device was the one that took the victim's life, and the defendant to be a callous criminal rather than an innocent angel? Anyway, I believe it's time we head back to the courtroom. Wanna tag along, Gummy?"

"Sure, Mr. Fitzgerald! Should I bring the pizza too?"

"Of course! Now, let's rock!"

Sam, I'm sorry but this "angel" you fell in love with is actually a self-centered, greedy demon who tricked you to cover up her crime without you knowing. Don't worry, I'll send her back to the hellhole she came from. :edgeworth:

(pt.8 soon)
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Ch. 1 The Bewildering Turnabout pt. 8

Date: June 16, 2029
Time: 1:30 pm
Courtroom no. 4


"The trial of Ann Arky will now resume" said the judge "Now that you're full, Mr. Fitzgerald, please show to the court the decisive evidence you speak of"

"Gladly, Your Honor" I said, grinning "You may recall that earlier in the trial, Ms. Cykes' objection was disregarded because it was pointless and has proven no major contradiction? For that I must apologize, because that objection did prove a major contradiction."

"R-really?" Athena asked

"Yup, it sure did." :karma:



"This updated autopsy report is the beginning of the end for you, Ms. Arky!"

"An...updated...AUTOPSY REPOOOOOOOORT?!! Athena exclaimed

"Yeah, an updated autopsy report." I said, grinning "I always think ten steps ahead, Ms. Cykes, so I've already figured out what happened even before the trial commenced. All I needed was a few corroborative proofs, which Gummy here provided. By the way, Thanks, Gummy"

"I'm just doing my job, sir!" Gumshoe replied


"According to this autopsy report, the victim succumbed to a vicious heart attack, which proves he died due to disease, and there's no murder in that!"


"Think again, Athena-baby." I said, winking "It's true that the victim kicked the bucket due to cardiac arrest, but that doesn't mean it's not a murder case. In fact, I have evidence!"


"Have a look at this"


"When an old man with a history of heart disease and likes cold temperature is exposed to a blazing hot environment then suddenly exposed to a freezingly cold enviroment, he'll get a heart attack sooner or later. All you need to do is expose him to a very high temp then back to a very low temp. Rinse and repeat, until the desired effect is achieved!"

"That's preposterous! There's no evidence to support your claim!"

"Unlike you, I ain't a student of the Phoenix Wright Academy of Courtroom Bluffing. You want evidence? here they are!"

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Ch.1 The Bewildering Turnabout (FINAL)


"Mr. Jobs owns a cat named Doggie, who grew a winter coat in order to adapt to the cold environment his owner exposes him. Now, when a cat with a winter coat is exposed to a hot environment, what would happen?"

"It would shed its fur due to heat and stress...WAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!"

"Hence the clumps of cat fur found in the crime scene. Ms. Arky used the thermostat to kill Mr. Jobs by repeatedly exposing him to high and low temperatures to induce a heart attack, and this fur can prove it!"


"But wouldn't Mr. Jobs notice the rapid changes in temperature? Surely he isn't numb?"

"Normally he would, but not in this particular case, Ms Cykes. If you take a look at the updated autopsy report, you'll see at the bottom that traces of methaqualone was found in his bloodstream,. Ergo, he wouldn't notice the changes in temperature because a certain someone spiked up his meal or drink with it, and that certain someone is none other than Ms. Arky!!"


"The cat fur doesn't prove anything! The cat may have been suffering from a disease which causes hair loss!"

"The defense has a point, Mr. Fitzgerald" said the judge "The cat may have been suffering from disease or stress"

"Stress induced by repeated exposure to rapidly changing temperatures. I don't know if you're a masochist or just grasping at straws, Ms. Cykes, but if you want more evidence, here it is!!"


"A tray of butter?" the judge asked? " I thought you've already eaten, Mr. Fitzgerald?"

Show me the guy who made this old fart a judge and I'll shoot him down, I swear

"I HAVE, Your honor" I said, with a facepalm "This IS the proof that the thermostat has been use to kill Mr. Jobs"

"But the butter looks normal to me"

"It is, if look at it from here, but if you shift your point of view, you'll find a glaring contradiction"

I then moved the butter so that the top part can be seen "The temp in Mr. Jobs' office is roughly 17 degrees Celsius, and becomes even lower during the peak of summer. I had Gummy here examine the thermostat before the trial started--it was when I went to the restroom, Ema, in case you're wondering--and found out that it was set to 7 degrees Celsius during the time the murder was committed. 7 degrees is enough to keep butter solid, even if it isn't in a fridge, but here, you'll notice that a bit of parsley has sunk deep within the butter, which would only happen if the butter is very soft and in on the verge of melting, hence raising the questions 'why did the parsley sink deep in a cold slab of butter?' and 'if the butter was indeed exposed to high temperature, how come it was found in a solid form when the police arrived?'. Perplexing as it may seem, there is one rather simple answer to this: The butter has been exposed to rapidly changing temperatures!"

"N-NOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Athena exclaimed. She's still cute

"And to top it off, Ms. Arky's Fingerprints are the only ones found on the thermostat. Let's see if you can make your way out of it, Miss Arky!"

The court burst into uproar, as expected


"ORDER! ORDER! I WILL HAVE ORDER!!" shouted the judge "Mr. Fitzgerlad, you've done enough to prove the defendant's guilt. I see no point in prolonging this trial. I will hand down my verdict--"





"W-wait just a sec!!" Ann Arky exclaimed "I didn't do it, Mr. Judge!! You gotta believe me!! That meanie, gray-haired prosecutor with weird eyes is lying! Sam, Miss Athena!! HELP MEEEEE!!


"All I can see is a criminal desperately grasping at straws" I said :edgeworth: "But since I feel extra generous today, I'll give her a chance to speak her mind. Does anyone objection to this?"

"No one objects" said Athena

"Then let's get this party started!"

A moment later, Ann was in the stand. She looks like a cross between April May from The 1st game and :dahlia:

"Let's get this over with" I said, yawning


"It's true that I touched the thermostat, but that doesn't make me a criminal!"

"I mean, adjusting the temp isn't a crime' is it?"

"Besides, I have no idea that he has heart disease!'

"It's just purely coincidental, and I'm a victim of fate!!"


"H-hey!! Cross questioning is MY job!" Athena exclaimed

"Not this time, baby girl" I said, winking "Anyway, that testimony of yours, Ms. Arky, is full of crap and so are you!!"

"W-why? Am I not trustworthy to you?" She said, in a cutesy manner which makes me cringe

"Unlike other people, I can see through your facade and your lies. For example, it's improbable you didn't have a clue about his ailment, because you used to be his private nurse!"


"You have the knowledge and you have the nerve due to your medical background. Therefore all you needed was a perfect setup, which Sam here unknowingly provided: You used his feelings to bend him to your will!"

"And how, do you suppose I did that, you meanie!?"

"What are you, an elongated 8 year old?! Seriously, it doesn't suit you. Anyway, Mr. Jobs is a notorious pervert, and you are a bombshell with a demure and innocent image. If you tell someone as fiery and as passionate as Sam that he attempted to molest you, you can fire up his rage. In other words, you instigated Sam to commit a "murder" in hopes that it'll be enough to deceive the investigators, had it all worked out. Unfortunately for you, the detective in charge was a bit too obsessed with forensics that she did a second autopsy, which led us to the truth"

"But she doesn't have any motive!" Athena exclaimed

"She has, and I can prove it. Here's the coup de grace!!"


"This is a list of biographies of L.A's most wanted, made and compiled by none other than Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth himself. You can see here that Ann Arky isn't your ordinary "secretary" and "private nurse" or even your ordinary criminal for that matter. Her M.O. is as follows: She beguiles old and rich men into marrying her, then she gets hold of their riches, then disposes of the old men in such a fashion that would simulate an accident or natural occurrence, like disease for example. She also has some sense of self preservation, as she uses and manipulates her suitors who fell head over heels over her to do her bidding. Now, Ms. Arky, let me hear one last scream of pain from you!"


So that's what a breakdown looks like. Suddenly a very beautiful woman turned into a feral beast, with her pupils dilated, hair grizzled, teeth gnashing and mouth foaming, and veins in her temple, neck and arms sticking out.

" worthless, good for nothing prosecutor, who do you think you are?! How dare you meddle with my plans!! If it takes all my life, I'll get even with you, you cunning fiend!!"

"I prefer 'cunning fiend' over 'meanie', sounds more badass to me" I said, yawning "hey, pass over the pizza, Gummy!!"

"And you!! I trusted you to get me off the hook, and this is what you give me?! Some Ace Attorney you are!! You're nothing but a cheap, worthless, imbecile of a lawyer who can't defend a lick!!"

"She's about to burst into tears!!" Widget exclaimed

This has gone far enough. I have to step in

"I'll serve you as I served many before you!!"


"That's for making fun of my heterochromia, bitch" I whispered into her ear

"W-wha? H-how did you...urghh"

I was able to give Ann a debilitating punch to the gut before she can get a good aim at Athena, causing her to miss entirely.

:udgey: "Mr. Fitzgerald, what happened to Miss Arky?"

"She's being carried to prison, as we speak. If she tries to attack again, I'll make sure she doesn't wake up the next time I hit her." I said "Athena, are you all right?"

"I-I guess so" :thena-hair:

"I guess it's time I hand down my verdict. This court finds the defendant, Ann Arky


So the prosecution also gets confetti. I totally didn't expect that

Date: June 16, 2029
Time: 3:24 pm
Defendant lobby no. 2

"Athena!!" I said, running towards her "Are you sure you're not hurt?"

"I...I lost..." she muttered, "And I almost got killed..."

"The only one who lost out here was Ann Arky. We both won by proving her guilt."

"But I failed to defend her...I lost the trial..."

"The courtroom isn't a battleground between the prosecution and the defense, rather, it is a venue in which we prosecutors and defense attorneys work hand in hand in order to achieve a common goal, which is the truth. Always keep this axiom of mine in your mind: all the greatest lawyers I know does the same also" :phoenix: :edgeworth: :franny: :klavier: :apollo:

"T-thank you, Mr. Fitzgerald!" :athena:

"You look better when you're smiling." I said.

All right, time for the big question

"Say, Athena, do you know where I live?"

"No, why?"

"Same here" :larry:


That was one heck of an experience, to prosecute in court and to go up against a member of the legendary Wright & Co. Law Offices, and having to ask someone a very stupid question which I really needed to ask. I still don't know how I ended up here, but I have a hunch...

(ch.2 Turnabout Professor soon)
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Ch. 2 Turnabout Professor


"Argh... who..."

"Nick...needs your..."

" dick?!"




"What the...hell...I feel like I'm...being sucked into..."


That was it. I'm sure that whoever owns that voice was the one who dragged me into this world, although I can't say that I don't like it (hey, this is the Ace Attorney world, after all :franny: ) but her cryptic message keeps haunting me like that horrible NaruMitsu kissing fanart that some donkus tagged me. I can't make it out yet, but if I were to go back to the circumstances that I think brought me here, maybe, just maybe, I can get a hint on what's going on...

Date: June 14, 2014
Time: 8:14 am
2nd floor school hallway

*yawn* "Dammit, I hate waking up early" I said, glancing at my wristwatch "I should be still sleeping during this time"

"Some teacher you are" said a sexy, female voice

"Oh, morning, Dr. Double D-Bombs"

"I prefer to be called Dr.Shin"

"Right. So, what brings you here, Maddie?"

"*sigh* When will you change, Wilhelm? Anyway, I came here because you left this in the school clinic yesterday"

She then gave me my guitar case " You never know when you need to 'perform' "

"Heh, good to know that you're still looking out for me"

"SENPAI, SENPAI!!" a shrilly voice shouted from behind us

"It's only 6 in the morning, and you're shouting like Robin Newman" I said, frowning "Would it trouble you to shut up?"

"Should you really be that grumpy all the time, Professor Fitz?"

"If you don't like it Ms. Chovy, then tough, because you have to DEAL WITH IT" :agent-Smith:


"Wilhelm!" said Maddie, glaring at me

"Why me..."

My name is Wilhelm Reinhard V. Fitzgerald, and I work part time as a professor at the Alfheim Video Game Academy, teaching video game making and strategies. I really don't want to wake up at hours when I should be still sleeping, and putting up with all sorts of irritating individuals, but since this job provides the best cover for my real job and some 40 inch bouncing eye candies...

"Alright, let's get this over with" I said, yawning.

"See ya later, Maddie-senpai!"

"Take care, Ann! And please, Wilhelm, try to lighten up a bit. It won't hurt you"

"Whatever" I said, smiling

Date: June 14, 2014
Time: 8:32 am
Classroom 3-05

"Morning, class!" I said, with an evil smile " I hope you guys didn't forget that today is the day you guys present to the class your reports"

Every student in my class turned a shade paler, which made me chuckle

I then sat down and propped my feet up on the teacher's desk "Mr. Tim Fortress, Let's have your report"

A moment later, a wiry and goofy looking student was standing in front of the class

"Mr. Fortress, you know the rules. Now, start the party!"

He gulped, the proceeded with his report


"Er...My report is about, um, Strider Hiryu's gameplay at Umvc3 "

"Um...he lives up to his glass cannon status, and he's considered as one of the top tier characters of the game"

"There has been a lot of changes with his moveset, but some remained, um, as we know them"


"Would you care to elaborate these moves that remained as is?"

"Well, um, his Ouroboros move is still a Lvl. 1 hyper, and his wall cling is still his worst move"


"Eek!! S-sir!! Please, we're not role playing Ace Attorney!!"

"I know, but I can't help it, since you just lied to me, hoping I wouldn't find out about it"

"W-what do you mean?"

"If you've been doing your homework, you'd know that Strider's Ouroboros Hyper is now a Lvl. 3!!"


"And another thing, his wall cling is actually one of his BEST moves in Umvc3. In fact, it is the life construct of some of his most damaging combos!!"


"Mr. Fortress, it seems to me that you've been taking my subject for granted" I said, frowning "I've heard from Professor Shinon that you excel in FPS gaming, and Professor Lockheart has high opinion of your RPG skills as well, but I'm afraid, if I find another contradiction in your report, I'll be forced to give you a big, fat F"

"Professor Fitz!!"

"Well, no need to get so nervous" I said, smiling "Proceed as usual, just hope that I can't find another--


"What the f--"

"Wilhelm! Wilhelm!" Maddie came rushing into the room, her melons bouncing gloriously "Come quick!!"

"Eh, what's going on? Did another student try to grab your butt?"

"Wha-? N-no! It's something even worse!! Professor Swain... He's dead!!"

"Ah that's no surprise" I said, yawning "The old coot is overdue for an eternal rest anyway"

"Would I come running here if he just died due to disease?!" She said, angrily "He's been murdered, and Ann is being taxed with the deed!"


I know that Ms. Chovy is THAT irritating, but to commit murder, I don't think she can do such a deed. I then quickly rushed out of the room, and towards the crime scene.

(pt 2 soon)
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Ch 2 Turnabout Professor pt. 2 (FINALLY)

Date: June 14, 2014
Time: 8:43 am
RTS-MOBA Laboratory

We ran as fast as we could to the scene of the crime, and we made it in 10 mins (hey, the RTS-MOBA College was about a kilometer from the Fighting Game College) and as we went in the lab, we saw a rather gnarly sight. (I was looking at Maddie's chest the whole time, so these details struck me later on)

The room was your average computer gaming lab, with cubicle style dividers so as to prevent spying or comsat. Communications within teams utilized a centralized network using a custom server that only the RTS professors, the students inside the room, and the Principal himself can access, with only the latter with the capability of outside access so as to see if things are going well. In the floor was the dead professor, lying on his back and with an expression of anger which may have been his last human emotion. The murderer must have done the deed with great fury, for a lot of blood was spilled

"Did you perform an autopsy or anything?" I asked Maddie

"Not yet, but I can say with confidence that the cause of death was a point blank gunshot."

"That's rather dangerous for our case. Remember, we are here to prove Ms. Chovy's innocence, and if your surmise proves to be correct, then it bodes harm for our client"

"Spoken like a true lawyer" said a husky voice behind us

"Sup, Professor Hoshi" I greeted the dean of the fighting game college. I'll just say he looks a lot like Ryu from Street Fighter so as to save time

"Sup. So I heard that Ms. Chovy was the one who did-"


"Don't jump to conclusions" I said, shaking my head "An investigation has get to be conducted"

"I know, and I believe that Ann is indeed innocent. I may not have proof, but I know it in my heart"

WOW. This dude's OUT THERE

"Actually, the proof is all there in the crime scene. One look was enough for me to determine the facts"

"There we go, Wilhelm!" Maddie said, smiling "Is there anything else you need?"

"An autopsy, if you please. You can perform it, since your a doctor"

"Gimme a few minutes"

"Meanwhile, Prof. Hoshi, let's take matters into our hands and save Ann's hide"

"I like it when you talk like that" he said, grinning

So away we went to the RTS-MOBA dean's office, where Ann is being detaind by the school disciplinary officer, in our mission to save one klutz of a student from false accusation. I don't know what leap of logic led the disciplinary officer to such an absurd conclusion, but I'm going to set it right, even if it kills me.

(Pt 3 soon)

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Ch 2 Turnabout Professor pt. 3

"By the way, Wilhelm" Prof. Hoshi said as we walked towards the office where Ms. Chovy is being detained, "How are you supposed to prove Ann's innocence with just one look at the crime scene? I may not be as smart as you are, but even an average person can say that your heading into this battle unarmed"

"Ah, but don't we fight unarmed?" I said, smiling

"It's different from those streetfights we indulge ourselves. We can go for broke there, but I'm afraid that's not applicable in a battle of wits"

"Who said that I'm going for broke here? Trust me, I don't pick fights I couldn't win"

"Here he goes again with a videogame quote"

"Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, to be precise. By the way, take a look at this"

I handed him my notes, which contained the following information:

Victim: Professor Swain
Suspected cause of death : Point-blank shotgun shot to the heart
Suspected time of death : Around 6 am today
Other notes: Wound has bored a hole through the victim,5 inches in diameter, thus cancelling this absurd gunshot theory that most people believe to be true (the carnage is too small to be a point blank shotgun kill). Murder weapon yet to be found. No signs of tampering can be found on the doors and windows, suggesting that the victim knew the murderer. For some reason, CCTV in the whole floor was shut down for 2 hrs, but the Comm. Network is still up and running and the room's server was connected to the mainframe during the time.

"Hmm... I still don't know how are you gonna prove her innocence with this" he said, giving back the notes to me

"I admit, those are rather vague indications that may take us nowhere, but it's better than nothing"

"So we're rushing recklessly again, eh?"

"Just give me the benefit of the doubt and say I'm chivalrous"

"Just like old times Wilhelm, just like old times" he said, laughing :gant:

We finally reached the office, and after taking another look into the evidence I have and weaving each and every possibility, we walked in the room. :godot:

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Ch 2 Turnabout Professor pt 4

Date: June 14, 2014
Time: 9:04 am
RTS-MOBA Dean's Office

"PROFESSOR FITZ! PROFESSOR HOSHI!! PLEEEEAAAAASE HELP MEEEEEEEEE!" Shouted Ann as we entered the office. I just felt that my eardrums burst.

"Dammit, kid, shut up" I said "We'll help you, alright, but please, REFRAIN from excessive shouting"

"Ah, if it isn't the infamous Wilhelm Fitzgerald and Ren Hoshi of the Fighting Game College" said an irritating, high-pitched girly voice from behind Ann "Care for a spot of tea, or maybe a slice of humble pie?"

"Who the hell is this guy?" Prof. Hoshi asked

"What makes you think that I know the name of the janitor? Hell, I can't even remember the names of my students."

"Some professor you are, Wilhelm." the janitor continued his rather dull speech "The future of the youth sure is doomed, with the likes of you rampant and malignant like some disease"

"I would've felt insulted, if it weren't for that goofy girly voice" I replied "But let's cut to the chase, Pencilneck. Pray expound on your basis for your arrest so I can crush it before your very eyes and call it a day."

"Still as cocky as ever, but I gotta admire your audacity."


"My basis for arrest is simple enough to understand for even the likes of you"

"The victim, on some pretext, called Ms. Chovy here to the RTS-MOBA Laboratory, probably to discuss certain matters"

"One thing led to another and with that shotgun so handy Death soon came and took poor Professor Swain's life"

"I immediately ran to the scene of the crime as soon as I heard the shot, saw Ms. Chovy inside the room, and seeing that all evidences point to her as the culprit, I immediately exerted my disciplinary powers and authority to detain her until the police arrives"

"So tell me, can you pick a hole in that, Mr. Fitzgerald?"

"If the likes of Professor Asshat are the prefects of discipline in school, then our world is going to the dogs" Prof. Hoshi sighed "Get this over with, Wilhelm, and let's find the true culprit"

"Gladly." :karma:

I've never encountered anyone with a logic as absurd as this creep, whose face tells me that he was the definition of handsome in the Cretaceous Period. I've had enough of his BS, time to end this.

(pt.5 soon)
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Ch 2 Turnabout Professor pt. 5


"Care to expound on this 'pretext' of yours?" I asked

"It's simple enough, like I've said. Probably the victim summoned Ms. Chovy to the lab in order to reprimand her about her failing marks, a fact which everyone knows in this Academy" the janitor--I still don't believe that this guy is the prefect of discipline-- said smugly

"H-HEY THAT'S NOT TRUE!" shouted Ann yet again (god dammit) "Since when did D minuses became failing marks, huh?"

(facepalm) WHY ME? Oh well, let's just get this over with


"While it may be true that Ms. Chovy isn't performing well academically, the idea of Prof. Swain giving Ms. Chovy here an earful is rather absurd and above all impossible" :godot:

"And pray tell, why do you think my idea is absurd?"

"Like you've said before, it's simple enough. Why would an RTS-MOBA professor scold a Fighting Games student for her failing grades?!" :edgeworth:

"ACK!!" :payne:

"You got him good there, Wilhelm" Prof Hoshi said, grinning

"But not good enough." I said, shaking my head "It's a rather weak objection, despite how absurd his reasoning is"

"Glad to know that your brain is still functional, Mr. Fitzgerald" said the janitor, smugly

"And glad to know as well that you're still an idiot. Now, where were we?"


"How can you be so sure that this shotgun was the murder weapon?" I asked "And above all, how did it end up there in the first place?"

"The wound that took the victim's life should suffice as proof, and if you still disagree with that then maybe the fact that the gun did fire a shot may change your mind. As to how the gun ended up there, Ms. Chovy probably stole it from the guardhouse"

"Can I see this gun?"

"Here. See for yourself" he handed my the gun, which happened to be a friggin' SPAS 15 shotgun. This guy just dug his own grave :karma:


"Looks like someone's overdue for a serving of humble pie" I said, doing the Edgeworth shrug "Take a look at this gun, if you please. This bad boy here is a SPAS 15 shotgun, from Italy. Known for its versatility, this gun is a staple firearm of various law enforcement and military agencies in the world. It can also be set from semi automatic to manual pump and back by utilizing a button found on the forearm."

"Thank you for the lesson, Wilhelm, but reallyI think we're wandering rather far from the point"

"It's your mind whose wandering far, Pencilneck. This gun can't be the murder weapon simply because firing a shotgun at point blank range will literally blow someone's torso to pieces!"

"Eeek!" :payne:

"And if you still disagree with that, perhaps Maddie here can change your mind" I said as Boobs--I mean Maddie-- entered the room

"You bet I will. Have a look at this autopsy report, Mr. John E. Thor"

"Did I hear that right, Maddie? His name was John E. Thor?" I asked

"Uh huh"

"You sure?" Prof Hoshi asked


:gant: :gant: We both burst out in laughter



"Only my friends have the right to call me 'Madison', prick" She said after giving the Janitor a vicious knee to the liver

"T-THANK YOU, MR. FITZ!! MR.HOSHI!! MADDIE SENPAI!!" Ann shouted again

"Oh for the love of God, Ms. Chovy! SHUT UP!" I said :edgeworth: "Your silence is more than enough thanks"

"Now that the farce is over, what do we do now, Wilhelm?" Prof. Hoshi asked

"We do some more investigating. The police will be here in 30 mins. so we better do it fast lest the criminal might escape"

One down, more to go. We've proven Ann's innocence and got Mr. Janitor's ass handed to him courtesy of Maddie. This is gonna be a VERY long day. Damn it

(Pt. 6 soon)
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