Court Records

Route 1
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Author:  Student678 [ Tue Sep 06, 2016 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Route 1

NOTE: This is a crossover Fanfic. There will be content from other media.
WARNING: There WILL be spoilers about the main games, AA or not.

Apollo and I were in the courtroom at the time it happened. And when it happened, it just happened so fast.
The Khura'in police just burst in without warning and surrounded us, pointing guns at us. We put our hands up, looking at the guards and each other. Would we survive? Suddenly, I felt something thrown at me from behind. Everything just went black around me. All I could see was myself.

Then the darkness turned into a training arena, the sort that Fighting-Type Pokémon like to muck around in. That's when I came to the realisation: I was now a Pokémon, and I had been captured in a Pokéball. And it dawned on me that I probably never see freedom again - I would be someone's Pokémon for a real long time. A few hours later, my captor sent me out and I materialised on the ground. I was surrounded by Khura'in police and my foe was a Mightyena. The police behind me were shouting "Phoenix, use Objection," but I hesitated, confused. I've never used "Objection" to attack a foe like that! Suddenly, without warning, one of them smacked me in the head with the back of their gun. I fell to the ground and they pointed it at me, before putting me back in my Pokéball.

The abuse continued for a week. It was so bad I'd rather have had either Gary or Silver as my trainer. But one day, it all changed. Apollo and I had been abandoned by those rotten police after they had lost to a young British boy. This particular boy, was curious to see what was inside the Pokéballs the police had left behind as they retreated. He had found us. He took us to the nearest Pokémon Centre and went straight to the PC to release us. But then he realised that it wouldn't be safe to do so - we'd fall into the hands of those Khura'in scoundrels again and possibly be lost forever. This boy even gave us disguises to make us more like Pokémon. I assumed the identity of Charizard. Then we went to Viridian Forest. There, this boy, named Randall, sent me out up against a wild Rattata to practise. He whispered into my ear that I was going to be known as Charizard from now on, to protect me. Then he ordered me to use Flamethrower.
"What," I shouted, "Use Flamethrower??? How can I do that?"
"Just breathe out fire through your mouth!"
As I breathed in to make an attempt, my lungs immediately started to burn. I felt really scared. The burning sensation moved up into my throat and collected in my mouth. I opened my mouth to scream and flames came bursting out all over the wild Rattata. It could not stand it and fainted, running away deep into the forest. Randall was celebrating - I had successfully assumed the identity of a Pokémon. It felt so good. But I was concerned - what about Apollo? I hadn't seen him since we were attacked by the guards. I turned to my new Trainer.
"Where's Apollo? Do you have him?"
"Yes I do have him," he told me, whispering, "I made him a Blastoise."
"Alright," I replied, "Now can you show me how Blastoise has been going?"
"Yeah, sure."
Randall took me around the forest until he had found another wild Rattata. He sent out Apollo Blastoise. I saw how fearful he looked. He must have been heavily traumatised by all the abuse.
"Blastoise, use Hydro Pump!"
Apollo leaned forward and pointed one of the water jets on his back at the wild Pokémon and it took real care of it. I smiled. Apollo was a strong Pokémon as well.

Later on that night, Randall took us to Seafoam Islands so we could catch up in safety and privacy. We finally got to remove our helmets.
"Apollo, I was so worried about you. As the defence team leader, you would really have copped it!"
"Yeah... they used me as a Pokémon as well, then attacked me with their most powerful Pokémon. I ended up fainting heaps of times..."
"That's worse than what I went through! I was just sent out and told to use "Objection!" Then they abused me and put me back into my Pokéball!"
"Wow, Phoenix, that's terrible! And all because we tried to be defence attorneys in a place where they didn't have them!"
We stared at the icy walls. Suddenly I sensed oncoming danger.
"Um... Apollo? Is it just me or are there Khura'in police in here?"
Apollo grew really fearful upon the mention of "Khura'in police."
"Yeah, I think I can sense their presence too," he said, grabbing me, "We've got to get out of here!"
A person with a cloak on came and grabbed Apollo by the collar of his Blastoise shell before either of us could move. They looked him sternly in the eye.
"Take your friend, and take your Trainer and go to Hoenn ASAP!"
"Don't ask any questions! Don't stop for or talk to anyone. Just leave! Run! And hurry!"
Apollo, who was looking really intimidated, nodded fearfully and the stranger let him go and he collapsed back against the wall in fear, panting hard. The stranger let his Xatu out and ordered it to use Teleport so he could get away without drawing attention to us. I got up and helped Apollo up.
"Phoenix... we really do have to get out of here!"
We tracked down Randall and told him what happened, keeping our voices as low as possible.
"This is what I've been fearing," Randall told us, "That I would have to leave Kanto!" He started to cry.
"Please calm down," I tried to reassure him, "You must keep calm and have a clear head if we want to - "
But I didn't get to finish as a bunch of those rotten Khura'in police appeared and started shooting at us. Randall sent out his real Pokémon - an Articuno. He put Apollo back into his Pokéball and went to do the same to me when the Pokéball was hot out of his hand.
"Aaaargh! Ch-Charizard! I can't call you back! You're going to have to use Fly!"
I nodded and used my wings to shoot up into the air, using Seismic Toss on a few police every now and then to get them out of the way. Finally, Randall on his Articuno had caught up with me, and Apollo was riding on Articuno behind Randall. He jumped on my back so as to take some weight off Randall's Articuno.

We flew away from Kanto and flew south to the region of Hoenn. We landed in this place called Route 116 just near "Rustboro City." Randall lead us to a little hole in a cliff face. We went inside and there was this secret base! It was like a home, but safely tucked away in the cliff. Randal sat us down, and had a serious talk with us.
"Phoenix... Apollo... I have absolutely no idea what on earth those police want with you. But it doesn't seem good. We can't stay here. We must leave."
Randall took us outside and gave us orders to leave for the UK. At that moment, the Khura'in police surrounded us.
Randall looked me in the eye, "It doesn't matter anymore if I call you Charizard. Phoenix! Use Fly! And take Apollo with you!"
Then he threw two rocks at us and the moment they hit, our armour dramatically changed. Mine turned dark grey and blue and I had blue flames. Apollo's water jets merged into one huge water jet and two small jets appeared on his wrists. We had Mega-Evolved! The bullets were still hitting us but they didn't hurt so much. I used Sky Drop on a tank that was firing rockets at me, but instead I was dropping Apollo on top of it. He twisted in mid-air so he would land on his back. Then, bracing himself, he retracted into his shell. The heavy shell of Blastoise Apollo crushed the tank and I swooped down and picked him up and flew off. But he was still in his shell.
"Apollo," I called to him, "Are you alright?"
There was a long moment of silence. And then...
"I'm fine... I'm just gonna stay in here..."

We flew to Monte D'or because we knew it would be safe there. That's when we got a phone call on Apollo's Pokégear.
"Hello, Phoenix and Apollo..."
"Yeah... I'm fine. I managed to fight them off. But now I've had to pack up my things and move to a different secret base... How are you?"
"We're FINE!!!"
"I've got something important to tell you - Do NOT return to Japan!"
"Why not?"
"Because the Khura'in police will get you!"
I was really sad at the thought of not being able to go back there. What about Trucy? What about my friends there?
Suddenly I saw someone calling my name - it was Luke. We embraced each other and I told him what happened.
We were going to have to stay in the UK for now. But at least it was better than torture at the hands of those evil men...

Author:  Student678 [ Wed Sep 07, 2016 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Route 1

I've finished this FanFic. This is a first-person story in Phoenix's perspective. I came up with it while looking at AA6's final breakdown and I saw the part where
Phoenix and Apollo got attacked by Khura'in police.

I also came up with a video. It's still in progress though.

Author:  Student678 [ Sat Sep 24, 2016 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Route 1

24/09/2016 – Made a grammatical correction. I will continue to fix any grammatical errors I find.

Author:  Chloe [ Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Route 1

I thought this was pretty good for a short fic. Apollo is a great pokemon trainer is seems. It was funny with the flamethrower part.

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