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Re: April's Little Prince. (One shot for the kink meme.)Topic%20Title
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This is my Path, my Dream, my Choice

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As odd as that was, that was just so sweet and cute. Though, somehow, I could just see Redd White sellings kids on Ebay too...Man, I'm never going to look at April May and Daryan the same way again XD.

**Special Thanks to Dekuran for the Awesome Siggy and Nadindi for the Cool Avatar!**
Re: Law Plus Chaos (Apollo x Trucy & Phoenix x Iris)Topic%20Title
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Thanks guys. Hopefully I fixed up most of those odd mistakes and I hope I haven't missed out on any embarrassing ones like the one Platinum Skye caught on Now on with chapter eight. And on the first page I made a random banner to go with the fic. Now on with some more crack.

Spoiler: Chapter Eight: Father And Son
Daylight was too bright to describe the coldness in the detention center. Apollo never really took notice of the cold when he visited his clients in prison, but somehow he did now. Nerves had killed the heat, he was meeting his biological father for the first time at twenty-three. Although, Maya, Phoenix, Iris, Thalassa and Trucy was at his side, he was still nervous and his mother and half-sister could see it. They both held onto his hand as a sign of support. When Trucy felt his sweaty palms, she held onto him tighter.

“So you're Diego's son?” Maya asked in shock.


“You know you're lucky too see him,” Maya said happily. “Your biological father's still alive. And at least you'll get a chance to see him. I don't know what happened to mine, nor does Pearly...” The Fey women seemed to have always end up marrying jerks. “Diego might be able to be himself again. He's still calling himself Godot.”

“So what brings you here Miss Fey?” Apollo asked. “And how do you know him?”

“I have to channel Mia for him,” Maya replied. “Because Mia was his girlfriend. I usually do it when I visit him.” She was kind for someone who had killed her mother.

“You can actually do that?” Apollo asked in shock.

“I've seen it happen,” Phoenix confirmed and continued with: “it's all true. I've seen it with my own eyes.”

Finally, they had reached Godot's cell. The guard opened up the gates and there stood Godot, exactly how he was in the recent picture; cold, weary and full of despair. The cell stunk of caffeine exhaling from Godot's mug. Phoenix walked over to him with a smile on his face. “Your son's here to see you Godot,” he said.

Godot slammed his coffee down and roared: “I'll decide if he's my son.”

Phoenix moved backwards, as Apollo stepped forward. Godot's hands snuggled up to the coffee mug. The piercing light from his visor made him look intimidating. Trucy caught up, still holding onto his hand. All that was heard was footsteps mixed with Godot's gulping. “Hey there,” Trucy waved at Godot and both she and Trucy sat around the table with Godot.

“You're little Miss Wright huh?” he asked, slamming his empty mug on the floor.

“That's me!” Trucy nodded.

Godot clicked his fingers and Larry passed over another cup of coffee. Larry gasped as he stared at Trucy. “So son,” he said to Apollo. “How do like your coffee?” The first question he asked his son was strange. Then again, he heard Godot drank at least over twenty cups of coffee per day.

“Oh my god Lucy it's you!” Larry shrieked out.

“It's Trucy,” Phoenix corrected.

“Great to see ya though,” Larry shook Trucy's hand.

“Hey Butsy!” Godot sudden boom shook Larry. “Extra filled mugs, bring some milk and sugar just in case.” His heard moved around watching everyone around him. “I wanna speak to my son alone.”

“Can Trucy stay?” Apollo requested.

“Little Miss Wright can stay if she wants,” Godot replied.

“We'll be outside if you need anything,” Phoenix said. He left with Thalassa and Maya, leaving the bars wide open until Larry returned with the extra coffee and mugs.

“I didn't even know you existed,” Godot admitted. “I thought Thalassa was bullshitting when she told me about you being my son. It's been over twenty years since I last saw her. I've only just remembered her.”

“In London?” Apollo asked. So far things were not looking too good, but Apollo was going to get the truth – even if it was painful.

“Yes,” Godot responded, “in the city of London. I'm assuming she told you this, but she was married at the time.”

“She told me last night,” Apollo said.

“Let's have a look at that bracelet,” Godot requested. Apollo gave out his arm and his father inspected the bracelet. “I bought your mom that bracelet from Candem Market. She's passed it onto you. How long have you been wearing it?”

“For a long time really,” Apollo answered. “I always liked it for some reason and I've never left the house without it. Sometimes it helps me thought the trials.”

“Wright mentioned something strange about the bracelet.”

“Hey guys here's the coffee!” Larry announced pushing a trolly and leaving it next to Godot.

“Come quicker next time we have guests,” scolded Godot. Larry closed the gate and locked it so Trucy, Apollo and Godot had some privacy.

“So is Little Miss Wright you're girlfriend or your sister?” Godot asked with a tone of curiosity.

“Both,” Trucy whispered. “But Mom, Mommy Iris and Daddy can't know.”

“I never really thought of us as a relationship...” Apollo confessed. Now he felt really uncomfortable, he was blushing and he covered his forehead with his face. Why did Trucy have to tell his father that.

“Ha! Liar!” Godot smirked and continued talking with,“Little Miss Wright's the real deal when it comes to magic. Particularly when it comes to the bedroom.”

“WHAT!” Apollo shrieked out.

“Noticed how Polly doesn't flat out say no?” Trucy asked. Her hat pointed sideways as she giggled.

Godot replied, “I sure do. And luring your brother to the bedroom not only takes a lot of guts but also a lot magic.” A grin was left on his face. “Not even I would dare to seduce my sexy relatives.”

“The first time we did it, we didn't know were related until afterwards.”

“Oh really?” Godot asked. “And does Thalassa, Daddy Wright and Mommy Iris know about this?”

“No they don't,” Apollo replied as he nodded in unison with Trucy.

“Don't worry Polly-Pocket,” Godot whispered, flinging his mug around. “You're secret is safe with me. So anyway, Polly-Pocket when's your next trial?”

“On Thursday,” Apollo replied. “The defendant's my friend Wocky and it's a retrial. The last time I lost the trial... pretty badly against Franziska Von Karma.”

“I can't stand women like her,” Godot admitted.

“I hate her guts too,” Trucy added. “She hurt him till he was unconscious. ”Apollo was more focused on his father's coffee drinking. He had never seen a man consume so much coffee in his life, let alone contain so much in prison.

“That defendant, any chance you mean that gangster wannabe who has his hair shaped as a fox?” Godot asked.

“Yeah, that's him. Wocky.”

“He won't last another minute,” Godot told him. “He acts tough, but he's secretly a teddy bear.”

“He's also Pearl's boyfriend,” added Trucy. “She's gonna be our deadly weapon for the trial.”

“You better be good to Pearl,” Godot nodded as he spoke, “unless you want to piss Maya off.”

“Now you mentioned Maya,” Apollo just remembered something, “how close were you to her? Mom said you killed a woman named Misty Fey, and that you loved her daughter. Is Maya Fey her daughter?”

Godot became silent for a few seconds and unable to drink his coffee. He stared down to the floor, then looked up to his son and said, “Maya Fey is her daughter, but she wasn't the one I loved. I had to try and protect her for my sake and for Mia's memory. Mia Fey was the woman I loved. She's dead as a doornail now, but I can still speak to her?”

“How can you talk to the dead?” Trucy asked.

“You know about Kurain Channeling Technique?”

“No idea,” admitted Apollo. Trucy just gave a blank scare. “I know the Feys were spirit mediums but that's all I know. ”

“Maya channels Mia so I can speak to her.” Godot filled up his mug again. “You might see her in the act today.”

“You sure do drink a lot of coffee Dad,” Apollo had only just finished his first mug. He had lost count how many cups his father had drank already. Godot responded with a grin as gulped down his coffee in two gulps and served himself another mug. Trucy and Apollo sat there amazed. “I don't drink if often only around four cups a week.”

“Only four cups a week?” Godot gasped. “I already went crazy spending over a year without coffee.”

“How much coffee do you drink a day?” Apollo asked, trying to hide his shock.

“How many cups of darkness I drink daily I don't know,” Godot replied. He held the mug in pride up to his chin. “I do know that I always seventeen cups per trial.” Apollo's forehead banged onto the table and his legs dropped to the floor. Godot looked over and chuckled, “what's up with you Polly-Pocket? You need your coffee more dark?”


“A SON? He never told me anything about a son!”

Phoenix responded, “Mia, he's only just found out.”

“Anyway Nick it's been a while,” Mia said, and a smile curled on her lips. Mia Fey was Phoenix's mentor. “You've sure had a rough time and I'm pretty glad you're retaking the exam.”

“Eight years go pretty fast,” Phoenix mumbled. Mia Fey was Phoenix's mentor. She was murdered ten years ago by blackmailer, Redd White. Thanks to Maya's channeling skills, Mia was still able to contact Phoenix during trials. He wasn't quite sure how she would react if she found out that her office had changed into an agency. He hadn't seen Mia nor heard of Mia since getting disbarred. Seeing Mia not angry at him was a pleasant surprise.

“All of this family thing seems pretty complicated,”Mia commented on the situation. “You're such a trouble magnet, Nick.”

“Trouble can be fun sometimes,” Phoenix replied.

“How was it Apollo?” Thalassa asked the minute he stood out of the cell.

“It was all right,” Apollo answered. “No idea how he drinks so much coffee.”

“Probably pees it out,” Phoenix chuckled. Then everyone glared at him.

“Phoenix...” growled Apollo, gritting his teeth. “That's one mental image about Dad I DO NOT WANT!”

“Sorry,” Phoenix muttered, but still secretly laughing.

“Daddy's always full of dirty jokes,” Trucy pointed out to the group.

“I have heard some of them,” Iris giggled. Now all eyes were on her as well.

“I better go in,” Mia decided as she walked into the cell. Still confused by the strange look Apollo and Trucy was giving her. She wasn't sure weather it was because of the cleavage or the fact she was a dead women in her sister's body. And once again her eyes met with her lover. His cup was full but he was just staring at the mug watching the steam dance around in the cell. Godot consumed himself in darkness for so long, that he refused to call himself Diego Armando. It was suppose to be an uplifting scene, he was suppose to grin – but he didn't. “D-Diego...”

“Even in death you still want to see me,” Godot muttered. “You are a committed kitty.”

“Good thing my sister's the Master of Kurain then.”

“Sure is a blessing,” Godot nodded.

“You're not drinking your coffee,” she told Godot with her arms folded. “Not usually you. So what do you think about your son then?”

“He needs to drink more coffee,” Godot murmured. “Apart from that he looks like he's grown into a fine lad. Maybe one day, he'll be as good as you.” Mia blushed at his comment, and knew exactly what he meant. “No really, you were a very good lawyer. I hope my Polly-Pocket is as good as you were. I've defiantly passed on my good looks.”

“He does share your favorite color,” Mia commented. “All that red he's wearing.”

“A shame I can't see red on white,” Godot said. At last he drank some of his coffee. “This is a little cold.”

“You were staring at it for ages,” Mia responded, shrugging her shoulders.

“The point is Kitty,” Godot started to consume grief and surrender to his sorrows. “I'm a broken man. I've had a son I've had no idea about for over twenty years. Been poisoned by a bitch, I was unable to protect you and I killed your mom. Iris suffered the consequences and I pinned it all on Wright. Now I've been in and out on death row and now I realize I've had something to live for, without even knowing him.”

“You would have been a good father,” Mia praised him. She held onto his free hand, leaned over and kissed him.

“If I got the chance, yes,” Godot muttered quietly. “I don't think he needs me anymore. I'm gonna be executed one day. He'll be fine without me.”

“They might let you out on compassionate grounds,” Mia suggested. “You should check that out. You and Apollo need to spend some time together, outside prison.”

“Kitty,” Godot helplessly whispered. “I don't know if I should respect Thalassa or loath her. She abandoned Polly-Pocket and never told me she was pregnant. She lost my email address.”

“What Thalassa did doesn't matter anymore,” Mia thought. “Just think about doing a good father to Apollo.”

“I'm not sure how I can...” Godot admitted.

“You know,” Mia responded with enthusiasm. “Writing letters, communicating, let him visit you and see if you can get released on compassionate grounds. Getting set free now won't be easy, but it will be worth a go. You can have your son fight for your freedom together!”

“But Kitty I don't deserve freedom,” Godot replied in a deep voice of bitter cold darkness. “Nor do I deserve to be a father.”

“Don't think like that!” demanded Mia. She slammed her arm on the table then grabbed onto his arm. “You've been a lot of help Diego. I'm not going to let you think like this. And I'm certainly not going to let you die unhappy.”

“Kitty...Mia...” was all that Godot could spit out.

“Even after my mom died, I still believed in you. You were saved that day and believed one day you'll be back to the Diego Armando I knew and loved.”

“You know something Mia?” His bitter tone had lightened up. “Your words have made my day.”

Mia smiled and claimed another kiss from Diego. “Finally, you're getting your senses back.”

“I might not be a free man yet, I might not ever be,” Godot grinned as he spoke, “but sure do feel free.”

Re: Law Plus Chaos (Apollo x Trucy & Phoenix x Iris)Topic%20Title
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Good chapter yet again! Lovin' this fic~ *Does Armstrong dance*:flowsers:

And nice banner! :D
Re: Law Plus Chaos (Apollo x Trucy & Phoenix x Iris)Topic%20Title
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Lookin' forward to an update.
Re: Law Plus Chaos (Apollo x Trucy & Phoenix x Iris)Topic%20Title
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This is my Path, my Dream, my Choice

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Awwww! You captured Godot so perfectly. I think I feel a tear coming to my eye though. Great job on this chapter.

**Special Thanks to Dekuran for the Awesome Siggy and Nadindi for the Cool Avatar!**
Re: Law Plus Chaos (Apollo x Trucy & Phoenix x Iris)Topic%20Title
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nekonohime wrote:
Good chapter yet again! Lovin' this fic~ *Does Armstrong dance*:flowsers:

And nice banner! :D

Thanks Jamie.

VeryHappyTaffy wrote:
Lookin' forward to an update.

Thanks for that. =)

FlameInferno wrote:
Awwww! You captured Godot so perfectly. I think I feel a tear coming to my eye though. Great job on this chapter.

Yay, thanks for nice review. :pearl:
Re: C.Gholy's fan fics~Topic%20Title
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New Kink Meme Drabbles

Inhuman (I couldn't resist filling this prompt it was so hilarious.)

Title: Pearl's New Toy
Rating: G
Pairing: Lisa/Pearl
Prompt: Pearl plays with Lisa's computer and instead of making it worse it gets even better than before.
Link: ... More_Crack
Spoiler: Pearl's New Toy
"Please evacuate the room immediately," Lisa requested. Young Pearl Fey had been googling Disney Land for fifteen minutes and it could wreak the entire computer system if she stayed online for any longer. Pearl was treating it like a toy.

"But I need more information on Disney Land," Pearl responded in a cute childish voice. Lisa knew she had to be gentle. There was one thing she really hated: seeing children get upset. She thought the grand fair would make her happy.

"Disney Land is over fifty miles away," Lisa informed Pearl in a robotic voice. "I am sorry but the computers are not toys. The fair is approximately 21.345675343 feet away. Please enjoy yourself at the fair."

"WOW Computers are amazing!" Pearl had ignored Lisa and was hypnotized of the power of the internet. "Oh wow, what a pretty pink screen, I wonder what happens when I press this button." Lisa tried to stop her, but it was too late. The power had been cut. Loads of people could end up being unemployed because of this. They could get blamed for another global collapse. "Aww," Pearl sighed. "It died." Lisa showed fury with her death glare.

"For creating the power cut you have a charge of 1223455434 dollars," Lisa grinned as she spoke.

"Sorry," whimpered Pearl. The room had brightened and power had instantly returned. Lisa could feel her network going faster than ever before. She swore that it could be a new record for the company. Lisa's panic mode melted away as excitement blossomed.

"Apology greatly accepted" Lisa squealed. "You have not damaged the computer system at all. You've made it 65.5784754975984% faster. That is a new record."

"Wow!" Pearl squealed with Lisa.

"As a token of our appreciation, I will give you a hug, kiss and tickets to Disney Land," said Lisa.

"I accept!" Pearl shouted as she let Lisa carry her into her arms, hug her and kiss her. Pearl couldn't wait for the tickets for Disney Land. She knew who she defiantly wanted to bring.
Re: Law Plus Chaos (Apollo x Trucy & Phoenix x Iris)Topic%20Title
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New chapter up!
Spoiler: Chapter Nine: Reaching Distant Turnabout
“You better watch out,” Wocky warned Larry. Larry seemed like a decent guy, that's why he giving caution. “She's only gonna give ya grief. Just warning ya.”

“Shut up; I love her...” Larry barked. He fell silent and gasping for words. “It's none of your business. Just go back to your cell.”

“That's how I felt about her,” Wocky admitted. “But she betrayed me, she betrayed me bad. She's gonna do the same to you.”

“Just go back to your cell.” Repeating his words got nowhere, but he didn't want to hear a tweet out of Wocky.

“Push him Larry,” Alita requested. She grabbed on the back of Larry's shirt and closed her eyes. “He's the one who ruined my life.”

“You nearly ruined my life too girl,” Wocky faced Alita with an angry look. “I never thought I'd love a girl again thanks to you.”

“Larry!” Alita sobbed. “Just kill the brat already.”

“Like I'm scared of you!” Wocky shouted. “As soon as she escapes and gets rich, she'll dump ya ass. Even frame you for murder like she did to me.”

“THAT'S ENOUGH!” Larry roared and thumped his fist into Wocky's chest as if he was shattering glass. Wocky's body bounced down the stairs. Larry and Alita leapt down the the flock of stairs. Not caring if they just killed someone. Larry had altered everything; he put sleeping pills in the guard's drinks and turned all the alarms off. He could call the ambulance later after Alita safely escapes. Outside the prison gates a vicious wind blew and the fog shrouded the entrance. He picked Alita up and carried her to the boot of his car. She was placed in his boot like putting a baby in a cot. He gave her a gentle whisper, “you stay here, I just need to rearrange the scene to make it look like just fell. Sister Andrew's car will be here soon to pick you up. You'll cope without me, right? I'll visit I promise.”

“Yes but, Larry ... it's cold,” moaned Alita in a sweet childish voice he loved. “Can I wear your jacket?”

“Sure my fallen angel,” Larry replied. Taking of his jacket and passing it over to her. He was very enthusiastic. He was helping the woman he loved, how could he not have enthusiasm. Job after job, woman after woman, he finally found himself as the prison officer who fell in love with a beautiful woman. His affections had motivated him to break the law. Love for him was a good enough reason to commit a crime.

“Larry!” Alita gasped.

“What is it?”

“Could you please, not call me that?” Alita requested. “Sorry it just gives me bad memories of my ex-fiancé.”

“Okay, sorry about that.” Larry thought Wocky was annoying too. He was hanging around Matt, Luke and those other gangster wannabes in prison. Gangster wannabes, how annoyingthought Larry.

“It's okay,” Alita replied. “I love you Larry.”

“I love you too.” Just as Larry was about to close the door of the boot, car lights flashed into his eyes. He closed them for a few seconds until he heard the engine cease. He opened his eyes to see a woman step out of the car. Purple robes, silver gloves, a white cloak over the head connected with a ball and two flowers either side, and a red obi around her waist warmed her from the cold night. Larry could see blonde hair out of her cloak and glasses on her face. Larry thought she was a cute person.

“Hello there Sister Andrews,” Larry smiled at her. “Hey sweetie, this is Sister Andrews.” Alita popped out of the window.

“That's Alita isn't it?”

“Yes it is.”

“Well you're right Larry,” Sister Andrews said. “She is beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Alita giggled.

“Anyway I gotta go,” Larry said. “I'll see you ladies later.” He kissed Alita's cheek and hurried back to the prison. Alita froze holding the cheek where Larry had kissed her. Meanwhile, Sister Andrews placed Alita's trunk into her boot.

“I'll be safe in the temple,” Alita whispered, “right Sister? And is Sister Bikini nice? It's such a cute name.”

“Of course you'll be safe,” Sister Andrews assured her. “And Sister Bikini is lovely, she's asleep now but in the morning she'll welcome you with open arms.”

“That's great.”

The escape had been a success.

Like his father he had drank about five cups of coffee at once. His throat's insatiable lust for coffee felt was burning his throat. The addiction was accidental, he was just wanted to see if he could cope drinking as much caffeine as his father. Everything around him was as black as his father's choice of drink. His hands were in an intense grip of the mug. The handle could almost break from the feeling. It was too late to go back to bed, the clock stroke six. He couldn't be proud of what his father had become, but his curiosity was hungry. He wanted to know what kind of man was Diego Armando, or Godot as he preferred to call himself.

He understood why Trucy called her Mommy Iris, Apollo thought she was a good mother figure towards Trucy. When it came to Phoenix, her mind danced with the fairies. They all had to help put her feet on the ground. Iris behaved more like a parent to Apollo than Thalassa and Godot combined, and she just met him little than a month ago.

“Mr. Justice you're up early.”

He turned to see Iris walking up towards him. She took a seat next to him and smiled.

“Hi Iris.”

“How long have you been up for?”

“Since four,” Apollo admitted. “I couldn't get much sleep.”

“All that caffeine in you won't help you get sleep either, Mr. Justice.” Iris stared at the empty jar right in the middle of the table. The jar was full last night. “I don't think Feenie's going to be too happy.” Iris stood up taking the jar with her. Apollo had clenched to his throat and bit his tongue. “I'll get you some water,” Iris said looking over at Apollo. From her angle, Apollo panted, strangling himself with his fingers. His forehead fainted on the table causing Iris to gasp. “Are you OKAY?” Iris shrieked running over to the table with the water in her hand.

“I'm fine.” Apollo mumbled as he got back up. “I'm fine, just fine.”

“Have some water,” Iris demanded. She got back in her seat and watched Apollo gulp the water in a heartbeat. “Feeling better?”

“Yeah I'm fine now.”

“Good. Mr. Justice is it okay to call you Apollo?”


“So how long have you been a lawyer for?”

“About a year,” Apollo replied. “I met Phoenix in my first trial.”

“So Feenie said. He's quite fond of you, you know. And about what happened with Trucy...”

“You know about it?” Apollo interrupted her with a question.

“Know what?” Iris asked, dumbfounded. “Know that you're related or know that you kissed.” There was nothing else Apollo could say. “Yes, Feenie told me that you kiss her.”

“I think I pissed him off about it though,” admitted Apollo.

“I think he's gotten over it,” Iris said. “But you gave him quite a shock.”

“Well, he's given me quite some shocks too.”

“Feenie always used to be full of surprises.”

“Anyway Iris,” Apollo thought he might as well had asked about herself since they were the only ones awake. “how did you meet Phoenix?” Confident Trucy had already asked, he asked anyway because he didn't know the answer.

“I met him at college,” Iris replied. “We were together for over half a year. Those were some of the greatest times of my life.” Iris's blush became deeper and deeper the longer she talked. “He was the only man I ever loved.”

“That sounds sweet.”

For the two hours, Iris bragged about her relationship with Phoenix to Apollo. She loved him, he could tell, but if she wasn't too careful it could turn into a scary obsession. He had a feeling there was much more than just an old college romance. If she was really that much in love with him, they wouldn't have just drifted apart after one trial, then drift apart again after meeting up eight years ago. And why now does Trucy now about her, why wasn't she there with Phoenix when he took her in. Apollo wanted to ask those questions, but Iris seemed sensitive. If he upset Iris by mistake, he might end up in the firing line by Phoenix again.

Trucy entered the room, in her magician outfit. Usually in the mornings, she was up and ready to go, but she seemed really tired today.

“Morning Trucy,” Iris said.

“Morning,” Trucy yawned. She sneaked up besides Apollo and passed out on his chest.

“Late night Trucy?” asked Iris. Her face turned to see letters fall down from the letter box.

“Yeah,” Trucy mumbled, indulging herself into Apollo's chest. “I couldn't get any sleep until five.”

“Did you even try to get sleep?” Apollo asked. He knew exactly what Trucy was up earlier this morning. Nothing that Iris or Phoenix needed to know that is.

“Apollo, you got a letter.”

“Thanks Iris,” Apollo said as he received the letter. It must have been the one he's been waiting for. I'll open it later, he thought. He had an answer message on his phone. A rather unexpected one to say the least. A huge scream was let out through the answer machine. It was a pearl's voice, no doubt about it, so it could have been about Wocky.

“MR. POLLY SOMETHING HORRIBLE HAS HAPPENED TO WOCKY!” Pearl wailed through the phone. Her screaming gave him another wake up call. “SOMEONE TRIED TO KILL HIM IN PRISON. HE'S IN HOSPITAL! GET HERE QUICKLY PLEASE!”

“Was that Pearl?” yawned out Trucy.

“Yes it was,” Apollo replied in a sharp direct tone.

“Is she okay?” Iris asked in concern.

“She sounds worried,” Apollo told Iris.

“Oh dear, what's the matter.”

“Her boyfriend's in hospital.” Apollo tapped on Trucy's shoulder. “Come on Trucy, we gotta go.”

“Okay,” Trucy whimpered.

“Without breakfast?” Iris gasped.

“We'll get breakfast along the way. See ya later Iris!” Apollo assured Iris. He grabbed Trucy by the arm and stormed out.


“I have to go now,” Maya said. “I'm gonna have lunch with my brother.”

“Wait, you got have a bro?” Wocky though Maya was an only child.

“Yeah,” Maya replied. “Well we didn't find out we were siblings until eight of years ago. Oh hi Plum.”

Wocky's mother Plum entered the hospital room, the moment her eyes fixed onto Maya she became livid. “You!” she violently whispered. “You're the one who said my darling Wocky rapes people with sausages!”

“I didn't mean to,” Maya squeaked out. “I just read the paper wrong, that's all.”


“I didn't mean to,” she said, but it was all useless. She tried to tiptoe out of the room. Once she was out, she started running.

“Running away from me now you coward!” Plum snapped and scurried after her.

“I hope they sort their differences out soon,” Pearl hoped. She held onto Wocky's hand. “How long will it be till Mr. Polly and Trucy get here?”

“I've never seen mom run so fast,” Wocky admitted still amazed that his mother was actually a fast runner.

“Herr Forehead should be here soon Pearl,” Klavier told Pearl. “Speak of the devil here he is.”

“Hello Mr. Polly, hey Trucy!”

“Hi guys,” Trucy smiled. “Man I'm so tired though.”

“What's up with Miss Fey and Plum?” Apollo asked. “I saw Plum chasing after her.”

“Frau Plum is angry because she said Herr Wocky rapes people with sausages,” confirmed Klavier.

“Oh yeah,” Apollo said. “That trial seriously made me go what the fuck?”

“I had fun in that trial,” Klavier admitted with a grin. “I got to confess my love to Ema.”

“Well I didn't have fun,” Wocky snapped. “I was found guilty of rape. And that whipping chick whipped me so many times I was dizzy for the rest of the week.”

“You should forget that trial,” Apollo suggested. “There were many mistakes in that trial and Thursday everything is going to get fixed up.”

“Of course.” Klavier nodded to Apollo's words.

“Hey Apollo,” Wocky called. “That envelope in your hand, that the one Luke sent ya?”

“I think it is,” Apollo replied. “I haven't had a change to open it but here goes.” Apollo ripped open the envelope and unfolded the paper inside.

“Let's have a look at the letter,” said Trucy. After Apollo read it, she snatched it off him and read it out.

Dear Sir Apollo Justice,

Wocky should have told you to expect a letter written by a man named Luke. There is also speculation that murder, Luke Atmey has escaped from prison. Wocky's friend, the killer who escaped and the writer of this letter are in fact the same person. You and I are both aware of Wocky's innocence. I know that Mrs. DeLite can be a filthy whore full of greed. Do not be deceived by her appearances. Poor Sir Ron DeLite A.K.A Sir Thief has suffered greatly in her hands. The poor man is sterile so she committed adultery for her desired child. I don't think he even knows it. I give sympathy to my great rival.

Now the game really begins.

Fate is in your hands now, if Wocky is found not guilty, I will hand myself in. You may use this letter as evidence in court if you wish. I will gladly prove it is legal evidence. Mrs. DeLite's humiliation is the key to winning this case. I wish you luck and Wocky the best of luck in the trial. I will be attending, in disguise of course.

Yours sincerely,

Luke Atmey

“I've never heard of him,” Klavier admitted. “But it looks like you're getting blackmailed Herr Forehead.”

“I'm getting blackmailed?.... DAMN!”

“Herr Atmey sure hates Frau DeLite, that's for sure,” Klavier thought. “I wouldn't be too harsh on her.”

“Wocky will have a fair trial though, right?” Pearl asked concerned for her boyfriend's sake.

“Don't worry Pearl,” Klavier said, “Herr Forehead and I will make sure Thursday's trial is fair and square!”

“Thank you Mr. Gavin. Thank you Mr. Polly.”
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Once again another great chapter! I loved the drama with Larry/Wocky/Alita :gant:
Re: Law Plus Chaos (Apollo x Trucy & Phoenix x Iris)Topic%20Title
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Sweet new chapter! Go Larry! I couldn't help but cheer him on as he took Alita.

**Special Thanks to Dekuran for the Awesome Siggy and Nadindi for the Cool Avatar!**
Re: C.Gholy's fan fics~ Inhuman and Pearl's New ToyTopic%20Title
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Wow, Grossberg pregnant...I have no idea what to think. It was certainly amusing though!
Lisa is awesome in that shot! I could just imagine her like that.

**Special Thanks to Dekuran for the Awesome Siggy and Nadindi for the Cool Avatar!**
Re: C.Gholy's fan fics~ Atonement (Iris/Phoenix)Topic%20Title
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Thanks Flame. :)

Title: Atonement
Rating: G
Pairing: Phoenix/Iris
Notes: This was my fic for Phoenix/Iris day but I'm not going to be there that day cause I'm in London the whole day. So I'm just posting it early. It's already been up on for some days anyway.
Spoiler: Atonement

Sister Iris had been seeking it for a long time. She had to purify her soul, and so far her progress was nothing. Every time she found the opportunity, she drifted further away from her goal. She loved her family, she loved Sister Bikini and she loved Phoenix; they all meant the world to her. She failed. She failed miserably. The Fey clan had become an utter mess, and she had just made it worse. She only wanted to help.

She had been released from prison after being convicted as an accomplice for murder. She heard that Phoenix had lost the job he worked blood, sweat and tears off to. He had lost it two months after proving she didn't kill her aunt. Iris had never seen her father since she was taken into care by Sister Bikini. And she finally became face to face with her mother Morgan Fey. It pained Iris to think that her parents had only married for power, and not love. Perhaps her beloved twin sister could have ended up differently. If Dahlia had stayed with Bikini too, perhaps her manufactured elegance could have been genuine.

Now, she'll never know.

Iris had a great wish that she could forgive her parents, but she couldn't. She hadn't seen her father in years, and her mother was bitter and cruel. Morgan tried to frame her own niece for murder, and set Dahlia up to kill Maya so Pearl could be head of Kurain. Not once did Morgan think about what Pearl wanted. But Morgan gave Iris a request: to protect Pearl and make her master. She was only going to fulfill the first half of her mother's request. Yes, it was her duty to look out for Pearl as she was her younger sister.

Iris blamed herself for Phoenix lost his badge. He visited her in prison faithfully until his last trial. She had considered herself as a distraction and a burden. She found herself to be a crap friend, her mother strongly agreed. As her freedom became to drawn closer, she was sick of herself putting herself down. Now to this day, she knew one thing was certain: things were going to change. Change for the better, starting now. Last week, Phoenix told her much about the girl he had taken in. He had raised her as his own for the past five months. Iris had yet to see her, but from what she had heard from Phoenix, she sounded adorable. Today, her seven month prison sentence had finished.

Far from the depths of her cell, she saw Bikini, Pearl, Phoenix on the bench. Another girl around Pearl's age was sitting on Phoenix's lap. The pleasant surprise shocked her so much she froze. Phoenix approached her as she moved towards him. For each step forward, she felt she was about to explode.

“Feenie...” she weakly mumbled. She faced the floor at first, but her head rose in slow motion into Phoenix's eyes. His fashion taste had changed drastically – from the pink jumper, to the lawyer suit to the aqua beanie. His eyes remained the eyes she had adored for all these years. “I should have told you this a very long time ago, but I'm truly sorry. Can you forgive me?” Tears glistened in her eyes as she waited for Phoenix's reply.

“Iris...” His serious face was fixed. “You already earned my forgiveness. You've had it the whole time.” His face had melted into a smile.

“Thank you, Feenie.”

“Is that her Daddy?” the girl asked. The girl was adorable. A red cape over a little black dress with matching boots and a large hat. It must have been Trucy. Iris had heard so much about her. How smart, confident and magical she was to be around. She had to take Phoenix's word for it.

“I said I was going to find you a mommy,” Phoenix told Trucy. “Here she is.”

“But Daddy,” Trucy interrupted. “Pearls said that Maya was going to be my mommy.” Iris was still crushed to realize that she couldn't forgive her own parents. Little kids these days were so innocent. Seeing Trucy hop onto her waist she had to smile. She owed Phoenix a lot, she was sorry, but that wasn't enough. The past was in the past, and it was time for the future.

Iris picked her up in delight and said, “I'll try my best to be a good mother to you, Trucy. I guess that means I can't be a nun anymore. Bikini, will you be okay?”

“Don't you worry yourself about little old me,” Sister Bikini chuckled. “I'll be just fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” Bikini patted her back. “You need to stop worrying, dear.”

Iris looked down and Pearl giving her a smile too, “and I'll be a good sister to you too, Pearl.” She stroked her hair. She remembered Pearl punching Phoenix for not keeping his eyes off Iris. There was still sadness in Pearl's eyes.

“But what about Mystic Maya?” Pearl asked. “Who's going to be her special someone?” There was still sadness in Pearl's eyes. Pearl adored her cousin, Maya and she wanted her to share a happy life with Phoenix. But now her half-sister was going to be the one taking Maya's place. This was the part were Pearl would punch Phoenix, but she had stopped because Trucy slapped her in the face when she caught her slapping Phoenix. She slapped her hard. Pearl and Trucy were both grounded for a week because of it.

“Don't worry Pearls,” Trucy said. “There's plenty of men around for her. And she can have Mr. Hat if she wants.”

“I'm not sure about that,” giggled Bikini. “I'm sure they would both get on though.”

“Poor Mystic Maya...” Pearl sighed. It was going to take a while for it to sink in for Pearl. Despite that, Iris knew one day she would be happy for her. For now, it was time to prove she can be a good mother, a good sister and a valuable partner.
Come On Lioness (Godot/Franziska) & TTDR (Matt x Dahlia)Topic%20Title
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Outing myself on these Kink Meme fics.

Title: Come On Lioness
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Godot/Franziska
Notes: Some short PWP written for the kink meme.

Title: Twenty Thousand Dollars Richer
Rating: R
Pairing: Dahlia/Matt
Prompt: Matt violently rapes Dahlia.
Notes: Short kink meme fic. It's the first time I've written a fic in the present tense so I thought I'd give it a go.
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I have to say, your fanfics are quite good. Everyone is in character and lots of humor and drama abound. Can't wait to see more by you. :keiko:
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You're too kind Jamie. =^-^=
Kink Meme Drabbles!Topic%20Title
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Title: It's Just A Plant
Pairing: Apollo/Trucy
Rating: T
Prompt: "Hold it! I don't want Charley to see."
Spoiler: It's Just A Plant
So Apollo was going to have sex with his sister again. Where the hell did his sense of law run off to, he thought.

"Hold it!" Trucy scurried over to the plant, and moved her magician equipment over so the green plant was out of their sight. "I don't want Charley to see."

"Trucy," Apollo said looking at his half-sister weirdly. "It's just a plant."

"Too you it might be a plant," Trucy responded almost snapping at Apollo. "But to Daddy and I, he's a good friend and we have to take care of him." Apollo could no longer see the vivid green spikes that formed Charley.  “I think plants hate incest.”

"Well, haven't you just blocked the light for Charley?"

"He'll be all right," Trucy replied. "We'll move everything back once we're done."

"That's if we get a chance," Apollo mentioned. Apollo didn't actually mind doing her sister since neither of them were in a relationship. They had a one night stand before they found out they were related but it didn't stop Trucy trying to seduce him when she had the chance to. 

He didn't want to have sex in Wright's office. The last time they had sex in an office was when Phoenix caught them kissing. Needless to say: he was embarrassed because his old friend Maya Fey was with him too.

Trucy kissed him, and he had no choice but to succumb. He knew Phoenix would get pissed off if he upset Trucy. Besides, plant's can't talk nor hear.

Title: A Father's Method
Pairing: Hinted Apollo/Klavier
Rating: T
Prompt: Godot hides Klavier's hair gel and beauty kit. He also steals his Hello Kitty plushtoy and holds it hostage.
Spoiler: A Father's Method
Nobody was going to sexually harass his son and get away with it. He didn't care how sexy Klavier was. He had enough of the blond rock-star grabbing onto Apollo's ass every twenty seconds and teasing the hell out of him. He wouldn't have cared if Apollo was gay, but he was straight. Klavier was already dating Ema and perhaps another person they didn't know about. He didn't care what sexual disease he had as long as he didn't give one to his son. Now things had to be settled into his own hands. Klavier's hair-gel and beauty kit was in the back of his car. Klavier's Hello Kitty teddy lay next to the driver's seat. 

She looked like the same as every other Hello Kitty he saw, a simplified cat face, wearing a pink dress with a red ribbon on her right ear. The only difference was that this one was covered in chains and had G engraved on it's pouch. He would laugh if Klavier causes a fit. 

Now he could use with a bit of dark coffee.

Title: Harmless Selfcest
Pairing: Bratworth/Edgeworth and implied P/E and Feenie x Lawyer!Nick
Rating: T
Prompt: Bratworth x Edgeworth Go Go Go Go
Spoiler: Harmless Selfcest
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Phoenix asked, louder than his fierce objections in court. He saw his boyfriend, Miles Edgeworth skinny dipping with is arm around another man: his younger self. 

"It's just a bit of selfcest Wright. It's completely harmless."

"You're cheating on me!" Phoenix barked in anger. 

"Objection!" The younger Edgeworth spoke out. He wagged his finger at Phoenix, just like how Von Karma used to do it. He could understand, since he was under heavy influence with him at the time. "We are both the same person, so you can say it's equivalent to masturbation."

"But it's not mastu-" Phoenix couldn't bring himself to finish. 

"We love you very much," both Miles spoke in unison. 

"I love you both too..." Phoenix said quietly. "I guess I overreacted then."

"Yes you did," the present Miles spoke. 

"Why don't you join us?" Bratworth offered. "There's plenty of room."

"Sure, why not?" Phoenix got out of his lawyer suit and threw it near Edgeworth's clothes. Before he got a chance to take his boxers off... he heard a familiar voice. 


The three of them paid attention to the young man in his late teens walking around. He had a pink sweater on like the one Phoenix used to wear. His voice matched his too. It couldn't have been Feenie, could it?

"Have you seen my Dollie?" 

It was Feenie. 

"You played with dolls in your twenties Phoenix?" Miles asked. Bratworth glared at the pair of Phoenixes. 

"He means my ex-girlfriend..." Phoenix whispered to the pair of them, obviously not wanting to upset his younger self. 

"Wow we look like twins!" Feenie shouted in glee to Phoenix. "Anyway, have you seen a pretty lady in a white dress, a pink parasol and black hair in braids?"

"No I haven't," Phoenix replied. He'd rather not go into it. 

"There's a girl matching your description in jail," replied Miles. 

"Don't break my younger heart Miles," Phoenix hissed at Miles. Meanwhile his younger self was touching him from head-to-toe like the Bedroom-God he used to be. As he got later into his career as a prosecutor, he let the Bedroom-God faded into a professional prosecutor. Of course, only Phoenix has seen Miles Edgeworth's bedside manner in the past five years. 

"He deserves the truth," Miles snapped back. "And Bratworth, please don't squeeze too hard." Phoenix laughed when Miles spanked Bratworth, but in a way he loved it: it was quite hot. 

"You were nicknamed Bratworth?" Phoenix teased. 

"At least it's more appropriate than your silly nickname."

Phoenix had a feeling that he was going to end up making out with his younger self. Perhaps watching Bratworth trying to dominate Miles inspired him.

Title: Turns To Teach
Pairing: Wocky/Pearl
Rating: T
Prompts: I merged two microfills I did into one drabble. The first prompt was Wocky teaching Machi gangster talk and the second was anything with Pocky in it.
Spoiler: Turns To Teach
Wocky Kitaki was a lucky man. He was filthy rich without even getting a job, other than working at his dad's pie shop around five times a month. He was lucky to be still alive after what his ex did to him, on top of the bullet in the heart. Not only that, but Wocky had one of the most graceful girlfriends in town. Only God knows why Pearl Fey started dating Wocky. They just seemed to hit off the moment they laid eyes on each other. They've both been through some shit, but at least they can get thought it together.

He also befriended a pianist, Machi Tobaye when he got arrested for criminal damage. He was quite good on the piano, and was nice enough to teach Wocky how to play, even though he would never be as good as Machi, it was worth a try. Pearl managed to play the piano better than Wocky did. It seemed only fair that Wocky taught him how to teach the gangster lingo. So the pair of them were outside, close to the Kitaki mansion. Pearl also joined in, she didn't mind Wocky teaching him gangster talk as long as there was no foul language. Pearl hated swear words.

"I am the piano good of gangsters," Machi said. He liked the way Wocky talked and tried to copy it but failed miserably. 

"This how ya do it...YEAH MOTHER FUCKERS!" Wocky yelled out. 

"YES MAMA FUCK IT UP THE ARSE!" Machi thought it would make a good effect. Wocky laughed so hard at Machi's bad gangster talk.  Pearl stood behind Wocky, arms crossed with a look of disdain. Her fists vibrated to the temptation of hitting her boyfriend.

"SMACK THAT!" Wocky roared over to a member of a rival gang crossing the brigde. His middle finger up at the obese lad. “LOSE SOME FUCKING WEIGHT!”

"SMOOCHAA!" Machi screeched, and the person ran away. Wocky and Machi chuckled in unison, until Pearl slapped them.

“I'm going to teach you both some manners!” Pearl announced with determination!

Title: Maya's Prank
Rating: T
Pairing: Implied Maya/Franziska and Payne/ Foxy
Prompt: Someone spikes Winston's tea with Viagra.
Spoiler: Maya's Prank
"Maya Fey this is foolish!" Franziska snarled. Ever since Phoenix was disbarred, Maya enjoyed pranking people. Klavier Gavin was the main victim, but it was others too. She'd put a whoopi cushion on the judge's seat, put salt in Kristoph's tea and replace autopsy reports with fan fiction printed from the internet. Franziska's seen it all, but now she was really pushing it. 

"It's not foolish; it's fun!"

"If you wanted fun, I can gladly give you some."

"Thanks Franziska," Maya said with a grin. "How much of this Viagra should I put in then?"

Franziska gave a strict firm answer: "None." As much to her chagrin, Maya ignored Franziska's answer and put about nearly all of it in. Stirring it in until the tea looked average. "You really are a fool."

Maya giggled when she twirled round to kiss Franziska on the cheek. "We've got just enough for Miles to have hot sex with Nick tonight. And we should find some more good stuff at the Steel Samurai Kink Meme too." Franziska whipped Maya and then dragged her out of the office. "No Franziska, I wanna see it Payne faps to Steel Samurai!"


"Good afternoon ladies."

It was Winston Payne. Franziska thought the color of his suit was foolish and his hair even more foolish. Bold on the top, with a stripe in the middle and either side still growing. They said hi back as he walked into the office, smiling at his tea cup. 

"Why did you put Viagra in his tea in the first place?" Franziska whispered to Maya. 

"Cause Mr. Armando told me too."

"What a foolish excuse." Instead of helping, Franziska and Maya stood there whilst Payne slurped his tea down. And for the rest of the day Payne had been giving various women dirty looks which made Maya giggle. Although she had to cool Franziska down after he groped her breast. 

"Hello there Foxy," Winston announced to his wife. Without another word he fell into his chest and Foxy captured him. "It's been a wonderful day and nothing is more wonderful than coming home to you my dear." Winston removed his tie and took his wife's hand into the bedroom.

Last edited by Chloe on Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Let Me Entertain You, Quietly (April x Viola)Topic%20Title
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Title: Let Me Entertain You, Quietly
Rating: M
Pairing: April/Viola
Link: ... ou_Quietly
Re: C.Gholy's fics~ Mental Disco: Maya/PhoenixTopic%20Title
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Late fic is late.

Title: Mental Disco
Rating: G
Pairing: Phoenix/Maya and Jean/Iris
Spoiler: Mental Disco
Disco lights circulated around the hall. The fancy dress party wasn't as bad as Phoenix thought it would be. Well, he wasn't really dressed up as anybody but he felt glad he wasn't the only one. Maya said she was dressed up as some girl named Martha from Doctor Who. He remembered the show well, but forgot what happened. He could only remember the darleks and the ever changing cast. Maya looked really pretty tonight, it was the first time he ever seen her out of her acolyte clothes other than that time she had to dress up as a maid.

“You should dress up more often Maya,” Phoenix told her. “It really suits you.” The leather jacket on her seemed refreshing and dark ponytail was nice.

“Thank you,” Maya responded with a wink. “You look good too.”

He couldn't say that the man next to him was just as excited as Maya though. Iris, his 'ex-girlfriend' was in a white bride's outfit she made for herself. He was pleased that they could still be friends after everything that had happened to them. He roared with laughter watching Iris dance around with Larry and Pearl in the robot costumes. Just the metal image alone made him chuckle.

He could not believe that Maya had convinced Miles Edgeworth to dress up. Let alone make him dress up as a woman. He understood why Pearl and Larry were in some sort of robot costumes cause they would both do that for Maya. Miles didn't seem to happy about his new look, although the blonde wig on his head was a priceless moment. Franziska Von Karma came as herself – she thought fancy dress parties were foolish but was dragged by Gumshoe and Maya.

“How do I look?” Miles asked curiously. He still refused to remove his cravat.

“You look utterly foolish, Miles Edgeworth,” Franziska quickly muttered with her arms crossed.

“Thank you for the blunt honesty, Franziska.”

“What about me though?” Phoenix asked curiously. “Who do you think I should have dressed up as?”

“Oh Nick, you can still be Dr. Who!”

“Do I need a change of clothes?” he asked just in case. It wasn't too late to go home.

“You're fine the way you are,” Maya told him. Phoenix sighed in relief as he heard that, but it would not last long. “We can take the phone booth from outside.”

“MAYA I CAN'T BRING THE TELEPHONE BOOTH WITH ME!” Phoenix bellowed in disgust. All eyes were on Maya and Phoenix. They cringed at the attention. “You're really taking this too seriously Maya.”

“Mr. Nick!” Pearl shouted, skull-bashing Phoenix to the dance floor. “Mystic Maya is your true love. You should listen to her and collect the phone booth.”

“HEY PALS! I'M BATMAN!” roared the voice of a beefy man who barged into the room. It was Dick Gumshoe's voice. The black pants and tights stuck out the most and the bat mask around his face was hilarious.

“And I'm Robin,” a slender brunette announced behind him. This was Maggey, Gumshoe's girlfriend and was Phoenix's client twice. Maggey was colorful than Gumshoe: a yellow cap on her back with a red vest on top of a green leotard. Their gloves matched each other. Franziska expressed her thoughts by whipping Gumshoe and Egdeworth smiles, pleased he wasn't the most stupid looking person in the room.

“You deux look fantastique,” a woman with a male French accent cried out. It was only until they saw the front of her, that they discovered she was a man! It was Jean Armstrong who was Maggey's employer. Jean Armstrong in a dress: not the best mental image in the world. A floral crimson dress and transparent shoes he wore. Jean followed Maggey and Gumshoe to Phoenix's table. “The evening is beautiful, non?” Jean asked.

“Yeah,” Phoenix replied. “It's very good.”

“Monsoir Wright,” Jean said. “Tu est naughty.”

“Why?” was all Phoenix could say.

“Mon dieu! You're not dressed as someone! I am dressed as Cinderella.”

“No Nick's Doctor Who!” Maya replied. She had nowhere to sit so she sat on Phoenix's lap instead. He jumped inside, but decided to let it slide.

Jean gasped in excitement holding the rose in his hands. “Oh, J'aime beacoup. Et toi Maya?”

“I'm Martha Jones, Miles is Rose Taylor, Larry and Pearl are darleks and Iris is a bride.”

“You all look bien! Bien! Bien!” Jean swayed his hips as his auburn hair flew with his rhythm. His breath ranked of vodka. “What about me, do you think about moi? Ma cheveux costs trente-trois dollars.”

“You look nice,” Maya replied with what seemed like a false grin.

“Oh merci,” Jean cried out in passion. He scurried over to the dance floor with a crazy jive. He joined the dancing circle that Iris, Larry and Pearl had formed. “Bonjour,” Jean cried out as he gripped onto Iris's arm. “You look so beautiful,” Jean said grabbing onto Iris's waist. He held her down and whispered in her ear, “le blanc robe suits you.”

“That's nice,” Iris replied sweetly, as she heavily blushed from Jean's kind words. “So what's your name?”

“Je m'appelle Jean Armstrong. Et toi?”


“Come with me,” Jean requested by dragging her away from the dance floor. “WE SHALL MAKE BEAUTIFUL MUFFINS TOGETHER!” Her heart was stolen by a big gay chef.

“I thought he was gay...” Maya gasped.

“Well maybe he'll go lesbian for her,” Maggey replied randomly. All who heard her, stared at her in disdain. “Okay what I just said was lame.”

“Wanna dance with me?” Maya asked Phoenix. Her glittering eyes widened as if she was looking at her favorite burgers.

With nothing to lose, Phoenix replied with: “Sure, why not?” As Maya and Phoenix took to the floor, the slow soothing music guided their feet to sway around the room to what felt like an eternal dream.
Re: C.Gholy's fics~ Mental Disco: Maya/PhoenixTopic%20Title
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Pairing: Phoenix/Maya and Jean/Iris

Best concept ever!
I love this.
LOL parody sig trend. Phoenix/Maya Day is Sept 5!
[ Read my fanfics! =) | Phoenix/Maya 'Evidence' List ]
Re: C.Gholy's fics~ Mental Disco: Maya/PhoenixTopic%20Title
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This is awesome! moar plox!

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C.Gholy wrote:
Late fic is late.

Title: Mental Disco
Rating: G
Pairing: Phoenix/Maya and Jean/Iris
Spoiler: Mental Disco
Disco lights circulated around the hall. The fancy dress party wasn't as bad as Phoenix thought it would be. Well, he wasn't really dressed up as anybody but he felt glad he wasn't the only one. Maya said she was dressed up as some girl named Martha from Doctor Who. He remembered the show well, but forgot what happened. He could only remember the darleks and the ever changing cast. Maya looked really pretty tonight, it was the first time he ever seen her out of her acolyte clothes other than that time she had to dress up as a maid.

“You should dress up more often Maya,” Phoenix told her. “It really suits you.” The leather jacket on her seemed refreshing and dark ponytail was nice.

“Thank you,” Maya responded with a wink. “You look good too.”

He couldn't say that the man next to him was just as excited as Maya though. Iris, his 'ex-girlfriend' was in a white bride's outfit she made for herself. He was pleased that they could still be friends after everything that had happened to them. He roared with laughter watching Iris dance around with Larry and Pearl in the robot costumes. Just the metal image alone made him chuckle.

He could not believe that Maya had convinced Miles Edgeworth to dress up. Let alone make him dress up as a woman. He understood why Pearl and Larry were in some sort of robot costumes cause they would both do that for Maya. Miles didn't seem to happy about his new look, although the blonde wig on his head was a priceless moment. Franziska Von Karma came as herself – she thought fancy dress parties were foolish but was dragged by Gumshoe and Maya.

“How do I look?” Miles asked curiously. He still refused to remove his cravat.

“You look utterly foolish, Miles Edgeworth,” Franziska quickly muttered with her arms crossed.

“Thank you for the blunt honesty, Franziska.”

“What about me though?” Phoenix asked curiously. “Who do you think I should have dressed up as?”

“Oh Nick, you can still be Dr. Who!”

“Do I need a change of clothes?” he asked just in case. It wasn't too late to go home.

“You're fine the way you are,” Maya told him. Phoenix sighed in relief as he heard that, but it would not last long. “We can take the phone booth from outside.”

“MAYA I CAN'T BRING THE TELEPHONE BOOTH WITH ME!” Phoenix bellowed in disgust. All eyes were on Maya and Phoenix. They cringed at the attention. “You're really taking this too seriously Maya.”

“Mr. Nick!” Pearl shouted, skull-bashing Phoenix to the dance floor. “Mystic Maya is your true love. You should listen to her and collect the phone booth.”

“HEY PALS! I'M BATMAN!” roared the voice of a beefy man who barged into the room. It was Dick Gumshoe's voice. The black pants and tights stuck out the most and the bat mask around his face was hilarious.

“And I'm Robin,” a slender brunette announced behind him. This was Maggey, Gumshoe's girlfriend and was Phoenix's client twice. Maggey was colorful than Gumshoe: a yellow cap on her back with a red vest on top of a green leotard. Their gloves matched each other. Franziska expressed her thoughts by whipping Gumshoe and Egdeworth smiles, pleased he wasn't the most stupid looking person in the room.

“You deux look fantastique,” a woman with a male French accent cried out. It was only until they saw the front of her, that they discovered she was a man! It was Jean Armstrong who was Maggey's employer. Jean Armstrong in a dress: not the best mental image in the world. A floral crimson dress and transparent shoes he wore. Jean followed Maggey and Gumshoe to Phoenix's table. “The evening is beautiful, non?” Jean asked.

“Yeah,” Phoenix replied. “It's very good.”

“Monsoir Wright,” Jean said. “Tu est naughty.”

“Why?” was all Phoenix could say.

“Mon dieu! You're not dressed as someone! I am dressed as Cinderella.”

“No Nick's Doctor Who!” Maya replied. She had nowhere to sit so she sat on Phoenix's lap instead. He jumped inside, but decided to let it slide.

Jean gasped in excitement holding the rose in his hands. “Oh, J'aime beacoup. Et toi Maya?”

“I'm Martha Jones, Miles is Rose Taylor, Larry and Pearl are darleks and Iris is a bride.”

“You all look bien! Bien! Bien!” Jean swayed his hips as his auburn hair flew with his rhythm. His breath ranked of vodka. “What about me, do you think about moi? Ma cheveux costs trente-trois dollars.”

“You look nice,” Maya replied with what seemed like a false grin.

“Oh merci,” Jean cried out in passion. He scurried over to the dance floor with a crazy jive. He joined the dancing circle that Iris, Larry and Pearl had formed. “Bonjour,” Jean cried out as he gripped onto Iris's arm. “You look so beautiful,” Jean said grabbing onto Iris's waist. He held her down and whispered in her ear, “le blanc robe suits you.”

“That's nice,” Iris replied sweetly, as she heavily blushed from Jean's kind words. “So what's your name?”

“Je m'appelle Jean Armstrong. Et toi?”


“Come with me,” Jean requested by dragging her away from the dance floor. “WE SHALL MAKE BEAUTIFUL MUFFINS TOGETHER!” Her heart was stolen by a big gay chef.

“I thought he was gay...” Maya gasped.

“Well maybe he'll go lesbian for her,” Maggey replied randomly. All who heard her, stared at her in disdain. “Okay what I just said was lame.”

“Wanna dance with me?” Maya asked Phoenix. Her glittering eyes widened as if she was looking at her favorite burgers.

With nothing to lose, Phoenix replied with: “Sure, why not?” As Maya and Phoenix took to the floor, the slow soothing music guided their feet to sway around the room to what felt like an eternal dream.

Haha, I always like those kind of dress up party's... Iris/Jean rofl, full of epic. Phoenix/Maya was sweet of course... I knew Miles secretly liked to dress up as a woman! Well written fic, enjoyed reading it.
Re: C.Gholy's fics~ Mental Disco: Maya/PhoenixTopic%20Title
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Floran wrote:
Haha, I always like those kind of dress up party's... Iris/Jean rofl, full of epic. Phoenix/Maya was sweet of course... I knew Miles secretly liked to dress up as a woman! Well written fic, enjoyed reading it.

I like them kind of things too. Thanks for the nice comment. :)

icer wrote:
Pairing: Phoenix/Maya and Jean/Iris

Best concept ever!
I love this.

I know. =) Thanks Icer.
Re: Law Plus Chaos (Apollo x Trucy & Phoenix x Iris)Topic%20Title
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You guys are nice. =D

Spoiler: Chapter Ten: Compassionate Grounds
He surprised himself on a Thursday morning. Apollo had been awake since yesterday at five o'clock in the morning. The recent coffee craves had kept him more awake than usual. After the trial, he vowed to crash out in bed – tired or not. He yawned and his head tilted onto Trucy's shoulder.

“Are you tired already?” Trucy asked.

“I've no no sleep since yesterday,” Apollo managed to yawn out. “But I'll be fine, trust me.”

“That's a dangerous lack of sleep Apollo,” Trucy told him.


“OF COURSE IT IS!” Trucy snapped.

“You were the one waking me up last night,” Apollo whispered to Trucy. “Throwing your clothes everywhere like that.”

“Let's think about the trial,” suggested Trucy.

The bright walls, the stiff bailiff and the portrait of the judge captured Apollo's attention. They were in the defense lobby awaiting Wocky's retrial. The defendant had his back slouched against the wall, whilst finishing off a can. Wocky was calmer and had less angst than last trial. In fact he had a smile on his face.

“You look happy today Wocky,” Trucy said as she approached him.

“You're going to be face-to-face with Mrs. DeLite again,” Apollo told his client. “I thought you'd still be a bit upset over the fact that she's married.”

“I'm over that bitch,” Wocky confirmed. “First of all, I got a new girlfriend and secondly and even if I do get found guilty again, Luke will come back. He'll help my homies and I get out.” Wocky smiled at Apollo, and twirled his fringe as if it was suppose to make Apollo feel better. It only made Apollo feel worse. “You guys remember Alita?”

“Oh her,” Apollo replied. “She tried to marry you to get a hold of your family fortune...”

“The prison officer with that goatee adores her. He tried to help her get out, I dunno if they got away with it or not. But it was him who pushed me. None of them believe me, and worst of all they think I want Alita back. I'm over her too!”

There was still something not quite right about Wocky. Apollo believed that Desirée set him up and hopefully he could prove it in court today. It was his new relationship with Pearl, it just seemed that Wocky was hasty. If he was in Wocky's situation, hooking up with another girl after your ex just framed you for rape was the last thing he'd do.

“WOCKY!” The lobby was filled with Pearl's frantic voice. She scurried over to Wocky and squeezed him. “Are you okay?” Pearl asked. “How's your injury?”

“Yeah, I'm all right,” said Wocky. “I can't believe prison was so boring man. There's like nothing to do other than gay things. I can't wait to get out!”

“Don't worry my dear,” Pearl assured Wocky and went on to say, “I believe that Mr. Polly and Mr. Klavier will sort this out.” She turned over to Apollo. “You do your best today Mr. Polly, okay? No bullying this time.”

“The trial's starting soon so we better get ready,” Trucy suggested.

“All right, here comes JUSTICE!” Apollo roared.


Apollo thought he could recognize that voice. He turned to see the face of his father.

“Hey there Polly-Pocket.” Godot grinned with a mug of coffee in his hands. “Just wanted to see my son in action!”

“Hello Mr. Godot,” Pearl said kindly.

“D-Dad!” Apollo exclaimed. “What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in prison.”

“I've been released on compassionate grounds,” Godot smirked. “If it weren't for you and my medical records, the progress would have been much longer.”

“So you seen Phoenix lately?” Apollo asked a random question. He was still getting used to the fact that he was the love-child of a singer and a coffee-maniac.

“Your old man not good enough for you?” Godot asked.

“Of course not!” Apollo shrieked. “You're fine.”

“What's with the raspy voice son?”


“Keep it smooth son,” Godot told him. “Just keep it smooth. We better get going.”

And they all followed Godot into the courtroom. Apollo, Trucy and Godot stood together in the defense bench as Wocky sat in the defendant's chair. Pearl was at his side with her arms over his neck. She took a seat behind the defendant's chair after the judge walked into the room.

“All rise,” cried the bailiff. Everyone were on their feet. “The court is now in session for DeLite Vs Kitaki.”

It was a different judge today. Chocolate skin and Jamaican, he sat in the judge's chair with the gavel in his hand. He was young and slim, which seemed kinda refreshing since most of the judges Apollo's seen have been old or middle-aged. “You may be seated,” the judge announced in a Jamaican accent. He placed a metal strip on the side with the text: “Judge Albert Salsa”engraved on it.

“The defense is ready your Honor,” Apollo announced.

“The prosecution is also ready, Herr Judge!” Klavier told Judge Salsa.

“I prefer if you guys addressed me as 'My Lord'. Is that fine with you guys? Just makes me feel more cool. Know what I'm saying?”

“Ja My Lord.”

“Absolutely My Lord.”

“The judge likes to keep things cool,” Diego whispered.

“This kinda feels odd,” admitted Apollo who looked over at his father.

Godot passed over a mug of coffee for Trucy, then turned to his son saying, “Judge Salsa wants to keep it cool. You should too son. Just remember to smile and stay calm.”


“I feel there is no need for an opening statement so would the defense please give a summary of the previous trial to the court?” Judge Salsa requested. “Most of you should know what happened anyway but it's always good to have recap.”

Apollo has never seen a judge with Judge Salsa's sort of attitude before. Despite wanting to object to his behavior, he did what he was told. “The trial was a disaster,” Apollo started for emphasis. He thought it could give it a bit more kick. Not only had he felt pressurized to clear Wocky's name, he also had to resist Trucy's flirting. Doing all this in hope he could impress his father. “Opening statement had a delay and two witnesses were not cross-examined and another witness has come to step up.” Apollo announced.

“Seems like the trial had some flaws,” Judge Salsa confirmed. “Judge Udgey needs to stop being so gullible. He was in quite a hurry, he had a meeting that day.”

“Von Karma's intelligence is fierce, right Herr Forehead?” Klavier asked pointing at Apollo.

“I agree that she was fierce,” Apollo replied. “Prosecutor Von Karma was far too fierce.”

“She can whip me anything she likes,” was what slipped out of Judge Salsa's lips.

Klavier chuckled and said “ah seconded, Herr Ju- I mean My Lord!” His ocean blue eyes stared at Apollo. “Third it Herr Forehead!”

“We should get on with the trial,” Apollo suggested.

“The defense must be gay,” Judge Salsa boomed.

“Objection!” Godot roared. His was set loose as a wild coffee cup flew onto Judge Salsa's face – drooling down his clothes.

“Hey white boy, what was that for?” Judge Salsa muttered to Godot. “You better be careful.”

“My son's straight for your information,” Godot announced.

“Well he should act straight.”

“We're not here to discuss my son's sexuality,” Godot snapped, “Nor are we here to discuss ladies. We're here to determine if the defendant really raped Mrs. DeLite.”

Judge Salsa glared at Godot and snapped back with, “I'm the judge I can do whatever I want.” He clapped, then rubbed his hands together. “Now let's down to business. Ladies first, Mrs. DeLite take to the stand.”

Apollo did not feel comfortable with Judge Salsa; his behavior was very unprofessional, and his attitude stank of rotten fish. However, Apollo was going to give Wocky the acquittal he deserved. Desirée stood to the stand and took her oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Apollo's bracelet vibrated to her lies. And at last, he could cross examine her, and Detective Dick Gumshoe. Come to think of it, where is Gumshoe? He was nowhere to be seen. Apollo guessed he was looking after his wife and son.

“What's up Polly Pocket?” Godot asked. “You're face looks a bit weird.”

“Just wondering where Mr. Gumshoe is,” Apollo replied. “I thought he might be with his wife and kids. And I needed to cross examine him today too.”

“The guy still works here?” Godot asked in amazement.

“I don't know much about him,” Apollo admitted. “I do know he's married and has a son.”

“I wouldn't be surprised if the kid turned out retarded.”

“Dad, that isn't... very nice.”

“That's the bitter taste of truth for you, son. Now drink up; cold coffee tastes disgusting.”

“Stop talking you two,” Trucy muttered. “You've missed out on the testimony!”

“Is it the same as last time?” Apollo asked.


“Well I haven't missed out on anything then.”

“I believe it's time for some spicy cross-examination,” Judge Salsa announced rubbing his hands together. “It's hot in here, someone give me some whisky.”

“Objection!” Klavier got their first. “In before Herr Forehead!” he announced. “My Lord, I wouldn't be drinking during a court proceeding if I were you.”

“Well,” Judge Salsa announced. “I'd advise the defense and prosecution not to use your ding dong on your siblings.”

Apollo felt like he had just been owned. Looking across, Klavier was trying hard not to grit his teeth. “Anyway,” Klavier shacked his anger off. “Herr Forehead, the moment you have been waiting for has arrived. So let's rock.”

“Cross examine me?” Desirée gasped.


“Nothing to worry about Frau and Herr DeLite,” Klavier told them. “I hope you've both been telling the truth or it's going to be a long day which we don't really want.”

“Now I can see how my Polly-Pocket gets his claws out,” Godot admitted. “Show me what ya got.”

“Mrs. DeLite,” Apollo said. “You said in the last trial you never met Wocky before the rape?”

Dessie shook her head. “No,” she barked.

“I just asked her that Herr Forehead,” Klavier confirmed.

“Did you intend to date Wocky?” Apollo asked.

“No, not at all. Just wanted to be friends with him.” Desirée was shrouded in red as his bracelet reacted to her lies. He could defiantly see her nervous habit. At this point he didn't care if it was too rough for his father's liking. He was going for it. He had a copy of an chat online that Pearl gave him. After skimming the words that stood out to him, Apollo looked up at Desirée.

“Just friends you say?” Apollo asked.


“Mrs. DeLite, I notice you've been gritting your teeth and clenching your fists. You must be nervous.” He was going to present the chat data.

“Rape's not easy to deal with ya know,” Desirée snapped back.

“I have a copy of a conversation on MSN,” Apollo said. “Which the defendant said under the screen name of Gangster Fox: Yo Dessie I love you so much. And under the name Dessie Delight, you reply with: Aww I love you so much Hun. Glad we're going out. This means you were dating the defendant before the 'crime' occurred.”

Desirée's innocent disguise had cracked spreading whispers across the room. She remained silent and continued to clench her fists.

“That's not me!” Desirée shouted.

“We have a witness that can confirm that it was you. She can also confirm that you WERE dating Wocky for three months!” Apollo announced. “She watched you lie through your teeth in the last trial and she's going to help us get to the truth this time.”

“Objection!” Klavier shouted. “If this witness knew Frau DeLite was lying why didn't she do anything. More importantly why wait until she is dating the defendant?”

“Why the new witness is dating the defendant is a mystery to me,” Apollo admitted. “But two people stopped her from testifying last time. Those two people were Maya Fey and Franziska Von Karma.”

“Makes sense,” Klavier seemed to have shrugged it off. “Fräulein Von Karma knew it would stain her perfect record so they made the witness not testify. Conveniently the new witness is related to Fräulein Fey. Which was why she needed Fräulein Fey's help.”

“Desperate for a guilty verdict as ever!” Apollo announced. “So let's bring Pearl Fey to the stand!”

“I have no objections,” Klavier said calmly.

All of a sudden everyone stopped to look at Pearl when she took to the stand. The cute face in a pretty dress was the center of attention and could sway back the discussion on women. Judge Salsa was the first to speak: “You're looking very lovely today Miss Fey.”

“You look wonderful yourself My Lord,” Pearl giggled back. “I guess I have to give my name and occupation to the court. My name is Pearl Fey. I'm a spirit medium and also a student.” She put her hand across her, the palm of her free hand faced Judge Salsa. “And I promise the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

“So Fräulein wanna start your testimony?” Klavier asked in enthusiasm.

“Sure,” Pearl replied. “But before I do, can I just say it's a pleasure to be at your noble presence.” She smiled and faced Godot, “Mr. Godot, it's wonderful to see you out and about again. After what you did to Aunt Misty, I never thought you would be dead by now.”

“I thought the same too,” Godot said. Apollo glanced at her father's face of shock. Godot seemed to look as if he was looking at a ghost.

“Wocky's such a gentleman don't you think?” Pearl asked with such innocent eyes.

“Yeah,” Judge Salsa replied. “He's awesome. Now isn't she just adorable?”

“I can't object to that My Lord,” replied Klavier who was playing with his hair.

“This is the most poorly run trial I've ever seen,” Godot whispered to Apollo.

“She lied in the last trial,” was Pearl's start to her testimony. “Dessie said she loved Wocky. They said they were on the phone a lot and they acted like they were very much in love. Wocky would never stop talking about her. He had loads of pictures of her. And Dessie also called him Cutie Pie.”


Judge Salsa banged his gavel, pointed at Ron and roared: “YOU SHUT UP!” He cleared his voice and kindly looked and Pearl and said, “carry on guys.”

After cross-examining Pearl, Apollo managed to create in his mind, a good summary of the events: Desirée had an addiction to spending which drove Ron to robbery and prostitution. Ron had been broke for a while, so she used Wocky to get a hold of some of the family's money. To cover up her plans, she lied about Wocky raping her. It was pretty much the same as the last theory he tried to pull off. Then he felt like he had forgotten something. Something important. He checked though the court records and his eyes focused on Luke Atmey's letter. The man should be here, and if he can prove Wocky's innocence, he could get another man back in jail too.

Desirée was back to the stand again and Klavier had been asking her questions for quite a while. This was it, the time to finally gang up on Desirée. As Luke said, humiliating her was the key to this case, but he hoped he didn't need to take it that far.

“This baby of yours,” Klavier pointed out.“I was wondering if there was any chance Wocky was the father?”

He's made a good point, thought Apollo. Then wondered why he didn't think of that.

“It has nothing to do with the case,” Dessie snapped Again, Apollo could perceive her lies.

“We're just here for the truth Frau,” Klavier ensured her. “Just tell us and you go home like nothing happened.”

“Or do we have to say it for you?” Apollo offered.

“You and Gavin sure act like partners in crime,” Godot muttered after starting another cup of coffee.

“Do you know who Luke Atmey is?” Apollo asked. It was time to put an end to the trial once and for all!

“THAT HORRIBLE MAN, OH YES I KNOW THAT COWARD!” Desirée screamed. “He tried to get Ron jailed for murder.”

“This is a letter he sent me,” Apollo announced showing the court the letter he received from Luke. “He sure seems to hate you Mrs. DeLite as it says in this letter:

Dear Sir Apollo Justice,

Wocky should have told you to expect a letter written by a man named Luke. There is also speculation that murder, Luke Atmey has escaped from prison. Wocky's friend, the killer who escaped and the writer of this letter are in fact the same person. You and I are both aware of Wocky's innocence. I know that Mrs. DeLite can be a filthy whore full of greed. Do not be deceived by her appearances. Poor Sir Ron DeLite A.K.A Sir Thief has suffered greatly in her hands. The poor man is sterile so she committed adultery for her desired child. I don't think he even knows it. I give sympathy to my great rival.

Now the game really begins.

Fate is in your hands now, if Wocky is found not guilty, I will hand myself in. You may use this letter as evidence in court if you wish. I will gladly prove it is legal evidence. Mrs. DeLite's humiliation is the key to winning this case. I wish you luck and Wocky the best of luck in the trial. I will be attending, in disguise of course.

Yours sincerely,

Luke Atmey

Care to explain why Luke said you are sterile Mr. DeLite?”

“Dessie really wanted a child,” Ron admitted. His head lowered as his eyes rolled to the ground. “And I'm sterile so the prosecutor in the last trial said to cut that bit out because they thought it would give Dessie a motive to lie.”

“You lied about getting rape didn't you!” Apollo asked. “You dated Wocky for money!”

“DESSIE DOSEN'T CARE ABOUT THE MONEY!” Ron yelled. “All she wanted was baby.”

“IT WASN'T RAPE!!” Desirée snapped out.

The court had nothing to say for a moment. Nothing but silence. And his bracelet was stiff. Apollo smirked knowing that this time, he had given Wocky the justice he failed to give last time. It was true: Desirée used Wocky for money and for a child.

“The prosecution rests,” Klavier announced. He said it as if he was wanting to say it for a while.

“Seven years ago, I told Ronnie I wanted a baby. We've tried so hard to get a child, and we failed. Even with fertility treatment we had no luck. Then we found out Ronnie couldn't have any children. So I had to find someone.”

“One question Mrs. DeLite,” Apollo requested.


“Out of all the guys, why did you choose Wocky?”

“I told Wocky I was single just to see if he would do anything. I mean, he was pretty cute.”

“And you two dated afterwards?”

“Wocky asked me out,” Desirée admitted, “and I said yes.”

“You found this a perfect opportunity to get meet up with him, in hope he would impregnate you?” Apollo asked knowing the response.

“Yes. I didn't expect Ronnie to catch men,” Desirée admitted. “When Ronnie caught us, I felt scared and guilty. I could not believe that I made Ronnie cry so much. Admitting I cheated on him would have only made him feel worse, so I said he raped me.”

“I think honesty was the best policy here,” Trucy told Desirée. “This could have been easily avoided. What's wrong with adoption?”

“Everyone was so supportive,” Desirée admitted as if Trucy never spoke at all. “When Maya heard about it, she got me to talk to Miss Von Karma straight away. ”

“It's all my fault Dessie,” Ron sobbed. “I couldn't give you a baby.”

“Don't blame yourself Ronnie,” Dessie said in a calm soothing voice. “It's mine – I cheated and lied to you.”

“It's finally over,” Godot announced.


“I know that voice!” Godot snapped.

A man in a black cloak tumbled down from the ceiling and removed the cloak. It was Luke Atmey grinning as he stroked his nose.

“What's up Luke?” Wocky cried out.

“You're the guy who wrote this letter to me?” Apollo asked. Is this guy seriously Wocky's friend?

“Indeed I am,” Luke announced. “A marvelous job you did Sir Apollo Justice and Sir Prosecutor. Very well done indeed. And as promised, I am here to hand myself in.”

“Let's cut to the chase,” Judge Salsa snapped in the beat oh his gavel. “The defendant is now cleared of all charges. Mrs. DeLite you should be punished for perjury but since you're hot, I'll you off. That is all this case is dismissed. And would a bailiff please lead Atmey back to his prison cell. And I need to go to the bathroom” He spoke in such speed, that Klavier gave him a look of disdain, twitching at the Judge as he left the courtroom. Apollo followed his dad to the defense lobby and it wasn't long before Pearl and Wocky joined him. Apollo felt his lips vibrating like he was desperate to throw up.

“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!” Apollo roared. He could not contain himself anymore. It was something he wanted to say for the whole trial.

“I told you keep it smooth,” pestered Godot.

“The whole trial and the appeal was just... weird!” Apollo snapped. “It's hard to be smooth.”

“Here's one of my rules,” Godot said. “A lawyer is someone who smiles no matter how bad it gets.”

“If that's one of your rules then Apollo's a rebel,” Trucy said. “But he has a nice smile.”

“...Okay.” And Apollo smiled.

“Keep that up,” Godot requested. “You're going to need it. The Judge was shit, but you did a good job. I'm glad I passed my skills down. And the main thing is that we found the truth.”

“Thanks Dad.”

“Thank you Mr. Polly,” Pearl screamed in delight. She hugged Wocky at the same time with an even tighter grip. It was smiles all round.

“Yeah thanks dude,” Wocky responded. And the moral of Wocky's trial was to keep safe online. At least Apollo knew he should say no to online dating.
Magic Socks (Trucy/Pearl friendship)Topic%20Title
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Title: Magic Socks
Rating: G
Pairing: Trucy/Pearl (Friendship)
Prompt: Non romantic fluff with Pearl.
Spoiler: Magic Socks
Aqua skies filled Pearl's mind on a summer afternoon. She slouched around Trucy who threw her legs in the air. She was showing what she claimed to be magic socks. Pearl did wonder if magic had anything to do with channeling spirits? She thought about it before when she visited the Berry Big Circus. And Trucy seemed awfully familiar as if she had seen him somewhere before on TV. Right now, Pearl was curious about Trucy's socks. They were blue with pink polka hearts with golden lining around each heart. Were her mother to be still around, she'd be mortified.


"Yeah Pearls?"

"Can you tell me more about your magic socks?" Pearl asked curiously. "They look so pretty. Where did you buy them?"

"Sure," Trucy replied. "I didn't buy them, my mommy knitted them for me. Although she's dead, the socks still remind me of her. It's as if she lives on in these socks. Do you know what I mean?"

"I'm sorry to hear that," Pearl said patting Trucy's back, then rubbing it with her gentle hands. "I heard your daddy abandoned you too."

"My real daddy will be back one day!" Trucy shouted throwing her fist in the air. "For now I'm happy with my new daddy. He's so nice, it's a shame he's not a lawyer anymore. He's a poker king now."

"It is a shame," Pearl said sadly. "I still believe he was set up. We have to make sure he gets his badge back!"

"He dosen't seem interested in it anymore," Trucy announced the facts. "He's a hobo now."

"Do you think he'll love Mystic Maya?" Pearl had been so concerned for Phoenix, and worried that he would be too depressed to want to see Maya. She was the Master of the Kurain School Channeling Technique, and it was a demanding task. With the pair of them drifting away, how could they even talk anymore? In Pearl's eyes they had a beautiful relationship which should last forever.

"I'm not sure if he likes her that way," Trucy answered with a grin. "I'm sure Daddy will still care for her and want the best for her. Daddy's kind like that."

"That's wonderful then!" Pearl's wrinkled cheeks and teary eyes transformed into an ecstatic.

"So what what talent do you have Pearl? I wanna see it!" Trucy requested.

"I'm good at channeling if that counts," Pearl responded biting her nails.

"Let's see then!" Trucy squealed clapping her hands. "Here's a picture of mommy!" Trucy opened up the locket around her neck and showed a picture of a brunette woman in excitement. The woman was beautiful and looked as if she had Trucy's eyes.

Pearl closed her eyes and got into a praying position and tried to channel the woman. She focused picturing Trucy's mother in her mind. She hoped she succeeded this time, the only time she failed a channeling was when she tried to channel Dahlia Hawthorne at her mother's request. She still felt consciousness and it looked as if the same thing was going to happen again. "I think lost my power again," sobbed Pearl. "I can't seem to channel your mommy. I'm so sorry Miss Trucy." She cuddled herself and yelled out her tears. "It usually only fails when it's either been channeled by somebody else or the person is still alive."

"Well I don't know who else would wanna channel her," Trucy thought. "So she must still be alive... somewhere. I hope I see her again one day." Her voice became overpowered by Pearl's rapid tears and sobs. "Hey Pearls don't cry! Have a handkerchief!" Trucy snuggled up with Pearl and passed her some white silk from her socks. Pearl grabbed it it, then the handkerchief slipped out of her hands. The handkerchief became a dove.

Pearl's cries dried up; turning to laughter when her eyes met the dove's wings.

"WOW!" Pearl gasped holding onto Trucy's hand. "That was just amazing, how did you do that Trucy?"

"Magic," was Trucy's answer as tapping her hat. "Uncle Valant taught me that trick. He helped mommy knit the socks. Hopefully you'll get your magic power back soon!"

"I will!" Pearl was determined to practice at least four times a week. With that she knew that she could trust Trucy to keep Phoenix back on track.

Last edited by Chloe on Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Miss Armando (AU Miego)Topic%20Title
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Spoiler: Chapter Two: Wet Shoulder
The results of the trial were very interesting. How else could Diana put it? according to Mia it was a disaster. No verdict was given due to the defendant's suicide. After thanking Diana for the coffee, Terry Fawles slumped over the stand lifeless. She could see the anger and disappointment in Mia's eyes. Mia was too young and beautiful to cry, just now. Diana held onto her mug in a raging grip. “Don't cry yet Kitty,” Diana said. The mug crashed and her hands started to bleed. She smiled at Mia saying: “the only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over.”

Today, Diana was the shoulder to cry on and the one to comfort Mia. As promised Diana took Mia to the place where she said had good coffee. She found the perfect opportunity to get to know Mia more. Since she was going to be her co-worker for quite some time. It would be a shame to let her slip – when she seemed so interesting and sparked intelligence. She might not ever get to see Mia again, so she had to make the most of what she had of her now. “You feeling better now?” asked Diana in a soothing voice. She tickled Mia's fingers in hope for a giggle.

“Not really,” Mia replied covered her face in the newspaper. “I feel like I really messed up. I was that close to proving him...”

“Try not to think about it,” Diana suggested. “I don't like seeing women cry. I wanna hear more about you? Where did you come from originally?”

“From Kurain.” Mia lowered the newspaper away from her face. “It's a village about spirit channeling.”

“Sounds interesting,” Diana replied with her lips glued to her mug. “So what's your family like? Any brothers, sisters or children?”

“I got one younger sister and a baby cousin who still live in Kurain with Aunt Morgan,” Mia replied. “Morgan can be pretty scary sometimes but okay.”

“No kids then?”

“No!” Mia barked. Diana smirked as she noticed that she made Mia a little mad. Girls like her looked damn right sexy when mad. Diana thinks she can read Mia's mind: right now Mia must assume that Diana had indirectly called her a little slut. Of course she meant nothing of that in the slightest but she couldn't resist. Thinking carefully, Diana might have made an immature move on Mia. But the girl needed some cheering and her mind off that trial. “No offense, but can I ask a question?” Mia asked in an awkward stance. Mia's eyes faced Diana's hands.

“Go ahead.”

“Are you a... lesbian?” Her lips trembled as she spoke.

“Yes,” Diana proudly admitted. It didn't offend Diana in the slightest. “I am. You?”

“I consider myself straight.”

“Nice,” lied Diana. Of course it was never too late to convert Mia. “So why did you become a lawyer?”

“To find out what happened to my mom,” Mia replied. “There were rumors that she had an affair with a defense attorney – it lead my dad to commit suicide. I'm curious about Bluecorp; I think they're involved.”

“Sorry to hear about your parents Kitty,” Diana said. “Sounds quite tough for you.”

“Yeah,” Mia said. “But I'm determined to find the truth! I'll send Bluecorp and Dahlia Hawthorne down again!”

“I like your spirit,” Diana announced. “Very sexy indeed.” She smiled as she saw Mia cringe a bit. She knew teasing Mia was going to be so much fun.

“T-thanks Diana...”

“Aww, it's so wonderful watching you two getting along so wonderfully!”It was the voice of their boss, Marvin Grossberg. “Sorry I couldn't be there today.”

“Your ass caused havoc again boss?” Diana asked.

“Yes indeed, I need to get this checked out.”

“I see,” Mia muttered her eyes rolled as if she didn't want the mental image.

“I heard what happened today,” Marvin admitted. “A shame it had to happen, but I'm glad you two are getting along. And Diana whatever you do keep Mia away from Gant I beg of you!”

“Who's Gant?” Mia asked.

“Damon Gant,” Diana replied. “Boss thinks he's a pedophile and a rapist but he couldn't prove it. He's cool can be weird though.”

“Don't worry Mia,” Marvin assured, “Diana and I will look after you.”
Re: Law Plus Chaos (Apollo x Trucy & Phoenix x Iris)Topic%20Title
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No update? :larry:

The characters seem to be and audacious regarding their speech gives a tinge of realism that the AA series kind of censors. I like it. =D
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VeryHappyTaffy wrote:
No update? :larry:

The characters seem to be and audacious regarding their speech gives a tinge of realism that the AA series kind of censors. I like it. =D

Working on next chapter. :)
And thanks, (had to look in the dictionary to see what audacious means - cool. :pearl: )
Re: C.G's fics: Miss Armando (AU Miego) & Trucy/Pearl oneshotTopic%20Title
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Title: Haunting Mother
Rating: G
Pairing: Hinted Wocky/Pearl
Notes: This is kinda random for my standards. I was playing on the random pairing generator and got Pearl/Morgan and Morgan/Daryan so it gave me this idea for a one-shot.

Spoiler: Haunting Mother
As soon as she saw the envelope addressed to Pearl Fey. She knew it was her mother. This was the first time she had heard from her aunt's death. She was intrigued to see what her mother, Morgan Fey had to say. Pearl never really visited her mother much, but her half-sister, Iris did. Morgan took no interest into Iris at all, and it was no secret that Pearl was Morgan's favorite child. She leapt to her room, bounced on her bed and ripped up the envelope with a vivid excitement. Her emotions swayed from smiles to frowns as became hooked to the letter.

My dearest Pearl,

Everything has gone tragically wrong. Why should it it be I, who has to suffer such shame? By the time you have received this letter, you would be eighteen. I think about you everyday and pray that you are safe from any harm. Not much has changed, my precious daughter: I'm still secluded in this cold cell. Quite difficult to occupy myself, the prison food is terrible. My actions sound heinous, but I did them all you. I know you understand that. You would have been such a glorious master to our clan. My life is most bitter without your monthly visits and I hope this letter will prompt you to visit me one day. I would prefer you to be alone – without any influence from anyone else.

Since you already know about Iris and Dahlia, I think it's best if you know about another secret of mine. I have held it back for many years because I thought nobody needed to know. I know you would be so disappointed in me, but I hope you can forgive me for this. You have a brother. I gave birth to him after the twins left. He's seven years older than you, and I left him. His father gave no interest in him, and I was in too much grief to be the good mother I should have been. I abandoned him. I forgot his name. I must admit, I was far too disappointed in him that I didn't get the daughter I needed.

And you were the daughter I so desperately desired. You have a wonderful talent, that I can spend hours praising you for. I am so proud of you. But there is one thing I have to say. I must congratulate you on having a boyfriend. I confess I would never imagine you dating the only son of the Kitaki clan. I hope you're being careful, I don't want the family to harm you. However, I must strongly advise not to date this... beast. But if it makes you happy, I pray that your boyfriend will repent and become the good sir you deserve. I fear you may lose your power and I doubt this relationship will end blissfully.

Pearl, I want you to think about the following questions I give you. Would you like your spiritual power to be invincible? Would you like glorious power? Do you like the sound of authority and guidance from my part? Can you find Mystic Maya's flaws as the master? If the answer is yes to all of them, and I surely hope it is, I want you imagine yourself as the master. It's quite a glorious thought, yes? You can overthrow Mystic Maya anytime with your superior power. This is my final wish. It will do the Fey Clan a lot of good and you will thank me for it.

I beg of you; don't let all my effort to go to waste.

Eternally yours,



The letter made Pearl feel bittersweet. She was happy to hear from her mother, but sad that she never liked Maya or her boyfriend. She was tempted to scrunch the letter up and rip it apart, but half of her wanted to keep and treasure the letter as if it was the last thing she would ever get from her mother. Pearl was happy the way things were right now; she had a job, a boyfriend, and some good friends to keep her occupied. She felt it would be unfortunate to displease her mother, but that was the way it had to be. She wasn't going to show the letter to anyone. She didn't want to be a burden to anyone.

Since she was a little girl, she always thought that was an only child. Until she found out about Iris and Dahlia also being Morgan's daughters. And for the whole time, she had a brother too.

With the letter by her side, she got herself another sheet of a paper, grabbed a pen and started writing her thoughts away. It was not going to be an easy letter.

Dear Mother,

My eighteenth birthday party was wonderful. And it's nice to hear that you think about me everyday. I think it's time you gave up trying to make me the master. Maya already does a marvelous job and I think it would be a bit too hard for me. You know I've always wanted to be like her when I'm older. Here I am and Mystic Maya and I are quite different when it comes to love and taste. That aside, Mystic Maya is my best friend in the whole entire world and I want her to live happily ever after. So for my sake, I think you should let it go now. I'm a woman now and I have my own mindset. Iris and I visited Dahlia's grave yesterday. We placed some flowers near her grave.

I'm not sure if I'm going to get enough time to visit you because of my new job and school work. I gotta make a living. I'm working at iFly airport and my manager Miss Wakana is so lovely. We both have matching teddy bears and my uniform is really conformable. A bit too skimpy, but still lovely. It's a really generous pay as well – I've never seen so much money before.

I'm quite sad you don't really approve of Wocky. He's such a gentleman, he might not look like he is, but he's a sweetie at heart. Okay, I was scared of him at first but I managed to warm up to him. He takes me out to places, buys me clothes and last week he bought me this lovely jewel necklace.

But how on earth could you keep that secret away from me? And you abandoned him as well, that was just so mean of you to do. I used to be curious to what it would be like to have a brother as well. And I don't understand how you can forget your own child's name. I just hope he's somewhere he can be loved. Daryan Cresend, who used to be a member of the Gavinners was found guilty of murder two years ago. He was always my favorite; probably because his wild hair and his eyes reminded me of you. Mr. Klavier's autobiography said that he was an orphan too. It might be just a coincidence but you never know. I believe in miracles.

There are some things I just don't understand about the Fey Clan. I don't wanna betray Mystic Maya again. So I think this is... goodbye for now.

Love from Pearl.

"I still love you mother," Pearl whispered.

Last edited by Chloe on Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: C.G's fics: Haunting MotherTopic%20Title
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C.Gholy wrote:
Title: Haunting Mother
Rating: G
Pairing: Hinted Wocky/Pearl
Notes: This is kinda random for my standards. I was playing on the random pairing generator and got Pearl/Morgan and Morgan/Daryan so it gave me this idea for a one-shot.

Spoiler: Haunting Mother
As soon as she saw the envelope addressed to Pearl Fey. She knew it was her mother. This was the first time she had heard from her aunt's death. She was intrigued to see what her mother, Morgan Fey had to say. Pearl never really visited her mother much, but her half-sister, Iris did. Morgan took no interest into Iris at all, and it was no secret that Pearl was Morgan's favorite child. She leapt to her room, bounced on her bed and ripped up the envelope with a vivid excitement. Her emotions swayed from smiles to frowns as became hooked to the letter.

My dearest Pearl,

Everything has gone tragically wrong. Why should it it be I, who has to suffer such shame? By the time you have received this letter, you would be eighteen. I think about you everyday and pray that you are safe from any harm. Not much has changed, my precious daughter, I'm still secluded in this cold cell. Quite difficult to occupy myself, the prison food is terrible. My actions sound heinous, but I did them all you. I know you understand that. You would have been such a glorious master to our clan. My life is most bitter without your monthly visits and I hope this letter will prompt you to visit me one day. I would prefer you to be alone – without any influence from anyone else.

Since you already know about Iris and Dahlia, I think it's best if you know about another secret of mine. I have held it back for many years because I thought nobody needed to know. I know you would be so disappointed in me, but I hope you can forgive me for this. You have a brother. I gave birth to him after the twins left. He's seven years older than you, and I left him. His father gave no interest in him, and I was in too much grief to be the good mother I should have been. I abandoned him. I forgot his name. I must admit, I was far too disappointed in him that I didn't get the daughter I needed.

And you were the daughter I so desperately desired. You have a wonderful talent, that I can spend hours praising you for. I am so proud of you. But there is one thing I have to say. I must congratulate you on having a boyfriend. I confess I would never imagine you dating the only son of the Kitaki clan. I hope you're being careful, I don't want the family to harm you. However, I must strongly advise not to date this... beast. But if it makes you happy, I pray that your boyfriend will repent and become the good sir you deserve. I fear you may lose your power and I doubt this relationship will end blissfully.

Pearl, I want you to think about the following questions I give you. Would you like your spiritual power to be invincible? Would you like glorious power? Do you like the sound of authority and guidance from my part? Can you find Mystic Maya's flaws as the master? If the answer is yes to all of them, and I surely hope it is, I want you imagine yourself as the master. It's quite a glorious thought, yes? You can overthrow Mystic Maya anytime with your superior power. This is my final wish. It will do the Fey Clan a lot of good and you will thank me for it.

I beg of you; don't let all my effort to go to waste.

Eternally yours,



The letter made Pearl feel bittersweet. She was happy to hear from her mother, but sad that she never liked Maya or her boyfriend. She was tempted to scrunch the letter up and rip it apart, but half of her wanted to keep and treasure the letter as if it was the last thing she would ever get from her mother. Pearl was happy the way things were right now; she had a job, a boyfriend, and some good friends to keep her occupied. She felt it would be unfortunate to displease her mother, but that was the way it had to be. She wasn't going to show the letter to anyone. She didn't want to be a burden to anyone.

Since she was a little girl, she always thought that was an only child. Until she found out about Iris and Dahlia also being Morgan's daughters. And for the whole time, she had a brother too.

With the letter by her side, she got herself another sheet of a paper, grabbed a pen and started writing her thoughts away. It was not going to be an easy letter.

Dear Mother,

My eighteenth birthday party was wonderful. And it's nice to hear that you think about me everyday. I think it's time you gave you trying to make me the master, Maya already does a marvelous job and I think it would be a bit too hard for me. You know I've always wanted to be like her when I'm older. Here I am and Mystic Maya and I are quite different when it comes to love and taste. That aside, Mystic Maya is my best friend in the whole entire world and I want her to live happily ever after. So for my sake, I think you should let it go now. I'm a woman now and I have my own mindset. Iris and I visited Dahlia's grave yesterday. We placed some flowers near her grave.

I'm not sure if I'm going to get enough time to visit you because of my new job and school work. I gotta make a living. I'm working in at iFly airport and my manager Miss Wakana is so lovely. We both have matching teddy bears and my uniform is really conformable. A bit too skimpy, but still lovely. It's a really generous pay as well – I've never seen so much money before.

I'm quite sad you don't really approve of Wocky. He's such a gentleman, he might not look like he is, but he's a sweetie at heart. Okay, I was scared of him at first but I managed to warm up to him. He takes me out to places, buys me clothes and last week he bought me this lovely jewel necklace.

But how on earth could you keep that secret away from me. And you abandoned him as well, that was just so mean of you to do. I used to be curious to what it would be like to have a brother as well. And I don't understand how you can forget your own child's name. I just hope he's somewhere he can be loved. Daryan Cresend, who used to be a member of the Gavinners was found guilty of murder two years ago. He was always my favorite; probably because his wild hair and his eyes reminded me of you. Mr. Klavier's autobiography said that he was an orphan too. It might be just a coincidence but you never know. I believe in miracles.

There are some things I just don't understand about the Fey Clan. I don't wanna betray Mystic Maya again. So I think this is... goodbye for now.

Love from Pearl.

"I still love you mother," Pearl whispered.

I <3 you for writing this! LOL You've given me inspiration for the next part of my fanfiction! I really like this concept of Daryan...I won't go any further, in fear of spoilers!

"In a world of locked doors, the man with the key is King, and honey, you should see me in a crown!" ~Moriarty~
All my fan-fiction in one complete package!
Re: C.G's fics: Miss Armando (AU Miego) & Trucy/Pearl oneshotTopic%20Title
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C.Gholy wrote:
Title: Haunting Mother
Rating: G
Pairing: Hinted Wocky/Pearl
Notes: This is kinda random for my standards. I was playing on the random pairing generator and got Pearl/Morgan and Morgan/Daryan so it gave me this idea for a one-shot.

Spoiler: Haunting Mother
As soon as she saw the envelope addressed to Pearl Fey. She knew it was her mother. This was the first time she had heard from her aunt's death. She was intrigued to see what her mother, Morgan Fey had to say. Pearl never really visited her mother much, but her half-sister, Iris did. Morgan took no interest into Iris at all, and it was no secret that Pearl was Morgan's favorite child. She leapt to her room, bounced on her bed and ripped up the envelope with a vivid excitement. Her emotions swayed from smiles to frowns as became hooked to the letter.

My dearest Pearl,

Everything has gone tragically wrong. Why should it it be I, who has to suffer such shame? By the time you have received this letter, you would be eighteen. I think about you everyday and pray that you are safe from any harm. Not much has changed, my precious daughter, I'm still secluded in this cold cell. Quite difficult to occupy myself, the prison food is terrible. My actions sound heinous, but I did them all you. I know you understand that. You would have been such a glorious master to our clan. My life is most bitter without your monthly visits and I hope this letter will prompt you to visit me one day. I would prefer you to be alone – without any influence from anyone else.

Since you already know about Iris and Dahlia, I think it's best if you know about another secret of mine. I have held it back for many years because I thought nobody needed to know. I know you would be so disappointed in me, but I hope you can forgive me for this. You have a brother. I gave birth to him after the twins left. He's seven years older than you, and I left him. His father gave no interest in him, and I was in too much grief to be the good mother I should have been. I abandoned him. I forgot his name. I must admit, I was far too disappointed in him that I didn't get the daughter I needed.

And you were the daughter I so desperately desired. You have a wonderful talent, that I can spend hours praising you for. I am so proud of you. But there is one thing I have to say. I must congratulate you on having a boyfriend. I confess I would never imagine you dating the only son of the Kitaki clan. I hope you're being careful, I don't want the family to harm you. However, I must strongly advise not to date this... beast. But if it makes you happy, I pray that your boyfriend will repent and become the good sir you deserve. I fear you may lose your power and I doubt this relationship will end blissfully.

Pearl, I want you to think about the following questions I give you. Would you like your spiritual power to be invincible? Would you like glorious power? Do you like the sound of authority and guidance from my part? Can you find Mystic Maya's flaws as the master? If the answer is yes to all of them, and I surely hope it is, I want you imagine yourself as the master. It's quite a glorious thought, yes? You can overthrow Mystic Maya anytime with your superior power. This is my final wish. It will do the Fey Clan a lot of good and you will thank me for it.

I beg of you; don't let all my effort to go to waste.

Eternally yours,



The letter made Pearl feel bittersweet. She was happy to hear from her mother, but sad that she never liked Maya or her boyfriend. She was tempted to scrunch the letter up and rip it apart, but half of her wanted to keep and treasure the letter as if it was the last thing she would ever get from her mother. Pearl was happy the way things were right now; she had a job, a boyfriend, and some good friends to keep her occupied. She felt it would be unfortunate to displease her mother, but that was the way it had to be. She wasn't going to show the letter to anyone. She didn't want to be a burden to anyone.

Since she was a little girl, she always thought that was an only child. Until she found out about Iris and Dahlia also being Morgan's daughters. And for the whole time, she had a brother too.

With the letter by her side, she got herself another sheet of a paper, grabbed a pen and started writing her thoughts away. It was not going to be an easy letter.

Dear Mother,

My eighteenth birthday party was wonderful. And it's nice to hear that you think about me everyday. I think it's time you gave you trying to make me the master, Maya already does a marvelous job and I think it would be a bit too hard for me. You know I've always wanted to be like her when I'm older. Here I am and Mystic Maya and I are quite different when it comes to love and taste. That aside, Mystic Maya is my best friend in the whole entire world and I want her to live happily ever after. So for my sake, I think you should let it go now. I'm a woman now and I have my own mindset. Iris and I visited Dahlia's grave yesterday. We placed some flowers near her grave.

I'm not sure if I'm going to get enough time to visit you because of my new job and school work. I gotta make a living. I'm working in at iFly airport and my manager Miss Wakana is so lovely. We both have matching teddy bears and my uniform is really conformable. A bit too skimpy, but still lovely. It's a really generous pay as well – I've never seen so much money before.

I'm quite sad you don't really approve of Wocky. He's such a gentleman, he might not look like he is, but he's a sweetie at heart. Okay, I was scared of him at first but I managed to warm up to him. He takes me out to places, buys me clothes and last week he bought me this lovely jewel necklace.

But how on earth could you keep that secret away from me. And you abandoned him as well, that was just so mean of you to do. I used to be curious to what it would be like to have a brother as well. And I don't understand how you can forget your own child's name. I just hope he's somewhere he can be loved. Daryan Cresend, who used to be a member of the Gavinners was found guilty of murder two years ago. He was always my favorite; probably because his wild hair and his eyes reminded me of you. Mr. Klavier's autobiography said that he was an orphan too. It might be just a coincidence but you never know. I believe in miracles.

There are some things I just don't understand about the Fey Clan. I don't wanna betray Mystic Maya again. So I think this is... goodbye for now.

Love from Pearl.

"I still love you mother," Pearl whispered.

This was really sweet mother/daughter relationship story. I can totally imagine Morgan not really approving of Pearl's relationship with Wocky. Even though they were a bit dysfunctional, it's nice to see Pearl still loves her mom after all that she did.
Re: Chlo's fics: Pink Psyche Locks (Maya/Franziska)Topic%20Title
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Thank you so Sarah and Jamie.
And I think I'll do another fic with Morgan being Daryan's mother.

And a new one-shot I've done for the kink meme.

Title: Pink Psyche Locks
Rating: T
Pairing: Franziska/Maya
Spoiler: Pink Psyche Locks
After eight years, Phoenix Wright returned to his office as a lawyer again. With his reputation back on track and a good reunion with his good friend, Maya Fey. She remained as slim and perky as ever. Her black hair and purple robes remained just as they were those years ago. They had only managed to keep in touch with each other online because Maya had been so busy. They continued to exchange gifts and he still had a lot of Steel Samurai DVDs received from Maya hat he forgot to watch. It felt brilliant yet strange at the same time.

Even more strange to see Pearl all grown up and almost his daughter's age. She was still as hopeful as ever to see him and Maya in a relationship. Somethings just never change.

“Hey Nick, did you hear about Franzy?” Maya asked as she browsed through the newspaper.

“You told me a million times Maya,” Phoenix told her. “She's an official suspect for the murder of John Kaiser.”

“But they haven't even got any evidence against her!” Maya yelled. “They're just saying it's a repeat of the DL-6 case. It's wrong and if she does get arrested, it will just be stupid.” John Kaiser, an admirer of Franziska was found dead in a bush near Franziska's house. He was shot in the heart. Since then, Franziska's home had been invaded with police officers and investigators.

Maya was up to something.

Phoenix Wright knew Maya for nearly ten years. If she was up to something he would smell it from a miles away. He was pretty good at predicting this stuff since being a talented poker player. And that one pink psyche lock that he saw yesterday. They were unlike any other normal psychelocks. There was a time where Kristoph had five cold, dark black locks full of despair. He couldn't get the pink one out of his mind though, he thought he could break these because of the cheeky atmosphere. They seemed completely harmless, but Phoenix had learned the hard way never to judge a book by it's cover. Even the most harmless looking people could be a culprit to something so cruel.

But why was there a cheeky atmosphere?

Maya admitted she was at Franziska's house at the night of the murder. And he wondered about her. At the same time he was concerned. If Maya continued on like this, she might get arrested as an accomplice – that was the last thing Phoenix wanted – and the last thing Maya needs. It was investigation time and potentially his first case in eight years.

"Where are you going?" Maya asked him eagerly.

"To Franziska's house," Phoenix replied. "I need to ask her a few questions." He couldn't understand the need to go now, but he knew it would please Maya.

"I'll go with you," Maya offered in joy.

He didn't wish be out for long though, he needed to check that Trucy and Apollo were all right.

Does Franziska have anything to do with that lock?


They had arrived at Von Karma's Mansion forty-five minutes later. Maya remained perky, yet her happiness sparked up like fireworks just now. He never used to notice this in his first years of being a lawyer. The fountains dazzled in the moonlight and the marble statue seemed to have glowed. He was not surprised to see statues of Manfred and Franziska Von Karma besides the stair case.

"It's beautiful here, isn't it Nick?" Maya asked.

"Sure is."

"Let's go in!" Maya dashed to the door leaving Phoenix five feet behind. She hopped unto the stairs and knocked in the door with passion like a young child.

"Wait for me Maya!" Phoenix requested.

"What kind of fool will be foolishly knocking at this foolish time of night!" It was a female voice and Maya couldn't help but smile. The door opened and there was Franziska Von Karma in a white silky dressing gown. Her aqua hair shined as it did in every trial. Almost as perfect as her main goals.

"Hi Franziska," Maya cried. She gave Franziska a delightful hug that gave a natural tight grip to it. "You look so pretty tonight!"

"I always look pretty," Franziska smirked, trying to act professional. "Now why are you two fools doing knocking on my house?"

Phoenix was too scared to speak, but he thought Maya randomly hugging Franziska like that was cute.

"Nick has a few questions."

"Make it quick," she muttered. “It's ruining my perfect beauty sleep.”

Now Phoenix wished that he had just stayed in bed now. They followed Franziska to her lounge without a word. Floral patterns and glistening ornaments filled the room with elegance. Bookshelves galore and a fascinating view near the window. The sofas were slick, red with white polka dots.

"So you and Maya where here at the night of the murder," Phoenix said in an instant. "What did you do?"

"We were talking about foolish things," Franziska muttered.

"Such as?"

"Burgers, Steel Samurai, Pink Princess, music and books," Maya answered on Franziska's behalf. "We read some books together too."

"So you and Maya did nothing else last night?" Phoenix asked Franziska.

"That's right," Franziska replied. "Now I have nothing more to say. Kindly get out."

He refused to leave. Chains flashed around her and four of those pink psychelocks appeared. Bingo! Time to break the locks. "Oh really?" Phoenix asked. "I think you two did a lot more than that!"

"Get out Phoenix Wright!" demanded Franziska. "You can't prove it."

"Oh yes I can," Phoenix smirked. "Here's the proof!" Phoenix reached for his pocket holding out a small golden tube. Franziska remained unimpressed whilst Maya walked over to her. Phoenix smirked as he opened up the lid revealing crimson lipstick. The shade matched Maya's lips. “Looks like you too have been having make overs?”

“So?” Franziska spat.

“Maya never wears make-up,” Phoenix added. “And the night after the murder, she came to my office later than usual smelling like perfume.”

“So do you like the make over then?” Maya asked in excitement.

“Personally I prefer you without the make-up,” he said. “I won't stop you though.”

“And what does this lipstick have to do with the murder?” Franziska asked. Her tone was angry and desperate, but her eyes were weary.

“Nothing,” Phoenix replied with a smile on his face. “But I think if you reveal your secret, it will clear you of all suspicion.”

“You're such a fool Phoenix Wright.”

“Now let's cut to the chase,” Phoenix continued. “The lipstick strongly hints that you and Maya are dating.”

“WHAT!” Maya and Franziska gasped in unison. Maya's psyche lock and one of Franziska's locks shattered into dust. The chains swept away from Maya and transferred onto Franziska. Phoenix decided he would talk to Maya about this later, right now he was going to break Franziska's psychelocks. Thinking about it, he wasn't quite sure if Franziska was really innocent of murder. To be honest, he thought it was her at first, but there was no evidence or traces of her at the crime scene. The suspicion kept stalking her, no matter who was arrested for the crime. The excuse was that she was a Von Karma, they were perfect and would leave no evidence.

Breaking this pink psychelocks could change the whole situation around.

“You fool Phoenix Wright,” Franziska bellowed. “You can't prove anything. Maya Fey and I are just friends.”

“Not according to this,” Phoenix flashed out a pink cell phone from out of his pocket. He swung it with fingers. He face Maya and told her, “you should more care of your stuff next time Maya. You're lucky it fell into my hands.”

“GIVE IT BACK!” Maya snapped trying to reach out for her phone. “Nick this isn't the time for games. We need to check that Pearl and Trucy are fine and Franziska needs her sleep.” Phoenix dodged her every time and chuckled as he read through a message Franziska had sent her.

“I'm jealous Franziska,” Phoenix admitted. “Maya texts you more than she does me. But you sent her a really cute message.”

You're a fool Maya Fey, but you're my cute fool.

Franziska blushed as two psychelocks shattered into thin air, leaving just chains and one final pink lock around her. Maya didn't seem to notice that her cheeks were just as red as Franziska's face – she seemed more interested in getting her phone back – it was fun teasing the pair of them. Maya was probably going to regret giving him her magatama to keep. Franziska's back faced Phoenix and she sealed her lips with willpower. Phoenix spotted something: lipstick marks on Franziska's gown. The marks were the key into breaking her final lock.

“So if you're really just friends, then why is their lipstick marks on the back of your nightgown?” Phoenix asked. Franziska remained silent as it caught Maya's attention – she giggled.

“We sure had fun last night,” Maya confessed.

“I can see that,” Phoenix could only agree with Maya. “So maybe you can tell me what you and Franziska were up to last night?”

“We slept together,” was Maya's answer. With that, Franziska's final lock had vanished and the chains quickly followed. She froze to the spot and refused to accept the fact that she had just got owned by Phoenix Wright ... again. “Sorry Franzy,” Maya said.

“How come you didn't tell me Maya?” Phoenix asked. It wasn't natural for Maya to keep secrets, and he didn't see why dating a woman should be much of a secret. Then he came to realize why their relationship was a secret. Maya was the master of Kurain and the elders were strict and would probably advice against lesbianism. Personally, Phoenix found that rather stupid; if the master wanted to date a woman – let her. He saw no good reason why Maya would want to hide it, so it was most likely Franziska who wanted to hide it. Franziska probably thought it would affect her “perfect record” and reputation.

And it all started to make sense.

“None of your business Phoenix Wright!” Franziska barked.

“I was talking to Maya, not you.”

“Franziska wasn't ready to come out yet,” Maya replied. She leapt up to hug Franziska, who was still frozen. “I was ready to tell you, but Franzy didn't want everyone to know so I kept it quiet.”

“As in you were waiting until Franziska felt ready?” Phoenix asked, still a bit confused. Maya nodded and kissed Franziska's blushing cheek. “So when did you two start dating?”

“A couple of months ago,” Maya replied. “We were sending messages and we met up from time to time.”

“I wonder how Pearls is going to take this?” Phoenix thought out aloud. It would be something, Pearl would be disappointed in. “Well, this should clear up your suspicion to murder hopefully.”

“I hope so too!” Maya cheered on. “Tomorrow we can all have a picnic!”

“That sounds nice Maya,” Phoenix said, nodding his head. “I guess I'll leave you too to have some time on your own. I'll go check up with Pearls, Trucy and Apollo.”

With that Phoenix sprinted out of the mansion. He found it amazing how so much could change in eight years.
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Spoiler: Chapter Eleven: The Girl In Pink
The heavy sounds screamed in Apollo's ear at the club. Klavier had invited Apollo and Wocky for a guys night out. It sounded perfect – he needed to clear his mind. After everything that had happened to him since being a lawyer. Crazy mentors, defending crazy clients, wild characters, finding out the parents he thought were dead, and the affair with his sister. Yes, it sure was an eventful life maybe too eventful. But the trial today was something else. And he thought that he just saw Judge Salsa swaying his hips on the dance floor.

Wocky didn't really seem to be in a mood for going out. He had been sending messages to Pearl non-stop. He was just completely crazy over her, just like how he was crazy over Alita. It didn't really seem as if he had learned his lesson yet. Pearl seemed innocent, but so did Alita and she turned out to be a gold digger. He just had to be careful. At least, Apollo hoped Wocky was treading with care.

“That trial was whack,” said Wocky with his eyes glued to his cell phone.

“But it was fun, ja?” Klavier asked.

Apollo admitted: “I wouldn't exactly call corrupted court proceedings fun.”

“We got to the truth, and that's matters,” said Klavier. “Herr Judge was funny.” Apollo thought Judge Salsa was a jerk. He feared for anyone who had him as a judge in court. It was just so unreal, that it was like dream material. “I have one question for you Herr Forhead,” Klavier announced in a cheeky tone.

“What is it?”

“Is it true what Fräulein Von Karma said?” Klavier asked. “Did you really kiss your sister?”

“I'm not answering that question.” Apollo snapped. He chose to go on a night out to forget what had happened, not to reflect on it. Wocky gulped down his bottle as Apollo thought hard of a way to get out of the topic.

“Why not?” Klavier moaned. “It's just a yes or no answer.”

“And I don't wanna talk about it,” Apollo spat. He clenched his fists as if he was going to punch Klavier.

“I need to know though...”

“WHY do you need to know?”

“I want us to be good friends, ja?” Klavier informed them. “You can trust me.”

“Can we just ... change the subject?” requested Apollo. He noticed that Wocky didn't speak since Klavier brought up the incest topic.

“No,” Klavier replied. “Just answer my question then we'll drop it.”

“Yes...” Apollo mumbled. “Happy now?”

“Hey nothing to worry about Herr Forehead,” Klavier replied. “I lost my virginity to my brother. So did you lose it to her?”

“How did you...” Apollo whimpered then shook his head. “I mean NO! Of course I never did it!” Apollo screeched. “I wouldn't of... touched her like that – she's my sister.”

“You're a bad liar Herr Forehead.”

“I'm a virgin,” Apollo claimed. He wanted Klavier to believe that. “It was just a kiss and that was all it was – nothing more.”

“So many times have you screwed her then?” Klavier asked as if Apollo's virginity claim never happened.

“Uh... none: I just told you I WAS A VIRGIN!”

“I wouldn't shout that out too loud if I were you,” Klavier whispered.

“Well I wouldn't go round telling people you lost your VIRGINITY to your BROTHER!”

“Only you and my brother know,” Klavier admitted.

“You guys are fucking weird,” interrupted Wocky. “It's just sick talking about incest man. Can we just drop it?”

“Okay it's dropped!” Klavier dropped. Apollo heard Wocky sigh in relief.

“Finally...” said Apollo who grabbed his beer.

“Guys, look at what Pearl sent sent me!” Wocky shouted, flashing his phone. “Read it,” his words jumped, “READ IT!”

You're one of the most sweetest guys in town. I love you with the bottom of my heart. I hope you are enjoying yourself with Mr. Klavier and Mr. Polly. Hopefully I'll come with you and do some dancing in the club. Hehe you take care. X

“That's cute,” giggled Klavier.

“I know, right?” Wocky replied in vivid excitement.

“Wocky...” Apollo mumbled, “please be careful.”

“I don't need to be careful,” Wocky snapped. “Pearl's the most cutest and innocent girl I've ever met. I don't need to be careful.”

“That's exactly why you have to be careful,” Apollo warned him. Wocky only frowned and his back faced the pair of them. “Look Wocky, we're only doing this because we care for you.”

“Whatever,” Wocky muttered.

“You heard what Klavier said,” Apollo tapped Wocky's blazer. “We wanna be good friends.”

“You got a funny way of showing it!” Wocky barked and nudged Apollo's hands away.

“That's what friends do,” Klavier reminded them. “We all look out for each other. Like Herr Forehead said, we both care about you.”

“For a starters I don't wanna hear any more of this incest shit, ya got that?”

“Crystal!” was Klavier's immediate answer. His blue eyes then wondered to the bar into the sight of a curvy woman. Her dress was cropped low to show her plump breasts. Her hair and shoes matched her shocking pink theme. Her diamond necklace sparkled like water facing summer sunlight. “Wow!” Klavier mouthed. “That girl in pink is hot! That girl at the bar, she's got a cute face to match that hot figure.”

“Yeah,” Apollo agreed. “She is pretty hot.”

“She's all right,” Wocky said when he took a glimpse of her. Apollo was surprised Wocky didn't end up saying something like: my girlfriend is hotter. And wasn't Klavier suppose to be madly in love with Ema?

“I'm going to talk to her,” Klavier instantly decided. “Yes I will be careful. I am dating Ema after all.” Apollo followed Klavier, just in case. Wocky ended up following them too, with his eyes on his phone.

“ALL RIGHT GENTLEMAN!” roared a Jamaican. voice in front of them. It was Judge Salsa from the trial. A bright yellow top and crimson shorts that were baggy enough to carry shopping in. “How is it going?”

“Nice to see you My Lord,” Klavier said as if he was in a hurry.

“You seen any fine women on this lovely night?” asked Salsa.

“Ja!” Klavier replied. “That pink one at the bar.”

“She looks sexy indeed, but them big boobies are trouble.” Judge Salsa said. “Be faithful Klavier, be faithful. You see that brunette over there!” Salsa pointed at a woman sitting on a table on her own. “That's Lana Skye.”

“Is that Ema's mom?” Apollo asked.

“I defiantly should be careful,” Klavier vowed to himself.

“That's her sister you pair of douches!” Salsa responded as he banged both Apollo and Klavier's heads together. “If she catches you doing your thing on another woman, you're dead.”

“Nothing wrong with harmless flirting,” Klavier announced. “I can dance to something so the girl in pink will notice me. Herr Forehead, Wocky dance with me.”

“I ain't dancing to no shit song!” Wocky told them. “You guys better choose a good song.”

Salsa grinned as he got a disc out of his pocket. “How about this one, it's called boombastic. It is sung by Shaggy. It's my favorite song of all time!”

“I hate that song!” Apollo reacted.

“Hey what are you talking about?” Wocky asked, gritting his teeth at Apollo. “That's an awesome song!”

“I'll make sure you get a penalty if you don't dance,” threatened Salsa. Apollo shouldn't have expected anything better.

“Fine I will,” Apollo said, as much as he didn't want to do it. He tried to think positive, he might end up having fun. It wasn't as if he was trying to hook up with a random woman like Klavier was intending to. Then he thought: it wasn't such a bad idea. He couldn't dance a single step, but he couldn't imagine Wocky being that good either.

“You guys go downstairs,” Salsa ordered them like a caring brother. “I'll go to the DJ's stand.”

“I suck at dancing though,” Wocky admitted.

“Me too,” Apollo replied.

“Just follow what I do, and you'll be all right!” Klavier requested. “I'm a god at this. They're going to pay more attention to me.”

“Ladies and gentleman,” Salsa's voice boomed across the club and dance floor. “Dancing to one of my favorite songs of all time, Klavier Gavin, Apollo Justice and Wocky Kitaki dancing to... boombastic!

Bright lights gazed upon the three of them. As the music started, Klavier did some flexible arm movements around his active hips. He still could not believe he was actually dancing to a song he hated, and with Wocky and Klavier. Then the feeling he had that he would learn to enjoy it had faded again. He couldn't resist making bizarre facial expressions. As much as he wanted to pretend he was having fun, his eyes turned and his cheeks went bright red. What the hell am I doing?


“Evening Lana.” Godot swung his hips, grinning at her as he sat down. “This is Winfred.” Godot and Winfred wore matching white tuxedos with the click gentleman's hat on their head.

“It's nice to meet you Lana,” said Winfred.

“Evening,” Lana said smiling.

“Heard you got your job back,” Godot said. “I would never have thought you would be back as the Chief Prosecutor after everything that happened.”

“The Chief said it was out of compassionate grounds,” Lana responded, pushing her shoulders down. “At least I can watch over Ema now. I've had quite a few miracles this month.”

“I've had one of the most biggest miracles a man could ever find,” Godot said. “Finding the son I never knew I had.”

“Right now I'm happy Wocky was found innocent,” Winfred said.

“I'm happy to be there for my son's fifteenth,” Lana said. “How old is your son?”


“My son turned twenty two months ago,” Winfred stated. “That bullet in the heart has finally got out of him. Then that bitch set him up because she wanted a kid.”

“Do you think you'll ever see your grandchild?” Lana asked.

“Maybe, Little Plum is talking to her now. She wants Wocky to see visit the kid.”

“What about Wocky?” Lana asked.

“He's too focused on his new girlfriend,” admitted Winfred. “She's a good girl though, she could help bring some sense into him.”

“That sounds good!” Lana announced as she finished her bottle.

“Winfred, our kitties are on the dance floor!” Godot's visor spied on Wocky and Apollo's cartwheels, noticing Klavier was out of sight. “I think I'll join them,” he decided after one last sip of coffee.

“I second that,” Winfred responded as he stood up.

“I haven't done that sort of thing in years,” admitted Lana. “But I'll join too.”

“I like your spirit kitty!” Godot smirked as he hopped onto the floor. “All right there son?” he asked when he got in front of Apollo.

“PRETTY FINE DAD!” roared Apollo.

“Apollo, what ya doing?” Wocky asked, trying to imitate wild arm shaking and hip twisting. Then watching Godot follow as if he was a natural of dancing. As for Winfred, Wocky had no idea what he was doing here at all.


“Your old man can sure see that.” Godot nodded his head with his swaying hips. “Man if Mia was alive right now...”

“Godot and Ema mentioned you,” Lana told Apollo standing next to her on the dance floor. “I'm Lana Skye, Ema's sister. Nice to meet you.”



Klavier had crept out to the back of the club. The lights and noise inside eliminated the dark silence from the night. The girl he was keen on was besides him, holding his hand. They had been exchanging flirty body language for the whole evening. Klavier smirked as if he had just won the lottery. “So Fräulein, what's your name?”

The night lights had made the woman glow. Her hair shined and her lip gloss sparkled with her jewelry. “It's April May, and I think everyone knows your name,” she said seductively, “Klavier Gavin.”

“You got it in one April,” Klavier smirked wrapping his arms around her.

“Are you hitting on me Klavier?”

“Maybe I am and maybe I'm not.”

“I like how you don't directly say yes,” April giggled, flashing her rack at him. “You should come to my hotel room,” she offered with slow winks. Klavier stared as if she was a grand prize. The palm of her hands resting on her breasts and how slowly she breathed. Klavier knew exactly what she wanted, and it was an offer he couldn't refuse. “We can get to know each other in my room.”

“Sounds sexy!”


Apollo was exhausted on the Sunday morning. He laid on his bed like a bag of bones. His muscles ached from the dancing, his head felt dizzy from the alcohol and his vision felt unstable from being up till half-five. Wocky slept over at Pearl's, and the only other thing he could remember was being in Godot's arms – smelling that breath of caffeine. Trucy was on top of him in her purple pajamas Valant brought her for Christmas last year. Don't tell me I had sex with my sister again, thought Apollo. As if enough things have gotten out of control already.

“You must have had a lot of fun last night,” assumed Trucy. “Luckily you weren't throwing up everywhere. You scared Mommy Iris to tears though. It's okay though, Mr Hat's cheered her up.” Iris could be a little over-protective at times. “It was funny when you touched my breasts though,” giggled Trucy. That was the last thing Apollo wanted to know during his hangover. That must have been what frightened Iris.

Apollo's phone went off and he got Trucy to get it for him. “Hello,” Apollo growled.

“Hey Herr Forehead!” It was Klavier on the phone sounding as enthusiastic. “Have fun last night?”

“I'm not sure,” groaned Apollo. “The only thing I remember is my dad's coffee smell.”

“You've had a bit too much to drink,” Klavier chuckled. Soft moans shook Apollo awake, he could have sworn that he heard a woman moaning. “I'm just having some fun right now.”

“I hope that's... Ema I'm hearing?” Apollo muttered though the phone.

“You know that girl I liked last night?” Klavier laughed. Then everything before the dancing came flooding back. Klavier was warned about her and he even said so himself that he could be faithful to Ema. “Her name is April: it's her you can hear.”

Apollo felt his blood sizzle in an instant. Grabbing onto his phone and screamed though his cell phone: “YOU FUCKING BASTARD!” After he felt a strain in his voice, Apollo hung up and chucked his phone of the bed. If it landed on a hard surface, it would have broke. How could Klavier be so stupid. And he wouldn't be surprised that he wasn't using protection.

"Hangovers suck don't they Apollo?" Phoenix asked with a grin on his face.

"Yes Phoenix," Apollo replied. "They do."
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Spoiler: Chapter Twelve: Good

Come out tonight!” Demanded Wocky through the phone. “Bring Apollo with ya too. I'm meeting up with Machi this afternoon. He said he has something to tell you.”

“Sure,” Trucy replied. “I'll get Polly to come. I'll drag him if I have to.”

“That's good,” Wocky replied. “I don't want Klavier to come – he's being a whack ass.”

“Apollo shouted at him through the phone just now,” Trucy told him. “What happened?”

“Klavier fucked off with this pink chick.”

“OH MY GOD!” Trucy shrieked. “I can't believe it! He cheated on Ema?”

“Yeah, right when her sister's around that dumb dickhead.”

“I thought he loved Ema...”

“Seems like he was talking shit.”

“Aww...” Trucy sighed. “Poor Ema. So who else is going?”

“Vera, Pearl, Cody and my friend Matt. Matt's gonna be a bit late but he'll come.”

“That sounds good! I haven't seen Vera in a while.”

“Wait outside my place at seven. We'll go over to the park and just hang out.”

“I'll be there!” Trucy assured Wocky. “I'll see you there.” They both said their goodbyes and departed the telephone. She faced a depressed Apollo and said: “We're gonna meet up at Wocky's place at seven and hang out in the park.”

“I'm not going if Klavier's going!” Apollo snapped. He did not want to see his face, nor even think about Klavier. “After what he did to Ema...”

“Do you like Ema or something?” asked Trucy.

“Of course I like her,” Apollo snapped. “As a friend, mind you.”

“Liar!” giggled Trucy. “And he might not be, Wocky said he's being a jackass.”

“Just tell me what happened last night?” Apollo asked Trucy.

“Godot had to carry you because you couldn't walk,” Trucy started. “Then he placed you on the bed. I was sitting next to you then you grabbed my breasts when I was changing into my pajamas. Then Iris walked in and saw you grabbing my naked body and she hit you on the head and you passed out. She fainted after I was changed.”

“... No wonder she fainted.”

“Don't worry about it though,” Trucy assured. “Next time, I wanna get hammered too.”

“With a hangover like this it's not worth it.”

“You should get drunk again you know,” Trucy told him. “You were hilarious.”

“And you're saying I'm boring when I'm sober?”

“You're cute when you're sober.”

Apollo had some deep concerns for Trucy.


For Larry Butz, there is one thing more important than life itself: Alita Tiala. Accomplished was the only way to describe Larry's current emotion. She was free from the clutches of the law and protected in the last place they would ever find her. Her fresh identity was now Sister Tia – a humble nun at Hazakura Temple. Sister Andrews called him to say that she was doing fine, and that satisfied him. He would be sure to visit at some point. It was a hbeautiful concept to think about as he walked down a busy street. Of course he had to woe for Alita's absence, but the prisoners noticed his joy.

He saw his friend, Phoenix sitting on the bench having a cigarette. He wanted to show him something. “NICK!” Larry yelled as he scurried to Phoenix. “I got something to show you!”

“What is it?” asked Phoenix.

Larry took his magazine out of his pocket, unfolded it quickly and then showed Phoenix a page. It was a picture of Maya Fey – naked, with a shower of burgers surrounding her. Burger King was on the left corner. Phoenix grabbed the magazine out of his hands as fast as he could. His eyes became fixed to Maya's smile and the way she bravely showed off her body.

“WHAT THE FUCK MAYA?!” Phoenix roared.

“She looks so hot in that picture,” Larry smirked.

“As nice as that picture is,” Phoenix admitted. “I feel sorry for her: I think Franziska's going to give her a whipping.”

“Maya would do anything for a burger,” Larry said. “Even go naked for Burger King.”

“She's a mad one,” Phoenix chuckled.

“I need something!” Larry announced. His face expression dropped. He was in a Lets-talk-about-Alita mood.

“What do you want?” Phoenix asked.

“A hug... I miss Alita so much...” groaned Larry. His eyes faced the floor and his head rested on his Phoenix's shoulder. “They might kill her if they catch her, but I don't know where she is either!” He cried in his friend's arms, “Nick...” he whimpered, “my life is over.” Larry's arms trapped Phoenix, clinging to him like a monkey on a tree.

“I'm sure there'll be another woman out there for you,” Phoenix told him. It was usually the case anyway. “You can do better than a chick in prison anyway.”

At the top of his voice, Larry yelled: “Alita's the love of my life, NICK!” He said that to pretty much every girl he had a crush on. He's had more loves in his life than Phoenix shouted objections. In fact the next dashing model to walk down the street would most likely be Larry's new attraction. However, Larry held onto Phoenix as if he was completely serious. Larry's eyes sparkled with tears. “She's more amazing than any girl I've ever met. Every time I think of her, my heart dances an epic movement.” Then it hit Phoenix – he met his fiancé though a woman who planned to kill him. “You understand how I feel don't you Nick?” Larry asked with tears flowing down his cheek. “When the love of your life vanishes without a trace, it sucks right?”

That was the story of Larry's life. Job to job, woman to woman, always the same reaction when he gets dumped. Larry then became surrounded by darkness and chains which only Phoenix could see. It was Phoenix's magatama at work. The Jewell shaped as a nine was a gift from Maya. Four locks appears appeared out of nowhere around Larry's heart. With that he couldn't exactly believe Larry's “love” had disappeared without a trace. Whatever he was hiding it didn't matter to Phoenix. As tempting as it was to break those locks, now wasn't the time. When the time was right – Larry's secret about his love would be revealed.

“Sounds bad,” Phoenix replied simply nodding.

“Anyway Trucy is so gorgeous!” Larry seemed to have snapped out of his Alita mood. “She did such a sexy job on those Wonder Bar performances.”

“Any perverted thoughts about my daughter,” warned Phoenix, “I'll punch you in the face.”

“Chill Nick!” Larry cried. “Anyway about Alita, she's the most beautiful woman in the world.”

“She sounds familiar,” Phoenix thought.

“OH MY GOD YOU KNOW HER?” Larry screamed in excitement.

“Any chance her name's Alita Tiala?”

It was that question alone that made Larry gasp loudly. “HOW DO YOU KNOW HER?” Larry demanded to know.

“She was a witness in one of Apollo's cases. You'd better be careful Larry,” Phoenix suggested looking at Larry's shaken face. “You're dating a murderer!”

“She was desperate to survive,” whined Larry. “She killed that jerk in self defense and as for that jerk she was engaged to, he only used her for sex and for his image. Alita deserved better than that low lift gangster wannabe.”

“You wouldn't wanna say that in front of Pearls,” advised Phoenix. “That's her boyfriend.”

“WHY IS SHE DATING THAT...” Larry fell silent.


Larry bit his lip as he turned to see the last person he wanted to meet. He turned around to see Pearl and Wocky approaching him with fury. Larry faced Phoenix, stepping backwards he said, “I'll see you later Nick!” He dashed off without another word. Phoenix chuckled at Pearl chasing Larry with her floating fist. Larry screamed when Wocky grabbed his shoulders, dragging in into a corner with an angry Pearl. Phoenix didn't know about Wocky, but could sure knew how to punch someone. He knew – Pearl punched him many times before.

“Why did you have to do it?” Franziska barked with her whip lashing on the floor. “It's nothing but foolishness.”

“It was only a bit of fun,” Maya answered. “I don't think getting naked for burgers is a bad thing.”

“It is a bad thing, Maya Fey!” Franziska objected as her whip landed on Maya's waist. “It's foolish, disturbing, vile and ... foolish!”

“Franzy,” Maya said in a soothing voice. “You don't need to be so overprotective.”

“I'm not being overprotective!” Franziska screeched.

“All right there Maya?” Phoenix interrupted.

“Hi Nick!” It felt awkward seeing Maya in her acolyte clothes after seeing her bare all in that poster. And Phoenix managed to hear Franziska's angry words. Just as he expected, she hated what Maya did. The elders of Kurain will only be even more critical of Maya's moves, especially since being in the paparazzi's path.

“Good Afternoon, Mr. Phoenix Wright.”

“It's a great day today isn't it?” asked Maya. “The sun it out and I'm out shopping with Franzy. Remember when we went shopping with Pearly, and you got banned for shoplifting, Nick?”

“I do,” Phoenix responded tapping his hat. “Pearls actually sneaked an engagement ring in.”

Franziska glared at the pair of them with fierce eyes. “Fools,” she muttered.

“Pearly says she's going out tonight with Wocky, Trucy, Machi, Cody, Apollo and Vera.” Maya mentioned. “So I was wondering if you wanted to meet up tonight?”

“Trucy hasn't told me about this,” Phoenix noticed. “She usually tells me.”

“I'm sure they'll be safe,” Maya said.

“With that foolish filthy fool around?” Franziska shirked. “That Apollo Justice is a foolish pedophile.”

“Good thing Trucy's not hearing this.” muttered Phoenix. Trucy already despised Von Karma, the hate-level would have only risen. Seriously, calling Apollo that was out of order.


“They're half-siblings, not twins,” Phoenix corrected her.

“Well they look like the same age and they're always together,” Maya defended herself. “And Trucy said twincest when we caught them kissing.”

“She said wincest Maya,” Phoenix objected. “WINCEST!”

“So how old are they?”

“Apollo's twenty-three and Trucy's fifteen. Her birthday's coming up soon.”

“SHE HAS THE SAME BIRTHDAY AS ME!” Maya shouted in happiness. “I remember you telling me that on MSN. And I'll give you some more Steel Samurai films soon. Franziska doesn't want them. The Steal Samurai Kink Meme freaked her out.”

“It was an archive of foolish pieces based on a foolish show!” Franziska barked. “That damn fool Miles Edgeworth has that foolish site bookmarked as well!”

“Miles wanted that kept a secret,” Maya reminded Franziska.

“I've never heard of Kink Memes,” admitted Phoenix.

“Consider it a blessing Phoenix Wright,” Franziska told him.

“Check them out,” Maya whispered in Phoenix's ear. “They're really fun!”

“We have to get going now Maya Fey,” Franziska hissed dragging Maya with her.

As she was dragged away, Maya called out: “I'll come to your office tonight Nick. Bye!”

“See you there,” Phoenix said as he waved his best friend goodbye. Tonight was going to be fun, he knew it.
Re: Chlo's fics: Larry Can Pull It Off! (Alita/Larry)Topic%20Title
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Title: Larry Can Pull It Off!
Rating: G
Pairing: Alita/Larry
Link: ... ull_It_Off
This was a kink meme fic. OP requested Balloon boy!Larry.

Spoiler: Larry Can Pull It Off
He sold over a hundred balloons today. He knew cheep prices would persuade the parents and kids to buy them. Good things at a cheap price dazzled people. Coincidently, someone has certainly been dazzling Larry lately: Alita Tiala. She was engaged to the son of a mob boss, who Larry didn't like. She deserved better, he knew she did. Someone as beautiful as her deserved a sweet, sexy guy, and Larry was referring to himself.

He could never forget her soft brown hair, small eyes, green scarf, yellow dress with a four-leaf clover with angel wings on. No way - she was such a glorious angel. Whenever he saw her face all of his troubles had melted away. It was too bad she wasn't single. But he found the perfect balloon for Alita. Once a week she would come and buy a couple of multicolored balloons. Larry let his racing heart take over and gave her a discount. And that childish giggle made him die a little bit inside. He remembered the most amazing moment from yesterday; Alita came, bought the usual and they started chatting for a while.

"So when are you getting married?" Larry asked.

"It's a month away," Alita replied. "I'll let you in to a little secret though." Larry felt his heart thump as he heard Alita's cute voice whisper into his ear. "I don't really like him much." Larry smirked, knowing he had a chance.

"These things happen," Larry said.

"Maybe I can divorce him and I can get a fortune," Alita whispered, leaving some giggles. She would have been slaughtered if she was heard saying this stuff, but Larry was willing to keep a secret: anything for his precious Alita.

"Go you!" Larry agreed. "I'll be cheering you on."

"Thanks for the sweet texts you gave me," Alita said off topic. Larry assumed what he said reminded her of all the messages he gave her.

"You're most welcome."

"These balloons will look great for the wedding." Alita still smiled. "At least I'll be socially secure. I hope Wocky gets found innocent though."

"What do you mean?"

"He was arrested for murder!" Alita gasped. She held onto her scarf and faced the floor. "If he gets put into prison, my plan will be a disaster! I've got to go now. I need to find a lawyer to prove his innocence, I'll see you later Larry."

"You know if you have any problems you can come to me," Larry said.

"Thank you Larry!" And he got a kiss from the most adorable woman in town. He still had hope he was onto something special.

Two weeks later, Alita was found guilty of murder. Larry knew where his next job was going to be. And Larry was going to make sure her cell was extravagant, large full of balloons and gorgeous stuff. She wouldn't even have to worry about security, Larry would fight to make sure she was safe. He prayed that she doesn't get sentenced to death.
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I want a next chapter... so crackish, but so... cool...
This is a sig. Don't you believe me?
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Vitor-Leal wrote:
I want a next chapter... so crackish, but so... cool...

Thanks. ^_^
I'm halfway through the next chapter.
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Chapter Thirteen's done. ^_^
Spoiler: Chapter Thirteen: Ready To Get Hammered
“The court is now in session for the trial of Ijizzin Mipants,” announced Judge Salsa. “And the prosecution is too busy laughing his ass off.”


Gumshoe took to the stand and said to Klavier, “Klavier pal, I'm happy for you and I'll let you finish but Edgeworth is the best prosecutor of all time!” The courtroom gasped and gossiped about Gumshoe's act. The were shocked, but some of them were giggling. Gumshoe out of words to speak, erupted in outburst with, “MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!”

“You son of a bitch!” sneered Judge Salsa. “You think you're gonna get your salery raised by trying to impersonate Kayne West?” he ranted throwing his arms in the air. His shoulders relaxed and he smiled at Gumshoe. “I love you man, you're so funny. Very stupid, but funny.”


A cool breeze hugged them in delight outside the Kitaki's mansion. Pearl was on top of Wocky, kissing him passionately. Vera concentrated on her sketchbook as Apollo and Trucy stood waiting for Pearl's friend Cody to show up. The silence felt out of place, and the conversation just felt dead. Trucy marched on the spot flashing her new figure while her cape and hat where safe with Apollo.

Trucy's black dress and high heels and given her more of a slender figure. Phoenix had banned Trucy from wearing those high heels in the house, and she wasn't allowed to wear make-up either. He had pacifically told Apollo to watch over her to make sure she didn't get too drunk. Trucy had disobeyed Phoenix's rules for tonight. But Apollo was still going to keep an eye on her. If Phoenix had seen her dress only just covering her polka-heart panties, he would have banned her from going all together. The only person who had make-up in the house was Iris. Trucy had made a lot of effort into her appearance compared to Apollo. He wore a simple red shirt and some jeans; no need for the complicated stuff.

Machi was smartly dressed in a tight suit with aqua tights to match his ballet style shoes. A very feminine look for a boy. He had held a red rose in his hand for a while and his cheeks glowed red whenever Trucy smiled at him. It had been quite an eventful year for him as well; he had been reunited with his mother and he changed his surname to Skye. He was Ema's nephew and Lana's son and it was noticeable how Machi had Lana's eyes and her warm tender smile.

“Is there going to be any alcohol?” asked Trucy in excitement.

Wocky pushed Pearl away and replied with: “Matt said he was gonna bring tons with him.” Wocky breath had been taken away.

“If you thirsty Trucy,” Machi mumbled. “I... can... vodka you.” Trucy received a turquoise bottle, wrapped in violet. The graceful font made it seem as if it were for expensive tastes. He also gave Trucy the rose that vibrated in his hand. “You are fat maiden.”

Wocky laughed at Machi's broken English. Which lead to Pearl's palm causing a sharp shock to Wocky's cheek. “Be nice Wocky!” Pearl demanded. “You know it's not very easy to confess your feelings to the one you love.”

Wocky groaned and paused for a few moments. “... You kinda just ruined it.” Without another word, Machi leaned towards Trucy and pressed his lips against Trucy's lips and his hand slipped on her hips. The jump from Trucy made it obvious that she didn't expect that at all. Trucy's dress slowly got higher and Machi's hands crawled to her underwear. A sudden flash that sounded as it came from a camera startled Machi, and ending the kiss. A boy with short black hair dressed in green approached the group with a gigantic grin. His eyes were wide and aggressive. He looked like he was in his teens.


“SUP CODY?” Wocky yelled back.

“Hi there Cody!” Pearl jumped up to hug him as fast as she could. “It's nice to meet you again.” Wocky, Vera and Apollo quickly followed Pearl. Machi and Trucy stared at each other's eyes for a few seconds, then went to greet Cody, holding hands as they walked.

“Okay Cody, these are my new homies, they're Vera, Apollo, Trucy and Machi,” Wocky introduced his friends to Cody. “One's an artist, one's a lawyer, one's a magician and one plays the piano.”

“That is awesome!” Cody grinned. “And you're the gangster,” Cody told Wocky. “Pearl is the spirit medium and I'm the awesome person! Okay all of us are awesome.”

“Let's go round to the park now,” Wocky said, grabbing onto Pearl's hand. “Matt's gonna meet us down there. He's got a lot of alcohol.”

“And I've got my camera, Nintendo DS and some manga books as well.”

“That's cool,” Apollo commented.

“This Vodka tastes amazing!” exclaimed Trucy who was gulping the bottle down.

“You shouldn't gulp it down like that Trucy,” advised Apollo.

“Why?” whined Trucy.

“Save a bit for everyone else at least,” replied Apollo. “And your dad said I had to watch over you.”

“Now I've two people who can watch over me,” Trucy reacted. “You, my big brother and Machi.”

“Don't forget us too, Trucy,” reminded Pearl. “We can all look after you for Mr. Nick too. We have four very strong beautiful men and Vera to look after us.”

“You're so nice,” Vera whispered. This was the first time Vera had been out with friends for a long time. “So how long are we staying out for?”

“Till 2:AM,” Wocky said.

“That's pretty late,” Vera said, hugging her sketchpad harder.

“How cool is that Apollo?” asked Trucy.

“Yes,” Apollo replied a bit quieter, “Phoenix would love to see you lying about drunk at 2:AM.”

“That's cool then.”

“...Trucy, I was being sarcastic.”

“I've got loads of stuff with me,” Cody reminded them. “So we won't get bored.”


Ace Detective says:
Zvarri! On your phone I see.

The Hobo says:
Mr. Atmey???

Ace Detective says:
Yes that is me.

The Hobo says:
How on earth are you on MSN?

Ace Detective says:
I am on my blackberry of course.

The Hobo says:
Ah, those stuff.

The Hobo says:
Well, I certainly didn't expect a chat to you on MSN. I wouldn't think they'd let you have a blackberry in jail.

Ace Detective says:
... Well, where I am doesn't really matter.

The Hobo says:
You escaped again didn't you?

Ace Detective says:
Just our little secret, yes?

The Hobo says:
It's not my problem if you get caught or not.

Ace Detective says:
Being the man of experience I am, I have it all worked out. :D

The Hobo says:
You do? :O

Ace Detective says:
Oh yes ...If ever I have to take the fall, Sir Apollo Justice will help me.

The Hobo says:
I feel sorry for him already. Lol

Ace Detective says:
Wocky said that he was a mad man, but did a dazzling job at defending him.

Ace Detective says:
Perhaps a bit more dazzling at the trade more than you. I know he will do well.

The Hobo says:
Out of curiosity, why did you befriend Wocky?

The Hobo says:
Cause you being friends with him is kinda odd.

Ace Detective says:
I assure you Sir Hobo,

Ace Detective says:
My friendship with Sir Wocky is genuine.

The Hobo says:
You surprise me Atmey.

The Hobo says:
But you and Matt Engarde is one of the most unlikeliest couples I've ever met.

Ace Detective says:
I work in magnificent mysterious ways, Sir Hobo.

The Hobo says:
I'm not sure about magnificent, but defiantly mysterious.

Ace Detective says:
ZVARRI! You'd dare to deny my greatness?

The Hobo says:
Yes, cause you're not that great.

Ace Detective says:
You are obviously jealous.


The night was filled with dusty clouds with the odd sparkles glistening like diamonds in the sky. Matt Engarde's face had been decorated with scars. He grinned at his own mirror reflection as the car, he stepped out of his car, and blew a kiss to one of the passengers. “Have fun with my boyfriend,” he cackled. The passenger was tied up so none of them could hear his cries.

“Here comes Matt!” Wocky yelled out.

Matt grinned as he went to shake hands with Wocky. “Hello there Wocky, how are you doing.”

“So you've got alcohol?” Trucy asked, jumping as she grinned at Matt.

“I've got tons of it, don't you worry sweetheart,” Matt assured in a deep dark husky voice. The cackle in his voice gave Apollo a rather poor first impression. He carried two crates in his hand. “It's either vodka or whisky,” he hissed. “If you're adventurous, you can a mixture of both!”

“Cool!” Trucy exclaimed.

“So you need any help with that alcohol?” Wocky asked.

“Don't worry,” Matt replied. “You just sit down and relax, I'll get everything we need.”

“I know him somewhere,” Pearl whispered to Vera. “But I can't remember where...”
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That happened to drew me in and examine the chapter while enjoying reading it. Apollo wouldn't seem to be that elegant of a dresser while Trucy would look beautiful for everyone to look at. Trucy seems to be very eager in having sexual intercourse that she accepted Machi before they were interrupted. If there is any foreshadowing going on here, someone is going to get raped.
Re: Law Plus Chaos (Crack!Fic Chapter 13 up!)Topic%20Title

i'll get an avvy later

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I hate you fanboys so much,

but this fic is too addicting to stop reading!!!

Spoiler: All AA games
the following people are EEEEEEEVIL:
karma, gant, morgan le fey, slashface aka engarde, penguin/atmey, black dahlia, and devil's hand (aka hirohiko aka figure it out yourself)
Re: Law Plus Chaos (Crack!Fic Chapter 13 up!)Topic%20Title
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Thank you guys. LMAO
Spoiler: Chapter Fourteen: Blackmail
The temple sucked. She hated the frost that crawled on her skin. The food was too boring for her tastes. She found the uniform lame – the sleeves annoyed her with its tightness. Chore after chore was an excessive bore. She didn't want to return to prison, yet had an agonizing temptation to leave. Too bad she was doomed to stick around the temple. Larry instructed her to obey Sister Bikini until he arranged the money he promised her. The only thing she found fascinating was the fund Sister Bikini mentioned last night. Since a former nun was jailed for helping out on a murder, they had become ridiculously rich. Bikini didn't even need the money.

Sister Andrews seemed nice when she first met her, but now she's becoming suspicious. She'd follow her every step, and have an awkward freak out afterwards. What was up with her?

Larry was a complete gobemouche. Anything she said, he would believe it in an instant. Larry would even believe that her ex-fiancé was abusive if she told him. Bless the naïve underdog, she thought. Just the odd sneak outs of the temple wouldn't go unnoticed. She could buy some stuff and make the excuse that she was going shopping when she returned.

Lying free of her nun uniform, Alita slipped on a pink dress from Larry's shopping bag. He's suppose to be saving the money for her to make her get away, but since Larry bought all this stuff for her, she'll let him off.

The shade of lipstick matched the color of her dress- a strange coincidence. She wouldn't be surprised if it was Larry's intention. He seemed to be making more of an effort now she's left prison. She looked at him, patting Larry. She then stroked his back as her eyes caught attention to the bruises on his cheek.

“Larry,” she said, cradling his back. “What's that mark on your face? Did they gave you a hard time at work today?”

“Nah, it was Pearl...”

“Who's Pearl?”

“She's a friend of mine,” Larry replied. “She used to be so nice, but she's...”

“She's what?” spat Alita.


“Must have rubbed off on her,” Alita muttered. She marched to the bedroom which was rather plain and orange. She looked around the wooden cabinets, and bounced on the bed. “You know that scar around my neck?”

“The one your old boss got when he tried to strangle you?”

“Yeah,” Alita nodded, removing her scarf. A red ring around the back of her neck looked as it if had been freshly bruised. “Well that was just the icing on the cake. Wocky's attacked me ... lots of times.”

Alita got just the reaction she wanted. Larry gasped, his eyes widened in horror and his jaw opened like a cave's entrance. His fingers tickled her ears, and if she wasn't mistaken, he was weeping. “You didn't tell me he was physically abusive...”

“He strangled me once a week,” Alita spoke in a morbid tone. “He always slapped me. It was pretty normal for him. If I refused to have sex with him, he's just kick me until I say yes.”

“That's so mean of him,” Larry whimpered. “Why did you want to marry him?”

“I needed the money,” Alita said with glistening eyes. “My parents had high expectations of me, then they abandoned me when I failed an exam. You're my last chance, Larry; you have to save me.”

“I will save you.” Larry cornered Alita, then pinned her to the bed. “We're gonna be rich baby?” Larry growled. His breathe smuggled her ears and the grip of his hands made Alita pant. “Anything you want, I'll fight to get.”

“I should go soon,” Alita said. “They'll wonder where I am.”

After a long silent stare, Larry said, “I'll make something up for you.”


“So do you wanna go out anywhere?”


“Clubbing?” Larry gasped. “But what if people find you?”

“They won't,” Alita hissed, leaping off the bed. “My hair is longer, my style is different and I got lots of make up – they better not recognize me.” She glanced in the mirror, then turned to Larry. “You have any sunglasses?”

“Yeah!” Larry reached his pockets. Then threw a pair of sunglasses which landed into Alita's hand.

“Perfect,” she muttered. She raised her gun as she slipped on the black shades. “How do I look Larry?” Alita asked in a seductive voice.

“Very fine baby!”


“One crate left,” growled Matt. “And you guys better make the most of it.”

“Okay guys,” Wocky announced to his group of friends, leading them through the back passage of a building. “It's party time!”

“Why do we have to go the back passage?” asked Trucy.

“They won't ID you that way,” replied Matt. He wrapped his arm around Trucy and Machi like his own children. “Besides, I got a nice place reserved for us.”

The more Matt grinned with flashing teeth with alcohol waving around, the less Apollo trusted him. He was getting horrible images of him molesting Trucy, and he hoped it was all it would be. Red flashed from blue to purple to yellow and back to red in the room. “Follow me!” Matt shouted to them. The beat of the loud music echoed in their heads. Vera had been holding tight onto Apollo's arm he whole time since entering the club.

“YOU ALL RIGHT VERA?” Apollo asked.

“It's scary,” Vera admitted. The last time she was surrounded by such an intense crowd was when she was on trial for patricide. Her was never revolved around wild nights, so Apollo understood why Vera was so afraid of the people dancing about. He even spotted something who looked a little like his former mentor, Kristoph Gavin. Might have even been Klavier. It was a miracle Vera's breathing.

“Here we go,” Matt yelled. “VIP area here we come.”

“Wow,” gasped Trucy, it sure is a nice room. The half-aqua and half-transparent walls glowed in various hues. She even spotted goldfish swimming around. Bright red leather sofas backed against the wall, with a round table to match. The table also had a pole in the middle. In a close look, there were compartments to the table. Trucy opened the draws to see poker cards and chips. This was place was excellent, she thought.

“All of these folks better be older than eighteen,” the bouncer warned Matt.

“As eighteen as my soul,” Matt roared as he placed the drinks down on the middle of the table. “I'll see you later.”

“Have fun.”

The bouncer left, closing the door behind him.

“I'm gonna have a cigarette,” said Wocky.

“Can I come with you?” asked Cody.


“This place is so cute,” Pearl shouted, her palms set out flat on the walls, she followed the fish around.

“I know,” agreed Trucy.

“Now is a great time to drink up,” Matt growled like an over excited lion. “And this one the best clubs in the U.S.”

“OKAY!” yelled Trucy. Her head rested against Machi's shoulder, waving her vodka about.

“A tiger bit my nose this morning, and everything became sparkly,” said Matt after four bottles. Apollo felt left out: he was still on his first. No matter how much everyone else seemed to have fun drinking and smoking God-knows-what, Apollo knew he had to steer clear from the temptation, and watch over Trucy. So far, not much progress has been made, she was on her third bottle and was mixing drinks.

“Sounds interesting,” murmured Vera. She had been giving Matt strange looks ever since he got here. She seemed content until Matt graced (or disgraced) them with his presence. She glared with anxious eyes hugging her sketchbook tight. Apollo wouldn't be surprised if Vera started drawing pictures of Matt being a devil. She would not touch the drinks.

“You two like whisky?” Matt asked, rolling on the table.

“It's all right,” Apollo replied.

“What about you babe?” Matt asked, holding onto Vera's hand.

“I've never tried it... My dad wouldn't let me?”

“Your daddy won't know will he?”

“He's dead,” Vera said. Apollo hated how Matt just grinned; Vera seemed to be close to tears.

“Well he's in heaven, he can't do a thing,” Matt spat, leaving a smirk. He grabbed a bottle of vodka and whisky and placed them in front of Vera. “Come one darling, have a drink.”

Fucking insensitive jerk!

“I'm okay thanks,” Vera said. She sounded morbid and depressed.

“You know you want it,” slobbered Matt.

Someone kick this dude's head. His sister granted his wish. Trucy who had began playing on the pole flicked her leg causing Matt to roll off the table.


“Shit it's him,” Alita muttered under her breath. She saw Wocky along with Cody walking around the club. Cody used to be Alita's neighbor before being jailed. She wasn't surprised of their friendship though – she never liked them. So far so good; he didn't spot her. She turned. Larry struggled to gulp down his drink and clenched his eyes. His knees faced the legs of the stool.

“I told you this was a bad idea...” squeaked out Larry.

“Forget about him,” Alita said. “Let's just carry on.”

“You still wanna stay?”

“Yes,” Alita hissed. “I don't care about him. Anyway I'll be right back.”

“Hey Alita!” Larry dragged Alita onto his chest. “Where are you going?”

“The bathroom.”

She crept behind the dancers, and spied on Wocky's movements.

“Where ya going? Asked Cody.

“Having another cigarette!” Wocky replied. “I'll be back in a bit okay”

Alita had found her opportunity. She tip-toed towards the side of the of the wall and leapt through the door outside. The night was black. The wind was singing a hallow and almost non-existent melody. There her ex-fiancé was – standing with his back against the wall smoking a cigarette.

“So how's it going Wocky-pocky,” Alita whispered. She walked over to Wocky, removed her shades, and then grinned.

“Fuck off and die Alita,” Wocky requested in a bitter tone.

“We need to talk,” Alita said. “I'm not happy that little slut of yours gets away with beating up my boyfriend.”

“Like you give a shit about him,” Wocky laughed. “The minute he gives everything to you, you'll be out be out of his life and you'll smash his heart apart. Just like how you did it to me.”

“And the minute you notice Pearl is a complete retard, you'll dump her.”


“Then Larry will kill you,” Alita hissed and remained calm. “He's works his ass off everyday, stealing money, making money, and buying gifts just for me. This necklace I'm wearing costs a thousand dollars, but he took it just for me. So what are you getting me for Christmas?” Alita giggled stroking Wocky's cheek.

“Fuck all,” Wocky snapped. He slapped Alita's wrist, then stepped backwards.

“You know what I want?”

“No,” Wocky mumbled. “I don't care either.”

“I want nine-thousand dollars by the 26th December.”

“Hell no!” Wocky snapped. In fury, he threw his palm across Alita but she dodged. She grabbed countered him with her first and held his arm like a strict mother. The wrinkles that formed from her anger melted away. She pouted her lips and stroked Wocky. Just how she used to when they were together. “And why not?”

“You humiliate me in court, you lie to me, you almost got me killed!” Wocky reminded her. “I never thought I would see the light of day. You left me running out the door and crying myself to sleep. I'VE GOT A QUESTION FOR YOU! Why the hell do you think I'd give you nine-mother-fucking-thousand dollars after the way you treated me?”

“It took a lot of motivation to act like I love you,” Alita hissed. “And what did I get? A jail sentence for life. You still owe the money you brat.”

“I owe you nothing, so you can go away!”

“But Wocky, I haven't got anything to lose,” Alita smiled. “You've got everything to lose.”

“You'd be fucked without Larry,” Wocky fought back and pointed at her. “You're nothing without Larry.”

“You'd be just a sorry little twerp without that slut of yours.”

“YOU'RE THE SLUT NOT HER!” Wocky pounced on Alita and banged her head against the wall. "Leave. Pearl. Out. Of. This."

“Says the brat that raped a married woman.”

“I didn't rape her,” said Wocky. He raised his eyebrow, getting his teethe he continued, “she even admitted that she only used me to have a baby.”

“I feel really sorry for the child,” Alita muttered. “It's going to be ugly.”

“Dessie was more prettier than you. It's gonna be a good kid.” It was a shame what he did

“Online relationships suck and you had zero chance with her anyway. I feel sorry for her husband – seeing your hideous body is enough to make anyone vomit.”

“How the hell do you know about my private life?”

“Larry tells me everything,” Alita's smile became more intense. Curling her fingers together she said, “So I told Larry you're a wife-beater.”

“What?” Wocky croaked. Although it was rather tempting just to punch her face for feeding him lies. “I didn't do anything to you. You know that!”

“Like he'll take your word over mine?” Alita giggled. She wrapped her arms around Wocky and continued. “He didn't believe you, when I said I'm trouble. There's no way he's gonna believe you now. What would you do if Larry told everyone what I said?” Alita asked in such a sincere fake tone. She tutted and touched Wocky's cheek again. “Larry seems to know her ... pretty well. He's got a big mouth, and he's not afraid to use it.” The more she spoke the more seductive she became.

“Your trying to set me up again ain't ya?”

“If you don't give me nine-thousand dollars by Christmas day. Larry's gonna tell everyone you're abusive, and I'll kill Pearl.” She could see him shiver the moment she mentioned Pearl's death. They both engaged in a long piercing stare until Wocky bowed his head. His eyes were clenched. “I knew you'd do it if I brought her into this,” Alita cackled.

"Wait, just said the 26th earlier," Wocky snapped.

"I changed my mind," said Alita. "I'll be waiting in that car park near the courtroom. I'll be there from eleven till midnight," Alita yawned as her hand rested on her hips. "I'll want the money then. You've got twelve weeks to do it in, so you'll be fine."

“And you'll regret it one day.” Wocky gritted his teeth. “You'll regret bringing Pearl into this shit!”

“Anything else you want to say to me?” Alita asked. Wocky quickly shook his head and stuck his two fingers up at Alita and walked away. “In that case, I'll bid you goodnight.”


Vera had dashed out of the room as soon as Matt bounced of the floor. Apollo followed her because everyone else was having too much fun to notice. Besides, the club was an unhealthy place, especially for Vera. It would have been a better idea just to stay at the park. He followed Vera until she went outside. She hurdled to the corner, hugged her sketchbook and cried.

“Vera are you okay?” Apollo asked. Of course she wasn't okay, but it slipped out of his mouth. “Matt was a jerk just now.”

“I don't like him,” admitted Vera. “He smells, talks and acts weird.”

Her father, Drew Misham wasn't much of a drinking man it seemed.

“I don't like him that much either,” said Apollo, checking his phone. “Something's not right about him.”

“I was having a good time,” Vera whispered, “until Matt came along.”

“Me too,” Apollo said to make her feel better. To be honest, he had a bad feeling something bad was going to happen anyway. He had missed a call, and his heart skipped a beat when it was Phoenix that tried to ring him. He rang Phoenix, knowing that this it was a somewhat important call. Phoenix was quick to pick the phone up.

“Hello Apollo,” Phoenix said.

“Hey there, ya called.”

“Tell Trucy to turn her phone on,” he requested sounding angry.

“Her phone ran out of battery,” Apollo replied. “And she's in the bathroom right now,” he lied, knowing Phoenix was going to ask to speak to her.

“As soon as she's out, get her to call me!”

“Okay,” Apollo nodded.

“And I want Trucy home by eleven. I'd be grateful if she comes home sober.”

“We'll be there on the dot!” Apollo promised. At least he hoped he could keep that promise.

“I'll be seeing you at eleven.”

And Phoenix hung up.

“HEY THERE YOU ARE POLLY!” Trucy screamed. She jumped down the stairs as her legs shook like an earthquake. “THE VODKA AND WHISKY ARE LUSH,” she screamed. “I LURVE YOU POLLY AND I LURVE YOU VERA!”

“...What about Machi?” asked Vera.


“Why are you shouting?” questioned Apollo. “We're not deaf.”


Apollo knew it was a bad situation, but Phoenix wanted Trucy to call him on her phone. He rang Phoenix again and passed the phone over to her. “Trucy, your father wants to talk to you.”

Trucy snatched the phone and before Phoenix could even get the chance to reply she screamed, “HELLO DADDY I LOVE YOU!”

“I love you too,” Phoenix chuckled. Apollo could feel his brain about to explode. God knows what the call was going to be like. “So are you having a good time?”


“You have a boyfriend?” Phoenix asked. “When was this?”


“Lovely,” said Phoenix. “I want you home by eleven!”


“Are you drunk or is this not Trucy?”


“... just be home by Eleven!”


As the phone call ended she crawled over Apollo's lap, stretched and hopped back up on her feet.

“I'm feeling better now,” Vera announced. “Thanks for making me feel better you two. Let's go back in.”

The three of them returned to the VIP room, and they were no more drinks from Matt's supply. It didn't surprise Apollo one bit. He checked his watch; the little hand was on ten, and the big hand was on the twelve. They didn't have much long, so he thought he might as well make the most of it. He was staying sober and even if Matt forced it down, he'll spit it out. Apollo and Vera looked like the odd two out as the only sober people in the room. Wocky and Pearl were under the table making love, Trucy, Matt, Machi and Cody were bouncing around the room like balls in a football match.

Then there was Apollo and Vera, sitting on the table, chatting and doodling in Vera's sketchbook. They didn't need to be drunk to have a great time. And time sprinted to the morning.


Late, dark and cold. Apollo was exhausted, whilst Trucy insisted on partying. Everyone else crashed out at Wocky's house apart from Matt who went off in the same car he came out from earlier. Apollo hoped Vera was okay, no doubt it would be the first time she's ever had a sleep-over before. He wouldn't have minded crashing out at Wocky's but he remembered what Phoenix said: home at eleven and no later! It was now three minutes away from Three O'clock in the morning. The funny thing was that Phoenix hadn't rang at all.

Apollo and Trucy were playing tug-o-war with their arms. Apollo trying to take Trucy home, and Trucy trying to run back to the club.

“We're going to wrong way home!” Apollo told her.

“Polly it's only 3:AM”

“You should have been home four hours ago,” Apollo reminded him. It shouldn't take more than four hours to take her home, but she kept going AWOL. Apollo almost had a panic attack. Vera did too. “Besides, some of you lot aren't even allowed to be in them clubs.”

“Relax Polly,” Trucy giggled. “Being a rebel is fun.” She pointed at the lamppost, dashed to it and shouted, “POLEDANCING!”

“No Trucy!”


Apollo knew that the pair of them must have looked like idiots, what made it worse was the the streets were filled with more drunks. Apollo tried to catch up with her, but by the time he reached the lamppost Trucy was interested in she had already started climbing on it. He wanted to slap all the other drunks who persuaded Trucy to keep climbing.

“GET DOWN PLEASE TRUCY!” Apollo demanded.

“But I love it up here,” moaned Trucy. Her fingers dangled from the poles and her legs were tangled where her fingers were. It didn't look like a comfortable position to be in. She absorbed the attention she received and lifted her dress a little higher. Apollo closed his eyes and slapped himself on the forehead. He knew should have looked out for her much more than he did.

Suddenly, she jumped off the lamppost. Apollo leapt below, reached his arms out to grab her, but he slipped and his forehead faced the cold pavement. The pain from falling over was nothing compared to the shock in his heart. Trucy could be dead and he failed to save her. But he didn't hear anything crash apart from himself. His body ached too much to get up, he could feel his eyes shut and his mind about to melt into a deep sleep. And he couldn't even hear her anymore.

“What are you doing walking in the streets at this time?” That voice, that deep voice was so familiar. Apollo rolled over to his his father's visor glow into his eyes. Trucy was slouched over in his arms. “Trite rang me,” Godot announced.

Apollo raised an eyebrow. “Trite?”

“Phoenix Wright obviously,” he snapped. “Anyway, I told him you guys were sleeping at mine.”

That explains why Phoenix didn't call.

“Thanks Dad,” Apollo smiled.

“You're welcome,” Godot responded. “Now let's get you two to bed.” He dragged Apollo off his feet and took him to his house which was right in front of him. “And I'll give you some nice black coffee to keep you warm.”

Spoiler: Notes
For those who confused at gobemouche, it basically means a really naive person.XD

And I got a beta-reader for this fic and his OC is getting slipped in. ... -136858908

Last edited by Chloe on Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:30 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Re: Law Plus Chaos (Crack Fic Chapter 14 up!)Topic%20Title
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Wow, this fic is getting really crazy. So much drama between Wocky, Alita and Larry :O

And how cruel for Alita for calling Pearl a slut and saying that Dessie's baby's gonna be ugly T_T

Good fic, can't wait to read the rest!
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