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Student678's (NEW) Fanart Thread
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Author:  Student678 [ Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:05 am ]
Post subject:  Student678's (NEW) Fanart Thread

If you're looking for my FanFic thread you will find it here!

I decided to make a new fanart thread since the old one was a bit... not-so-good. There were lots of typos and the format was not very nice. Anyway, here we go...

Warning: Some of my Fanart has SPOILERS!
Warning: Some of my Fanart may be Crossovers by having content from other media!

Note: New art will now be in this colour until new ones are added or after a while.

Apollo Justice BSoD
Looks like Apollo Justice does not get along with Windows. I used Paint to create the BSoD and PowerPoint to put the picture of Apollo on the BSoD

Clay Terran at Questacon
An AU where Clay Terran actually survived the attack by the Phantom and then had to move from Japan/America to Canberra in Australia. Now he is working in Questacon

The New Divide
Luke Triton is trying to reunite Apollo and Clay despite the "new divide" caused by the Phantom's work that was to separate them forever. The writing in the bottom-left corner is a reference to the song I was referencing to in this picture.

Luxray Shaming
An AU where Clay Terran is a Pokémon trainer and owns a Luxray. The Luxray was with Clay at the time the Phantom tried to stab Clay in the chest with a utility knife. Angry at that Phantom trying to hurt its Trainer, the Luxray attacks to protect its master. Inspired by the Ace Attorney Project by Marini4.

Ethan vs Apollo Part 1
Apollo Justice tries to invade Pokémon. But Trainer Ethan has other ideas!

Ethan vs Apollo Part 2
Apollo's back! And he's even more interested in Ethan's Suicune, now that it's become a shiny Pokémon!

This is nothing to joke about!
Apollo??? You think being dead (or critically injured) is a joke? You said you're fine but you're a mess! How can you joke about that???

Apollo Justice Shaming
Apollo!!! Stop cheating!

I'm placing TNT and what do I see?
If you are blowing up a Minecraft World, please beware of pirate lawyers...

WARNING: LOOK UP ACRONYMS BEFORE CLICKING ON ONE THAT YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT!!! Inspired by the NSFW - Not Safe For Wright meme which can be found here.

How I see Apollo Justice:
If you think Apollo's my favourite character, think AGAIN! He's kind of a good character to include in my fanart but I think the image itself shows what I really want to do to him!

A: Yes! That's right! I want to CRUSH him with my Charizard!

No More Apollo Ambush!
No more Apollo Ambush!!!
Inspired by Hanshi's Apollo Ambush.

Max vs Barnham Part 1
A crossover between PLvsAA and the Amulet comic series. Inquisitor Barnham finds himself a new rival - Max Griffin.

Ace Attorney Trolls Episode 1
The first episode of the new Ace Attorney Troll Series!
What are you doing?
This was done in PowerPoint using Phoenix's, Edgeworth's and Apollo's (bandaged) DD sprites!

Clay's Charizard
An AU where Clay Terran survives the Phantom's attack (again) but is badly injured. Also, everyone thinks he's dead and is a ghost. The Mega Charizard X is a symbol of his desperation to get himself noticed. Done using coloured art pencils, paper, pens (for the outline) and a highlighter and fluoro texta for the glowing effects of the Unown.

Clay Terran - Why did I have to die?
Clay feels ripped off because he was apparently killed by the Phantom just because he knew their identity.
Inspired by my FanFic Cosmic Turnabout Revisited, which is sort of a creepypasta.

Carbon-Frozen Nightmares
That Pikachu in the background was trying to save poor Apollo.
Inspired by my FanFic Escape from Carbon**e Island.

White Room Nightmares
Apollo and Aura are suffering real terror at the hands of the people who locked them in that dreaded white room (whom I also want to kill with my Articuno).
Inspired by those white room dreams someone kept having.

DIEDHE the Houndoom
Apollo is going to get killed by an evil mastermind. But a lone Houndoom thinks otherwise.
The Houndoom's name is a reference to the Pokémon creepypasta Lost Silver. There is a Hidden part in the first graveyard scene where if you rearrange the Unown in your party to spell "DIEDHE" instead of "HEDIED," you'll find yourself in the Ruins of Alph with male Houndoom knowing Nightmare.

Just because a Houndoom looks like Satan's dog doesn't mean it's evil. Don't judge a book by its cover!
I used Tux Paint, as well as Microsoft Paint for the details.

Apollo Justice DD Sprite Comparisons
The Houndoom was from the picture above (DIEDHE the Houndoom).

I have to use Imgur for my pictures because I find that it's the most reliable website. I can't trust the others because they crash easily. That's why you'll be unable to view them at school.

Author:  Butz the Klutz 52 [ Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Student678's (NEW) Fanart Thread

Your memes give me life, good sir

Author:  Student678 [ Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Student678's (NEW) Fanart Thread

Thanks. I've also added a few more images. I wanted to create my own DeviantArt account but they're demanding my age, which I don't feel like giving out yet...

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