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Games series that you just dislikeTopic%20Title
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There is this game series that annoys you for some reason. You hate hearing about how a new one is in the making, you dislike people talking about it. Whatever the reason may be, you just wish that this game series was never made to begin with. List it here.
Just everybody remember, somebody may dislike this game. Does not mean we dislike your opinion.

Mine would be Kingdom Hearts. Aside from V, which was already kind of not taking itself seriously at times, Final Fantasy is a game series that is pretty dark and serious. Putting that together with Disney, which is pretty kid friendly - even if some of their fairytale movies have some grittyness to them - just doesn't work for me.
Another small, but annoying thing for me: Sora is basically Tidus with clown shoes. Appearance-wise. And Atlantica... Oh my god, Atlantica, so freaking annoying, the entire level, premise and music and characters and swimming controls. Not to mention in KH II, it's a freaking... rhythm game suddenly instead of RPG.
And that's my biggest complaint with KH.
So many freaking versions of it! There's Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts Recoded, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix 1.5 HD, Kingdom Hearts 1.2.001, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts II Other Version, by god, do we really need the first Kingdom Hearts so many times? It's the same story, it's the same characters, just in HD I'm guessing.
And a tiny pet peeve: Aerith in KH II not just looks incredibly stupid, but sounds lobotomized.

Another would be Halo. And Call of Duty. I'm not a big fan of shooters to begin with, so whenever I hear everybody go on and on about how awesome Halo and CoD are and the best games ever and they are totally comparable to games from other genres, which you can't really compare each other with, it just bugs me. I played some shooters when I was younger, but it just never held my appeal or interest for very long. Only Shooter-ish thing I remember playing a lot when young was Turok II.

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I'd have to agree on that one. I've never really seen the appeal of Kingdom Hearts, yet it comes up everywhere. :yuusaku:

I also think Amnesia: The Dark Descent is overrated. It's almost always voted best horror game, but I've never found it scary at all. I actually think it's pretty stupid since the whole appeal of the game is that you're completely defenseless, but I've seen so many objects in game that could be used as weapons. Plus, I find the whole zombie-type monster completely overused.

And, is it just me, or are there a whole load of first person shooters out at the moment? It's almost like it's every other game. :zenitora:
Re: Games series that you just dislikeTopic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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Dammit Cat is there anything you do sound positive about?

I swear most of the topics you make are just excuses to rant and those rant topics already exist.

Especially when some of your rants come across as misinformed and ignorant you do not do yourself any favours. For example today's big mistake:

So many freaking versions of it! There's Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts Recoded, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix 1.5 HD, Kingdom Hearts 1.2.001, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts II Other Version, by god, do we really need the first Kingdom Hearts so many times? It's the same story, it's the same characters, just in HD I'm guessing.

Coded is a different game from the first and was originally a phone game exclusive to Japan (I think, something like Before Crisis was for FF7), RECoded is just a version adapted for the DS and sold west so that we could enjoy it.

Final Mix 1.5 HD does include the first game but it's a compilation so includes 2 new games that were handheld exclusive and so not everyone may have been able to enjoy them.

Kingdom Hearts 2 is just the sequel god knows why you ranted at it so much, again the Final Mix of that game wasn't released over here either but it came with a special remake of another handheld-exclusive game so it still brought something new to the table.

It's hardly like we've been swamped by so many versions.
Get your bloody facts straight before you just go off making wildly wrong statements even if it is in sheer anger it makes you sound idiotic.

Besides it's not really FF meets Disney as such, they are more just cameos to the original story. It's not like you play as Cloud alongside Goofy or anything but whatever. Well...except for Auron.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Re: Games series that you just dislikeTopic%20Title
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You do realize I was exaggeratingly joking about the many versions? And this is a thread about people listing game series they don't like, doesn't matter if they played them before or haven't. And KH is just a grand example: I see KH's first game several times but with Mix or Final Mix, etc, added to it, of course I'll think it's the same game over and over.

And it's still a crossover. The generally-serious FF chars have no business to mingle with Disney characters. It's too surreal to somehow take it seriously that Squall is talking to Donald.

Are there things I enjoy? Yeah, the games I actually play, I generally enjoy. I may complain about every Radiant Mythology game turning into a Level Grind fest in post-game since I practically have nothing else to do anymore, but I still do it. Jeez, people aren't allowed to complain about stuff anymore?

Re: Games series that you just dislikeTopic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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CatMuto wrote:
You do realize I was exaggeratingly joking about the many versions? And this is a thread about people listing game series they don't like, doesn't matter if they played them before or haven't. And KH is just a grand example: I see KH's first game several times but with Mix or Final Mix, etc, added to it, of course I'll think it's the same game over and over.

And it's still a crossover. The generally-serious FF chars have no business to mingle with Disney characters. It's too surreal to somehow take it seriously that Squall is talking to Donald.

Are there things I enjoy? Yeah, the games I actually play, I generally enjoy. I may complain about every Radiant Mythology game turning into a Level Grind fest in post-game since I practically have nothing else to do anymore, but I still do it. Jeez, people aren't allowed to complain about stuff anymore?


You do realise how paradoxical you sound here?

I don't care if you can't stand blending FF with Disney, if it's too surreal that's fine it's your choice but your ignorance infuriates me. "exaggeratingly joking about the many versions" but refusing to understand my reason why in the previous post.

Kingdom Hearts
Final Mix 1.5
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kingdom Hearts Re: COM
Kingdom Hearts Days
Kingdom Hearts RE:Coded
Kingdom Hearts Birth by sleep
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop distance

Are the games released in the west. Of them only one is a spruced up HD version, while Re: COM is a full fledged remake (going from 2D to 3D, adding voice acting, additional content, adjusting the combat system for 3D) and that one isn't even in Europe.

If you see it and think it's the same game over and over well it's implausible to's comparable with thinking every Final Fantasy is the same game regardless of the number on the end just from hearing the name and as gamers I'd give us a little more credibility than that.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Re: Games series that you just dislikeTopic%20Title
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Y-you dislike Kingdom Hearts? Somehow, my Roxas poster is looking pretty pathetic now on my wall.
Well, if you're looking for a mature game, I can't blame you for not liking KH. The characters are far from mature and I always liked the franchise way more for the playability and the fun than by the history. [[[[[[[Although I shamefully cried with KH II and 358/2]]]]]]].
As for KH II being a "rhythm game suddenly instead of RPG", you're right too, but that's not supposed to be a problem. KH is an action-RPG game and the whole premise of the creators was to develop a innovative RPG style. KH was never supposed to be a traditional RPG like FF.


Uh.. There's nothing you two agree on? It's almost funny.
Re: Games series that you just dislikeTopic%20Title
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dangerousoffender wrote:
Y-you dislike Kingdom Hearts? Somehow, my Roxas poster is looking pretty pathetic now on my wall.
Well, if you're looking for a mature game, I can't blame you for not liking KH.

It's not the fact that it's not a mature game that bothers me, it's just the premise of it. FF and Disney just doesn't work together for me, one is generally too serious to be put next to the other. Plus, giant crossovers like that generally result in characters from both franchises to be made bland and one-dimensional. Aerith had some character development in VII, despite her short appearance, and was originally portrayed as being somewhat outgoing and flirty. In KH, she's just made the demure and kind young woman. Who has somehow not died yet

And I'll admit, this isn't just a KH problem. Radiant Mythology is a huge crossover from Tales Of games. The first one had about 20 Tales Of characters crossing over, with 15 of them being playable. The characters were made not as complex as they were in their previous games, but still had moments of their characterization popping up.
The second one gave us 50 Tales Of characters and while certain characters did have their moments, Luke and Asch meeting, stuff like that, they did become more bland. Heck, Yuri and Estelle became playable very late in the game and had practically nothing going on.
The third one has 80 Tales Of characters together and majority of them have been reduced to their "first appearance" personality. Lloyd is kind of a doofus and Genius has the crush-on-Presea along with his intelligence. Luke has been made his jerk self due to the long hair, but that's about it.

Not to mention that some KH fans seem to really, really, really love the game. If they were to encounter me, they'd probably burn me in effigy for not liking this masterpiece which... I dunno, it's just not a masterpiece to me. If I were to play KH, I'd probably have to do what I do with games that just annoy me in some way but still want to finish: make every word out of the male protagonist's mouth a sexual innuendo to make me laugh.
It works. It's made Persona and Ace Attorney and even Tales Of games rather hilarious to play through.

Re: Games series that you just dislikeTopic%20Title
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CatMuto wrote:
dangerousoffender wrote:
Y-you dislike Kingdom Hearts? Somehow, my Roxas poster is looking pretty pathetic now on my wall.
Well, if you're looking for a mature game, I can't blame you for not liking KH.

It's not the fact that it's not a mature game that bothers me, it's just the premise of it. FF and Disney just doesn't work together for me, one is generally too serious to be put next to the other. Plus, giant crossovers like that generally result in characters from both franchises to be made bland and one-dimensional. Aerith had some character development in VII, despite her short appearance, and was originally portrayed as being somewhat outgoing and flirty. In KH, she's just made the demure and kind young woman. Who has somehow not died yet

I cannot disagree with you here, but the appearance of the FF characters in general do not play an important role in the story. For that reason, the way they were portrayed didn't bother me. Plus, showing the deep and developted side of the FF characters would totally go out of the game's premise. KH premise is to be as simple as possible, otherwise, how could it feature Disney characters?

CatMuto wrote:
If I were to play KH, I'd probably have to do what I do with games that just annoy me in some way but still want to finish: make every word out of the male protagonist's mouth a sexual innuendo to make me laugh.
It works. It's made Persona and Ace Attorney and even Tales Of games rather hilarious to play through.

You can switch "keyblade" for another word in your imagination. The effect is hilarious.
Re: Games series that you just dislikeTopic%20Title
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dangerousoffender wrote:
You can switch "keyblade" for another word in your imagination. The effect is hilarious.

Oh, I've read Videogamerecaps go at Kingdom Hearts. They have a field day with the Keyblade-into-Keyhole-shooting-white-jizz-beam-into-it. Also how Roxas looks much better and would be a better hero than Junior - that's what they call Sora. They say he's basically Tidus, who they have labelled as Tightass/Wanker, so Sora is actually Tightass Junior.
Also how freaking bland and boring Kairi/Token Chick is. Which... she is.

Heck, here are two of my favorite screenshots with the caps they add to it.
Screenshot 1: Roxas has written his own vows...
Screenshot 2: "Our sex ed teacher has so much to answer for!"
That second one I find absolutely hilarious.

Re: Games series that you just dislikeTopic%20Title
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aka Ami <3

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Kingdom Hearts sounded SO DUMB when I first heard about it. Then I played it. I love the mechanics, the storyline (despite how convoluted its gotten), and when I played this series, it was the first time in years I could take Mickey Mouse seriously as a character. As for FF cameos, just... don't expect them to deviate from their prescribed sequelitis incarnations. It's always bothered me that Cloud is no longer the snarky, sardonic, yet caring and honorable individual. It seems like in very sequel and movie I see him in, he's just brooding. *sigh* Anyway, the only adult females that aren't a previous character are Larxene and Aqua, and Larxene's in all of two games, and she's a bad guy. Aqua is in ONE game, and is probably one of the more important characters to get as little attention as possible. Actually, this isn't really good as a feminist game, either. Kairi barely does anything, and the keyblade she wields hasn't been explained in like... four midquels. Though this series quickly found its yaoi fanbase, and while it smartly panders to them at every turn, I always tend to feel like I'm on the outside of the fanbase looking in.

I both like and don't like Animal Crossing. I still buy the games, but I end up losing track of things after about a month of playing, and then I end up getting bored of it- cue five months later when I pick it up again, and everything's in shambles. Everyone hates me, starts to move away, and there's just a crapton of catching up to do. And after you pay off your house and decorate it the way you like, there's little reason to keep going. I suppose the abnegation could keep someone hooked for a while, as it does me, but after that first month, I hardly play the games.

I also don't get the allure of Harvest Moon. You toil away thanklessly for a few years, and then your dead relative judges you. It feels strange. To each their own, it's not a BAD series, per se, it's just... odd.

I'm also in a love/hate relationship with Monster Rancher. Mostly for how freakin' difficult every game is, and it has my biggest pet peeve of all in RPG's: invisible stats, and unexplained stats.

I don't really have games that I outright loathe. And though I don't hate Hitman for its over-the-top-silly story, the latent sexism within, or even the repetitive feel of the games, it's the mechanics themselves I don't like. The stealth is very opaquely linear (and yes, I do recognize there must be some linearity in games just by the medium's design, but it's TOO obvious), each stage is punishing rather than challenging for the slightest mistake, and the "correct" way of doing things often results in needing to time every freakin' step to the millisecond, because the stealth score is the only one that matters to keep getting rewarded by the game. I only played one game for the PS2, but I assume that like most games, it hasn't strayed far in service to the brand.
Re: Games series that you just dislikeTopic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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genodragon1 wrote:
Kingdom Hearts sounded SO DUMB when I first heard about it. Then I played it. I love the mechanics, the storyline (despite how convoluted its gotten), and when I played this series, it was the first time in years I could take Mickey Mouse seriously as a character. As for FF cameos, just... don't expect them to deviate from their prescribed sequelitis incarnations. It's always bothered me that Cloud is no longer the snarky, sardonic, yet caring and honorable individual. It seems like in very sequel and movie I see him in, he's just brooding. *sigh* Anyway, the only adult females that aren't a previous character are Larxene and Aqua, and Larxene's in all of two games, and she's a bad guy. Aqua is in ONE game, and is probably one of the more important characters to get as little attention as possible. Actually, this isn't really good as a feminist game, either. Kairi barely does anything, and the keyblade she wields hasn't been explained in like... four midquels. Though this series quickly found its yaoi fanbase, and while it smartly panders to them at every turn, I always tend to feel like I'm on the outside of the fanbase looking in.

Don't worry man I get your pain.
Just do what I do.
Resolutely argue there is no Yaoi in it and that they are reading too deep. They don't have any solid evidence it's romantic and not friendship, especially in a game about friendship and the mystical powers of heart. It just becomes fun banter before too long.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Re: Games series that you just dislikeTopic%20Title
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You know, a Mario game!

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There really aren't that many series I outright dislike, if I had to name one, I'd probably have to say Call Of Duty, but that's only due to the fanboys who troll every single youtube video that involves Nintendo saying that Nintendo sucks and Cod is a real man's game. There's also the fact that every single game is exactly the damn same. My cousin has the supernatural psychic ability to look at a screenshot of a Cod game and tell me which one it is. I have no idea how he's able to do that, as they all look exactly the same to me. When it comes to FPS games, TF2 beats Cod a million times over, no questions asked.
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Re: Games series that you just dislikeTopic%20Title
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I both like and don't like Animal Crossing.

I can understand that. I like the idea of Animal Crossing and it looks like a really cute game. But just like you, I get bored very easily and it can happen that I don't pick a game up for years after playing it for a straight month or two. I don't think I picked my 3DS Abyss copy up for a good year now. And that is what bothers me with Animal Crossing - and in similar fashion, the Love Plus games: it goes along real time.
It's kinda cool, but if they yell at you for not playing for so long, it really takes the fun away. I feel like I'm being forced to play the game, whether I am interested in it or am not, and that just ruins it.

As for Harvest Moon, well, I'm a fan and I have to say... not all of them involve the dead relative coming to judge you. Heck, the Super Nintendo one had your very much alive father and mother coming, your father judging your progress. The first few games did have the "take farm over from old friend/relative/person who died and you move there" story, but the later ones changed the story.

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I've felt worse.

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CatMuto wrote:
dangerousoffender wrote:
You can switch "keyblade" for another word in your imagination. The effect is hilarious.

Oh, I've read Videogamerecaps go at Kingdom Hearts. They have a field day with the Keyblade-into-Keyhole-shooting-white-jizz-beam-into-it. Also how Roxas looks much better and would be a better hero than Junior - that's what they call Sora. They say he's basically Tidus, who they have labelled as Tightass/Wanker, so Sora is actually Tightass Junior.
Also how freaking bland and boring Kairi/Token Chick is. Which... she is.

Heck, here are two of my favorite screenshots with the caps they add to it.
Screenshot 1: Roxas has written his own vows...
Screenshot 2: "Our sex ed teacher has so much to answer for!"
That second one I find absolutely hilarious.


How convenient is it that I recently changed my avatar back to a minor KH character before this came up.
VGR wrote:
"This is a site dedicated to ripping on games in a fun yet sarcastic way. Videogame Recaps contains swear words, sexual innuendo, sarcasm, close-ups of Lulu's boobs, penis jokes, and other such evils. If you think you may be offended by any of the aforementioned things, please leave now."

I have the feeling you read the recap before you played the game. It wouldn't be the first time.
As Pierre said, this series isn't a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover. It's an RPG with FF cameos. Granted, said cameos do get screwed up, like inserting Cloud where Vincent Valentine was going to be, but they're nothing more than cameos. Heck, two of the games don't feature a single FF character.
I'm holding my breath on comparing Sora to Tidus until I finish FFX, (which, by then, this thread will probably be long buried by other topics), but by the most recent KH game, they make sure to deconstruct any similarities.
Granted, when it's not trying to find an innuendo in everything they see or logic in every single detail in a series with the premise of a kid with a giant key traveling to worlds based on disney movies, the recap makes some valid points. And if you're disliking the series for its fanbase, I honestly can't blame you.
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Re: Games series that you just dislikeTopic%20Title
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aka Ami <3

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Pierre wrote:
genodragon1 wrote:
Kingdom Hearts sounded SO DUMB when I first heard about it. Then I played it. I love the mechanics, the storyline (despite how convoluted its gotten), and when I played this series, it was the first time in years I could take Mickey Mouse seriously as a character. As for FF cameos, just... don't expect them to deviate from their prescribed sequelitis incarnations. It's always bothered me that Cloud is no longer the snarky, sardonic, yet caring and honorable individual. It seems like in very sequel and movie I see him in, he's just brooding. *sigh* Anyway, the only adult females that aren't a previous character are Larxene and Aqua, and Larxene's in all of two games, and she's a bad guy. Aqua is in ONE game, and is probably one of the more important characters to get as little attention as possible. Actually, this isn't really good as a feminist game, either. Kairi barely does anything, and the keyblade she wields hasn't been explained in like... four midquels. Though this series quickly found its yaoi fanbase, and while it smartly panders to them at every turn, I always tend to feel like I'm on the outside of the fanbase looking in.

Don't worry man I get your pain.
Just do what I do.
Resolutely argue there is no Yaoi in it and that they are reading too deep. They don't have any solid evidence it's romantic and not friendship, especially in a game about friendship and the mystical powers of heart. It just becomes fun banter before too long.

Oh, there are HEAVY undertones to the games. Like, I'm pretty sure that in the first game it was accidental, but you seriously can't look at anything most of the main male cast does and look at it without seeing it. It's about as obvious as the foppish character in a Disney flick. Which... makes sense, strangely enough.

CatMuto wrote:
I both like and don't like Animal Crossing.

I can understand that. I like the idea of Animal Crossing and it looks like a really cute game. But just like you, I get bored very easily and it can happen that I don't pick a game up for years after playing it for a straight month or two. I don't think I picked my 3DS Abyss copy up for a good year now. And that is what bothers me with Animal Crossing - and in similar fashion, the Love Plus games: it goes along real time.
It's kinda cool, but if they yell at you for not playing for so long, it really takes the fun away. I feel like I'm being forced to play the game, whether I am interested in it or am not, and that just ruins it.

Yeah, it does. I wish I could just put the game down and pick it up without worrying about the entire town going to crap.

As for Harvest Moon, well, I'm a fan and I have to say... not all of them involve the dead relative coming to judge you. Heck, the Super Nintendo one had your very much alive father and mother coming, your father judging your progress. The first few games did have the "take farm over from old friend/relative/person who died and you move there" story, but the later ones changed the story.


I've played two games, though I see a BUNCH of them in the series. One was for the GBC (apparently available on 3DS VC), and the other for the SNES (Virtual Console).

sumguy28 wrote:
And if you're disliking the series for its fanbase, I honestly can't blame you.

Yeah, the fanbase is particularly frothing. It's like being a reasonable K-ON! fan that likes the easygoing feel to the show and can restrain myself from spamming "kawaii desu ne?" in every other post.

If we're going to talk fanbases it's embarrassing to be a part of, try any series with a sexually attractive woman in a revealing and/or BDSM-esque outfit. Natrually, this covers most of video games, as we can all relate to this. Granted, I have hormones, and I find it attractive when a woman dresses provocatively. However, the rampant sexist attitudes and people whose only comments are "boobs", "I want to f*** that", and "waifu" tend to make me feel a little embarrassed. Just as much as when the obligatory white knight "she doesn't need to be half-naked" comments roll in (there are some that feel legit, but most feel like regurgitated talking points in order to look more socially acceptable). In fact, some of the latter borders on slut-shaming- which is just as harmful as the attitudes they fight against. Not that there isn't rampant objectification in video games either, but it feels very odd to be in the middle of these comments.

Speaking of women in revealing and/or BDSM-esque outfits, I hate the series that is Rumble Roses. But that's just the short answer. The long answer is that I LOVE the first game. It's campy, over-the-top, self-aware, and has a somewhat decent story. Rumble Roses XX was one of the original reasons I wanted to buy an Xbox 360 (the others being I wasn't a huge PC gamer at the time, so most PC games went to the 360, and therefore it allowed me to play some titles I previously couldn't). HUGE. DISAPPOINTMENT. It wasn't even a sequel. It was a lazy re-hashing of the first game with sloppily added new features, a round-a-bout championship system, and all Americans unfamiliar with Japanese culture would find the punishment games VERY WEIRD. And they weren't even cool punishments. But then again, retrospectively (as Higurashi was something I would enjoy later), it should've been something like the punishment games in Higurashi.
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As I said, I have not played KH and I don't really want to. Yes I've read VGR's recap of KH up to now and that didn't change my opinion on the KH series. I don't like the KH series because the two premises don't work for me. It's like putting My Little Pony together with Mortal Kombat. It doesn't fit, it has nothing in any way common with each other, it feels off.

And no, I do not hate the KH fanbase. It doesn't matter to me which fanbase, whether I am a part of it or am not, I know that every fanbase has morons in it and some who have some legitimate points or flaws for the game they like. I just dislike fans from any fanbase that are either extreme haters or extreme lovers of something.

genodragon, I agree on that skimpy clothing thing. Looking at Ivy from Soul Calibur, also a game series I haven't played, I see a woman in skimpy clothes with a whip. As much as I enjoy seeing pretty women with any amount of clothes on them, I don't see the reason that there is a need to put them into skimpy clothes.

I actually prefer more clothes on my women, because that gives me a little mystery, something that makes my imagination go into overdrive, which can be more of a turn-on than just simply showing a huge amount of cleavage and leg. Or even guys. Yeah, I like seeing guys topless. But I almost prefer guys with slightly open shirts more, because there's a mystery for me. Something left to discover. Look at DoA 5: I think that has some of the best clothing for the characters in it, because it isn't as skimpy as in some of the previous games. Plus, the clothes look awesome.

Regarding "waifu" whenever I heard that word, I first thought it was a wife's martial arts style (Fu meaning fist) and not just the "weaboo" word for wife. I say even some English words with a Japanese pronounciation because I spend so much time with Japanese games these days, but I generally make sure to spell the English words right.

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CatMuto wrote:
As I said, I have not played KH and I don't really want to. Yes I've read VGR's recap of KH up to now and that didn't change my opinion on the KH series. I don't like the KH series because the two premises don't work for me. It's like putting My Little Pony together with Mortal Kombat. It doesn't fit, it has nothing in any way common with each other, it feels off.

Oh that's fine. I was just kind of hoping you were complaining about a game you actually played and not just heard about. But who am I to stop you?
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Re: Games series that you just dislikeTopic%20Title
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CatMuto wrote:
Regarding "waifu" whenever I heard that word, I first thought it was a wife's martial arts style (Fu meaning fist) and not just the "weaboo" word for wife. I say even some English words with a Japanese pronounciation because I spend so much time with Japanese games these days, but I generally make sure to spell the English words right.


It's from Azumanga Daioh.

CatMuto wrote:
And that is what bothers me with Animal Crossing - and in similar fashion, the Love Plus games: it goes along real time.
It's kinda cool, but if they yell at you for not playing for so long, it really takes the fun away. I feel like I'm being forced to play the game, whether I am interested in it or am not, and that just ruins it.

And this reminded me I haven't talked to Rinko in like a year. Whoops.

On-topic, I don't particularly dislike a specific series because I only play awesome games. :delilah-hair:
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Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
On-topic, I don't particularly dislike a specific series because I only play awesome games. :delilah-hair:

You don't have to have played a videogame series to simply dislike it. Just hearing the title of something you don't like can be enough.

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CatMuto wrote:
Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
On-topic, I don't particularly dislike a specific series because I only play awesome games. :delilah-hair:

You don't have to have played a videogame series to simply dislike it. Just hearing the title of something you don't like can be enough.


Nah...I'm not sure, that implies a massive amount of prejudice towards something.

Think it's best if you've at least played something in the same genre, so like saying "I don't like Battlefield 3 because I didn't like CODBLOPS2" has some credibility.

Just hating something without any reason? That don't make any sense.
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You know, a Mario game!

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I have to agree with Pierre on this one. You can't form an opinion of a game you've never played, that just isn't right. That's like assuming you're not going to like a particular food just because you don't like how it looks, it's just childish.
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Well, I know fairly well that I won't like many fighting, racing, and FPS games without having played them because I'm not particularly good at the genre, nor do I find the games overly enjoyable. I'll play fighting games like Street Fighter, Dead or Alive, or Darkstalkers if I have friends to play it with- otherwise, the only fighting game series I'll ever really buy is the Super Smash Bros. series. Heck, despite the fact that I am very interested in Skullgirls (though it's a bit of a misnomer these days with male cast members joining the roster), I won't buy the game because it's a fighter, and that has very limited enjoyment for me. And even though I like Mario Kart as a series, I don't really want to buy the games if I don't have friends to play them with. As for First Person Shooters- and even Third Person Shooters, I only tend to like playing with a close group of friends, as opposed to strangers.
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genodragon1 wrote:
Well, I know fairly well that I won't like many fighting, racing, and FPS games without having played them because I'm not particularly good at the genre, nor do I find the games overly enjoyable. I'll play fighting games like Street Fighter, Dead or Alive, or Darkstalkers if I have friends to play it with- otherwise, the only fighting game series I'll ever really buy is the Super Smash Bros. series. Heck, despite the fact that I am very interested in Skullgirls (though it's a bit of a misnomer these days with male cast members joining the roster), I won't buy the game because it's a fighter, and that has very limited enjoyment for me. And even though I like Mario Kart as a series, I don't really want to buy the games if I don't have friends to play them with. As for First Person Shooters- and even Third Person Shooters, I only tend to like playing with a close group of friends, as opposed to strangers.

An that's still ok cause you've got some experience with the genre and consistently dislike it.

Better than outright hating something with no experience or opinion of anything like it.
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You have a point, Pierre, I never thought of it that way. I suppose I'm not as judgmental as I thought.
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Good topic, I like it...

lemme see:

Kingdom Hearts:
I can't stand the character designs, I never was THAT big fan of Disney and I can't stand the androgynus character-designs, Squenix has such a hard-on for.

Grand Theft Auto:
Fucking Christ... I got it. It is a great game, but would you please be so nice as to stop shoving it down my throat?
Play it and leave me alone, kthxbye...

COD and BF:
Yeah, it seems kinda "mainstream" to hate those, but I do not hate them directly, I am rather like "eugh" and I rather make fun of them, than ranting over them.

Assassin's Creed:
The story of those games gets worse and worse, the AI is stupid as fuck: 20 enemies around you, yet, only one of them attacks and gets countered instantly, climbing and moving is toned down to one button, no effort whatsoever... hyped as fuck, for no real reason, as they never stood out to me that much.
Gameplay mostly seems shallow to me.

Maybe I'll think of some more later...
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You know, a Mario game!

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I'm probably going to get a lot of flack for this, but I don't care for Metal Gear Solid. 2 things in video games that I hate more than anything else are stealth missions and overly long cutscenes, and MGS is pretty much nothing but stealth missions and overly long cutscenes. I'm a very impatient guy, I prefer games where you can just rush right in and kill everything in sight, and any cutscene longer than 5 minutes makes me agitated and bored. Seriously, it feels like MGS is 90% cutscenes and 10% gameplay!
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dimentiorules wrote:
I'm probably going to get a lot of flack for this, but I don't care for Metal Gear Solid. 2 things in video games that I hate more than anything else are stealth missions and overly long cutscenes, and MGS is pretty much nothing but stealth missions and overly long cutscenes. I'm a very impatient guy, I prefer games where you can just rush right in and kill everything in sight, and any cutscene longer than 5 minutes makes me agitated and bored. Seriously, it feels like MGS is 90% cutscenes and 10% gameplay!

But WHAT a 90% of Cutscenes it is XD
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I think for me the series I don't enjoy much is .hack (ps2 games)

the story is interesting but the games are sooo repetitive and there was no reason to spread the story over 4 games as thin as it was could have easily been covered in 1 or 2 tops. was just a way for the developers to make more money.
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Gonna go ahead and jump on the CoD hatred bandwagon. I'm not crazy about FPSs in general, but CoD is just over saturated. While we're on that subject, I'm going mention my dislike for Street Fighter. I don't particularly care for brawlers in the first place, but Street Fighter captures my attention as being one of the more irritating of the bunch. No doubt due to Capcom's overconfidence in the brand to where they keep releasing alternate versions of the same game every other year (Although at least they're more honest about it than the CoD people, based on the titles anyway).

Finally, I'm gonna say Sonic the Hedgehog. Don't hate it, I just tried playing some of the classic games, and they didn't really appeal to me. Might try the 3D games eventually (the ones I hear are good, anyway), but I'm gonna pass on the 2D games.
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TheDoctor wrote:
While we're on that subject, I'm going mention my dislike for Street Fighter. I don't particularly care for brawlers in the first place, but Street Fighter captures my attention as being one of the more irritating of the bunch. No doubt due to Capcom's overconfidence in the brand to where they keep releasing alternate versions of the same game every other year (Although at least they're more honest about it than the CoD people, based on the titles anyway).

Is it the new iterations that bother you or the game as a whole? Because Street Fighter is a very solid fighting game. Also the reason why Capcom keeps releasing new iterations is not due to overconfidence, but the fact their on the verge of bankruptcy and need to cash in quickly with minimal effort. (wait that's also pretty bad...)

For a game series that I just dislike that would be FIFA. I find sports games in general pretty boring (Although basketball is OK for some reason) but FIFA definitely takes the cake. Ofcourse there is the: new year 95% same game syndrome, but FIFA probably bothers me because it's so popular in the Netherlands (probably all around Europe too). All too often I have run into this scenario:
Me: Do you play videogames?
Other: Yeah, I do!
Me: What kind of games?
Other: Mostly FIFA and you?
Me: Basically everything but sports games
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For a game series that I just dislike that would be FIFA. I find sports games in general pretty boring

I agree. I overall don't see the point in sports games and I dislike how there's a new (Sports Game) (This Year) coming out. What's the point of it? If it's the World Cup, well, if you wanna recreate reality in the game, why not just the recorded games? If you wanna change it, does that even work or are the games coded so the real-life winner actually wins the game?

But yeah, most sports games I wonder, why don't you just play the actual sport itself? I mean, the only "sports" game I play is Dead Or Alive Xtreme 2 and there, the volleyball minigame, is more in terms of getting money together - for me, the game is more about relaxing and collecting things. And I personally don't play beachvolleyball because, for one thing, I'm not very sporty to begin with and for another, I have a severe aversion to wearing bathing suits... and the first reason is also why I don't play regular volleyball.

Another game series I dislike is Layton. I dunno, I played the Curious Village and it just didn't grip me. And after a while, the amount of puzzles just bothered me and everything I clicked on always brought out "Say, Luke, this (object) reminds me of a puzzle", I almost wanted to not click anymore... as for the story, I dunno, maybe it's cause I didn't get very far, but the story just seemed like a background thing - to the point where I thought "Why even give this thing a story if it can function fine without one?" just make the plot "Two characters solve puzzles they think up on the spot".

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I can't for the life of me stand Sonic games. While I got some mild enjoyment out of the early platformer games and Sonic Adventure as a kid, I knew even then that the games weren't all that good, not to mention the poor voice acting, boring story and so on. Now it seems like it's only getting worse, and that Sega has no clue what to do with the series.

It doesn't help that the series has one of the most zealous and toxic fandoms on the internet.
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You know, a Mario game!

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CatMuto wrote:
For a game series that I just dislike that would be FIFA. I find sports games in general pretty boring

I agree. I overall don't see the point in sports games and I dislike how there's a new (Sports Game) (This Year) coming out. What's the point of it? If it's the World Cup, well, if you wanna recreate reality in the game, why not just the recorded games? If you wanna change it, does that even work or are the games coded so the real-life winner actually wins the game?

But yeah, most sports games I wonder, why don't you just play the actual sport itself? I mean, the only "sports" game I play is Dead Or Alive Xtreme 2 and there, the volleyball minigame, is more in terms of getting money together - for me, the game is more about relaxing and collecting things. And I personally don't play beachvolleyball because, for one thing, I'm not very sporty to begin with and for another, I have a severe aversion to wearing bathing suits... and the first reason is also why I don't play regular volleyball.

Another game series I dislike is Layton. I dunno, I played the Curious Village and it just didn't grip me. And after a while, the amount of puzzles just bothered me and everything I clicked on always brought out "Say, Luke, this (object) reminds me of a puzzle", I almost wanted to not click anymore... as for the story, I dunno, maybe it's cause I didn't get very far, but the story just seemed like a background thing - to the point where I thought "Why even give this thing a story if it can function fine without one?" just make the plot "Two characters solve puzzles they think up on the spot".


I got bored of Layton after playing the first 2 games, however, the third game is where they really start getting good. The story is amazing, the characters are interesting, the puzzles are memorable, it's an all around amazing experience. The first 2 layton games aren't anywhere near as good as the third. Often times in video games, sequels are much better than the originals, due to improving on the concepts from the previous game and adding new ones. For example, compare the original Super Smash Bros. on the Nintendo 64 to every game that came after it. It is incredibly outdated in comparison, with only 12 characters, no side special, no trophies, and very few game modes.
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