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Re: The C-R Adventure. Let the adventure... Begin!Topic%20Title
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((All right, read everything I had to read. AND I have planned something cool. Very cool.
However, my new plans involve being a villain, which I really dig. So yeah. There may be a turnabout later, but, for now, I'm a bad guy. But I'm pretty sure it'll work.
BTW, this post begins during Dimbo's broadcasting about the Heroes being evil, and, as you'll see, connects to the present of the RP. I hope you don't mind me irrelevantly (but necessarily) godmodding Dimbo.))

The monitor showed the Heroes, as it had been showing for hours and hours. At least, in this timeline, it had been hours. It was all very confusing, honestly. Bored, he noticed that He was still in that room, which he had entered from 10 to 5 minutes ago, so he assumed he was still busy. He shot the monitor a dark, uninterested glance. The Heroes were still inside Dr. Tap's laboratory, and one of them, Dragonclaw, had received the broadcast in her cellphone.

"We're screwed." said she.

This should have caused the young man to produce, at the very least, a tiny giggle. But he wasn't in the mood. He hadn't been in the mood for 10 years.
Suddenly, Dimbo came out of the "broadcasting room", as the villain liked to call it, not to the young man's amusement. Dimbo wasn't looking amused at all, neither.
"I can't believe this." he said. "How in Hell's name did they manage to cut me off? Even through time!"
The young man said nothing.
"Now, now," Dimbo told the young man, "you know how I feel about not having my questions answered, Devian."
"And you know there's no way I can answer that question." Devian answered, his expression unchanged. Now, Dimbo didn't respond. He sat down, next to the young man, and focused his eyes on the screen facing them. In an all-too-fast manner, the Heroes were now surrounded by an angry mob, who were hitting the TRADIS.
"According to my calculations," Devian told Dimbo, "they should be here in seconds now."
"Good." Dimbo answered. "The shift between timelines had began to confuse me."

The screen showed the tape once more, the time and date on the upper-left side of the screen. The recorded events, according to that tape, had taken place in 2016. Devian reminiscenced for half a second, unmoved, and got back to reality. Fifteen years had passed. The current year was 2026, he believed, exactly 10 years later.

Devian couldn't get it out of his mind, so he had to ask:
"Why, exactly," he said, "do you need me to be there?"
Dimbo grinned. "I know what you think, my Devian. But, as complete as my operation seemed, there is still one stone in my shoes. One particular stone we call "Heroes", although simply for convenience. I couldn't eliminate them in 2016... I will eliminate them today." His grin was showing that particular triumphant gleam that had never got him anywhere... until 10 years ago. But since then, Dimbo hadn't needed to "get" anywhere, since he was actually already "there"... where he wanted to be.
At least, that's what it seemed, until just now.

"How are the Heroes still a nuisance in your 'master plan', if I may?" Devian asked.
"Devian, how have you still not realized?" Dimbo answered. Devian hated it when he said that. "Anyways, you will see soon enough. Ah, just in time! Look who's arrived!"
Devian checked the screen. The date was now the same, however the year was not 2016, but 2026. And the upper-right corner had four letters, "LIVE", on it. The image the screen itself was showing was that of a deserted wasteland, with a familiar telephone box materialising on it. When it fully appeared, the "Heroes" started coming out of it. It was time.

"Well, now look what's happened!" an all-too-familiar voice said a few feet from him, its sound only overlayed by the flapping of Devian's coat in the wind. "You've ruined the only planet in this solar system to house "intelligent" life. We only moved forward 10 years. Now look. Devastated. Crippled by one of your own. Oh, you can talk, you can fear that one day your planet will be invaded by aliens and the like... but the only thing you should fear are yourselves." After saying that, the Hero violently entered the phone box. Devian waited for a moment. He assumed it wouldn't take a while for the man to come out. And alas, a minute later, he was back outside. "Ok, listen." he told the other Heroes. "Some moments in time... are fixed. This WAS fixed. This was a fixed a point in time, and now it's been corrupted. Only something with an incredible power over the time vortex can change it. Whatever did that has disabled the TRADIS. We can't go back, we have to push forward and fix things from here. I promise you, things were not like this, and they never will be."

"Things are as they have been, were, and will ever be." Devian said, walking towards the group.

((Feel free to ask, I've got most of it planned.))
Re: The C-R Adventure. Let the adventure... Begin!Topic%20Title
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((Wow, what a post. So is Devian a new character or something?))
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CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
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Re: The C-R Adventure. Let the adventure... Begin!Topic%20Title
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They don't :c

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Meenyman wrote:
((Wow, what a post. So is Devian a new character or something?))

((I thought it was pretty obvious who he was...))
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DeMatador wrote:
Meenyman wrote:
((Wow, what a post. So is Devian a new character or something?))

((I thought it was pretty obvious who he was...))

((Oohhhh yeah..............I forgot you weren't with us.........*facepalm*))

Meenyman, standing with the rest of the group, stared in disappointment of their possible future. He was surprised that 10 years would do such a thing to a world. Moments later, a familiar figure approached the Heroes.

"Things are as they have been, were, and will ever be," said the man.

Meenyman squinted with his only eye, as the bandaged eye couldn't move.

"This can't be....It's....What do you mean?"
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CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
"If you don't have any shadows, then you're not standing in the light."
Re: The C-R Adventure. Let the adventure... Begin!Topic%20Title
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((Note: following Shadow's advice, DeMat is now 10 years older, so he would be 25 bt now.))
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Shadow turned his head round, followed by his body. "Ah... a survivor."

He put his hands into his trouser pockets, then walked towards the newcomer. "And who might you be?" frowned Shadow. There was something about this person that looked familiar.
Engaged to Reiji!
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Re: The C-R Adventure. Let the adventure... Begin!Topic%20Title
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Devian half-grinned, but quickly got back to his serious state.
"You don't need to know who I am." he answered. "You just need to know what I have to say."
He noticed that the man had his hand on his pocket. He knew what that meant. He remembered what that meant.
"And don't bother:" Devian told him, "your technology is useless here... as you have probably already seen. We took care of that... In fact, this specific moment is why we took care of it."
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Shadow narrowed his eyes, then withdrew his Sonic Screwdriver. He aimed it at a broken gate. He pressed the button. It flickered and nothing happened. "Grr..."

He shoved the screwdriver back inside his pocket.

"How do you know about my technology? What is this specific moment?" questioned Shadow, grabbing the stranger's coat lapels. "I'm am in no mood for cryptic trickery!"
Engaged to Reiji!
Credit to Nadindi for the awesome sig! :D
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Meenyman walked up to Shadow, and extended his arm, gesturing to Edgeworth to stop.

"There's no need to get mad," said Meenyman.

"Listen, why are you even here? Why would your presence be important for us? I don't see why we should believe you, considering how we don't even know you."
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CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
"If you don't have any shadows, then you're not standing in the light."
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Suddenly, Devian was now being lifted some inches above the ground by a furious man.
"How do you know about my technology?" the man was asking Devian. "What is this specific moment? I'm in no mood for cryptic trickery!"
"There's no need to get mad." another Hero told this rather moody gentleman. "Listen, why are you even here?" this Hero asked Devian. "Why would your presence be important for us? I don't see why we should believe you, considering how we don't even know you."

"Oh," Devian responded, "you do know me, as well as I do know you. No, no, that wouldn't be true. I can certainly say that I know all of you better than you know me... Heck, maybe even more than you know yourself."
He got himself off the hands of the furious Hero, but didn't step back.
"But you're right," he told them, "there's no time for cryptic messagery. More specifically, you don't have that time." He grinned. "Excuse me, I can't help being cryptic from time to time." His expression returned to a serious one, though he was still kind of amused.

"What I am here for," Devian proceeded, "is to tell you something. Personally, I'm against it, but I can't ignore orders, and he wants me to tell you the following: As you may have already guessed, what you see around is the work a single man: Dimbo. You may have not though this, but you were the only ones that kept him from that goal. But, exactly 10 years ago, you disappeared from the face of Earth. That same day marked the fate of this town, and later, this planet." Devian cleared his throat.
"To keep things short, Dimbo unleashed Cold War II: without leaving more than a hundred victims, he has the former leaders of the world eating from his very hands. The reason? Fear." His face started to show slight trails of contempt, or even anger.
"You are now standing in one of the multiple testing grounds for prototypes of the Leviathan, a.k.a., Dimbo's ultimate viral missile-powered weapon, and the reason for all this fear. But..."

Devian paused. He didn't want to say the following. Why did he have to? Was this Dimbo testing him, his loyalty? His loyalty to Dimbo himself... or to the Heroes?
"But," he finally said, "Dimbo wants me to tell you that if you still think you stand a chance..."
Devian raised his hand, and pointed his index finger at Doctor Ptapcc.
"You must look for that madman over there. But... the present one."

"If you'll trust me or not," he finally said, "it's your choice."
Re: The C-R Adventure. Let the adventure... Begin!Topic%20Title
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Panda tipped her head to one side, taking in the information Devian seemed so eager to give them.

"Of course we trust you. Why would you be lying anyway? Dimbo wants to play a game with us and games are no fun if you have to play by yourself..." she smiled. Things were getting... interesting.

"You've changed, you know." she remarked conversationally. "But I think you still want to help us- even if you don't want to tell us that. You're not a kid anymore so it's up to you."

Panda knew perfectly well, even as she said this, that to expect any direct help from this man would be little less than stupid. Clearly, he had close affiliations with Dimbo. But indirect help, well, that was another matter entirely...
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Devian trembled at the mention of the word "kid".
"I think you're confused, Chief Panda." he told the Hero, immediately after she finished. "I'm not helping you. If it were for me, I wouldn't be here. I am here simply because Dimbo wants me to be here, and I am in no position to deny his orders, whatever his reasons may be." He paused, looking every second angrier, darker.
"My place in this new world order is not to think, but to execute." Devian said.

Finally, he turned around, ready to leave. "To be honest, it's not of my concern if you trust me or not." he told them. "As I said, my job was to hand out this message to you, nothing else. Take it as you wish."
"And, Chief Panda..." Devian told her, turning around once more, facing her. "It's been 10 years, but I haven't changed. I'm not the kid you knew, that blindly fought for no reason other than altruism. Dimbo made sure that kid disappeared... Literally."

Now yes, Devian turned around, took a small device out of his pocket, and pressed the button that stood in its center. The device started glowing and oscillating, making mechanical noises. "Oh, by the way," Devian finally told the group, "Wanacoba should still be in Cairo... Not that you care... Or ever cared." With an almost furious expression, Devian disappeared.

He was back at the cold, poorly lit room where he was some minutes ago. Dimbo stood there, facing him, grinning. He was even faintly laughing, triumphant.
"Very well, Devian..." Dimbo told him, "NOW you're ready."
Devian didn't respond.
Re: The C-R Adventure. Let the adventure... Begin!Topic%20Title
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Bam! Wait. That's a fish?!

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Dragon looked up from her phone after Devian left. "Looks like we're in for trouble... again." She sighed. "I'm thinking that all of our tech is obsolete now. What's our next move?" Lewis was deep in thought.

((Sorry for not posting for a while.))
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((Hello! I'm not going to be in too often, but can someone give me a recap on whats going on? I will try to enter more often...))
Awesome sig by awesome Nadini!
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((Well, basically, you've transported us to ten years later, and you're now the undisputed ruler of the planet. >) Just read this page and the previous page, and that's pretty much all you need to know. ^^ ))

Shadow then realized who their new rival actually was. Oh, Dimbo, what have you done...?

"It wasn't like that..." he sighed. He quickly ran inside the TRADIS. Then brought out a sphere like device, the size of a Pokéball, but completely black, with a grey button in the centre.

"Ok, the TRADIS is out of action, along with my screwdriver. Right... I don't know. I don't know what to do. I do believe that searching for survivors would be the best option. Oh, yes." he told the group.

He pressed the button on the sphere, and a light ray emerged, materializing 4 X-Tronic Motorbikes, the same ones as before. Shadow got on the one nearest to him. "One thing's for sure though. We've got to put everything right, quickly, otherwise the timelines will merge and reality as we know it will break. First, let's find Wana. Mind you, easier said than done."

He sighed quietly to himself. DeMat...

((Shall we make a new thread to get more people in this, now? Survivor characters, I mean.))
Engaged to Reiji!
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((Hm, I'd say survivor characters would be interesting to see. We shouldn't have too many though, cause having like 50 characters is tough. XD))

"Yeah, but where would Wana be? Don't forget, it's 10 years into the future. The possibilities of finding him are much harder," explained Meenyman.

Meenyman jumped onto one of the bikes Shadow had set out for the Heroes, getting ready to leave.
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CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
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((I say we create a new thread for this new storyline (with an awesome new name other than "The C-R Adventure II"), and that users who had bosses in this thread that eventually weren't used (Justis and eliasswift, for example) can re-apply their characters, or apply a different one, and new bosses can be enlisted. Personally, I believe Justis' character, if he still wants to take part of the RP, should be placed in a different setting. But Elias' is just fine, we'll find a way around it.
Right now, finding Wanacoba will be the main focus of the RP, with Devian kinda stalking the Heroes.

We should also PM Wanacoba to see if he still wants to take part, or if Wanacoba (the character) should be found dead.))
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((Hey guys, I will be away for around 10 days. I am taking a leave for vacation, but I might be able to get some internet connection. Would you guys mind if you slowed things down until I get back?))
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CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
"If you don't have any shadows, then you're not standing in the light."
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Meenyman wrote:
((Hey guys, I will be away for around 10 days. I am taking a leave for vacation, but I might be able to get some internet connection. Would you guys mind if you slowed things down until I get back?))

Meenyman wrote:
Would you guys mind if you slowed things down until I get back?

Meenyman wrote:
slowed things down

((A-hem, considering that you are the first poster on this thread for about a week, that shouldn't be a problem. xD
Come on people! Get on yer bikes! :godot: ))
Engaged to Reiji!
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Re: The C-R Adventure. Let the adventure... Begin!Topic%20Title
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Bam! Wait. That's a fish?!

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((Oops. Haven't been as active as I should be.))

Dragon sighed and jumped on one of the bikes. "Well... first, where should we start?"
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Re: The C-R Adventure. Let the adventure... Begin!Topic%20Title
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Hello, I want to join this too... this is the image.>>>>>>>>>>> Image

I won't really be a hero or a villian, till I make a turnabout, so yeah.

My part is under this.

A young man, preferably a teenager crawled out in front of a bike, suffering cuts all over his body.
He fell down, closing his eyes, and the last thing he remembered was the person on the bike walking over to him.
"Hmm?What's this?" Dragon talked to himself, picking up a note from the man's hand."L9-D4."
Re: The C-R Adventure. Let the adventure... Begin!Topic%20Title
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Bam! Wait. That's a fish?!

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((:/ Dragon's a SHE. And no god-modding. And I'm not sure that this rp's open for applying or not.

So... what's the verdict? Are we going to create a second succession?))
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((Haha, it'll be pretty awesome to have a new "part" start when I get back. XD))
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CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
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We didn't appear to reach a general consensus on this RP. It's been inactive for over a month so do we still wish to continue it? We might have 28 pages so far but there is still heaps we could RP and we did plan to create a second thread.

So what's the verdict? :S ))
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((Oh, right. I forgot about this.

My verdict is *NEW THREAD*. ;) ))
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Bam! Wait. That's a fish?!

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New thread: 2
Old thread: 0))
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((Make that 3 votes for new thread. We went this far, let's not stop. =D))
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CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
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((I'm all for a new thread, based around this new theme. Two things, though:

1) Who would create and administrate it? Since Dimbo seems to be away.
2) What would it be called? I would vote "The C-R Adventure II: The Lost Future", but Layton stole that name. What about "The Forgotten Past"? I dunno.

But before we start, we should make sure we know where that new thread's going...
Let's see, the Heroes were transported to the future, where Dimbo reigns supreme, and an older DeMat is his subordinate. Everything seems lost, but Dimbo forces Devian to tell the Heroes that they do have a chance: finding the present Dr. Tap, who can take them back to the past, where they have to stop Dimbo once and for all. Sounds like the synopsys of some post-apocalyptic flick, heh.))
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((If someone is creating the thread, it should be someone that is online daily and obviously is active on this RP. The Forgotten Past sounds good.))
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CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
"If you don't have any shadows, then you're not standing in the light."
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((I concurr with The Forgotten Past. Also, about maintainence... maybe Tap? *points at Tap* ))
Engaged to Reiji!
Credit to Nadindi for the awesome sig! :D
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((I'm alright with Tap administrating it, if he wants to. What do you say, Tap?))
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((I agree with Tap, and I have a suggestion. I'm not sure if it'll be too much people, but should we include a couple more slots for more RPers?))
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CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
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((I'm fine with administrating the new thread and The Forgotten Past sounds like a good title. In regards to your suggestion, Meenyman, I think it's a good idea however these new RPers should probably work for Dimbo in the post-apocalyptic world or maybe you had a different idea...)
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Bam! Wait. That's a fish?!

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((Mmm... IMO, the new RPers can have a choice between helping the heroes, or being Dimbo's minions. And love the Forgotten Past. *supports Tap for moderating the thread.))
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((Yeah, they should rather be on Dimbo's side, it'll add a bit more pressure if we had no help, isn't that right?))
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CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
"If you don't have any shadows, then you're not standing in the light."
Re: The C-R Adventure. Let the adventure... Begin!Topic%20Title
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((Yeah, the Dimbo-siders could form part of Dimbo's army, perhaps.

I'm planning on introducing one of Dimbo's minions anyway, as a second character for me, and perhaps as a rival for DeMat. :karma:

So should we post updated Character bios before the creation of the next thread for ease of transfer?))
Engaged to Reiji!
Credit to Nadindi for the awesome sig! :D
Re: The C-R Adventure. Let the adventure... Begin!Topic%20Title
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ShadowEdgeworth wrote:
((Yeah, the Dimbo-siders could form part of Dimbo's army, perhaps.

I'm planning on introducing one of Dimbo's minions anyway, as a second character for me, and perhaps as a rival for DeMat. :karma:

So should we post updated Character bios before the creation of the next thread for ease of transfer?))

((Ha! I plan on introducing one of Dimbo's minions too to inject some humour. :D

Anyway, I guess we should either post profiles now or in the new thread which I'm about to create soon. I'll put a note saying that it's open for 2-3 RPers. Does that work with everyone?))
Re: The C-R Adventure. Let the adventure... Begin!Topic%20Title
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((Yup, fine by me. I'll post my bios in the new thread, which'll be Mine, Dimbo's (Presuming I'm in control, or sharing control with DeMat.) and my new minion (who'll be more than the average minion! :D).
Engaged to Reiji!
Credit to Nadindi for the awesome sig! :D
Re: The C-R Adventure. Let the adventure... Begin!Topic%20Title
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Bam! Wait. That's a fish?!

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((Ditto. Bios will be Dragon's and Lewis. Let the end begin! ...))
[Signature in construction until I make a new one]
I'm back, mate! Still lurking like a ninja but whatevs :3
Re: The C-R Adventure. Let the adventure... Begin!Topic%20Title
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[Alright, there's a new thread everyone. If you haven't checked it out, check it out now and remember to post your profile. I'll be getting in contact with everyone via PM to inform them of the new thread (and it's revival).

Goodbye, old thread. :(]
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