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'Tis the Season (REDUX): A PW RoleplayTopic%20Title
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Pipin' hot Justice.

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Mwahaha. It's funny, really. I had this little roleplay that I started up some two years ago when I first joined, and I really rather liked it. However, as it was, I became very busy and disappeared from the site for about two years. Well, I just happened to find that roleplay and scrolled through it for fun. Then I had a thought; it might be fun to try again! So, after tweaking it slightly, I decided it was worth a shot! So, if anyone's interested, er... have at you! If not... oh well! :yogi:

Note: If anyone actually DOES join this sordid little affair, I'll leave it up to everyone to decide whether or not they wish to allow the events and characters of Ace Attorney Investigations into the mix.

SUMMARY: Early December. People bustle about preparing for the holidays and there is a distinct chill in the air. But underneath all the magic of the holidays, there is a dark and sinister business. Police intake massive amounts of coffee and Chinese Take-Out as they work 'round the clock to catch a killer. Four victims thus far, each as different as can be expected; a secretary at a foreign embassy, a kindergarten teacher, a young housewife and an art student. All four females have been tortured over long periods of time, strung-up and bled-out before being ritualistically posed beneath Christmas trees throughout the city. Even more disturbing and puzzling, a small silver bell was left on the chest of each victim. The bizarre, ritualistic murders have come to be known as the Silver Bell Slayings. With local authorities and Interpol alike prowling the streets and citizens clutching their shopping bags close as they walk the streets in fear, will they be able to flush out the killer before he strikes again?


Judge Denovo - a fortiori
Jury Denovo - a fortiori

  • No God Modding. Obviously some characters might be more intelligent or perhaps more athletic, a better singer, etc. than others, but try and keep them human. Give them flaws.
  • Try to use appropriate grammar and post length. That means no one-liners! I typically like to see a paragraph or two with some dialogue, but everyone is different. Try your best! :3
  • No killing of another character without that user's permission.
  • No taking control of someone else's character without their permission.
  • Main Characters (Phoenix, Edgeworth, Maya, etc.) are on a first-come-first-serve basis. However, if you do not take the roleplay seriously, do not keep the character in character, or just don't show up for long periods of time, you will be removed from the position and the character will be given to someone else.
  • Main Characters that are not claimed are free to be bounced around between participants. For example, if Gumshoe were not taken, anyone can roleplay him at any time, so long as they do not have him in two places at once or provide a post that conflicts with a previous one.
  • Up to three characters per person (exceptions may be made is a good reason is given).
  • Roleplay is basically an AU (or Alternate Universe) Roleplay. Characters from any Phoenix Wright game are available, but it runs on no specific time-line. Characters from the Apollo Justice time line are excluded.
  • I would request that anyone with a custom character fill out the sheet below; just so we can familiarize ourselves with them.
  • Respect your fellow RPers! This is probably the most important rule of all. Whatever differences you may have with other members, this is not the place to bring it up. Keep it clean and keep it fun.
  • Please keep any Out of Character/OOC comments in either double parenthesis ((OOC: Blah.)) or double brackets [[OOC: Blah.]] to avoid confusion.
  • Have fun! I'll do my very best to provide a sufficient plot, but I really like to have my RPs shaped by the members of it, so let's see what we can dream up! <3

Special Skills:
Other: (anything else you'd like to include)

Spoiler: My Characters
Name: Judge Denovo
Age: 21
Occupation: Prosecutor
Description/Picture: Short, somewhat curly snow-white hair, pale skin and crisp golden eyes. Tall and lanky, standing about six feet three inches. Usually wears clothes that might seem more appropriate for Victorian England - such as a black frock coat, pinstriped waist coat and slacks. He further adds to his attire with a precisely ironed white shirt, golden neck tie and polished black shoes. He rounds off his ensemble with a pair of rectangular spectacles with silver frames and caries a worn silver pocket watch which he will often fiddle with when thoughtful or anxious.
History: The younger of the two Denovo siblings and son of Prosecutor Honor Affidavit and Detective Case Denovo. Judge was always a somewhat quiet child, preferring to keep to himself rather than associate with others his age. When he was nine years old, he shut himself off to the world completely after his mother Honor was the victim of a brutal serial killings that targeted members of the Prosecutors Office. He remained mute for three years as his father desperately searched for Honor's killer, to no avail. The one day, Case Denovo disappeared. Following this, Judge was sent with his older sister, Jury, to live with their grandfather. The young boy developed a growing resentment for his father over the years, feeling he had abandoned them, as well as a burning desire to see his mother's killer apprehended. From that moment he lost his mother, the young boy he dedicated himself to the art of prosecution and apprehension of criminals. At the age of sixteen, after living with his grandfather for four years, he departed for England to follow his sister and became a a full-fledged prosecutor after only three years of intense study. Despite only recently returning to the country from England, he has begun to turn a few heads. Perhaps the only distraction from his seeming crusade is his desire to better Miles Edgeworth and eventually claim the title of Chief Prosecutor. Though they have worked together and he has been second seat to Edgeworth on a number of cases, Judge wants to prove himself the better and figures doing what Edgeworth couldn't by defeating Phoenix Wright might be the way to do it. Regardless of this, he DOES view Edgeworth as a mentor and will not hesitate to pick the older prosecutor's brain on a given subject - just so long as it doesn't seem as though he's asking for help. He has dreams to change the Prosecutors office from the inside out and believes that the position of Chief Prosecutor will not only allow him to do this freely, but also give him some resources towards closing his mother's case. He is currently vying for the position of lead prosecutor on the Silver Bell Slayings case.
Special Skills: Has an eidetic memory which he uses both in court and to memorize entire violin movements.
Flaws/Shortcomings: Has a short temper and can be a bit egotistical, often coming off as rude or snarky. Having spent most of his time studying and prosecuting in court, his social skills leave much to be desired which occasionally leads to an inability to relate to victims or co-workers.
Other: Enjoys playing the violin in his spare time. Owns a black cat named Holmes. He developed in instant crush on Maya Fey when he sat second seat to Edgeworth on a trial that involved Phoenix Wright; she is about the only person he loses his cool demeanor around, usually becoming somewhat flustered instead. Has an intense love for tea.

Name: Jury Denovo
Age: 29
Occupation: Interpol Agent
Description/Picture: Has the same somewhat curly white hair as her brother that falls just below her chin line. Pale in complexion with Prussian blue eyes. Petite, rising to a height of five feet. Dresses in a white shirt, sky blue waistcoat with a black backing, black slacks, black tie, polished black combat boots and sports a pair of glasses similar to her brother's. Wears a black pea coat and flat cap when out of doors and black leather gloves when investigating a crime scene or riding her bike.
History: The elder of the two Denovo siblings. Following the death of her mother and the disappearance of her father, Jury went to live with her grandfather along with her brother. At first, she was determined to become a detective like her father and perhaps solve the mystery of who killed her mother, for the killer was never caught, and joined the local police at the age of twenty. Her original partner as a beat cop was Dick Gumshoe and the two grew rather close even when he was promoted to Detective; she often referred to him as "Richard" and continues to do so. However, after three years as an officer she came to the conclusion that the police could not offer the resources which she desired. Deciding to follow her studies and work abroad in England, she applied and was accepted into Interpol as a Junior Agent (she would be promoted to full Agent some time later). While she worked, she continued her studies and recently attained her Doctorate in Forensic Psychiatry. In the past year, she transferred back to the country at her brother's request; Judge had never liked being far apart from her and always kept closely in touch. Since returning to the country as a fixed-station Interpol Agent, Jury has dealt primarily with those crimes involving foreign embassies on US soil. In this time, she has worked for the both the prosecution and the defense, but is usually enlisted by the prosecution. She has once again struck up her friendship with Dick Gumshoe and enjoys meeting him for dinner to discuss his casework, hoping to provide some insight when he finds himself stuck. The recent events of the Silver Bell Slayer have caught Interpol's attention as one victim was a secretary at a foreign embassy, because she lives in the area Jury has been assigned to investigate alongside the local authorities.
Special Skills: None to speak of aside from those relating to her job.
Flaws/Shortcomings: Has a bad habit of psycho-analyzing people close to her. Because of this, she has a tendency to attempt to instruct others on how to run their lives. She is a self-admitted mother-hen and sometimes annoys others with this habit.
Other: Keeps a large Great Dane named Lestrade. She's a closet Steel Samurai fan, or believes she is - everyone else seems to know pretty well. Loves tea, coffee and piano playing. Rides her mother's old motorcycle, which she restored upon returning to the country.

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Thanks you for the post.
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Oh god oh god I remember this

This was AWESOME

Edit: I read the old one over again... Ah, I was so bummed that stopped. That was so fun. I was kinda shocked at how good my posts were. XD
My CR family~ Mother: Naturally Lazy//Father: Phoenix_Apollo//Brothers: JadeRoach and Game Over
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My name is Judge.

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Spoiler: My Character
Name: Katrina Rainsford
Age: 27

Occupation: Prosecutor

Description/Picture: Some Sprites and Artwork. She tends to wear large winter coats to stay warm.

History:Katrina’s youth was average, nothing very noteworthy. The only major thing worth mentioning was her striking intelligence, graduating from high school as her class’s Valedictorian, and 3rd in her class in college. Her desire to become a prosecutor was sparked by watching law shows when she was young and fueled by her years on her high school debate team. Some have questioned her motivation, but she shoots them down with intensity and her passionate courtroom performances.

Katrina attended a local university (not Ivy Univeristy) for her law studies. Miles Edgeworth went to go lecture for a group of law students, of which Katrina was among. She seemed to be genuinely interested and asked a lot of good questions. Miles approached the Cheif Prosecutor about possibly interning her at the office. Something fairly unheard of, there had been few interns in the last few years, that had been allowed into the Prosecutor's Office, and each of them had become amazing prosecutors in their own right, but they had to be pretty devoted and smart. The Cheif was only half interested, and after some quick questions called the girl in for an interview. He was satisfied enough, so he stuck her on Edgeworth. Edgeworth wasn't exactly pleased with being weighed down by an intern, but he took his task with diligence.

Most of her early work consisted of reviewing case documents going through trial simulations with Miles, and different Echelons of the law. One day, Edgeworth was grilling Katrina from all angles, trying to trip her up with the hypothetical case he had proposed. The Cheif Prosecutor was going down the hallway at that time, heading towards the balcony for some air, when he heard the situation. He listened outside the door, not wanting to interrupt. Miles was using his Ace in the Hole, among Anton's personal favorites when he and Miles would battle out in court simulations to relieve stress. He listened, expecting the answer he had given. Katrina proposed a whole new line of thinking that Anton was shocked. He hadn't considered it before. The next day, he contacted the two of them and gave them the announcement that he would be taking Katrina on as his personal protégé.

He trained her rigorously, and as soon as she graduated law school, she was brought on as a full time Prosecutor. She even had her own office in the High Prosecutor's floors. Recently Katrina had been in the news for her part played in the unmasking of the local mafia. This had resulted though in an unfortunate turn of events with the cheif prosecutor, who has had very public health problems and there have been rumors of him stepping down. Katrina hopes to supersede her mentor and take the position of Cheif Prosecutor. She has taken an interest in the Silver Bell Slayings and hopes to lead up the case. But she does face some competition...

Personality: Katrina is a very laid back person; she doesn’t often get overstressed, but still works with undying devotion to her career. She’s a fairly kind person, and shows a care not seen every day. She’s not known to be quick to anger but she has a sharp tongue and is said to abuse it sometimes. She's rarely seen working, always having her nose buried in a novel or puzzle book, figuring out some riddle, or just otherwise goofing off, but this is partially a facade, as she always has her act together in the courtroom.

Special Skills: Katrina has a very rigorous mental process and thinks logically, and is thus very good at puzzles and conundrums.

Flaws/Shortcomings: Katrina is overly caring and trusting, and this has led to her getting hurt before. She also is quite prideful, and sometimes takes offense to people interfering with her cases. He sarcasm and dry wit can rub people the wrong way.

Other: Katrina has an affinity for cooking and actually attended culinary school as a night class during college, while not wanting to pursue it as a career, she's a surprisingly good chef. She's also written a book of riddles under a pseudonym.

It's a rather lengthy description, but this character is actually the main prosecutor of the game so I've fleshed out her character a lot.
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I'll be Miles Edgeworth (prosecutor bonanza!)

Custom character:

Name: Gloria Scupe
Age: 30
Occupation: Private Investigator/Freelance Journalist
Description/Picture: Long, dyed blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. Round green eyes. Wears colorful, borderline gaudy clothes. During winter she always seems to wear way too many scarves.
History: Her obsession with finding the truth behind mysterious events plagued her since childhood. Ever since she could read she devoured magazines and newspapers and mystery novels. This led to her unusual double-job. While on the job investigating for clients she's always on a lookout for a new scoop, for which she later writes an article and sells it to newspapers and magazines. She is good at what she does and her investigative and journalistic talents are among the most sought-after in Los Angeles. However, because of her work she's always incredibly busy and so her social life is non-existent, despite her remarkable looks. Her most recent client was a relative of a victim of the Silver Bell Slayings. Her job now is to stalk the streets for information on the serial killer. She is particularly interested in this job because if she would be the one to find the identity of the Silver Bell Slayer, her reputation would skyrocket. Not to mention an exclusive article would fetch a great price.
Special Skills: Experienced in writing and investigating. Practices tai chi to both manage stress and defend herself.
Flaws/Shortcomings: Despite her investigative skill and her charm, she has horrible people skills brought on by her fiercely independent lifestyle. She has an aversion to new technology: she types her articles on her grandfather's old typewriter and mails them in. Willingly takes big risks.
Other: She's very energetic and acts much younger than her actual age. However, if she doesn't have coffee in the morning she can't function. If and when she ever has free time she spends reading mystery novels or watching old science fiction films on her antique projector. Keeps her thoughts and information together on a notepad. She's almost always found writing in it, but few know that sometimes she's really just doodling.
My CR family~ Mother: Naturally Lazy//Father: Phoenix_Apollo//Brothers: JadeRoach and Game Over
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Hey, this sounds pretty fun. I'll proudly make this my big RP debut on this forum. When it comes to original characters, I don't really have many (or any good ones). So for now, I'll be good ol' Gumshoe.


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
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I sent a fortiori a message a few days ago that this RP is gaining interest... I hope she reads it.
My CR family~ Mother: Naturally Lazy//Father: Phoenix_Apollo//Brothers: JadeRoach and Game Over
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Seizing the day - or trying to.

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Hey, mind if I join the party?
Spoiler: Lyrah Knight
Name: Lyrah Knight
Age: 25
Occupation: Forensic Scientist (does autopsies, investigates crime scenes etc.)
History: Lyrah wanted to become a medical doctor, but turned to forensics after a mysterious set of murders related to her family. Lyrah knew what she was destined for and after joining the police's forensic department, quickly gained a reputation as 'The Corpse Whisperer', due to her uncanny ability to solve seemilingly impossible crimes. She has a very strong sense of justice but prefers to work behind the scenes - because she's very introverted, her people skills are... lacking due to her refusal to completely trust in another person, which stems from the murders in her family.
Many have suggested she turn to law, but she's happy where she is.
Personality: Lyrah can be very icy if given the reason, but mostly she's very quiet, hardworking and sarcastic. She'll work with others if absolutely necessary, and is acquainted with Miles Edgeworth and Franziska von Karma, both of whom find her very competent. Deep down she is quite insecure, but tends to hide this by pushing people away by various means.
Special Skills: Forensics, and a knowledge of human psychology.
Flaws/Shortcomings: Lyrah, while understanding people, doesn't interact with them very well, and conversations with her can often be very awkward. She can get frustrated easily if the answer isn't immediately obvious to her.
Other: (anything else you'd like to include) She has a secret love of music, and sings to herself when nobody's within earshot.

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Come on a fortiori come onlinnnnnnne~
My CR family~ Mother: Naturally Lazy//Father: Phoenix_Apollo//Brothers: JadeRoach and Game Over
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Seizing the day - or trying to.

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((Going on hiatus for a week, so I'll just do a post so it doesn't inconvienience us. Ignore it if it doesn't work with what a fortiori wants, or whatever))

Lyrah Knight stood outside in the swirling snow, wrapping her cream trench coat tighter around her before heading in to the forensics department to a blast of 'Jingle Bells'.
"Who would know that a series of murders had been committed, what with the happy atmosphere." she muttered irritably. "But at least there are people on the case. Jury, Judge, Katrina, Miles, Gloria, Gumshoe... and me." she added as an afterthought. "I'd better go home and start packing for my vacation since I'm on holiday for a little while. I wish I didn't have to go... but I'll leave the autopsy files here for the team if they need them."

All four victims clearly suffered the same cause of death - bruises and cuts which indicate torture for a long period of time before they bled to death. There is no apparent connection to the victims in race, job, blood type etc.
Call me if you need me.

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((Oh jeez, starting without the RP master? Not sure how I feel about that, but what the hell. The posts can be ignored if she's not okay with them.))

Gumshoe sat down at his desk, looking down at the assorted files and papers scattered across it. He scratched the back of his head in discomfort, being forced to recall the events of the murders. The thoughts of those bodies, the way they were positioned under the christmas trees around, the bells placed on the chests of the victims... and the blood. Oh, the blood. He shuddered at the mere thought of it. He was often told how ridiculous it is to be a detective afraid of blood, but he didn't care. He was just happy to be living his biggest dream since he was a kid... besides being a wizard. ...Or a boxer. ...Or a gourmet chef.

...But that didn't mean there wasn't a rare occasion when he just wanted to stay home with a warm bowl of instant noodles. He didn't want to admit it, but this was pretty much one of those moments.

((Hope this was a good first post. Writing for Gumshoe is so fun.))


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
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Seizing the day - or trying to.

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((Um, where is everyone? I've come back from my hiatus and only TheWrightWay has posted...))

Lyrah dumped her suitcases in the hallway of the precinct. She had driven for eight hours straight, yet somehow had convinced herself that a quick trip to work wouldn't be a cardinal sin. Entering Criminal Affairs, she saw one Detective Gumshoe labouring over a stack of files. Lyrah recognised the file she had left on top of the teetering tower.
Ah, they must not have made much progress...figures.
Lyrah mooched sullenly over to the Detective, deciding that she might deign to help him - they were acquainted, after all, and she didn't want the visit to be a total waste.
"Detective," she said stiffly. "Do you require any assistance or do I just need to get you a pot of instant noodles?"

((Hope this is okay...))
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The good detective jumped at the sound of Lyrah's voice. He apparently didn't hear the door. "Oh, Mrs. Knight! No, I'm fine! I have tons of stuff figured out, like...! ...Uh..." He scratched the back of his head once again. "...And...! ...No, uh... wait, just give me a second..." C'mon, he was just looking at the files a second ago!

"...Help would be nice..."


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
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Seizing the day - or trying to.

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Lyrah frowned at being called 'Mrs' yet she stood next to him and picked up her file on the autopsies.
"Very well. As you can see, the victims clearly all suffered the same cause of death - all have been tortured and have eventually bled out. Death was slow, and some of the wounds were inflicted post mortem. This suggests that either the killer didn't know they were dead, or tbey just carried on in spite of it. Do you know if any connections were found between the victims in any way? I didn't see any myself, but has anyone spotted anything since then?" Lyrah pulled a chair over and sat edgily beside Gumshoe, ocean blue eyes boring into him, already sensing that his answer would almost certainly be 'No.' She sighed, and raked a pale hand through her flyaway hair in frustration.
Image OBJECTION! I may be green, but I can still beat you with my epic broomstick! (Avatar copyright Atlus.)
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"Tortured"... "Bled out"...

Those were the words that really made him shiver. Those bodies... he hadn't seen him, but the thought still made him pale.

"Do you know if any connections were found between the victims in any way?"

"Uh, well M'am..." Gumshoe could already tell Mrs. Knight wasn't going to like the answer. He gulped as he finally finished his sentence. "Uh, n-no connections were found, M'am." He scratched his head. He sure was doing a lot of that. "The... the killings are seemingly random. That's about all we can tell." He finally finished his sentence, at least trying to be professional.


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
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Lyrah had guessed right, and a slight pang of nervousness hit her, but she merely nodded to Gumshoe, who was still calling her 'Mrs'.
"I see. Well. I think it's safe to conclude that these killings are random, for now at least. What other information is there, Detective? On a side note, please... it's Miss. Knight, not Mrs." Lyrah murmured.
Image OBJECTION! I may be green, but I can still beat you with my epic broomstick! (Avatar copyright Atlus.)
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Detective Gumshoe let out a small gulp. "Er, yes, Mrs.-, uh, Miss. Knight. I guess I just get my words mixed up." He let out a chuckle to lighten the mood. "It reminds me of when I was a kid and the teacher would always put me out in the hall for-"


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
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"Detective, please stay on the topic at hand!" she snapped, but then she spoke again and her voice was softer. "I-I'm sorry. Forgive me for being so harsh." After all, he already got it in the neck from all the prosecutors and didn't need her bad mood on top of that. It reminded her of some things too...
Image OBJECTION! I may be green, but I can still beat you with my epic broomstick! (Avatar copyright Atlus.)
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((I know this RP is already low on activity enough, but school is starting back up tomorrow, so I won't be on as much as I used too. Sorry, RPers.))


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
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(I haven't jumped in because a fortiori still hasn't been back. Of course, I have no idea when she will be)
My CR family~ Mother: Naturally Lazy//Father: Phoenix_Apollo//Brothers: JadeRoach and Game Over
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((Yeah, we just thought our posts could be ignored if they weren't what she wanted: however she did mention about the members shaping it or whatever so we just went ahead.))
Image OBJECTION! I may be green, but I can still beat you with my epic broomstick! (Avatar copyright Atlus.)
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((Back from the RP break. Now time to give this a little bit of activity))

The good detective let out a winch at the sudden interupption and was ready to start apologizing until he himself was given an apology. "Oh, uh... i-it's okay, Ma'm! I just talk too much, it's not a big deal." He let out a reassuring smile.

"Anyway... not much more evidence has been found. Whoever this is, he has a good way of covering his tracks. All we have is those bells left on the bodies, Ma'm."


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
Re: 'Tis the Season (REDUX): A PW RoleplayTopic%20Title
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"Okay..." Lyrah pondered to herself. "I don't think we will be able to shed any more light on this matter tonight. Let us reconvene tomorrow - perhaps I might treat you to breakfast in the courthouse cafeteria? We can go to the crime scenes afterward." Lyrah offered.
Image OBJECTION! I may be green, but I can still beat you with my epic broomstick! (Avatar copyright Atlus.)
Re: 'Tis the Season (REDUX): A PW RoleplayTopic%20Title
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"Oh! Uh, well... th-that's alright!" Actually, breakfast would be nice. Gumshoe didn't have much food left back at his apartment and he was getting pretty tired of noodles for breakfast. But he didn't want to be a bother to Ms. Knight. "That's okay. ...But we can check out the crime scene tomorrow! I was planning on getting there tonight, but I guess it is a little late..."

((Hope I'm good with Gumshoe. I think I'm doing a good job, but if I ever go OOC, somebody tell me.))


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
Re: 'Tis the Season (REDUX): A PW RoleplayTopic%20Title
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Seizing the day - or trying to.

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((TheWrightWay, I think we should wait for the others before going to the crime scene if they ever come back, cos' we can't do the RP with just two of us, and I don't know what a fortiori wants))
Image OBJECTION! I may be green, but I can still beat you with my epic broomstick! (Avatar copyright Atlus.)
Re: 'Tis the Season (REDUX): A PW RoleplayTopic%20Title
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((Right. I wonder where Fort went.))


Erol Brisbane in The Contempt of Court, a fangame by Cardy. Play Turnabout Scapegoat now or SUFFER BRISBANE'S WRATH!
Re: 'Tis the Season (REDUX): A PW RoleplayTopic%20Title
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((Would you all like me to join as Franziska? I'd be willing, if you need another RP'er.))
"So when you run out of paint, you Americans use gravy as a substitute. I see."- :no-no:
"Welcome back to reality! We've been waiting for you."- :kyouya-pull:
Re: 'Tis the Season (REDUX): A PW RoleplayTopic%20Title
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((I don't want to intrude, so once someone gives me the okay, I'll post.))

((Sorry for double-posting))
"So when you run out of paint, you Americans use gravy as a substitute. I see."- :no-no:
"Welcome back to reality! We've been waiting for you."- :kyouya-pull:
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