Court Records

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE 4)
Page 4 of 22

Author:  Pierre [ Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (A CY

At the same time Vesti pulls out his phone, loads up a youtube video, and delivers a sick backing track to his argument.

And then proceeds to dance.

And also tries to get Antonio to dance along....he seems to like music.

Heck get Lucas to join in as well he likes Justice.

Author:  Planetbox [ Fri Apr 15, 2016 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (A CY

You try to use Overtaken as the Pursuit theme, but I already used that one in this case! After the revisualization, to be specific. I don't really want to use the same pursuit theme twice so close to each other, so I'll just stick with my original plan.

Spoiler: The beginning of the end.
OshaliteX2 wrote:

... did I do it right?

Present: White Gloves


You begin, "Magnifi, you are correct. Your fingerprints aren't on any of the objects the killer would have used." Magnifi interjects, "See? All of your accusations are meaningless!" You continue, "Except for one!" Magnifi looks worried, and mumbles, "W-What?" Lauren explains, "There is one item that the killer used to keep his fingerprints off the murder weapon. He used these disposable gloves!" Lauren holds the gloves in the air. "We have found evidence suggesting that these gloves were used to hold the murder weapon. Specifically, a piece of the gloves were found in the violin's strings. Therefore, the inside of these gloves MUST bear the culprit's fingerprints!" (Alternatively, click here for the suggested one) Magnifi replies, "What are you saying?" Vesti continues, "Seriously, Magnifi? Weren't you paying attention? Just because you use gloves doesn't mean your fingerprints aren't left behind. Depending on the material used, fingerprints can be taken from the inside of the gloves. And the killer conveniently left the gloves he used right here, at the crime scene! We merely need to test these gloves to discover the killer's identity." Antonio interjects, "Well then, what are we waiting for! Let's get those gloves tested?!"

Lauren Tehra takes the gloves to a nearby counter and takes out a container of fingerprinting power. Meanwhile, Ann Istheesa leaves to get fingerprint data from the genetic records. Lauren cuts open the gloves and eventually gets a set of prints from the tips of the fingers. She then compares the fingerprints with the genetic records and finds a match. Unsurprisingly, the only pair of fingerprints on the glove belong to... Detective Magnifi Glass.

Once the information is revealed, you turn back to the detective, explaining, "And there you have it. There is only one set of fingerprints on the gloves that weilded the murder weapon. And those fingerprints belong to Magnifi. So, 'Detective Glass', what do you have to say for yourself?" Magnifi, visibly shocked, replies, "This is ridiculous! You haven't proven anything! You just found my fingerprints on some gloves!" Lauren explains, "But these gloves happen to be the ones that the killer used. We know this because of the piece of plastic found in the violin. If that's not enough for you, we can probably find more forensic proof of that. I wouldn't be surprised if there were traces of violin rosin on the gloves as well. Either way, these fingerprints prove that you used the violin at some point on the night of the crime. In conclusion, these gloves prove that you murdered Officer Bajj!" You continue, "There is probably more proof that you are the killer, so I recommend that you confess. It's unlikely that you could continue to hide the truth for much longer. Face it Magnifi, your arguments have been shattered!"

Magnifi stands with his eyes closed, taking deep breaths. He starts breathing slower and slower, clearly trying to calm himself down. However, after a seconds, he starts breathing faster again, then shouts extremely loudly. Everyone in the room is shocked, as they've never seen Magnifi show this much emotion before. Eventually, he grabs an evidence cart that has been brought into the room at some point, pushes it to the center of the room, and kicks it. The cart topples over with a bang, spilling its contents across the floor. The room is filled with silence, and soon Magnifi's breathing slows again. He finally says, "...Congratulations Vesti. You're not as stupid as I thought you were." You reply, "So... am I correct. Did you kill him?" Magnifi sighs, and explains, "Yes. I did. You weren't entirely correct, though. My original plan was merely to steal those files. I have been stealing evidence to get money for a while, and I didn't need you people figuring things out. But of course, Officer Bajj would wander by. He figured out what was going on, and tried to threaten me. Of course, I could have easily diffused the situation peacefully if I wanted to. However, I remembered Lauren, who saw me stealing evidence earlier. I saw my opportunity to keep her from confirming her suspicions. So, I grabbed Antonio's annoying violin from the wall, and I killed Bajj with it. Then, I went through my sceme to frame Lauren. Being a detective, it was easy to come up with one on the spot. If I hadn't been in such a rush, maybe I could have even done something with those gloves. But, alas, it didn't work. I could have done better, if I had more time. Honestly, I'm somewhat ashamed. But I still could have gone free, if this detective here hadn't been so stubborn about freeing his friend." Antonio, shocked, asks, "...Why? Why did you have to kill him? You said you could have escaped peacefully! There was no reason for this bloodshed! Why would you do this?" Magnifi answers, "Simple. I saw an opportunity, and I took it. If that answer isn't good enough for you, then that's not my problem." You reply, "I'm not sure that's all. In fact, I think I understand you now, Magnifi. You're too apathetic. You've seen so many bodies, so many brutal murders, that you've learned to stop caring. Human beings mean nothing to you. They're just more potential corpses. In fact, I'm almost glad that you committed this murder. Now, we've found out how dangerous you really are, and we can lock you away for good!" Magnifi replies, "Believe whatever you want to believe, Vesti. You solved the case, through your wild guesses, and stubborn refusal to give up. I couldn't be more proud. Now, need I remind you what you're supposed to do next?" You reply, "Of course you don't, Detective Glass. Or should I say, Mr. Glass. You're not a detective anymore. I expect you to leave this arrest to the veterans." Lauren closes the handcuff's around Magnifi's wrists, and then a group of police officers begin to escort him from the room. The former detective gives the two of you one last glower before vanishing down the hallway.

The room is filled with silence, as everyone reflects on the day. Predictably, this silence is broken by a certain young forensic investigator. "Aw man, that was sweet! The two of you totally destroyed all of his arguments! That was awesome!" Antonio starts clapping and exclaims, "Indeed! That was very well done! You solved that case very quickly, and you didn't even have Lauren's help! Maybe I should give you a raise!" You reply, "Thanks Chief! I'm glad you... Wait, are you saying I wouldn't have solved all those other cases without Lauren?!" Detective Tehra smiles and continues, "Well, he does have a point. Without me around to keep you on track, you usually make some pretty ridiculous assumptions." You reply, "Come on, Lauren! That's not always true! I made some sense today, right?" Ann interjects, "That's assuming you people ever make sense. Besides, I doubt you could have done anything without my autopsy report." Lucas shouts, "That's right! And I did all that forensic stuff!" Antonio laughs, "I suppose everyone helped during this case! Including me!" Ann replies, "How exactly did YOU help?" Chief Bridges thinks for a second, then says, "Well, you know, I said some sort of helpful stuff. And I provided moral support! Yeah, that's it!" Lauren says, "Well, since we were all so helpful, maybe we should have some kind of dinner to celebrate." You interject, "That's ridiculous! It's only 3:00! And besides, that would be really cliché. Besides, I'd probably end up paying for everything." Antonio sighs, "Unfortunately, he's right... sort of. I don't think I have anything in the budget to account for a huge celebratory dinner. Maybe we could have some kind of snack in the lobby? I have plenty of instant noodles!" Ann remarks, "Sure. Let's celebrate our victory with a cold, tasteless noodle broth. We can season it with our tears." Lucas exclaims, "See! Even Ann is interested! Come one, let's go!" Lucas rushes off down the hallway." Antonio says, "Well, there's no stopping him now. I don't think we have much of a choice anymore! Let's make sure he doesn't hurt himself." And with that, the rest of the group leaves the crime scene together.

Date: Saturday, October 21st, 2015. Time: 7:00 PM Location: ???

The two detectives walk down a dark sidewalk, on a rather quiet afternoon. The two have just left the police station, in order to reach the parking tower thing containing their cars. The two are still conversing as they enter the parking garage. Lauren says, "Well, Vesti, thanks for helping me not get arrested. I kind of owe you for that one." You reply, "Don't worry about it! I'm sure you would have done the same thing if I was arrested!" Lauren responds, "I don't know... It would sort of depend on how you got there..." You shout, "What's that supposed to mean?! I'm not some kind of criminal!" She replies, "I wasn't implying anything like that! You need to stop taking things so literally!" Just before you can respond, you hear a male voice speak, "Could you two not argue so loudly? Or why don't you just stop talking in general? This dialogue doesn't really advance the plot at all." The two of you turn to see where the voice came from. Directly behind you, a human in a long white coat is standing near the elevator. He has a hood up, covering his face. The coat appears to have an odd emblem on it. It looks like an orange ringed planet being eclipsed by a brown box. The man begins walking toward you. You say, "What do you mean? I'm not sure I understand you." The man continues, "Oh right. You people are too realistic to understand me well. That's fine. This is as simple as I can make this: your plotline is about to change. So far, your story has been fairly normal, but the rules are different now. The powers that be decided that a change in setting was in order. I am here to enforce that policy." The man raises his hand, which is holding a rather odd device. It vaguely resembles a gun, but with a rather large screen on it. Furturistic lines on it occasionally flash with orange colors. He says, "Now it's time for a new chapter in your story. Frankly, we've spent enough time on you people for today. Have fun." He presses a button on the object. An orange beam of light shoots out, illuminating the two of you. Within a second, the detectives have disappeared from the parking garage. The man in the suit pulls out some kind of phone and speaks rapidly into it. "Prepare the target dimension. Case two has begun."

(And that's how my journey begins. With a flash of orange light. In retrospect, said journey was rather odd. However, it always had the same formula. Someone was always in trouble, and I always needed to find the true killer. That was still true, even as I hurtled the orange space-time vortex. Or, I suppose, you could call it the beginnings of an interdimensional investigation. If you were feeling slightly poetic.)

The Crooked Turnabout: END

{{And with that, Vesti's first case has come to a close. Case two will begin soon, and it will probably be... interesting. However, I still need to do some planning for the case, so you can expect it to begin in maybe one or two weeks. Until then, feel free to express your thoughts or criticisms on this case. That could help as I plan the next one.

At least post something though. I don't want to double post.}}

EDIT: {{Whoops, I forgot. I have a question. Where should I put the evidence for case 2? Should I put it in the first post? That would make it easy to find, but the post would get extremely cluttered. On the other hand, should I put it in case 2's first post? I would have the page number in each update. It would be a little harder to find, but it would keep the case's evidence in only one place. I'm not really sure what I should do here.}}

Author:  Pierre [ Fri Apr 15, 2016 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (A CY

As they travel through dimensions Vesti contemplates more RAD ways for the case to have ended.

"Looks like Glass...." A decidedly more handsome mental image of Vesti pulls a set of sunglasses from nowhere and places then cooly on his face "...was dirty." And then a backing singer roars in approval as rock guitars begin to play Vesti's theme tune.

Author:  Planetbox [ Fri Apr 29, 2016 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

A decision has been MADE!

The evidence will be in the post that begins each case. So that you people can reach it more easily, I'm going to provide a link to said post at the end of each update. In order to reach the evidence, you just need to click it! That way, I don't have to scroll past a huge backlog of evidence in the first post, but everyone can still reach the evidence quickly. Problem solved! And speaking of which...

Spoiler: Case 2: The Super Turnabout - Case File
Police Badge
Even in this bizarre situation, my badge remains the same!

Witness Timeline
After the murder, all the witnesses weren't allowed to leave the castle lobby. Afterwards, they were taken to the Detention Center to be questioned about their crime, without a chance to go home in between.

Toad Problems
Since the kidnapping, the Toad's have been struggling to get food and money. Toadette and Luigi have tried to help them through their charity, but not much progress has been made.

Mario's Curtains
These curtains are red with white, vertical stripes. They were custom-made, and they are the only one of their kind.

Unfinished Meal
Mario’s fork is on the right side of his plate, while Luigi’s fork is on the left side of his plate. This illustrates that Mario is right-handed, and Luigi is left-handed. Luigi’s meal is slightly eaten, but Mario’s is untouched.

Mario's Body Notes
Mario's body had two burn marks. One was on his right hand, and the other was on his chest. When Captain Toad arrived, the body was lying on its back out in the field.

? Block
An object that can store fire flowers. Easily opened. The one at the scene was empty.

Picnic Basket
A yellow picnic basket is sitting next to the door. A package of meat, two forks and spoons, and a white sheet are inside. It lacks a handle, and is open at the top.

Fire Flower
These flowers are rather rare. They can fire up to three fireballs. Shooting one often leads to a burn mark on the shooter’s hand. The flower used in the crime came from the ? Block, but it has disappeared.

Peach's Window
A large stained glass window depicting the princess. Unlike Mario's, it cannot be opened. It is the only window in Peach's room.

File of Photos
A file containing three photos that Luigi shot. They appear to show the princess getting kidnapped through a window with red curtains.

A handprint made of ash found on Mario's chest. It is about the same size as Luigi's hand.

Burn Marks
Luigi had a single burn mark on his right hand. Mario had two, one on his right hand, and another on his chest.

Toad Guard’s Testimony
A Toad Guard standing outside Peach's room saw Luigi and the princess leave at around 12:35 PM.

Arrest Record
Luigi looked worried before we arrested him. When two guards came in from outside, he asked them if Mario had survived the fall. However, the only people who knew he fell were witnesses.

Mysterious Letter
I received this from a toad who claimed that it was from Bowser. It appears to be some kind of letter. This is what is inside:
"Our plan will soon come to fruition! The two of you should be prepared to accomplish your tasks. After we have executed the plot, I will make sure that both of you receive your rewards!
From, T.
PS: Be sure to destroy this message!"
I'm not sure what to make of this.

Chronos's Cane
A cane with a brass sculture of Saturn on the top. Chronos Krate used it to dissapear during the second investigation, but left it behind afterwards.

Flattened Grass
Some of the grass around Mario's body was flattened and torn.

Pathway Marks
There are a few impressions in the sandy path to the west of the castle. These include a few handprints and some drag marks.

Vesti Gates
Age: 30 // Gender: Male
That's me! I'm a detective with a rather conveniently fitting name. Currently in the wrong dimension.

Lauren Tehra
Age: 29 // Gender: Female
My investigation partner who I've solved many cases with!

Chronos Krate
Age: ??? // Gender: Male
To be honest, I have no idea who this guy is. He apparently teleported here me though. Not a planet-god. Hat Size=Large.

Age: ??? // Gender: Female
An excitable mushroom creature thing. Seems to be carrying around a basket of flowers for some reason.

Age: ??? // Gender: Male
Mario's brother. A cowardly, timid man who was accused of the murder. Supposedly innocent.

Age: ??? // Gender: Male
The victim. Luigi's brother. He apparently became famous for rescuing the princess.

Captain Toad
Age: ??? // Gender: Male
An adventurous Toad, who is friends with Toadette. He's also a detective who is in charge of this case.

Princess Peach
Age: ??? // Gender: Female
The princess of the Mushroom Kingdom. Her full name is Peach Toadstool.

Age: ??? // Gender: Male
A leader in the Koopa Kingdom. Supposedly kidnapping the Princess some time ago, and is currently in jail for it.

Age: ??? // Gender: Male
The Judge. Takes his court extremely seriously.

Age: ??? // Gender: Male
The trial's prosecutor. Kind of a jerk. Doesn't seem to care much about his job.

Age: ??? // Gender: Male
A Toad Guard who apparently saw Mario fall from his room.


It's a beautiful day. The sun shines brightly in a clear blue sky. The nearby field of grass is flowing in the wind. Right next to it is a path, and on that path, a guard slowly walks across the dirt. He carries a spear in his right hand, and he is looking around for intruders, but still enjoying the beautiful day. He is patrolling next to a large white and red castle, which reaches far into the sky. However, miles above him, something a little less cheery is occuring. In a tall tower, on the right side of this castle, two brothers are having lunch. However, the meal will probably remain uneaten. The two are having a rather heated conversation.

One of the brothers shouts, "Wh-What is this all about!" The other replies, "I'm sorry bro... but it has to be done!" The other interrupts, "What are you talking about! Why are you being so cryptic all of a sudden!" The man continues, "I'm sorry that I can't tell you everything. I don't have much time..." He raises something, and aims it at the other man. The man gasps, "What are you- Put that down! You could hurt someone!!" The other man continues, "I'm afraid that's what I have to do......... heh. But I suppose I shouldn't be acting so apologetic. I may have to do this, but that doesn't mean I never wanted to. To be honest, I'm sick of always living in your shadow. So long."

A single flame lights up the dark room, followed by a loud crash. Down in the field below, the guard has a strange urge to look up. And when he does... he's met with a horrifying sight. Something is falling from the castle window above! It lands with a thud nearby, and the confused guard hurries over to where it fell. When he finally reaches it, he is shocked by what he sees. A second creature, a woman, arrives only to discover the same sight. The guard hurries away to find help. As he runs away, he passes by another object that fell into the field. Specifically, a large red hat with a single letter on it, lying in the dust.

Case 2: The Super Turnabout

Date: ??? Time: ??? Location: ???

Vesti's thoughts as he travelled through the vortex were rather confused. His thoughts were filled with fear, confusion, and a rather absurd amount of glass puns. Eventually, he finally landed on his face in a patch of grass. He stood up to find himself on top of a hill, with a small wood spreading out beside him. Directly to his left, he saw a red and white castle, which looked strangely familiar to him. Directly behind him was Lauren Tehra, who was also just getting up. She looked relieved to see that Vesti was still alive. Lauren asks, "Vesti, do you have any idea what just happened?" Vesti replies, "If you don't, I'm not quite sure how I would." Suddenly, a flash of orange light appears behind the two detectives. They hear a familiar voice, "Ah, you two have successfully made it. Good. I was afraid you two wouldn't quite be yourselves after the two-week break." Vesti and Lauren turn towards the voice. They see the man in the white coat with the strange emblem on it. Recognizing him, Vesti shouts, "You! What did you do to us! Where even are we?" The man replies, "Patience. Key plot points shouldn't be revealed too quickly. Let us start with character introductions." The man takes off his hood, officially confirming that he actually is a man. His face is now visible. He wears plain, half-rimmed spectacles, but the rest of his face is rather plain. His hair is light orange, and rather short and average. Except for the literal ring of bright orange hair encircling his entire face, seemingly floating on its own. Lauren, shocked, replies, "Wow. And I thought Vesti's hair was weird." Vesti sighs, "Calm down, Lauren. At least my hair is just one color." The white-coated man continues, "Enough with these comments on my design. My name is Chronos Krate. Pleased to make your aquaintance." Vesti replies, "Ah. Well, my name is--" Chronos interrupts, "Enough. I already know both of your names. Let us continue. We have important things to discuss." {{Chronos Krate added to Profiles}}

Investigation: Grassy Knoll
Pointless Grass, Pointless Rock.
Chronos Krate
Who the heck are you?
Where the heck am I?
Exposition Dump
You cannot move anywhere yet...
To Chronos Krate
What will you do?

Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Fri Apr 29, 2016 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Ask "Where the heck am I?"

Ask about the red and white castle. Remarks that you never seems a castle in two colors.

Author:  Pierre [ Fri Apr 29, 2016 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Immediately begin tests for super and/or anime powers after deducing we are in another dimension.

Author:  Planetbox [ Mon May 02, 2016 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Spoiler: I like typing.
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Present Badge to Chronos, ask favorite color, then talk. Let's start with "Where the heck am I?" and go off of that.

SockOutTheWindow wrote:
Examine the Pointless Grass, the Pointless Rock, and the Pointless Chronos Krate

Present: Police Badge

In an action that surprised no one, Vesti shows his awesome police badge to Chronos. Even he is unsurprised. He remarks, "Ah. There we go. I was wondering when you'd do that." Lauren continues, "So was I, honestly. And I'm not some kind of planet-god." Vesti replies sadly, "I can't be that predictable? Can I?" Chronos explain, "I'm not even a planet-god anyway. I merely serve under a planet-god." Lauren remarks, "Oh. Of course." "If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you." {{Chronos Krate updated in Profiles}} "There. Now you have evidence." Vesti, still annoyed, continues, "Well! I'll do an action that will shock everyone now!"

Talk: Favorite Color

Vesti asks, "What's your favorite color?" Chronos replies, "Called it. You don't have Luminol in your inventory, so this was the next best thing. I'm not sure why they have such a fascination with seeing people react to these things. Apparently, 'it's funny' though, and I'm not allowed to do anything about it." The group stands around awkwardly for several seconds. Vesti continues, "You could at least answer the question." Chronos replies, "Oh. Right. My favorite color is orange, if you couldn't guess. I also like white, which is fortunate, as it is my assigned uniform. However, this has no bearing on the case at hand."

The realization that he's supposedly in a universe sets in for Vesti. Remembering a bunch of weird pieces of media from his home, he decides to see if he has any new powers from his journey. What follows is pretty indescribable. Chronos, watching in confusion, explains, "Uhh... Sorry... But this dimension still adhered to the physics of you homeland. So, why don't we hurry up and get to the things that actually matter?"

Examine: Pointless Rock

Chronos snaps, "Alright, no. We have rather important things to cover here. You've got three options. Pick one.

Talk: Where the heck am I?

Vesti shouts, "Where the heck am I?" Cronos explains, "I'll ignore your bluntness for the time being. Anyway, you are, as you've surely guessed, in another dimension. I cannot reveal the exact nature of this dimension right now, but you will probably find it somewhat familiar." Lauren replies, "Why can't you tell us more? It would be helpful to know what we're doing, and when we can leave." Chronos replies, "Don't be so pushy. A degree of suspense must be kept. What's the point if the audience knows all of the answers?" Vesti asks, "Could you speak normally for a few seconds?" Chronos responds, "Of course not." Lauren asks, "What about that castle? What is that? I don't know of any castles in two different colors like that..." Chronos continues, "I can't reveal that either. But it is logical that you've never seen it before. It does not exist on Earth. On your planet, is merely a figment of your imaginations." Vesti, annoyed, asks, "Alright, sure. Could you at least tell us what we're doing here." Chronos replies, "Certainly. I thought you'd never ask. Literally."

Talk: Exposition Dump

Lauren asks, "So, why did you people bring us to this dimension." Chronos sighs, "Various reasons. Only one is connected to the two of you. Basically, this dimension needs your help." Vesti asks, "What do you mean? Do I need to solve a mystery?" Chronos continues, "In essence. Basically, a man has been murdered. And someone has been arrested for the crime scene." Lauren asks, "If the mystery has been solved, then why are we here." He continues, "Simple. The man is innocent." Vesti shouts, "Really! Well, where did it happen! We need to investigate! We can pro-" Chronos interjects, "Patience. Don't overreact, because there's something else I have to say. That man is going to be put on trial."

"The trial takes place in exactly two hours."

"WHAT?" Lauren shouts. "WHAT??!!!" Vesti repeats. Chronos continues, "Shocking, isn't it. Even more shocking is the accused's lack of a defense attorney. You have until the trial to do something, so I'd recommend you get to it. The detention center is in the village at the bottom of this hill." Vesti shouts, "This is insane! How are we supposed to prove him innocent in two hours!" Chronos explains, "Don't ask me. I'm not a walkthrough. Perhaps you could get more time, if the man lasts the trial. I'm sure that when the time comes, you'll know what to do. But that's not important right now. I'd recommend you get to that village. Perhaps you'll even find out where you really are when you get there. Either way, the clock is ticking."

Investigation: Grassy Knoll
Pointless Grass.
Chronos Krate
Who the heck are you?
Where the heck am I?
Exposition Dump
Tranquil Village
To Chronos Krate
What will you do?


Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Mon May 02, 2016 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

I suppose that we can move to Tranquil Village! Best to get our bearings of the situation that the man gotten himself into.

Author:  Pierre [ Mon May 02, 2016 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Take a level in badass and draw my sick detective-issue revolver and demand Chronos sends us home.

Author:  Planetbox [ Fri May 06, 2016 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Spoiler: The truth shall soon be revealed!
Asphoxia wrote:
Go to the Village I guess.

OshaliteX2 wrote:
(Response to Above)Seconded.
I would ask who Chronos is but I want suspenssssse...

Dimitri wrote:
So was anyone else's first thought that big castle segment in the Neverending? Anyways...

Examine the pumpkin useless grass weird hair ring Chronos has.

Oh, and move to the village.

Vesti pulls out his revolver and points it at Chronos' face. He declares, "Take me back home to my dimension, or you're going to have an unfortunate experience. Chronos glares at you in mild annoyance. He remarks, "And leave that innocent man to be declared guilty? How rude of you." Lauren interjects, "Yeah, Vesti! Stop fooling around! We've got to help that person!" Chronos continues, "Also, good luck threatening me with a gun that doesn't have any bullets in it." Vesti asks, "What? How did you know that I never load my gun?" Chronos continues, "I know quite a bit about you, Vesti. I certainly know enough of your character traits to figure out that you could never manage to shoot someone. Now, I'd recommend you don't underestimate me again.

Talk: Chronos Krate: His Hair

Vesti remarks, "Wow! Your hair sure is weird! It's like the planet Saturn or something." Chronos replies, "Wow. Good job. You have the ability to recognize shapes." Lauren replies, "Don't be so rude to him! Sometimes, it seems like Vesti is at the mercy of some cosmic being! I'm sure he doesn't mean to say things like that." Chronos sighs, "Believe me. I know that all too well." Vesti says, "Uhh... Guys? I'm right here!" Chronos remarks, "Don't be so clichéd."

Move: Tranquil Village

Deciding that he has had enough with Chronos Krate's overall rudeness, Vesti says, "Alright, I suppose we'll be going now." Lauren replies, "You're going to go down to that village, right? You're not going to wander off again?" Vesti sighs, "Lauren, sometimes I think you don't trust me that much." Lauren replies, "I'd probably find you more trustworthy if you stopped wasting my Luminol Testing Fluid." Chronos interrupts, "Alright, this is comedy relief is great and all, but how about the two of you go and do your job?" Vesti asks, "Isn't this comedic banter sort of our job already." Chronos shouts, "See you later!"

Date: ??? Time: 1 hour, 57 minutes until trial. Location: Tranquil Village

Lauren and Vesti suddenly find themselves standing in the middle of the village, with little recollection of actually walking there. Lauren remarks, "Um... I'm not sure what happened, but at least we probably didn't have to walk to get here. That would have certainly saved time." Vesti is about to reply, when he hears a female voice shouting behind him, "LOOK OUT!" Fortunately, Vesti quickly moves out of the way, only for the aforementioned creature to fall past him and collapse onto the ground. A basket of flowers the woman was holding ends up flying into the air, and the many red and pink flowers inside fall back to the ground, a few of them landing in a fountain in the center of the square. While Vesti looks around at the scattered blossoms, the woman gets back up and says, "Ouch... Sorry about that sir! I just got out of questioning at the detention center, and I may have been a little excited to get back to the castle!" Vesti continues, "Uh... It's alright! Let me help you pick up all these flow..." At this, Vesti finally takes a good look at the woman, and shouts, "WHAT THE HECK!"

The woman's appearance is almost indescribable for the poor detective. Most people would have called her a walking mushroom. More specifically, she seemed to resemble a young child wearing a large cap resembling the top of a mushroom. Said cap was pick with white spots on it, and appears to have two pigtails coming off the side made of the same substance. Her dress was also completely pink, and her appearance could be summed up as "cartoony", if one were willing to use such an adjective. The creature shouted, WOW! I've never seen creatures like you two before! Are you the same species as the princess?! That's what you look like, but you lot taller and thinner than she is. Not to mention your weird hair! Anyway, who are you guys?!" Lauren replies, "Uh... My name is Lauren Tehra. It's... nice to meet you!" Vesti continues, "My name is Vesti Gates. I'm a detective. And... we're both humans." The mushroom creature continues, "A human? So you are the same species as the princess! Anyway, I'm Toadette! It's nice to meet you! I've never seen you two around before! Are you visiting? There are many fun things to do here in the Mushroom Kingdom!" Vesti replies, "Well... We're just... passing through, I suppose." Lauren continues, "We're actually here on business. Were there any incidents recently?" Toadette replies, "Oh! You did say you were detectives, didn't you! Yeah... a murder took place. Just yesterday, actually... They arrested someone... But I know he's innocent!" Lauren explains, "Actually, we're here about that. We're hoping to investigate that crime and possibly defend that man. Would you happen to know anything that could help us?" Toadette replies, "Maybe. I don't really know that much... but I'll help you in any way I can!" {{Toadette added to Profiles}}

Investigation: Toad Village
Buildings, Fountain, Flowers, Flower Basket.
About Yourself
Detention Center
The Crime
Grassy Knoll
To Toadette
What will you do?

Helpful Info


Yep. I'm seriously doing this.

Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Fri May 06, 2016 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Ask about the Detention Center. We probably need to know where it is.

Then ask about the crime. It's best to understand how the crime happened.

Ask about who the man is that was arrested.

(Something's telling me that Luigi is the man who was arrested. That and Mario was the victim. I think that's what Planetbox is hinting at here.)

Author:  Viktoria von Karma [ Sat May 07, 2016 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Examine the fountain and the flower basket.

Author:  Pierre [ Sat May 07, 2016 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Instantly know about this universe from having played super Mario in the real world!

Then ask all the stuff that Riocbi asked

Then.get Toadettes autograph!

Author:  Planetbox [ Mon May 09, 2016 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Unfortunately, Vesti wouldn't recognize Toadette because he doesn't really play video games, or know many people that do. I'M SORRY! IT's pArt of his personality that will actually be important later! :(
He would recognize Mario, Luigi, or Peach though. Considering Toadette only really shows up in the spin-off games, I doubt he'd be particularly aware of his existence.

Spoiler: Let's a' go!
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Ask favorite col--wait.
Never mind.
Present Police Badge and talk about all the things in the list.

Dimitri wrote:


Carry on then.

Present your Police Badge to Toadette, and then ask about the detention center.

Treble Tech wrote:
Check the fountain out, it looks suspicious.

Present: Toadette: Police Badge

Vesti's shows Toadette his awesome Police Badge. Toadette seems somewhat amused. "Wow! Is that thing from your kingdom?! What is it?!" Vesti proudly replies, "It's my Police Badge! It proves that I'm a detective!" Toadette replies, "That's cool! Does you friend have one too?" Vesti explains, "Yeah, of course she does. She never shows it to anyone though. In fact, I can't even remember what it looks like." Toadette shouts, "You should show it to me! I bet it looks awesome too!" Lauren sighs, "All right. It's really not that special." She digs into her forensics bad thing and pulls out a slightly tarnished badge. Toadette sadly replies, "Oh... I see. That badge is pretty dirty actually. You must not take much pride in your job." Vesti says, "What! Don't be ridiculous! Lauren is one of the best detective I've ever seen!" Lauren puts the badge away. "See, this is why I never bring it out."

Examine: Flower Basket

Vesti looks at the flower basket. It is a relatively standard wicker basket, containing several pink flowers and maybe one or two red flowers. Of course, many of the flowers are currently scattered around the area, and the basket is lying on its side at the moment. Toadette grabs the basket and begins putting the fallen flowers inside it. Vesti asks, "Why are you carrying that basket with you?" Toadette replies, "I love picking flowers in the field by the castle. In fact, that's what I was doing yesterday! Of course, that was about the same time that the murder occured. As a witness, I was kept at the scene and eventually interrogated, so I had to keep the flowers with me. I haven't been able to drop them off at my house yet. Hopefully I can find them all..." {{What Should I Call This? added to Evidence}}

Examine: Fountain

Vesti takes a look at the fountain. It appears to be less of a fountain and more of an elaborate shallow pool, as it contains no running water. It has four different teirs, counting the bottom one. Several flowers are floating in the pool. A few even made it onto the three higher tiers. In fact, a pink and red one landed on the very top of the fountain, about at the level of Vesti's eyes. He can only barely see them. Toadette tries to grab a few flowers from the fountain, but upon realizing that they are soaked, she simply places them back inside. She says, "You know what, I think they actually make the fountain look very nice! I'll leave them here!"

Talk: About Yourself

Lauren asks, "Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?" Toadette says, "Well, my name is Toadette, of course! I love picking flowers and talking walks outside and stuff! But I'm pretty smart too! I'm friends with the Mushroom Kingdom's only detective! Not only that, but I run a charity to try to help the other Toad's who live in this village!" Vesti asks, "What do the Toad's need help with?" Toadette explains, "Oh! You don't know already? I suppose you aren't from this kingdom! Anyway, a while ago, our Kingdom's princess was kidnapped by an... evil monster! Without a princess to lead them, the Toads suffered. They had trouble running the kingdom without her, and many of them lost their food. Eventually, someone saved the princess, but the damage was still done! I've been trying to raise money to help the Toad's, and I've been recieving help from someone named Luigi. But then... this happened..." Vesti thinks about this. (Hmm... Luigi... that name seems very familiar, but I'm not sure why...) You turn to look at Lauren. She seems to be deep in thought about something. {{Toad Problems added to Evidence}}

Talk: Detention Center

Vesti asks, "Where's the Detention Center? We were hoping to meet the person they arrested." Toadette answers, "The detention center? It's to the left of this fountain! I imagine visiting hours are still open..." Lauren asks, "Who was actually arrested for the crime?" Toadette continues, "Oh, right! They arrested Luigi." Vesti shouts, "Really? You mean the guy who was helping with your charity?" Toadette replies, "Exactly! He can't be the killer! There's no way! But still... it seems like there's a lot of evidence... And it seems like he was the only one there when the victim was killed." Vesti replies, "Well, we'll going to try to investigate and clear his name. And visiting him might be the first step!" Toadette asks, "How about I come with you! You people aren't from this dimension, so I could help show you around!" Lauren replies, "Hmm... Actually, that's probably a good idea... What do you think, Vesti?" Vesti answers, "Yeah. Your assistance would probably be helpful." Toadette jumps up and down, and says, "Awesome! Well, we can go and visit Luigi whenever! He should still be in his cell!"

Talk: The Crime

Lauren asks, "Before we go, I need to ask. Could you summarize what actually happened?" Toadette replies, "Sure! I don't really know much myself. I know the murder happened in the victim's room, and Luigi was apparently in there with him. I think the victim was killed with a Fire Flower..." Vesti interrupts, "A Fire Flower? I feel like I've heard of that somewhere before... What is it?" Toadette continues, "They're just what they sound like: flowers that shoot fire! They only really grow around here, but they can be dangerous. They can fire about three fireballs before the flower stops working, and those fireballs can be deadly. The Toad Guards often try to get rid of the fire flowers by putting them in these special boxes... Anyway, after the victim was burned, they think the killer threw him out of the window, and then he fell towards the ground! Actually, I was there when he fell. It was extremely frightening, but he was definitely dead by then." Lauren finished jotting down notes, and then adds, "Thanks for the information. But I have one last question. Do you know the victim's name?" Toadette replies, "Oh! Yeah I do! I forgot to mention that! The victim was the guy who saved the princess after she was captured. He was Luigi's brother, and his name was Mario."

This completely shocks both Vesti and Lauren. Several pieces begin to come together in their brains. Luigi, Fire Flowers, the red and white castle, and the mushroom people... They were all familiar to them, and now they finally understand why. The two turn to each other. Lauren whispers, "Vesti, are you noticing this too?" Vesti, confused, replies, "Yeah... This is insane! Are we seriously in the Mario universe right now!" Lauren continues, "It certainly looks like that's the case. I haven't seen that much of the series, but I'm still coming across a lot of parallels here. This can't be a coincidence! When that guy said he took us to another dimension, I didn't think he meant this!" Vesti explains, "Well, I suppose we can't be certain yet. Let's wait a bit. We're going to see what Luigi actually looks like soon... but, I have a feeling that I could already make an educated guess." Toadette asks, "What are you guys talking about? I don't want to be excluded here!" The two detectives turn back around. Lauren replies, "OH! It's nothing to worry about! We're just discussing detective stuff!" Toadette looks a little confused, but replies, "Oh, alright!"

Investigation: Toad Village
Buildings, Flowers.
About Yourself
Detention Center
The Crime
Grassy Knoll
Detention Center
To Toadette
What will you do?


Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Tue May 10, 2016 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Move to the Detention Center.

Author:  Pierre [ Tue May 10, 2016 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Ask Toadette about the other detective in the mushroom kingdom and the prosecutor involved in the case.

Author:  Viktoria von Karma [ Tue May 10, 2016 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Ask Toadette about who the Toad Guards are and where they store the Fire Flowers.

Author:  Planetbox [ Fri May 13, 2016 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Spoiler: I expected an easy move update, but noooooo- ah, who cares.
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Move to the Detention Center.

Dimitri wrote:
Welp, to the detention center to go talk to Luigi, I guess. And show him our police badge at the soonest opportunity.

Talk: Toadette: Toad Guards

Vesti asks, "Who are these Toad Guards? Is your kingdom protected by a bunch of frogs or something?" Toadette shouts, "Of course not! The toads are the same species as me! You know, little walking mushroom things!" Lauren remarks, "Not to mention the fact that toads and frogs are completely different creatures." Vesti continues, "All right, I get it, I'm terrible at biology. But I have another question. Where do they store these fire flowers?" Toadette explains, "They use these weird yellow cubes with question marks on them. They seem to appear naturally in the wilds outside our town, and they collect them to store fire flowers in them. In fact, they're used to store a variety of stuff. Some of them just hold money, and others hold these dangerous items called 'Power-ups.' The fire flower is one of those." Lauren asks, "How exactly do you knwo all this?" Toadette replies, "Oh! Uh... I learned about that stuff sometimes in my charity work! It's always a good idea to keep the Toads from getting stuff like that, especially in the kingdom's current state."

Talk: Toadette: Important People

Curious about where he really is, Vesti asks, "Do you know the name of the detective working on this case?" Toadette smiles, "Of course I do! His name is Toad, and he's really nice!" Lauren asks, "Wait, but isn't that the name of your species?" Toadette sighs, "Oh, right! Yeah, I don't know what his parents were thinking with that name, but he calls himself Captain Toad to distiguish himself!" Vesti says, "Captain?" Toadette continues, "Well, he leads this group of treasure hunters, so it's not like he's super vain or anything... In retrospect, all of this stuff is super-complicated." Lauren asks, "What about the prosecutor? Do you know who that is?" Toadette replies, "I have no idea. I heard someone volunteered... but I also heard that the request was rather... bizarre. I'm not even sure the prosecution is sorted out yet, considering the defense definitely isn't." {{Yeah, I'm leaving that one a secret until the trial. It's not like it's a big secret or anything though.}}

Move: Detention Center

Vesti says, "Alright, we should probably get to the detention center. We don't really have much time to waste..." Lauren continues, "Vesti's right! We don't have time to show people badges or anything like that! We've got to do some investigating before the trial." Vesti replies, "I heard that. Anyway, Toadette could you lead us to the Detention Center?" Toadette responds, "Well, it is right in front of us... but sure!" The three then walk to the center, and soon they manage to reach the defendant's holding cell."

Date: ??? Time: 1 hour, 48 minutes until trial. Location: Detention Center

The group enters the holding cell. When they arrive, Vesti takes a look into the cell itself. Through the glass, the cell is completely empty. Vesti and Lauren walk over to the glass, with Toadette following them. Vesti remarks, "I thought visiting hours were still open..." Toadette says, "Nah, he's probably here!" She walks over to the window and knocks on it. "Luigi! Are you in there." The group hears a voice from behind the glass. "Oh! I have visitors!" A man suddenly appears behind the glass, having apparently been sitting directly beneath the window. He is tall and thin, wearing blue overalls and a green shirt. He has a mustache, and wears a green hat on his head. He appears to be wiping tears with a hankerchief. The man says, "I'm sorry! This is such a stressful situation you know! Not only am I in jail... but my bro... he..." Luigi starts sobbing. Toadette shouts, "It's ok, Luigi! I brought some detectives, and they're going to try to help! I'm sure they can clear your name!" Luigi replies, "Really? Are you sure?" Vesti says, "Of course! We believe that you're innocent, and we'd do anything to help you!" Luigi continues, "But... I don't want to be bothersome! I don't want them to feel forced into helping me!" (...I hope that it's all uphill from here.) While Toadette is trying to help Luigi feel better, Lauren walks up to Vesti and whispers. "Yeah, that's definitely Luigi. We're apparently in the Super Mario series right now." Vesti replies, "I hope we run into the Chronos guy again... Because he has a lot of explaining to do." Suddenly, Luigi says, "Ok... I guess you guys can help me... if you want... Just ask me anything you want to know!" {{Luigi added to Profiles}}

Investigation: Detention Center
Glass, Luigi's Hat, Wall.
Your Arrest
The Time of the Crime
The Victim
Toad Village
To Luigi
What will you do?

Wiki Page on the Defendant


Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Fri May 13, 2016 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Be gentle with Luigi as we ask him about the victim, Mario.

Then talk about the arrest and the time of the crime.

Also, ask for his autograph, just to proves that there are people who still cares about him, including us.

Author:  Pierre [ Sat May 14, 2016 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Geek out and ask him about the Dark Dimension - his trippy final smash in smash brothers brawl, then ask him about all his amazing adventures and listen with my full attention and admiration.

Author:  Planetbox [ Mon May 16, 2016 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Spoiler: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Dimitri wrote:
inb4 the prosecution is one of the Koopa Kids or something
Actually nah E.Gadd for the win

Present your police badge to Luigi. Then examine the glass. Then ask Luigi about his arrest how he grew his magnificent mustache.

Present: Police Badge

Vesti shows Luigi his shiny police badge, thouroughly polished by the winds of time and space. Before you can pull it out, Luigi shouts, "What are you doing! Are you pulling out handcuffs! Are you going to arrest me too?!" Vesti explains, "Of course not! I'm just going to show you my police badge!" Luigi interrupts, "So you're going to reaffirm your authority and THEN arrest me!" Lauren responds, "Of course not! We're here to help you! Vesti is just being reckless." She looks at the detective in an annoyed manner. Vesti continues, "Yeah, she's right! I don't even know why I took out this silly thing!" Vesti quickly puts his badge away.

Talk: Stuff

Vesti starts asking Luigi about the Dark Dimension even though it's actually called Negative Zone, but whatever. Luigi replies, "What do you mean? I don't know about anything like that!" Vesti continues, "You know, when you make that bubble of darkness and stuff and everyone starts moving super slowly! You used it while fighting Mario, Link, and Pikachu, and uhh..." Vesti suddenly realized that he only even saw Smash during some kind of weird family reunion his sister dragged him to. He also remembers getting kicked out of that really early due to showing so many people his badge, and then complaining to Lauren about it over the phone while waiting for a bus to show up. He wonders why he even remembers that attack, considering the circumstances of that day. While he's lost in thought, Lauren asks, "Oh, that reminds me. Could I maybe have your autograph?" Luigi asks, "Wh-why would you want that! It's not like I'm that famous or anything! Well... I suppose there was that one year... but still!" Lauren continues, "Oh, I wouldn't say that! There are a few people in... uh... my kingdom that like you!" Luigi continues, "Oh, well, I suppose... Unfortunately, I'm kind of in jail right now..." Lauren replies, "Oh, right. Sorry, maybe later!" Toadette mumbles, "...what is even happening right now... this is ridiculous..."

Talk: The Victim

Lauren asks, "So... Luigi. I understand that the victim in this case was... your brother." Luigi sighs, "Yeah. I- I can't believe they would blame me for something like this. I could never have done this to him!" Lauren asks, "Do you have any idea why someone would have wanted to do this to him?" Luigi replies, "Of course not! He was the town's hero! He saved the princess! He didn't... do anything wrong." Toadette says, "Believe me Luigi, we're ALL upset about this! So, if there's anything else you feel like you should tell us, just let us know!" Luigi replies, "Well, he... Never mind. It's nothing."

Talk: The Time of the Crime

Vesti, who finally finished reflecting on that day, asks, "What were you doing when the crime occured!" Luigi explains, "Well... I was in Mario's room... eating lunch with him." Vesti replies, "Ah. That figures." Luigi shouts, "But I didn't kill him! I left the room before he died! I- I swear." Vesti looks at him, and notices that he looks fairly uncomfortable about something. (There's something about his voice and body motions... I don't think he's telling the truth... But, I doubt there's anything I can do about that...)

Talk: Your Arrest

Lauren asks, "Why were you arrested?" Luigi replies, "Well... I guess it was because I had agreed to meet with Mario shortly before... it happened. But the toad who arrested me said that the prosecution had found a witness. And they claimed that I... reacted oddly when they questioned me... I don't really know what they meant by that." Vesti asks, "There was a witness! What did they see?" Luigi responds, "I don't think they saw much, actually. It's what they heard that really matters..." Toadette asks, "Do you know who this witness was?" Luigi answers, "Oh... you know... the princess..." At this comment, Lauren looks deep in thought.

Investigation: Detention Center
Glass, Luigi's Hat, Wall.
Your Arrest
The Time of the Crime
The Victim
Toad Village
To Luigi
What will you do?


Author:  Pierre [ Tue May 17, 2016 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Examine his hat!

Then suggest we force feed Mario's corpse a green 1up mushroom.

Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Wed May 18, 2016 6:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Consult Lauren and sees what she have to says.

Now that we have talked to Luigi.... Ask Toadette to take us to the crime scene so we can look around. Then remind Luigi that once we finished looking around the crime scene, we might have some questions to ask him about.

Author:  Viktoria von Karma [ Wed May 18, 2016 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Ask Luigi about what the princess could have heard.

Author:  Planetbox [ Sun May 22, 2016 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Sorry I'm late! I had this huge violin thing that took all my time. It's probably a good thing though, because tomorrow's my birthday, and I probably still wouldn't have had time. The next update is coming this Friday!

Spoiler: oh no i'm late for work
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Examine the glass, Luigi's hat, and the wall.

Spindow wrote:
Examine Luigi's Hat, perhaps you can find a label or something to order a prank gift for a certain planet-headed acquaintance. Otherwise zip back to toad town because this case has deemed any and all flowers as PRIME INVESTIGATORY MATERIAL for this case, probably.

Dimitri wrote:
Examine the wall very closely. That wall is very suspicious. Present your police badge to the wall.

Examine: Luigi's Hat

Vesti decides to take a look at Luigi's Hat, assuming that it is probably extremely cool. Unfortunately, the poor detective can't reach it through the glass. He asks, "Luigi, could I see your hat? It might have some kind of importance to this case!" Luigi replies, "What? Well, I guess so. I don't see how it could be useful though." He takes off his hat, and presses it against the wall. Vesti examines it closely, and finds a tag for the company that made it. Vesti asks, "Did you have this hat custom made." Luigi answers, "Yeah, I did. Mario did too. Man, that was so long ago..." Vesti then comes up with an absolutely devious plan. He could create another Luigi hat, and then give it to Chronos Krate the next time he sees him! It's the perfect plan! He suddenly starts laughing maniacally, but then loses interest in the idea.

Talk: Princess's Testimony

Lauren asks Luigi, "Do you know what the princess saw?" Luigi responds, "Well, I don't think she actually saw much. She probably saw me go into Mario's room for lunch... Then I think she heard Mario and me argueing, or something like that. She also said she came into the room after... the victim fell. And she says I was the only one in the room... but I swear I didn't kill him!" Lauren explains, "We know that, Luigi. Clearly this witness is mistaken about something." Toadette mutters, "Unless she's just flat out lying."

Examine: Wall

Vesti takes a good look at the wall. Toadette asks, "What are you looking at, Vesti?! Is it a clue!" Vesti replies, "No, just this wall. It's very suspicious." He suddenly takes out his police badge and slams it into the wall. Toadette stares at him in confusion. She says, "Uh... Vesti? Are you sure you're comfortable taking this case? You seem a little stressed!" Lauren interjects, "Dont worry about Vesti. Whenever he gets a big case like this one, he starts to do ridiculous stuff like this. It's his way of looking at the mystery through different angles... I think." Vesti turns away from the wall and says, "Alright, why don't we just pretend that this didn't happen." Lauren smiles and continues, "He usually says something like this afterwards too. I think it's his way of coping with embarrasment." Vesti shouts, "I am right here, you know!" Toadette sighs, "Why did I agree to help you guys?"

Consult: Lauren Tehra

You ask Lauren, "So what do you think about all these crazy shenanigans?" Lauren replies, "Well, there's not really many deductions we can make at this stage, especially without actually going anywhere near the crime scene. As for the strange matter of... well, this dimension... I think it would probably be best to ignore it for now, and just focus on the crime itself." Vesti replies, "Yeah, though if I meet that weird saturn guy again, I'll have to ask him a few questions. But also, I think I have an idea!" Lauren asks, "An idea? What is it?" Vesti replies, "We should feed Mario one of those 1-Up mushroom things! Then he could tell us who killed him!" Lauren stares at Vesti for a minute, and eventually replies, "Yeah, sure... Let's do that."

Move: Crime Scene or Something.

Lauren asks Toadette, "Could you take us to the location of the crime scene?" Toadette replies, "I certainly could! I've been to the castle many times during my charity work! I could definitely find it!" Vesti shouts, "Alright then! Let's go already!" The three of them bid Luigi goobye and leave the area. They pass through the Toad Town, but deciding that there isn't really anything left to do there, continue on anyway.

Date: ??? Time: 1 hour, 19 minutes until trial. Location: Castle Lobby

Lauren, Vesti, and Toadette enter the castle through the large front doors. From this angle, they can see a large stained glass window directly above them, which features a profile of a woman with yellow hair, and a pink dress. The three of them enter the front door, and find themselves in a spacious lobby. There is light shining down from a skylight in the ceiling, and a large pattern on the floor directly beneath it. There are two stairways in front of them, leading towards several doors. Vesti notices two separate spiral staircases heading upwards. There are also three or four toad guards milling about, probably investigating the castle. Toadette turns to the group and says, "OK, there are two places that we should probably go to. There's the crime scene, which was Mario's room, or there's the room directly next to it, which is the princess's room. There's also the fields where Mario fell, but we should probably go to the actual crime scene first. So, where do you two want to investigate?"

Investigation: Castle Lobby
Skylight, Stairs, Floor Pattern, Doors, Toad Guards.
There's nobody here!!
Toad Village
Mario's Room
Princess's Room
To Somebody
What will you do?


Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Sun May 22, 2016 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Let's start with Mario's room. There's evidence just waiting to be discovered!

Author:  Pierre [ Sun May 22, 2016 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Fistpump vigorously to commence the start of a new investigation then ask Toadette about Green 1-UP Mushrooms.

Author:  Planetbox [ Fri May 27, 2016 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

I don't really feel too good right now, so this update might be shorter than normal. But at the same time, it might not, so I don't really know.

Spoiler: Almost forgot the quotes oh no
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Examine the stairs, skylight, doors, and Toad Guards.
Spindow wrote:
Examine the Toad Guards, It's possible maybe one of them could aid in our client's alibi.

Examine: Toad Guards

Vesti decides to take a closer look at one of the Toad Guards. The guard has a purple cap thing, is holding a spear, and possesses a large bushy mustache, which honestly makes him look extremely silly. The confused guard asks, "Um... Sir? Do you have some kind of question or something?" Vesti asks, "Of course! Were you guarding the castle at the time of the murder? He replies, "Well, yeah. Most of us were. In fact, I happened to be stationed on the very floor that the murder occured on!" Lauren replies, "You were? Did you actually see Luigi enter the victim's room." The guard continues, "Why yes, I di- Wait, why am I telling you people this stuff! The prosecution told me to keep information like that a secret! Wait, who even are you people! I wasn't aware that more humans had managed to find their way into our kingdom... Hmm... something fishy is happening here..." Vesti replies, "Oh no! It's fine! Don't worry about it! In fact, we'll just be going now, so just get back to your investigation or whatever. The group quickly moves away from the Toad Guard.

Examine: Skylight

Vesti stands on the floor pattern and attempts to gaze up into the skylight. Toadette shouts, "WAIT! Don't look up there!" Vesti looks back down quickly, and Lauren asks, "Why can't we look up there? It's just a skylight." Toadette explains, "Actually, that skylight is really some kind of portal that leads up to the roof. If you look into it, you'll get sent straight up! And there's really no reason for us to go up there anyway." Lauren replies, "Really? That seems extremely far-fetched. Why aren't there any warning signs here?" Toadette responds, "I don't know... I think the princess just expected people to figure it out themselves." Vesti asks, "Uh... Is this princess insane or something." Toadette shouts, "NO! Of course not! Or... well, maybe. I mean she did build that huge hidden slide..." Vesti interjects, "Wait! There's a hidden slide! That's awesome!" He turns to Lauren, "We should totally go down the hidden slide!" Lauren sighs, "Can we focus on solving this case first. Besides, I seriously doubt that this hidden slide really exists." Suddenly, the mustachiod Toad Guard from earlier accidentally looks up into the skylight, resulting in his entire mushroomy body zooming up into the roof. The group stands in silence, before Lauren says, "Let's just get out of here."

Move: Mario's Room

Vesti does an extremely dramatic fist pump and shouts, "Alright! Let's go to Mario's Room! This is going to be awesome!" He suddenly starts running up the stairs. Toadette says, "Oh no! He doesn't know where he's even going! He could get lost! Wait a minute, Mr. Detective! I'm coming!!" Toadette dashes up the stairs as well. Lauren simply sighs, and then begins climbing the stairwell herself.

Date: ??? Time: 1 hour until trial. Location: Mushroom Kingdom Castle, Mario's Room

The group stumbles into Mario's room, probably knocking over some kind of decoration at the same time. Another Toad, previously gazing out the window, turns toward the commotion and shouts, "What are you doing! You can't just barge into a- Oh, hi Toadette! Are these... uh... people with you?" Toadette hapilly replies, "Yeah! These two are detectives! They're trying to clear Luigi's name!" The toad replies, "Really? Well, good luck to them, I guess. But I hate to say it, but I'm really not seeing anyone else who could have done it... And the trial's only an hour away..." Lauren interjects, "May we have permission to investigate this crime scene? We'd like to take a look around for ourselves?" "Sure you can," the Toad replies, "We're pretty much done here! I can stay and help you though! My name is Detective Captain Toad! Or is it Captain Detective Toad? Whatever, you can just call me Captain Toad for short! Feel free to take a look around!" {{Captain Toad added to Profiles}}

Investigation: Mario's Room
Window, Table and Meal, Picnic Basket, Yellow Block, Weird Pictures, Unnecessarilly Large Painting of Mario's Face.
Captain Toad
The Victim
The Crime
Why Arrest Luigi?
Castle Lobby
Princess's Room
To Captain Toad
What will you do?

Wiki Page on the Detective


Author:  Pierre [ Fri May 27, 2016 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Examine the unnecessarily large face of Mario


Then start poking around for invisible blocks to find a 1UP.

Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Fri May 27, 2016 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Examine the window, the table and meal, and the yellow block.

Ask about the victim, the crime and why arrest Luigi.

Author:  Planetbox [ Mon May 30, 2016 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Spoiler: I couldn't decide what to put here, so here's Andy Griffith's retelling of Romeo and Juliet
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Present Police Badge to Cap'n Toad first, of course.
Talk about the crime and the victim, also examine the window, yellow block, pictures, and Mario's face painting.

Present: Police Badge

You take out your Police Badge and show it to the detective. Captain Toad looks at it and says, "Wow! That's a really fancy looking trinket you've got there! Where'd you find it!" Vesti explains, "Um... uh... it was just on the ground somewhere." Toad continues, "Could you be more specific! I love going treasure hunting in my free time, and that would be a really cool thing to add to my collection!" Vesti continues, "Oh... uh... It was towards the north somewhere. I think." Lauren sighs and places her hand on her forehead. Captain Toad shouts, "Awesome! This is so exciting! I'm gonna go find it right now!" Captain Toad tries to exit the room, but Toadette stops him. "How about waiting until after you solve this mystery! Cause, you know, that's kind of important, and stuff!" Captain Toad replies, "Hmm... I guess you're right... Alright then! Let's solve this mystery!"

Examine: Window

Vesti takes a look outside the window. The view features many green plaisna nd mountains strething outwards. Vesti directly below him, and sees multiple Toads milling about the field beneath. He looks really closely, and can just barely see white tape marking out the area where Mario's body landed. He takes a step back, and notices the window's curtains. They are dark red, with white stripes going down it. There seems to be a large M at the point where the two sides meet. Vesti remarks, "Wow, this guy must have been kind of vain to put his initials on his curtains like that." Captain Toad explains, "Well, after he rescued the princess, the fame did kind of go to his head. Luigi's room is a lot more tame." Vesti asks, "Did he make these himself or something?" Toadette answers, "No, he had them custom made. As far as I know, no other cutains like this exist." Hearing this, Lauren says, "Hmm... That could be important. I think I'll make a note of that." {{Mario's Curtain added to Evidence}}

Examine: Unnecessarilly Large Painting of Mario's Face

Vesti looks at the left wall, half of which is taken up by an extremely large painting of Mario. Calling it a painting is a little too nice though, as in any other circumstance Vesti would have assumed it was something his nephew had made. The contents of the painting looked something like this.

Spoiler: Unnecessarilly Large Painting of Mario's Face

Vesti asks, "Why would someone do this?" Lauren Tehra says, "...I think for once I am at a loss for words..." Captain Toad explains, "Oh right. That. Yeah, I have no explanation. I just wish the murder had happened in someone else's room instead. Like, I don't know the lobby. It has some pretty flowers, and stuff. Toadette says, "I believe he commissioned that from a landscape artist, with no experience in body proportions... I remember Luigi telling him to reconsider, but he said something like, 'No, Luigi, I-a insist! This-a guy makes many outstanding-a artwork! I'm sure he can-a fill the gaping hole on my wall!" Vesti remarks, "Wow. You do a pretty good Mario impression." Captain Toad says, "I don't know. I'm not really sure what was up with that weird accent." Vesti says, "So, after this murder, how about the four of us take this painting outside and burn it?" Lauren remarks, "I would normally not partake in such violent exercises, but in this case I have to agree with you, Vesti."

Table and Meal

Vesti looks down at the table. He notices two plates, each with some food on them. The plate closest to the window is untouched, but the opposite one is partially eaten. Vesti asks, "What's all this stuff here." Toad explains, "That is the meal Mario and Luigi were eating. Mario ate at the table closest to the wall, so he didn't eat anything. Luigi sat by the door. That's what Luigi says, at least, and I don't see any reason for him to lie about that." Lauren, who has been contemplating the meal for a while, suddenly says, "Do you know what Mario and Luigi's dominant hands were?" Captain Toad replies, "Their dominant hands? I'm not sure what that has to do with the case, but... Mario was right-handed, and Luigi was left-handed." Lauren continues, "That's what I thought. See, the fork on Mario's plate was left on the right side of his plate, so he was probably eating from that side. Luigi's fork is on the left side of his plate, though." Toadette replies, "Really! That's awesome! Who knew you could figure all that out just from a pair of plates?!" Vesti continues, "Yeah, Lauren does stuff like that a lot. When I first met her, she figured out my age just by looking at me!" Lauren replies, "Vesti, you told me my age about five seconds after I met you." Vesti says, "Oh... right... heh heh." "Anyway," Lauren continues, "This information could be important, so I'm making a note of it." {{Unfinished Meal added to Evidence}}

Talk: The Victim

Lauren asks, "Is there anything else you can tell us about Mario?" Captain Toad begins, "Mario and Luigi have been here for about a year, perhaps. They just sort of showed up, actually. They said they were from some placed called 'Brooklyn' and then looked around for a place to stay. The princess offered to let them stay at her castle, and they did some plumbing work there." Toadette continues, "Then, the king of the Koopa Kingdom, Bowser, came and kidnapped the princess. Mario quickly left to save him, while Luigi looked after things back here. When the princess was saved, Mario became pretty famous. And... that's pretty much it." Captain continues, "People say that Luigi was jealous of him. They say that he got tired of living in his shadow, and that's why he killed him... But he's never said anything about this jealousy to us..."

Talk: The Crime

Vesti asks, "So, we know most about how this crime happened... but do you think you could tell us any other details?" Captain Toad explains, "I guess so... Basically Mario's body was found out there in the field, but the crime took place in this room. It is obvious that he was killed with the fire flower. He had two burns marks on his clothes when we found him. One was found on his right hand, and the other one was on his chest. A blow like that probably would have killed him instantly. Afterwards, he was thrown out of the window. To be honest, I have no clue why the killer would have done this, but it must have happened somehow. That's something the prosecutor hopes to clear up in court." Lauren asks, "What about the Fire Flower that he was killed with? Do you have proof that it was even fired?" Captain Toad says, "Ah... yes... That's where things get kind of complicated..." {{Mario's Body Notes added to Evidence}} {{A new talk option has appeared!}}

Investigation: Mario's Room
Picnic Basket, Yellow Block, Weird Pictures.
Captain Toad
The Victim
The Crime

Why Arrest Luigi?
Fire Flowers
Castle Lobby
Princess's Room
To Captain Toad
What will you do?


Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Mon May 30, 2016 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Examine the yellow block, and the picnic basket.

Then talk about the fire flowers, and why arrest Luigi.

Author:  Pierre [ Tue May 31, 2016 1:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Pop.the yellow.block and examine the plates, what were the brothers eating on the night of the murder?

Author:  Planetbox [ Fri Jun 03, 2016 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Spoiler: aAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAa
OshaliteX2 wrote:
(Response to Mario Picture)

Talk about the arresting of the Luigi and Floomy Foliage.

Spindow wrote:
Ask about that alleged smoking gun of a murder weapon the fire flower.

Examine: Yellow Block

Vesti looks at the large yellow block in the corner closest to the window. It features a sideways question mark on it. It was probably tipped over at some point. Vesti tries kicking it or something in order to remove the contents, but that doesn't appear to work. Vesti asks, "What even is this block?" Captain Toad quickly answers, "That's what we call a ? Block! We usually use them to store dangerous objects like those Fire Flowers. We're pretty sure that the murder weapon came from that block." Lauren asks, "How easy would it have been to get one of those blocks?" Toadette explains, "The Toad Guards try to keep those blocks and their contents away from civilians, so they usually only give them to specific people." Captain Toad sadly continues, "Of course, because Luigi was Mario's brother, he probably would have been able to get one of those blocks. But, I suppose a lot of people in this case could have gotten one easily too..." Vesti asks, "How do you open these things, anyway?" Captain Toad explains, "You simply have to hit the bottom of it, and if there's an item inside it will come out the top! That's one empty though, so you can't get anyone from it!" Vesti continues, "How do you put an item in?" Captain Toad replies, "Weellll... Uhhh... I have absolutely no idea." "That figures," Vesti responds. {{? Block added to Evidence}}

Picnic Basket

Vesti looks near the door, and notices a picnic basket. He leans down and opens it. Inside is a package of meat, two forks, and two spoons. These items are resting upon a large white sheet. Oddly, the picnic basket lacks a handle, and has nothing to cover the food. Vesti asks, "Was the food on the plates brought here in this picnic basket?" Captain Toad explains, "Yes! That's what Luigi says, at least. He said that Mario invited him to his room for a meal, so he brought food to eat in the picnic basket. However, we don't have anyone to confirm the story, but I don't see why he would lie about something like that..." Vesti then looks at the food on the plates. Mario's plate appears to contain a single slice of the meat, a few strawberries, and some lettuce. Luigi's plate contains the same foods, but some of it has been eaten. {{Picnic Basket added to Evidence}}

Talk: Why Arrest Luigi?

Lauren asks, "Why did you actually arrest Luigi." Captain Toad explains, "Well... as much as I hate to say it... he's really the only one who could have done it." Toadette shouts, "Don't be ridiculous! This is Luigi we're talking about! There's no way he would do this!" Captain Toad continues, "But he was in the room when Mario was murdered. Not only that, but the princess witnessed most of the event, and a few Toad Guards can testify that he was the only one who came up here. I'm working as hard as I can to prove it was someone else, but I'm just not finding anything!" Vesti interrupts, "Alright, why don't we discuss something else now."

Talk: Fire Flower

Vesti asks, "So, what is so special about the fire flower?" Captain Toad explains, "Well, there are multiple things. A fire flower can only be fired three times. When it reaches that limit, the flower shrivels up and becomes unusable. Fire flowers also leaves a burn mark on the hand of people who weild them, simply because of ashes or whatever coming back after it is fired." Lauren asks, "Ashes or whatever?" "Exactly," Captain Toad continues, missing the point, "It's also pretty obvious when someone is shot by them, because they leave burn marks. Fire flowers are extremely powerful, so it's no surprise that Mario died from only two hits from one." Lauren asks, "About this fire flower. Can we see it?" Captain Toad answers, "Sure, I'd be happy to show it you! Unfortunately, the fire flower has been missing since the day of the murder." Vesti replies, "Oh. I guess that would be a problem." Toadette replies, "Yeah... That's a pretty major problem. Do ou have any idea where it could be?" Captain Toad answers, "Not really. I guess the killer took it with them... Though Luigi wouldn't have had a chance to get rid of it... so if he really is the killer, it must be somewhere in this castle..." {{Fire Flower added to Evidence}}

Lauren remarks, "I think that we probably have all the evidence we could get here. Perhaps we should head somewhere else?"

Investigation: Mario's Room
Weird Pictures.
Captain Toad
The Victim
The Crime
Why Arrest Luigi?
Fire Flowers

Castle Lobby
Princess's Room
To Captain Toad
What will you do?


Author:  Pierre [ Fri Jun 03, 2016 10:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Ask Captain Toad about his illustrious adventuring career.

Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Fri Jun 03, 2016 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Make a mental note to ask Luigi about his left hand later.

Then move to the Princess's room. Knock on the princess's door just to be a gentleman.

Author:  Planetbox [ Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Yeah I had some kind of award ceremony yesterday so I couldn't update this. Whoops.

Spoiler: These quotes all got an award.
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Move to the Princess's room.
Wait, when did we get that option? EEHHH doesn't matter.

Spindow wrote:
Looking over the evidence, I think its time to pay the princess a visit in her quarters and ask why she can't feed her staff suddenly, let alone pay them.

Dimitri wrote:
But yes, I think a visit to the Princess' quarters is well in order.

Talk: Toad's Adventures

Vesti asks, "So you're some kind of adventurer, right? Well, what kind of adventures have you embarked on?" Captain Toad answers, "I've been to many places! I once went on this huge adventure with Toadette where we got lots of these cool stars and gems! It was super fun!" Toadette explains, "Yeah, that part where you got yourself kidnapped by a bird was really fun." Toad replies, "Can we just forget about that part! You're the one who was kidnapped twice by the same giant bird!" Vesti asks, "Wait, what is all this about a giant bird?" Captain Toad answers, "There was this giant bird who kept capturing us, and we had to rescue each other... It was a pretty interesting experience, overall. And we got a lot of money out of it!" Vesti replies, "Uh... Alright then."

Move: Princess's Room

Lauren says, "I think we should probably go talk to this witness we keep hearing about." Captain Toad replies, "OK! Her room is right next to this one, so you should be able to find it easily! Good luck!" Vesti replies, "Thanks for your help in this room! Hopefully the princess didn't actually see that much. Though, it would be way to fortunate if that was true." Lauren, Vesti, and Toadette exit the room, and turn left. The two doors are about a foot apart. The princess's door is relatively easy to pick apart, as it is extravagantly decorated and has her name written across it. Toadette, arriving first, knocks on the door. This is greeted with a loud "Come in!" after which Toadette hastily enters the room.

Date: ??? Time: 50 minutes until trial. Location: Mushroom Kingdom Castle, The Princess's Room

Vesti and Lauren quickly follow Toadette into the room. The room is about what one would expect from a princess's living quarters. It features a large canopy bed, several pictures of what are probably past Mushroom Kingdom rulers, a large window depicting the princess, and a rather large vanity. Sitting at the vanity is the princess, who currently appears to be stuffing some kind of folder into a drawer and quickly closing it. Afterwards, she takes out a hairbrush and begins to brush her hair. She turns towards the door and asks, "Hello Toadette. What brings you here? And... why did you bring these outsiders with you?" Toadette angrily replies, "Don't call them that! These two are detectives, and they're going to figure out who really killed Mario!" The princess turns back to the mirror, and continues brushing her hair. She replies, "Well, good luck to them. Because I know what I saw, and I'm certain that Luigi killed him." Vesti asks, "Anyway, you're the Mushroom Kingdom's princess, right?" She explains, "Exactly. My name is Princess Peach Toadstool. I've been serving this position for many years." Lauren asks, "Wait, if you're the only one ruling this kingdom, then why are you only a princess?" Peach replies, "Because Princess Peach sounds better than Queen Peach, of course." Lauren responds, "...Oh. Of course." Peach stands up and turns toward the group. She picks up a white parasol leaning against the vanity, and starts twirling it in her hand. She says, "If you three could make this quick, I'd appreciate it. I have to leave for the courtoom in about ten minutes. It would look terrible for someone of my position to arrive late." {{Princess Peach added to Profiles}}

Investigation: Peach's Room
More Weird Pictures, Canopy Bed, Parasol, Window, Vanity.
Princess Peach
The Victim
What You Saw
The Toad Villagers
The Defendant
Castle Lobby
Mario's Room
To Princess Peach
What will you do?

Wiki Page on the Witness

Whoops I apparently forgot to do this for Captain Toad. I GUESS I'LL GO FIX IT.


Author:  JaytheBluPirate [ Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Talk about the victim, what she saw, the toad villagers, and the defendant!

Then examine her parasol, and the window.

Author:  Planetbox [ Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Spoiler: Kirby: Planet Rabbyboot is finally released today!
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Examine the pictures, the parasol, and the vanity. Talk about the defendant and what she saw.
Also present police badge, because I don't think we've done that for a little while.

Spindow wrote:
Present the Toad Problems.

Dimitri wrote:
Well, it might be considered rude to present your police badge to the Princess. Present it to her vanity instead. And then ask about what she saw.

Present: Police Badge

Due to an unfortunate user disagreement, Vesti is unsure if it would be considered polite to present his police badge to a Princess. But eventually, he decides that he doesn't really care that much, and shows it to her anyway. Princess Peach glances at it, and says, "Why are you showing me that trinket?" Vesti replies, "This isn't a trinket! It's my police badge! It represents the dedication I have to my job as a police detective. It represents the authority vested in me as one who carries out the law! It represents-" "Alright," the princess interjects, "That's pretty cool, but I simply don't have time to continue this discussion. However, I will answer anything you ask me, if it relates to the crime itself." Peach checks the time in a relatively ostentatous manner. The message is not lost to Vesti Gates.

Examine: Window

Vesti decides to briefly leave the princess alone in order to examine her window. The window is an rather ornate stained glass window. Specifically, it is the one you could see from outside the castle. It depicts a profile of the princess in a pink dress looking sideways, with a few decorative flowers behind her. Toadette shouts, "Wow! That window looks even more amazing up close!" Princess Peach proudly replies, "Thanks! I designed it myself! Unfortunately, that window doesn't so, it occasionally makes the room way too warm." Vesti takes a closer look at the window. Sure enough, the window doesn't have a latch like Mario's window does. Vesti decides to make a note of this, for some reason. {{Peach's Window added to Evidence}}

Examine: Parasol

Vesti takes a look at Peach's parasol. She asks, "What are you doing?" Vesti immediately takes her parasol, and then carefully examines it in detail. Princess Peach shouts, "Seriously! What are you doing with my stuff!" Vesti returns the parasol, and then replies, "I'm just thoroughly checking the area! Any one of these objects could be related to the crime!" Peach starts bending the parasol in annoyance. She replies, "Well, did you find anything!" Vesti replies, "Well... no... But if I had found something, then it could have changed the case's entire perspective!" Peach responds, "Fine! Just don't do something like that again!"

Talk: What You Saw

Lauren quickly changes the subject. "What exactly did you witness?" Peach replies, "Well, I'm technically not supposed to give random people information like this... but whatever. Basically, I saw Luigi entering Mario's room shortly before he was murdered. Afterwards, I went into my room and heard the two of them arguing." Lauren says, "Hmm... That does seem to implicate Luigi quite a bit..." Peach continues, "That's not all, actually. After they argued, I heard what sounded like fighting. I left my room and went into Mario's, and then I just barely saw Mario falling out of the window. Luigi was the only one in the room, and he was right in front of the window." Lauren replies, "...I see... Well, this is just grand." Toadette shouts, "That can't be! I know Luigi would never have done such a thing!" Peach replies, "Sorry Toadette, but I know what I saw. It might be better if you just accepted it." Toadette replies, "No! If I give up hope, then Luigi might as well be guilty already!" The two briefly continue arguing, but the two detectives are deep in thought. Vesti reflects, (I honestly can't think of how someone else could have killed Mario... unless, of course, the princess is lying...)

Talk: The Toad Villagers/Present: Toad Problems

Vesti asks, "...I don't really want to bring this up right now, but are you actually doing anything about the Toads?" Peach replies, "The Toads? What do you mean?" Lauren explains, "You know... the Toads? The ones that are kind of in poverty right now?" Peach replies, "Oh, right. I've been opening new job opportunities for many of the Toads. But since Toadette's charity is helping many of the villagers, there isn't really much else I can do." Toadette mumbles, "You could always lower the taxes..." Peach looks at the mushroom thingy, and asks, "What did you say? I don't think I heard you." Toadette icily repeats, "I said, you could always lower the taxes." Peach replies, "Really? And how do you propose I fix these issues without the funds I need." Toadette continues, "You could spend the money you have on your kingdom, rather than putting it all in your 'Post-Kidnapping Emotional Recovery Fund.'" Lauren interjects, "Hey, why don't we talk about something else now! We don't have all day remember!" Peach looks away from Toadette, and after a few seconds, replies, "Yes... you're right. Do either of you have any other questions to ask?" Vesti reflects, (Thank goodness Lauren stopped them. That could have ended poorly.)

Investigation: Peach's Room
More Weird Pictures, Canopy Bed, Vanity.
Princess Peach
The Victim
What You Saw
The Toad Villagers

The Defendant
Castle Lobby
Mario's Room
To Princess Peach
What will you do?


Author:  Pierre [ Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASE

Ugh I see this Peach is the horrible bratty kind from Super Mario Strikers.

Ask her how she pulls that levitation trick as it's pretty badass.

Then ask what the brothers were arguing about.

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