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Re: Who do you think is....(ENORMOUS SERIES SPOILERS)Topic%20Title
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That's one of my rules.

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And I still don't think Godot was a real 'villain'.

He was certainly no Damon Gant.

Sure, he was a dick but when he was confronted and cornered he got the picture, and learned not to be so selfish.

Dahlia on the other hand? If she wanted to escape the family so badly, she could have taken Fawles with her after the heist, or just told him and her sister outright that she wanted to go it alone, and thanks for the help. Since her sister was the only one on the case (with it being corrupted), there was no need for any news of who the 'kidnapper' was to get around after she'd left, so it's not like they'd ever get found out.

Wasn't that the point of the heist in the first place?

It would simply have fallen on Valerie's shoulders to keep it quiet that there ever was a 'kidnapping' in the first place. I mean, that's why she and she alone took care of everything. Dahlia would be able to have her identity changed with her sister's help (through Iris if need be), destroy all evidence of her former, so that anything Fawles or her father told anyone if they did would be moot, and she would have been able to live a free woman, although deceased as Dahlia. It's hardly as if she was threatened on any count. She was about to escape with TWO MILLION DOLLARS for crying out loud. She was FREE.

There was no justification framing him for her murder. Everything that happened after that was therefore her own fault and she never fessed up to anything. Using Iris as an excuse for her 'plan going to hell', thus burdening Iris with her entire being.... If that wasn't pathetic, I don't know what is. Iris was getting involved with something that questioned her morals (uh, fake kidnapping. Go figure), so it's no wonder she bailed out. I would have done the same. She hadn't seen her sister for a while if I recall, so it's kind of difficult to just do whatever the hell Dahlia likes. I'm pretty sure she realised that it was wrong, and I'm pretty sure love doesn't mean 'do whatever the other person wants because it's ALWAYS the right thing to do, and if you think otherwise then you obviously don't love them'.

Ugh, Dahlia was behaving like a spoiled child. When she was given an avenue of escape, she abused it, and used everyone else in the equation as pawns to cover herself up. As if that's justifiable in the slightest. There's no saying that she didn't pressure Valerie into shooting Fawles, after all.

Even if people did find out about Dahlia's escape, she could be well out of the country by then, under a new identity. Or she could just have lived with Iris and Bikini. The fake kidnapping might well be exposed, but then it wouldn't matter because Dahlia would no longer be in the Hawthorne family anyway, and legally they won't be able to lay a finger on her, and her dad wouldn't even care to anyway. Not to mention Valerie would have taken the fall for it, seeing as she wanted to get her sister out of the Hawthorne household and start a new life. There are many ways this could have worked out without resorting to what she did.

Eh, I don't know. I used to think she was tragic, but I can't help but feel she was hard to sympathise with.
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Spoiler: JFA case 3
Acro. 'Nuff said.

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Jacks: If Dahlia just went missing with a gem worth two million, I seriously doubt her father would just say 'oh well' and give up on trying to find her it. Valerie being a cop would have worked against her in that case; her father would definately have pressured Val to investigate the disappearance. Taking that into account, Dahlia pretty much needed to fake her death to escape with the money.

Not that the kidnapping plan was okay, of course, just saying that simply running off wasn't really an option.
Re: Who do you think is....(ENORMOUS SERIES SPOILERS)Topic%20Title

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I think Mimi. In AA2 Richard Wellington was more or less the only one villain who deserved what he got.

All hail Dahlia, godess of death chains.
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Every villain has tragedy, deep inside. Some of them decide to battle on, regardless of the pain, and keep respecting the law, and eventually have a moment of weakness and commit a crime, while others simply drown in their own sorrow and are full-time criminals. Obviously at times their pain is not showed that much, take Damon Gant. But it's not like one is born "evil" and commits evil deeds by nature, it all comes from particularly unpleasing experiences.

So I think that one should either feel a bit sorry for every villain because of their problems, or not feel sorry at all for any of them. That's one's personal decision.
"Like a gem, polished to a gleam through trials... and errors. It is this fruit we receive, and pass on, and face in our time. And it is always changing, growing. Nurturing it is our task as human beings."

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Re: Who do you think is....(ENORMOUS SERIES SPOILERS)Topic%20Title
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It was well known bodies that wound up in Eagle River were lost, and that usually applies to anything that falls too, namely the diamond in the backpack, right? Valerie could simply have made out that Dahlia had committed suicide. She would still be able to change her identity, emancipate her etc. and get her out of the country.

Her father would look pretty bad- his youngest daughter just killed herself, he'd abandoned her twin, and when he raises a stink about a jewel? Valerie could use this against him and pressure him into leaving off. The 'kidnapper' didn't have the jewel, after all, and Dahlia's body was never even found. If they couldn't find the body, they couldn't find the jewel and there was no point chasing down a minor case connected to a sadly closed case. After all, him pressing an issue would make him look like a suspect.

...I don't think it was made all that clear what on Earth the implications were of the truth being made known Franz, that's what confuses me. The father taking them to court and sueing them? Disowning them? Valerie being fired from the police force or jailed? Either way, I'm pretty sure it wasn't worth killing over. People would just have had to know that a sad daughter had tried to steal away from her father and as such, faked her own death and kidnapping. Valerie herself would have attested to that. She would expose that her father ditched Iris, and the truth would be out. Fawles would be acquitted, Valerie take whatever charges against her and have Dahlia live with her next of kin if she were to go to jail, i.e Iris.
Re: Who do you think is....(ENORMOUS SERIES SPOILERS)Topic%20Title
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Jacks wrote:
It was well known bodies that wound up in Eagle River were lost, and that usually applies to anything that falls too, namely the diamond in the backpack, right? Valerie could simply have made out that Dahlia had committed suicide. She would still be able to change her identity, emancipate her etc. and get her out of the country.

Her father would look pretty bad- his youngest daughter just killed herself, he'd abandoned her twin, and when he raises a stink about a jewel? Valerie could use this against him and pressure him into leaving off. The 'kidnapper' didn't have the jewel, after all, and Dahlia's body was never even found. If they couldn't find the body, they couldn't find the jewel and there was no point chasing down a minor case connected to a sadly closed case. After all, him pressing an issue would make him look like a suspect.

...I don't think it was made all that clear what on Earth the implications were of the truth being made known Franz, that's what confuses me. The father taking them to court and sueing them? Disowning them? Valerie being fired from the police force or jailed? Either way, I'm pretty sure it wasn't worth killing over. People would just have had to know that a sad daughter had tried to steal away from her father and as such, faked her own death and kidnapping. Valerie herself would have attested to that. She would expose that her father ditched Iris, and the truth would be out. Fawles would be acquitted, Valerie take whatever charges against her and have Dahlia live with her next of kin if she were to go to jail, i.e Iris.

...we don't get many GOOD fathers in GS,
1) zak- ditched his daughter
2) Magnifi- took his daughter away from her family
3)Drew- made his daughter forge things
4)Morgans husband- ...nuff said :will:
Re: Who do you think is....(ENORMOUS SERIES SPOILERS)Topic%20Title
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+1 vote for Mimi. She lost everything so fast, and then had to give up her life to pretend every day that she didn't lose her sister.

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MirrorX14 wrote:
Man, you people all make good points. Except... I have a pretty skewed sympathy factor. I'm going to post for the sake of one who has been only briefly mentioned:

Matt. Engarde.

I know he's a sick bastard who killed over a stupid competition. I know he cares about nobody and would lie his pretty half-face off to prove he was right. I want to argue in the most rigged, biased, fangirlish view.

Spoiler: Rant, Part One
On the outside, Matt seems sweet and a little (ok, a lot) ditzy - the kind of weak idiocy he hates.
He's living as someone he can't stand to save his reputation - like Ini, only a self-inflicted torture... all his fault.
Matt lives in fear. Sure, it's karma screwing him over, but his rival has a secret that could ruin his life.
The only girl he ever possibly loved ran to his rival when they broke up.
He obviously hurts himself when things go wrong, clawing at his face until it bleeds and scars.
As we saw from Maya's eyes when she was in the wine cellar, he possibly drinks a lot.

Spoiler: 3 Points - Everyone Hates Matt
Point One: Matt and Juan were so competetive, they drove each other to paranoid madness.
We don't know much about Juan, but from what I learned in the case, he was as screwed up Matt was. Juan was willing to forge a suicide note for his dead lover, perform Dee-esque blackmail to hurt Matt, and even pass himself off as Matt and personally ruin his life.

Point Two: Adrian, despite having her own selfish intentions, sided against Matt just like Celeste had. And surprise surprise, Adrian had even taken on aspects of Celeste's personality to hold herself together. That must have opened some old wounds.

Point Three: Matt was so paranoid, perhaps that DeKiller might turn on him too, that he taped Juan's murder. However, it was his paranoia that made DeKiller break his contract.

In the end, everyone that was ever close to Matt in any way turned against him, whether to ruin his career or with intent to kill.

Spoiler: Rivalry
What did Matt do to make Juan hate him? And if they hated each other, why did Juan keep that stupid bear in the first place?

Matt obviously hated Juan for a while - at least since he broke up with Celeste. But did Juan's hatred of Matt start when he ruined the wedding?

Spoiler: Rant, Part Two
My disorganized and methodless madness is coming to an end.

Matt is indeed evil, but his evil came from a constant struggle against a man equally determined. Is it true evil, hellbent on victory no matter the cost, or is it a more insane and deluded evil? Does he have such a weak grip on reality that he feels he has to be the absolute best to be loved at all? Or is he just the face presented - a ruthless psychopath willing to kill to win?

Spoiler: Not In Phoenix's Boards!
And if I had to pick a close second for pity, Daryan Crescend.

Thanks for listening...

Ummm...What she said. Glad I'm not the only one with a twisted view of what a tragic villian is...
Also someone else mentioned it too but, the way I see it, any of the villians can be considered to have their own personal tragedies. It all depends really on how you look at it. Of course, some villians are much more tragic than others (Godot for example).

Also, a few there are a few things I want to add to the Matt arguement.

Ok basically Matt tells Juan that he dated Celeste as part of his whole rivalry with him. Celeste then comitts suicide and Juan and Adrian both blame Matt for it. Sure, Matt's reason for his actions was totally selfish and the cause of Celeste's death, but I still don't think its fair to blame him for her death. That's because, in all honesty, is it really foreseable that she would committ suicide just because Juan broke up with her? True, Matt knew it would hurt her too, but he couldn't have guessed that she would kill herself over it.
Then, to make things worse, Adrian conspires with Juan, the person Matt hates the most, in order to pin it all on him and ruin his life over something he shouldn't even be responsible for. For someone with already incredibly extreme trust issues, it was probably devastating, which is why he decided that the only way out was to kill Juan.
Something else about Matt bothers me too. How did he get those scars? Whatever happened, it was obviously something that caused a ton of damage. Seriously, I've seen shark attack victoms with less severe scars than his [Edit: That was an exaggeration, I only put "seriously" because that's the way I talk. Sorry if that was unclear]. He probably never saw a doctor for them either, because then he would have no need to cover them up since the doctor would already know about them. I always thought that they might have something to do with Juan (Which could be why Matt hates him so much)

And that's all I got for now. I might add more later when I replay 2-4.
Anyways, thanks for listening/reading
Re: Who do you think is....(ENORMOUS SERIES SPOILERS)Topic%20Title

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Spoiler: PW: T&T
Godot hands down. 5 years of his life taken away by the most evil villain in the series. I thought that he just wanted some one to care for him again. But he was also angry at Phoenix and needed revenge. So Godot hands down.

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Re: Who do you think is....(ENORMOUS SERIES SPOILERS)Topic%20Title
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Spoiler: AA2 and 3
2.Terry Fawles (not a murderer, but still a kidnapper)
3. Ini
4. Acro

Re: Who do you think is....(ENORMOUS SERIES SPOILERS)Topic%20Title

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In order of sadness.
Ini Miney/Mimi Miney (so sad....) Also my favorite characters. :pizzahat: :pizza: :Pizza2: :sadini: :ini: :knock-knock:
Terry Fawles :onamida:
Pearls :pearl:
Dahlia :delilah-hair: :fire:
Iris :ayame:
Godot :godot: :trapcardcoffee:

~~~Cassandra~~~ but you can call me Cassie!
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dotsdfe wrote:
...The most tragic villain in the series?
Spoiler: Extra tag just in case
IMO, it's tied between Godot and Ini.

Godot, well, it's pretty obvious. His life was ripped to pieces by Dahlia. His love was killed. He wakes up in a severely weakened state...I mean, really, what ISN'T tragic here?

Ini(Mimi) had her only family taken from her and had her reputation destroyed. However, the most tragic part about her only becomes apparent upon beating the case twice....If you play through it twice, on the second playthrough, you really see exactly how tragic she was overall. She constantly pretended to be something she hated because she was forced to. She studied the occult because she was forced to. She was practically forced to kill Turner. Hell, when you look deep, you realize that every moment she was playing the role of ditz, it was probably killing her on the inside, as she was reminded of her dead sister....Most people don't think of her in this light, but, well, she's a pretty tragic character.

I actually agree with you 100%!
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The most tragic villian, eh? This should answer your question...
Take a good look everyone! Unable to find a rival worth of my genius, I was forced to create one myself! Here I am, the tragic clown...
Re: Who do you think is....(ENORMOUS SERIES SPOILERS)Topic%20Title
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Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, I'm going to need a little explanation here...
Exactly WHY do so many people think that Acro is a tragic character?!?! :acro:
Well, actully thats not true, I guess he lost his brother and the use of his legs and everything like that but that still doesn't excuse what he did but he is kind of....... :yuusaku:

ANYWAY! My point is, what happened to Bat was a horrible accident. Regina had no intention whatsoever of harming Bat. The very concept of harming someone couldn't even appear in her mind. Acro understands this. He admits that it was just a pure accident. It was a prank that went horribly wrong.

So why does he then try to murder and 16 year old girl on the basis that she was making him angry because she didn't understand what had happened fully?
Did he never think just to tell her the truth of what happened? Have a talk with the ringmaster and get her to understand the effects? No? Did his mind simply just jump RIGHT to murder?

The reason she didn't understand what happened to Bat was because no one had ever told her what happens after death in detail. Acro never mentioned that he tried to explain to her, so I can just assume he decided to kill her on a psychotic whim.

Also, the ringmaster saved Acro and Bat as children. How did Acro plan to repay this kindness after his legs were gone and his brother was in hospital? By killing his beloved daughter. This does not equal a tragic character.

Also, Ron? You aren't tragic. You stole that data by your own choice. But I won't say anything, because you're just too damn adorable! :yuusaku:
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Without a doubt, Godot
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I think the most tragic villain is Yanni Yogi. His life is ruined by Robert mudda' fuckin' Hammond because he just likes his perfect record *coughvonKarmacough* Wait, thats not right. Wait, it is but... *IMAGINE A SHRINKING TEXT EXPLAINING WOOEEOOHH*
God some people need to learn how to use spoiler tags to save space. God. Ot :D
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I would have to agree that Godot is the most tragic character in the series. None of the others even come close in my opinion.
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:godot: :yogi: :acro: :chinami: :uramidn: :ditz: :darke: :devasque: :varanbaran:
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Ace Spartan wrote:
:godot: :yogi: :acro: :chinami: :uramidn: :ditz: :darke: :devasque: :varanbaran:

Hey, guess what has two thumbs and has one person to trump all this? ME.
It starts with a Lana and ends with a Skye. Srsly. She forged stuff because she was protecting who she thought killed Neil from a douchebag Gant.
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Well I'd say that every character in PW has some sort of "tragic"story. But the most tragic villian?
It's a tie between Godot and Dahlia
As for normal characters:
Franzy anyone?
Spoiler: Saving Space
Ok.To start i'd like to say that I'm guessing Franny's mom died either giving birth or soon after,or she divorced. You know how hard it is growing up without a mom? Plus Franny has a sick perfection obsessed father. At 2 she got a "adoptive brother" or whatever that stole her spotlight away from her (i'm sure Edgey didn't mean it though) Thus all Manfred cared about was making a von Karma out of him. At a seriously young age Franny began studying to become a "perfect prosecutor" just to get her dad's approval.And once she turns thirteen and is almost going to make it,she asks
"so,are you going to watch my first trial ?"
"...I'll consider it"
YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME! Franny has been through so much tragety. All her life, she's been living in the shadows of her brother and father. All she wanted to do is get approval. She needs to be loved like a father should love his own daughter.

So yeah. In order of characters, this is most tragic:
"Having a place to go — is a home. Having someone to love — is a family. Having both — is a blessing."
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Edgeworth :edgeworth: Hands down the character who has suffered the most. He was a villain in the first game, and the Antihero of the entire series.

He had spent his entire childhood looking up to his father (Gregory) in order to become a Prosecutor just like him. His father was his best friend. :gregory: Then...he was murdered in horrifying circumstances (earthquake, being stuck in a claustrophobic, oxygen-depleting pitch black elevator with what appeared to be a madman :yogi: ), which left him scarred for life.

But it's not over- the man who killed his father (Manfred von Karma), adopted him as the ultimate slap in the face, and raised him to be a cold-blooded Prosecutor as further insult to injury. :karma:

In the mean time, Edgeworth undoubtedly respected von Karma and looked up to him...imagine the pain when it was revealed that the whole time von Karma was trying to set Edgeworth up for failure and the death penalty.

Edgeworth also grew attached to Franziska :franny: , who he inevitably had to leave. Their time together, in the entire series, is few and far between.

As is the case with most archetypal Antiheroes, Edgeworth discarded his career...and went on a soul searching quest.

It is even suggested that he contemplated suicide ("Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses death") at one point.

Finally, even after reestablishing his life's mission and friendship to Phoenix and pals :jazzedgy: , remnants of his once cold and ruthless personality still remain. :edgeworth:

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Elegant Brute wrote:
Edgeworth :edgeworth: Hands down the character who has suffered the most. He was a villain in the first game, and the Antihero of the entire series.

He had spent his entire childhood looking up to his father (Gregory) in order to become a Prosecutor just like him. His father was his best friend. :gregory: Then...he was murdered in horrifying circumstances (earthquake, being stuck in a claustrophobic, oxygen-depleting pitch black elevator with what appeared to be a madman :yogi: ), which left him scarred for life.

But it's not over- the man who killed his father (Manfred von Karma), adopted him as the ultimate slap in the face, and raised him to be a cold-blooded Prosecutor as further insult to injury. :karma:

In the mean time, Edgeworth undoubtedly respected von Karma and looked up to him...imagine the pain when it was revealed that the whole time von Karma was trying to set Edgeworth up for failure and the death penalty.

Edgeworth also grew attached to Franziska :franny: , who he inevitably had to leave. Their time together, in the entire series, is few and far between.

As is the case with most archetypal Antiheroes, Edgeworth discarded his career...and went on a soul searching quest.

It is even suggested that he contemplated suicide ("Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses death") at one point.

Finally, even after reestablishing his life's mission and friendship to Phoenix and pals :jazzedgy: , remnants of his once cold and ruthless personality still remain. :edgeworth:

That makes so much sense, it makes my soul weep (in a good way). I have just one thing to say.
Actually, Edgeworth wanted to be a Defense Attorney, but was raised to be a prosecutor by Manfred von Motherfucker

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That's a toughy.......
Godot. no explanation needed

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For me, it would have to be Acro, Valant, Mimi, Dahlia, and Godot. I'm kind of surprised at seeing people post Dee. I had a hard time feeling any sympathy for her, considering that she was a mob boss, after all, and no doubt had committed numerous crimes in the past.
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Et tu, Brute?

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Ropfa wrote:
For me, it would have to be Acro, Valant, Mimi, Dahlia, and Godot. I'm kind of surprised at seeing people post Dee. I had a hard time feeling any sympathy for her, considering that she was a mob boss, after all, and no doubt had committed numerous crimes in the past.

Damnit- I lost The Game.
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I'm always surprised to see how many people felt so bad for :pizzahat: ... I actually didn't think she was sympathetic at all.

The murder she committed was elaborately premeditated, and for a selfish reason -- not to mention that she was fully willing to frame an innocent teenage girl for her crime. :sad-maya:

I realize that it must have been painful for her to have lost a sister, and that her life as "Ini" must have been miserable -- but, even though the facial reconstruction was not her own choice, it was her own choice to take advantage of it and keep up that act for so long... because, through that act, she could conveniently and effectively avoid facing any punishment for her crime of killing 14 patients at Grey's clinic.

I obviously don't believe that she killed those patients on purpose. But I also don't believe that :grey: drugged her. I think Grey and Mimi were in an unhealthy, tension-filled, antagonistic boss/worker relationship that brought out the worst in each other, but neither was the kind of person (as of then) who would have done something so truly evil. The medication mixup was probably just a simple mistake caused by :Mimi: 's stress and tiredness from work -- but it was a deadly mistake, a mistake for which she should have made amends from the start, rather than letting her cover-up snowball out of control. It was her own paranoia (mixed with a bit of denial and a whole lot of not wanting to take responsibility for her negligence) that likely made her blame Grey. (...Or at least confirm the blame on Grey that the media had begun to spread, as the point was made on this thread before. I'm sure the media would have drawn that conclusion not from any evidence but from the sheer dramatic potential of the situation, which they knew the public would eat up, and of which I'm sure that Mimi would have been more than keen to convince herself.). If she was truly a victim in the situation, I don't think she would have been so desperate to keep her involvement a secret. However, Mimi was ashamed of what she did and grew to rely so much on her cover-up that she resorted to concealing her accidental murders with a deliberate murder -- and that's when she passes the point of forgiveness.

In my view, Mimi Miney was a coward who ran away from her problems and was unwilling to deal with the consequences of her mistakes before it was too late. She was a great character and a great villain, but not one I feel sorry for.


Instead, my obvious vote for "most tragic villain" has to go to Godot. :godot:

He didn't set out to kill anyone. He set out to defend the family of the woman he loved. It was only through an unfortunate twist of events that he was forced to commit a murder.

Of course, it was his own fault that the situation was so dangerous in the first place -- and that danger was entirely preventable: if he had only sucked up his stubborn pride and his unreasonable contempt and let Phoenix (and others who could have been able to help) in on Morgan's plan. That was his mistake. A tragic mistake.

...But, unlike Mimi, he was willing to face the consequences of his mistakes like a man. In court, he led Phoenix to the truth, and then accepted his fate.

For an added sense of tragedy, that fate was most likely not just incarceration but death. Not a death penalty -- just the death that he had been prolonging since his poisoning. The end of his struggle against his own irreparably destroyed body. The final rest of Diego Armando. :acro: Oh Godot, why are you so epic!?!?!
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Elegant Brute wrote:
Ropfa wrote:
For me, it would have to be Acro, Valant, Mimi, Dahlia, and Godot. I'm kind of surprised at seeing people post Dee. I had a hard time feeling any sympathy for her, considering that she was a mob boss, after all, and no doubt had committed numerous crimes in the past.

Damnit- I lost The Game.

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Asa Turney wrote:
...But, unlike Mimi, he was willing to face the consequences of his mistakes like a man. In court, he led Phoenix to the truth, and then accepted his fate.

Like hell he did. Even after getting his revenge on Dahlia by sacrificing the rest of the Feys, Godot let his little charade continue until Phoenix backed him into a corner with no way out. If he was a real man and wanted to face the consequences, he would have, you know, CONFESSED instead of letting the suspicion rest on Iris, Maya, Pearl, whomever, after they'd already suffered more than enough.

Everything Godot did was for his own ego, and I don't consider crying over it after you're already caught an especially repentant attitude.

And I think it's kind of hypocritical that you condemn Mimi for trying to make Maya take the blame for her crime when Godot did the same thing to Iris.
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Wow, feisty debates here. It turned from which villain has the best sob story to full on hate against certain characters. I should cool things down with a nice joke.

What do a Walrus and Tupperware have in common?
They both like a tight seal. :moe-laugh:
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S-sorry for spreading character hate...!! It's just that, when they're villains, aren't you supposed to hate them? Unless you think they're "tragic," of course. And that's where the relevant debate comes in. And I think AA debate is fun! :keiko:

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
And I think it's kind of hypocritical that you condemn Mimi for trying to make Maya take the blame for her crime when Godot did the same thing to Iris.

Well, that's because I don't think Godot actually ever intended to let Iris take the fall. He knew in the back of his mind, the whole time, that he was going to be declared guilty in the end. He couldn't just admit it himself because he wanted to do things more epically because he wanted Phoenix to do it. The whole trial, I think, was essentially a test for Phoenix to see if he was really worthy of carrying on Mia's legacy -- and from the start of it he was resigned to his fate, should Phoenix prove successful (which Godot had a feeling he would): "I was wrong about you. I knew it from the very beginning. The truth is, the only person I could never find it in my heart to forgive... ...was me."

I concede that, because of these ulterior motives (challenging Phoenix -- as well as complicating the entire situation for others in the process of seeking personal redemption), he still acted quite selfishly. Rereading the scripts, I do see the parallels between Mimi and Godot that, in my bias, I tweaked more favorably for Godot: Godot did essentially what Mimi did -- (at least at the case of Mia's death) he ran from his problems.

I also admit that you're right that his motives were quite a bit more egotistic I made them out to be: He outright confesses that he was probably acting for his own sake rather than for Maya's... but, even he is not completely sure. He goes around in circles with qualifications like "I think" and "I suppose" and "Was it for Maya? Was it for revenge? I don't know. I don't know anything." He was confused about himself the whole time. He was figuratively as well as literally blinded. I think that, while he was doing what he did, even if he may have known deep in his heart that it was wrong, he had himself convinced that he was doing it for the right reasons. (On the other hand, Mimi was fully psychologically aware of why she was doing it and who she was hurting in the process.)

Most importantly, Godot admits his faults with regret:
Godot, Case 3-5, wrote:
That's why I let you walk right into a situation that I knew was dangerous. Forgive me...
Mimi, Case 2-2, wrote:
That quack doctor... He got what he deserved in the end. And I was so close to finally ditching "Mimi" too.
You argued that Godot's crying after he was caught wasn't a convincing show of repentance...
But Mimi didn't cry until after she was caught, either. :sadini: And while she was crying, that's what she was saying.
She never apologizes, and never expresses that she was wrong -- she only justifies what she did by explaining why she did it.

Mimi cried because her plans failed.
Godot "cried" because his plans succeeded.

I certainly don't disagree that Godot is a villain. (That's what villains do: not confess until they're cornered.)
I just hold that he's a "tragic" villain, and I think he's more tragic than Mimi, because, unlike Mimi, he appears to genuinely regret what he did.
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I have to agree about Mimi. That was the SINGLE case I teared up over.

@ Asa Turney: Wasn't it said that Iris agreed to take the fall?

Also... If I was Mimi, I wouldn't regret killing someone who made my life a living hell. I know the malpractice thing is never really confirmed, but it's apparent that Mimi believes it, so that justified what she did in her own mind.

As for Godot, I think he regrets what he did because it was Mia's mother that he killed. I don't think he did it for Maya or even Mia, directly. I think he wanted revenge on Dahlia, in some way... Maybe. Like the way Mia tells her she will forever be a "loser."
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I don't think he can be counted as a villain but..Edgeworth

He lost his father when he was only a child, his father was killed right before him, that incident left him severely scarred, only to find out that Manfred Von Karma killed his father for messing up his perfect win record. you can feel the emotions running through Edgeworth as he found all this out. I felt happy when he found all that out and was able to put his father's killer to justice, but still, i can't help but feel for him, he has it hard.
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Because he actually shed great manly tears in court. Tears = Greater sadness.

And Acro cried more tears in court than Godot.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Pierre wrote:

Because he actually shed great manly tears in court. Tears = Greater sadness.

And Acro cried more tears in court than Godot.

But wasn´t the one manly bloody tear enough for you, to explain the most epic tear of all times?

To me it was clearly Godot.
He lost his former life as a lawyer, lost his love and killed the mother of his former love in order to protect her sister.

Kind of a shitty situation.

Acro was just a foolish idiot, imo. (Hands down) Afterall, he killed with the pure intent to kill someone, which is bad enough for me, so say: "I am glad he was sent to prison."
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Coffee Prosecutor wrote:
Pierre wrote:

Because he actually shed great manly tears in court. Tears = Greater sadness.

And Acro cried more tears in court than Godot.

But wasn´t the one manly bloody tear enough for you, to explain the most epic tear of all times?

To me it was clearly Godot.
He lost his former life as a lawyer, lost his love and killed the mother of his former love in order to protect her sister.

Kind of a shitty situation.

Acro was just a foolish idiot, imo. (Hands down) Afterall, he killed with the pure intent to kill someone, which is bad enough for me, so say: "I am glad he was sent to prison."

Nope in fact bloody tears just sounds emo when you say it like that. Plus I kinda thought the message for Godot's killing is sure he did it and it did protect Maya but he did it primarily for his own selfish desire for revenge.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

You thought you could be safe in your courts, with your laws and attorneys to protect you. In this world only I am law, my word is fact, my power is absolute.
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Atmey, the true tragic clown. He just wanted to be famous, and finally succeeded by becoming the only villain to lie to the Magatama and winning the Penguin Look-Alike Contest. If he had just been recognized for stopping Mask during the first theft, he wouldn't have done it.

And to add another,
Spoiler: 4-2
:mina: , just because :nick-heart:

And one more for good luck, the stepladders! Ladder army, attack! :franny:
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First things first...First post! Woot! :will:

Now, I'd like to start by saying I can't really see Dee as sympathetic, mainly because she didn't become part of the mob by accident. She's a bad woman, no matter how you slice it.

Anyway, this is a debatable point, villain-wise, but more sympathetic (to me) than Godot, Ron, and around neck-and-neck with Acro is another character that we had to force to the witness stand, go through a massive battle of wits with, and wring a confession out of, as if he were the true villain of...well, any other case.

He put us through a lot of hassle...and they shoot you for that in Texas. :jake:

My god, the guy finally gets all he ever wanted - he's a detective, he gets to work on a case with the brother he admired and was so incredibly close to, life is good. And then it all gets flipped on its head. His brother is murdered by the very man he was investigating. His work in sending that man away is tossed aside in favor of lies and fakes, he suddenly finds himself demoted to patrolman without reason. In the pursuit of the truth, he still works on the case in secret, and then, teo years later, as he was ready to take the evidence, he has to assault a cop, and finds the evidence - the keys to the case that he spent two years working so hard on to avenge his brother - taken away from him. Next thing he knows, his colleague in the endeavor is dead, and what closure does he finally get? It was his boss that killed them both. Not just his boss, mind you, but the boss that faked the evidence so long ago.

THAT is tragic.
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Now that you mention it, it's true that Jake Marshal is quite a tragic character.

But I would chose Godot, with Yanni Yogi being close.
Spoiler: AAI2-5
Souta is pretty tragic as well.

Nevertheless, I can't help but feel a bit sorry for Manfred von Karma. Just after his precious perfect record is destroyed, he gets shot in the shoulder for absolutely no reason. I wonder if he would have still killed Gregory if he hadn't been shot.
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