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I love reading character design notes from the creators. I'm really into character design, so they're pretty fascinating to me, especially since they sometimes reveal extra things about the characters. Unfortunately, they don't release the guidebooks here so they don't get translated to English.

I had the time today to translate the notes from the Official Gyakuten Kenji Complete Guide scans found on the site from Japanese to English, so enjoy!

Yamazaki is the game director. Iwamoto is the character designer (he's a fan favourite who designed all the characters in PW2 and PW3, and did some sub character designs for PW1 and AJ).

(There are little notes next to some of the sketches, too, but I didn't translate those. I will translate those if there is enough interest. I had also been meaning to translate the staff notes for PW1-3 -- especially PW2, since they have "interviews" with the characters that reveal more little things about them -- but I've been too lazy...)

[Yamazaki:] She is an extroverted, active heroine to contrast the passive, introverted protagonist that is Edgeworth. No matter what, I wanted her to be an energetic girl. When designing her, it was difficult making her appear like a Great Thief while keeping her cute at the same time.

[Iwamoto:] The very first character we made for AAI. Though it's obvious if you look at the sketches, we redesigned her over and over. We grasped her look once we stuck to a Japanese theme and when we pumped her with energy, we finally got it.

[Yamazaki:] Lang's theme is "charisma." More than any other character, he appeals greatly to other people. That's why the support of his assistant Shih-na is a necessity. Between those two, you can see an unbreakable partnership.

[Iwamoto:] I designed them with Lobo the King of Currumpaw and his wife Blanca in mind. (translator's note: King of Currumpaw was an anime about a wolf based on the American nonfiction book of the same name. Lobo was a black wolf whose mate was Blanca, a white wolf.) The two of them wear furs and have names that give off the image of wolves. Blanca was a white wolf, so we made her a character with white skin and white hair. I like the animation where the two of them pose in tandem.

(Note: the key word for Portsman is "sawayaka", and the closest english translation is "refreshing" -- when applied to a person it's meant to be "cool", "level-headed," "optimistic", "easy going", etc.)

[Yamazaki:] As the killer in the first case, he had to be the sort of character who would make you think, "I want to corner him!" When you give a character too much of a "refreshing" air, it ends up being annoying. It makes you wonder how he behaved in court.

[Iwamoto:] A character that screams "refreshing sportsman". Whether it be studies or sports, he gives off the image of being able to do anything. I believe wearing a polo shirt with the collar up is something you can do only if you're filled with self-confidence. Incidentally, exactly what sport he won a gold medal in, even I don't know myself.

[Yamazaki:] We made her a suspect yet again, but we felt that was fitting to her "Goddess of Misfortune" title. In the AA series, she's always in uniform -- police, waitress -- so this time, we put her in everyday wear.

[Iwamoto:] My goal this time was to try my best at making the girls look cute (note: Iwamoto prefers drawing old men and finds it difficult to draw cute girls) so I put a lot of effort into her, as she's the first female to appear in the game. In my mind, I see Maggey as a "normal girl who's sorta cute", but does that image show through in my design?

[Yamazaki:] I like his somewhat pitiful name. Faith is a very good guy. His hunting cap comes from an incident during a magazine interview where Mr. Iwamoto tried to force a hunting cap onto me.

[Iwamoto:] Director Yamazaki was the model. The killer, Portsman, was modeled after a staff member, so I decided to model the victim after a staff member as well and I went ahead with the resemblance. Then Yamazaki told me, "There's too much of a resemblance. Please change the design more." Perhaps he didn't like his role as a corpse?

[Yamazaki:] We put a lot of heart into making Teneiro into the type of woman you'd want to protect. Meele is the type of woman who's hard to grasp and makes you wish she'd poke fun at you. They're both appealing.

[Iwamoto:] I designed them as a set -- Teneiro is square, Meele is round. I made sure to make visible the contrast between the serious one and the flaky one. Meele's cleavage is showing because she's forgotten to attach one of the pieces on their uniform; that's how flaky she is.

[Yamazaki:] We knew from the start we wanted to make him a Borginian who messes up proverbs, but the designer, Iwamoto, developed him with his many ideas. (note: Here he quotes a couple of proverbs Zinc messes up but they're different in English so I'm omitting them...)

[Iwamoto:] I first drew him as a "rich guy", but since that sort of character has already appeared in the AA series, I drew him with "merchant of Venice" in mind and it was approved. He constantly points with his finger to make him get on your nerves.

[Yamazaki:] He has a handsome face, but the rest of him is tragic -- a disappointing beauty. Lauren is so narrow-minded, perhaps she can only see one part of him at a time. I say these things as if they were planned out, but in reality, we didn't put much thought into him at all.

[Iwamoto:] An unlikeable guy who's the only character in AAI who looks directly at the camera. I haphazardly doodled a face while in a discussion with the director and that became the basis for him. The gold rope attached to his chest was a present from Lauren.

[Yamazaki:] A girl whose soul speaks through her eyes. The way she fidgets and sobs fit in perfectly with the waist up side view sprites of AAI. She drifts so easily into fantasy, it makes you worry about her future...

[Iwamoto:] Since she's meant to be a fair maiden, I gave her a look of poverty as well. My concept for her was "the Cinderella who never made it to the ball". The reason why her hair is so ragged and short in the back is because she had cut it off and sold it in order to buy Lance a present. In return, Lance gave her that ring.

[Yamazaki:] "Counts his stacks of money even while worrying about his son" -- we took that idea and ran with it. He loves money so much, counting it calms him down. When he goes "There, there, now" it was hard matching the timing of his words with his animation.

[Iwamoto:] Since he's Lance's father, I made sure parts like his ears and his body type were similar. Like the problem I had with Zinc, designing rich characters can be tough. In the end, I made him blatantly carry his money arround. I couldn't decide whether to make him bald or not. I remember suffering over this design overall.

[Yamazaki:] This Ema has slowly approached womanhood. Her bag is more well-organized and she wears fewer buttons, but her adoration of science and Edgeworth have yet to disappear. Like her colour scheme, her design was based on her "Rise from the Ashes" look.

[Iwamoto:] I left her up to her original designer, Nuri. Looking at her post-overseas design, I'm glad I didn't do it. I also left Meekins' design up to him. It's best to leave character designs to their original creators.

[Yamazaki:] We knew we wanted Oldbag to make an appearance, but the problem was how she could make an impact. Please note that when Pink Badger runs, it's not a cute run at all.

[Yamazaki:] It's important to note the little differences between the designs. This is the first time you see the bottom half of Bad Badger. One of Pink Badger's cuffs appears to have been forcefully undone because something happened between her and Blue Badger...

[Iwamoto:] What was once a tiny doodle I stuck into one of the backgrounds of the first game turned into something big. Since they were meant to be costumes, I made sure they were well-balanced, but I made only the Proto Badger creepy and was told to keep it that way.

[Yamazaki:] It was Nakamura's (one of the planners) idea to have him be of few words when the candy is in his mouth but passionate when he takes it out. I wonder if we conveyed his quiet side and passionate side well. Incidentally, he eats sweet things like candy because it makes him think better.

[Iwamoto:] As soon as I heard he's in a flashback case, I wanted to make him monochromatic. I also aimed to have him black and white with just a small flash of colour. I love cool characters, so I had a lot of fun drawing him. (note: Iwamoto's favourite character of all time is Godot, whom he designed)

[Yamazaki:] We gave her many variations when it came to her laughing style. She's a character who's good at acting. I think her biggest appeal is the gap between her cool, indifferent stare and her laughing.

[Iwamoto:] She has a supermodel type body, which has never appeared in the AA series before. Thanks to her laughing, I was able to make her very animated -- I think she came together well in the end.

[Yamazaki:] Her design pretty much came out on the first try. The idea to have her holding a balloon came from one of the planners, Furukawa. I wonder if we succeeded in making her a mischievous looking girl who would grow up to be the current Kay.

[Iwamoto:] I drew her with "cat burglar" in mind. Her clothes that enable her to move about easily, her hair before it grew out, and her beloved bag -- perhaps they came from her father?, I thought to myself as I designed her. I don't remember struggling over her design at all.

[Yamazaki:] Her first design lacked impact so we went ahead and made her sleeveless. It made me happy being able to show the relationship between her and Manfred. But, to think she carried a whip at this age... the von Karma way of teaching must be rather extreme.

[Iwamoto:] It would be boring to have her use her current whip, so I gave her a riding crop. In the von Karma household, horseback riding must be a hobby. Her competitive spirit is still there, but it's easier to see her more honest feelings. I struggled over just how young I should make her appear.

[Yamazaki:] The point was to give him a smile so radiant it makes you think, "perhaps there's another side to him?" (note: his Japanese name is "Damian Hinge") "Damian" has an evil connotation to it thanks to a certain movie, and "Hinge" comes from the English word "hinge" (note: the kanji for "hinge", pronounced hin-geh, means butterfly keeper). This is because the symbol of Babahl is a butterfly.

[Iwamoto:] He looks like he could turn evil on a dime, but he doesn't -- that's the soul of the design. I wasn't sure if I should incorporate butterflies into his design or not. I do like that he has a handsome face that's ruined by his usual expression.

[Yamazaki:] He appears in the final story and completely messes things around. "When something smells, it's usually the Butz" indeed. He looks like he has a fantastic body thanks to the muscles sewn into the costume.

[Yamazaki:] We aimed to make him a tough last boss worthy of going up against Edgeworth. (note: his Japanese name is "Carnage Onred") His name Carnage means "large massacre" in English, but since Alabest's symbol is a flower, it could also come from "Carnation Red".

[Iwamoto:] I figured if I based him on a big tree, I could give him an interesting transformation, so I went ahead and made him a tree-like old man. The nose was supposed to be tree-like as well, but I remember debating with the director over whether that's a good look for the last boss or not.

[Yamazaki:] We made Larry and Oldbag the Samurai family in case 5 in order to traumatize Edgeworth. The Iron Infant is just a doll, so he has to be propped up against Steel Samurai in order to stand on its feet.

[Iwamoto:] Iron Infant is the only new character. I love period films, so I had fun drawing Iron Infant. He has yet to go through genpuku (note: an ancient Japanese coming-of-age ceremony) so he still has his bangs. One day, he'll grow up to be a Steel Samurai as well.

[Yamazaki:] Their "theft" occurs silently in the darkness. No one has seen its true appearance. Therefore, the crow-like silhouette was something fabricated by the press. Kay must have used this image as a base for her own outfit.

[Iwamoto:] A vigilante group who betrays their own jobs in order to bring forth justice from the cool!, I thought to myself while drawing them. In the end, each of their designs changed, but the three of them together stayed well-balanced.

[Yamazaki:] It was necessary to remember Akbey's name until the last case, so we gave him a name that would leave an impression. Manny needed an aura of evil. Prosecutor Faraday is Kay's father so we gave him a chonmage style hair and karakusa-pattern scarf. Kay is imitating her own father with her outfit.

[Iwamoto:] I was given a lot of freedom with the victim designs. I like them, but when put in the AA universe, their characters seem rather weak. I played around with them by making some resemble staff members and making some rather handsome.

EDITS: Corrected a note in Colias's notes (thanks osaka_dahlia)...then corrected my own correction. Fixed some typos too.

Last edited by space coyote on Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:14 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Kýrie eléison

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Thank you very much for these translations!

Spoiler: AAI-2
Meele's cleavage is showing because she's forgotten to attach one of the pieces on their uniform; that's how flaky she is.

I would have thought she deliberately let her cleavage show, since she works for a smuggling ring and all. :gregory:

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Great translations! Thanks a lot for writing the all up. There was certainly a lot of good info in there!

I just wanted to point out that your translator's note about Palaeno's name "Hinge" is actually the correct translation since the Japanese word for "hinge" is comprised of the two kanji "butterfly keeper" (蝶番) if you literally translate them. So his Japanese name "Hinge" comes from the English word "hinge" itself. Hope that makes sense? ^^;
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Very nice reference, thanks.

[Yamazaki:] We made Larry and Oldbag the Samurai family in case 5 in order to traumatize Edgeworth.

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The first time I saw Colias, I thought "This guy is evil. He must be", and now it's funny to know that this is exactly the impression they wanted to give.

Thanks for the translation, Space Coyote!
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Iwamoto prefers drawing old men... :lana:
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osaka_dahlia wrote:
Great translations! Thanks a lot for writing the all up. There was certainly a lot of good info in there!

I just wanted to point out that your translator's note about Palaeno's name "Hinge" is actually the correct translation since the Japanese word for "hinge" is comprised of the two kanji "butterfly keeper" (蝶番) if you literally translate them. So his Japanese name "Hinge" comes from the English word "hinge" itself. Hope that makes sense? ^^;

Ahh I see, I didn't know the kanji for that. Thanks. I'll edit it.
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space coyote wrote:
[Yamazaki:] We put a lot of heart into making Teneiro into the type of woman you'd want to protect.

I commend them on a job well done for making feel that way.
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Thanks a lot for the translations! I'd love to have the ones of PW1-3, but it's great to at least have those of AAI!
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space coyote wrote:

[Yamazaki:] We put a lot of heart into making Teneiro into the type of woman you'd want to protect. Meele is the type of woman who's hard to grasp and makes you wish she'd poke fun at you. They're both appealing.

[Iwamoto:] I designed them as a set -- Teneiro is square, Meele is round. I made sure to make visible the contrast between the serious one and the flaky one. Meele's cleavage is showing because she's forgotten to attach one of the pieces on their uniform; that's how flaky she is.

I considered both ladies to be the top two AAI beauties,Rhoda has played a good role as damsel in distress to be rescued by Edgey.
Cammy Meele......considering how many swooning fans she has here and the panoply of hentai fan pics of her,she is certainly a very "successful" character.

space coyote wrote:

[Yamazaki:] He has a handsome face, but the rest of him is tragic -- a disappointing beauty. Lauren is so narrow-minded, perhaps she can only see one part of him at a time. I say these things as if they were planned out, but in reality, we didn't put much thought into him at all.

[Iwamoto:] An unlikeable guy who's the only character in AAI who looks directly at the camera. I haphazardly doodled a face while in a discussion with the director and that became the basis for him. The gold rope attached to his chest was a present from Lauren.

What? Lauren handsome? Gimme a break,he looks like a Japanese version of Jack Black,except Jack Black is cooler and funnier. Or they have a skewed sense of what handsomeness is.

Cohdopia Over All wrote:
Spoiler: AAI-2
Meele's cleavage is showing because she's forgotten to attach one of the pieces on their uniform; that's how flaky she is.

I would have thought she deliberately let her cleavage show, since she works for a smuggling ring and all. :gregory:

Thought that the uniform wasnt able to cover her special bust size, so she left that piece out~~~ :hotti:
Perhaps for the very same reason that got Akbey Hicks killed -
Akbey Hicks:("Okay,it is time to raid the cargo,so I think I should approach that air-stewardess with square hairdo and trustworthy look......but wait! There's another pretty air-stewardess with her humongous cleavage exposed,what a babe!Maybe I should approach her instead!")
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Thanks for the translations, Coyote! I'm a big fan of character designs myself, and I always find it interesting to know what the artist had in mind for each one. And reading over these now... they did a bang-up job, I'll say. Especially with Damian/Colias; that was the EXACT impression I got when I saw him!
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First things first: space coyote, you're awesome for putting that much work into translating this for us.

space coyote wrote:
[Yamazaki:] The point was to give him a smile so radiant it makes you think, "perhaps there's another side to him?" (note: his Japanese name is "Damian Hinge") "Damian" has an evil connotation to it thanks to a certain movie, and "Hinge" comes "butterfly keeper" (note: "Hinge" is "hinji" in Japanese, and the kanji for it means butterfly keeper). This is because the symbol of Babahl is a butterfly.

[Iwamoto:] He looks like he could turn evil on a dime, but he doesn't -- that's the soul of the design. I wasn't sure if I should incorporate butterflies into his design or not. I do like that he has a handsome face that's ruined by his usual expression.

Wow, they did that on purpose? It certainly worked on pretty much every member in this forum.
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^haha, it totally got me.

EDIT: Oh oh oh, with respect to Callisto Yew...Naomi Campbell, anyone?
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space coyote wrote:
[Iwamoto:]Meele's cleavage is showing because she's forgotten to attach one of the pieces on their uniform; that's how flaky she is.

I laughed here.

space coyote wrote:
[Yamazaki:] The point was to give him a smile so radiant it makes you think, "perhaps there's another side to him?" (note: his Japanese name is "Damian Hinge") "Damian" has an evil connotation to it thanks to a certain movie, and "Hinge" comes "butterfly keeper" (note: "Hinge" is "hinji" in Japanese, and the kanji for it means butterfly keeper). This is because the symbol of Babahl is a butterfly.

[Iwamoto:] He looks like he could turn evil on a dime, but he doesn't -- that's the soul of the design. I wasn't sure if I should incorporate butterflies into his design or not. I do like that he has a handsome face that's ruined by his usual expression.

Whats ironic is that they made
Qwercus Alba look like he WOULDN'T turn evil. AND HE DID!

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You mean Larry's body actually isn't like that! :beef:

Anyway, looking at what they intended to do for each character, I think they really did a fantastic job on Rhoda, Lauren, and Colias.
Spoiler: case 5
"Looking like he could turn evil at any time but doesn't" really is a great description for Colias xD

Credit to Evolina for the sig+avatar!
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I love how spot-on Palaeno's was.XD It seems like a lot of us thought just what they wanted.XD

But reading Lauren's...She cut off her hair like that to buy him a present, presumably that gold chain, and even though he's super-rich, his return gift is a Ring Pop?!O_O
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TheSteelSamurai wrote:
I love how spot-on Palaeno's was.XD It seems like a lot of us thought just what they wanted.XD

But reading Lauren's...She cut off her hair like that to buy him a present, presumably that gold chain, and even though he's super-rich, his return gift is a Ring Pop?!O_O

They had us fooled, they did! And inorite? Just goes to show how much "love" he felt for her.

That part about Rhoda and Cammy associating them with shapes made me lol. xD Oh, we can definitely see Cammy's... roundness. >U>
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I do enjoy what they did with Callisto and Shih-na. Being the big character design nerd I am, I'm surprised I didn't notice who they were earlier, while I was playing. My main point of this drivel is:

Did anyone else notice that their hairstyles are polar opposites? Short white with curtain bangs, and long black with a very nearly receding hairline. Their sprites even stand the same - Shih-na is just missing that jaunty elbow and her hand resting on her hip.

Fun fact for the day or whatever >_>
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Blood wrote:
I do enjoy what they did with Callisto and Shih-na. Being the big character design nerd I am, I'm surprised I didn't notice who they were earlier, while I was playing. My main point of this drivel is:

Did anyone else notice that their hairstyles are polar opposites? Short white with curtain bangs, and long black with a very nearly receding hairline. Their sprites even stand the same - Shih-na is just missing that jaunty elbow and her hand resting on her hip.

Fun fact for the day or whatever >_>

It's really interesting how different, yet similar Calisto and Shih-na's designs are, isn't it? If you know what to look for, you can definitely see the resemblance (same body shape and facial structure, poses, etc). Yet, if you aren't trying to look for similarities it won't be obvious that they're the same person. Very clever work on the part of the designers.

They had me with Colias, too. XD They definitely pulled off the "Let's make him look like a potential villain!" idea extremely well.

Thank you for sharing this! It was a fascinating read.
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Colias never occurred as a potential villain to me, or at least I wasn't thinking hard enough to consider the fact.
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I really like these character design notes. :D I think seeing the thoughts behind the designs actually give the characters much more depth.
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fatalfeline wrote:
I really like these character design notes. :D I think seeing the thoughts behind the designs actually give the characters much more depth.

Agreed! It's fascinating how the character designs describe the characters' personalities so well..

And yes, they fooled me with the Colias Palaeno thing, too. And square and circle for Rhoda and Cammy? Yep. I see it now.
Nii wrote:
That part about Rhoda and Cammy associating them with shapes made me lol. xD Oh, we can definitely see Cammy's... roundness. >U>

I lol'd! I thought that Cammy left that piece of her uniform out to woo the captain and other people with her roundness. :P

After reading these notes, I should go back to play AAI again and see how the designs fit the characters' personalities. :D I want to see how Badd changes from a man of few words to passionate whenever he takes his lollipop out. And I was wondering why Badd is so dull in colour.
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Alice wrote:
And I was wondering why Badd is so dull in colour.

Yeah, that was a cool decision. It makes him all "noir", like an old-school no-nonsense detective haunting the streets in the old movies. And that's pretty much exactly what he is.
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Am I the only one who can imagine Coilias doing this...
...really well?
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Wow, this is really something I wanted to read! Thanks a lot for the translations space coyote, me too loves creators comments on characters and designs.
They got me with Palaeno, when I saw him the first time I wanted to point my finger at him and shout this is the evil guy...well, it turned out the other way :nick-sweat:
I also love the anecdote about Rou and Shih-na's design :eh?:
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Great stuff! Also:

[Yamazaki:] Lang's theme is "charisma." More than any other character, he appeals greatly to other people. That's why the support of his assistant Shih-na is a necessity. Between those two, you can see an unbreakable partnership.

[Iwamoto:] I designed them with Lobo the King of Currumpaw and his wife Blanca in mind. (translator's note: King of Currumpaw was an anime about a wolf based on the American nonfiction book of the same name. Lobo was a black wolf whose mate was Blanca, a white wolf.) The two of them wear furs and have names that give off the image of wolves. Blanca was a white wolf, so we made her a character with white skin and white hair. I like the animation where the two of them pose in tandem.

Wife! WIFE! :gant: Did you hear that!? MARRIED! And Iwamoto liked that they could pose together! Wahahahaha--

Okay, I'm going to stop that now. :sadshoe:
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Maybe if Calisto wasn't evil she and Lang Shi Long could have ended up together. She's prolly gonna get executed though. D:
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Takuya wrote:
Maybe if Calisto wasn't evil she and Lang Shi Long could have ended up together. She's prolly gonna get executed though. D:

Nooo, stop it! Let me dream! :nixiesob:

But yeah it's true. Murder is punishable by death. This is horrible... ;_; Damn that rule! It always makes me queasy thinking of innocents accused of murder and getting the noose. :sadshoe: I'll never get to actually live out my fantasy of this pairing if I acknowledge Yew's fate too much.

Irving wrote:
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Miles Edgeworth wrote:
As difficult as facing the truth may be, it would be an even greater tragedy to avert one's eyes from it.

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space coyote wrote:
KAY FARADAY: Though it's obvious if you look at the sketches, we redesigned her over and over.

Thanks for translating these.
Do we get to see pics of these early designs anywhere?
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Mr. Bear Jew wrote:
Miles Edgeworth wrote:
As difficult as facing the truth may be, it would be an even greater tragedy to avert one's eyes from it.

You never been in love, Edgey. What would you know? XD Oh well. Just knowing that these two characters were designed with a pseudo-romantic aspect is enough to make me happy.
Irving wrote:
Don't push my buttons, Buttons!
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KingRaptor wrote:
Very nice reference, thanks.

[Yamazaki:] We made Larry and Oldbag the Samurai family in case 5 in order to traumatize Edgeworth.


Yeah....I'm pretty sure those two were ment to traumatize more than just Edgeworth :sadshoe:
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icer wrote:
space coyote wrote:
KAY FARADAY: Though it's obvious if you look at the sketches, we redesigned her over and over.

Thanks for translating these.
Do we get to see pics of these early designs anywhere?

The translations were from this book: (Scroll down to the Complete Guide section)

Which had the accompanying concept art relevant to each character.

I wish they would release a more detailed one though, that shows the full thought process from start to end like the fanbooks for games 1-3. It's like I look at Calisto Yew's early designs and I cannot connect to her current final one. D:
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Incidentally, exactly what sport he won a gold medal in, even I don't know myself.
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Takuya wrote:
The translations were from this book: (Scroll down to the Complete Guide section)

Which had the accompanying concept art relevant to each character.

I wish they would release a more detailed one though, that shows the full thought process from start to end like the fanbooks for games 1-3. It's like I look at Calisto Yew's early designs and I cannot connect to her current final one. D:

Oh thanks, I spent so long avoiding spoilers I somehow mentally erased CR's GK pic section :oops:
Maybe there will be a GK fan book? There wasn't a GS4 one though but GK was fanservice anyway.
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Arti_Rei wrote:
Takuya wrote:
Maybe if Calisto wasn't evil she and Lang Shi Long could have ended up together. She's prolly gonna get executed though. D:

Nooo, stop it! Let me dream! :nixiesob:

But yeah it's true. Murder is punishable by death. This is horrible... ;_; Damn that rule! It always makes me queasy thinking of innocents accused of murder and getting the noose. :sadshoe: I'll never get to actually live out my fantasy of this pairing if I acknowledge Yew's fate too much.

She obviously told the police/Interpol/whatever insider info about the smuggling ring, which let her get a reduced sentence. Then she gets out early for good behavior, marries Lang, and lives happily ever after :D

Credit to Evolina for the sig+avatar!
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A bit late, but thanks for translating all of these. They were very interesting to read, and informative, too. |D I like character notes by the designers: it's fun to see what the designers/artists intended for them. I think they did a good job, especially with Palaeno, as others have been saying. Their intention for the rest of the characters came through nicely as well, though.

Also kind of fun that some of the victims resemble staff members, although it's true that a role as a corpse might be a bit unnerving. |'D
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[Yamazaki:] We put a lot of heart into making Teneiro into the type of woman you'd want to protect.

[Iwamoto:] I designed them as a set -- Teneiro is square, Meele is round. I made sure to make visible the contrast between the serious one and the flaky one.

Wow that makes so much sense for Rhoda, just because of her name suggesting a "straight and narrow road"? Totally fits with the square image! And the description about her being the "type of woman you'd want to protect" makes me want to ship her with Edgey even more. :edgy:

I really love how they treated Colias' design as well. They know how to play mind games with us! :gant: And Lang and Shih-na's inspired designs, wonderful.

[Yamazaki:] Lang's theme is "charisma." More than any other character, he appeals greatly to other people.

They did a HELLA good job with this.... Maybe too good a job. *fans self* Thanks for posting these, space coyote! Character design notes are always fun to read!
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That's very interesting.
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