Court Records

OC Land 3 Sign Up
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Author:  Little_Thief [ Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  OC Land 3 Sign Up

In a sea of creative thought,
Many characters are born from the mind.
And here where these characters meet each other,
Who knows what adventures they may find?

Hi-Ho, Little_Thief here! Just so you know, I have gotten permission to start this new RP instead of bumping up the old one. For those who don't know, this is an RP where if you have any original characters, you can have them interact with others here. The world will be similar to that of OC Land 2, which I will make note of when the thread actually gets started.

The ground rules are the same as they were before, but I'll give everyone a refresher:

Spoiler: Rules
1: No Godmodding anything. Your character does not control the world, and whether it be a sport or a conversation, you must leave your reaction and the other RPers reactions seperately.

2: There can be dates and romance, but no sex, simulated sex, or anything of the sort. Just no.

3. No flaming. Arguments, sure. Hate between CHARACTERS, sure. Keep problems to PMs or outside this thread. Characters can disagree, but OOC fights will not be allowed.

4. Make sure your posts are meaningful, and long enough to be responded to. I would reccomend a paragraph per character, if you have multiple characters.

5. You CAN have multiple characters, but don't overdo it. You need a paragraph per, so don't put that much pressure on yourself.

6. This is unrelated to the CR Family Tree. Your OCs are different from your CR Persona. That doesn't mean you can't make a family relationship with others, but just remember this is seperate.

And the character profile sheet:
Spoiler: Character Profile Sheet
Living Area:

And the list, which I will attempt to keep updated at all times:
Spoiler: Character Roster
Little_Thief: Paige Squire, Chelsea Katt, Ivan "Cool Cat" Pur
SomariFeyWright: Somari Player
Franzika Von ehmpke5: Dawn Emrick, Dusk Emrick
Pierre: Remeé Tamat
Anthony: Anthony Scaccio
franini: Mira Fox
Wright'sNo.1Fan: Noelle Anderson

To start things off, here is my character:

Name: Paige Squire
Age: 23
Living Area: Uptown
Gender: Female
Appearance: A petite girl with long, icy blue hair that flows behind her like a cape, and eyes that are like pools of amber. She usually wears a powder blue blouse, and she always carries a blue teddy bear dressed up like a medieval knight with her.
Personality: Paige is kind-hearted, moralistic, polite, intelligent, and socially awkward. She is autistic, seeing the world as if it were a fairy tale and she sees herself as a knight dedicated to protecting those she cares about. She also has trouble thinking and piecing together what she wants to say, so she often converses with her teddy bear, Sir Dipper, if she needs to think about something. This combined with her outlook on the world around her makes it difficult for her to interact with others, but she still tries her best and gives it her all.

So, sign-ups are open, and the actual thread itself will hopefully follow soon after. So, let's get this show on the road.

Author:  SomariFeyWright [ Sun Dec 25, 2011 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Name: Somari Player
Age: 20
Living Area: Suburbs
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dirty-looking, face covered in zits, constantly looks tired, wears glasses, and a Sonic shirt
Personality: He is a very kind, modest, nerdy man. His looks are highly unappealing, but he doesn't really care. He is a very strong pacifist, with the strong belief in never throwing a punch towards anyone unless it's for someone else's sake. He can spend hours talking about the video games and TV shows he likes, and tends to go off into a rant if he isn't kept in check as he speaks... if he can find anybody who is willing to talk to him. He's also incredibly lazy, and hates to do any physical work, though he'll do it if required.
Other: He works as a lawyer, and is very serious about his job. He loves talking about it almost as much as video games, even though nobody really sticks around him long enough to listen to him talk about it. Nevertheless, he's proud of his job, and is real good at it somehow, despite the way his personaltiy seems to contradict that.

Author:  Little_Thief [ Sun Dec 25, 2011 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Character approved! Once we get a few more people, I'll get the thread set up.

Author:  Franzika Von ehmpke5 [ Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Name: Dawn Emrick
Age: 19
Living Area: Uptown
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has fiery red collred hair with spiky bangs the go right above her eyes. The back of her hair is also spiky. Sorta like Viola's. Her eyes are a dark brown and she doesn't like wearing dresses. She always wears her hair straight and she usually wears yellow or orange.
Personality: Dawn gets angered easily. She wants to always be right. She is nice if you get to know her though. She's very energetic.
Other: She's Dusk's twin. But she's older by a few minutes.

Name: Dusk Emrick
Age: 19
Living Area: Uptown
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has long black shiny hair, the same color as a dark night sky. Her eyes are brown like Dawn's. Her hair is very smooth and very long. She likes wearing dresses and usually wears blue or white.
Personality: Dusk is very clever and calm. She's also a little shy. The oppisite of her sister Dawn.
Other: She's Dawn's twin. But she's younger by a few minutes.

Author:  Little_Thief [ Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Characters approved! I think we have enough to get started here, at least for now. The thread will be up momentarily.

Author:  Pierre [ Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

How is this going to go? Will there be plot? What are the 'rules' of this world magic? Futuristic? Dead on realism?

Name: Remeé Tamat
Age: 28
Living Area: Downtown
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dirty black hair that flops over his forehead and one dead eye which is concealed by an eyepatch. Dusty tattered dark green overcoat with patches in the elbow. Wears black hobo (read: fingerless) gloves and a black vest with some jeans and flat sneakers.
Personality: Sometimes cruel and vindictive but a necessary trait in his line of work however pickings are always slim for money. While he has a taste for thievery and maybe even mild kleptomania he knows it would be better off if he tried to fix his life. Ended up in the criminal underworld after his father framed him for an assault and battery, after his time in side he just couldn't get out of the gritty underbelly of the city. If he finds an opportunity to break out of his life he'll take it. While he often has to run to avoid getting stabbed in various parts of Slumtown he knows that if he joined one of the gangs for protection he'd just be locking himself in and would have no chance of leaving.
Other: Lost his eye in prison. Has a degree in psychology.

Author:  Little_Thief [ Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Pierre wrote:
How is this going to go? Will there be plot? What are the 'rules' of this world magic? Futuristic? Dead on realism?

Well, I'd say it's mainly grounded in realism, although exceptions can be made depending on characters. Also, this is more of a sandbox game. The plot is really what you make it.

Also, character approved.

Author:  Anthony [ Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Name:Anthony Scaccio
Living Area:Suburbs
Appearance:Brown spiky hair with brown eyes, average built body, wears a black jacket with black fingerless gloves, black pants, and black shoes.
Personality:Forgivable person, scatterbrain sometimes, lazy sometimes, short-tempered, and not much of a fighter or a lover.(Meaning he doesn't get into fights nor does he fall in love that easily)
Other:He lives with Two Wolves Starrk and Lilynette, he tends to invent items like sword, clothing, shields, armor, and etcetera. He listens to Metal, Rock, Game music and anime music.

Author:  Little_Thief [ Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Character approved! And just to give some of the other characters scattered around the map something to do:

Name: Chelsea Katt
Age: 39
Living Area: Suburbs
Gender: Female
Appearance: A mysterious-looking woman wearing black. Her hair is a cool lavender color, and her eyes sparkle like emeralds.
Personality: Cryptic and often difficult to understand. She love riddles and messing with people's heads, but she is anything but nosy, and will often leave people alone if they so desire.
Other: Undertaker and groundskeeper of Sword and Crown Cemetery

Name: Ivan "Cool Cat" Pur
Age: 53
Living Area: Downtown
Gender: Male
Appearance: A slick-looking man with a thick orange beard and heavily tinted shades. Her wears an orange pinstripe suit, a bowler hat, and often carries a cane and a clarinet with him.
Personality: True to his nickname, Ivan is calm and collected even in the most intense of situations, and often encourages others to keep their cool.
Other: Ivan has ties to the mafia in Origin Trail, and can also be seen performing at the Start Concert Hall. His skills as a clarinetist is practically unparalleled.

Author:  franini [ Wed Dec 28, 2011 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Name: Mira Fox
Age: 22
Living Area: Uptown
Gender: F
Appearance: Dark hair to just past her shoulders, pale skin and grey eyes. Medium height and terribly skinny. She normally wears purple or other dark-coloured t-shirts and black jeans. Doesn't tend to smile much.
Personality: Mira is the queen of sarcasm and is generally quite anti-social. She doesn't like cheery people and she's brutally honest. Dark, clever and bitter, she has a bit of a temper and when angry can lose control completely. After years of being shunned, she cares little for life and resents those who are liked. However, Mira has a caring side buried deep within her which she shows to vulnerable people, like poor children. She's a loner, not a team player, and very mistrusting, however she'll join a couple of people if it benefits her.
Other: Mira is in training to become a doctor and takes it very seriously to the point where she probably needs to get out a bit more!

Author:  Little_Thief [ Wed Dec 28, 2011 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Character approved!

Author:  Pierre [ Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Somari remember the paragraph rule, which isn't just two lines, official CR rules recommend 50 words a post which isn't that bad really. If you are struggling for words just make them a bit more...descriptive and stuff, report your character's thoughts and feelings alongside their actions in a bit more detail.

Also Paige Squire is an awesome character XD

Author:  Wright'sNo.1Fan [ Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Name: Noelle Anderson
Age: 17
Living Area: Suburbs
Gender: Female
Appearance: Noelle is a teenage girl with long dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and tan skin. Average height and weight. Wears jeans or shorts and a t-shirt on a daily basis
Personality: Noelle is intelligent, kind, carefree, calm and has great people skills, however, she really can't play sports and she can be unconsciously insensitive at times, which can sometimes make people push her away if they don't know her. Noelle can usually see the bright side of everything no matter how bad the situation, if not, then something is really wrong. She also enjoys playing video games though she fails despite her intelligence.
Other: Noelle has had Cello lessons since she was little and she is now a talented Cellist.

Author:  Little_Thief [ Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Character approved!

Author:  Wright'sNo.1Fan [ Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

I'm going to be gone for 5 days starting now because I'm going on camp. See you all soon!!!

Edit: I'm back!

Author:  Pierre [ Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

I've got no interest in the NPC mugged man, he was simply a tool to introduce the character, hadn't even intended for him to be so bad as to require medical attention.

Though Anthony I think you're breaking the parameters of the RP a bit, it's set in a realistic world which I feel dog-translating collars and Sherlock Holmes-style-thinking don't quite fit in. The movie was cool an all but he was fictional to begin with then you add the crazy 'action-orientated' intelligence it just seems a bit wow.

Also I think Franziska von emphire is away somewhere so my character's just going to mosey on as if he'd stolen her book.

Author:  Pierre [ Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Wright's No1 Fan Remeé is probably going to knock your character out.

Author:  Wright'sNo.1Fan [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Yeah. Okay. Thanks for the heads up.

Author:  Pierre [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Right sorted if you have any major problems with how it was handled lemme know and I'll see about rewriting the post.

Author:  franini [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Sorry about that Pierre, just saw an opportunity for Mira to do something. Apologies if I sort of exaggerated the wounds he might have had.

Author:  Pierre [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

franini wrote:
Sorry about that Pierre, just saw an opportunity for Mira to do something. Apologies if I sort of exaggerated the wounds he might have had.

No worries XD didn't think anything of it really

Author:  franini [ Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Little_Thief, sorry my character's being quite rude but she's more than a little upset and it's in her character to shove people away when she's feeling so. Please don't be put off!

Author:  Little_Thief [ Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

franini wrote:
Little_Thief, sorry my character's being quite rude but she's more than a little upset and it's in her character to shove people away when she's feeling so. Please don't be put off!

It's okay. It said that she acted that way in her bio, so I don't mind. If anything, it makes the interaction all that much more interesting, as Mira still has to contend with Paige's autism.

Author:  Pierre [ Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Ouch that viper tongue reply from Mira even made me flinch.

Author:  P.B. Crudstache [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

I was wondering if I could still join this.

Name: Clairissa(mostly known as Claire) Minch
Age: 19
Living Area: Uptown
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has yellow hair, bangs on the front with a purple highlight, the rest of her hair goes down to her shoulders, the right side of her head shaved, pale skin, thin glasses, and a tattoo of a pig snout on her left arm. She usually wears a regular t-shirt and jeans or a dress. She's not a big fan of shoes or socks, and usually goes barefoot.
Personality: Claire is usually very self-absorbed and snobby, but also has a smart and caring side she sometimes shows.
Other: She once had a full head of hair, but a strange incident that almost landed her in prison resulted in half of her luxurious locks being clipped. She has come to like that style, and tends to keep it like that.

Author:  Little_Thief [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Detective Luke Atmey wrote:
I was wondering if I could still join this.

Well, while I wouldn't say no to a revival, it might need a new thread just to get back in the swing of things. Also, we might need some more people who are also interested.

Other than that, character approved. :edgy:

Author:  P.B. Crudstache [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Alright, so should I make a new thread or post in the current one?

Author:  Little_Thief [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Detective Luke Atmey wrote:
Alright, so should I make a new thread or post in the current one?

A bit eager, aren't we? :hobolaugh:

Well, if you don't mind taking over as mod for this RP, you can always start an OC Land 4 (I honestly don't mind). Otherwise, I'd wait for a bit, at least for one other person to return/join.

Author:  P.B. Crudstache [ Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Aight, so I guess I'll wait to see if someone else joins.

Author:  DoMaya [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Name: Übrig The Angel of Pain
Living Area: A dimension of his own creation, a near exact copy of the Garden of Eden. One unknowingly enters this realm every time they find themselves lost in a forest or maze.
Gender: Male
Appearance: An old decrepit man who wears armor made of gold. The knuckles of his gauntlets bear 8 philosopher's stones. This is of course only when he's in battle.
Personality: A calm man who's lived a billion years knowing he would never see his wife again. He is dedicated to his duty and sees all people as his grandchildren.
Other: The third strongest angel in Creation, has the ability to control blood and knows alchemy and magic.
Seeing as how this isn't his usual shtick, I'll make it so that he's decided to observe what the world has become like.

Author:  Little_Thief [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up


Um, yeah. This isn't that kind of RP, I'm afraid. Although that character is very creative, he is not approved. :yuusaku:

Author:  Pierre [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Yo I'm always up for an RP.

Author:  DoMaya [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Little_Thief wrote:

Um, yeah. This isn't that kind of RP, I'm afraid. Although that character is very creative, he is not approved. :yuusaku:

He's not here to fight, as far as everyone else knows he's just an old man who harbors a secret.

Author:  Pierre [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

DoMaya wrote:
Little_Thief wrote:

Um, yeah. This isn't that kind of RP, I'm afraid. Although that character is very creative, he is not approved. :yuusaku:

He's not here to fight, as far as everyone else knows he's just an old man who harbors a secret.

Pretty amazing dude.

Author:  Little_Thief [ Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

DoMaya wrote:
Little_Thief wrote:

Um, yeah. This isn't that kind of RP, I'm afraid. Although that character is very creative, he is not approved. :yuusaku:

He's not here to fight, as far as everyone else knows he's just an old man who harbors a secret.

You misunderstand. The setting in this RP is far from fanciful. That character, while creative, would not fit in this setting.

Author:  DoMaya [ Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Little_Thief wrote:
DoMaya wrote:
Little_Thief wrote:

Um, yeah. This isn't that kind of RP, I'm afraid. Although that character is very creative, he is not approved. :yuusaku:

He's not here to fight, as far as everyone else knows he's just an old man who harbors a secret.

You misunderstand. The setting in this RP is far from fanciful. That character, while creative, would not fit in this setting.

So in other words this rp is too boring for me?

Author:  Little_Thief [ Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

DoMaya wrote:
Little_Thief wrote:
DoMaya wrote:
He's not here to fight, as far as everyone else knows he's just an old man who harbors a secret.

You misunderstand. The setting in this RP is far from fanciful. That character, while creative, would not fit in this setting.

So in other words this rp is too boring for me?

Well, maybe such a setting is not to your liking, but I wouldn't call it boring per se. :yuusaku:

Author:  Emiko Nabile Gale [ Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

*Editing characters*

Name: Leonette "Leo" Harper
Age: 15
Living Area: Suburbs
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has short yellow green hair and orange yellow eyes, and is a bit short for her age. She usually just wears shorts and a t-shirt but likes to wear summer dresses.
Personality: Leo is a feminine tomboy. She knows how to combat but she doesn't have too much strength, she makes up for this in agility. She is armed with a slingshot because she has a fear of knives and such. She loves the outdoors.
Other: Her only known family is her older sister Nicola Harper

Name: Nicola Harper
Age: 18
Living Area: Suburbs
Gender: Female
Appearance: Nicola is taller than her younger sister and has long sky blue hair and orange yellow eyes. She likes ripped jeans and sleeveless shirts. Sometimes she dresses gothic
Personality: Nicola is sweet but a bit sour sometimes. She's feminine but perfers to not wear clothes that are too frilly. She is also better in combat than her younger sister but perfers not to fight. But as cool and classy as Nicola tries to be she does have her awkward moments and breakdowns. She's a people person and loves to go on dates and just have fun and live a little.
Other: ...Don't know what else to write. (Maybe I'll figure out more to add to her character later.)

About their relationship: These two have a good sister relationship and would be there in a heartbeat if they ever needed eachother. But sometimes they don't see eye to eye and have an occasional bicker. It's hard to tell if these two are blood related sisters at first.

Author:  Little_Thief [ Tue Mar 26, 2013 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Okay, I think I already mentioned that this takes place in a modern day setting, so the "elf" thing better be purely cosmetic. Also, about Nicola's magic prowess. Is it purely prestidigitation, or actual sorcery? Because the latter might not fly here. :yuusaku:

Otherwise, these two look alright.

Author:  Emiko Nabile Gale [ Tue Mar 26, 2013 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OC Land 3 Sign Up

Little_Thief wrote:
Okay, I think I already mentioned that this takes place in a modern day setting, so the "elf" thing better be purely cosmetic. Also, about Nicola's magic prowess. Is it purely prestidigitation, or actual sorcery? Because the latter might not fly here. :yuusaku:

Otherwise, these two look alright.

Darn, maybe I should've asked if fantasy was allowed.

Kay then, I'll edit them.

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