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Danganronpa School Mode (Sign-up/OOC)
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Author:  KamiPanda [ Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

That's the fun of RPing, I guess. You get to play as anyone.

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

I know! I just wonder how it would feel to be called "him" when your a girl or "her" when your a boy. *claps hands* alright, now that that's out of my system...

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Jul 28, 2017 2:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Haha, that's why I made my character a girl. I have had no prior experience ropelaying as one before, so I did it just to see how it would go.

Author:  Lone [ Fri Jul 28, 2017 3:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

MC_Kitten wrote:
I know! I just wonder how it would feel to be called "him" when your a girl or "her" when your a boy. *claps hands* alright, now that that's out of my system...

It's weird at first. Once you feel like the character, it's as natural as breathing. I've done this so much, sometimes it feels weird to be called 'he' :p

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Fri Jul 28, 2017 3:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

you know what? After this role-play, the next role-play I will do i will try to play as a guy. That's going to be interesting! XD

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Jul 28, 2017 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

I'm interested in how you're going to do this myself Slezak, since according to yourself you have only heard about DR, never played it. Or at least you've insinuated.

Author:  Slezak [ Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

I've seen the entire first game, but only played through the end of chapter 2 at this point. I've also seen the first chapter of the second game. None of the anime, none of DRv3, none of Another Episode, etc.

Like I said, this is mostly Danganronpa in name and theme only. Since there is no killing, the similarities pretty much end there. I thought I made it pretty clear in the opening post. If you're still confused though, feel free to ask any questions you might have.

I guess I can go ahead and mention that each student (and parent if they so choose) will receive their own dorm room they can decorate as they please. Right now this is just a Google document which describes objects in the room in text, allowing you to edit it however you want (on the honor system of course.) So, any souvenirs you may gather in each location can be added to your room, for example. Just a little something extra to personalize.

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Fri Jul 28, 2017 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Okay. so I have recently heard about people talking about my recent changing my person in the role play thing. look, i am SORRY if i some how made you disappointed that my person cant turn you into a cat now because it was just A PART OF MY CHILD HOOD! My uncle is in some discord and the whole chat is talking about how i changed my person's personality and now you guys are going a little bizerk! calm down young padiwans! If you want me to change it back then you should have told me! when it comes to making my person in any type of game, it takes me forever witch is why i keep changing it! sorry if it makes you mad but that's just who i am! *breathes heavily* alright. I'm done with that!

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sat Jul 29, 2017 4:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Thanks for the info, Slezak. Though....can it not be a Google Doc? I don't want to really edit it using my email address (which I don't exactly wish to give away).

Also, MC_Kitten, I'm not really sure why everyone's harassing you over your talent change, but I don't think there's a problem with that. It doesn't say you have to stick with your character in the rules.

Also, happy birthday Slezak! :D

Author:  Slezak [ Sat Jul 29, 2017 4:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Socot wrote:
Also, happy birthday Slezak! :D

Thanks, man! I'm feelin' good about it. Also, guess what that means: my characters just gained a year as well! Woo!

Author:  Lone [ Sat Jul 29, 2017 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)


Y'know what, do it, have a character who can change others into cats. It's a strange idea that no one else here would even try. And this is a good thing. That's what I admire about the young, their imagination, their ability to just be themselves. Don't let what we say on here bother you. Cos trust me, I've been trying to reclaim that weird sense of imagination for a long time now.

Author:  Slezak [ Sat Jul 29, 2017 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Socot wrote:
Thanks for the info, Slezak. Though....can it not be a Google Doc? I don't want to really edit it using my email address (which I don't exactly wish to give away).

Hm, instead of editing them directly, I guess I can just discuss the rooms in the quicktopics and edit them myself. Or you can just PM me what you'd like your room to be, using the standard room as a template, and I'll change it myself.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Sat Jul 29, 2017 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Socot wrote:
Thanks for the info, Slezak. Though....can it not be a Google Doc? I don't want to really edit it using my email address (which I don't exactly wish to give away).

I'm sure you can edit google docs anonymously.

Socot wrote:
Also, MC_Kitten, I'm not really sure why everyone's harassing you over your talent change, but I don't think there's a problem with that. It doesn't say you have to stick with your character in the rules.

Oh, we weren't harassing her, far from it. I just pointed out the character had changed because someone mentioned her previous one. Later we were discussing turning people into cats because it sounds like fun XD It seems reversible, so I'm sure at least one of my characters would love to try it.

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Lone wrote:

Y'know what, do it, have a character who can change others into cats. It's a strange idea that no one else here would even try. And this is a good thing. That's what I admire about the young, their imagination, their ability to just be themselves. Don't let what we say on here bother you. Cos trust me, I've been trying to reclaim that weird sense of imagination for a long time now.

Hehe... thanks lone! I just thought that I needed to address that. For some odd reason, I thought that they were making fun of me. I don't know why they would do that, but I'm a 10 year old girl that has no idea whats going on right now so...yeah... lets go with that.

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Socot wrote:

Also, MC_Kitten, I'm not really sure why everyone's harassing you over your talent change, but I don't think there's a problem with that. It doesn't say you have to stick with your character in the rules.

That's good to know. I worry about too much at my age. I should just go look at the rules and go from there.

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Sat Jul 29, 2017 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

KamiPanda wrote:

Oh, we weren't harassing her, far from it. I just pointed out the character had changed because someone mentioned her previous one. Later we were discussing turning people into cats because it sounds like fun XD It seems reversible, so I'm sure at least one of my characters would love to try it.

*Laughs hysterically* If you want me to turn you into a cat, I can. Just say the magic words, Meow. #IDEK

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Sat Jul 29, 2017 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Also, heads up, I like quoting people. If you haven't noticed. And I like to post multiple at a time. Sorry about that... expect that from me in the future. ^\/^

Author:  KamiPanda [ Sat Jul 29, 2017 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

It helps keep the thread clean if you keep separate posts in one. If you want to quote people, you can middle-click the quote button to open it in a new tab, then copy the quoted text over. You're free to post how you like, but multiple-posts should preferably be avoided when possible.

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Sat Jul 29, 2017 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Okay! Thanks for the heads up! I will keep that in mind.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

You're welcome!

Now, characters incoming.

Spoiler: My characters
Character Sheet for KamiPanda

Role: Student
Name: Thomlyn "Tom" Kneale
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Talent: Ultimate Chocolate Connoisseur
  • As a twin Thomlyn looks rather like Feena. In some ways he is more masculine than her, but he's also somewhat effeminate, and as a result it's still very easy to confuse the two.
  • He has somewhat long, brown hair, reaching down to his shoulders, and the hair at his fringe is pulled back to reveal his forehead. He typically has a slightly arrogant expression, but his brown eyes are warm and pertain to a kind personality beneath that.
  • Thomlyn dresses a little formally, often preferring to wear a shirt and smart trousers even when relaxing at home. To keep up a professional and refined image he'll wear a blazer when going out, and he has a collection of cufflinks for his shirt. Sneak a look into the inside pocket of the blazer however and you'll find a tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush, which would lessen the refined effect should anyone choose to do that.
  • He almost always carries a discrete suitcase with him. Inside is a collection of chocolates to snack on throughout the day.
Personality: He can come off as arrogant, especially when it comes to food, but otherwise he's a nice enough guy, if a little too laid-back. He places a lot of emphasis on cleanliness and tidiness, one of the many things that puts him at odds with his sister. Out of the two he's definitely the more calm, rational one, though that certainly doesn't mean he's always right whenever they argue about something.
Extra Info/Notes:
  • Feena's twin brother. He's the older twin.
  • He was born with a very sensitive tongue, able to distinguish between even the subtlest of flavours. He could have been a connoisseur of many things, and even now is still an apt food critic, but the sweetness of chocolate beats all else for him.

Role: Student
Name: Feena Kneale
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Talent: Ultimate Spelunker
  • As a twin Feena looks rather like Thomlyn. In some ways she is more feminine than him, but she's also a tomboy, and as a result it's still very easy to confuse the two.
  • Her brown hair is quite short, all the better for crawling through small caves, especially when she needs to wear a helmet. Her eyes are yellow and unusually bright - in the right conditions it can even seem like they're glowing. She usually has a rather easygoing expression, but can quickly become serious when she's dealing with something she's passionate about.
  • While spelunking she wears very practical clothes, a full bodysuit with various equipment strapped to it. As a result she likes to wear much lighter clothing in her normal life to feel freer. She likes wearing t-shirts and shorts, always trying to push how far into the colder seasons she does so, and once it becomes too impractical she switches over to tracksuits.
  • Feena usually brings a small shoulder bag with her, with a variety of sometimes random-seeming items inside. Notably she's taken to including basic medical supplies for all the random cuts and scrapes she gets while out adventuring, even when not spelunking.
Personality: She's a wild child, rebellious and always on the lookout for adventure. Yet, out of the two siblings she's often the more serious one. Messy and disorganised, her brother is forced to admonish her often, and they get in frequent arguments. She's the more passionate of the two, but at times seems to display more common sense than Thomlyn.
Extra Info/Notes:
  • Thomlyn's twin sister. She's the younger twin.
  • She was born with very keen eyes, able to see much clearer in the dark than most others, and decently further too. This comes in very useful when spelunking.

Role: Student
Name: Sakura Himawari
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Talent: Ultimate Origami Practitioner
  • Sakura's most immediately distinguishable feature is her unique bipartite hairstyle. On the right side of her head (from her perspective) her hair is dyed white and cut with a very straight, neat fringe. On the left side her hair is its natural brown and has been styled curly. Her hair is long on both sides, reaching to about halfway down her back.
  • She has pink-coloured eyes, and somewhat petite facial features.
  • She usually wears sleeveless tops when the weather allows for it, revealing tattoos on her arms. Her right arm has a mixture of flower tattoos on it, while the left has various animals interlocked around it.
  • Beyond that she likes to wear simple, wavy skirts, and pretty shoes.
Personality: Sakura is an artist, and is a very expressive, creative person. She's free-spirited, optimistic and friendly, often the centre of attention. However she is also quite naïve, and a lack of interest in most non-art subjects has resulted in her falling behind and failing a lot of classes. She can be quite idealistic, for better and for worse.
Extra Info/Notes:
  • She likes to fold paper models while talking with people, often creating things that match the topic of conversation.
  • Working with origami for so long has left Sakura with rather smooth, calloused fingertips.
  • She has zero knowledge of the Summer School from the other timeline. This Sakura is perhaps a little more mature than at the start of that RP due to other differences in the timeline, but she hasn't otherwise had to go through all the trauma the other version did.

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)


Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Sun Jul 30, 2017 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Is anyone carious of why Flo faked her death in the Berry Big Circus game? Or is anyone carious to how she is still alive.
Ps. you dont have to answer if you dont know

Author:  Southern Corn [ Sun Jul 30, 2017 4:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

I mean, the plan was pretty clear. It couldn't have been Arthur who faked his death.

Also so that she can bring Cox to justice herself which I'm fine with as long as it isn't Matt

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

yeah... I just dont get it... all well...

Author:  Lone [ Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

We had EMP devices, which allowed us to do things without Monokuma knowing. So we dressed a previous victim to look like Flo, and fooled even Monokuma into thinking she died. Then when Flo showed up, it meant that someone was wrongly executed, and Monokuma broke his own rule. As he said before, if he broke his rules the game would end. So that's what we were trying to do.

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Sun Jul 30, 2017 6:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Wwwwoooowwww! Mind blown! I would never expect that. Yet again it was the Twisted ending.

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Mon Jul 31, 2017 5:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Come on people! The game is going to start next Saturday! Say something!don't leave the forum now!

Author:  Southern Corn [ Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Sorry too late I'm leaving the forums forever rip me

Though I may have another character planned...

Author:  MechaQdogg [ Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Character Sheet for MechaQdogg
Name*: Anton Grigory Esquivel
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Talent*: Ultimate Violinist
Appearance*: Anton's hair is short and well-kept, and he has a handsome face, with a somewhat pale complection. He typically wears a button-down shirt and dress pants, unless the situation warrants other attire. He tends towards blue or green clothes. Like his older brother, he has striking blue eyes and is very tall, standing at 6'5" (196 cm). Unlike his older brother, though, he speaks with a slight Russian accent. He's also toned, but not particularly muscular.
Personality: Anton is an affable young man with a flair for the artistic. He tends towards grace in all of his actions, and doesn't like discord. This can give him an air of unapproachability, but in reality, he is very easy to talk to. In fact, once he starts talking, it can be rather difficult to get him to stop. He does on occasion give unsolicited advice, but he generally reserves this for his older brother.
Extra Info/Notes: He's the youngest of five siblings of Russian immigrants, and . In addition, although he isn't as proficient in them as the violin, Anton takes to playing other instruments, including the piano, cello and xylophone. As stress relief, he paints, and he also enjoys Russian plays and novels. Having moved many times, he has only a few close friends.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

MechaQdogg wrote:
He tends towards grace in all of his actions, and doesn't like discord.

Heeey, speaking of discord :basil:

Here's the link for those that need it:

We use this discord server for talking about lots of random stuff surrounding this RP, and the previous one.

Author:  Sanity Serenade [ Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

wait, MechaQdogg, were you Aurthor in the game you guys just finished? :ron:

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

yea he was

Author:  Southern Corn [ Mon Jul 31, 2017 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Huh. I like the sound of 'Aurthor'. Sounds pretty fabcy

Author:  KamiPanda [ Mon Jul 31, 2017 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Arthur the author. It's fitting.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Mon Jul 31, 2017 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Oh, yeah, I can kinda see it as a portmanteau. Fitting.

Author:  Franzise Deauxnim [ Tue Aug 01, 2017 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Character Sheet for Franzise
Role*: Student
Name*: Sayako Amachi
Age: 17
Gender: F
Talent*: SHSL Coupler
Appearance*: Sayako is a Japanese girl of average height and slender build. She has fair skin, black shoulder-length hair, brown eyes, and wears rectangular glasses at all times. She doesn't wear make-up or accessories and is usually content to wear her school uniform or simple, plain clothing.
Personality: Sayako is generally quiet and polite, a bit shy and embarrasses easily. She absolutely loves seeing happy couples and will readily offer her support and advice to anyone who wants it. She can get overexcited about her coupling at times, which can freak people out, but she does have the best of intentions in mind when it comes to helping people find a match.
Extra Info/Notes:

Author:  Southern Corn [ Tue Aug 01, 2017 2:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Please fill in the extra notes is this an AU again what is happening

Author:  Slezak [ Tue Aug 01, 2017 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

This is REALLY starting to feel like School Mode now!

Seriously though, Jay's going to have a panic attack at this rate.

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Tue Aug 01, 2017 2:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

Socot wrote:
Please fill in the extra notes is this an AU again what is happening

It's like, part AU and part not AU? (Slezak describes it as "ambiguously canon.")

Like, I'm gonna have Ryuji make a cameo during one of the field trips, and he's gonna remember the killing game. So it's gonna be interesting how to deal with that lol

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Tue Aug 01, 2017 2:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip! (Sign-up/OOC)

[why you making me double post CR]

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