Court Records

You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*
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Author:  Ayasato-chan [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Pheonix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

Stop making me guilty all of you XD.

-- When you buy a cat to exclusively name it Shoe. (I convinced my uncle)

-- When you have a PW character's theme as your ringtone. (Guilty)

-- When you hook your little sibling that's about 5 years old to play. (No serious, he beat the first game and is on 2-3.)

Author:  Sheepshifter [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Pheonix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

Odoroki-chan wrote:
Because everyone knows this place is more important than food.

And if you absolutly MUST eat, Snackaroos only. :zenitora:

Author:  Odoroki-chan [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Pheonix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

Sheepshifter wrote:
Odoroki-chan wrote:
Because everyone knows this place is more important than food.

And if you absolutly MUST eat, Snackaroos only. :zenitora:

That, or...



Author:  kristophlover967 [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Pheonix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

What about ramen? :eh?:

Maybe I should go buy a huge dirty overcoat at a thrift store and eat some ramen.

You know you play too much PW when you develop a major crush on a character, to the point that you think of them 24/7. Yes Miles, I'm talking about you. (And two other AJ characters because
Spoiler: I'm a bad girl
It would be fun to do one of them in the bathroom against the tile wall. I can just see it. The german obceneties would just turn me on even further.

:rock'n: W00t! 100th post!!

Author:  Phoenix and Maya Fan [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Pheonix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

kristophlover967 wrote:
When you can recognize each and every character's back sprite on the 1-3 court sprites page in less than 1 second each. (Guilty) (Try it for yourself! ... prites.png)

When you stay up late at night trying to either create PW fanart or play your game (Guilty)

When you think that Phoenix Wright is the only good thing in life (Guilty)

When you start writing a PxE fanfic about their friendship and differences (Guilty)

Whenever you hear Remenisce - DL-6 case music and sob because you sympathise for Edgey. (Guilty)

When someone cuts themselves, and no matter how good they clean up the blood, you think 'My luminol spray will pick up the traces.' :ema: (She was in 1-5, Rise from the Ashes for those who don't remember.) (Guilty.)

When your hungry, and all you want is a nice steak (guilty) or caviar lunch. Or hamburgers. (Guilty)

When you receive a walkie talkie and think that if you find the right signal, you'll hear Shelly de Killer's voice.

Everytime you walk into Starbucks, Godot's theme, the fragrance of dark coffee is playing in your head. (Guilty)

When someone pisses you off and you pull out your ray gun. *rat-tat-tat*

@ Phoenix and Maya Fan: I named my iPod Touch Dahlia Hawthorne... I'm sure that counts for something. :larry2:

Yes it does and i'm glad i'm not the only one who named their ipod.

Also Sheepshifter you're teacher sounds awesome!

Also you could also drink Samurai Soda.(I've seen Samurai Soda in case 1-3 and 2-3.)

Author:  DahliaXKristoph [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Pheonix Wright when...*SPOILERS*


My iPod's name is "Dahlia Hawthorne."


Author:  Phoenix_Apollo [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Pheonix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

When you look at someone named Nick and immedieately think of Phoenix.

When you imagine that person's sister as Pearl if the world was like AA's.

Author:  Zeon Twilight [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Pheonix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

Odoroki-chan wrote:
How 'bout..

When you get a 15 minute break during work, but you spend the entire time on Court-Records, instead of doing something else, like taking the opportunity to actually eat something. nn;

Because everyone knows this place is more important than food.



Guilty, except my lunch is Half an hour long and I've done it once.

Author:  IceMagnet [ Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Pheonix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

When you give a girl a lunchbox full of weenies in it for a "sorry" present.(GUILTY)

When you give everybody you know a chilling glare... :edgeworth:

When you shave with a knife in public.

When you turn out the lights just to think.(GUILTY)

When you grow a big grey beard just for the fun of it :udgy:

When you hold a classroom trial for; "Who kicked the turnabout rocks at Brandan?"

Author:  Phoenix and Maya Fan [ Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Pheonix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

IceMagnet wrote:
When you give a girl a lunchbox full of weenies in it for a "sorry" present.(GUILTY)

I'm going to have to remember to do that.

Author:  Zeon Twilight [ Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

-When Phoenix Wright music helps you get through your day at work (Guilty)

-when you start thinking of someone Making a Gumshoe Dating Sim with Maggey, Franny and Edgeworth as the potential mates. *....Guilty...but edgeworth was added to the roster for comedy I swear*

Author:  NinjaMonkey [ Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

Your ideal place to live is Phoenix, Arizona.

You have an avatar/sig containing PW characters (especially if it's nothing to do with PW).

PW inspires your choice of career.

Author:  Zeon Twilight [ Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

-You think about it at work...most the day

-you start to think of ALL the Spinoff games they could make.

Author:  Zinle [ Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

- You always try to ask about everything
- When you start pointing way too often
- when you hit any table and you think: "This MUST be start to something behind this"
- When you have friends who:
--> likes burgers
--> says: You're my pal
--> always want to stomp on you
--> wants to slahs you with whip (what? I know everyone has at least one enemy ^_^ )

And last but ABOSLUTELY most terrible:
You start to clap and laugh at everything :gant:

Author:  FräuleinRed [ Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

When you begin to say "A'yup" eccessively. :yogi:

Author:  Rheine [ Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

..when you decided to make a short essay about Ace Attorney series for your test. Graduation Test. *I'm Guilty and need some help >_<*

Author:  Zinle [ Sat Apr 12, 2008 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

- You must have red afro, camera and green suit

Author:  Ayasato-chan [ Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

- You play the games at least 6-hours before going on Court-Records. (Semi-Guilty)

Author:  Phoenix and Maya Fan [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

NinjaMonkey wrote:

PW inspires your choice of career.

So guilty its not even funny.

-When you look online for Samurai Soda and Snackoos.(Guilty)

:udgy: :We find the defendant... Not Guilty

:phoenix: :Your Honor my client even admits his guilt and even named his ipod after one of the characters!

:udgy: :Fine Mr.Wright we find the defendant...


of being obbsesed with the AA series.

Me(defendant):Woo Hoo!

Author:  Zinle [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

When you murder someone just so you could meetn nick or Api.

Author:  polkadot [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

You seriously consider calling your dog Miles.
Then you convince your best friend's grandma to call her new pet kitten Miles instead of Snuffle. And she says yes. (GUILTY in caps)

Author:  Bloodroot Godot [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

-when you talk about PW excessively and fall asleep when someone changes the subject.(Guilty!)
-when someone says a random word and you assosciate it with PW (dog-- EDGEWORTH!)(Guilty!)
-when your friends deliberately avoid the word 'lawyer'.(I swear, they're doing it on purpose.)
-when you draw a picture of Godot for art class (I kept getting asked who Goh-dott was)
-when your Mom finds a photo album of PW characters under your bed. (What? I'm artistic!)

Author:  Super Judge Bro. [ Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

-When PW influences you to become a lawyer. (.....Guilty, but it wasn't the first thing that influenced me.)
-When you quote PW characters to your friends, despite them not knowing what you're saying. (Guilty)
-When you consider naming your dog Missile. (Kinda guilty, we don't have a dog yet..)

Author:  picopoprocks [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

- When you change your major to law (okay haven't done that yet but I am thinking about double majoring...)
- When you use lawyer lingo way too much than a normal person
- You make sure your alibi's are air-tight...or make them look air-tight, at least
- You will tell your Japanese host family how much you LOVE gyakuten saiban (maybe guilty...haha)
- You own GS merch
- You start suffering withdrawals after playing a game
- You can't stop thinking about the series
- You start to imagine what life would be like if it was all real...

Author:  NinjAngel [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

I only have a few I can think of...

--When you talk about it to your friends so much, they begin to understand what you're talking about. (GUILTY!)
--When you actually go and buy a green Magatama. And wear it. Always. (GUILTY!)
--When all your free time is spent playing the games. Even when you have other stuff you need to watch/read/play. (GUILTY!)
--When a single picture or scenario is constantly playing in your head--whether it be from the game or from your own mind. (GUILTY!)

As for the fact that the game may convince you to go into law...I was CONVINCED I was gonna be a pharmacist until I started replaying the games...>.>

Author:  Bloodroot Godot [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

-when you start using words like 'phoenix' or, oh, 'edgey' more than you should.
-when your family starts to like this Edgeworth dude, though they've only ever heard of him from you, and have no idea who he is.
-when your mom is somehow brainwashed into naming a kitten Franziska, even though she's always hated the name. (Quote: Honestly, I don't know how that name got in my head!)

Author:  Miss Twister [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

Oh, wow. I am soo guilty...

-when you schedule an appointment with your hairstylist so you can cut your hair short and dye it ice blue (Guilty)

-when you wake up extra early in the morning so you have time to play one of the trials/investigations for a few minutes before you go to school/work (Guilty)

-when you wake up extra, extra early in the morning so you have time to play through one entire game before you go to school/work (Guilty, again)

-when, if you're a musician, you name your instrument after PW characters (Guilty. I named my clarinet "Edgey")

-you CONSTANTLY mention the games to non-fans and they start to avoid you. If, by some odd chance, they talk to you after avoiding you, you call them a foolish fool and threaten them with your whip, (real or invisible). :whip: (Guilty)

Author:  Harra Arial [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

You have been playing FAR too much Phoenix Wright when you shamelessly and flamboyantly Cosplay the characters at school. ((EXTREMELY Guilty. You should have seen how many people were scarred for life seeing me in my "Five minute morning dressup" Damon Gant Costume. I was actually pretty accurate, good shoes, the sexy black gloves, the glasses were the same shade, but lesser tinted and rounded, I turned my scarf into a crosstie, but I had a TAN suit but not an ORANGE one.))

Also, when you start PRETENDING in the MIDDLE OF SCHOOL that you are actually with a few of the characters ((I.E. Damon Gant's Assistant, my school actually believes this because I have placed it so craftily, taking coffee breaks with Godot.))

When you start taking up new habits relative to the PW characters ((Drinking coffee, going swimming, learning a new language.))

Author:  Fenrirsulfr [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

NinjaMonkey wrote:
PW inspires your choice of career.

Engarde-level Guilty over here. Eh heh...

*When your alarm is Pursuit ~ Cornered
*When you start drinking coffee because of :godot:
*And you drink it straight right off the bat, also because of :godot:
*You watched "To Kill a Mockingbird" and couldn't help but think of Atticus as :gregory:
*Instead of having lunch you go on the Phoenix Wright Kink Meme to see if your favorite one has been updated in the past thirty seconds.

I'm Guilty of all except the coffee ones. :oops:

Author:  smiles edgeworth [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

you know you are obsessed if:
-you play the themes of each charicter on your clarinet ( or whatever instrument)
-your sibling start's to play the game and decides Phoenix Wright's middle name is "Bobo".

If my sibling and I talk about the GS games I have to reffer to Nick as "Bobo" or "Bobo Wright". Utter non-sense : :zennybw: :cough:

Author:  Pandan [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

When you rename your friend Franziska because she carries a whip to school. (Seriously, she did. It was a whip for horses, but a whip nonetheless)

Author:  Krazytimes [ Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*


bom wop

Author:  Sophie Trite [ Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

When you scream Igigari! and point like :phoenix: when you disagree with someone. (And you live in the U.S.; Igigari! is Japanese)

Author:  vhunter13 [ Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

When you start yelling :objection: in 7 laguages

Author:  IceMagnet [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

When you always say what PW theme song is in your head to your friends (Guilty) (Search core 2002)

When you decide that "Unless holding something (always right hand), keep left hand in pocket. (mimicing Godot's style) (guilty)

When you say that you're Wright. (guilty)

When you are always suspicious of cute girls. :chinami:

When you think of Matthew Engarde as the Big Bad Werewolf (guilty)

When you make fun of rookie killers. (guilty)

When you hit your head against the wall when you're extremely angry :headbang: (guilty)

When you ride a pony :wtf: (GUILTY)



Author:  Ayasato-chan [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

Off topic: I just read a short lecture with a man named "Krisof" and as we know:

Kristof = Kristoph in sounding. I noticed the connection immediately.

Also: I have a DIEGO in my Spanish class, and we studied a story with a man named ARMANDO. I actually lol'ed, which led to staring.

Author:  HarumiFey [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

~When you keep asking people if they know a Jake Marshall or a Damon Gant(So Guilty, since I did find a Jake).

~When you name your iPod Godot and it says it on iTunes (Guilty)

~When you see people and compare them to PW characters (Sorta guilty)

~When you follow people around talking about how great PW is (guilty)

~When you start calling people by whoever they look like (guilty)

~When your friends try to avoid saying Ace Attorney, as they know you will never shut up if they say it.(guilty.)

And so much more for me...

Author:  Sakuro [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

I am SO glad I'm not the only one who has named my iPod. I named my ice blue shuffle Franziska, and my playlists is "Franzy's~!" I also got my sister to name her's Maya, since it's purple. XD Anyway.

You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...
You compare your teachers to PW characters. [my social studies teacher is :karma: and the student teacher was :edgeworth: IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY. I imagine my chorus teacher is like :lana: a couple years after 1-5, too.]

You can have in depth conversations with your friends about what the characters voices sound like.

Your boyfriend gets most of your PW jokes and references and knows who all the characters are. And he's NEVER PLAYED THE GAME.

You make your friends listen to the PW Musical songs even though they don't know the characters.

You annoy your friends with your constant obsessing. [pssh, they just need to get MORE obsessed]

You roleplay PW characters all the time in such strange settings as Dungeons and Dragons. [Mia the paladin! Edgeworth the dashing swordsman! Maya the summoner! Klavier the bard! Kristoph the paladin for irony! Dahlia is the evil sorceress! Missile the battle dog!]

Author:  Kinokiita [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

You know you're obsessed...

When you have to listen to Sakuro when she does the above, AND YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT. Even when you haven't played JFA or T&T. (Guilty, although I am starting to space out nowadays...)

When you can have educated conversations about JFA and T&T even though you haven't played the games yet because you listened to Sakuro or looked it up on CR. (Guilty)

When you dream about someone at your school dressing up like a character, and you wake up knowing your friend has got a new game. (Guilty, I actually asked her the next day.)

When you feel sorry for the Europeans because they don't have some of the games released yet but it would cost too much money to ship it over there (Guilty, but I'm not sending anything. Sorry.)

There's more, but study hall's almost over and I haven't done my trigonometry homework yet. I'll be back.

Author:  Sophie Trite [ Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Phoenix Wright when...*SPOILERS*

picopoprocks wrote:
- You will tell your Japanese host family how much you LOVE gyakuten saiban (maybe guilty...haha)
I will!! (So what? I'm only 13 but I've always dreamed of going to Japan, and now I have another reason.)

You know you're obsessed when the fist thing you do after you get Guitar Hero 3 is make yourself the lead guitarist of the Gavinners (GUILTY; the first extra guitar I WAS going to buy was the Apollo but my sister beat me to it. :sadshoe: )

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