Court Records

Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)
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Author:  Sh1n1 ZE FIER [ Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Drawing the line for off-topic requests now.

I'm helping out with character designs for Project Kallisti, now. ExImplode said I could help design Luke. <33 I hope the Zvarrem trusts me to make sure he turns out as elegant and beautiful as he possibly can!

Also, this is random, but I really, really love Atmey's official art. Especially his breakdown art. He just looks so shattered and unhinged, completely far gone... And that scene on its own, the first breakdown of the second trial, that's the one that made me cry. >w>;;

Something along the lines of... "Why you...! H-How dare you expose me like that!? I-I mean, I've never blackmailed anyone in my life! I'm a famous and proud thief, and a brilliant Ace Detective!... *snaps to breakdown animation* Why can't you understand that!?"


Author:  Yuu-chan [ Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Moonlight Angel and a plushie of her dear Eccentrist~
Also if I may direct everyone to Ragnarok Online, where MSOB has created a Luke account to lure me in...or somesuch thing.
And what the pchattters have dubbed my little doodle project, 'Gyakuten Gaiden'. Basically PW 3.5 where Kaoru takes the reigns from Nick -shot-


That is all for the moment. XD

Author:  Seto [ Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

-brings back thread from the dead?- 8D;;;

Duude, Creator totally fits Luke. <3

Also, I quickly ( like, really quickly xD; ) doodled a Luke-themed Easter picture~


Author:  Yuu-chan [ Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Tear of Emanon also says Zvarri. 8D


ATYUU BUNNIES. That must be doodled. rofl.

Author:  SpicersApple [ Sun Jun 08, 2008 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Hi everyone! I just joined a few days ago, but I already love this place <33
I came to this thread hoping to talk to other fans of Luuukey :D
I love him so much it hurtsss :garyuu:
and my brother likes him a lot too..but in a non-gay way :D
he thinks he's funneh..

but I love him so much I drew him *sigh*~~
^ Should I just give the link or actually post it here too?

Author:  Sh1n1 ZE FIER [ Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Ah, so you're the one who drew that! <33 The blue one is absolutely adorable, though I love the pink one as well. But I just want to comfort the blue one... X33

I, along with most other people in this thread, draw him as well! XD Though I put mine on my DA account. :3 Some of them are in this thread already, too, though. X3

But anyway, welcome to the group, Spicer! Always a pleasure to meet another Atmey fan.

(Wow, this thread was dead for a while...)

Author:  SpicersApple [ Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Aww thank you! <33 That means a lot to me ;)
Oh and something funny.. I posted on the kink meme a few days ago.. it was dated June 5..I wonder if you'll find it..
It's funny cuz they seemed knew me.. but it was my first post there o-o;;

lol hey wanna be friends? <3 I also have a deviantart site, mine is Jack-Spicer72..
I made an avatar of him too... should I post it ?

Author:  Sh1n1 ZE FIER [ Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

I could always use new friends. :3

Haha, ah, the Kink Meme... X33 I think I remember your post, but I can't recall it... Rafa. I've filled a few requests on there--all Luke-themed fics. <3 He doesn't get written enough~

Oh, here's a potential new topic. This Perfect Prosecutor game... It's set around the time of T&T. Gumshoe plays an important role.

...I think these conditions call for a cameo, yes...? >DD I mean, Luke knew that Miles and Phoenix knew each other. He probably learned it from the news or something, but you could always say they met at least once. And even if they didn't, Gumshoe could make some offhand remark about him. X3 I'm so excited! I'd adore it if they brought him back, even for just a mention like that...~~

Author:  xrainexloirex [ Tue Jun 10, 2008 1:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Ahh! There's a Luke board now? I was not aware of this! Great to know I'm not the only Luke fangirl! Maybe now my friends at school won't think I'm weird for loving Luke.
The fanart is really adorable, you guys! I drew a picture that also included a few other characters with Luke, as well as my OC. Maybe I'll post it after I scan it in my computer. And, on a random note, the picture posted above by Yuu-chan (the Ragnarok Online one) startled me because I have an OC named Lydia von Karma. I thought I was being original!
Keep the Luke art coming. I have a feeling that I will post my art tomorrow. I'm just too lazy to do it now.

Author:  ChantZu [ Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

"I love a man with a huge...vocabulary."
Probably the reason I love Luke so much. He has such a pretty way of speaking!
Plus, his self praise is funny, if not a tiny bit annoying.

Author:  SpicersApple [ Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Sh1n1 ZE FIER wrote:
Oh, here's a potential new topic. This Perfect Prosecutor game... It's set around the time of T&T. Gumshoe plays an important role.

...I think these conditions call for a cameo, yes...? >DD I mean, Luke knew that Miles and Phoenix knew each other. He probably learned it from the news or something, but you could always say they met at least once. And even if they didn't, Gumshoe could make some offhand remark about him. X3 I'm so excited! I'd adore it if they brought him back, even for just a mention like that...~~

omg. o.o you just made me think of another potential pairing, LukexxMiles.


Strangely I can see that happening, even if it would be a crack one...

Sh1n1 ZE FIER wrote:
I could always use new friends. :3

Haha, ah, the Kink Meme... X33 I think I remember your post, but I can't recall it... Rafa. I've filled a few requests on there--all Luke-themed fics. <3 He doesn't get written enough~

Hehe, sorry I haven't been online in a while, I was/am in the process of moving, and just now found the time to get back on =)
/but yeah OMG GUESS WHAT
I got a custom set of 12 copic markers about a week ago and they ROCK.. I had to save my money forever to get them but YEAH
and I got colors that matched Luke <3
I colored that one blue pic I did with them and OMG I want to upload but I don't have time right now :'(

Oh, and hi there Raine and ChantZu! :minuki: Happy to see more makes me all teary with joy but not rly lol <33

Author:  xrainexloirex [ Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

[quote="SpicersApple]Oh, and hi there Raine and ChantZu! :minuki: Happy to see more makes me all teary with joy but not rly lol <33[/quote]


Author:  Harra Arial [ Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Ehm, well, hello there, all, I really wasn't aware there was a Luke Atmey Thread, I have to say though, I'm quite pleased that there is.

That being said... my thoughts on Luke.... Even though he's an egotuistical jerk with way too much self-adoration, I think his quirks are what make him funny. Even appearance-wise, he's terribly cute, ((especially that animation where his head is tilted a bit and he's cleaning his monocle... sad to say, it's squeal-worthy.))

I have to say, though, his character is quite a fascinating one, and he reminds me a bit of a less-spazzy Richard Wellington.

Also... long live the elegance!

Author:  xrainexloirex [ Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

I remember squealing over Luke when I first saw him! I have pictures of him all over my wall, I say "Zvarri!" a lot, and I, well, I just have a huge obsession over him!!

Author:  Harra Arial [ Fri Aug 01, 2008 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

He is something to squeal over, I ought say. Really, he's just adorable ((especially when the monocle is off his eye, dunno why, makes him too cute...)) But yes, "Zvarri!" Is one the best words around. Sadly... where all is there a situation where you can use it, I ask?

Author:  amy1993bb7 [ Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Harra Arial wrote:
He is something to squeal over, I ought say. Really, he's just adorable ((especially when the monocle is off his eye, dunno why, makes him too cute...)) But yes, "Zvarri!" Is one the best words around. Sadly... where all is there a situation where you can use it, I ask?

:aiga: When you want to annoy your little cousin who keeps bothering you. THAT'S when you unleash the Zvarri!

Author:  Perrydotto [ Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Or when you spotted something interesting. Or when you found something you have been looking for.


Author:  amy1993bb7 [ Sat Nov 15, 2008 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Perrydotto wrote:
Or when you spotted something interesting. Or when you found something you have been looking for.


I almost forgot that one! I used it once when I lost my textbook and made my mum jump. :draw:

Author:  amy1993bb7 [ Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Lol, I rp with this Luke on Gaia online. It's offical, Luke has the power to control lightning. According to us anyway. Just wish I could draw a picture of him doing it. :payne:

Author:  Perrydotto [ Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

amy1993bb7 wrote:
Lol, I rp with this Luke on Gaia online. It's offical, Luke has the power to control lightning. According to us anyway. Just wish I could draw a picture of him doing it. :payne:

Well, just try, I would like to see it!

Author:  amy1993bb7 [ Mon Nov 24, 2008 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Perrydotto wrote:
amy1993bb7 wrote:
Lol, I rp with this Luke on Gaia online. It's offical, Luke has the power to control lightning. According to us anyway. Just wish I could draw a picture of him doing it. :payne:

Well, just try, I would like to see it!

No way. Not even if you paid me. But other people can try if they want. I can't draw anything beyond stick people. I dropped art as soon as I could.

Author:  amy1993bb7 [ Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Bump. :keiko:

Author:  MikeMeekinsFan [ Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Holy crap. This thread's still going? Cool.... Yeah....I gotta make more Luke drawings. Seriously. :)

Author:  Perrydotto [ Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

I did a very lame one some days before, look:
Spoiler: Obvious joke is obvious

Author:  amy1993bb7 [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Perrydotto wrote:
I did a very lame one some days before, look:
Spoiler: Obvious joke is obvious

Lol. Obvious but still funny as heck.

Author:  _Krystal_ [ Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

He is BY FAR my favorite character, so I'm thrilled that my first post is praising him!

Here's a few sketches I did on MS paint, and my plushie of him.




Author:  Xray [ Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Luke Amey is awesome, he is.
Hey, maybe i'l draw something with the Atmey-boy later! :D

Author:  Kefka Palazzo [ Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Luke is one of my favourites... He's fun, and unlike the other arrogant characters like White or Daryan, he never really annoyed me. I kinda wish he wasn't the villain though, because he would have been a great "regular" character.

Plus, he's a walking parody of the Penguin. How awesome isn't that?

Author:  _Krystal_ [ Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

By the way, that picture of my plushie is old. I cut off those loose threads on his face and bow. I was just two busy to take a picture, and after all those christmas cookies, Luke feels fat and wouldn't let me snap a pic anyway. ^_^

Author:  _Krystal_ [ Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Oy, I've got a new addition to the shrine.


...He is so saying "rape me". :aiga:

Author:  _Krystal_ [ Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Oh, and this. Stupid, but cute.


Luke so owns a teddy bear.

Author:  amy1993bb7 [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Someone please draw Luke as the Penguin. ...or in a penguin suit... IT COULD HAPPEN!

Author:  _Krystal_ [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Oh, cute idea! I'll get on that!

Author:  amy1993bb7 [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Awesome! You make this fangirl very happy. ^^

Author:  _Krystal_ [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

He'll be in a penguin suit, just because that's cuter and I hate Danny Devito in Batman..

Author:  MikeMeekinsFan [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Hehe, I can imagine Luke with a teddy bear. Too cute! <3

Author:  _Krystal_ [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Why thank you!

Author:  amy1993bb7 [ Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

Luke: *after reading thread* :agia-shock:

Author:  amy1993bb7 [ Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

amy1993bb7 wrote:
_Krystal_ wrote:
He'll be in a penguin suit, just because that's cuter and I hate Danny Devito in Batman..

*imagination is going wild* Pity no one will help me do my idea from my rp. The person I rp with on Gaia online is Luke and through a load of god knows what somehow Luke can control the weather (but it has a "cooldown time" of a week) and can control lightning that comes from his own body.

Author:  _Krystal_ [ Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Look, It's Luke! <3 (Possible GS3 spoilers)

amy1993bb7 wrote:
Luke: *after reading thread* :agia-shock:

Sorry, Lukesy, but as long as I'm around, this thread SHALL NEVER DIE. Unless nobody replies to me.

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