Court Records

An Alternate interpretation for 4-1 (Spoilers, obviously)
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Author:  s4ad0w [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  An Alternate interpretation for 4-1 (Spoilers, obviously)

So, I was playing 4-1 again earlier today, and I noticed something... the cabinate behind where Smith was sitting opens via a double door method. Is it not possible, that the cabinate was empty? And that the back slid out? This would imply an alternat solution (In Kristoph's favor)

As Phoenix was leaving the club (To call the Police) He slipped into the secret passage. He slid the back of the cabinet open, and opened the double doors. This startled Smith into turning around. Phoenix smacks him on the head, just in time for Kristoph to look inside via the window (Which, now, ISN'T blocked off by the cabinet).

I have to wonder why this possibility wasn't brought up? I understand that Payne is an idiot, so he wouldn't even notice, but Kristoph should have pointed out the possibility.

Author:  CatMuto [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: An Alternate interpretation for 4-1 (Spoilers, obviously

If Kristoph had pointed that out, it would've proven that he had knowledge of this mechanism? And it could've counted as another point of guilt? I don't really remember a mention of double doors... only that the cupboard covered the door in the wall...

And even if, to open the cupboard, the doors would be open and they would obscure the vision, correct? Also, there wasn't much room between Smith and the cupboard, so Phoenix would've smacked Smith with the door - at the very least.


Author:  s4ad0w [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: An Alternate interpretation for 4-1 (Spoilers, obviously

CatMuto wrote:
If Kristoph had pointed that out, it would've proven that he had knowledge of this mechanism?

Phoenix had said that the regulars all knew about the club's many secrets, I assume that Kristoph is a regular, and therefore, it wouldn't have been surprising for him to know about the secret passage.

Also, he wouldn't need to say, "THIS IS HOW IT WENT DOWN!" He only needed to point out the possibility (Something Phoenix LIVED off of in his games) Especially since the Secret passage had already been brought up at the time.

CatMuto wrote:
I don't really remember a mention of double doors... only that the cupboard covered the door in the wall...

They never mentioned it in the text, but if you look at the pictures, you can see the double doors.

CatMuto wrote:
And even if, to open the cupboard, the doors would be open and they would obscure the vision, correct?

Not if they were glass doors... nothing says one way or the other about if they were or weren't.

CatMuto wrote:
Also, there wasn't much room between Smith and the cupboard, so Phoenix would've smacked Smith with the door - at the very least.

I got nothing on that argument.

Author:  CatMuto [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: An Alternate interpretation for 4-1 (Spoilers, obviously

s4ad0w wrote:
CatMuto wrote:
And even if, to open the cupboard, the doors would be open and they would obscure the vision, correct?

Not if they were glass doors... nothing says one way or the other about if they were or weren't.

Granted, it's not said if the cupboard is purely made of solid wood or other non-translucent material. But somehow, the image of a glassdoor-cupboard does not fit a hellhole called the Hydeout, which, given the interior and motto of the restaurant above, should be renamed the Frozen Tundra's Ass.


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