Court Records

You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*
Page 10 of 14

Author:  Panty_master [ Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

When you start calling your cat Shoe.

When your call your puppy missle.

when you're afraid of parasols because of Dahlia. O.o

when lemons remind you of Grossberg. (guilty)

When waterfalls remind you of maya. (guilty)

when you search up "Steel samurai theme song" When searching for ringtones (guilty)

when lying down on the couch for a nap, you're afraid that someone will hit you with a fire estinguisher.

When sleeping at night, your room is pitch black and you SWEAR you can hear phoenix/apollo/edgeworth objectioning. (Guilty O.e;)

when you get excited at the sight of a gavel in a party store (guilty)

When fedoras and feathers remind you of Mask*Demasque. (guilty)

When you see a screwdriver and think of big boobs. ( April May in the gatewater hotel.)

When you see a toy gun and think of old bag (Guilty XD)

Author:  Pheobus [ Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

I can randomly swear I hear Phoenix the most.. but sometimes Apollo... O.o

And HAH!!! The gavel was not even half as Funny as teh piano!!!
Oh... If I misplaced that phone for good... bye bye picture of Wright & Co Piano. :sadshoe:
I have the worst luck... D: :maggy:

Author:  Panty_master [ Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

DDD: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it was funny, wasn't it?

Author:  Pheobus [ Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

Yeah... ):

You're friends say you ARE Apollo. XD (Or in the situation they said I was "Polly"... Same difference)

Btw... You need a signature trucy... Might I suggest my epic chords of steel banner curtacy of How Objectionable.

You get 20+ votes on a pro courds of steel board.
and exeed 10 pages in a noodle stand rp. :D
Oh soo guilty of the above.

Author:  Pierre [ Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

You see a shop called "guitarguitar" and can't help but mentally add "Up together to the sky"

Author:  Kingofeurope [ Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

You do the air guitar whenever you hear a cool song.

Author:  theatrejunkie [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

When you see a sign that says "Today's Bargains" but you read it as "Today's Borganians".

A sleep-deprived mind is a terrible thing.....

Author:  GigaHand [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

When you download a toolbar for your browser and the first thing you do is look up 'objection'.

What, you think I did this?


You are absolutely

Author:  KrazyKaro [ Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

Im guilty of most of theres on this page, i love Aj. Sorry if any of these are there

When You spend 2 hours trying to do Apollos spikes and then en up using a paper clip bant to hold them up (Guilty)

When the thing you want christamas is and artbook/cosplay costums/voice actors
(Guilty, I'm getting either KRistoph or Klaviers Suit YIPPIE)

When you claim you got taught who to air guitar by a professional, go to a mates party and do Klaviers air guitar (Guilty as hell, Although it was the best party evea)

When you try to do a Charaters hair style and it works or you come up with your own style based on them (I tried the Gavin brother's drill hair style and it worked !! i also made my own version of it in a plait i'm so sad)

When you know all the main charaters in japanese and English (yup)

When for your drama Monlauge you have to be homeless person and you end up cosplaying :hobohodo:

When in Citezenship class your doing about Law and one of the Lawyers look like one of the game (I know not really AJ but i Swear i saw a guy in one of them that looked like young :kyouya: and the judges twin)

When you print out AJ Wall papers to stick on your locker (Only one, I have the picture from the AJ trailer The one with the ring on it)

When You blag to your friends about Daryans hair and they tell you that your bullpooping (Yeah that thought i was lying)

When you know most of one Characters quotes (Yes !! i know most of Klaviers Quotes and Kristophs )

When you try to percieve your teacher in school and she gets annoyed and ends up admitting she lied (Best way out of a detention EVER)

Ok thats ll i can think of . there lame but who cares

Author:  The Middleman [ Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

Judicial Decree wrote:
This post has been moved to its proper location.

Author:  Pierre [ Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

The Middleman wrote:
-Attempt to create a case like I just did in the RP section.

-Drink as much coffee as I do.

-Wear a blue suit every day.

- Own a Magatama and ask your friends to lie on purpose while you wave it in their faces.

- Are currently dating a model.... and your last girlfriend was a model.... and so was your last one..... and so was your last one.... and so was your last one..... and so was your last one..... and so was your last one..... and so is the next one.... wait, what?

- When you bring a whip to work for a totally undisclosed purpose.

Can anyone say....WRONG TOPIC?! :gant:

This is an Apollo Justice specific topic Middleman, theres one thats a Phoenix Wright specific one which is what your looking for.
Knock yourself out kid.

Author:  The Middleman [ Fri Oct 16, 2009 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

Oh my. That's embarrassing. Now I shall come up with Apollo Justice ones that I am still nonetheless guilty of!

-When you try to perceive your teachers habits and them as for free points. (Ah, high school)
-When you still can't tell the difference between the brown of Apollo's vest and his hair.
-When your hair is the size of a Bonsai Bill.
-When you jack your hair off.
-When you get your job as a waiter and put on a fake russian accent for customers.

Author:  Miemoko [ Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

1. Acting like Ema Skye (older version of course)
2. Making (well trying) to make Apollo's bracelett in Deisigning class
3. Trying to find real Snackoos (think i found some)
4. Keep hearing Apollo's Objection song in your head
5. When drawing a fancy G, keeps drawing the Gavineers emblem
6. When drawing and showing it to people like Vera :draw:
7. Making an Apollo Justice Tray

I think i have more but i can't be bothered to put it on xD

Author:  Katia Gavin [ Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

- start Laughing when your maths teacher talks about POLYgons
-sing Guitars seranade 24/7
-call your crush a glimmerous fop (klema fan)
-slam your fists like Apollo or Klavier
-have an alter ego thing that is Ema Skye (it doesn't half help in science)
-all you draw is Apollo and The rest of them 24/7
-make your capital G's look like klaviers
- Percieve your teachers/friends/family
-succed at Percieveing your teachers/friends/family
-have a nervous habit your self (mines like when ema touches her left piece of hair that is in front of her ear)
-instead of saying wait shout Objection
Guilty to all of above :minuki: :odoroki: :hobohodo: :maya: :pearl: :eh?:

Author:  Miemoko [ Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

- start Laughing when your maths teacher talks about POLYgons
-sing Guitars seranade 24/7
-call your crush a glimmerous fop (klema fan)
-slam your fists like Apollo or Klavier
-have an alter ego thing that is Ema Skye (it doesn't half help in science)
-all you draw is Apollo and The rest of them 24/7
-make your capital G's look like klaviers
- Percieve your teachers/friends/family
-succed at Percieveing your teachers/friends/family
-have a nervous habit your self (mines like when ema touches her left piece of hair that is in front of her ear)
-instead of saying wait shout Objection
Guilty to all of above :minuki: :odoroki: :hobohodo: :maya: :pearl: :eh?:
That's it! You jogged my memory ^^ . I'm guilty of all of them except for the first one and the second last one. :sillytrucy:

Author:  Katia Gavin [ Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

i've only just realised that the boy i have a crush on his name sounds just like Klavier and i call him a Glimmerous Fop
:phoenix: :edgeworth: :udgy: :maya: :pearl: :franny: :hobohodo: :kyouya: :minuki:

Author:  Ice-Ice [ Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

You're looking through your mother's CDs and you see someone with the last name Gavin and yell "GAVIN!!!". You then proceed to scream into your hand.

Author:  AsakiPhreek [ Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

Ice-Ice wrote:
You're looking through your mother's CDs and you see someone with the last name Gavin and yell "GAVIN!!!". You then proceed to scream into your hand.

...And then that hand sprouts a devil face. :garyuu:

You know you play too much Apollo Justice when you show up in your Thalassa costume at work on Halloween night. Definitely guilty. It went over pretty well, actually.

edit: woot, i'm a decisive witness now~

Author:  Miyako Chinatsu [ Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*


When you squee after seeing the word "foppery" in your English textbook

That's all I have at the moment.

Author:  LadyLuckDoubt [ Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS* have an insatiable craving for borscht, even though you've never ever eaten it before and have no idea what it tastes like...

...and then, despite the fact that you loathe cooking, go and find a recipe for it online, and spend your afternoon making a massive potload of the stuff.

Author:  GigaHand [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

When you solve three big contradictions simultaneously in three easy steps, one of which is more far-fetched than a dog and a cannon that shoots sticks. (29th post down)
LadyLuckDoubt wrote: have an insatiable craving for borscht, even though you've never ever eaten it before and have no idea what it tastes like...

...and then, despite the fact that you loathe cooking, go and find a recipe for it online, and spend your afternoon making a massive potload of the stuff.

Well, how is it?

Author:  Starbvck [ Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

...when you buy Welch's sparkling grape juice and drink it straight out of the bottle.

Author:  PandaPrinzessin [ Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

When in English class, you're demanded to draw stick figures of your life in 20 years time, the one you draw as your daughter looks suspiciously like Trucy, youir husband resembles Kristoph and your cat looks slightly like Ema Skye...

Author:  folizzle_! [ Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

...when you realise you're drawing apollo's spikes on every single stick figure you doodle.
...when you try to perceive your teacher's nervous habits, and succeed (my english teacher blinks like crazy).
...when you start pulling refridgerators out of your panties.

Author:  PandaPrinzessin [ Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

Ah, see, I pull double decker buses from my panties. You're not an AJ fan if you can't produce something larger than an SUV from your underwear XD

Author:  folizzle_! [ Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

PandaPrinzessin wrote:
Ah, see, I pull double decker buses from my panties. You're not an AJ fan if you can't produce something larger than an SUV from your underwear XD

Pfft, that's nothing. I once pulled a jumbo jet from my panties. Yeeeaaahhh.

Author:  Ice-Ice [ Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

Everytime you take your hair down to shower you think that your hair resembles Apollo's.

Author:  Coffee Prosecutor [ Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

Panty_master wrote:
When you start calling your cat Shoe.

When your call your puppy missle.

when you're afraid of parasols because of Dahlia. O.o

when lemons remind you of Grossberg. (guilty)

When waterfalls remind you of maya. (guilty)

when you search up "Steel samurai theme song" When searching for ringtones (guilty)

when lying down on the couch for a nap, you're afraid that someone will hit you with a fire estinguisher.

When sleeping at night, your room is pitch black and you SWEAR you can hear phoenix/apollo/edgeworth objectioning. (Guilty O.e;)

when you get excited at the sight of a gavel in a party store (guilty)

When fedoras and feathers remind you of Mask*Demasque. (guilty)

When you see a screwdriver and think of big boobs. ( April May in the gatewater hotel.)

When you see a toy gun and think of old bag (Guilty XD)

Wrong thread

If u start saying "Gotcha"
If u like the color red more than before
If u know what is meant by O.G.s
If u connect cake with foxes and gangsas
(I´ll think for more later)

Author:  Colonel Olrik [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

folizzle_! wrote:
PandaPrinzessin wrote:
Ah, see, I pull double decker buses from my panties. You're not an AJ fan if you can't produce something larger than an SUV from your underwear XD

Pfft, that's nothing. I once pulled a jumbo jet from my panties. Yeeeaaahhh.

I pulled myself out of my Y-fronts. Does that count?

Author:  Cyrus Vorazan [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

When you play doom and already thinking about gameover when you're came to the level named "gotcha!" :cacodamon:

Author:  folizzle_! [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

Colonel Olrik wrote:
folizzle_! wrote:
PandaPrinzessin wrote:
Ah, see, I pull double decker buses from my panties. You're not an AJ fan if you can't produce something larger than an SUV from your underwear XD

Pfft, that's nothing. I once pulled a jumbo jet from my panties. Yeeeaaahhh.

I pulled myself out of my Y-fronts. Does that count?

That... sounds horrifying. xD

Author:  PandaPrinzessin [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

A jumbo jet, you say? Hmmm...shall have to think of more objects I can produce from my panties. Will a space shuttle suffice?

-When you seriously think that dyeing your hair blonde just so you can copy Klavier's hairstyle is the best idea you ever had.
- When you're doodling and realise what you've just drawn looks exactly like Vera's portrait of Polly.

Author:  KrazyKaro [ Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

When you type Xibar's name (From kingdom hearts two.) Xaiver from typing Klaiver too much.
(Yeah i know it's not the best one but i've seem to do it wayyyyyyy to much)

Author:  PandaPrinzessin [ Wed Nov 18, 2009 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

Oh ho, I have one XD When you're driving back from a careers evening at your school in the car, where you're talking with your mum about what you want to be when you're older. Out of nowhere, you fill your lungs with air and yell "I'M GONNA BE A ROCK STAR!!!" She looks surprised and you remember she doesn't know how much of a Klavier fangirl you are....

Author:  KrazyKaro [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

When on a workshop course with over schools you tell the other people from you school that your second name is "Gavin" (My friend did "Justice" Epic win)

Wehn during the citenship roleplay you tell the person who's on the defense . "Your better than Apollo but not a Phoenix" You and sevral people laugh apart from the guy who has no idea who your talking about.

When during the roleplay you air guitar. (I got so many laughs for that.)

When yo tell your friend who's the witness if they are the bad guy (whitch in the end she was) You tell her to ty to do an epic hair breakdown. (We couldn't find a hair dryer so she went with a Daryan breakdown ending like Stickler. Epic win because only a few of use got the referance.)

Author:  LyingColdly [ Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

If u know what is meant by O.G.s

God you're such a retard. 'OG' isn't restricted to AA games you know.. :payne:

Author:  Coffee Prosecutor [ Fri Nov 20, 2009 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

LyingColdly wrote:
If u know what is meant by O.G.s

God you're such a retard. 'OG' isn't restricted to AA games you know.. :payne:

I know

Author:  dancingwattletree [ Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

Coffee Prosecutor wrote:
LyingColdly wrote:
If u know what is meant by O.G.s

God you're such a retard. 'OG' isn't restricted to AA games you know.. :payne:

I know

I am wondering what O.G means myself. I've never seen it used.

-When you percive people, and are sucessfull. I have done this so many times :sawit: .
-When you freak out about a braclet that your teacher has because it looks excactly like Apollo's, and then feel sad because you forgot to ask if you could buy it off her.
-When you hear on the news that 'justice was served' you can't help but laugh.

That's all I've got for now :odoroki: .

Author:  LyingColdly [ Sat Nov 21, 2009 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

dancingwattletree wrote:

I am wondering what O.G means myself. I've never seen it used.

Original Gangster

Author:  Cravat of Doom [ Sat Nov 21, 2009 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You know you play too much Apollo Justice when...*SPOILERS*

When, in band class, your teacher asks you to go find the sheet music for "Quaere Verum". When you ask her what it means, she says "Seek the Truth" in Latin. You immediately think of this song in Apollo Justice.

That happened last week. :keiko:

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