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Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title


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Haven't finished the game yet, but I can say this, and I'm sure it has been said a million times now.


ugh. UGH.

Hell yes I want to know what everyone thinks of other people :(
Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title

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ugh yes, that damn was cool the first time...and that was it. my brother enjoyed it though...he says he liked seeing klavier freak out. (he hates klavier. i know. i've failed as a sister.)

and i'm not sure if this is going to make sense, but i think it irritated me that phoenix irritated me sometimes. don't get me wrong, hobo nick is totally funny and i can appreciate the changes, but sometimes i wanted to kick him, and i didn't want to be mad at phoenix. haha. the dilemma of a fangirl.
Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title

The New Guy

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Tank McCannon wrote:
The only thing that I didn't like about this game was the complete lack of chemistry between Apollo and Klavier, and I don't mean that in a sexual way. Honestly, Klavier and Apollo are good characters and all, but it felt like I was accomplishing nothing in the court room. There was no "spark".To be perfectly honest, it felt more satisfying beating Payne in the first case than any of the times I beat Klavier.

This is a consequence of having a prosecutor who you know is after the truth and not after defeating you. If Klavier ever displayed a strong drive to defeat Apollo, there would've been a greater sense of satisfaction in defeating him. As it stands both you, and he, are after the truth. So your victory is in victory alone, and not in triumph.
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The fact that Apollo Jusice was a side character in his own game. You can't deny it: Phoenix Wright was still the star of the show. The entire plot for the game was to find out how Phoenix lost his badge; Apollo had hardly anything to do with the development of the story. Heck, Apollo didn't even discover what happened to Phoenix on his own, Phoenix told Apollo everything behind the scenes. If you think about it, Apollo didn't really do much of anything. It was always Phoenix who saved the day.

Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title

End Game Master

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What upset me the most about this game....Kristoph's motive behind the whole deal. Seriously, he did ALL that stuff cause he got replaced. That was VERY lame. It killed his character RIGHT THERE when I heard he did that all cause he got replaced. "WAAAAH I GOT REPLACED, I MUST GET REVENGE AND KILL!". I mean that was one of the worst pieces of writing I have seen in this series. They kind of built up on how Kristoph was connected and what he done (which was pretty good), but laid a HUGE egg when his motived was presented. I thought he did all this for his brother, so that his brother could beat Phoenix. That to me makes some sense and would have been alittle better. Don't get me wrong, I liked the last case, but that motive REALLY upset me cause it was a good story, but the whole Lamiroir being Apollo's mom and stuff really saved it big time cause I did say wow.

I wished the investigation tools were used ALOT more, those were really fun. I found the defendants and witnesses...most of them, kinda lame. I didn't like Wocky or really any of the characters in that case outside of Emma. Machi was kind of lame and you couldn't connect with him. I was happy Emma didn't get the lame treatment. The "main" characters were good but that was kinda it.

I liked Hobo Phoenix, but yea I do agree about the flashback about him being cocky, that was kinda off. I think the reason why Apollo was kind of a "side" character is to make a smooth transition to Apollo which I think it did. Lets face it, people love Phoenix Wright and alot of people would have complained why wasn't he in it that much. I think he got the perfect amount of time.
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Oh yeah!
And I hated that we could only present profiles that one time the judge asked you to. D:<
That made me mad.
Image Edgey wants to be a Poke'mon master!
Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title

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It was a bit irritating whenever Apollo was being sarcastic... i thought it didn't really suit his character. Besides sarcasm is Phoenix's thing :X

At the end of 4-4 when you visit Vera at the clinic and her room was exactly the same as Phoenix's room from case 2..
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The sheer amount of missed opportunities pissed me off.

Edgeworth could've tactfully been mentioned in the development of the Mason System rather than the farce we have of a disbarred attorney being put in charge of revamping the court system.

I wish the pursuit of Kristoph had more interaction between him and Klavier, and showed Klavier's pain more. Perhaps he could've considered forging evidence to try to get his brother off the hook, which would draw parallels between him and Phoenix.

The Guitar's Serenade pissed me off. Played over and over and over and over, and it's terrible.

Hated how Phoenix stole Apollo's thunder. Hated Apollo's lack of character development. Hated how Apollo was basically a more enthusiastic Phoenix with different hair.
Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title

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Theendgamelv3 wrote:
I liked Hobo Phoenix, but yea I do agree about the flashback about him being cocky, that was kinda off. I think the reason why Apollo was kind of a "side" character is to make a smooth transition to Apollo which I think it did.

THANK GOD! I was starting to think I was the only one who sees the game that way. To me, this wasn't Apollo's game or Phoenix's game - it was the game where Phoenix's story ends and Apollo's begins. I think that was deliberate, after all:

Spoiler: 4-4 spoilers
When Klavier makes his big speech at the end, Apollo remarks 'I couldn't think of anything to say. I guess that's because...I'm only beginning to understand what law really is.

His story has only just begun.
Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title
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Salutation Here wrote:
Theendgamelv3 wrote:
I liked Hobo Phoenix, but yea I do agree about the flashback about him being cocky, that was kinda off. I think the reason why Apollo was kind of a "side" character is to make a smooth transition to Apollo which I think it did.

THANK GOD! I was starting to think I was the only one who sees the game that way. To me, this wasn't Apollo's game or Phoenix's game - it was the game where Phoenix's story ends and Apollo's begins. I think that was deliberate, after all:

Spoiler: 4-4 spoilers
When Klavier makes his big speech at the end, Apollo remarks 'I couldn't think of anything to say. I guess that's because...I'm only beginning to understand what law really is.

His story has only just begun.

I definitely agree with you! *thumbs up*
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Marmalade Sky wrote:
It was a bit irritating whenever Apollo was being sarcastic... i thought it didn't really suit his character. Besides sarcasm is Phoenix's thing :X

At the end of 4-4 when you visit Vera at the clinic and her room was exactly the same as Phoenix's room from case 2..

I love how they gave a reason for that.
Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title
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"When we left our plucky hero, we had just made A STARTLING DISCOVERY!"

*caption 'A STARTLING DISCOVERY' flashes on screen in gaudy yellow*

"He had just discovered several mysterious painting depicting his past cases!"

"Is the painter stalking our young Apollo!?"

*caption 'A SINISTER STALKER?' flashes on screen*

"Or does she possess mystical psychic powers?"

*caption 'AGORAPHOBIC CLAIRVOYANT?' flashes on screen*

"And what connection does she have to the young lawyer?"

*caption 'A LONG FORGOTTEN PAST?' flashes on screen*

"We now return you to Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice!"

*Ace Attorney:AJ logo appears on screen | fade to black*

"It's time for the trial! Phoenix told me everything I need to know, so let's get to it!"

"But Apollo...? What happened with the paintings?"

"Oh yeah... an indeterminate period of time passed and some stuff happened. Don't worry about it."

I really am the guy from the Objection! website, y'know! :(
Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title

Mystic Lawyer

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Maro-chan wrote:
The fact that you barely get to know any of the defendants kinda irked me.

Also speaking of which we never find out why Machi (or Daryan for that matter) needed money.
Or what even happened to Machi after the trial (but I think that was mentioned already). I still think Lamiroir should cared a bit more about it. ("I'm sorry Machi's on trial for the cocoon, Lamiroir!" "...Oh, he'll be fine."

Since he'll be tried here he won't get the death penalty and he'll be tried as a minor too.
Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title
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Oh and......

Spoiler: 4-4
Mike had no parts in the effing credits!!!!!


Oh and 4-4 seemed waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too easy.

Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title

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Rookie wrote:
Tank McCannon wrote:
The only thing that I didn't like about this game was the complete lack of chemistry between Apollo and Klavier, and I don't mean that in a sexual way. Honestly, Klavier and Apollo are good characters and all, but it felt like I was accomplishing nothing in the court room. There was no "spark".To be perfectly honest, it felt more satisfying beating Payne in the first case than any of the times I beat Klavier.

This is a consequence of having a prosecutor who you know is after the truth and not after defeating you. If Klavier ever displayed a strong drive to defeat Apollo, there would've been a greater sense of satisfaction in defeating him. As it stands both you, and he, are after the truth. So your victory is in victory alone, and not in triumph.

Bingo. The only reason it worked with Edgeworth and Phoenix was because we knew of their competitive history before that, and when they finally joined forces, that was the sense of accomplishment. With Apollo and Klavier, it was just kinda meh. They need to develop more of a rivalry before they become a team.
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Spoiler: 4-4
About Kristoph's motive, I also thought it was pretty weak at first... but really, it shows that he is a dangerous person who will kill over even little things. Who knows how many other people he's killed that we don't know about because he knew how to not get caught for them?

I wouldn't say anything really pissed me off, but I was disappointed at how short and easy 4-4 was and how little we got to talk to Wocky throughout all of 4-2 (though when we did, it was pretty great, especially his cross-examination, so I was still pretty happy... I need to play that case again!). But what I'd call an annoyance was THAT FREAKING VIDEO in 4-3. Of course, that was partly my fault because I couldn't resist the guitar explosion until I got completely sick of it. XD

So yeah, I was pretty happy with this game. :)

Oh yeah, there was also the fact that they missed the absolute perfect opportunity for an "Over 9000!" joke in 4-1.
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...Well that was fun

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APOLLO...he is so under developed! it just so sad!
The fact that Lamiroir basically left Machi..poor baby!
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Mr.D wrote:
"When we left our plucky hero, we had just made A STARTLING DISCOVERY!"

*caption 'A STARTLING DISCOVERY' flashes on screen in gaudy yellow*

"He had just discovered several mysterious painting depicting his past cases!"

"Is the painter stalking our young Apollo!?"

*caption 'A SINISTER STALKER?' flashes on screen*

"Or does she possess mystical psychic powers?"

*caption 'AGORAPHOBIC CLAIRVOYANT?' flashes on screen*

"And what connection does she have to the young lawyer?"

*caption 'A LONG FORGOTTEN PAST?' flashes on screen*

"We now return you to Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice!"

*Ace Attorney:AJ logo appears on screen | fade to black*

"It's time for the trial! Phoenix told me everything I need to know, so let's get to it!"

"But Apollo...? What happened with the paintings?"

"Oh yeah... an indeterminate period of time passed and some stuff happened. Don't worry about it."


Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title

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Aevitas wrote:
I was kind of annoyed at how badly Klavier's 3D model in the 4-3 video was done =\. You can kind of hide bad modeling behind a cloak and dress like Lamiroir, but Klavier's was blatantly obvious. Animated well (probably because of motion-capturing), but built quite.. badly. :sadshoe: When they made you watch it over and over again I cringed every time I saw him.

...Looked more like a sheet of paper than a 3D model to me...
Insert fangirl-ish signature here full of Photoshop glamour.
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That's how bad the model was lol. :sadshoe:
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I actually think this would've made an excellent game! It has potential but, I guess they didn't use the best of their abilities. I imagine it was rushed.
Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title
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Salutation Here wrote:
THANK GOD! I was starting to think I was the only one who sees the game that way. To me, this wasn't Apollo's game or Phoenix's game - it was the game where Phoenix's story ends and Apollo's begins.

Phoenix's Story ended with GS3, which Capcom has stated many times. I think Apollo feeling like such a background character in his own game amounts to bad writing, which GS4 had in abundance dispite still being a good game with some great ideas.
Doctor Mario is not a real doctor. Do NOT let him touch your genitals.
Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title

Mystic Lawyer

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Mr.D wrote:
"When we left our plucky hero, we had just made A STARTLING DISCOVERY!"

*caption 'A STARTLING DISCOVERY' flashes on screen in gaudy yellow*

"He had just discovered several mysterious painting depicting his past cases!"

"Is the painter stalking our young Apollo!?"

*caption 'A SINISTER STALKER?' flashes on screen*

"Or does she possess mystical psychic powers?"

*caption 'AGORAPHOBIC CLAIRVOYANT?' flashes on screen*

"And what connection does she have to the young lawyer?"

*caption 'A LONG FORGOTTEN PAST?' flashes on screen*

"We now return you to Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice!"

*Ace Attorney:AJ logo appears on screen | fade to black*

"It's time for the trial! Phoenix told me everything I need to know, so let's get to it!"

"But Apollo...? What happened with the paintings?"

"Oh yeah... an indeterminate period of time passed and some stuff happened. Don't worry about it."


Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title

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To be honest nothing about the game really pissed me off if i did have to pick something i would say the final trial was abit too short i mean it was testimony>persive which was eay to find> bits of evnidence> text end of case but since we knew everything that happened already it didnt bother me too much. It would have been nice to use crim reconstrution mode and perciveing alot more aswelll
Also we don;t know enough about apollos pasat granted he is only 15 but it will hopfully touch on in GS5 but still it was a AMAZING game :D on par with PW1 in my opinion
OBJECTION " i objection this is objectionable"

OBJECTION " i object to the witnesses talkitiveness"
Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title
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Well, wasn't the writer told that Phoenix HAD to be included in some way if there was to be a completely new story? That's Capcom's fault--not the writer's.

As far as things that annoyed me...urg. The video. That's been mentioned quite a few times. And, considering how many times it was played, I think it's worth being mentioned AGAIN. DAMN, too many repeats.

The flashbacks annoyed me. When I played the game the second time through, I was just like SKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP.

And what I find interesting is that we know more about Apollo's family than we ever learned about Phoenix's. I mean, we knew his relationship with other characters, but never anything about his parents. I just think that's cool.

The fact that Phoenix "had" to be included led to Apollo being slightly overshadowed. But, it was through Phoenix's investigation that we learned so much about Apollo. Hopefully, though, that'll be remedied in GS5 and Apollo will get the "real" spotlight.
Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title

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Um, how they bastardized all of the old characters.

Ema - whiny little bitch who vents at everyone for not being able to work in foresnics. Seriously, get over it. And stop with the munching on Snackoos. She's a lifeless ruse compared to the role that Gumshoe plays. Even in the first game he serves a critical role, such as how he rescues Phoenix from Vasquez in 1-3 and letting Phoenix into Gant's office in 1-5. I don't consider gimmicky toys such as the footprint and x-ray machines to be story development, just little things to play with that prolong the game.

Gumshoe - "Today, we win, and you lose, pal" - what the hell happened, did he get replaced with an evil clone? 1-3 Gumshoe was somewhat this disrespectful, but I think that he grew to admire how Wright always unraveled the truth, whether it be get De Killer to go after Engarde in 2-4, or the come-from-behind victory to save Gumshoe's friend Maggey in 3-3. He's always enthusiastic about treating him out to dinner at each of the final cases. 4-4 flashback Gumshoe doesn't sound like PW1-3 Gumshoe at all.

Meekins - He's so paper thin to begin with that you can't really mess him up, and they really didn't. Still the bumbling worker.

Wright - Quite the pretentious ass in this game, starting from forging evidence in 4-1 and dropping the case in Apollo in 4-4 just like that. I thought he was really cocky in the last trial even though it's just three months after 3-5. Also, his hobo outfit really just annoyed me; I liked him better wearing that suit and with spiky hair.
In Defense of the Old (Yet New) CastTopic%20Title
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hbdragon88 wrote:
Um, how they bastardized all of the old characters.

This will be fun... :karma:

hbdragon88 wrote:
Ema - whiny little bitch who vents at everyone for not being able to work in foresnics. Seriously, get over it.

Dude, this is an honest question- Did you play 1-5 (Rise from the Ashes)? Because from that kind of attitude, it doesn't seem like you did. Ema, throughout the case, is almost obsessed with scientific investigation. She really wants to become a scientific investigator, desperately so in fact. She studies abroad, so that she come back and help the police with their investigations. Then what happens? She is denied. Considering how much of her life seemed to revolve around this occupation, I can imagine her being somewhat.. jaded.

hbdragon88 wrote:
And stop with the munching on Snackoos.

Hmm... I don't see you criticizing Gumshoe for saying "pal" all the time. This is the same thing- a gimmick. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it, but you do, that's fine.

hbdragon88 wrote:
She's a lifeless ruse compared to the role that Gumshoe plays. Even in the first game he serves a critical role, such as how he rescues Phoenix from Vasquez in 1-3 and letting Phoenix into Gant's office in 1-5.

Interesting. So let's look at what Ema DOES do, shall we?

1. Allows you to go into the Clinic in 4-2, once relevancy is established.
2. She allows you to examine the footprints in 4-2, which shows how the slipper is relevant to the case.
3. In 4-3, she finds the fireworks, which are a key to blow apart Daryan's alibi.
4. In 4-3, she finds the igniter, which also helps establish that the shooting took place in the second act.
Should I go on? :godot:

hbdragon88 wrote:
I don't consider gimmicky toys such as the footprint and x-ray machines to be story development, just little things to play with that prolong the game.

So when the fingerprint/toeprint powder (with Ema's assistance) established that the toeprints of the slipper found at the scene and found on Alita's shoes were identical, that didn't develop the story? When the "x-ray machine" revealed the rough sketches of "Drew Misham's" drawings to be key parts of Apollo's cases, that didn't develop the story?

hbdragon88 wrote:
Gumshoe - "Today, we win, and you lose, pal" - what the hell happened, did he get replaced with an evil clone?

Ermm... no, he's just being competitive. It happens when somebody ends up finding contradictions in your testimony over and over again in various cases, and often pointing out blunders that make him look unintelligent. If the same thing happened to me, I'm certain I'd be rather eager to finally "beat" Phoenix too. Besides, it sets up some depressing dramatic irony at the end of the flashback.

hbdragon88 wrote:
1-3 Gumshoe was somewhat this disrespectful, but I think that he grew to admire how Wright always unraveled the truth, whether it be get De Killer to go after Engarde in 2-4, or the come-from-behind victory to save Gumshoe's friend Maggey in 3-3.

You have to keep in mind that there was something at stake in each of those cases.
2-4: Maya had been kidnapped
3-3: Maggey's life was at stake.

hbdragon88 wrote:
He's always enthusiastic about treating him out to dinner at each of the final cases.

Yes, because he does consider Phoenix a friend outside of the courtroom, but when they're in the courtroom, the gloves come off. (Unless of course, there's some motivation for Gumshoe to be on Phoenix's "side", like in 1-4, 3-3, or 2-4.)

hbdragon88 wrote:
4-4 flashback Gumshoe doesn't sound like PW1-3 Gumshoe at all.

At the beginning of 2-4, when you present the profile of Juan Corrida, you get this piece of dialogue.

:eh?:: I'm not a real fan of action shows or anything... But I know who Juan Corrida
and Matt Engarde are.

:phoenix:: You can't talk about one
without talking about the other, I guess.

:eh?:: They even debuted around the same time. So they have this real fiery
rivalry with each other. Kinda like you and me, pal!

:phoenix: : (I never knew he thought of
me as a rival...)

hbdragon88 wrote:
Wright - Quite the pretentious ass in this game, starting from forging evidence in 4-1

You have to keep in mind that at the time there was no evidence of the "fourth person" at the scene of the crime, and so he had no choice but to fake the evidence. So at any rate, it was for great justice. Besides, he DID "forge" evidence at the end of 3-3, pretending that he had the poison. (I'm still shocked that Godot didn't call him on it right at the beginning, though.) Regardless, you could tell that he did feel guilty, since he goaded Apollo into punching him because of it.

hbdragon88 wrote:
and dropping the case in Apollo in 4-4 just like that.

I'm pretty sure that he had decided that the case the last night before, according to the game. So he didn't really have much of a choice.

hbdragon88 wrote:
I thought he was really cocky in the last trial even though it's just three months after 3-5.

The fact that so many people seem to think that shocks me. Nick wasn't being "cocky" at all. If anybody was being overconfident, it was Klavier. He was making plenty of remarks that showed a total lack of humility, despite this being his first trial (if I remember correctly.) So he was trying to knock the rookie down a peg or two, and Klavier definately deserved it.
"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."- Thomas Jefferson
... Yeah. Wow.
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I didn't like not presenting profiles, like I think someone mentioned.

The name Pal Meraktis still pisses me off. I'm sorry. That name is just stupid. Mel Peraktis, plz k thnx?

Klavier's broken German. It really annoyed me. I know Armstrong did it with French, but...hearing a prosecutor constantly do it REALLY annoyed me! Gah! And "Herr Forehead?" It doesn't even make sense. I never understood the whole forehead thing in Naruto, anyways. What with Sakuratard and Ino and all. You have to have a freakishly big forehead for me to notice, and I don't think Apollo Justice had one. XP

Ema Skye. D: No, just kidding. <3 I love her more than Gumshoe. What did piss me off is that we didn't get to see her chummy with only exchange the powder with her. I'd love to see her interact with him. D:

The same judge being recycled.

The strange absence of my favorite character, :shoe: .
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I agree with everything said up there by ProsecutionRests. ^ :godot:

Spoilers follow:

I suppose, my faults with the games are this:

1. You can't present profiles!
2. Klavier's model during the video. (The animation was excellent, though.)
3. How Klavier didn't seem like a challenge, he never cut Apollo down and even tried to help him on occasion.
4. The lack of a showdown at the end.

I was, initially, let down by the ending to 4-4. The ending to 4-1 implied this HUGE SERIOUS OMG AMAZING motive for why Kristoph would kill Zak, and you spent most of the game waiting for it. And waiting. And waiting. And then, suddenly, you seen those SUPER EVIL Locks, during the flashback. Of course, the motive turned out to be nothing more than 'He hurt my ego.'

After the Mason System, I had a theory: Kristoph felt really bad for Phoenix, and took him under his wing to make up for forcing him to take the fall. I expected Kristoph to turn out to be the victim, forced to take revenge for something Zak had done to him in the past. How wrong I turned out to be.

Then the amazing-ness of the ending hit me like a train and everything clicked. Kristoph was a Sociopath. He didn't have a proper 'motive', and he never would. He didn't feel sorry for Phoenix, he simply befriended him so he could easily keep track of him. Kristoph even belittled and put down Kalvier at every opportunity, acting as the better, smarter and superior brother. It was why the ending was so short, Klavier had finally found out his brother's true nature. The game was over, literally. It was the final case that made me finally, fully, understand Klavier's character (And made point 3 no longer a problem. Although realising that prosecution was his hobby during the third case cleared that up, anyway. The true nature of WHY it was his hobby just made it seem even better.) After that, there was nothing left for the story to do. (Which negated Point 4, as the ending turned out to be an incredible showdown after all.)

So that really leaves me with only two problems:
1. You can't present profiles!
2. Klavier's model during the video. (The animation was excellent, though.)

And I don't think they're big enough problems to annoy me.

All in my opinion, of course, but I loved it. The Kristoph/Klavier relationship is my favourite plot out of the entire series.

Oh, and incuritis too. What were you thinking, Capcom? :beef:
Re: What pissed you off in Apollo Justice? SpoilersTopic%20Title

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Yes, I KNOW how much Ema likes scientific query, but just because she doesn't get her "dream job" doesn't give her the right to be so pissed off at everyone. OMG, you didn't get the job you wanted. I think she should focus on getting her job now - detective - being as good as she can get.

Pal really didn't annoy me. Plus you have "Hey, that's MY endearing character trait!" in 1-3, which I thought was funny, compared to her throwing Snackoos at Apollo in court, which was not funny.

Gumshoe does the same thing: he lets you into the Employee Area after Oldbag says you can't. And by major events, I consider them to be game altering, rescue scenarios. At least, that's what I was driving at with 1-3, but now that you've pointed out 4-3, I realize that's exactly what Gumshoe did in 1-5. I could example how he saved you from Tigre in 3-3 and the evidence gathering in 2-4, but I avoided this because it's not fair to compare Gumshoe in three games compared to new Ema in one case.

I just never considered them as cool as when Gumshoe saves Phoenix from the mafia. But I acknowledge that they do advance the story.

Maybe you're right. It's just my feeling that it was unusually competitive on Gumshoe's part to be so judgmental. You make a good point in how Gumshoe treats Phoenix as a friend outside of the courthouse.

About 4-1 Pheonix forging evidence, I see that there are two huge sides to it: you either believe the ends (Krisoph guilty) justify the means (forging evidence), or that they do not. I do not believe they justify the means. And I see a difference between 3-3 and 4-1. Gumshoe verified that Tigre's fingeprints were on the green bottle. That was true. He just lied about what was inside. Er, I guess not, really...I guess you COULD say that the card was "real" as well.

Nick WAS being cocky. He hadn't even met Klavier yet and he was already contemptuous of him (I just replayed the defendant's lobby scene before Wright's last trial) by saying that there's always a so-called genius every year in the Prosecutor's Office. People who think he is cocky will point out that Godot was just as "new" and Phoenix wasn't contemptuous there.
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There was no Real Rivalry between Apollo and Klavier.

In 1-2. You will really hate edgeworth's guts, plus the fact that after you presented the autopsy report, suddenly edgeworth saying that mia might have not died instantly. Makes you kind of angry and really tought that that he bribed the coroner just to add that detail in.
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hbdragon88 wrote:
Yes, I KNOW how much Ema likes scientific query, but just because she doesn't get her "dream job" doesn't give her the right to be so pissed off at everyone. OMG, you didn't get the job you wanted. I think she should focus on getting her job now - detective - being as good as she can get.

That would be a legitimate response. However, Ema's reaction still doesn't seem that annoying to me. Ema loves science. We know this. If I recall correctly, it was also rather recently that she returned to the States, which makes the reaction even more natural. I mean, you work for your dream job for so long, even moving to a different country so that you can become the best candidate that you can be. Then you come back, and get turned down due to a factor that you didn't anticipate, and can't really correct. (Being clumsy.) I can imagine the wound still cutting pretty deep, and still being rather bitter about it.

Then again, I actually do hope that her character develops in the future, and she grows to find her job at least... bearable. Or maybe she'll get her wish and somehow become a forensic investigator. That's fine by me too. :godot: (I love that smilie. Don't ask me why, I just do. :sadshoe: )

hbdragon88 wrote:
Pal really didn't annoy me. Plus you have "Hey, that's MY endearing character trait!" in 1-3, which I thought was funny, compared to her throwing Snackoos at Apollo in court, which was not funny.

Hey, I'm not saying that incident in 1-3 wasn't funny. I'm just saying that it is just a gimmick, and you are going to either like it, or not. I personally liked the Snackoos at times, but I understand how you could find it unfunny and irritating. (After a while, it did grow stale. I'll give you that. Then again, I found that a lot of things grew stale in GS4.)

hbdragon88 wrote:
Gumshoe does the same thing: he lets you into the Employee Area after Oldbag says you can't. And by major events, I consider them to be game altering, rescue scenarios.

Hmm... I see your point now. The problem is that Ema hasn't had any possible "rescue scenarios" that could demonstrate if she would help Apollo or not, so I'm not sure if we can make any judgements of her character because of this.

hbdragon88 wrote:
I could example how he saved you from Tigre in 3-3 and the evidence gathering in 2-4, but I avoided this because it's not fair to compare Gumshoe in three games compared to new Ema in one case.

Very true.

hbdragon88 wrote:
I just never considered them as cool as when Gumshoe saves Phoenix from the mafia.

So far Ema hasn't really had a chance to show off her Apollo-saving skills, while Gumshoe has had those opportunities (sp?) with Phoenix. So maybe we should wait until such a situation arises, and see how Ema reacts, before we bash her because the game hasn't given her the chances that it's given Gumshoe.

I mean, has there been a time where Apollo needed saving, Ema could conceivably come to his rescue, but didn't?

hbdragon88 wrote:
But I acknowledge that they do advance the story.

Glad to hear it. :will:

hbdragon88 wrote:
Maybe you're right. It's just my feeling that it was unusually competitive on Gumshoe's part to be so judgmental.

Here's another point. Gumshoe does often end up getting really fired up, and since this is the first time he's seen Phoenix in a while, it plausible that Gumshoe was just getting excited to be able to present his testimony to Phoenix again.

hbdragon88 wrote:
About 4-1 Pheonix forging evidence, I see that there are two huge sides to it: you either believe the ends (Krisoph guilty) justify the means (forging evidence), or that they do not. I do not believe they justify the means. And I see a difference between 3-3 and 4-1. Gumshoe verified that Tigre's fingeprints were on the green bottle. That was true. He just lied about what was inside. Er, I guess not, really...I guess you COULD say that the card was "real" as well.

That is what I was trying to get at. But that just shows that you should say what you want to say instead of beating around the bush. :sadshoe: The ace was taken by the killer, we know that. In addition, the most logical reason that the killer would take that ace, from what I can see, is because it had blood on it, and the killer didn't want how they got into the room to be revealed. So it's not as if Nick was just making evidence out of thin air, they just needed a physical representation of the lost "fifth ace", which is what Phoenix designed.

hbdragon88 wrote:
Nick WAS being cocky. He hadn't even met Klavier yet and he was already contemptuous of him (I just replayed the defendant's lobby scene before Wright's last trial) by saying that there's always a so-called genius every year in the Prosecutor's Office. People who think he is cocky will point out that Godot was just as "new" and Phoenix wasn't contemptuous there.

Hmm... if I recall correctly, it was "thoroughbred of the prosecutor's office". Regardless, although this is more conjecture than anything, I personally find it probable. I think that Godot may very well have been the straw that broke the camel's back. I mean, Atmey heaped all this praise upon Godot, even saying that Miles Edgeworth had said the fellow was the best prosecutor in the US, and he ended up being somebody who had never even taken a case before! It's quite plausible, at least in my mind, that Phoenix became rather skeptical of such reputations after Godot, and this skepticism came out in a sarcastic quip.
"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."- Thomas Jefferson
... Yeah. Wow.
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hbdragon88 wrote:
Meekins - He's so paper thin to begin with that you can't really mess him up, and they really didn't. Still the bumbling work

I really don't see how that's basterdizeing him. Mike's probably better now considering he hasn't used his megaphone that much this time around. Not that I in particular have a problem with the megaphone, considering there is VOLUME-EFFING-CONTROLS! USE IT! At anyrate, Mike seemed a tiny bit more mellowed out. Probably because he's not being accused of murder this time around. He seemed a bit more desperate really. Instead of enthusiastically taking charge of his job with hardly any complaints. He tells about his hardships more in this one, yet he went through being stabbed in the hand and only once or twice whined about it. He repeats this line at least three times: "I lost my friends, my wallet, and my girl, sir!"

That's all.

Oh and another thing a little unrelated. WHO would dump somone like Mike! That little HARPIE! If she existed I'd pull her hair out, one strand at a time!!!! GRAGH!

*huff puff*

I'm done. :D
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Ah, Meekins. I liked him, he had some of the wittiest lines in the game in his interaction with Phoenix, it's a shame that I can't remember them anymore. He had good wordplay schemes in 4-4.

It annoyed me that you couldn't present profiles, they added great depths to character interaction, and I would have loved seeing what Kristoph would have to say about certain people.

While I liked the general outline of 4-4, I can't say that I liked its specifics, nor how everything turned out to be "fated coincidence" -- something that was bound to happen, but the pieces just fell together so conveniently... Motivations, coincidences, they all piled up and left me pondering for a long time. Couldn't figure out whether I was pondering because it was deep, or pondering if I was puzzled, though.
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Rikyon! You get a cookie and hug for saying that! :3 *hugs and gives cookie*
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Um, thanks? I think? I'll take a free cookie when I see one, though. =D

I can't for the life of me remember what he said, though. Something about his progression in life, how he went from officer to baliff to something lower than that, it had this great wordplay.

I guess we didn't have that much wordplay in AJ, either; T&T had Luke "Might You My Merry Motive Manifest" Atmey, but AJ seemed to focus on culture puns (e.g., Orly) rather than wordplay. Subtle difference. Seeing wordplay come back into the picture made me grin madly. (However, Kristoph won my instant respect by using the word "droll.")
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Ah, sorry. There's just not that much respect for Mike on these forums. So I award anyone who gives him a chance.
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ProsecutionRests wrote:
The problem is that Ema hasn't had any possible "rescue scenarios" that could demonstrate if she would help Apollo or not, so I'm not sure if we can make any judgements of her character because of this.

Maybe this is the reason why I found Apollo Justice to be so bland: there isn't enough strife, enough set up, enough awesome confrontations. The best Ema gets to do is impersonate Kristoph and allow Apollo to find traces of atroquinine poisoning to validate his scenario of how Drew was poisoned. And while I liked that, that was it.

1-3 alone illustrates this well: Gumshoe rescuing you from the mafia boys makes Vasquez that much more evil and Gumshoe that much more of a hero. You know it has to be her at that point and she almost tried to erase you, making it even sweeter when you bash her down during court (as well as Edgeworth coming to the rescue by forcing her to testify and pointing out a contradiction).

Also, in 1-2, White punches you, and in 1-4, Von Karma shocks you and steals nearly all of the evidence to DL-6. In 1-5, Gant fires Gumshoe and even takes Ema away ("Come to my office, Ema.") to raise the tension.

But IIRC (and I'm using this as my stalwart defense), nothing like that is presented in AJ. You don't get to confront Alita about the chart records until during the trial. Kristoph has unclear motivation until the events of 4-4 transpire. Daryan...he's a strange villain, to be sure, with very limited interaction with him. And Kristoph x2 - well, as others have stated, they didn't feel like they did enough to cause him to break down. Count me as one of those who thought, "Wait, is that all?"
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MikeMeekinsFan wrote:
Ah, sorry. There's just not that much respect for Mike on these forums. So I award anyone who gives him a chance.

I think I understand your sentiment. Nothing to apologize for, don't worry.

As for the general blandness: Yes, I did feel as if it was bland and that there wasn't as much "pure action" as there was before -- nobody being threatened, nobody getting beaten up, et cetera. That did feel a bit disappointing, and I'm not quite sure what to make of it.

It was good, it just wasn't enough.
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Spoiler: -4-3 spoilers
It really irked me at the end of the trial when Lamiroir said something about Machi being in the grasp of evil. He smuggled a cure for a terminal illness. Isn't that essentially benign? It's only when you do a Daryan and start killing people over it that it becomes evil. It just struck me as being harsh and out of character for Lamiroir (who I really came to love over the course of the case.)
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