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Re: Best. Quotes. Ever. in AAI. Period.Topic%20Title


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Self pwn for the win!
Edgeworth: Your Honor, if I may, I'd like to test your witness testimony to see how it stands up
Judge:D-Do you doubt me!? Am I your new suspect!?
Edgeworth:...In a sense I suppose you could say that
Franziska: Even you a Judge is nothing but a common witness before a von Karma!
Judge: Silence in the courtroom! Silence, I said!
Judge: Mr. New Prosecutor Recommended by Manfred von Karma and Ms. Genius Prosecutor Genius to Manfred von Karma Franzisk...ack...!
Franziska: You bit your tongue again, didn't you?

Re: Best. Quotes. Ever. in AAI. Period.Topic%20Title

yeah so I left.

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Paraphrased greatly, but:

Gummy: Wow, Mr Edgeworth, you even read law books during flights?
Edgey: Of course, Detective.
Gummy: Wait... There's another book in here! "Steel Samurai's Adv..."
Edgey: Detective! Cease and desist before I sue you for invasion of privacy!
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Phoenix_Justice wrote:
not the exact thing,but

Spoiler: case 2
:edgeworth: is it me? or do elevators have rising hatred for me?

Pun intended. :will:

Spoiler: Case 5, not really a spoiler save the appearance of a certain character, paraphrased (sorry!!)
Larry: Aww, it's okay! I find that side of your personality cute.
Franziska: Miles Edgeworth! I can see that there really really is something special in the friendship between the two of you.
Edgey: (Ahh! That's not "friendship!")

Damn right it's not. :hotti:

Thank you to Zinle for the capeless Trucy
Sig by eliska
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And the whole "But, the mobiles spin those babies right round, like a record!" thing x3

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Rhoda: Mr. Hicks... If you're really dead, then please answer, "yes"...
Edgeworth: I see she's over the trembling now... although a new symptom seems to have appeared...

Made me laugh lol.
Thanks to Black-Harmonia! :)
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Stupid character limit.

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Ah, no one's mentioned the part about Payne yet (Aside from his sprite appearing).
From examining one of the doors in the hallway:

Edgeworth: Nonsense, a man doesn't become more or less dignified because of where he works.
Gumshoe: Well, he still seems more dignified than Mr. Payne.
Edgeworth: (Mr. Payne...? I suppose custodial work can also be dignified.)

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Scary Cat

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Spoiler: Case 4
*kay runs in for the first time*
:karma: What does this girl want?
Kay: ...You're scary mister.
:karma: ...!

Image Avatar/Signature sprites done by good folk at Crystal Gun Girl Game
Re: Best. Quotes. Ever. in AAI. Period.Topic%20Title

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Here's one I thought was funny:

Spoiler: massive spoiler for cases 4 + 5
Edgeworth: We will know if someone were to wear the coat...Detective Gumshoe.

Shih-na: Phwwh...Wait! Are you trying to ruin my coat!? You don't honestly believe that tub of lard can fit in my coat, do you?
Re: Best. Quotes. Ever. in AAI. Period.Topic%20Title
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A True English Diva-To-Be <3

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"The clouds.... They say nothing."

Poor Edgey, rejected by his new friends :3
Click on Janice for graphics ^^
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"I see", Said the blind man.

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Edgeworth: It seems that today's youth can't even tell "particle" from "participle"

Rhoda:Oh, Mr. Edgeworth, how could you go around using made up words like "participle"?
My bologna has a first name. It's Steve.
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A True English Diva-To-Be <3

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Gumshoe: "Holy suitcases, Mr. Edgeworth! It's like an all-you-can-eat suitcase fair!"
Click on Janice for graphics ^^
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the Rock Pokemon

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Tagging everything to be safe:

Spoiler: case 2
Lablanc: Tell this man to stop stopping me from going!

Edgeworth: Don't sleep while I'm pointing my finger at you!

Spoiler: case 3
Kay: That's it! This must be the key for one of those trapdoors!
Edgeworth: That wasn't a trapdoor. You only call it one because you quite literally jumped into it.
Kay: Hey, but isn't that what you're supposed to do when you see one?
Edgeworth: I am not having this conversation with you.
Re: Best. Quotes. Ever. in AAI. Period.Topic%20Title
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What the Devil is going on here?

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Spoiler: Case 3 & 5. No spoilers, just a bit long
(sorry for the re-phrasing im only doing it from memory)
The bit where Lang walks in for the fisrt time and all the agents are counting. He says something like "None of my cubs is a number! You all have the names your parents gave you. You are all Number 1's!"
Then the next time you see them counting they're like "1" "1" "1" "1"....
Officer: "All 99 #1's are accounted for, so it's most likely everyone is here, Shifu!"
I lol'd so hard at that. Then the bit drectly after that
Lang: Hey, second Number 1 to my left! Here's a birthday present for you.
Officers: blah blah..I didnt know he knew so much about us. blahh blahh
Second #1: Uh sir? It's not my birthday.
Lang: I know that. It's for your younger brother's wife's younger brother. Tell him I said "hi" and "Happy Birthday"
Officers: blahh blahhh we love you shifu blahh blahh
Edgey: (I'll leave them to their 'alone time') XDDDD

And all the bits in case 4 where Edgey gets into staring competitions with gaurds and stuff. I Think he even gets into one with his reflection.. then he says "...I won"
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lol boobs.

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I dont know if this has been mentioned before, but I'm gonna post it anyway D=

Spoiler: case 3
Oldbag: I'm the Pink Badger right now to the kids. But don't you think I'd be even more lovable if I kept this headpiece off?
Edgeworth: Think of the children!
You're the one who wanted to keep their sweet dreams alive, right?

I loved that one haha

"also you meant: Are you from Germany, sorry on the one hand I am not sure about English grammar on the other hand I am a grammar nazi" - Coffee Prosecutor

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Bad Badger - A vile criminal with a GUN!

I love it. Don't know why though...
Clickie the sig to go to my sprites! (Updated 10-14-10!)Court Records - The Game!
Thanks to PandaPrinzessin for the signature!
Son to Meenyman and kaisap112! Plus, brother to Madame Sho and Dawn!
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Has a better ring to it than
Spoiler: AAI-2
"Cammy Meele - A vile criminal with a FLOOR!"
at least
Billie Jean is not my lover.
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When presenting wrong evidence to Gumshoe and Maggey in Case 1:
Gumshoe: I'm just a lowly detective so... I'm not sure what to do with that, other than arrest it!
Maggey: I'm just a lowly security guard so... I'm not sure what to do with that, other than guard it!
Hehehe, I thought that was cute and funny that they both said similar things :3

Spoiler: Case 2
Gumshoe: M-Mr. Edgeworth! What is this super-expensive-looking feast of Jurassic proportions?
Edgeworth: It's just the food they serve in First Class
Gumshoe: Wow! I am so jealous, sir! I wanna ride in First Class sometime!
Edgeworth: (Right... When pigs fly and I own my own private jet...)

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Oi! Who merged the big thread into the small one thereby screwing up the thread views and the topic title?
Read my fic(s)!
Friedrich Nietzsche wrote:
We have no dreams at all or interesting ones. We should learn to be awake the same way — not at all or in an interesting manner.
Re: Best. Quotes. Ever. in AAI. Period.Topic%20Title
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the Rock Pokemon

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Sorry if posted, haven't read case 5 spoilers cause I'm currently playing it, but this is safe:

Edgeworth: It's the charred remains of a fallen ceiling fan.
Kay: Oh! I've seen a few of these before! They spin around and around, and play music!
Edgeworth: ...I believe you're thinking of a musical mobile for babies.
Kay: Yes, that's it!
Edgeworth: But they're nothing alike.
Kay: They're totally alike! They spin those babies right round, like a record!
Edgeworth: I... see... I guess I can see how you might think that...

Spoiler: case 5 spoiler
Franziska: Because my cute little subordinate is going to try his very best, isn't he?
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Phoenix Wright: The Contempt of Court
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Spoiler: Case 5
Alba: Heh heh heh heh. I am the master of my fear.

[[Keeeeeee.... Kinda reminds me of this one line from the Big Bang Theory... >>;;; ]]
Spoiler: Said quote
Sheldon: ...I do not have to urinate.
I am the master of my own bladder.


Spoiler: Case 5
Franziska: All of you Steel Samurai actors are the same. The director has my complete sympathy.

Spoiler: Case 5 -- Long quote is LONG... >>;;;
Oldbag: Cheer up! Because I'm about to give you the most wonderful thing!

Edgeworth: ? The most "wonderful thing"...? From you...?

Oldbag: It's so super special that I couldn't give it away to just anyone, you know! Ah, my special present of love to my sweet Edgey-poo... Are you ready!? ... Is this!

Edgeworth: I-It's...!

Kay: .........

Lang: .........

Franziska: .........

Gumshoe: It's... a box of those "Samurai Dogs", right?

Oldbag: Yes! Oh, Edgey-poo! Here, go on and eat one and you'll feel as right as rain!

Edgeworth: .........

Spoiler: Case 5, near the very end
Kay: Don't worry! I'll be back! I'll be sure to break the lock on the window and sneak in!

Spoiler: Case 1
Portsman: We were partners! Like inseparable conjoined twins!

Re: Best. Quotes. Ever. in AAI. Period.Topic%20Title
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Anything from the shop? Cornetto.

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Gumshoe says 'coinkidink'. Believe it or not, my sister had began saying that a few years ago. XD.

Why must you insist on killing my mother over and over again? ~Irving Onegin
Re: Best. Quotes. Ever. in AAI. Period.Topic%20Title

Two more games coming up soon

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Spoiler: case 5
Edgeworth - Can a coupon really inspire people to do such incredible things?
Could that be a reference to the chicken fight from Family Guy?

Creator of Apollo Justice Case 5: Turnabout Substitution: Trailer - Download
Co-creator of New Year's Turnabout, Turnabout Revolution, and At Dawn's Break
Re: Best. Quotes. Ever. in AAI. Period.Topic%20Title
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Feast your eyes, peasants

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Lance Amano! You killed Mr.DEvora in the Haunted House with the revolver!
~.* stop winking at me you oversexed frenchman *.~
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Hikka wrote:
Spoiler: Case 5
Alba: Heh heh heh heh. I am the master of my fear.

[[Keeeeeee.... Kinda reminds me of this one line from the Big Bang Theory... >>;;; ]]
Spoiler: Said quote
Sheldon: ...I do not have to urinate.
I am the master of my own bladder.

Yeah, I can see the similarity. Alba probably isn't a master of his own bladder at his age, either. :magistrate:

"Descole? You don't mean Mr. I-Like-to-Wreck-Things-with-Mechanical-Monsters-and-Dress-Up-as-Posh-Ladies Descole?" -Emmy Altava

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Spoiler: AAI-5
Oldbag: I didn't "steal" anything, I simply received them for myself!

Re: Best. Quotes. Ever. in AAI. Period.Topic%20Title


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Percei wrote:
Spoiler: AAI-5
Potatosack: Me, Myself, and I didn't "steal" anything, Me, Myself, and I simply received them for myself!

I think thats one of the best qouts from AAI
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Gumshoe wrote:
"Holy suitcases, Mr. Edgeworth!"

"Every time I talk to Oldbag, my biological clock goes up by ten months"
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Save poor Gumshoe!

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I like,
Miles, "You Fail" and Judge, "I bit ma tongue..." the most. :yogi:
"The only time a lawyer can cry, is when it's all over" ~ Godot.
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Spoiler: Case 3
"The badger I saw was actually the dead body of the victim!

It may not be too great of a quote in itself, but I do love how it makes no sense and sounds extremely absurd if you don't know the exact context of the entire case xD
Credit to Evolina for the sig+avatar!
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Quercus: Clearly none of you know the pain of a bad hip.

I love this quote, it made me laugh so much because of the context it was in.
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Bad Player wrote:
Spoiler: Case 3
"The badger I saw was actually the dead body of the victim!

It may not be too great of a quote in itself, but I do love how it makes no sense and sounds extremely absurd if you don't know the exact context of the entire case xD

There are several like that in the previous games.
"It's gotta be the bananas, Nick!"
"The spork is a wonderful invention."

EDIT: Ah! And of course most of the panty-related jokes in 4-2, but this one takes the cake:
Stickler: I have got to know the secret of your panties! My very existance depends on it!
I'm gone for so long, and the colors got all psychedelic! Woohoo!
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Katana wrote:
There are several like that in the previous games.
"It's gotta be the bananas, Nick!"
"The spork is a wonderful invention."

Those are weird, but I like the one from case 3 better because it has to do with the plot, not some random side-conversation. Although that 4-2 panty one does take the cake in terms of being crazy and making no sense out of context.
Credit to Evolina for the sig+avatar!
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Spoiler: Case 4
:sadshoe: : I already told you, I didn't do it, pal!
:edgeworth: : I'll be the judge of that.
:franny: : *whip* No, I'LL be the judge of that!
:udgy: : No, no, no, I'm the judge here, I'LL be the judge of that!
:sadshoe: : I wish you all wouldn't be so judgemental...

Spoiler: Case 5
:edgeworth: : I'll never accept you as a Steel Samurai fan!

:edgeworth: : :objection:
Go away.

Lang: Quercus Alba! You BASTARD!
Alba: Do not address me with that filthy word ever again.

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:edgeworth: Nnnngggghhhhoooo! M-My tea set! They'll pay for this...!
:eh?: Sounds like you really liked that tea set...
:edgeworth: This tea set is very dear to me and can only be bought in Britain!

= <3
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takes himself too seriously

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Spoiler: ending credits.. referencing a major plot twist in-game
Detective Badd: Today I had to testify in court today... as the Yatagarasu...
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What the Devil is going on here?

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Flav10mPM wrote:

Spoiler: ending credits.. referencing a major plot twist in-game
Detective Badd: Today I had to testify in court today... as the Yatagarasu...

Haha I noticed that too. Trust them to put the typos in right where everyone will definately notice them!

Paraphrased Quotes are paraphrased..
Lang: ...humans cant fly...
Edgeworth: Thats bloody obvious!

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I believe these were mentioned:

Spoiler: Case 4
  • "With your height, you'd need four stepladders to be able to whip me in the back."
    This may prove Miles is a stepladder man?
  • "My eyes locked with my reflection's! As a student of Von Karma, I must not back down!" ... "I won."
    This is FTW. This totally made me laugh.

.: Click on the pictures for links! :.

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Spoiler: Case 4
When presenting things to Calisto Yew during the middle of the investigation...

(Presenting the Prosecutor's Badge)
Edgeworth: It is a shame that we will not be able to face each other. It was to be my first trial, too.
Yew: Oh, was that a declaration of war? How nice it is to be young and carefree.
Yew: And what a nice squeaky clean badge you've got yourself there. I'm jealous!
Edgeworth: I'm sure its gleam will dull over time with experience.
Yew: Phwwh... Are you saying your reputation will also tarnish over time with it?
Edgeworth: Nngh...! That's not what I meant!
Yew: Phwwh! Well, you just can't avoid some things in life.
Edgeworth: (I'll never allow my badge or my reputation to become tarnished...)

(Presenting KG-8 Incident Overview)
Yew: My sister was killed in that incident...
Yew: And the defendant, Manny Coachen, got off scot-free due to a lack of evidence!
Yew: It's so frustrating... The prosecution was a breath away from putting him away.
Edgeworth: (She's not laughing at this particular topic... Although, it's to be expected.)
Yew: ...Phwwwh! I can't believe what a forceful face you're making!
Yew: Ahahahaha! That face is totally killing me!
Edgeworth: (Nngh... Well that moment of seriousness was short-lived...)

(Presenting Det. Gumshoe's Testimony)
Yew: Circumstantial evidence and a motive... It all points to that detective, doesn't it?
Yew: On top of that, even his testimony turned out to be a lie.
Yew: Well, that's what you get when you trust a criminal. They're all just liars in the end.
Edgeworth: (All criminals are liars...? Well, at least we agree on something.)
Edgeworth: But that detective is telling a lie that is nothing but a disservice to himself...
Yew: ...Phwwwh. You're really too naive, Edgeworth.
Edgeworth: Hmph. You don't understand. If I should leave even the smallest mystery unsolved...
Edgeworth: *finger wag* ...I can't really claim to have conducted the perfect investigation.
Yew: Phwwh... "The perfect investigation"...!
Edgeworth: (Speaking of... I fear that why she laughs when she does is a mystery I may never solve.)

(Presenting Knife)
Yew: Mr. Faraday was killed with this knife, correct...?
Yew: I feel bad for him -- being killed by evidence you prepared yourself is just awful.
Edgeworth: Ms. Yew, what do you think about this piece of evidence?
Yew: What do I think? Well, other than the blood, it's a very pretty and ornate knife.
Yew: I'd love to use it as an ornament in my home.
Yew: If it's alright with you, may I have it?
Edgeworth: Wh-What are you talking about!? This is a weapon that was used to kill something with!
Yew: ...Phwwh! Ahahahahahaha! Why so serious!? I think someone needs to loosen up!
Edgeworth: Gnnrk! (There she goes again!)

(Presenting the Handgun)
Yew: Looks like Mr. Rell was killed by the very gun he used to kill the Embassy staff member.
Edgeworth: You speak of the concept of karma, I assume...?
Edgeworth: And that you take your life into your own hands when you commit a crime, correct?
Edgeworth: Hmph... I never thought I'd be dealing with a gun this soon upon becoming a prosecutor.
Yew: Ah, well, for a veteran like me, they're pretty much par for the course.
Yew: To be honest, even if it's just once, I've always wanted to try firing one.
Yew: Hey! Is that thing loaded? Do you think I could give it a try right now?
Edgeworth: D-Don't be ridiculous! This isn't some kind of toy!
Yew: Phwwh! ...Phwwwwh! I was only joking! Duh!
Edgeworth: (Why is it that anything I have to say is a joke to her...?)

Some of these quotes are foreshadowing a bit... Hmm...

Proud shipper of FeeniexIris, ApolloxEma.
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Spoiler: Fail quote from Case 3
When presenting wrong evidence to prove that the stadium shooting was a set up (paraphrased)

Lang: "I give that logic, a ZERO out of ten!"

Edgeworth: ZERO!? That was at least a 6.8!
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