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Nice girls [Klavier/Vera - Chapter Two - 06/30/10]Topic%20Title
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Hey everyone. Well, I'm finally back on the forum and the other day i discovered a new pairing that i must say i rather liked - Klavier/Vera. I was struck by inspiration and so began writing this.

I hope people like it-

Title: Nice Girls
Author: Missile. X
Rating: For now PG due to mild swearing. There's a tiny chance that it may a little saucy (and be "saucy" i don't mean graphic S.E.X) in later chapters but that really does depend on what i want for the story as it goes on.
Genre: Romance
Status: In-Progress. Estimated about 6-7 chapters.
Pairing: Vera/Klavier
Summary: When Klavier called upon Vera to check on her he didn’t really know what he hoped to find - acceptance, the person who he really was or maybe even friendship? He certainly didn’t expect to find love.

Chapter OneA courtesy call

Klavier put his guitar down and stretched, putting his arms into the air and grimacing a little. It was a warm and sunny day and the type of day which, ordinarily, Klavier Gavin would’ve enjoyed a huge amount, but today? Nah, he wasn’t feeling it. It’d been a good three weeks since his brothers other misdeeds had been discovered and on one hand he felt Kristoph deserved everything he’d gotten. Of course, to Klavier (who was only human, after all) everything had had happened had been a bit of a shock to him. The few weeks had been a bit of daze and almost didn’t feel real.

He remembered feeling like this when Kristoph’s first murder had been discovered. Obviously, it was more of a shock then, though. I mean, to Klavier, Kristoph had been something of a mentor, big brother and a father figure, all rolled into one and it was altogether foreign seeing him as a cruel murderer. Murdering someone for not choosing him as their attorney, killing a (for the most part) innocent man and poisoning a young girl? That wasn’t the Kristoph he’d known.

He sat for a while musing over the people that Kristoph had hurt. That poor Misham girl no longer had a father and it was the same for Trucy Wright.

There was stupid part of him that felt guilty. Klavier knew he shouldn’t, he certainly hadn’t done any of those things and yet, none the less he was certainly embarrassed about the things his brother had done. Perhaps it was Klavier’s responsibility to apologize? Kristoph certainly couldn’t and frankly, Klavier doubted he was sorry anyway.

He stood up, deciding to take action and do something about the guilt he felt of his brother’s behalf. He knew Trucy was fine. She had Phoenix Wright to look after her. Vera Misham had no one. He made his choice to go round and see her tomorrow, just to check she was okay and say sorry.

He knew exactly where her flat was as he’d spent so much time in it during the case of her father’s murder. It was rather small and pokey and the building itself was ugly made of grey concrete. He knocked, somewhat gingerly. He had to admit he was nervous. He had no idea what kind of state she might be in. She could be angry or worse crying? It had after all, only been a few weeks since her father had been murdered and it was his brother’s fault.

It wasn’t long before she answered. The door opened slowly and there Vera Misham’s face was, peering around the door, nervously. She was obviously surprised to see him standing there on her doorstep, because she looked rather taken aback and didn’t say anything.

“Ah, hi, Vera, um, may I come in?” Not his usual confident and cocky tone he had to admit, infact, he'd asked the question rather delicately. She nodded and he followed her in through the doorway.

They both sat down on the sofa and Klavier opened his moth to speak but Vera already said something quietly.

“Um, can I ask what this is about?”

“Y-yeah of course.” He suddenly twigged why she looked so terrified. “Oh god, no don’t worry, you’re not in any trouble. This is actually a courtesy call-“

She nodded, shyly. “Oh, right. Thanks.” She replied as if not really sure what to say about this. She probably didn’t. He knew she was shy and awkward around people she barely knew.
God this is awkward. he thought, Practically cringe inducing. Could she make it any clearer that she doesn’t want me here? Hell, can I blame her? “Oh, hey, Vera. Just your father’s murderer’s brother popped round for a little chat. You doin’ okay since my big bro poisoned your Dad? Yeah? Okay, see ya’ round, then.”

“Look Vera. This isn’t easy for me to say. I’m not really big on apologies, haha, probably because I’m never wrong.” God, Klavier, don’t crack bloody jokes. She’s not exactly gonna’ appreciate them, is she? Heck, that one wasn’t even funny. “Um, well, I guess I just wanted to say sorry on behalf of Kristoph. You’re not the only person he hurt but I think you’re the one he probably hurt the most. So I felt I owe you an apology.”

Weirdly, the first expression on her face was one of embarrassment.

“Oh! Thank you, but you really don’t have to Mr. Gavin. It’s not your fault.”

He knew she’d say that. From where he was sitting it seemed that Vera Misham didn’t think she deserved much, let alone an apology.

“See, that’s the thing, It may not be my fault but I just wanted to let you know, not all of the Gavin family are like that. It’s just Kristoph. He’s always been a little weird but I never saw any of this coming. There are good people in this world.”

Her reply was simple.

“I know.”

He was pretty surprised by this. He knew she’d been locked away all of her life, until her father’s death. And since then she’d been pressed to the point of breaking, poisoned and taken to hospital. Vera certainly hadn’t seen the best that life had to offer.

“. . . You do?” he asked tentatively.

She smiled and nodded.

“Yes. I was so scared of the things outside my front door that I didn’t realize there were things just as scary behind the door with me. Like staying inside and not living life.”
Well said, he admitted to himself. well said indeed.

“And there are nice people like Apollo and Trucy. They’ve been so kind to me. They even offered to . . . “.

“What’s wrong, Vera?” he asked as she trailed off, looking rather troubled.

“It-it’s not easy trying to, well, get out there and live life. It’s so . . . daunting on your own.”

He didn’t know what was more surprising. The fact she had actually opened up and told him or how it had seemed like something she’d found easy to do.

“I think I see what you mean.” He said, attempting to create some kind of solution for the problem, after all, he felt it was the least he could do.

“Please, don’t get me wrong. Apollo and Trucy have visited and everything. But . . . I feel like an inconvenience. And now they’ve got a new case they’re going to be able to visit less.”

There was something in her eyes at that moment that made Klavier Gavin incredibly sad. Something like a sense of longing or perhaps fear? - A desperate fear, not to be left alone
like she had been for so long.

“I could help you.” He said.

He really could. She’d certainly be learning from the best. Klavier was definitely a sociable person and without his band he had plenty of spare time. He didn’t even have any trials since he’d taken a vacation from prosecuting while Kristoph’s betrayal
was sinking in- again.

Vera blushed a little.

“Oh no, I really couldn’t ask you to do that-“

“Why not? I have lots of spare time and it’s the least I can do to make up for what Kristoph did.”

She bit her lip a little as if unsure of what to say. He could tell she wanted to but she was so conscientious that she was concerned that Klavier was merely being nice and would actually be very put off should she agreed to this arrangement.

“Vera, please let me make this up to you.” He knew it was stupid but he felt like if he could just help Vera, find who she was maybe he’d be able to discover himself a little more. He’d always been so influenced by his brother and it had worried him to discover who that influence in his life had really been. It had made him doubt himself and Klavier needed to rediscover, or maybe even reinvent himself - if that person turned out to be someone he didn’t like.

“I-I guess . . . if you have enough time-“

“I do-“

“I’d hate to inconvenience you-“

“You really won’t be. Trust me; I really do want to help you.”

“Hmm . . . okay. Err, how are you going to though?”

“. . . Ah . . . “

Klavier hadn’t really thought of this yet. How were you to help someone discover the outside world? He thought for a moment with a perplexed look upon his face.

“Well, I guess I’m going to a-company you outside . . .”

She nodded and waited for him to continue.

“And then . . . uh, then-“

Then an idea hit him; a simple one albeit but, an idea none the less.

“We’re going for a walk in the park.”

Okay, well my grammar is far from perfect and i haven't writen any fanfiction in a while due to being unable to post here . . . BUT, hopefully people like it and comment.

Oh, and if anyone wants to proof-read they're welcome and i'd be very greatful.

Next chapter to be posted when i write it.

Thanks :phoenix:
Please click my signiture to read Mia Fey - The Story
A second chance - Gumshoe centric oneshot
Finding Mr.Wright - Phoenix/Maya
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Last edited by Missile. x on Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Nice girls [Klavier/Vera - Chapter One up - 07/25/10]Topic%20Title
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Welcome back, nice to see you again.

This is looking great so far, you're still writing great.
Re: Nice girls [Klavier/Vera - Chapter One up - 07/25/10]Topic%20Title
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Where's Pikachu? ...I mean Wally!

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Chloe: Yay, my first review! Thank you and it's good to be back (:

Chapter Two – Unconditional Love

Klavier could tell Vera was incredibly nervous as they stepped outside her door and down the steps out of her flat. For one she hadn’t said anything to him for a while. Not since she’d agreed to go on the walk. After that she’d gone to the toilet, had a drink of water and searched the entire flat for her keys, the whole time not saying a word to Klavier. Perhaps her shyness could be something they could work on?

The idea of a walk in the park seemed like a good one to him because it was such a simple, ordinary thing to do. It was important for her to get used to being outside and seeing other people without panicking and where better than a public park?

They reached the bottom of the steps in silence.

“So-“ Klavier began deciding it might be a good idea to start a conversation. “Err-“ He paused. Why the hell couldn’t he think of anything? He swallowed and searched him mind for something, anything that might get Vera talking comfortably. Luckily Vera didn’t seem to have noticed this pause as she suddenly turned round and raced back up the steps and frantically scrabbled with her keys. Apparently she’d forgotten to lock the door.

“Here, let me do that.” He took the keys she seemed to be struggling with and lock the door easily before handing them back to her.

She looked embarrassed and steadily gazed down at the steps as they walked back down them.

“Thanks . . . you must think I’m really weird.” She said still not looking up.

He furrowed his brow.

“Why would I think that?” he asked her feeling genuinely confused as to why she would think that.

“Well, because I don’t even know how to lock a door properly. That’s the tenth time I’ve done that since I’ve started leaving the house. And they only reason I remember to lock it was that Apollo or Trucy reminded me.”

He smiled at her. “In that case you’re certainly improving. No one reminded you this time. See, you remembered on your own.”

She finally looked up with an odd impression. Not only did she seem happy but she actually seemed pleased with herself. He’d never seen her look that way before as he was sure she never really allowed herself to have any of the glory in these kinds of situations.
As they walked down the pavement the atmosphere seemed a little less awkward. He vowed to start a conversation and not allow it to set back in again.

“So, it must have been a weird few weeks then?” he asked kindly looking over at her as they walked side by side in the direction of the park.

She looked down at this. “W-well yeah, I guess it has been.”

Hmm, this is going to be harder than I thought. If I could just get her to relax around me then maybe she’d find it easier to talk? Hmm, what makes a relaxed atmosphere? he thought for a moment. Right now, he was asking her lots of questions about her life and how she was. I bet she feels like she’s under integration. Perhaps if I talk about myself a lot she’ll realize I don’t find this a difficult situation and she doesn’t need to either.
“God, it’s a great day huh, Fraulien?” See, that’s where it’s at, she’s gotta’ see my confident side.

“This day would’ve been great for a rehearsal.” Okay, shaky conversation starter but I think I’ll talk about my recently split up band.

As they approached the band stand in the park Klavier let out a deliberate sigh.

“Good times.” He reminisced, staring up at it and not saying anything for a moment.

“Do-do you miss your band, Mr. Gavin?”

Hmm, okay, good start but I’ll have none of this “Mr. Gavin” stuff.

Klavier nodded. “Yeah and please, it’s Klavier, not Mr. Gavin outside court.” He smiled. “It’s like The Gaviners were a huge part of my life which is just gone now. It’s weird. We can’t even have a farewell gig because one of our guitarists is in jail.

“What did he do?” she asked nervously. He wasn’t sure he wanted to tell her, though. She didn’t need reminding of murder. All the same he didn’t feel he could lie.

“He was accused of murder. “

“Uh . . . oh, do you know if it was really him?” She asked with genuine care in her voice, clearly sensing it was a sensitive topic.

“Oh yeaaah, It was definitely him. I should know. I was prosecutor for the case.” He answered her, his eyebrows raised a little. He shook his head. “That really wasn’t a fun three days. The concert was good though.” He added trying to put a positive spin on things. It didn’t work though. His best friend had ended up in jail. He wished he didn’t miss Daryan so much. Then he’d have been able to hate him for what he did.

“Do you miss him?”

“Wow, I’m not good at hiding my feelings am I? Yeah, he was my best friend . . . but, he had to pay the consequences for what he did though, didn’t he?”

Vera nodded. “I agree. Sometimes you don’t think about the repercussions of your actions. I know I never thought about the terrible things that my forgeries might do when I created them. I lost poor Mr. Wright his job and he went through all that effort to save me when I was accused. He forgave me.” She sniffed and looked over at Klavier. “Did you forgive your friend?”

For a second he thought she was making a point about forgiveness and lightly scolding him for not doing what Phoenix Wright had done. He then realized she was actually just inquiring about how he’d left things with Daryan.

“I-I didn’t really. I didn’t think I could. He knows as well as I do that he and I are like brothers. And let’s face it, my brothers have a habit of betraying me sooner or later but . . . well, that’s not to say I don’t, you know, um , you know.“

She didn’t say anything in return so he guessed that she didn’t know.

“Look, what I’m trying to say that they have my um, unconditional uh, love.” *Well there, I said it. Oh god, there’s nothing wrong with admitting you love your brother but, there’s something very gay about the fact I just admitted I love Daryan, even if it is in a brotherly way.* “You’ve no idea how much he’d be laughing at me if he were here right now.” This made Klavier laugh a little too at the idea of him actually saying something like that to Daryan.

“”Unconditional love”?” Vera asked. She looked a little confused. Surely she knows what that is. Klavier thought to himself.

“Basically, it’s like . . . “Klavier tried to think of an example. “Um, imagine . . .” he pointed at a man with brown hair sitting on a bench, “Imagine that man over there walked over to you and hit you, right?” Okay, this probably isn't the best example but i'll go with it anyway.

Vera nodded. “Um, okay.”

“Well, obviously you have no emotional attachment to him and you don’t know him, do you? You wouldn’t be emotionally hurt or upset that this man’s just randomly walked up to you and hit you. You’d just be pretty angry and maybe physically hurt.”

“I would.” She agreed warily.

“Now imagine that- who do you love the most in the world, Vera?”

“My Dad,” Vera answered.

“Okay, imagine that you found out he’d told you a lie before he died and you found out the truth. You wouldn’t love him any less would you? You’d be annoyed and upset because it hurts to be lied to. But you’d forgive him for pretty much anything and that’s unconditional love.” Klavier looked away and up at the band stand. “Yeah, it’s not a good thing really. It means that if the people you unconditionally love aren’t very nice people, they might start to take advantage of you.”

“Yes but, then surely you would have to consider whether or not that person is worthy of your unconditional love.”

He had to hand it to her. Vera was very wise, surprisingly so for someone who’d been locked away inside for so long.

Unfortunately, generally it’s too late by then. They’ve already hurt you. he thought to himself, full of angst. He didn’t want to bring Vera down though as they’d been chatting a while and she seemed to have completely forgotten that she was outside, talking to someone she didn’t know all that well, so he just said-

“Exactly, which is why generally, people reserve their unconditional love for close friends and family. Otherwise, they’d get hurt way too much.”

“I see.” She said. “Sorry. I know it’s probably weird how you have to explain things like that to me when normal people know them. I just-“

“Frauline, believe me, you’re not weird or odd. You are a normal person and an extraordinarily innocent and naive one at that. You’ve just been brought up differently, you know, in a very sheltered and protected way.”

They walked away from the bandstand now in the direction of the gardens. Vera smiled a little. “Mr. Gav- I mean K-Klavier, do you think I can ever be, um, normal?”

“Everyone’s different so I’m not one hundred per cent sure what you consider to be normal-“


“But, I do think that you can become relaxed in ordinary situations. You’re improving loads already, Frauline Vera.” He winked at her.

Vera merely smiled hopefully and went on to say- “I hope so. I know it sounds weird but, this has helped so much already. Thanks so much Mr. Gavin.”

He smiled back, “You really have come a long way in just a few hours.”

“I know,” she replied, “all thanks to you though. Otherwise I’d probably just be at home on my own.”

“-And you’re not feeling anxious about being outside or anything?” he said, worried she may just be putting on a brave face in front of him.

But she merely shook her head. “Strangely, not at all. I know I’m safe with you Mr. Ga- Klavier.” And then the strangest thing happened. Vera Misham blushed a bright red colour and looked away as if terrified Klavier might see. However, Klavier shoes to ignore this.

“Err, Vera. I think you’ve caught the sun a little. We’d best be getting back before any serious damage is done.”

“Ah, err, okay. Let’s go then.”

He hadn’t really known what to say. Vera really had come a long way and he was very proud of that. It seemed clear to him that it had something to do with his help and somehow she’d attained a little crush on him.

Ah well, he thought. It’s only natural. She hasn’t spent much time around the opposite sex has she? I’m probably just an interesting novelty that she’s not used to.
They turned and they began walking in the opposite direction they’d came from and as they did Vera took his hand and once again turned bright scarlet.
Oh dear, this could complicate things a little.


Next chapter to be posted soon. Hope anyoe who reads this likes it (:
Please click my signiture to read Mia Fey - The Story
A second chance - Gumshoe centric oneshot
Finding Mr.Wright - Phoenix/Maya
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