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A Night in the Gatewater (Begun - Only 4 Slots Left!)Topic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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Location: Just Outside Your Peripherals

Rank: Ace Attorney

Joined: Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:47 pm

Posts: 1607

It's an average evening in Madison, California, the hub of law reform and the recent focus of events. But when the skies turn dark and the storms roll in, the town closes up and everyone heads in for the night. This can be soothing for some, but at the Gatewater Hotel, things are staged for a crazy night. Booked full on a night with storms that won't let up for quite sometime, people are sure to get cabin fever and begin to explore. Anything can happen on a night like this, a night in the Gatewater Hotel.

--Important Info--

► This takes place during Apollo Justice time, right after the end of 4-4, so plan accordingly.
► Both Canon characters and OCs are allowed, but keep in consideration the above point when picking canon characters.
► Once you have a slot, you may create as many characters as you'd like, but you have to maintain each character consistently.
► You may start from either inside the hotel, or prior to checking in.
► The storm has forced the Gatewater to discourage anyone from leaving the hotel, so unless absolutely necessary, you shouldn't be going outside.
► Remember, the Gatewater is an extravagant hotel at the epitome of luxury! There are plenty of things to do, there are restaurants, clubs, lounges, an indoor pool, and more. Don't be afraid to create a shop or location in the hotel, just make sure you note it in OOC so I can add it to the location lists. The Gatewater Hotel is 85 Stories tall.

--Posting Guidelines--

► Follow forum rules and regulations. This rule is absolute.
► No godmodding. This means don't control another person's character without their permission. But exceptions will be given in certain unavoidable situations.
► Use double parenthesis when talking in OOC. Actually, any format will do, so long as we are able to tell that you're talking in OOC.
► Post with substance. This means when you post make it so that the others will be given something to go on as much as possible. Keep one-liners to a minimum.
► If you're going to leave for a fairly long period of time (MORE than a week), let us know beforehand. It's so we'll be able to plan ahead and make necessary adjustments if needed. Which brings us to...
► If you disappear for a week without a word, we reserve the right to mod your characters as necessary. This is to keep things moving along. So if you're going to be away for some time please let us know!
► Do your best to keep up with what's going on. I know that not everyone checks back every other hour of the day, but at least make an effort to read what your fellow RPers have written. Giving a recap every time is tiring and a bit insulting to the active RPers; writing posts do take some time and effort after all.
► Pairings have to be approved by both parties before they can be carried out. For example you're playing Phoenix and another RPer is playing Maya. Discuss it with them first if they're okay with the pairing before doing anything suggestive.



When you first post, create a character and use this format to tell about them. I'll add your character to the second post when I get a chance.

The Character Form wrote:

If you create a location, use this form and I'll add it to the post when I get a chance. The first floor is one of the most occupied areas and can only hold one or two more locations, floor 50 plays host to the Aquarius Pool and Spa, and floor 85 is an Observation Deck.

The Location Form wrote:
Floor Number:
Type of Location:
Noteable People/Employees:

Last edited by Percei on Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:51 pm, edited 14 times in total.
Re: A Night in the GatewaterTopic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

Gender: Male

Location: Just Outside Your Peripherals

Rank: Ace Attorney

Joined: Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:47 pm

Posts: 1607

Spoiler: Characters

Name: Shaun Tindeed
Age: 21
Job: Culinary Student
Appearance: Shaun is 6'1", of muscular build and has slick blond hair parted to give him bangs on both sides. He wears fairly expensive clothing due to his wealthy background. He has fuzz evidencing his trying to grow a beard to no avail.
Personality: A mildly apathetic person, he's nice but very sarcastic and can sometimes rub people the wrong way.
Biography: Son of a wealthy restaurateur, Shaun has loved food from a young age and knew he wanted to be come a chef for the ages. Attending Culinary school, he has learned a lot, and now on vacation, taken the time to stay in the grandest hotel in northern California, sampling the famous foods from chefs around the globe.

Name: Jean Luc'Pape
Age: 50
Job: Maître D’ of the Cancellacqua
Appearance: A lanky, salt-and-pepper haired middle aged man, he wears small cirular spectacles and dresses in the formal uniform of his job.
Personality: A very hard worker, Jean focuses on getting the task done at hand but is still extremely sociable and friendly.
Biography: Having worked at the Gatewater for 27 years, he's stayed with the Cancellacqua since it's establishment 15 years ago as the original flagship restaurant of the Gatewater, even after it was moved upstairs and he was offered the Maître D’ position at the Excalibur. He enjoys his job duties of keeping up the design and layout of the restaurant with his good friend and head chef Felicia.


Name: Jonathan Vincent.
Age: 24.
Job: Novelist, saxophonist in a jazz band.
Appearance: Not that tall. Has brown, long(ish) hair, blue eyes and round glasses.
Personality: A bit mysterious and "out there". Tends to not pay attention to people. When he does, however, he's polite and friendly, if a bit sarcastic.
Biography: Grew up in a middle class family with divorced parents.


Name: Pandora Box
Age: 18
Job: Maid and waitress at the Gatewater
Appearance: Red-headed and tiny for her age, she is constantly being reprimanded by the Gatewater management for her "scruffy" appearance- she always has laddered tights and a dirty apron.
Personality: Pandora detests her job and cheerfully takes this out on the guests, thinking nothing of muttering creative insults at them in the corridor (her foul mouth and general cheekiness has earned her the nickname "Saucepan") or tripping them on the stairs. A former pickpocket, she doesn't see anything amiss with "appropriating" items that guests leave within her reach- and though some guests have complained of possessions going missing, so far none of these have been traced back to her.
Biography: Pandora is the adopted daughter of the head of housekeeping for the hotel and after her death, was kept on at the hotel out of respect, despite her rude conduct. Though she longs to return to the life of crime she led prior to her adoption, she also remembers the dangers she faced in this life and opts to stay at the hotel out of convenience.


Name: Michael Sawyer
Job: 'Freelance journalist,' really little more than a picture boy...
Appearance:Thin, clean shaven, dark blond hair, cut short, brown eyes. Usually wears somewhat worn clothing, normally a black jacket, white shirt, and grey pants...
Personality: Normally polite in public, but when around only a few people he tends to show his real self, being sarcastic, snarky, and insulting. Still, despite all this verbal abuse he dishes out, he can't reall say he hates most people, he's just a bit of a jerk at times.
Biography: Born from a rather poor family, Michael jumped at the oppurtunity to work for a small-time newspaper, doing mostly paperwork. But when he heard about a string of travel articles that were supposed to be made, he jumped at the chance... Unfortunately, he doesn't really have the funds to stay at the hotel at the moment...


Name: Ron Yakuman
Age: 23
Job: Gambler
Appearance: Ron is about 180 centimeters tall and he have short black hair that sticks up. He's kinda "normal built" in terms of muscles and weight.
: Ron is a kinda cold guy and he likes to talk in gamblin metaphors but he's not antisocial. When he gambles thought he becomes totally ice cold and he will only be focusing on the game.
Biography: Ever since Ron was 18 years old he have been traveling around the world to gamble and that how he make his living.


Name: Sean Dereks
Age: 27
Job: Unpublished writer. Other than that, unemployed.
Appearance: Tall, mildly-muscular build, slim. Hair is like Lennon's during the 70s, light brow and a bit longer (shoulder-lenght). Described by Dereks as "hippie-like". Brown eyes. Informal clothing: t-shirts, jeans and dark sneakers, a leather jacket when needed.
Personality: Sociable and friendly, though quiet and peaceful. When he's not doing anything, he can seem dead: he's often seen staring at space, gaze lost. The rest of the time, as said, he's friendly. Doesn't mind being alone, though doesn't enjoy it. Often described as a "zen-style" person.
Biography: Sean comes from a very wealthy family, his father a businessman and his brother a very succesful filmmaker. Had a fight with his family, who kicked him out, but offered him to pay the Gatewater permanently for him to stay. Since that day, around 3 years ago, Sean lives in the hotel, and got used to nights like this one. Due to his seemingly-permanent stay, he's friends with most, if not all of the Hotel's staff, who consider him part of the "Gatewater family", quite an honor for a guest. Sean's had a passion for writing since he was 16, and has written several stories and unfinished novels. Currently, he's trying to write his magnum opus, send it to a publisher, and try to make enough to rent an apartment in the city centre. Not that he doesn't like the Gatewater, on the contrary, but the inconsistency of guests, coming one day and leaving the next one, the reason why he can't have any friends in there that aren't staff, uneases him.


Name: Arwen Contra
Age: 21
Job: Author
Appearance: Medium height, with shoulder-length jet black hair, and a fringe that covers her right eye. Somewhat scruffy, but with an air of elegance about her.
Personality: Quiet, but cheeky, as well as being quite flirtatious. Curious about other people and their lives (to the point of being chronically nosy), but not very forthcoming with information about herself.
Biography: Grew up in a very wealthy family, but ran away at the age of 18, taking a large chunk of her family's fortunes with her. After joining a travelling circus and becoming a trapeze artist (the very reason she ran away) she thought she'd be happy for a long time. But as she grew up, she started to realise that it was a mistake. After a few years, she realised that it wasn't exactly going to be the perfect career for her, since although she was very talented, she knew she would have to grow up and move on one day.She wouldn't be young forever, and she'd always wanted to make something more of her life than this. Instead, she enrolled upon a creative writing course and started work on her first book. We find her now staying in the Gatewater until she can find permanent accomodation.


Name: Christopher Trent
Age: 26
Appearance: 5'9", with long black hair. He wears a black hoodie with a Union Jack (British Flag) on it. He also wears jeans. He always wears his silver headphones on his neck, and he has a white undershirt. He also wears a rather old leather strapped watch.
Personality: For a DJ, Christopher doesn't come across as a party-guy. He is soft-spoken, reclusive, and only likes to meet people at the bar. He does, however, spin extremely well, and he loves music more than anything. When not talking, he usually sings under his breath, draws when he can.
Other: Chris's antisocial behavior is solved after he drinks or smokes. When he's drunk or smokes he is much happier, and is more open. He is also British, and is very proud of this.


Name: James Strega
Job: Bartender
Appearance: Short black hair, gray eyes, 6'0", average muscle build wearing your average bartender outfit.
Personality: James is a calm and easygoing guy who just tries to enjoy life.
Biography: James was born in the slums with a low income family. His parent single father was the kind of parent who worked hard to try and put James through school. James was taught how to bartend early on life from his father who died while in James was in high school. James worked many jobs to try and pay for college eventually getting a bartending license and being hired on as bartender at the Gatewater. It was a year later he had by chance stumbled upon a fortune. Though he was and still is rich enough to simply live a carefree life he prefers to work as a bartender simply the people he's come to know there, because the many people who come and go, and the atmosphere... plus a bit of jazz music always is a bonus.


Name: Felicia Ecepa
Age: 35
Job: Head Chef
Appearance: Felicia is about 6'1, and is red-haired. She has gray eyes, and long hair that usually is tied up in a pony-tail. Since she's the head chef at the Gatewater, she usually wears the typical uniform that is expected of a worker in the kitchen. On her off-hours, Felicia usually is seen wearing a navy blue jacket and pants.
Personality: Often sarcastic and serious, Felicia is a hard worker. She multi-tasks a lot, and panics when things aren't going her way. However, when nothing bad is happening, she will open up more and be nicer to other people.
Biography: Born in a middle-class family, Felicia had a fascination with food from early life. Her mom managed one of the better restaurants in L.A. (which I'm assuming to be the location of the GW) After getting her degree in Food and traveling, she is now the Head Chef of the Gatewater. Influenced by her travels, the menu at the Gatewater contains dishes from Europe, Asia, and Africa.


Name: Tiffany Lee
Age: 20
Job: Maid/Room Service
Appearance: Tiffany has bangs and long curly/wavy hair. She is a bit short. Tiffany has Green eyes and her Hair color is orange. (Like Mikuru Asahina)
Personality: She is helpful and cares about all the guests. A sweet young girl and a bit of a neat freak. Loves cute things, sometimes not the brightest though. She is somewhat scared of thunder/lightening and bugs. Works to help parents pay off bills.
Biography: When Tiffany was 6, her parents got into a car accident and were instantly killed. She was put up for adoption and didn't get adopted until she was 10 years old by newlyweds. They raised her with kindness and responsibility. Then the Lee Family was in house debt. Then Tiffany had to work and then finally landed at Gatewater Hotel as a maid.

Spoiler: Locations
--The Aquarius Pool and Spa--

Floor Number: 50
Type of Location: Indoor Pool and Spa
Description: The Aquarius Pool and Spa is the place of relaxation in fun in the Gatewater Hotel. Our grand pool with sandy beach and three water-slides will entertain both children and adults alike, and our complex, state of the art spa features a host of relaxing amenities. From massages to steam rooms to mud baths, you can find relaxation here.
Appearance: The pool is very tropical beach area, featuring a tiki bar and restaurant with Teppan-Yaki Grill, while the spa is more of a cross between a Greek Bathouse and Asian inspires Zen Spa.

--The Gatewater Casino--

Floor Number: 77
Type of Location: Casino
Description: A casino with every casino game you can imagine.
Appearance: In the back of the casino there are some special rooms for more shady gambles or where mobsters gambles.

--The Gatewater Lounge--

Floor Number: 1
Type of Location: Bar
Description: For those guests who need a drink or a place to sit down and relax as a relaxing melody is played by our many fine musicians. most often jazz but on occasion other music is played or even requested. this floor can be reserved for special occasions if needed.
Noteable People/Employees: James Strega

--Excalibur Bar and Grill--

Floor Number: 1
Type of Location: Restaurant
Description: The flagship restaurant of the Gatewater, not to be confused with the eponymous Cabaret Banquet Hall, this classy restaurant features American cuisine of famed chef Q. Lee-Naree, it comes with a broad menu of savory entrees to delicious desserts, and everything in between.
Appearance: Very opulent decor inspired by Steampunk, the walls and floors gleam as if new. The kitchen is large and state of the art and a large glass opening at the pass give patrons a view of the action.


Floor Number: 3
Type of Location: Restaurant
Description: One of the restaurants in the Gatewater, this restaurant serves cuisine from Europe, Asia, and Africa. (Name means Gatewater in Italian)
Appearance: Large room with tables for diners. Features a bar, and a stage with live music. A place for late night dining, classical music can be heard as you walk by.
Noteable People/Employees: Head Chef Felicia

Last edited by Percei on Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:23 pm, edited 10 times in total.
Re: A Night in the GatewaterTopic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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Location: Just Outside Your Peripherals

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Posts: 1607


Last edited by Percei on Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: A Night in the GatewaterTopic%20Title
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Call me Ishmael.

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((The description reminded me of Hotel Dusk... Joining.))

Spoiler: My OC
Name: Jonathan Vincent.
Age: 24.
Job: Novelist, saxophonist in a jazz band.
Appearance: Not that tall. Has brown, long(ish) hair, blue eyes and round glasses.
Personality: A bit mysterious and "out there". Tends to not pay attention to people. When he does, however, he's polite and friendly, if a bit sarcastic.
Biography: Grew up in a middle class family with divorced parents.

Wife: sparkleranger78, daughter: feedmechocolate247
Re: A Night in the GatewaterTopic%20Title
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A True English Diva-To-Be <3

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((I like the sound of this~ Count me in.

Name: Pandora Box
Age: 18
Job: Maid and waitress at the Gatewater
Appearance: Red-headed and tiny for her age, she is constantly being reprimanded by the Gatewater management for her "scruffy" appearance- she always has laddered tights and a dirty apron.
Personality: Pandora detests her job and cheerfully takes this out on the guests, thinking nothing of muttering creative insults at them in the corridor (her foul mouth and general cheekiness has earned her the nickname "Saucepan") or tripping them on the stairs. A former pickpocket, she doesn't see anything amiss with "appropriating" items that guests leave within her reach- and though some guests have complained of possessions going missing, so far none of these have been traced back to her.
Biography: Pandora is the adopted daughter of the head of housekeeping for the hotel and after her death, was kept on at the hotel out of respect, despite her rude conduct. Though she longs to return to the life of crime she led prior to her adoption, she also remembers the dangers she faced in this life and opts to stay at the hotel out of convenience.))
Click on Janice for graphics ^^

Last edited by PandaPrinzessin on Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: A Night in the GatewaterTopic%20Title
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I can see you, from here!

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((Hmm, I think this is a pretty interesting idea...

Name: Michael Sawyer
Job: 'Freelance journalist,' really little more than a picture boy...
Appearance:Thin, clean shaven, dark blond hair, cut short, brown eyes. Usually wears somewhat worn clothing, normally a black jacket, white shirt, and grey pants...
Personality: Normally polite in public, but when around only a few people he tends to show his real self, being sarcastic, snarky, and insulting. Still, despite all this verbal abuse he dishes out, he can't reall say he hates most people, he's just a bit of a jerk at times.
Biography: Born from a rather poor family, Michael jumped at the oppurtunity to work for a small-time newspaper, doing mostly paperwork. But when he heard about a string of travel articles that were supposed to be made, he jumped at the chance... Unfortunately, he doesn't really have the funds to stay at the hotel at the moment...
Re: A Night in the GatewaterTopic%20Title
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Walking the path of heaven, ruler of all

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Name: Ron Yakuman
Age: 23
Job: Gambler
Appearance: Ron is about 180 centimeters tall and he have short black hair that sticks up. He's kinda "normal built" in terms of muscles and weight.
Personality: Ron is a kinda cold guy and he likes to talk in gamblin metaphors but he's not antisocial. When he gambles thought he becomes totally ice cold and he will only be focusing on the game.
Biography: Ever since Ron was 18 years old he have been traveling around the world to gamble and that how he make his living.

Floor Number: 77
Type of Location: Casino
Description: A casino with every casino game you can imagine.
Appearance: In the back of the casino there are some special rooms for more shady gambles or where mobsters gambles.
Noteable People/Employees:
Awesome sig made by Nadindi.
My otp's are. MayaxLarry and PhoenixxFranziska
Re: A Night in the GatewaterTopic%20Title
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They don't :c

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((Was gonna post yesterday, fell asleep :P

·Name: Sean Dereks
·Age: 27
·Job: Unpublished writer. Other than that, unemployed.
·Appearance: Tall, mildly-muscular build, slim. Hair is like Lennon's during the 70s, light brow and a bit longer (shoulder-lenght). Described by Dereks as "hippie-like". Brown eyes. Informal clothing: t-shirts, jeans and dark sneakers, a leather jacket when needed.
·Personality: Sociable and friendly, though quiet and peaceful. When he's not doing anything, he can seem dead: he's often seen staring at space, gaze lost. The rest of the time, as said, he's friendly. Doesn't mind being alone, though doesn't enjoy it. Often described as a "zen-style" person.
·Biography: Sean comes from a very wealthy family, his father a businessman and his brother a very succesful filmmaker. Had a fight with his family, who kicked him out, but offered him to pay the Gatewater permanently for him to stay. Since that day, around 3 years ago, Sean lives in the hotel, and got used to nights like this one. Due to his seemingly-permanent stay, he's friends with most, if not all of the Hotel's staff, who consider him part of the "Gatewater family", quite an honor for a guest. Sean's had a passion for writing since he was 16, and has written several stories and unfinished novels. Currently, he's trying to write his magnum opus, send it to a publisher, and try to make enough to rent an apartment in the city centre. Not that he doesn't like the Gatewater, on the contrary, but the inconsistency of guests, coming one day and leaving the next one, the reason why he can't have any friends in there that aren't staff, uneases him.

Might post later today, but tell me, Perc, does the Observation Deck have a roof? If so, I'll start there.))
Re: A Night in the Gatewater (Starting Soon)Topic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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((Alright, everyone is added, and we can start now that we have a few people, I've already made my post, but I'm going to move it down here.

Also, DeMat, the observation deck itself is enclosed but has one large balcony overlooking the city, so the answer is... sort of?))

Shaun hurried into the hotel's grand lobby, which was buzzing with energy as the guests all flowed in for a long and early night. No one would have thought they would have had to be forced back into the building at such an early point in the evening, but Shaun understood. Granted he was a little annoyed he had to finish his gourmet dinner in a hurry at "Le Petite Gerard", the forefront of modern French cuisine in the area, just so he could return here safely. He had his leftovers with him and was assured he'd eat well tonight.

Shaun waded through the crowds to the front desk. He asked if he had any messages, and after being curtly told "No", headed for the elevators. They were packed. He had to wait for ten minutes before he could squeeze on. He pressed the '76' button on the column and felt the elevator take off. After a number of stops he arrived on his floor. He walked to Room 7612. He fumbled in his pockets for his key for a moment, then opened the door to his suite. Stopping first in the ensuite kitchen, he put his leftovers in the fridge, he then hung his hat and coat on the rack. Shaun sat down on his couch, flipped on the T.V. and looked in the Hotel Guide.

Now he had to find something else to do tonight, but the hotel had plenty to offer.
Re: A Night in the Gatewater (Starting Soon)Topic%20Title
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Name: Arwen Contra
Age: 21
Job: Author
Appearance: Medium height, with shoulder-length jet black hair, and a fringe that covers her right eye. Somewhat scruffy, but with an air of elegance about her.
Personality: Quiet, but cheeky, as well as being quite flirtatious. Curious about other people and their lives (to the point of being chronically nosy), but not very forthcoming with information about herself.
Biography: Grew up in a very wealthy family, but ran away at the age of 18, taking a large chunk of her family's fortunes with her. After joining a travelling circus and becoming a trapeze artist (the very reason she ran away) she thought she'd be happy for a long time. But as she grew up, she started to realise that it was a mistake. After a few years, she realised that it wasn't exactly going to be the perfect career for her, since although she was very talented, she knew she would have to grow up and move on one day.She wouldn't be young forever, and she'd always wanted to make something more of her life than this. Instead, she enrolled upon a creative writing course and started work on her first book. We find her now staying in the Gatewater until she can find permanent accomodation.
Beautiful sig thanks to Panda Prizessin! <3
-Even a broken clock tells the right time twice a day.
Re: A Night in the Gatewater (Begun - Slots Open)Topic%20Title
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Call me Ishmael.

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Jonathan walked up the stairs into the hotel. He had taken the train to this part of the city since he didn't own a car and honestly, he didn't want one either - he never liked them. After talking to the hotel manager he got a room - 6819. He took a look at the lobby where people were partying before walking the stairs up to his room.

After going inside 6819, Jon sat down and put on the radio. He wondered if he should join the party.
Wife: sparkleranger78, daughter: feedmechocolate247
Re: A Night in the Gatewater (Begun - Slots Open)Topic%20Title
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Insanity at its classiest.

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((I'll just slip on in here...

Name: Christopher Trent
Age: 26
Appearance: 5'9", with long black hair. He wears a black hoodie with a Union Jack (British Flag) on it. He also wears jeans. He always wears his silver headphones on his neck, and he has a white undershirt. He also wears a rather old leather strapped watch.
Personality: For a DJ, Christopher doesn't come across as a party-guy. He is soft-spoken, reclusive, and only likes to meet people at the bar. He does, however, spin extremely well, and he loves music more than anything. When not talking, he usually sings under his breath, draws when he can.
Other: Chris's antisocial behavior is solved after he drinks or smokes. When he's drunk or smokes he is much happier, and is more open. He is also British, and is very proud of this.

I'll post tomorrow.))
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: A Night in the Gatewater (Begun - Slots Open)Topic%20Title
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A True English Diva-To-Be <3

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Location: Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun~

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This. Evening. Is. Hell.

This was fairly typical of the thoughts running through Pandora Box's head as she made her twelfth circuit of the lobby with a tray of drinks, though probably the only one which would have been acceptable to voice out loud.

Quite simply put, Pandora hated the Gatewater and everyone else in it, except perhaps some of the permanent guests. She could tolerate them. In fact the only reason she'd volunteered for waitress duty rather than housekeeping this evening was because when people were drunk, they tended to get careless. And when people got careless, they generally didn't notice certain valuable items going missing until the next day, unless their brains were still too scrambled from whatever they'd had to drink the night before.

It was perfect for a pickpocket. But, that said, it didn't compensate for the loudness of the party and the general irritation the guests caused her.

It went without saying that the next person to bother her or to call room service was a very unfortunate soul indeed...
Click on Janice for graphics ^^
Re: A Night in the Gatewater (Begun - Slots Open)Topic%20Title
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Just another day.

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ehh what the heck :P

Name: James Strega
Job: bartender
Appearance: short black hair Grey eyes 6ft tall average muscle build wearing your average bartender suit.
Personality: James Is a calm and easygoing guy who just tries to enjoy life.
biography: James was born in the slums with a low income family. his parent (father only) was the kind of parent who worked hard to try and put James through school. James was taught how to bartend early on life from his father who died while in high school James worked many jobs to try and pay for college eventually getting a bar-tending license and being hired on as bartender for gatewater it was a year later he had by chance stumbled upon a fortune. though he was and still is rich enough to simply live a carefree life he prefers to work as a bartender simply the peole hes come to know there, because the many people who come and go, and the a bit of jazz music always is a bonus.

--Gatewater Bar--

Floor Number: 60
Type of Location: Bar
Description: For those guests who need a drink or a place to sit down and relax as a relaxing melody is played by our many fine musicians. most often jazz but on occasion other music is played or even requested. this floor can be reserved for special occasions if needed.
Re: A Night in the Gatewater (Begun - Slots Open)Topic%20Title
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Insanity at its classiest.

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Christopher Trent entered the Gatewater hotel with his hood up, and cigarette lit. When told to put it out, he complied and ran a hand through his wet hair. He had been on his way back from the club, but there was nothing for him to do but check into the Gatewater when the storm struck, as he didn't have a car and buses stopped running.

The next order of business was to find the bar. After checking in, he approached a waitress with a dirty apron. "Excuse me, ma'am, but I'd like to know where the bar is. Could you point me to it?"
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Well, this is a GREAT mess I've gotten into... I'm stuck in a friggin' hotel I can't afford, I nearly got run over by some IDIOT on the street, and now my bag's missing... Michael Sawyer entered the lobby, scanning the area to try and find his possessions. He looked extremely out of place, his worn-out clothes clashing with the elegance of the hotel.

Crap... Should I ask someone that's around? Everyone at the desk seems to be completely useless... Hmm, I see a guy and a waitress all alone, can't hurt to ask... Michael walked over to them, still quite damp from the storm. "Err... excuse me, ma'am and sir, I think I've misplaced my bag... Have either of you seen a navy blue clothing bag?"
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Christopher turned to hear out the man asking for his bag. After a moment of thinking, he responded "No, I'm sorry. In such a crowded hotel, I wouldn't be surprised if someone took it. Where did you lose it?"
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Ron stood up and walked away from the tables leaving som frustrated faces behind him and putted the stack of money he recently won in one of his inner pocket. A couple of minutes later he had maked his way to the bar on floor 60. "Give me something strong" he said and lit a cigarette.
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James looked over at the customer "right away sir" James grabbed a cup poured the alcohol
"so what ya here for? Vacation? Family? hmm...though looking at it Gambling?" James slided the cup over to the customer.
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"Excuse me, ma'am, but I'd like to know where the bar is. Could you point me to it?"

Okay, that just does it. Don't these people have legs?

"Actually, sir, you can go and find it yourself..." Pandora scowled, slamming her tray down on the nearest table. "It's always the same, day in day out- where's this, where's that... Can't you people stand on your own two feet?"

After all, she figured, it wasn't like she actually wanted to be here, which in her point of view, gave her a just reason to take out her resentment on the nearest target.

A bag? Pandora's ears pricked up. She hadn't thought the absence of the bag would be noticed so quickly. It hadn't had anything particularly valuable in it- virtually empty wallet, out-of-date phone... All the same, she thought, it would be best to act as though she knew nothing of its disappearance.
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"Of course... figures. I honestly just think I may have left it in the lobby... But don't worry about it." Michael then turned to the waitress. "I don't suppose you've seen anything, have you?"
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Ron drank a little from the glass and putted it on the table and then he chuckled a little.

"I guess you're spot on", he took another gulp. "I'll gamble everywhere, even here. Want to gamble a bit about this drink" he said and hold up the glass.
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((Ok added everyone new. Cold, I changed the bar to Floor 1 if that's OK? Also added a new location))

Shaun slammed the door to his room. Forced out by the sounds of the Casino above. 'Of ALL the rooms I could have gotten, they give ME the one with the damaged soundproofing!'. Very irritated, Shaun stormed down the hallway, lucky there was nobody there, as they might have received the brunt of his wrath. He entered the elevator and slammed the L button with such force it hurt his finger. Even angrier now, he shook his finger off and entered into the lobby.

Trying now not to make a scene, he walked with a brusque pace to the front desk, and "Calmly asked" the front desk attendant for a new room key. After being assured that they would try their best to accommodate him, he irritatedly walked to the Gatewater Lounge. He plopped down on the seat.

"Barkeep, just gimmie a beer while I wait."
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Pandora shrugged.

He's onto me...

"It's not part of my job description to look after your belongings. If you want to find it, why don't you try looking? I'm not here to be your damn babysitter." she snapped, rolling her eyes as theatrically as she dared.

She'd replace the bag in the kid's room later, minus anything that she could get a decent price for and he'd just think he hadn't looked hard enough. Easy.
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"Hmm, seems to me like you just can't be bothered to look... And here I thought the employees were helpful... That's gonna be a rather large strike when I get back to the press. Oh well, it can't be helped." Michael then turned to the man. "Thank you sir. I will keep what you said in mind."

Hmm... I pray that the rest of the workers here aren't so... jerkish. I DO have to sneak room service off SOMEHOW...

((PANDA! I declare a snark-off! *grabs white glove* HAVE AT THEE!))
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((I ACCEPT GOOD SIR! They make a right pair, these two...))

Pandora treated the boy standing before her (because he couldn't be more than her own age or less) to a glare that would have melted steel and folded her arms.

"Well, why should I be bothered to look? If you can't look after your own stuff, that's none of my concern! They don't pay me to be helpful, they pay me to wash your dishes and clean your rooms. If none of you can be bothered to do anything for yourselves, why should I trouble myself to help you?" she growled.

She couldn't help but think he looked a little too young and scruffy to be staying in such a prestigious hotel alone.

Unless... he really can't afford it? Well, I have news for you, mister- nobody skips the bill on Pandora Box's watch...
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"Oh, I don't know... Because getting off your arse and, lemme think, letting me know where the hell your manager is would be too much effort for little old you? Actually, I think I may have to think over my entire review if the rest of the employees here are like yourself."

Michael wasn't fazed by the woman's talk, or the death glare she seemed to be giving him. He merely returned the glare. Hmph, if she thinks she can scare me with that, she's got something else coming.

((Yes... the inevitable pain will be TREMENDOUSLY brilliant, I can FEEL it!))
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After downing a beer, Shaun returned to the lobby which had cleared out a bit. He noticed two people having a standoff, a maid and a rather out of place looking kid. He stared at them distantly then approached slowly. He thought he'd seen the maid before, but wasn't sure.
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"I'M STANDING UP, YOU JERK. Wait, you know what, just forget it. Someone like you who only has to scribble down a few lines to get paid, wouldn't understand anything about actually working. And you can say whatever the hell you like about the hotel because frankly I hate it here."

This guy obviously thought he was a match for her. Well, nobody got the better of Pandora in a slanging match and whether he was a guest or not, he'd rattled her cage and she didn't intend to take it lying down.

"You want trouble? Fine. I can make your stay here a living hell." she snapped. It would be incredibly easy- she was involved in pretty much every aspect of hotel life and if he was going to wind her up, she'd have no qualms whatsoever about doing so.
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"Yes, yes, scribbling down a few lines to get paid. I suppose cutting off all contact from your home for several months, being treated like a complete outcast by the locals, and living off the dirt is nothing in your mind. I've spent two years trying to get what others obtain in days, purely because of idiotic publishers, and idiotic people. And you can try all you want to give me a 'living hell', because anything you can dish out? It's nothing."

Michael no longer cared that he was making a scene. Anyone, ANYONE, who thought his job was just 'scribbling down lines' needed to be taught a lesson. Besides, he had very little to lose. What's ONE more angry person gonna do?
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Bam! Wait. That's a fish?!

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((Sounds interesting.

Name: Felicia Ecepa
Age: 35
Job: Head Chef
Appearance: Felicia is about 6'1, and is red-haired. She has gray eyes, and long hair that usually is tied up in a pony-tail. Since she's the head chef at the Gatewater, she usually wears the typical uniform that is expected of a worker in the kitchen. On her off-hours, Felicia usually is seen wearing a navy blue jacket and pants.
Personality: Often sarcastic and serious, Felicia is a hard worker. She multi-tasks a lot, and panics when things aren't going her way. However, when nothing bad is happening, she will open up more and be nicer to other people.
Biography: Born in a middle-class family, Felicia had a fascination with food from early life. Her mom managed one of the better restaurants in L.A. (which I'm assuming to be the location of the GW) After getting her degree in Food and traveling, she is now the Head Chef of the Gatewater. Influenced by her travels, the menu at the Gatewater contains dishes from Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Name: Gatewater Restaurant
Floor Number: 3
Type of Location: Restaurant
Description: One of the restaurants in the Gatewater, this restaurant serves cuisine from Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Appearance: Large room with tables for diners. Features a bar, and a stage with live music. A place for late night dining, classical music can be heard as you walk by.
Noteable People/Employees: Head Chef Felicia. ))
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((Wanted to post for a while, I hope I can finish a decent post now.))

The day had begun. Though Margaret only noticed when her eyes twitched, the breaking dawn's first light striking them by surprise. She closed them again; it took her forty seconds to finally move. Until then, she was lying on the hotel's rooftop. She was now sitting, looking around. How had she arrived here? Had she really fallen asleep on the hotel's rooftop?
Since the answers wouldn't come to Margaret, at least not while sitting down, she stood up, and found her way to-

Drop. A single, sudden raindrop had fallen on Sean's notebook, leaving a small blotch of ink and water. He had to stop his pen-holding right hand, inspiration quickly fading away. "Oh, don't tell me it's-" But it was just after he could mutter that to himself, three or four more drops fell right next to where the first one had fallen. Sean noticed that, and was quick to put the notebook away, keeping it in his jacket pocket. He looked up, hoping those had been some lone, random raindrops. But they had friends, it seemed, since three seconds later it had started to furiously rain. Sean stood up, and got into the enclosed part of the observation deck, since the balcony wasn't safe anymore. He stood there for a couple of seconds, staring mindlessly into space. It really was raining hard, and it didn't seem like it would stop anytime soon. So, Sean decided to finally get in and call it a day, and found his way to-

"Wait", he told himself. He checked the pocket where he had left his notebook. They weren't there. They should be, but they weren't. He couldn't find his keys. Sean quickly checked the rest of his pockets, but still no keys. He then turned around, and saw them. They were right next to the balcony's end. Under the rain. Great, he though. But he was nothing without his keys, so he quickly ran over to the balcony, kneeled down to take his keys... and accidentally kicked them down the balcony. "No!" he shouted, as he saw the keys falling down the Hotel's front, just above the street, and, in an amazing coincidence, hitting a car's windshield, a car that kept driving away, far, far away from Sean.

Everything happened all too fast for Sean to react properly. He was still looking down, though the car had already driven away, his mouth open almost as wide as his eyes. Afer some seconds, he realized that he was under the rain, and walked back into the observation deck's enclosed part, closing the door behind him. He walked down the stairs to floor 84, tried to dry his clothes a bit, shook his head, and called the lift. Thankfully, it was fairly empty, with only three people inside. He got in, pressed the "L" button, and the lift descended. Some seconds later, after two stops, he and the remaining passenger got down, and a wave of around twenty people got in. He didn't mind this, and walked towards the front desk, thought with difficulty: the lobby was absolutely filled with people, their movement and their sounds.

"Hey, Sue", Sean told the young receptionist. "Hard day's night, huh?"
She smiled at him. "Funny, Mr. Dereks", she said in her British accent. "If you need anything, please do tell me now, I've got quite a lot of work to do."
"I, um..." Sean muttered, looking for a way to tell her. "...I kinda lost my keys."
"You what?" Sue said loudly, not hearing Sean due to the lobby's noise.
"I lost my keys!" he shouted, realizing he had to be loud, though he probably was too loud.
She looked at him, her eyes looking as if she were saying "You're kidding me, right?"
"Don't, don't look at me like that! I was up in the balcony, floor 85, it started raining, I was in a rush, and suddenly my keys were in a moving car's windshield, sorry!"
"And what am I supposed to do?" asked she.
"Don't you have copies of each room's keys?"
She didn't say anything, turned around, checked a drawer, and handed Sean a key, attached to a leather holder with the code 8103 engraved on it.
"Thank you, THANK YOU, Sue", he told her, smiling.
"Don't mention it", she said. "Really, don't."

After getting his keys, Sean turned towards the lift, and saw the inmense line of people waiting to get in. He would have to wait at least 20 minutes. Oh, a line., he thought, ironically smiling to himself. Wonderful. He stood last in line, and was willing to wait. But a moment later, he heard a lady's loud voice shouting at a poor devil. He knew that lady. And knowing her, he also knew what was going on. He approached the group, still soaked, but smiling.

"Excuse me," he told the man who had being shouted at, "I couldn't help but overhear you asking about the bar, right? First floor, right after you get out of the lift, a few feet to your left. Though you're probably in for a long wait before you can actually step into the lift." He smiled, and offered the man his hand. "Sean Dereks. You could say I live here." Right next to them, the lady from before, called Pandora, was arguing very loudly with another man. Knowing Pandora, he knew a storm was coming. And it would probably be twice as strong as the one outside, maybe even thrice as loud.

((EDIT: Jesus Christ, too much posts while I was writing O_o))
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"Nothing? Oh, you have no idea how wrong you are, my friend.... Ugh, I'm sick of talking to you already! Why don't you just go outside and play with the traffic?" Pandora hissed. The guy was actually beginning to get under her skin and she couldn't remember being so furious for ages.

Ugh, how do I get RID of him? I'm small and I'm not wearing spiky shoes...

Casting a glance around the room, her eye fell on Sean, who'd apparently just entered and happened to be one of the few people around that Pandora actually quite liked and striding forward, she tugged at his arm impatiently.

"Sean? Would you please help me get rid of this waste of space before I have to dismember him with my own two hands?"
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Christopher turned to the new man. "Thank you very much, sir. And I'm sorry, ma'am, for making you do your job," he grunted. "Anyway." He shook the man's hand and introduced himself. "Christopher Trent, DJ in Club Euphoria. Would you mind telling me what is her problem?"
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Trent," Sean told Christopher, still relaxedly smiling. "Oh, don't mind her, rain makes her moody."
He then turned his head to Pandora, and spoke in faux gentlemanliness. "Miss Box, you may continue your duties from where you left them. I'll take care from now on." He hoped that she would understand this as a way of saving her from this trouble, and at the same time saving the guests from her wrath.

After that, he turned to the other man. "Sorry for all that, mister." Sean told him, and offered him his hand, too. "Sean Dereks, resident guest of the Gatewater. If you're looking for the registration deck, it's right there." he pointed to the front deck. "If there's anything else you need, tell me and I'll do what I can."
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"Thank you. You've shown far more competance than any of the employees, thank you." Michael left for the reception desk, giving a final glance in the waitress's direction.

Insane, just plain insane... Oh well, at least SOMETHING may happen in this friggin' trip...
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Pandora nodded and flashed Sean a rare smile.

"Thanks. Appreciate it."

Even for such a perpetually angry person as herself, Pandora didn't tend to get into full-blown arguments with guests- sure, she generally never took it upon herself to actually be polite but a prolonged dispute was something she hadn't had with a guest yet; mostly they just backed down.

Hmph. Looks like he lives to fight another day. But I meant what I said and I won't forget this...

Sean had been partially right, the rain did make her mood even worse than it usually was, but the fact that they had to cram all the guests in and keep them there was what really wound Pandora up. As such, it was probably inevitable that she'd run into that idiot again...

She frowned and decided she'd ask to switch to housekeeping for the evening. It didn't look as though any of the guests had anything worth swiping for now.
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Shuan, looked to the newcomer and smiled. Someone he reocgnized,

"Sean? Sean Derreks?" He said with eagerness, he was a sort of acquaintance with Sean, him having been his older brother's good friend.

"Sean, remember me, I'm Shaun Tindeed, Jason's little brother!"
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oddy wrote:
Ron drank a little from the glass and putted it on the table and then he chuckled a little.

"I guess you're spot on", he took another gulp. "I'll gamble everywhere, even here. Want to gamble a bit about this drink" he said and hold up the glass.

"I see...sounds like fun. so what so. what to wager...hmm..." he poured the man another drink "it seems like a very lively night tonight." as he was talking he was dealing with other customers orders.
"Ahh I got an about your first night here? if you win first nights free but if I win you gotta pay for a round for everyone here of the most expensive drinks in stock. sound like fun?"
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