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Re: What AJ characters do you like/dislike?Topic%20Title
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:odoroki: I really liked Apollo. He was quirky and adorable.

:minuki: I didn't expect to like her at all, but I absolutely adore her! She's smart, adorable, charming, and more helpful than Maya. I love how she fangirls over Klavier. What's not to love?

Spoiler: Kristoph
:pft: I love this guy! He's calculating, calm, collected, and pure evil.

Killing a guy over a card game! (Ironically framing Nick for the same motive) And he's plotted everything out to the point where you can only catch him with forged evidence. Badass.

Who the hell kills with a stamp and nail polish? Stylish badass mofos like Kristoph!

:snap: I like him and it is refreshing to see a prosecutor without a traumatic, scarring past. I like the rocker gimmick and how he seeks the truth . However, I preferred him to be toughter on Apollo in court. He would've gotten Apollo's client off himself if Apollo dropped dead in the middle of court.

:hobohodo: I miss his old personality. He's too mysterious and wise damnit. I miss airhead, did-everything-on-the-spur, funny Nick. Overall, I could tolerate Nick.

:Brush-Sniff: He was getting on my nerves with all those end quote stuff

:doodle: She's so cute and innocent. I loved her personality and her drawings.

:haha: I. friggin. love. him! He's hilarious in a douchebag way. I love cross-examining him. A bunch of his testimony is insulting the bodyguard lulz. I'd play 4-3 more often just for him, but I hate that guitar serenade song and they just play it too often -__________-

:takita: I can't stand him. Trying to be all tough. NO G you isn't. And he's ungrateful even after you get him off the hook.

:agent-Smith: Cute kid. I thought he was a girl at first haha. I love his broken english.

:yummy: She gets in the way of my investigations too much. No help unless it has to do with scientific investigations. Munch Munch Munch Snackoo'd.

:gipsy: The fact that her guitar serenade song played too many times (and slow), makes me not like her at all. V.V Guilty love ftw.

:varanbaran: (No Zak emoticon?) & Zak: I hate them both ughhhh. Zak is a giant douche. Having his daughter assist his escape, ditching Trucy, tries to frame Nick as a cheater, and etc :zenitora:

Valent just annoys me to no end with his giant ego. But they do have a cool theme music.

Last edited by Ziska Von Hawthorne on Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: What AJ characters do you like/dislike?Topic%20Title
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Most! Special mentions to Trucy and Klavier.
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Let me just start by saying that I do like AJ, even if the next I'll write suggests that I don't.

Apollo Justice
Ema Skye - Liked her even more than in 1-5, although she isn't as happy and playfull anymore.. but hey, that just means that she isn't a Maya clone no longer.
Dick Gumshoe - Just because he was in it.

Not too fond of:
Hobo Phoenix Wright - First of all because of the obvious reason: I don't like what he turned into. But his new personality is weird as well. He was keeping too many secrets to himself to a point where it was just annoying, and the way he laughed at you all the time, acting all mysterious was so off-character.
Klavier Gavin - Couldn't take him serious. Never felt like a threat, and just the fact that he was a prosecutor/rock star made every trial so much less serious. (Yes, even less serious than a prosecutor with a whip.)

ZAK GRAMARYE (he's a jerk)
Spark Brushel (he's an odd character without being funny. Say what you will about Oldbag or Meekins, but at least they had some personality and didn't talk like a robot. (I think I am one of the only people who actually liked Oldbag.. until she turned up in GK though..))
Trucy's panties - yeah, they're a character to me. I mean, why else would half a case revolve around them?

Neutral about:
Trucy - I neither like or dislike the girl. She was not a complete Maya clone, but a lot of her personality was tied either to magic, panties or Phoenix Wright, which I think was a shame. But not so much that it made me dislike her though.
Latest game update: 25/03/11
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Re: What AJ characters do you like/dislike?Topic%20Title


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:odoroki: I loved Apollo Justice. It makes me so sad to hear when people hate on Apollo or his game, or talk about how they want Phoenix to be the main character of the non-existent GS5. Don't get me wrong, I love Phoenix, but this is supposed to be Apollo's story now! Although now it seems like it's no one's story since GS5 doesn't seem like it's going to happen anytime soon.. Which sucks, because Apollo deserves better than what he got! I enjoyed playing the MASON system portion of 4-4, but Phoenix really did steal Apollo's spotlight. Gah. Seeing the way that AJ ended, I really thought there would be a sequel! I mean they need to give Apollo his character development, his backstory, and a game where he gets to be the hero instead of a game in which he is supposed to be the new protagonist but just really roundabouts back to Phoenix. Anyways, I'm getting off-track. Apollo is awesome. And it's sad how he's always hated on purely because he's not Phoenix. But seriously, we know almost nothing about Apollo! And it was his game! How sad is that!?

:minuki: Trucy!! :D Haha, there are many different opinions about the teenage girl sidekicks of Ace Attorney. I'm not much of a hater of anything, so I actually love every one of them. Although I'd probably be annoyed if they made a fifth one haha. Trucy was awesome. She's so naive and amusing, and fun to investigate with. And magic panties rule. She's also more mature than she seems and pretty damn smart in court (yeah, yeah, pretty cliche but whatever). And I don't know, I just love her sprites XD I also really like the idea that despite how cheerful she seems, she's actually still hurting inside (Her crying sprite.. And Phoenix's "I'm the only one who knows how she really feels... on the inside." One of my favourite scenes ever. I'm so pathetic..) Her father-daughter relationship with Phoenix is just adorable.

:hobohodo: Oh, Phoenix.. Honestly I find it hard to wrap my head around how much he changed. But when you're playing as him, he doesn't seem to have changed at all! It's only when it's Apollo's point of view! Argh! I like him as a character, but I almost see him as a totally different character from lawyer-Phoenix. But Phoenix is prone to change a lot, I suppose. (*cough*CollegePhoenix*cough**cough*) Phoenix's parenting skills are quite questionable, though XD But it was sweet how he called Trucy his light and all that (yeah, yeah, I'm a sucker for sappiness) and how he actually does seem to care a lot for her.

:sassy: Like I mentioned earlier, I loved all the "sidekicks" of the series. I don't like to think of them as "Maya clones". Anyways, I loved younger Ema and I also loved older Ema. I mean, Ema's moodiness really is understandable, and she's still as amusing a character as ever. And underneath her grumpiness and all the Snackoos, she really is the same person inside. And not just with her love of science either haha. Also, I thought that I would get really tired of the Snackoo gimmick and find it overused in this game, but I actually didn't. I don't know how, Apollo just made it seem not overdone for me XD And I feel really sorry for Ema too. Couldn't they have given her some happiness!? Yeah, but some optimism still remains inside her, and she still gets to do forensics behind the forensic scientists' back. Good for you, Ema! I wish there was some mention of Lana in the game though... She didn't even mention Lana when she said that Phoenix helped her ten years ago! Ema's interactions with Klavier (no, I'm not a Klema fan) are also amusing, although there are so few.. Her imitating Kristoph in 4-4 was hilarious, though. I was just glad to see Ema back :D (Although I met Detective Ema Skye before her sixteen-year-old self XD I thought for sure her Snackoo obsession would be explained in 1-5 lol.)

:kyouya: This dude has a LOT of haters, but also a LOT of fans. Personally, I like him. He's cool, he does air guitar in court, it's so satisfying to see his sweating pose (he's always so calm!), and he actually cares about getting the right verdict. And Phoenix's disbarrment wasn't his fault. It was all Kristoph. And he was being an ass in that case against Phoenix ALSO because of Kristoph. And I just like it when he clutches his head and that guitar chord plays XD Ahem.

:chinami: What the!? How the hell did she get in here!?

:garyuu: Ahahaha, I just can't think of Kristoph now without thinking of Dahlia (I blame the GS4 Pairings Thread.) Anyways, Kristoph was a cool villian I suppose. I liked him. I played 4-1 before ANY other Ace Attorney game or case, so I didn't see Kristoph being the villian coming. Hell, I didn't even know how to do cross-examinations properly, let alone figure out the true murderer. Kristoph was a creepy mentor, but still awesome. And I dunno, I guess I don't have a lot of opinions about him. He's just swell, I suppose.

:hotti: WHY IS HE BACK?? I find it funny how now he's Dr. Hotti. But his scratching is as creepy as ever.. And makes me feel uncomfortable... And I don't know why he's even in this list...

:noodle-hmm: He was okay throughout most of Turnabout Corner, I suppose.. But he really pissed me off in the credits. Seriously. But he gets points for his hat. Hehe.

:study: I liked him. Panty snatchers are cool in my books. No, wait.. I didn't mean that. :payne: His "intelligent" ranting annoyed me though. It didn't really make sense to me.. And there are enough characters that go on unstoppable rants.

Too lazy to do smilies. Troupe Gramarye... Lots of people hate them, I think. Especially Zak, haha. Like I said, I'm not much of a hater (hard to think of a character I really hated) so I'm actually fine with all of them. Valant was good for a laugh, and I can understand him doing what he did to Magnifi's crime scene. Thalassa... The hate on her confuses me. I mean, you hardly even get to know her character (besides Lamiroir, who did nothing objectionable IMO).. Except for abandoning Apollo, that is. But we still know nothing about the circumstances of that, so... And.. Zak Gramarye. Damn, a lot of people hate him. I understand the hate for him, but I can sort of understand his actions... I have mixed feelings for this guy. Some of what he did confuses me a bit, but overall I don't think he's that bad. It was really decent of him to confess to Magnifi's murder to help Valant. And he really does care about Trucy, despite what some of his actions might say to some people. I don't know, I just have mixed feelings for the guy, but I don't outright hate him.

Crap, that was a long and boring post. My opinions just got away from me XD Basically I liked or felt neutral to all the characters in AJ. Spark Brushel annoyed me a lot though, but he was better when you were playing as Phoenix. I'm gonna stop now before I write anything more.
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Re: What AJ characters do you like/dislike?Topic%20Title
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I don't like Apollo very much at all, but I'm willing to give him another chance if he does ever appear in another game.

The thing that annoyed me most about AJ is that they didn't even stand to mention most of our favourite characters from the trilogy.

Maya, Mia and Edgeworth seemed to have never existed.

Especially Maya.

Phoenix: Oh, see this magatama thing here? I HAVE NO IDEA HOW I GOT IT, LOLZ

Me: *headboom* :chinami:
Why are you...lying to me?
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So far of what I played, the only character I like is Ema Skye. I don't like how they ended Phoenix's story, I think that they need to have him become the main character again, and have Maya the co-owner of the office again.
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cvmerchanary wrote:
So far of what I played, the only character I like is Ema Skye. I don't like how they ended Phoenix's story, I think that they need to have him become the main character again, and have Maya the co-owner of the office again.

Really? I hated what they'd done with Ema Skye showing her as a more vindictive irritatable person than her younger self. Granted they at least explained it with her utter failure at Science but I still found her presence unpleasant.
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Re: What AJ characters do you like/dislike?Topic%20Title

A Male at Kurain Village (Maya's Boy)

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Pierre wrote:
cvmerchanary wrote:
So far of what I played, the only character I like is Ema Skye. I don't like how they ended Phoenix's story, I think that they need to have him become the main character again, and have Maya the co-owner of the office again.

Really? I hated what they'd done with Ema Skye showing her as a more vindictive irritatable person than her younger self. Granted they at least explained it with her utter failure at Science but I still found her presence unpleasant.

I liked her only because in the first case they bring up some stuff from GS1 really. I think if Lana came back in G5 Ema could end up being a very happy character.
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Characters I like: :odoroki: :kyouya: :sassy: :karate: :draw:

Characters I dislike: :study: :egg: Just these two... I found them both to be annoying. Everyone else is okay.
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I didn't like Apollo, Klavier, Trucy, Eldoon, Brushel and Hobo-Phoenix. Apollo was too similar to Phoenix, imo (weird hair, afraid of heights and personality)

I loved that Ema came back, even if she was grumpy. I preferred her younger self, but I was pleased at least a PW arc character came back. :notes:
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I don't think I posted in this thread before... If I have, then consider this an updated list. :edgy:

:odoroki: - I really, honestly don't see why people dislike Apollo so much. I like his passionate, energetic personality, and I felt really bad that :hobohodo: kept showing up to steal his thunder...
:garyuu: -I think it's safe to say that Kristoph is one of my favorite characters in the series overall. He's really classy and elegant, but at the same time terrifying and mysterious...
:minuki: -She was really bubbly, adorable, and funny. I was pleasantly surprised that she was not just an annoying rehash of :maya: (in my opinion).
:notes: -At the time I played AJ, I hadn't played GS1 yet, so I didn't really compare older Ema to newer Ema. She did annoy me at times with her grumpiness, but in the end I grew to really like her.

:kyouya: -I go back and forth on my feelings for him. Sometimes I think he's super awesome, other times I think he extremely annoying... I do think that making him the main prosecutor in AJ kinda limited his potential to grow as a character (but that's just me).

Don't Like:
:hobohodo: -Don't get me started on why I dislike him so much. I loved him in the first three games, but in AJ,
Troupe Gramarye- I'm pretty sure my reasons as to why I don't like them are the same as everyone else's.
Plus I felt that the whole Lamiror=Thalassa Gramarye=Apollo and Trucy's mom seemed really far-fetched


Credit goes to the lovely Purple Angel for the sig, and the wonderful TheBaronAndEma for the avatar~!
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Leaving Apollo and Phoenix aside, I really liked Kristoph, Klavier, Eldoon, Valant and yes, Spark Brushel. Few of the characters, actually.

Now, I'm not saying all of the AJ characters are shit, but they're not the kind to leave an impression. All of the side characters such as Stickler, Daryan and Plum are not as entertaining as Atmey, Bikini or Badd, for instance. They're all too "superficial", like they were written for the plot and only the plot, as if their existance depended on the existance of the case....... I don't know

As for the ones I dislike, FUCKING DREW MISHAM. And Zak Grammarye.
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Well, this game is one of the best IMO and I really liked most charcters. Well, the term like\dislike is very vauge. People seem to put the jerks as dislikes, but I dont agree. I find the characters I dislike are the ones that fail to envoke what their roles are ment to, or just have a crappy role to begin with. Best example for me is Zack, he is a terrible parent and Its rather obvious that people hate him because of his whole trial fiasaco. But for me, when I played the game, he was great. He filled his role amazingly in my opinion.
You really hate him when he leaves Trucy behind, and I do agree that he exagurated in his escape, but I think he was a very developed character. You know he isnt truly bad, he did what he did, IMO, to secure Trucy the gramarye secrets, because Valant would have gotten them otherwise, so you can understand his motives. Plus, talking to him in the present with the mason system as Shadi Smith envoked so many diffrent emotions in me, its amazing. He actually might be one of my fav AJ characters.

Anyway, I loved the entire main cast, with Hobo Phoenix being the best. I think its a very mature development in his life, and I much perfer it to him staying old phoenix. Think about it, all that has happend, and becoming a single parent to an adoptive child out of the blue made forced him to mature and made him wiser. I think the game felt very real in many respects because of things like this.

Well, I did hate Spark Brushel, as he contributed nothing really.
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Can't say I like Winston Payne too much =/
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I like Hobo Phoenix. :hobohodo:
I didn't like his new appearance at first because I really don't like facial hair, but after a minute or two, that new attitude of his, stating his slightly jerkness openly and especially after the first trial when he smiled, that just hit me so much~

Kinda like Klavier, too. :kyouya:
Aside from having a really weird name, I mostly like him because of his clothes. They are so cool, I wanna see Edgeworth wear them, hehe.

But I hate Trucy. :minuki:
Okay, I know Capcom seems to think nobody wants to play their games unless there's a hyperactive, rather annoying, female sidekick, but she really just annoys me. Mr Hat is pretty cool (and I love the South Park reference) but otherwise she makes no sense to me. Case 2 she constantly talks about her panties (which aren't even pretty!) and Case 3 she suddenly becomes all-knowing about the band, despite not knowing about their existence until just a bit ago... Also, isn't she a little too old to refer to her father as "Daddy"? (Don't care which daddy we're talking about) Really, why did we not get Hobo Phoenix as our constant shadow? I screamed with joy when he was next to Apollo in Case 1...

I just remembered I also do not like Crescend. :pencil:
His hair is way too phallic, even for somebody with as dirty a mind as mine. VGR is gonna have a field-day with this guy and his compensation-comparisons when/if they do the game.

The rest of the AJ cast made no real impression on me. Only that Kirstoph :garyuu: is a giant baby.


Last edited by CatMuto on Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Trucy(so cute with the whole magic gimmick and Mr. Hat)
Ema(I loooove her. I love how she matured since 1-5)
Kristoph(freakin' awesome. Calm and collected no matter what)
Eldoon(he has a bada** feel to him)
Alita(haaaaaaawt :nick-heart: And she wasn't as bad as people make her out to be)
Lamiroir(the mystery surrounding her adds to her character)
Valant(being a magic fan myself, it should come to no surprise that he's here)
Vera(she's cute :nick-heart: )

Apollo(if he was fleshed out more, I could like him)
Hobo Nick(I'm neutral about him, I don't like or dislike him)
Olga(kind of cute, I guess. But not much personality)
Little Plum(she was funny, I guess.)
Wocky(he was funny, trying to be tough, but it got annoying sometimes)
Machi(he was okay)

Despise, despise, despise! :chinami: :
ZAK FRICKIN GRAMARYE(biggest a**hole in the series.)
Wesley "I stole your panties" Stickler(horrible character that became worse and worse as time progressed)
Daryan "Dirty Mind" Crescend(his hair was disturbing, he was extremely annoying, and he only had one funny line)
Magnifi "Magnificent" Gramarye(douchebag)
and the one AJ character who is despised by me the most, second to only Zak Gramarye is...
Spoiler: *drumroll* Warning, rant approaching
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Alright, here's my two cents.

Characters I like:

Trucy Wright :minuki: Such an adorable, funny, bright young magician. She's fun to be around, and I like her backstory, too.

Ema Skye :sassy: Unlike most people, I don't see older Ema and younger Ema as two different characters, just like I don't see regular Phoenix and Hobo Phoenix as two different characters. They're the same character who have developed over time. That's just how I see it.

Now that that's out of the way, Ema is a really fun character, both in her science obsession and her grumpy demeanor (which I understand most people find annoying, but I thought it was funny). Though one has to wonder how she's able to plow through all of those Snackoos without gaining any weight.


OW! Okay, moving on.

Magnifi Gramarye :Temsai: Maybe it's because I have an overactive imagination, but the reason I like Magnifi is pretty much the same reason I like Byrne Faraday and Bruto Cadaverini: We don't see a lot of him, which allows my imagination to fill in the blanks. I know that's not the best reason, but that's the best justification I can come up with.

Spoiler: Lamirior :gipsy:
aka Thalassa Gramarye. Once you get to know her full backstory, you really feel her pain. Before that, I liked the air of mystery around her.

Characters I hate:

Wesley Stickler :study: Dear God, this guy was annoying. The self-importance, the rambling text, the utter stupidity, everything about him just ticked me off. Honestly, I think I should find him funny, because he thinks he's so smart, and yet he steals women's panties because he wants to find out the secret behind a magic trick. Sorry, he's not likable in that sense, and he certainly should not rank himself with Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan. He's just a pseudo-intellectual asshole.

Everyone else I have a pretty neutral opinion of. Not to say I thought the cast was lacking in any way, it wasn't. I just don't feel as strongly about the other characters as I do the ones I listed above.
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I love Apollo and Trucy. I disilked hobo Phoenix but its slowly growing in me.. sorta..
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:violin: :rock'n: :haha: :yummy: :Noodle-Salute: :draw: plum kitaki, especially when she flashes the blade in the broom (too bad no smiley)

:hobolaugh: :think-think-think: :varanbaran: :agent-Smith: :payne-stroke: :study:
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Little Plum

Klavier and Trucy were the only ones that I was really like omgsh they're amazing ♥, but I really like the others too. The new changes in Ema do bother me a bit, but I'm just so happy that she's back haha. I also really liked Wocky, but I liked Little Plum a little bit more than him. And I just love Vera because I feel that I can relate to her because I'm also shy, an artist, and wear a lot of purple haha. Plus I feel really bad for her


I feel like this list could go on lol even though I really did enjoy the game. Something just really bothered me about Machi, can't stand him at all. Daryan may be hot, but he's a jerk. Never liked Kristoph, that's all I'm saying about that haha. Never really liked Valant either, I just had this feeling that there was something fishy about him the whole time, even after he fessed up. And Magnifi was also a jerk.
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I globally love all the characters except Alita Tiala. She's not as cute as the game intend to make us believe. She's also such a lucky one and after all, I really despised what she said at the end of the case when she explains how she choosed the Wright Anything Agency to defend poor Wocky...
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Like/LOVE!!!!: :odo-objection: :rock'n: :sillytrucy: :doodle: :pft: :gipsy: :uh: :chopchop:

Dislike/Meh: :yummy: :hobohodo2:
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:hobohodo: I just like Phoenix & I wonder if he's going to his closest & influential friends for help on his "secret mission"
:sassy: Ema is cool.
:udgy: you just have to have the judge

:minuki: She's ok, I wonder if she would like a spirit medium for a mom

:garyuu: no real reason
:mrhat: I'm not a fan of his. srsly he creeped me out
:hotti: why are you in this game?

:study: he makes me regret ever taking human anatomy, and because of him I apologize for any Vulcanlike speech I've done. He is so annoying. everytime he appears I want to throw my 3ds across the room just to get rid of his sprite. someone plz make him a victim in a future case.
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I was going to make a top 5 before I realized I didn't love enough of the characters in this game to justify that big a list.

Brushel is hands down the funniest guy in this game, and his character is the most memorable. His design is unique, his dialogue is funny, and his animations are totally unique. (Every time he strangles himself with his tie I laugh. Every. Single. Time.)

I guess he's an expy of Lotta. But unlike Lotta, whose presence makes every case worse, I like Brushel.

Spoiler: 4-4
I actually like Drew, or what little we see of him during the flashback, at least. This seems to be a minority opinion, but I remember sympathizing with him.

Kristoph is incredibly petty, sure. But watching him and Phoenix/Apollo duke it out at the end of the game is amazing. The conflict of AA4 is between the people who want to close loopholes and the people who want to exploit them, and I think Kristoph is about as perfect a representative of the latter as you can get. Not as good as Dahlia getting EXORCISED THROUGH THE POWER OF INSULT, but he's still an amazing villain.

Also, I like Orly. She's pretty cool.

I didn't dislike anyone in this game, per se, but most of the characters in this game didn't strike me as interesting in the same way some others did. If I had to pick a least favorite I'd say Zak, mostly because his motivations struck me as being really really flimsy.
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:hobohodo: - I have to applaud the ballsiness of the writers here. At first I thought I would hate him because of what I read before playing AJ, but his new personality and laid-back approach grew on me fast.
:odoroki: - I've always liked Apollo. He makes a great foil to Phoenix and Klavier, and his dialogue and animations are some of my favorite in the game.
:doodle: - Just...adorable. :bellboy:
:sassy: - I like what they did with Ema, turning her from another Maya clone into a slacker of a detective. She was entertaining enough for me to forgive the stupid mistakes she makes in her cases.

:kyouya: - Overrated and kind of boring. I feel he had the potential for more character development than he actually got. Still, I do like the concept of a "friendly" prosecutor who *GASP* cares about finding the right killer.
:minuki: - She is very helpful (especially in 4-2) and has a few good lines, but ultimately there wasn't enough to make me think of her as anything more than a poor man's :maya: . I wasn't really feeling as much chemistry between her and Apollo, either.
:Brush-Sniff: - His Perception segment. Good god...
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Vera (seriously, if she was a real life person I would date her in a heartbeat)
Spark (eh, I thought he was funny to be honest)
Meekins (eh, I know he gets a lot of hate, but I like the guy honestly)

Wocky (ugh, I DESPISE ghetto acting people. Not to mention the least intimidating "tough guy" character in the series)
Hickfield (of all the GS characters they could have brought back for an appearance, they picked THIS guy?)
Alita (at first because she was actually willingly dating that ghetto wannabe Wocky, then because....well she's a bitch)
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I recently finished Apollo Justice and I can barely remember the support cast. That alone should say something about what I think of the characters in that game. Overall the game was good, but the cases themselves were far less interesting than those of its predecessors, and the cast played no small part in that.

That said, let's get on with the list.

I liked:

Klavier Gavin - He could've been harsher with Apollo, but I enjoyed his laid back attitude. I didn't like it that he was both a rock star and a prosecutor when he was 17, but the game made me look past that. He wasn't a brilliant character, but he had a unique way of speaking (and not in the obnoxious way, that's like one in a million), funny animations and a somewhat believable character, if we ignore his extraordinary, early accomplishments. I wanted to see him reacting more to Kristoph's crimes, however.

Kristoph Gavin - Petty motive, but other than that a splendid villain.


Apollo Justice - The game could've benefitted from pointing out what makes him different from Phoenix. Sure, you may say 'well I thought he cared more about X than Phoenix', but they could've made it CLEAR. Hell I like what the community has done with Apollo better than what the writers did - A cute, slightly socially awkward guy who gets picked on by everyone.

'But Thane you sexy, sexy man, they already did that in the game!'

- No, he was manipulated and often ridiculed. There's a difference.

In the end, I just have two questions for him: who are you, and why should I care?

Trucy Wright Enigmar Gramarye - Scares the crap out of me. Has a few good lines but ultimately ends up as a Maya 2.5 (or more like, 2.8). The chemistry between her and Apollo just isn't there most of the time.

90% of the support cast, but I guess I should clarify a few.

Vera Misham - In real life I usually like it when people are a bit more humble and laid back as opposed to acting like ice queens, but this girl just takes it too far; sure, she's cute once you break her shell a bit, but she's totally naïve and a complete introvert. And for everyone wanting to date her - good luck with picking up someone with a troubled past who likes keeping to themselves. I'm serious, I've been there, and it's not easy.

Ema Skye - I'm glad she dumped her Maya 2.0 status and moved on. However, I can't say I care for her grumpy attitude, even if I understand where she's coming from, and I'm glad the old, adorable science-loving girl is still in there.

The entire Gramarye troupe - I'm sorry, are we supposed to care about their motives and whatnot? I just wanted to figure out what happened to Phoenix, which is the main bloody problem of this game - it's titled Apollo Justice for goodness sake! But I'll get to that later.

Thalassa - Yawn. No but seriously, take your responsibilities as a mother and tell your children the truth. Why are you leaving them both in the hands of a hobo?


Phoenix - I'm sorry, but why did Phoenix have to be the Kreia of this game again? I must have missed that part. Why didn't my playthroughs of the old games matter? Why is he suddenly a seemingly irresponsible father? What happend to his fashion sense (the guy went up against both Klavier and Edgeworth!)? Why is he acting like a complete jerkass except for when we play as him?

And, of course: why is my attention focused on PHOENIX WRIGHT in APOLLO JUSTICE?

I get it, he's lying low, but he's acting like a cryptic, enigmatic jerk for most of the playthrough which I don't care for, even if he has his reasons, but that's the problem - I, as the player, don't care about this new hotshot when the old protagonist isn't acting like, well, the old protagonist! I don't like anything about the new Phoenix, yet I want to know what happened to him, seeing as he was the hero of the earlier games - why should I care about the bland main character when there's a more pressing mystery to be solved?

I know it has been said before but I'll say it again - the game would've benefitted from not having Phoenix Wright in the game. Referenced, sure, maybe a cameo as his old self (with some character progression shown, sure), but why did he have to be the cryptic guide? Hell, I don't know about you guys but I wondered more about what happened to his friends than what actually happened 'seven years ago'. That's counter-productive to a good story.

- In short, the Kreia could have been a completely new character, and the story would've been more coherent, focused and better off for it.

Wocky - I get enough of wanna-be gangsters in real life, thanks.

Last edited by Thane on Fri Jul 26, 2013 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Am I the only one who thinks that Wesley Stickler is almost the exact same character as Richard Wellington? They both pretend to be intelligent and upper class, they both have the oldbag like ability to have endless boxes of text, and their cell phones are both plot points in the cases that they're in.
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Apollo's pretty cool, and of course, Ema.
For some reason Wocky grew on me. Must be that cool jacket of his.
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Characters I don't really care for from AJ:

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I liked:
Klavier not as a character and not as a prosecutor, but his gimmicks are funny. He's like a Tokio Hotel wannabe which is a good parody imo.
Kristoph Gavin. He was a good villain although his motive could've been so much better. I like his attitude because you can feel all the evil inside him that he's hiding behind his smile.
Zak because I thought he was well-written. He's a real jerk and I hate him, and honestly I felt it was meant to be that way, thinking meta-game.
Spark Brushel. What a creep but he reminds me of some of the eccentric people I've seen on tv. The way he talks resembles how he's constantly thinking in headlines completely lost in his tabloid work.
Alita Tiala. I liked her role, and I also liked how there was more to her crime than what you thought.

I disliked:
Phoenix. Unrealistic change imo. Of course if someone is disbarred for more than 7 years they ought to chance, but no matter what, the inner core of your personality will always remain the same, and Phoenix really doesn't look or sound like Phoenix in this game. It's like they just made a new character and said, "yep, this is Phoenix"
Apollo. No backstory, has the same design ideas as Phoenix Wright, feels like a ripoff and he barely gets away from that. He has another way of thinking but it still resembles Phoenix' inner monologue in a lot of ways and that felt really distracting. Also he's way more immature and I felt like this game was aimed at a younger audience because he's way more "Hear how funny i am when I say this!" and he wants attention which makes him unlikable.
Trucy. What a boring character. All of her facial expressions has some kind of sterile look to them. She's never really involved in any of the drama and she's an annoying sidekick because she seems to be smarter than Apollo in some ways, especially in court. AND she's NOT cute.
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The reason why Phoenix is so different in this game is because Shu Takumi originally wanted the game to have a completely new cast, but executive meddling forced him to put Phoenix in it.
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dimentiorules wrote:
The reason why Phoenix is so different in this game is because Shu Takumi originally wanted the game to have a completely new cast, but executive meddling forced him to put Phoenix in it.

They also wanted the story to be completely different - it was supposed to focus on Apollo's background and his past - but due to it being made around the same time that the Japanese Law System was re-instating the Jury System, they had to throw something together to show the Jury System in a positive light.

Apollo. No backstory, has the same design ideas as Phoenix Wright, feels like a ripoff and he barely gets away from that.

Apollo may seem like a Phoenix rip-off, but he actually isn't.
Phoenix is intent on believing his clients to the very end, even if he's proven wrong.
Apollo is much more likely to distrust them, but simply wants justice to be done.

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My opinion has now changed..I now feel meh-ish about Trucy. I mean she's cute and fun but other than that I can't think of anything to write home about her.
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I really liked Kristoph Gavin, he was... interesting. I found Apollo Justice charming. I also liked Olga and Machi. Oh, and Little Plum!

I really couldn't stand Wocky, that annoying little brat, or Stickler - he was so damn pretentious. Or Brushel, brr. He was immensely creepy.
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:klavier: HAWT. (I'm not always deep and philosophical. I just like me some hot guys.)

:apollo: He has an awesome ability, and his personality isn't perfect, but it's realistic. I could be friends with him. He seems to have some issues, but he's still a cool guy.
:kristoph: Cool, cunning, clever. See also: My commentary on Klavier.
:haha: -Reminds me of a guy I know IRL.
:trucy: -They really pulled off her design.
:yummy: - It's been like five damn years, and I STILL don't know how I feel about her grown up self. Now that's just sad.

:hobohodo:- Depressed the hell out of me. Thank god for DD.
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---Turnabout Trump---

Apollo: Over-the-top personality, I didn't like him a lot in AJ. DD was an exception though.

Kristoph: I like him a lot (for obvious spoilery reasons.)

Olga: I don't even know what to say to this one.

Phoenix: His backstory was kind of meh, the plot just goes all around him. (Same for Athena)

Payne: Best character, and best hair.

---Turnabout Corner---

Trucy: She seems to fit well as the assistant, the whole magic-panties thing is something I want to ignore so much.

Wocky: Unoriginal and unlikable.

Alita: Her personality is nothing special.

Plum: Kind of a like-hate character.

Winfred: Mobsters with aprons are always the best!

Eldoon: I like him, his name is a bit too cheesy.

Stickler: Magic Panties for science? Really?

---Turnabout Serenade---

Romein: That beard! (Other than that, I have nothing to like about him.)

Lamiroir: Can't say if I like her or not.

Machi: I never liked him, his character is lame and he only speaks a few sentences.

Daryan: Penis-hair! ...I mean, I like him quite a lot.

---Turnabout Succession---

Vera: .............Awkward silence.

Drew: This guy made my go Psychy-lock.

Brushel: "This guy smells like mint." How's this bad, exactly? ...Oh um, End quote.

Zak: Hum...Hum..Hum...


Klavier: Meh, not the best prosecutor. (His theme brings headaches, though.)

Ema: Worst detective in the series.

Judge: I don't know, his quotes are kind of over-the-top to me in this game.

Hickfield: How many hospitals has this dude been in?
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AJ has some of the worst characters in the series. Period.
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