Gender: Female
Rank: Ace Attorney
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:23 pm
Posts: 9918
Currently my hair is past my shoulders and getting close to the halfway-down-the-back length that I want. It's a darkish brown with blond highlights which were put in to have
pink highlights which have been washed out for about six months now and I don't have the money
or the energy to recolor my hair with a pinkish color every three or four weeks to keep them in. Which really puts a damper on my idea of having a full set of cottoncandy pink hair.
I generally switch my preference around. When I have short hair, I miss the fact of tieing, curling or styling long hair. So I decide to grow it out, but around the time when my hair reaches my chin, I switch sides. I want short hair again, because I remember the annoyance of having the hair in my way and tickling/scratching my neck.
Mostly I dye my hair either black or red. But since I learned that my skin is too pale to look good with black hair, even if I went with goth make-up, so I basically gave up on that. Although I say red, I mostly go with auburn. Looks red enough when it's done.
I like wavey hair, but I can't really get it together. I can get curls but they make me look to 'cute' and I dislike that. And while I like hairstyles, I mostly just pull my hair back because it gets it out of my face. Plus, majority of the fashion hairstyles just look... really impractical to me. I know they're supposed to look great, but that kind of hair just hinders a person in daily life.