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OC Contest 2015: Fanart Entry ThreadTopic%20Title
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This is the entry submission thread for the fanart division of the 2015 OC Contest! Please review the rules before posting here.

When you're satisfied with your entry, please post it with the following format:

Entrant's Name:
Entrant's Website: (optional)
Character's Name:
Brief Physical Description:
Brief Personality Description:
Connection to canon characters (if applicable):
Brief Background:
Link to entry:

We encourage you to post your entry in this forum as well if you haven't already. Good luck to all!
Hi! I've largely stepped back from C-R due to life stuff. Please contact one of the other staff members for help!

Wooster wrote:
If there was such a thing as the "Wooster Seal of Approval", this post would get it.
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Entrant's Name: Kona [ konapop ]
Entrant's Website: [ My personal tumblr. ]
Character's Name: Carlene Rodgers. [ Ancestor of Ada Lovell. ]
Age: 19.
Occupation: Bakery worker/mock private investigator.

Brief Physical Description: Milky brown hair, hazel brown eyes. Hair the length of her back, straight, some pieces tied back into a small bun by a special hair accessory. Light, peachy skin tone. Tall, slim but not slender; holding some weight due to her sweets addiction. Wears a muted, steampunk-esque outfit with a belted corset and high-low skirt with a white under-dress. Two-inch brown knee-high boots with matching belted gloves. Small bags are attached to her corset belt in order to carry small items or ingredients. Additionally, she wears a leather choker with white frills coming from both ends.

Brief Personality Description: Carlene carries a "modern" personality for her time period. She's independent, sassy but sweet, and very much a truthful type. She refuses to lie unless there is a dire reason as to do so. Sly but tactless, Carlene tends to be snarky towards authority figures, especially those older. She is, however, highly considerate toward children and those who come from a similar back story to her. Despite having a charming and likable personality, there are times where she can be inconsiderate -- such as interrupting others in conversation, or interrupting events that she isn't involved in. She takes on a sort of aggressively- kind type of person. As stubborn as she is, she doesn't often take 'no' for an answer unless absolutely forced, especially when she cares to great lengths.

Connection to canon characters (if applicable): Carlene has a minor relation to Sherlock Holmes himself -- he defended her when she was accused of a crime back when she was a child. She's also had a minor run in with Barok van Zieks in the courtroom, of whom essentially dismissed her of her charges due to her age and recklessness. Nowadays, she works in a bakery nearby 221B Baker Street, and occasionally, she leaves baked goods at the door of Sherlock Holmes and Iris Watson's home. It's unknown to her whether they know she's the one leaving them food.

Brief Background: Born to a financially unsupported family in London, England, Carlene was the first of her family to be put up for "adoption". Despite being as poor as they were, they had to raise the young girl along with her older sibling. At seven years old, it was determined by the family that they could no longer support their children, and barely themselves. One day, the children are set free into the city of London for errands. As most small children do, Carlene wandered away from her sibling, opting to look at toy stores or candy stores. She had completely lost sight of her relative. The police had found her wandering, and led her back to her home following her description and family name. However, upon arrival, the policeman and little Carlene stumble upon the gruesome sight of three bloodied corpses laying on the wooden floor. Immediatley, the youngest is ushered out of the room, although the trauma had already been absorbed. An investigation was opened in order to discover the reason for these homicides. Later, the case was ruled as a double-homicide/ suicide. The weight of poverty had been far too much on the family, and it was mutually decided between the husband and wife to end it. The idea was to also murder the children upon their arrival home, although due to Carlene's wandering, she had made it too late, luckily enough. Due to the incident, and due to there being seemingly no one to release her to, Carlene was left on her own (especially as orphanages had yet to be developed at this point in time). She survived on begging and doing small favors for minimal payment. Soon, however, she learned of a different source of income: theft and pickpocketing. Such a criminal act became habit of the ragamuffin for a few years to come. At fourteen, the little thief had decided to pickpocket the wrong man, and in turn, was caught. Even as young as she was, she was brought to the courts to be tried for her crimes. The prosecution, one Barok van Zieks, had, strangely, requested leniency. Now truly scared for her life and her own well-being, Carlene had wandered for hours, thinking of how to reform her lifestyle. Upon her wandering, she stumbled upon a sight -- something she wished she never had seen: the appearance of a battered and bloodied corpse on the corner in the alleyway. Oddly enough, she blacked out almost immediately, likely due to shock.With a small check into her background information, the police had quickly concluded that she was lying. Just as it seemed she was to be taken into custody, a mysterious figure appeared, claiming himself as the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Using his own weapons of deduction, and a simple, quick investigation, he cleared the young girl's name easily. While she was still detained as a witness, she was clean of any wrongdoing in the incident. Since then, she'd run into Sherlock on multiple occasions, watching as he solved case after case. The more she learned about the detective, the more she was inspired to better herself, as cliche as it might have been to her at the time. It took a year or two, but soon, Carlene found employment among a family-owned bakery in the area. She learns the basics of baking, of which she comes to treasure and adore. However, she develops another occupation on the side... something of a "private investigator". Taking odd jobs such as finding a lost pet or item, she develops her skills in deduction and intuition, similar to Sherlock. Not many people take her seriously, of course, but she hopes to one day be able to be on a similar level as Sherlock, the one who inspired her to be better.

Link to entry:
Piece 1 (colored full-body image)
Piece 2 (sketches of expressions)

[ As an additional note, I've honestly been waiting to enter this contest for a long time so I'm super excited and I hope you like my baby--
also additionally
I am an idiot and I posted this first in the wrong place and for that I severely apologize ]

Re: OC Contest 2015: Fanart Entry ThreadTopic%20Title
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Cause of death is being dummy

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(I prepared this OC months ago... but hey, Victorian era? Totally my thing.)

Entrant's Name: AireyVerkhovensky
Entrant's Website: Tumblr
Character's Name: Jack Jackall
Age: 19
Occupation: Journalist
Brief Physical Description: Dark skin, yellow eyes, long black hair with curtains and a ponytail... thing (hey, this is Ace Attorney. Crazy hair goes). Wears a brown double breasted vest, brown pants, a yellow cravat (like, actual cravat, not jabot), white shirt rolled up to elbows, and sweet boots.
Brief Personality Description: Very serious about job to the point of shamelessness. Will do anything to get something to write about and get famous with. Extremely short temper. Not terribly subtle, nor honest. Bit of a nihilist. Deep down, cynicism is just a cover for naïveté and homesickness.
Connection to canon characters (if applicable): Big fan of Iris Watson.
Spoiler: Brief Background
Originally from British-occupied Egypt, Jack Jackall was born as Aida ibnat Kalim Ahl al-Ibn Awa to a poor family on the outskirts of Cairo. Always a gifted writer, and always yearning to make a name for herself through this but never allowed to by her strict parents, she secretly learned English and at age 17 ran away to England. Recognizing that it was going to be hard for a foreigner to make it in London, let alone a foreign woman, she disguised herself as a boy, changed her name to Jack Jackall, and managed to get a job at a major London newspaper... washing floors. However, within a year, "his" talent for words was noticed, and he changed departments to reporter. As of yet, he still hasn't been allowed to cover any sort of major story, but he isn't going to let that stop him. Right now, he's hoping to be the first one to get to a big story so that his boss will have no choice but to let him write the article on it! And what better thing to be first to than a crime? So he secretly follows Sherlock Holmes from afar, hoping to be the first member of the press to report on one of the cases he solves. As previously mentioned, he's a big fan of Iris Watson, both for her writing abilities, and also for commanding so much respect as not only a girl, but also a very young one.
(Unfortunately, I haven't played DGS and I'm keeping myself as spoiler-free as possible, so I can't provide any actual story for Jack/Aida. But it's likely that (s)he'd also be very impressed by Susato Mikotoba since she's also a young woman and also foreign, and that Holmes would uncover her true gender. Or something. And (s)he's totally the type to get involved in a case as some sort of witness, and totally muck things up because (s)he wants a better story...)

Link to entry: Thread!

Edit: updated the Susato reference because I didn't realize she was 16.

Last edited by AireyVerkhovensky on Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: OC Contest 2015: Fanart Entry ThreadTopic%20Title

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Hello! This is my first time posting and entering a court-records contest. I think I'm the first to enter a Meiji Era Japanese character, too!

Entrant's Name: TOFU + BEAST
Entrant's Website: portfolio on Nabaroo
Character's Name: The Striking Swordsman (Kei Feibu)
Age: Unknown! (28)
Occupation: Professional Grappler

Brief Physical Description: A well-built, stocky and somewhat imposing Japanese man. His black hair is gathered into a short fluffy ponytail, which pokes out the top of his white-and-grey wrestler's mask. He wears a dark grey-and-yellow singlet with yellow elbow-length cloth compression gloves, along with long yellow socks. Over that is a light grey kimono belted closed with a white cloth rope, along with dark grey geta sandals. Occasionally, he wears a championship belt. His face is streaked with two lines of red face paint, which mimic the design of his mask.

Brief Personality Description: True to his performing background, The Swordsman's actions (and voice) are larger than life. He'll often shout "GATHER 'ROUND!" or "LISTEN HERE!" before launching into a grandiose promo, which often exasperates people. While he has a strong sense of justice, The Swordsman is very dedicated to "The Business", and is very reluctant to divulge information relating to his case because of that. He'll only answer to his stage name, stubbornly stays in character, and refuses to remove his mask. However, he's determined to help Naruhodo uncover the truth and clear his name...before the final 1-2-3 pin count!

Connection to canon characters (if applicable): The Striking Swordsman would later become the inspiration for the Steel Samurai/Tonosaman character!

Brief Background: Inspired by wrestling acts in Europe's carnivals, "The Striking Swordsman", Kei Feibu, combines martial arts and kabuki theater to bring a new form of entertainment to Japan. When his opponent for an upcoming match, The Dastardly Daimyo, is found mysteriously murdered, all suspicion lands on him! With nowhere to turn, he enlists the help of Naruhodo Ryuunosuke to defend him.

Sidenote Pun: "Kei Feibu" can also be read as Kayfabe.

Link to entry: Entry Thread
Re: OC Contest 2015: Fanart Entry ThreadTopic%20Title
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I'm what you get on a good day

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wow oh wow i hope this isn't lame, but i just had to enter /)w(\

Entrant's Name: Amber
Entrant's Website: My personal Tumblr
Character's Name: Rayner Van Der Fourtem
Age: 35
Occupation: Ambassador
Brief Physical Description: A man dark skin, eyes, and hair (which he wears in his signature pompadour); is only ever really seen in his Ambassador's uniform which is embellished with gold buttons. His suit also has a removable flag patch which represents his home country of the Netherlands.
Brief Personality Description: Granted he has a very serious job, this man can sometimes be anything but serious. He tries his best to be quirky, but it never really works out. Though, when the situation calls for it, he will change his tune, but that's rarely ever necessary. The guy just wants to have fun.
Connection to canon characters (if applicable): N/A
Brief Background: Born in the Netherlands, this man became the general of the Netherlands' army and worked his way up to becoming ambassador, representing the Netherlands to wherever they needed him to travel. More times than not though, in his travels he would find himself getting into some form of trouble. But now, he's found himself in London, settling his business there for his country.
Link to entry: Entry
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Great Revival

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luckystarman wrote:
wow oh wow i hope this isn't lame, but i just had to enter /)w(\

Entrant's Name: Amber
Entrant's Website: My personal Tumblr
Character's Name: Rayner Van Der Fourtem
Age: 35
Occupation: Ambassador
Brief Physical Description: A man dark skin, eyes, and hair (which he wears in his signature pompadour); is only ever really seen in his Ambassador's uniform which is embellished with gold buttons. His suit also has a removable flag patch which represents his home country of the Netherlands.
Brief Personality Description: Granted he has a very serious job, this man can sometimes be anything but serious. He tries his best to be quirky, but it never really works out. Though, when the situation calls for it, he will change his tune, but that's rarely ever necessary. The guy just wants to have fun.
Connection to canon characters (if applicable): N/A
Brief Background: Born in the Netherlands, this man became the general of the Netherlands' army and worked his way up to becoming ambassador, representing the Netherlands to wherever they needed him to travel. More times than not though, in his travels he would find himself getting into some form of trouble. But now, he's found himself in London, settling his business there for his country.
Link to entry: Entry

I love it for nothing else but his hair.
Re: OC Contest 2015: Fanart Entry ThreadTopic%20Title
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Edgeworth's Cravat

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Entrant's Name: Emile
Entrant's Website: Tumblr :edgey:
Character's Name: Malik Hades (aka - China Doll Killer)
Age: 26 (as off 1887)
Occupation: Butler / Assassin
Brief Physical Description: Malik (as you can see below) has two main costume designs. He wears a dark blue/purple suit when serving as a butler with a tailcoat jacket. The rope on the side of his jacket is used to signify his high status in Pu Ren Ltd. (the company that allows upperclassmen to hire servants after they have been trained from a young age). In his 'thief outfit', he wears leather boots instead of loafers. His gloves are now dark brown rather than white, with built in retractable blades and a grapple hook, and he wears an altered tailcoat and waistcoat. Most significant however, is the mask he always wears on the left side of his face, with black lace sewn into the inside of the eye to obscure his eye while still allowing him to see. In his 'thief outfit' he adds a black mask to hide the majority of his face. He has light purple hair and red-brown eyes.
Brief Personality Description: Malik is usually stoic and cold, showing little emotion. Despite this he's usually seen smiling, though there is little emotion behind it. He especially smiles if he knows he about to win something - as he is secretly very competitive, and whenever he wins something he does that annoying 'oh no no you did well, it was really hard to beat you' while smirking. However, he is also incredible loyalty to those who have earned it, and as well to his own morals. He regularly recites rules from his 'creed' which are derived from that of being loyal to his master as a butler, while loyal to his own methods and ends as an an assassin. Through this, he has never disobeyed an order, while often twists words to make them fit him. He is incredibly intelligent, and is said to even have passed the bar exam. However, when aggravated, people have said that he exhibits qualities of insanity - laughing maniacally, pupils contracting and shaking. He has somewhat of a dark sense of humor - for example, when being interrogated by Sherlock Holmes about his crimes, he admitted to 'starting the Bubonic plague, Great fire of London in 1666, and being the thing the Great Wall of China was built to keep out'. Many have been disturbed by his dark sense of humor and unyielding gaze.
Connection to canon characters (if applicable): Said to have been trained by one of the early members of the de Killer family.
Hunted and once interrogated by Sherlock Holmes.
Brief Background: He was born Jamie White, his father one of the leading politicians in Britain Maxwell White, and Chinese born mother Jia Lengshui (hense the two secures on his cape reading Lěng and Shuǐ (or cold water)). She worked with a charity and, in a jealous fit of passion, one of the people she worked with (a scientist) killed White and attempted to kill Jia too. In an attempt to protect her, her son pushed her out of the way and as a result, received severe acid burns to the left side of his face. It is unknown whether she actually died or not, but after a struggle, the scientist (depicted as the china doll in both pictures below as the first china doll made by Malik) found him hiding in a wardrobe and chased him to the edge of a cliff. He fell and nearly drowned, and when he woke up found himself being held captive by an organised crime gang in London who were attempting to hold him ransom. When they heard of his parents' death, they decided to take him in out of kindness, and raised him as their own. Here he lived happily for 7 years, them teaching him how to work with porcelain and act like a true assassin, until the leader grew ill, and Malik (under his new alias) was forced to leave and was taken in by Li-Mei Cheng (leader of Pu Ren, described above). He wasn't treated well by the leader or other young men who worked there, but found that it was a good cover for his alternate occupation as the China doll killer. Now, he leaves a China doll made to look like the victim at the scene of every crime. It is said that if the doll gets broken, the person who broke it will break in the same way as the doll...
Link to entry: Link 1
Link 2

[Side note: I apologies if this is a bit long, please don't discount my entry. If you get bored reading then some sweets or nice tea is good for energy. Also, thank you for the extended entry time, I doubt i could have gotten this in on time otherwise. Have a good day!]
Re: OC Contest 2015: Fanart Entry ThreadTopic%20Title

My speech is liberated; I say what I say

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You guys draw beautifully! I like all your characters very much.
I wanna enter, but I'm horrible at line art, or like anything not on paper (Plus I keep criticizing my character, for the way she is put into canon.) Hopefully I'll enter her, if I don't procrastinate.

I wish y'all the best of luck!
Available in small, medium, large, and jumbo size for special occasions.
Re: OC Contest 2015: Fanart Entry ThreadTopic%20Title

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Two quick questions I have, as I just want to know just in case my OC is not valid.

1) When you say "themed around Dai Gyakuten Saiban" I was wondering if that means Victorian England OR Meiji Japan. Because my character, hopefully, will be an 'East meets west' character from BOTH settings (but situated in the DGS timeline in England)
Will that be OK to create a character who could fill BOTH settings or does it have to be one or the other?

2) Since this is an OC contest, does that mean that Historical domain characters are out of the question? Like, for example Sherlock Holmes. If there was another character from that book series (e.g. Moriarty for this case), will it be OK to implement such a character as an OC or is that technically not original? Even if they are treated very VERY loosely on their original character (e.g. Moriarty is cartoonily genius yet with an extreme ego in the likes of Luke Atmey, off the top of my head)
Will such a character be OK? Or does that murk the lines of Original character too much?

Sorry if this is pushing the lines a bit. I'm just curious and my character skims past both of these points and I just wanted to make sure before I submit it. Thanks
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Great Revival

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I think both settings would probably be fine as long as it's in that era.
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Cause of death is being dummy

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Since the rules say "You are not allowed to submit different incarnations of canon characters" (without specifically saying Ace Attorney canon) and "Your work must be yours and yours alone," public domain characters are definitely not allowed.
I guess it might be okay if you use them as a very loose base, though? E.g., this character was inspired by Moriarty, but is not actually Moriarty or any kind of expy thereof. But I wouldn't if I were you.
Re: OC Contest 2015: Fanart Entry ThreadTopic%20Title

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I think both settings would probably be fine as long as it's in that era.

Since the rules say "You are not allowed to submit different incarnations of canon characters" (without specifically saying Ace Attorney canon) and "Your work must be yours and yours alone," public domain characters are definitely not allowed.
I guess it might be okay if you use them as a very loose base, though? E.g., this character was inspired by Moriarty, but is not actually Moriarty or any kind of expy thereof. But I wouldn't if I were you.

OK, that makes sense. I WAS thinking of making it loosely based on this real-life person but I guess now that means I might have to tweak him a bit to fit the guidelines more. Maybe I'll say that his background is BASED on the guy. That might mean I have to think up a new name now just in case...
Thanks anyway. At least that cleared some confusion for me :)
Re: OC Contest 2015: Fanart Entry ThreadTopic%20Title
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A (Lazy) Seeker of the Truth

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Entrant's Name: Ruan (Rookie)
Entrant's Website: Art Blog
Character's Name: Hiroki Akimoto
Age: 21
Occupation:Book Publisher/ 'Solo Detective'/ Sherlock Fanboy.

Brief Physical Description:
Coal Black hair cut super short, and slicked back to keep it out of the way. He also has light, pale skin formed form lack of sunlight for most of the years of his life. His most noticable physical feature would be his 'violet' eyes, a slight mutation that causes dark blue eyes that look purple in the right light. Hiroki wears a brown 'detective' trenchcoat, along with an oriental patterned undercoat, with the usual kakhi slacks and black rainboots.

Brief Personality Description:
Hiroki seems rather arrogant and calculated at first glance - but if you talk to him for more than a minute, it is obvious that its all a ruse to be closer to the 'Great Detective.' He is really a warm-hearted, clumsy dreamer, and is just bored half of the time. Either way he's loud and talkative, and usually runs his mouth faster than his brain, thinking alout most of the time.
Even with his odd attitude, he is always polite and timid around those of higher status, especially those he look up to.

Connection to canon characters (if applicable):
As a book publisher and printer, Hiroki had gain interest in Iris Watson's novels, and got her to agree to let him publish her books. With his new 'interest' of Sherlock Holmes, he also tails the great detective whenever he gets the time, hoping to see his deductive reasoning at work.

Brief Background:
Born into a Japanese family, Hiroki grew up in the streets of london, where he took over a small publishing company that resides in Baker Street. He is always looking for new material, and jumped at the chance when he heard that there was a novelist living on his street that needed a publisher. After some pestering, he managed to become her publisher.

He got hooked on the first of her novels he read, and "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" was his favorite book series of all time. Of course, he also got overjoyed when he heard that it was actually about her roomate, Sherlock Holmes. He was inspired by the stories, starting to develop the art and science of Deduction himself. He soon got confident enough to start his own little detective company as a side project (which was for free, since he was just trying to be a rival Great Detective). Of course, he was nowhere close to his idol, but it was a start.

He is now juggling publishing a world-wide bestseller and running a small detective buisness, but somehow still has enough time to routinly follow Sherlock Holmes to see him in action, with dreams of helping him with it.

Link to entry artwork:
Colour Picture
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Entrant's Name: Violet (Violet Valentine)
Entrant's Website: Tumblr
Character's Name: Enrico DiFigaro
Age: 22
Occupation: Operatic tenor
Brief Physical Description:
DiFigaro is a lithe, olive-skinned young man of above-average height. Beneath his left eye is a small beauty mark, and a prominent lock of his dark hair curls in such a way that resembles a treble clef.

Always dressed to the nines, DiFigaro has an affinity for high-quality clothing, and appears to be… open-minded with his color sense.

DiFigaro broke his right leg in a recent stage accident - unfortunately, the bone did not heal properly, and said leg is permanently crooked and bent at angle. To help correct this and alleviate post-traumatic pain, he wears a brace that buckles around the limb, and walks with one crutch beneath his left arm to evenly support his body weight and aid mobility.

Brief Personality Description:
An upbeat, roguish young man overflowing with confidence, DiFigaro is a natural celebrity both inside the theatre and out. He's talented, charismatic, and handsome - and he knows it, making doubly sure everyone around him knows as well.

DiFigaro is deeply passionate about opera and the performing arts, and frequently quotes (or rather, dramatically reenacts) scenes of all kinds when spoken to. Occasionally he will even begin behaving exclusively as a role he once played, and even go so far as to refuse to speak to anyone unless they acknowledge him as his character. This can make it difficult to hold a conversation with him (Holmes even surmises that this "selective method acting" is just a roundabout way for him to change the subject when confronted.) DiFigaro is also notoriously difficult to work with on set, often making outrageous demands and even arguing with the director about how to run the show, quite literally. Perhaps his prima donna nature isn’t all that strange and audacious in the world of the performing arts – but to most, he simply comes off as obnoxious. He is very moody, partially due to being a man of the theatre, and partly to just being a natural drama queen. Constantly picking bits of the scenery out of his teeth wherever he goes.

Underneath all the theatrics, however, DiFigaro is a kind and honest man who wears his heart on his sleeve. Too honest for his own good, in fact - his profound trust in others is well-meaning, but tends to get him trouble, and as a result he often falls victim to his own naïveté. Yet no matter how many times he may be tricked or led astray, DiFigaro continues to place his utmost faith in the good of others, believing everyone else to be as forthcoming as he - after all, why wouldn't they?

Connection to canon characters (if applicable): A client of Ryuunosuke Naruhodo's.

Spoiler: Brief Background
DiFigaro is a professional opera singer from Italy who has been charged with the murder of Leone Malefatto, the leading actor in his ensemble's latest show. On opening night, the show proceeded as planned - until the finale, when Malefatto began flubbing his lines and staggering as he danced and sang to the closing aria. As soon as his song ended, Malefatto collapsed on the balcony, falling over the edge and breaking his neck on impact of the fall, and was later discovered to have been poisoned via drinking water during the final intermission. DiFigaro was apprehended as the killer, as he was believed to be the only person involved with the show who had sufficient motive and means.

To elaborate: three months prior, DiFigaro and Malefatto were rehearsing on set. The scene they were practicing took place on a high balcony, on which DiFigaro was leaning. As per the script, Malefatto shoved DiFigaro aside, their characters engaging in a scuffle - however, in a dire twist of fate, DiFigaro was knocked over the edge of the balcony, falling twenty feet down and breaking his right leg when he hit the ground.

DiFigaro was immediately admitted to a local clinic, where medical staff did all that they could to help mend the injury. Unfortunately, the damage was done, and while DiFigaro would be able to walk again, he would need to do so with the use of a brace and crutch.

As his role in the opera was very physically demanding, DiFigaro was forced to resign and turn the role over to Malefatto, who had, interestingly, already memorized the part "just in case". Despite his newfound struggle in mobility, DiFigaro continued his opera career, but was restricted to roles with minimal movement. At present, he still vigorously pursues any part in a show he can manage, but is often rejected in favor of "a more agile actor". Nonetheless, he continues his career with endless passion and vigor, knowing full well that he's a cut above the rest and that those directors simply don't know what they're missing!

Combined with the fact that DiFigaro was the only person to speak with Malefatto in private during the intermission, as well as having a small vial of atroquinine discovered in his dressing room after the show, this supposed motive for revenge as well as the evidence that accompanied it was enough for the authorities to finger him as the culprit. A close friend of Enrico’s sought out Ryuunosuke for legal assistance after hearing the latter’s name through the grapevine, impressed and filled with hope by his rumored prowess in the courtroom.

Ryuunosuke isn’t sure what will be more difficult – solving the case or having to sit around listening to this guy belt out the entirety of Carmen in his ear all day.

Link to entry:
Entry Thread!

I'm Yumihiko Ichiyanagi and you're watching Disney Channel.


Last edited by Violet Valentine on Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: OC Contest 2015: Fanart Entry ThreadTopic%20Title

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"Dattebayo! No wait... how do you say 'believe it' in Japanese again?"

Entrant's Name: Alphawave

Entrant's Website: (Tumblr)

Character's Name: Seizan D. Dais (alias) / Guy Chinn (Real name)
Age: 32

Poet (alias) / Secretly a Japanese envoy from England (Real)

Brief Physical Description: Brown wavy hair slicked into shape with wax, a rather pale complexion that has darkened from his travels slightly. A rather stocky build suggesting he is strong but despite this he is in fact of average strength.

Despite being of British-descent, he almost always wears Japanese-style clothing at any opportunity, even in England. His Haori and kimono are inseparable from him, never taking them off if he can unless it is extremely cold.

Brief Personality Description: A MASSIVE weeaboo, he will practically FANGIRL at anything even REMOTELY Japanese. He is very knowledgable about Japanese culture and ideology, often quoting—rather badly—poems he's made (which are in turn hidden jabs at popular anime quotations). Ironically though, he has lost a lot of his British mannerisms in favour of the Japanese mannerisms, leaving a lot of the British people to comment on how odd he was. Indeed, because of his prolonged stay in Japan, he no longer identifies himself as English, thinking himself as being "British by birth alone".

As his alias suggests, he is extremely optimistic, believing that the Japanese and British could get along quite well if they tried. As such, he is immune to any insult—veiled or obvious—that someone throws at him. However, if someone insults him in Japanese or calls him a racial slur in either language, he gets upset, often throwing him into a depression. That being said, he quickly recovers from his brief sadness back to his peppy self.

He easily befriends Mikoshiba as she reminds him of his wife back in Japan. Mentioning his wife makes him look dreamy, reminiscing her doing some (often perfectly normal activity) as romantic. While it is clear that the bond between the husband and wife is mutual, Naruhodou thinks that Seizan exaggerates his romantic memories to extremes.

Connection to canon characters (if applicable): Friend of Ryuunosuke Naruhodou and Susato Mikotoba. He eventually becomes their pseudo-informant, his career helping him gain access to 'private' information not normally disclosed. On friendly terms with the ancestors of the Fey clan, for whom he will bring to the West in his later life..

Brief Background: Born to an English father and German mother, he was ostracised from a young age due to his heritage. Indeed, neither of his parents strictly enforced either of their cultural heritage on him, resulting in his quick ability to pick up languages and his love for the exotic. In his adulthood he would be an interpreter for the Japanese, having picked up the language quickly. Because he was one of the few to not only know how to speak Japanese and English, but fluently write in both languages, he quickly became an ambassador of England, tasked to stay in Japan to oversee their international relationships. He has a wife in Japan that he adores and whom he writes to every day, regardless of where he is. He returns home to England to discuss a 'grave international incident' which he fears might destroy the relationships between the two countries if he does not tread careful. Thus, he takes on the persona of 'Seizan', the name of his Japanese mentor, during his stay in England to protect himself from any one who might pursue him.

Shortly after the events of DGS, Ryuunosuke Naruhodou encounters him wandering England and he, introducing himself as the poet 'Seizan', quickly expresses his fondness for Japanese culture—in particular Naruhodou's sword. The man is surprised to see a Japanese person in England and starts a conversation in Japanese, in which Naruhodou conveys his surprise.

They do not meet again until the next day, where Seizan is a witness called for a murder. Naruhodou notices through his testimony that he is hiding something and initially pegs him to be the murderer early on during the trial. Though optimistic as always, he cracks under pressure, making more and more people convinced of his guilt. That is, until evidence analysed by Sherlock Holmes helps Naruhodou reveal what Seizan is hiding, that he is in fact Guy Chinn, the man that the victim Tommy Rosbif was meeting with. Because of the trajectory of the shot that killed Tommy that was proven in earlier testimony, it also gave Seizan/Guy an alibi.

Feeling guilty for hiding his true self to Naruhodou in particular (whom he considers 'connected' despite Naruhodou's constant denial), he resolves—against Susato and Naruhodou's protests—to help the duo out in their investigation. Indeed, though they were initially hesitant, he would provide evidence—a pocket watch given to him by Tommy—which would later be decisive evidence in finding the TRUE perpetrator: a hitman who was under orders of Tommy's cousin, Pommy Rosbif.

He will continue to become the unofficial 'informant' for Naruhodou and Mikoshiba, providing information to the two whenever he can spare his time to help out. He often makes them 'pay' for his services in Japanese sweet recipes and Japanese folk tales. In short, he takes over Ema Skye's role in the last case of the original Phoenix Wright, giving some helpful advice but ultimately unable to do much more due to his career.

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Alphawave wrote:
Two quick questions I have, as I just want to know just in case my OC is not valid.

1) When you say "themed around Dai Gyakuten Saiban" I was wondering if that means Victorian England OR Meiji Japan. Because my character, hopefully, will be an 'East meets west' character from BOTH settings (but situated in the DGS timeline in England)
Will that be OK to create a character who could fill BOTH settings or does it have to be one or the other?

2) Since this is an OC contest, does that mean that Historical domain characters are out of the question? Like, for example Sherlock Holmes. If there was another character from that book series (e.g. Moriarty for this case), will it be OK to implement such a character as an OC or is that technically not original? Even if they are treated very VERY loosely on their original character (e.g. Moriarty is cartoonily genius yet with an extreme ego in the likes of Luke Atmey, off the top of my head)
Will such a character be OK? Or does that murk the lines of Original character too much?

Sorry if this is pushing the lines a bit. I'm just curious and my character skims past both of these points and I just wanted to make sure before I submit it. Thanks

Hi! I'm very sorry I missed this post.

To reconfirm: it's completely fine to have an East-meets-West theme - that "or" is not exclusive. As for Holmes characters, we added this question to the FAQ; the short version is that while you can take light inspiration from canon (like Iris Watson or John Garrideb in DGS), you should avoid basing your character heavily off of an exiting Holmes character (like Holmes himself or Tobias Gregson in DGS.)
Hi! I've largely stepped back from C-R due to life stuff. Please contact one of the other staff members for help!

Wooster wrote:
If there was such a thing as the "Wooster Seal of Approval", this post would get it.
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Spoiler: Vera Edgeworth Story
Name: Vera Edgeworth

Nicknames: Love (Claude), Darling (Edgey), Wife (Selena)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Birthday: 7.12.2009

Sign: Sagittarius

Character: naughty, cold, strict, polite, friendly, (cute?????? I don´t know why the mostly guys say it but maybe it is true? I don´t know xD)

Occupation: defense attorney, prodigy child of piano

Sexsuality Orientation: Hetero (mostly)

Natinoality: America

Origin: Los Angeles

Family: Miles Edgeworth, Franziska von Karma

Grandfather: Gregorgy Edgeworth (dead), Manfred von Karma (prison at the current place? pffff he should be not anymore there muse things that mostly)

Sibling: Have no siblings is a single kid

Pet: A dog name Pessu but the whole family say more Pess and it is a golden retriver.

Weaknesses: hot mans with a good looking (it mean like suit wears characters oops), hot chocolate, chocolate cake, the color royablue, stroking in the hair

Strengthen: Use mostly her own Logic, loved mostly to working hard so that she can be overworking.

Like/Loved: quite places, be just nice to her, play chess with her father, play piano and drink tea.

Don´t like/Hate: stupid idiots, bullying, stupid jokes, being alone

Story: (Some DL-6 Spoiler I guess)

Vera was 5 years old she was a single kid in their family and her mother was still away as she was birth about sixteen years. As this one christmas evening came her father must be suddenly away this evening, Vera had not really good friends as she was child. But about the next day her father was prison because he should kill a defense attorney names Robert Hammond. Vera had this not believe at all the time but for this three day was she pretty alone and in this school time was more a terrible rumors about her because she should be Demon/Murderer-Daughter because of this. In the child days had she just make their own things play Piano and help always her father where she can. As their mother came back she can´t really trust her of that was happening, until today she don´t know why this was happening in this evening or her mother was away at all.

Follow me on Tumblr! ask-vera-edgeworth
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@RyunosukeNaruhodo :

Pardon me for butting in, but your character entry isn't from the Meiji/Victorian era, and because she's directly related to Edgeworth (as opposed to being an ancestor), she wouldn't quite work as an entry.

I saw that you posted the same exact post in the sprite thread, too, so I have to wonder if you're maybe confused about the theme of the contest? Your entry has to be a character that could exist in Dai Gyakuten Saiban. D :
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Ahh, this is my first time entering and posting so I hope I don't do anything wrong. Thank you so much for extending the deadline!

Entrant's Name: epuiou
Entrant's Website:
Character's Name: Umeno Daiki (梅野 大樹)
Age: 26
Occupation: Assistant tailor/Husband-to-be

Brief Physical Description:
He has a slim figure, with narrow shoulders and small hands. He often hunches over despite his short stature. He has deep bags under his dark eyes, and his narrow face is often contorted in worry. His hair is dyed peach with brown roots showing, and gathered into a ponytail that resembles a plum blossom.

He always has a small cloth tied around his left wrist, a memento from his fiancee when they first met. He is wearing a self-tailored wedding kimono decorated with a plum blossom design, and holds a white ceremonial fan. The fan is stained with what appears to be blood, sealed shut until forcibly pried open.

Brief Personality Description:
Though he is often jumpy and nervous, his affection for his fiancee knows no bounds. Despite his love, his soon-to-be family-in-law regards him with distaste due to his weak nature and lack of finances. His love has perhaps overstepped its boundaries into mania, as he has become obsessed with decorating his appearance and possessions with his fiancee's favourite flower, the plum blossom.

He has little confidence in himself, but has a hidden talent in sewing. His habit of overthinking and worrying has lead to his inability to sleep, but his abundance of empathy make him a valuable friend to have, to those who look past the surface. Unexpectedly, he's very good with kids.

Connection to canon characters (if applicable): Defendant, Naruhodo's client.

Brief Background:
Born to a poor family, Umeno has only ever been able to pick up small jobs as an assistant to a tailor. One day his talents were recognised by a young woman who adored the delicate embroidery he excelled in. It was then that he fell in love and had the first confident thought in his life.

"I'm going to marry her."

His long-awaited wedding day was cut short by the murder of a shrine maiden. He was accused of the crime by all those around him, except for his fiancee who was so shocked she couldn't speak. His fan, thick with blood, appeared to be the murder weapon. Panicked and alone with the odds stacked against him, there was only one lawyer who would take his case.

Link to entry: There he is.
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Entrant's Name: Katy
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Character’s Name: Belladonna Eldritch (formerly Obedience Fink)
Age: 25
Occupation: ‘Paranormal Investigator’/Journalist

Brief Physical Description: Slim, pale, and elegant. Her hair is the same shade of lilac as her eyes, streaked with mauve, and pinned back under a wide-brimmed hat. She has a preference for purple, always immaculately made up with dark eyeshadow and lipstick, her grey-black clothes featuring many purple accents. Bat-wing motifs also feature in her everyday dress, a bat-wing edge lining the top of her high collar, and a short cape imitating a pair of wings behind her. Her signature hat features a spider’s web veil and a miniature skull to serve as a constant memento-mori, and which mimics her expressions in times of distress. Her skin is sallow, her features pinched and sunken, almost cadaver-like, and her waist is drawn grotesquely thin by a black bodice worn on top of her dress. Her tool of the trade of choice is a blackened peacock’s tail-feather quill, which she whips out at a moment’s notice to jot down details here and there and spin her stories.

Brief Personality Description: Belladonna is outwardly calm and charming, if slightly overbearing, but her true ruthless nature doesn’t take long to become clear. She is verbose and has an acerbic wit, which she uses to quickly cut her detractors and doubters down. She handles herself well under pressure, usually able to dance around the issue and avoid answering difficult questions, but once she snaps she is prone to tremble and shriek in a way befitting of her surname.

Connection to canon characters (if applicable): Common source of irritation to Sherlock Holmes and the British Legal system in general.

Brief Background: Despite humble (and unfortunately named) beginnings in a London workhouse, Belladonna has built a fabulously successful career out of Victorian England’s Gothic fad and the public’s obsession with the dark and the supernatural. She can take any crime or unsolved mystery (or indeed make a story up altogether), and work some kind of otherworldly, mythological element into it; witchcraft, incubi, changelings, faeries, demonic possessions, vampires, monsters, phantom hounds, ghouls and spectres, any ploy to sell more issues of the sensationalist and thoroughly unreliable rag she writes for, and the public laps it up. She often goes to investigate crime scenes herself, ignoring the protests of the constabulary, and it has been alleged that she has tampered with evidence in the past to give her stories greater validity or, in some cases, for a considerable fee from the accused in order to stall the trial and clear their name. As a serial (as yet not incarcerated) perjurer and pot-stirrer, she is often on the witness stand in London’s courtrooms, adamantly arguing her case against whichever supernatural element she’s pinned the deed on.

Link to entry: [1/Line Art][2]
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Before I submit mine, I have a question; I know collaboration is not allowed, but is it eligible that I have my character descriptions proofread?
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Entrant's Name: stepde14

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Spoiler: Character Profile
Character's Name: Mygrod Holmes

Age: 26

Occupation: Freelancer? (People don’t know what he does for a living, seeing him lazily laying around all the day. Once a month, he leaves his house to do “something”, and no one knows what is that “something” supposes to be. How suspicious!)

Brief Physical Description: Mygrod is a young man with a small stature, curly and platinum blond hair with dark brown eyes. He is 172 cm tall.
One of his standout features are an easily-spotted-sleepy looking and a weird way of walking. Normally, Mygrod likes to move at turtle's speed but when going outside, he walks like "catch me if you can".
Mygrod never gives a thought about combing his hair. It is explained that his hair will return to its original state (bird's-nest hairstyle) after all the efforts.
He usually wears a large coat over a white shirt and a thick brown button-tab coat with a loose belt wrapped around, which he feels the unnecessary to put it together ("To feel more comfortable." - he said, with a lazy voice). He only puts it together only when he goes out for his own “business".

Brief Personality Description: Mygrod is portrayed as a grumpy, always-lack-of-energy man but he has a big love for books. Mygrod reads all the time. He doesn't limit himself from reading any kinds of books and newspapers. For that reason, with a secret source of information, he knows almost everything happens on earth just staying at home. Still, his most favorite book series of all time are "The adventures of Sherlock Holmes" series (not because he is a brother-con but because Iris's writing is really fascinating).
Honestly saying, Mygrod has a good logical sense. He can always guess it right but tend to say the contrary just to make people stop annoying him. And after that, they always be: "MYG(R)ODDD!!!! Whadda hell was that!?", giving him a helpless look and (maybe) an attempt to hit him in the face (poor him!).

Connection to canon characters: He is Sherlock Holmes’s younger brother.

Brief Background: As a younger brother of Sherlock Holmes, he is expected to be as good as his brother. It turns out that he always tells the others the wrong things, which makes people consider him as an useless man. Only Holmes and Iris know what he's actually like. He made his debut in the Ace Attorney world when his brother was busy one day and Ryuunosuke was so in need of his help. Knowing Iris has almost finished her next chapter of Mygrod’s favorite series, Holmes came up with an idea, baited Mygrod, Mr. "I won't let people annoy me", made him agree to help Ryuunosuke in exchange for the early access of Iris's new release.
Ryuunosuke decided to meet Mygrod, following Holmes's recommendation. Unfortunately, he got lost on his way to Mygrod’s house, which led him to no other choice than asking people in the neighborhood. But, what he got was more than direction to Mygrod's house, he also got to know the rumor around this so-called gloomy brother of Holmes.
“Why did Mr. Sherlock Holmes ask his brother to help me?” - said Ryuunosuke to himself doubtfully.
Following the direction with so much questions wandering around in his head, he finally found the right place. Truth be told, Ryuunosuke silently thanked Holmes for showing him this talented (but still gloomy) young man. To be helped properly, Ryuunosuke had to follow Mygrod’s 1st rule: Do not disturb him when Mygrod's reading time came.
Later, there appeared more and more serious troubles in the case Ryuunosuke was working on. How unlucky, the moment when he needed Mygrod’s help the most was also Mygrod's time for reading (sorry, no disturbing!).
How would Ryuunosuke do in such a serious-but-awkward situation like this? Could he get the help he need from this always-lack-of-energy young man?

Link to entry: [Character Sheet] [Early Sketch] (fullsize can be found on my tumblr)

Last edited by stepde14 on Mon Nov 23, 2015 3:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Entrant's name: Captain LardNar
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Character's Name: Thomas Lewisham
Age: 48
Occupation: Artist

Brief Physical Description: A tall, slender old man with a slight hunch, he has short dark brown hair and a smirk that never goes away from his face, usually wears a fancy top hat while outside, along with a long coat and a purple fuzzy cape (Used to hide his cat Vinil from the police, after a murder, the cat left footprints and broke some important pieces of art, having only time to clean the evidence, Thomas hid the cat in the fur of his cape), he walks with a slight limp so he always carries a cane with a jewel decoration on it.

Brief Personality Description: Thomas is a very intelligent old man, calm and collected under tense situations, being quite cunning if not a bit overconfident in his strategies. He is very smug when things go his way, he is often seen striking conversations with strangers and most people know him for that reason, he has a very witty attitude mocking sherlock during examinations, and driving naruhodo insane during cross examinations, providing only sarcastic comments every time he's pressed. He enjoys painting quite a lot and can go hours if asked for his opinions on it, being very knowledgable when it comes to techniques and materials related to painting. While he lives among the upper class of society, he despises the upperclassmen, he considers them to be the cause of a decline in new forms of art and blames them for the suffering of aspiring artists, he can be extremely uncooperative, refusing to give his cane for police investigation and later on refusing to have his cape examined, loosing his riches scares him more than anything. His eccentric lifestyle make him stick out from the other upperclassmen, his house is decorated with very strange artefacts and paintings. he also has a soft spot for cats and owns a cat he named Vinil who follows him ever since he started his artist career.

Connection to canon characters (if applicable): His previous murders where investigated by Sherlock Holmes

Brief Background: Born from a poor family in London, Thomas wanted to become a famous artist and take his family out of poverty,however while trying to find galleries to sell his artwork many rejected his paintings, not being able to make a cent from his paintings, his family died from diseases. Angry and depressed he started to copy popular paintings, perfecting his art and making near identical copies, since no one ever spotted his mistakes Thomas managed to pass his paintings as the real ones making a fortune from them, he quickly became very rich and a recognized figure in various galleries, however the locals at the galleries started becoming suspicious of his recurring appearances, and started to examine his artwork, scared of loosing all of his newfound wealth Thomas decided to silence those who found mistakes in his paintings becoming a serial killer, with 5 victims on his hands, on his 6th murder his cat Vinil followed him and messed his plan,leaving footprints and breaking various objects found in the gallery, but he managed to rearrange the crime scene and passed as a witness of the murder attracting the attention of a strange detective who had been following his trail.

Link to Entry:

[note: sorry if my descriptions are too messy, english is not my first language and i'm sort of new to this forum]
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Entrant's Name: Omo

Character's Name: Supurna Schuralle

Age: 38

Occupation: Fortune teller / Private spiritual investigator

Brief Physical Description: Supurna is a tall, wiry woman in her late thirties. Even though she is thin and bony, her physical strength is impeccable. She has thick, curly red hair, which she constantly dyes to cover her white hairs. Her fashion choices are bold; she wears a big fur coat, puts on an excessive amount of makeup (the mole on her left cheek is painted on) and has a love for dramatic jewelry.

Brief Personality Description: Supurna has the elegance and wisdom of someone who is well-experienced through life. She has a way with words that is both eloquent and vague, as this is a technique she uses in fortune-telling. You can never quite tell if she is being genuine or if she’s lying, but she is mesmerizing enough to make you go along with whatever she says. She always puts on a smile to greet her customers, and contains her irritation with people that annoy her by passive-aggressively telling them unwanted, horrible futures. She has a disdain for the Victorian police/detectives, but often gets involved in legal cases by providing private “spiritual” investigations for her clients.

Connection to canon characters (if applicable):

Supurna sees Holmes as her rival. At the height of her career, spiritualism was the craze that swept over Victorian society. Supurna was the most popular spiritualist in town. However, ever since Holmes’ popularity skyrocketed after his books were published, the number of her loyal customers have plummeted. People left spiritualism in favor of the romantic allure of “deduction” and “logic”. Supurna held a grudge on Holmes ever since. She has had a few encounters with Holmes on her private investigations. Holmes, like a child, is always excited about her fancy set up but never seems to take her seriously and bluntly points out the flaws in her methods.

Supurna becomes a witness in one of the cases, where she was fortune-telling with the victim before the murder took place. When Supurna first encounters Ryuunosuke, she is bitter and unwilling to provide information due to his relationship with Holmes. She harasses Naruhodou by invading his personal space and reading his palms, telling him vaguely horrible futures. Eventually, Naruhodou gives Supurna a gift: a magatama he brought with him from Japan as a good luck charm. Being an enthusiast in eastern mysticism, she accepts the gesture and eventually opens up to them. But whenever Naruhodou pushes her to the limits with his relentless questioning, her elegant persona breaks down and she will throw tarot cards at him.

Brief Background: Supurna grew up on the streets of London, where crime was a common occurrence. After witnessing the horrifying murders of a serial killer in her hometown who was never convicted, she developed a mistrust for the police and the judicial system from a young age. She sought an alternative method to seeking truth, and became involved in the occult. She gained popularity and many loyal customers over the years in her fortune-telling services. She conducts her services in her own home, where she lives with her two cats. The legal authorities have been keeping an eye on her as part of her repertoire is being a “private spiritual investigator.” She provides alternative methods of investigation for those who have lost faith in detective/police work. Her methods include going to the location of the crime scene to get in touch with the spirits who still linger there. It is unknown whether her spiritual powers are real, but her observant eye and quick thinking certainly help.

Link to entry:
Link 1 (Character sketches)
Link 2 (Character in scene)

[note: Thank you for the extended deadline! I had a lot of fun doing this :will:]
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...Ah well, the deadline is near, so I'll just go with what I have.

Entrant's Name: Alif (Dynakirby63)

Character's Name: Grigor Komodo

Age: Mid 60s

Occupation: Pirate (Retired soldier)

Brief Physical Description:
Stands 198 cm (6'6) tall. Very muscular, weighing 282 lbs. Has glowing golden eyes, thick gray mustache and bite scars on his head. Dons a gray hood, scarf and a crimson coat decorated with reptilian bones. Equips a silver gauntlet on his left arm and a massive serpent skull on his right shoulder. Wears black suit and pants, armed with bone knives on his chest belt and a pair of magnums in his coat.

Brief Personality Description:
Captain Grigor Komodo is a man of action. In other words, he very rarely speaks and only does so when he feels necessary. As such, his attitude is difficult for commoners to interpret. He is, however, known to be a cold and savage criminal, pillaging and slaughtering with little empathy. When he's heard talking, he comes off as smug and confident, taking pleasure in toying around with government forces and constantly mocking them for how loose and pathetic they are. Despite this, Komodo is not reckless. He prefers to work systematically, sending his crew to analyze towns and villages and only launching attacks when he knows they will yield gains. Contrary to his savagery, Komodo has an affinity for democratic interaction, and would affably respect anyone who can confront him passively, giving him a somewhat hypocritical, yet manageable persona. He's aware of how "famous" he is amongst the public, yet as a villain of honor, he's willing to take the risk of attending trials when requested, and provides necessary contributions to society when desperate, as long as he's not at the risk of being arrested. He does so by making and signing contracts with ministers, lawyers and even the royalty. He also has quite the fondness for the remnants of dead reptiles, and decorates himself with parts of such from those he hunted.

Connection to canon characters (if applicable):
Sherlock Holmes - Acquainted in a case, formed a thin bond of rivalry with him.
Ryunosuke Naruhodo - Client to one of his democratic agreements.

Brief Background:
Komodo's origin is largely unknown to the world. The most of what's known about him is that he is a former soldier of the Bulgarian army. How and why he ended up proselytizing himself to a life of piracy is a mystery. He formed his pirate crew with the use of a renovated military ship and the flag of a serpent's skull as his symbol. Komodo has been known to sail through Europe for around 3 decades and has caused nearly 400 cases of pillage and killed more than 2000 people across the continent. As he's also known to raid other pirates, Komodo is rumored to form most of his crew from the remnants of victimized pirate crews. Possibly his most notable feat was his single-handed defeat of a British squadron. As a result of all of this, he is feared by civilians, soldiers and royalties alike. The fear factor is bolstered further by his unpredictable civil nature. He can be seen casually attending conferences and trials upon request, yet never barbarically harms anyone. However, as he strictly abides to defense, anyone who attempts any attacks or slander against him are known to breathe their last. Throughout his lifetime, he once fought Sherlock Holmes when he's accused of the slaughter of a British prince, and managed to escape said accusation. He's reminded of it when years later, Ryunosuke confronted him in hopes of earning his cooperation. Admiring his passive efforts, Komodo agreed to cooperate with him in hopes of justifying the case.

Link to entry: ... 9hkwlp.png ... 9hkwm2.png ... 9hkwmi.png

(Here's hoping I didn't break any rules) :yogi:
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Entrant’s name: Karen
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Character’s Name: Yana Thimble
Age: 39
Occupation: Dressmaker

Brief Physical Description:
Yana Thimble is a relatively tall middle aged woman with dark brown hair which she always keeps knotted behind her head so that no strands of hair could ever bother her while sewing. She has come to find it practical to wear her sewing tools on her at all times and as such integrated them into her attire in a somewhat fashionable way: her dark green cardigan is held together by a pair of sissors, she wears a measurement tape around her neck and – most noticeably – turned her needle pillow into a hat to wear. Including the cardigan she has made all of her clothes herself; the dark grey fingerless gloves, the white neatly butonned up blouse she wears under her cardigan as well as the long greyish-brown skirt with the zigzag pattern that goes nearly down to her ankles.
Only her brown boots and dark yellow glasses were a purchase.

Brief Personality description:
Yana is a workaholic with a never fading stern look on her face who lives for her crafts. She is diligent and a perfectionist and there have been too many instances where she would begin a dress from scratch simply because of a small mistake. Regular costumers value this rigid precision though always expecting the best from her and her business.
Even though she is a very strict teacher her apprentices greatly look up to her attentively watching her needlework. While she is not particularily open about it she still adores her apprentices and expects a lot from them in the future even considering to hand the business over to one of them in the future.

She enjoys attending textile fairs to look for the finest fabrics and sewing tools. Almost all of her activities are related to her work and as a result her private & social life are unfortunately severely lacking. She only has few friends and met most of them through her work anyway.

People regularily wonder from where she takes the energy to work so much. Her answer is always the same factual one, 3 healthy meals a day and several cups of Earl Gray tea with precisely 3 cubes of sugar.

Connection to canon characters: Initially appears as a witness in one of Ryuunosuke Narohodo’s cases but is later found out to be the culprit.

Brief Background
As the daughter of a well known dressmaker, Yana has learned the needlework from a young age and quickly showed to have inherited the skill and fine precision of her mother. It was soon quite clear that she would later inherit her mother’s business and became determined to work even harder to continue the shop with the same (or even more) excellence. Still, taking over a business proved to be a handful at first and even years later she is still sour over her slow start as a business owner. With diligence and hard work she could eventually make a name for herself though, having many regular costumers and even two young apprentices eager to learn from her.

However Yana’s shop has started to struggle as of late due to the industrial revolution bringing forth the rise of ready-made clothing. The cheaper manufactured clothes have become a crushing rival for dressmakers and Yana has already had to watch many closing down their shops due to the descreasing number of costumers. Some either leave the business entirely or go to work in the factories themselves.
Despite feeling her business crumble, Yana vehementily believes that she can remain independent and tries to go on with business as usual.
Things then take a dramatic turn when one of the largest factory owners approaches her to for hiring, saying that her skills could be put to great use to make a path for the future of manufactures. The proposal itself is already an insult to her (and her work she takes so much pride in) but the outrageous payment really forces her to not lash out at the insolent man.
It is not until the man smugly mentions her business’ struggle and how the independent tailoring has no future that she finally looses her calm and begins strangling him (with the very measuring tape she wears around her neck) in a desperate and obviously futile attempt to safe her business.
To cover up her crime, she manipulates the scene to pin the murder on one of the factory workers, correctly guessing that the poor salary and working conditions would serve as a good motive for the murder.

When found out after Ryuunosuke’s thorough search through the witnesses’ backgrounds she only regrets that she was ultimately unable to safe her business from failing and even remarks on the cruel irony that she herself was the one to bring it down in the end.

Link to entry: Entry thread-

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Entrant's Name: Tryphena
Entrant's Website: tumblr
Character's Name: Victoria N. Belduke
Age: 24
Occupation: Prima Donna / Opera singer
Brief Physical Description:
Victoria is of average height with a slender frame. Her lips are painted in her ‘signature red,’ and her eyelids are accentuated with a shade similar to her lavender hair. Her hair is styled in soft curls, gathered up at one side.

It’s worth mentioning that the ‘signature red’ also grew to be her favourite shade: a fact evident by its prominence in most of her expensive dresses, which are commonly tailored with black lace.

Brief Personality Description:
Victoria exudes an image of confidence and refined elegance, one fit for a proper high-class lady such as herself, and wears a pleasant smile in the company of others. An intelligent and calculating woman: she is quick to assess a situation and act accordingly in response to gain the best result out of it - a skill that comes in handy in the entertainment industry.

The prima donna is very passionate about the performing arts and has the habit of singing or reciting lines while speaking to someone. She’s able to breathe life into her roles, even when poorly written or dull, which made her a favourite for playwrights. Her passion and well-honed skills shine through every performance. Unlike most other prime donne, she keeps herself humble, careful not to feed the ‘inflated ego’ that's notorious with the occupation. Although she's remained humble in an effort to not be deemed difficult to work with, she’s still thought as difficult and demanding to work with on set given her strict and perfectionist nature, traits that arise due to the fact that she wants only the best performances for the audience.

Working in her field made her develop thick skin; she is able to gracefully handle herself under pressure and dance around questions she doesn't want to answer, while wielding her wit and talents as weapons to strike down her critics and antagonists in the same breath. Despite this, she is not an entirely vain or selfish person and does not use others as stepping stones for her own gain.

However, when pressed into a corner, her true nature shows through the cracks of her meticulously made persona. Behind the façade of confidence, Victoria can get rather anxious and conscious of her public image (which she attempts to keep relatively spotless and respectable due to how famous she’s become). She is very aware of the negative connotations surrounding her chosen profession and frets over how it could affect not only her, but also her husband and friends.

Connection to canon characters (if applicable):
An ancestor of Newton Belduke and Eve Belduke. She is a friend of Sherlock Holmes and Iris Watson (prior to the arrival of Ryuunosuke and Susato to London), sometimes acting as an informant-of-sorts for the two on investigations. She has the occasional tea party with the investigative duo, where she gives them information she’s come across due to her hearing things from work, events, and her vast sphere of influence as a famous celebrity. Ryuunosuke Naruhodo’s client.

Brief Background:
Victoria Belduke is an opera singer (the prima donna of her ensemble based in London) married to Aloysius Belduke, the owner of a thriving bell foundry, and is currently suspected of murdering her colleague Stella Fallon during a rehearsal intermission. She had been on break from work but recently returned to the stage. With her return, she had invited her friends Iris and Sherlock (as well as Ryuunosuke and Susato) to watch the rehearsal and have dinner, only to be apprehended for murder mid-intermission.

During the intermission, Victoria returned to her dressing room where she found her colleague’s body, stabbed in the back with the decorative dagger that she was going to use as a prop in the next scene. She called for help, which alerts Sherlock and co. to come rushing to the room, but she’s taken away moments after as the authorities believe that there was enough motive and evidence to single her out as the suspect of the crime.

On Victoria, Stella, and the possible motive: Stella was a fresh up-and-coming talent, who performed alongside Victoria before her short break. While she was away, Stella had filled in Victoria’s shoes and had done it well. With the star rising up to fame, it’s believed that Victoria harboured resentment and jealousy towards the girl, and wished to get rid of Stella before her spotlight and position as prima donna was taken from her.

With the murder weapon, motive, and the general stigma of female performers* stacked against her, the situation was looking bleak for Victoria. Even so, she had given her best dazzling smile and a curtsy to her friends, thanking them for watching the rehearsal, as well as requesting Ryuunosuke to defend her before she was towed away.
Sherlock and Iris are confident they can solve this mystery and save their friend, but Ryuunosuke finds himself having doubts. Was the performer truthfully innocent, or was it just an act?

*During the Victorian era, female performers usually were seen in a derogatory light and often associated with prostitution. Though it had less impact both in theatre and outside of the U.S., the association was still preserved even when the evidence was insufficient.

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Entrant's Name: Trucy

Character's Name: Charlotte (Lottie) Mortimer

Age: 18

Occupation: Unemployed

Brief Physical Description: She has honey colored hair that she usually styles into pigtails with her favorite ribbons. She has brown, doe-like eyes, and pale skin with freckles much like a deer's spots. She wears clothes usually in forest colors and the hat she always dons has deer antlers on it.

Brief Personality Description: Charlotte may appear to be shy, and most people make the mistake of assuming so upon meeting her, but they soon after learn that she's actually rather outspoken and not afraid to state her opinions, often times coming off much more blunt and straightforward than even she realizes. She comes from a rich family and can seem a little snobbish at times, especially in cases where she comes in close contact with persons of lower status than herself, but she's also very open, and quite empathetic. It is not hard for her to quickly adapt to her surroundings. Though, she will not hesitate to complain in unpleasant situations, which seem to happen far too frequently for her liking. She abhors crime.
She has a strong passion for the arts, having grown up with an opera singer for a mother, and she enjoys singing and playing many instruments, though her voice isn't quite conventional for an opera singer. Her dream is to become a ballerina and she's been taking lessons ever since she was young. She also loves to paint and she spends a lot of time in her mother's garden painting the many different flowers planted there.
Despite bearing witness to many crimes, Charlotte still finds it hard to view people in a negative light. She's an optimist who tends to see only the good in people. Usually, she puts on a front of disinterest because she thinks it suits a girl of high status like herself, but it is near impossible for her to keep it up and her emotions are like an open book.
She has a strong fondness for deer.

Connection to canon characters (if applicable): Her father is Dr. James Mortimer, who's a friend of Sherlock Holmes and through her father, she has also grown to be friends with Sherlock. Also, due to the bad luck that seems to hang over her head, she constantly stumbles on crime scenes and murders, and so she has met with Ryuunosuke in court multiple times as a witness in cases he's worked on.
(Note: in Sherlock Holmes canon, Dr. James Mortimer is from the Hound of the Baskervilles. He's the one that asks Holmes to investigate the case.)

Brief Background: Charlotte seems to be followed by a cloud of bad luck. Ever since her parents moved into the heart of London from the peaceful countryside, it becomes almost monthly that she should happen on some sort of crime or murder. She has been to the police station and the courtroom so often that many of the employees and officers know her (and rumors of her misfortunes are spread to newer officers who haven't yet had the chance to make her acquaintance).
Charlotte grew up without siblings and didn't ever have a lot of friends that were her age but because of her close relationship with her father and mother, she was never lonely. As an opera singer, her mother is always introducing her to other singers and people in show business who act as friends to Charlotte. She also considers Sherlock Holmes her "best friend" despite that she only sees him on occasion when he visits her father. However, Sherlock has always been kind to her, almost like an older brother.
Charlotte has high hopes of becoming a ballerina and has been taking lessons ever since she was young, and her instructor is a renowned ballerina. Her instructor can be harsh in her criticisms but she means well and it's only so that Charlotte will continue to work hard. Charlotte hasn't actually featured in any ballets yet, but her instructor promises her that the opportunity will arrive soon.

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Hi !
i have a question; I am currently finishing up a last minute entry for this contest, but i was worried about something. I've made my background so it resembles the layout/background on the DGS character website ( ... ara04.html) as much as possible. I was wondering if there would be some copyright-issues with that?? even though i made the 'replicas' from scratch myself?
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Entrant's Name: Trinity
Entrant's Website: None
Character's Name: Detective Kakudai (Ella Kakudai)
Age: 19
Occupation: Detective
Brief Physical Description: Hight: 5'8", Weight: 135 lbs, Gender: Female, Hair Color: Light Brown, Eye Color: Dark Green, Outfit Desc.: A short black dress with a yellow stripe on the end, held up by light orange-brown suspenders with a puffy white button-up undershirt, covered with a dark brown short-sleeved jacket with the sleeves rolled up. She also wears red-brown gloves that have a yellow stripe at the bottom (just like the dress) and brown lace-up boots with knee-high grey tights. Lastly she has a belt that goes around her waist and has a magnifying glass belt-buckle.
Brief Personality Description: She's a very optimistic, sweet, and outgoing person. She loves to do anything she can to help, although she's a little naive. Despite her normal calm attitude, she can easily get set off if you know what ticks her off. She also has a strange adoration for magnifying glasses.
Connection to canon characters: None
Brief Background: Ella grew up in a small house in London. Her parents didn't care for her much, so as she grew up, she would roam around town discovering new things. As she grew up, she would be made fun of for her height, but she didn't pay the insults any mind. When Ella turned 14 she decided that she wanted to be a detective, and sure enough, when Ella turned 18 she became a detective. She has been mostly successful, except for one mess-up that she prefers not to talk about.
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Hello, this is my first time posting a thread to a forum and my first time joining court-records' contest :). Sorry for my bad english 'cause i'm not a native speakers. I have never played dai gyakuten saiban before, but i hope my entry would be acceptable.

Entrant's Name : Listovite
Entrant's Website : Instagram > @Listovite
Character's Name : Ailsa Hirano
Age : 10
Occupation : Prosecutor
Brief Physical Description : Ailsa is a half british, half japanese. She has a blue eyes, long black hair. Wears a pair of googles with steampunk styles and ribbons in both sides. Combining the japanese and british fashion, Her outfit is a kimono like with frills showing the fashion of old british. But her kimono is kinda diffrent. Most of kimonos cover up most of the ladies legs, but hers is a short kimono. She wears a brown short pants and wears a pair of brown leather boots.
Brief Personality Description : Ailsa is a prodigy, happy go lucky girl. Most of the people around her look at her as an impolite girl (because of her outfit). Nobody can protest about her outfit because she is a prosecutor. She considered court rooms as a game. Because of that, she always make fun of the witnesses and the attorneys, even the judges! Eventhough she loves to tease people, when it comes to verdict, she will seek for the gen of truth. Never let the verdict to be a false verdict. She is kinda lazy too. Always loafing around, and sometimes she started her investigation in a last minute.
Connection to canon characters :
Iris watson - her childhood friends. They have been friends since Ailsa is 5 years old. Ailsa loves Iris' novel books so much. Sometimes, she will give Iris some suggestion to her novel.
Sherlock Holmes - Ailsa always asked holmes to do the investigations for her because she is lazy to do the investigation. Ailsa considered holmes as a big brother.
Ryunosuke Naruhodu - Rival in court. Ryunosuke was shocked seeing her outfit for the first time. Ailsa loves to make fun of him in the court room. But Ailsa believes in him that together, they will find the gem of truth.
Barock Van Zieks - Ailsa admire him.
Brief background : Ailsa and Iris has been friends since Ailsa was 5 years old. They can be this close because both of their fathers leaved them because of some reasons. Ailsa dad was given a false verdict. Sherlock Holmes had help Ailsa's dad to make up that false verdict, but without an evidence, the verdict couldn't be changed. Since that day, she swear that she will capture the real criminal by becoming a prosecutor with Iris' and Holmes' help.
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AllAroundSpaces wrote:
Hi !
i have a question; I am currently finishing up a last minute entry for this contest, but i was worried about something. I've made my background so it resembles the layout/background on the DGS character website ( ... ara04.html) as much as possible. I was wondering if there would be some copyright-issues with that?? even though i made the 'replicas' from scratch myself?

As long as you acknowledge the inspiration, and the whole entry isn't a 1:1 lift, I don't think anyone's going to come chasing you down for that. Good luck!
Hi! I've largely stepped back from C-R due to life stuff. Please contact one of the other staff members for help!

Wooster wrote:
If there was such a thing as the "Wooster Seal of Approval", this post would get it.
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H-hi everyone... I'm really nervous about entering this ahah but it was really fun to work on. Thanks for making this! (also I finally have the courage to post on this site *sweats*)

Entrant's Name: Heidi
Entrant's Website: My 2 art blogs: Tumblr and Twitter
Character's Name: Allen Baker
Age: 27
Occupation: Chief officer (specifically a peeler) and engineer (hobby)
Brief Physical Description:
Allen is mixed-race (half Japanese and half English). He has contrasting light blue eyes and dark brown hair that appears amber in the sunlight. He wears a 19th century peeler officer uniform (top hat and long coat) rather casually, leaving his coat unbuttoned most of the time and adding additional accessories to his hat. His attire is typical of a Victorian English gentleman, with eccentric fantastical steampunk elements. Being a mechanics enthusiast, he carries around tools on his person (after all, he never knows when they’ll come in handy). His left arm is a metal prosthetic and he is able to conveniently screw off the hand and replace it with the head of a gun should the need arise.
Brief Personality Description:
A hardworking intellectual, Allen is a perfectionist who strives for nothing but excellence. His studious nature often causes him to be distanced from others and as a result, he is often by himself. Allen prefers to be alone with a book and finds it difficult to socialize with others. His introverted personality is frequently mistaken for hostility. His bluntness can also come across as insensitive and offensive, although he is unaware of this in most cases. In addition, he also finds it hard to fully trust others. It takes a while for him to warm up to his few friends, however once close, he proves to be a loyal, life-long companion. Not many are aware that he would go through extreme lengths in order to protect and care for those he holds dear to him. Allen’s personality is the exact opposite of Holmes’; Holmes notices this and finds it odd yet strangely wonderful.
Connection to canon characters (if applicable): A friend of Sherlock Holmes and Iris.
Brief Background:
At the young age of 17, Allen witnessed a horrific scene: he watched his mansion burn down. When he ran inside to look for his parents, he got crushed by the falling debris. He was rescued at the cost of his left arm. After the incident, he noticed that a card had been slipped into his pocket, presumably by the arsonist, but since that was the only clue left at the crime scene the offender remained uncaught.

This incident changed him drastically and brought him to realize his inner passion for peace and justice. His newfound life goal was to make a change (because he felt that the police were incompetent) by righteously punishing each and every criminal.

With his parents dead and nothing left of his home, Allen sold his land property in order to enroll in a prestigious university and achieve his dream of becoming a constable. He was also interested in engineering as a hobby and he built himself a fully functioning mechanical left arm prosthetic along with other gadgets and contraptions.

During his time at school, other students would avoid him, partially due to his strange-looking arm but also because he gave off the feeling of wanting to be left alone. He worked hard in his studies, graduating with exceptional grades and at the top of his classes. He was rejected multiple times when applying to be an officer, as many thought that his arm would hinder his fighting abilities. However, he came up with the idea of combining a pistol with his arm, which allowed for him to shoot more freely and became known for his accurate aim. He worked his way up the ranks, quickly becoming chief of police.

Allen met Sherlock when they were both assigned to a case and gradually they became close friends. Their relationship is that of friends and crime solving partners; Allen has access to files and information for Sherlock and in return, Sherlock helps him out with his cases.

In their most recent case: Another house fire occurs along with the discovery of the same card. Allen asks for Sherlock’s assistance in solving this case along with the one from 10 years ago as they are connected and believed to be by the same culprit.

Link to Entry:
1. Character Sheet: ... -575264908
2. Cinematic roll/Fake Screenshots of Cutscenes: ... -575272628 (Idk... I thought this would be a creative way to show his character)

(Thank you to anybody who actually goes through this whole long thing ohmygod sorry for making it so long)
(There are so little opportunities to be able to showcase original art/characters so just knowing that people saw my art... it makes me really happy thanks)
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I finish it almost in the last minute, haha
Entrant's Name: Florisam (Florencia)
Entrant's Website:
Character's Name: Louise Fiancée
Age: 16
Occupation: Seamstress
Brief Physical Description: Her ash brown hair is long and pulled back in two braids, with them she makes a big bun in the top of her head. You can see her slim waist because of the corset. She usually wears a dress called “Hourglass figure dress” in burgundy and light cream color gloves. Also she carries an umbrella or a little bag called “Drawstring handbag” as an accessory.
Brief Personality Description: She tries to be a well-mannered and well-behaved girl when she is around other people, especially when her parents are near. Inside, she is a very imaginative and creative girl, using this inspiration in the fashion world. She wants to live a free life, but it is difficult for her to object to her parents’ wishes. She’s very insecure of herself and she’s always paying attention to the others’ opinion.
Connection to canon characters (if applicable): Client of Naruhodo Ryuunosuke.
Brief Background:
Spoiler: Brief Background
Born in a humble but ambitious family, the girl was always controlled by her parents, who wanted their daughter to be a perfect lady and get a high class (or high economic level) husband, trying to make her an elegant woman. Her mother was a seamstress, she didn’t enjoy that, but she made beautiful dresses every day. Louise admired those and wanted to make the best dresses in all Paris. She started to work at 12 years old in one of the few traditional fashion houses that were left after the Industrial Revolution, where the machines were more used than classic methods. When she turned 16 her parents surprised her with the announcement of an arranged marriage with an English man of high economic level and they were going to England as soon as possible so that she would meet him and marry him. Louise disliked the idea, but she couldn’t oppose them and a few days later they left France. There she met her fiancé, Harry Money, a quiet and always busy man who didn’t like the idea of her future wife continuing her work after their marriage. She didn’t feel anything for him, she almost disliked him, but she didn’t feel capable of saying anything to her parents. One night, when an important event for her fiancé was going to happen, she went to his house to accompany him, but she was very surprised when she saw the unmoving body of Harry lying in a crimson dyed floor. A horror scream coming from Louise was heard in the nearness, attracting the attention of some passers-by who entered, seeing the corpse and Louise in front of him, trying to take the bloody scissors from him. She was accused of the murder of Harry Money, she felt hopeless, until she met a Japanese lawyer who was determined to help her.

Link to entry: ... 9ii78b.png

I hope everything i wrote is correct, english isn't my native language.
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Entrant's Name: Cassie
Entrant's Website:
Character's Name: Tea Golde (English), Misao Osha (Japanese)
Age: 24
Occupation: Tea shop owner
Brief Physical Description: Small and skinny, probably needs to eat more. She has brown/dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. About 5'3".
Brief Personality Description: A seemingly geniune shop owner with a selfish love of money and fame. She wouldn't hurt anyone, but also wouldn't mind tricking someone into giving her an extra dime. She accidentally reveals this to the prosecution, causing doubt to be placed on her, in addition to her location and calling of the authorities. Her favorite tea is lavender chamomile, and she always makes sure to keep some for herself.
Connection to canon characters (if applicable): Client of Ryūnosuke Naruhodō, childhood friends with Susato Mikotoba
Brief Background: She moved from across the country with her money to start her own business selling tea in order to find the perfect customers and maximize profits. Tea became the first suspect when someone was murdered inside of her shop while she was asking next door for extra sugar. Her love of tea spans back to her childhood, when she went to school with Susato. The reason for her love of money is her late father's constant encouragement of success.

[spoiler of her story kinda?? idk just to be safe]
The victim supposedly fought back against the culprit, and was choked with his own scarf. Tea's fingerprints were on his arm, but were left there when she was pulling him to show him the other teas.

The culprit ends up being her mother, and the victim was her father's doctor before he died of a heart problem. She left no fingerprints due to having gloves on by chance, and gets a lighter sentence by claiming self defense and confessing to save her neice.

Tea is left to live with her aunt (who also works in the shop) until her mother is released from jail.

Link to entry:

(( desperately hoping nothing is wrong with my entry lmao ))
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I hope I did this correctly! I'm nervous about this since I've never posted on here before... My OC is very loosely based off of Alice in Wonderland.
Entrant's Name: reidiantdawn (Rebecca)
Entrant's Website: N/A
Character's Name: Alice Riddell
Age: 18
Occupation: Unemployed
Brief Physical Description: Alice has long, golden hair, light skin, and dreamy blue eyes. She wears a patched-up hat, which has a blue ribbon tied around it, a lace choker, and a corset with cat-shaped buttons. She also wears light blue socks and black-and-brown boots and her long sleeves end in frills. Her tendency to mix different styles of clothing is considered unusual by others and draws attention to her.
Brief Personality Description: Alice, despite her age, is quite childish, sheltered, and innocent. She enjoys tea parties with her cats and stuffed animals and is rather eccentric and imaginative. Her naivety leads her to believe the best in everyone, sometimes getting her into trouble. She loves animals, mostly cats. She is a fan of literature and wordplay and sometimes dresses unusually because she loves getting attention.
When faced with troubles, she escapes from them by being constantly busy, whether daydreaming, exploring, or visiting the nearby bookstore, so that she doesn't have to think too deeply about her problems. Her dream is to become a novelist and she loves sewing, but is not that good, so most of her creations end up as horrible monstrosities.
Connection to canon characters: Client of Ryuunosuke's
Brief Background: Alice and her older sister lived in an orphanage, where she was often ignored by the other children and her sister was occupied looking for a job. That later grew into a need for attention, and since she didn't have anyone to play with, she would read to pass the time. She greatly respects authors Iris Watson and Al Lilas. Now, she tries to be social and friendly, not wanting to be alone again.
Her sister found a job and eventually they moved to a nice house. She never lets anyone forget how successful her sister became.
Spoiler: Description of Case
An acquaintance of hers, Sylvia Golde, came over for a visit to talk things out over tea after a little falling-out. Soon after, though, Sylvia was found murdered, and investigations found poison in Alice's home, resulting in her being taken in.

Witnesses include:
- a cheerful gardener named Oliver Grover, who noticed some of his poisonous plants missing the day before the crime.
- a quiet French woman named Serena Calme, who witnessed an argument between the victim and Alice.
- Iris Watson, who, along with Ryuunosuke Naruhodou and Susato Mikotoba, was in the bookstore when Sylvia Golde came stumbling in and collapsed on the floor.
- a mysterious man whose identity is not known that well. In reality, he is the well-known author with the penname "Al Lilas." Alice finds out that he is the author she had always dreamt of meeting, but when certain evidence places him as a suspect, she hides it away, refusing to believe that he could be the killer.

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Character's Name:
Marigold Rounds


Unemployed/ amateur photographer and storyteller

Brief Physical Description/Case Description:
As the daughter of a well to do family living in the English countryside, Marigold is the perfect image of a porcelain doll. Her youthful appearance is enhanced by her sweet blue eyes, golden brown curls, and a creamy complexion with small freckles smattering her nose from time spent playing outside. Though she may be lively in manner, her expression is at times hard to read...

Brief Personality Description:
Filled with a boundless imagination and an inquisitive nature, she loves nothing more than creating fanciful worlds and playing with her beloved cousin Poppy by the stream. Sometimes her imagination gets the best of her in the form of telling small lies and playing tricks on others. Especially gifted with talents in the arts, Marigold has developed an interest in the burgeoning world of photography.

Connection to canon characters (if applicable):
Marigold is at the center of a paranormal controversy that is sweeping London’s newspapers and is a key person of interest in a case that develops as Ryuunosuke and Susato visit the English country side with Holmes.

Brief Background:
Growing up in the English country side, Marigold Rounds was free to explore and play on her family's grounds with her older cousin Poppy Fields. Their time by the stream that ran past the house was spent creating fairy tales and adventurous stories, each one more fantastical than the last. One day, Marigold brought along her father's camera and the girls took pictures of what they came across. While telling stories, they began to play around with the camera, using illustrations of fairies and camera tricks Marigold had learned from her father, to create lifelike photographs of fairies dancing around them.

Once the pictures were developed, Marigold showed her father, telling him that the fairies were real. At first he didn't believe them but once the girls returned with more photographs, he sent them to a photographer friend in London for an expert opinion. The photographs created an uproar in the city and soon the two girls were entrenched in the midst of a debate of the validity of the story and the possibility of fairies. Poppy, overwhelmed by the attention, wanted to reveal that they were fake while Marigold saw opportunity. She convinced her cousin to not say a word, that they could write their stories and become famous. Experts, disbelievers, and curious minded people soon came to visit them in droves. One of whom, named Mister Aster, came to see the girls not the fairies, but for Poppy, because he had fallen in love with her picture and wanted to met her in person. Poppy quickly reciprocated his feelings and Marigold realized that her world was slowly unraveling because of all of her lies. She was soon to lose her only and best friend as well as being jealous of Poppy moving on with her life and growing up.

Slowly, Marigold started slipping morphine into Poppy's drinks, making her drowsy and hallucinate thus unable to visit Aster. Still Poppy pushed on and Marigold resorted to sending Aster a rejection letter from Poppy which resulted in an argument between Aster and Poppy's father in front of the entire household. Breaking down, Poppy tells Marigold that they have to come clean about all of their lies, that it's caused enough heartache. Marigold agrees but on the condition that they go to the stream one last time and take the last photographs. Once there, Marigold overdoses her cousin on morphine and runs home in tears, blaming her death on the fairies.

It's around this time that Sherlock arrives, with Iris, Ryuunosuke, and Susato in tow, to investigate the fairy photographs. The death of Poppy leads to them investigating the case, with Aster as the main person of interest. Marigold continues blaming the fairies, as well as insinuating Aster played a part. The team finds torn up photographs of Poppy and Aster and a hidden photograph taken the day of the crime that leads to incriminating Marigold. She breaks down in court and tells the truth, after a rounds of constant and ever changing lies.

Misc Facts:
While it's a couple of years off, this case takes elements from the historic controversy of The Cottingley Fairies photographs that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was involved in. As a spiritualist, Doyle was fascinated with other worldly phenomenons and was convinced the photographs of the fairies were proof and published several articles on the subject. Since I’m trying to steer clear of all spoilers, my headcanon for Sherlock would be that he, at the very least, would be interested in investigating if the pictures were legitmate.

Name Origin:
Full name is a play on Merry Go Round for Marigold's youthful appearance and her stories spinning round and a round. Also using the Victorian language of Flowers, Marigold means grief and jealousy (other character names: Poppy=imagination but also eternal sleep/oblivion and Aster=Elegance and a symbol of love)

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Entrant's Name: Aurelia Reina
Entrant's Website: N/A
Character's Name: Sophia Roberts (She's an intelligent girl, hence the name Sophia which means wisdom)
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Unemployed
Brief Physical Description:
Sophia's chocolate-coloured hair resembles an open book which is turned upside down with two braids tied with red ribbons. She has a pair of emerald eyes and a peach coloured skin. She's about 5'5'' tall.

Brief Personality Description:
She is a very shy and introverted person to the point that she will not speak with anyone except for Arthur, her adopted father. In fact, only Arthur had ever heard her voice. To help her communicate with other people, Arthur had bought her a black leather book and a grey quill, which she constantly carry around as a mean to communicate (She will write the words that she wanted to say and show it to people that she is trying to speak with). She loves to read and has a wide general knowledge. After reading a book about the history of Japan, she became a huge fan of Japanese culture (hence the kanji for book, '本' can be found at her dress). She rarely shows any emotions except for Arthur.

Connection to canon characters (if applicable):
She is one Ryuunosuke's clients who defended her when she was accused of a theft.

Brief Background:
Kidnapped at a young age, she was sold as a slave at a black market. During the auction however, she managed to escape and wandered aimlessly in the city of London for days. She was found unconscious outside of Arthur Roberts' mansion, who took pity in her and brought her in. Her emerald eyes instantly reminded Arthur of his beloved wife and daughter who died in an accident. Thus, he decided to adopt and raise Sophia as his own daughter. Initially, Sophia was afraid of Arthur. As time passed, he managed to bond with her and taught her how to read and write.

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Joined: Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:17 am

Posts: 3

Entrant's name:Dafter Toop
Character’s name: Tenacious Collinwood
Age: 24
Occupation: Prosecutor
Physical Description: He is 5 foot tall he has brown hair, likes to dress in theater attire usually wearing aqua colors, he uses glasses since he has pretty bad eyesight, he uses a cane with two hand attached to it that he uses for different things.
He hides a cup of tea under his top hat.
Brief Personality Description: He is a very calm person but can be quite unstoppable when provoked; he has Ailurophobia because of prank that some bullies posing as his friends played on him during his childhood, he tends to put defense attorneys in a tight corner, and figures out their strategies pretty quick not giving them a chance to defeat him. He doesn’t like to be reminded of the past since he had quite a lot of bad experiences during his beginnings in court before.
He is a big fan of theater and never misses a good show; he even quotes famous literature during court proceedings. He takes things too literarily and likes to make a lot of questions until he is satisfied. While he likes to put defense attorneys under pressure, he does not work quite well under pressure. His biggest fear is being left alone again; he is homosexual and was made fun of during his childhood.
Connection to canon characters: None
Brief Background: Born and raised in London, in a middle class family up until he was 10 years of age, when the Midnight Edge killed his parents, he then was transported to an orphanage were he lived for 3 years until a rich lawyer by the name of Olcane Collinwood adopted him an named him Tenacious Collinwood, under his new name Tenacious decided to study law and catch the notorious criminal the Midnight Edge, Luckily for him a suspect already turned up and a newbie Japanese attorney will be the one defending him.
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Re: OC Contest 2015: Fanart Entry ThreadTopic%20Title
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Gender: Female

Location: Hazakurain

Rank: Suspect

Joined: Mon Nov 16, 2015 5:51 pm

Posts: 7

Entrant's Name: Janelle
Entrant's Website: Tumblr

Character's Name: “Harmony” / Therese Chanson (real name)
Age: 17
Occupation: (Singing) Trapeze Artist (secretly)

Brief Physical Description:
Therese is fairly lean and athletic, but hides it under the puffed dress that she wears regularly. She wears glasses only because she believes it helps hide her secret. Her every-day dress is a contrast to her outfit as “Harmony” - it’s much lighter and more presentable. Compared to her dark dress, her circus outfit is bolder, showcasing her confidence and talent onstage.

Brief Personality Description:
Therese is very cheerful and optimistic, and she does her best not only to make the audience happy, but the people around her as well. Though well-known as “the trapeze artist who sings”, and a favorite among the frequent circus-goers, Therese prefers to keep the attention away from her if possible - not because she’s shy, but the pressure and expectations from being a star make her feel insecure about her “regular self” off stage and how people might perceive her. She’s also a modest person, and she believes there are others who deserve the attention more than her.

As “Harmony”, Therese would focus on exhibiting her talent and strength, and she concentrates almost as if there were no audience watching her – just her trapeze partner, Peace, and herself, Harmony. This has become part of her routine when she practices and performs, which also means she would sometimes find herself being completely lost in her own world, and someone has to snap her back to reality. Because of this, she lets her guard down quite easily… and with her secret to keep, she finds it too risky to talk to people, so she mostly keeps to herself, even when around her fellow circus performers.

When she’s not practicing, or out promoting the circus, Therese likes to write songs and poems, some (of which) she has performed on stage as part of her act.

Connection to canon characters (if applicable): A friend, who then becomes a client of Ryuunosuke's.

Spoiler: Brief Background:
Ryuunosuke and Susato took an interest to the circus when Therese happened to be handing out flyers outside of the courthouse. Sherlock and Iris had heard about the circus before, and with an eager Susato and a curious Ryuunosuke, they decided to take their friends to the circus. When Iris asked if Therese was part of the circus performers, she quickly denied it, saying she “merely hands out flyers to promote the circus”. Sherlock was quick to point out as well that since she’s wearing glasses, she couldn't possibly be a performer, and Therese agreed.

After seeing the show, the group ran into Therese again, recognizing her as the girl who handed out the flyers earlier. Iris ran up to her and, having figured out that Therese was the one up on the trapeze, congratulated her for an amazing performance. Surprised and happy to hear someone praise her for the first time ”as Therese”, she thanked them... realizing too late that she had completely revealed her secret. Since then, they became her first few friends outside the circus that she felt she could trust.

One night, Therese’s trapeze partner, Peace, was found dead with a stab wound on the back. The scene of the crime was on stage, and it happened during their performance. To be more specific, as Peace was about to swing towards Harmony, the stage lights were suddenly turned off. After a while, with the crowd in panic, the lights shone on stage again and all eyes laid on Peace, who was on the ground, dead. Harmony was still hung up in the air by her legs, with her arms reaching down as if she had just let go of someone, or some thing. She was charged of the murder.

With no other leads, Ryuunosuke and the others decided to investigate the circus… perhaps there was someone who worked with the knife throwing acts...

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