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Escape from Carbon**e IslandTopic%20Title
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Trainer Gold - Johto Champion.

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NOTE: This is a crossover FanFic. There will be content from many other games, movies, etc.
WARNING: There may be spoilers in this FanFic

The victim of an unknown incident... ...lying in the dirt and dust. He groaned and got up.
...Where am I?...
Apollo Justice had somehow landed in this awful situation. But at least he still had his weapons - a "Valious" and a blaster - a sort of gun - from his humanoid animal friend, Worriz the Wolf. He scanned the area before making his move, moving forward - there was nowhere else to go. Suddenly, he heard blasts from behind him - that sounded like the blasters the stormtroopers from Star Wars possessed. He looked behind him. Two stormtroopers were firing blasters at him. Apollo dodged and reached for his Valious, deflecting the blaster shots from them before running off. The followed him so he shot them with his blaster.
...What happened to me? I... remember... nothing...
Apollo walked through this pathway surrounded by thick, impenetrable forest splashed with a dark, aqua-grey colour. The thing that frightened him the most was the fact that even the trees were completely immovable, stone-like and... cold. He came to the grim, unnerving realisation that this was a carbon-frozen hell and he was somehow caught up in it all.
...I have to... I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!...
Apollo picked up his pace, running along the path. He had no choice but to escape, or end up like the trees in this carbon**e-ridden hell-hole!
...I MUST escape!...
...I have to get away!...
Apollo ran and ran and ran. But he came across a second hurdle. There was a forcefield and four stormtroopers were shooting at him! He used his blaster to destroy the generators and the Valious on the stormtroopers to defend himself. Then he came across this fork in the road. A stormtrooper from the left attacked him so he ran to the right. But this barrier made out of that traumatising-as-hell carbon**e stopped him! There was NO WAY he would ever go near it! He just shot the stormtrooper and went on the left route, jumping over an electric fence, running through this sort of radioactive whatever-the-heck it is and again blasting a barrier and striking down two more stormtroopers. Then he came to this dead end. But the carbon**e walls began to recede, frightening him.
...I hate these things! They scare me no end!...
Apollo continued on until he came across a dead end. Time to turn back. Maybe that barrier of hell had gone away. So he turned back. Suddenly he was stopped by a huge earthquake which knocked him off his feet. He hit his head against a rock and passed out...

Waking up, Apollo scanned the area, then himself. There was no sign of that carbon on him and the scenery hadn't changed at all. He realised that he had been lying there ever since he was knocked out by the earthquake. He continued back to the fork in the road and took the route that was blocked by the growths. Those things had disappeared. Thank God. Apollo continued on, climbing over or destroying barriers, shooting and cutting down those rotten stormtroopers.
...Phoenix... Trucy...
...I WILL escape from this place!...
He continued through the maze. He's just a lawyer! He's not one of the rebels like Han Solo or Luke Skywalker! So WHY did HE, of ALL PEOPLE get caught up in this. Suddenly, this evil bug attacked him. A battle was on!
The bug left little mines that hurt Apollo every time he stepped on one. It fired "carbon bombs " at him. Rotten things from hell, they were! But the thing was defeated quickly and Apollo noticed something drop from it - a red key! He could continue on. There was this door with a keyhole. Would the red key fit...?
It did. And Apollo continued on.
...What even is this place anyway?...
Apollo continued on through the pathway, cutting down three stormtroopers as he went, before descending into the dark, icy vortex...
...Where am I now?...
Now at the other end of the vortex, Apollo found himself on hard icy terrain being patrolled by stormtroopers on their little "speeder bikes." They encircled him and he cut them down. Sparks and stuff flying everywhere, barely missing him. A heavier wave of stormtroopers came at him, their gunfire badly wounding the poor bugger. As if he weren't injured enough? Turrets were shooting at him. It took what felt like a whole hour before he could finish them off. He was just exhausted and he collapsed on the ground, panting hard.
For several minutes, he remained lying there, questioning what had happened to him, and how he could escape. Would he see Phoenix or Trucy again? Would he escape this hell, whatever it was? The sound of footsteps was approaching. What now? He got up and continued on, through the dark, narrow passageway. A stormtrooper started his assault, but Apollo didn't have time for this! He reached for a Pokéball, sending out Challenger, his Staraptor. It used Sky Attack to really give the stormtrooper a beating. The stormtrooper fell down and gave up.
"Challenger, come back!" Those were the first words the lawyer had said in God-knows-how-long. Continuing on, he came across this other open area with seemed to surround an unknown chamber. There was nothing nearby.
...What sort of place IS this?...
He walked forward into the chamber in the centre of the area. Suddenly he heard a crash from behind him. He turned around and saw rocks blocking the exit. Apollo now realised that he couldn't turn back now. He could only go forwards now. There was no turning back.
...I can't turn back now! I must keep going!...
It was another pathway. It led to a room with Darth Vader and a huge wave of stormtroopers.
...What are they doing here?...
Apollo reached for his blaster and shot at Vader for some reason. But the bugger just used the Force to make it useless. Then Apollo watched as his blaster was stolen off him and thrown away.
"No," he cried, "This isn't going to be like Star Wars Episode V!" He pulled out his Valious, his other remaining weapon, which was impossible to interfere with using the Force.
"Bring it on, Vader, you cowardly idiot who uses that traumatising rubbish from hell!"
Vader turned to the stormtroopers and instructed them to attack. Apollo got himself ready. This was it! He HAD to defeat them all if he was to survive and escape from this hell-hole! Apollo charged forward into the wave of stormtroopers, using his Valious to slice them up. By running into the wave, Apollo was harder to find and the stormtroopers would risk shooting their own. Finally, after ten waves of stormtroopers, Darth Vader decided, "I'll kill you myself!" He turned on his lightsabre and advanced upon Apollo. A duel started. Darth Vader chased Apollo through the area, using the Force to throw objects at him from time to time. Finally, Apollo was alone in the area. Was Vader playing hide-and-seek with him? A sudden Darth Vader jumpscare answered his question. But some other creature grabbed him - a carbon**e monster! As the monsters overpowered him and dragged him off, Vader shut off his lightsabre, "It's over."
...Why me?...
The carbon monsters led Apollo to a carbon-freezing chamber. They got prepared to use it on him. But before they did, they asked him a question.
"Any last words?"
Suddenly, something landed at Apollo's feet. It was an orb of CHI. He picked up and looked the biggest carbon monster in the eye before plugging it.
"I will end you! I will end you all!"
He attacked, going on both the offensive and defensive. It was the only way to defend himself! He managed to defeat all the carbon monsters and still had some time to spare before his CHI was depleted. That way, he could get back to battling with Vader. But the lightsabre-wielding marauder didn't want to battle anymore. He just stood there, hesitating. Apollo just pointed his Valious at Vader, wondering when the bugger was even going to make a move. But Vader put two hands on his helmet and pulled it off, throwing it to the ground at Apollo's feet.
"Han Solo???"
Then he remembered, when Darth Vader Han Solo had said "It's over," he was saying it in a sad tone, as though his last hope was gone, that he was forever doomed to either be Darth Vader for the rest of his life or be frozen in carbon**e forever. Neither of them would have been living at all, rather existence. Han fell to his knees, fighting back tears.
"Why did I have to be like that? Why did I have to be trapped in that carbon-frozen hell? W-Why? Just because I'm a hero?"
...I have to save him! I... just can't... let him slip... through the cracks!...
Apollo decided to help Han escape from the carbon-frozen hell that was entrapping him, no matter what.
"I'm going to get you out of this place!"
"Yes! Because I just have to! I can't let this crap happen to you any longer!"
Han, for the first time in what seemed like a REALLY long time, smiled.
But they HAD to leave. Apollo grabbed Han and pulled a hood over his head to prevent him being identified. Then the two dashed for the exit - A "Poképortal". This was their last hope. It was standing on a cliff about several hundred metres away from them, and the cliff was coloured in hues or purple and brown, nothing like the dark, death-like shades that lined the hell that had held them prisoner for so long. As they were running, Apollo heard a rumbling noise form behind them - a wall of carbon**e was advancing upon them like a tsunami. Apollo panicked, running as fast as he could even though his brown shoes were probably the worst to run in and maybe even the most uncomfortable.
"What's the hurry, Apollo," Han shouted.
"Han! L-Look behind you!"
When he did, Han had really picked up his pace and within three seconds had caught up with Apollo. They leapt at the cliff and climbed it as quickly as possible but the tsunami was catching up with them. Han fell off the cliff and Apollo caught him in his right hand. The hood fell off and Han's face was covered in a rising shadow. When that shadow hit Apollo, they both knew it was too late. Apollo braced himself and said a final prayer before he plunged into the eternal darkness of a carbon-frozen hell.....
Apollo looked up. He was in this snowy area. And in front of him, towering over him, was an Articuno with a Polar Band tied around its neck like a scarf. It had to belong to a trainer. There was a river, and they were on the riverbank. Suddenly, it all came back to him - the carbon monsters capturing Phoenix, but not before he managed to throw him into the safety of the river. Then Articuno... As for Carbon**e Island, it was all a dream. Just a dream. But Apollo had a thought that Han Solo maybe wasn't a dream. It was all a vision, telling him something. And Apollo had to find out what it all was.
...Han Solo... I won't let this mystery get the better of me... I WILL find you! I promise...
...And when I do, I'll stop this madness, and erase the hell that has kept us here for so long...

To all the creepypastas, Romans, etc. ... 9d1_hq.gif

Hydrophyl the Feraligatr is going to rearrange the Phantom's kneecaps! You never know, I used him, and only him - to defeat the entire E4 and all of Kanto's Gym leaders, believe it or not!

I've become a DeviantArt member! Link to my DeviantArt Here:

Last edited by Student678 on Sat Oct 22, 2016 5:36 am, edited 10 times in total.
Re: (Unfinished) Escape from Carbon**e IslandTopic%20Title
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Trainer Gold - Johto Champion.

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06/08/2016 - Added new content and made corrections.
To all the creepypastas, Romans, etc. ... 9d1_hq.gif

Hydrophyl the Feraligatr is going to rearrange the Phantom's kneecaps! You never know, I used him, and only him - to defeat the entire E4 and all of Kanto's Gym leaders, believe it or not!

I've become a DeviantArt member! Link to my DeviantArt Here:
Re: (Unfinished) Escape from Carbon**e IslandTopic%20Title
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Trainer Gold - Johto Champion.

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08/08/2016 - Added new content and made corrections.
To all the creepypastas, Romans, etc. ... 9d1_hq.gif

Hydrophyl the Feraligatr is going to rearrange the Phantom's kneecaps! You never know, I used him, and only him - to defeat the entire E4 and all of Kanto's Gym leaders, believe it or not!

I've become a DeviantArt member! Link to my DeviantArt Here:
Re: (Unfinished) Escape from Carbon**e IslandTopic%20Title
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Trainer Gold - Johto Champion.

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11/08/2016 - Added new content.
To all the creepypastas, Romans, etc. ... 9d1_hq.gif

Hydrophyl the Feraligatr is going to rearrange the Phantom's kneecaps! You never know, I used him, and only him - to defeat the entire E4 and all of Kanto's Gym leaders, believe it or not!

I've become a DeviantArt member! Link to my DeviantArt Here:
Re: (Unfinished) Escape from Carbon**e IslandTopic%20Title
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Trainer Gold - Johto Champion.

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16/08/2016 - Added new content.
To all the creepypastas, Romans, etc. ... 9d1_hq.gif

Hydrophyl the Feraligatr is going to rearrange the Phantom's kneecaps! You never know, I used him, and only him - to defeat the entire E4 and all of Kanto's Gym leaders, believe it or not!

I've become a DeviantArt member! Link to my DeviantArt Here:
Re: (Unfinished) Escape from Carbon**e IslandTopic%20Title
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Trainer Gold - Johto Champion.

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19/08/2016 - Added new content and made corrections.
To all the creepypastas, Romans, etc. ... 9d1_hq.gif

Hydrophyl the Feraligatr is going to rearrange the Phantom's kneecaps! You never know, I used him, and only him - to defeat the entire E4 and all of Kanto's Gym leaders, believe it or not!

I've become a DeviantArt member! Link to my DeviantArt Here:
Re: (Finished!) Escape from Carbon**e IslandTopic%20Title
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Trainer Gold - Johto Champion.

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04/09/2016 - I've finally finished this FanFic! Now everyone can read it.
To all the creepypastas, Romans, etc. ... 9d1_hq.gif

Hydrophyl the Feraligatr is going to rearrange the Phantom's kneecaps! You never know, I used him, and only him - to defeat the entire E4 and all of Kanto's Gym leaders, believe it or not!

I've become a DeviantArt member! Link to my DeviantArt Here:
Re: Escape from Carbon**e IslandTopic%20Title
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Trainer Gold - Johto Champion.

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14/09/2016 - Removed finished label and made improvements and corrections.
To all the creepypastas, Romans, etc. ... 9d1_hq.gif

Hydrophyl the Feraligatr is going to rearrange the Phantom's kneecaps! You never know, I used him, and only him - to defeat the entire E4 and all of Kanto's Gym leaders, believe it or not!

I've become a DeviantArt member! Link to my DeviantArt Here:
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