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Re: What do you think of Spirit of Justice?Topic%20Title
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@Pierre Well, I do think that pleasing fans/fanservice in itself is a bad idea, at least in most cases. I believe good, creative writing is more likely to come when the writer is free to be spontaneous. Using fanservice, the writer is basically "chained" to old elements and old characters. I think this is one of the reasons why, in my experience, attempts to revive the "good ol' days" are bound to be disappointing. Maybe there are some examples of good, creative fanservice, but very few I think.

About Maya. The fact that her powers have improved, doesn't change the point that using her as defendant again or "victim" of kidnapping are very lazy, overused ideas for a plot, and that those ideas were probably used to appeal to a specific audience ("ol' fans"). Granted, they didn't want to make her the most important character in the game and they didn't use her a lot, but she still took a space that could have been used for a better idea. Or they could try to make her relevant in a different way, as I mentioned before. Or they could use her character in that "Time Traveller" episode only, because it would have been an entirely fanservice-based episode, but at least, as you said, optional.

About 6-4, I didn't find it "terrible" really, but certainly kind of random, almost like you could picture the writers thinking "OmG, this character introduced as lawyer in the last game... what do we do with her? she is supposed to be playable and not only an assistent. oh, let's create a random, short case lacking in content and with no investigation for her, so that people can't say we ignored her". Which is lame, really.
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I'm of the opinion that fanservice can be good in moderation. A little wink or a nod there can help to establish continuity and (in this case) a returning character who hasn't been seen in a long time after a time skip allows us some new insight into that character. It gives them a chance to show how they've grown and changed over the years they've been away. I would have perhaps like MORE changes of Maya but I wouldn't deny that she definitely had her moments of growth. Her talk about "Getting Real" got this point across quite succinctly allowing them to use Maya in minimal amounts. Granted in Case 5 they absolutely tread old ground with her but overall I agree with you that her inclusion was handled with moderation. They didn't use her a lot or make her TOO important. Even when they retread on 2-4 it's not the climax or main focus of the case and is handled by and large in the background.

Looking at it from a sales perspective Fanservice in this form has it's value. The allure of a previous character returning in a new game will instantly connect with old fans. They'll be curious and want to know more about what's happened to that previous character. However to new fans they might not know anything about this character and so to them it would appear entirely new. The appeal would still exist for them so including a new character from a marketing perspective is a win-win situation.

Now if I had to give an example of BAD fanservice I would use Case 4. They had no idea how to use returning characters in a relevant way so they used them in an irrelevant meaningless way. The case has no bearing on the whole plot and it purely serves as a moment to highlight Athena and Blackquill and tread on the "confidence" issue that Athena already overcame in case 5-3.

For me bad fanservice has to be implemented poorly and forcibly and not really have any consequence. Where Maya was used she was used mostly well and her unique features were vastly relevant to the plot. Where Athena and Blackquill were used they really had nothing to do with anything. It was sickening. Trucy got a worse treatment in Dual Destinies where they reduced her to one-gimmick, that was fanservice at it's worst.

Basically contrast how Maya was used compared to how Klavier was used in Dual Destinies. Both were used prominently in the marketing to draw fans of those characters to the game. Klavier however was next to worthless in the story (TERRIBLE fanservice). Maya was relevant in the story.

For me Fanservice isn't inherently bad or good, it's all in the implementation.
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It is true that fanservice has marketing value, but personally, as a gamer, I am not concerned with that. Meaning, my no. 1 personal interest is to have a good gaming experience. I understand that the company's priority is to sell, but mine isn't. If they do things that increase their sales (like fanservice, appealing to nostalgia) but at the same time decrease the game's quality, I will complain. I understand that there are fans who are "loyal" to the series in the sense that seeing its sales grow is extremely important to them, but I am not part of this group.

I don't like the idea of developers being automatically influenced by the fandom's whims. I want to see them working their asses out to have good, original ideas, and I want them to be independent-minded about it. Otherwise, it will just feel like they are playing safe and doing whatever the vast majority of fans want them to do, which I think is one of the main reasons why a lot of series fall into mediocrity.

You know one thing that is keeping me interested in AA now? Dai Gyakuten Saiban. I think the whole concept behind it is a very good one: new characters, different setting and completely new elements, while at the same time mantaining the basic format of previous games. It feels fresh, and interesting. On the other hand, I am not happy with the main series. I just feels like they don't have a solid, long-term plan for it and are making what I see as inconsistent, poorly thought out decisions, e.g. introducing a new major character in a game (Athena in GS5), just to make a very lazy, random plan of development for her in the next (GS6).

That being said, I believe fanservice can be used in a way that is not excessively detrimental to the plot, or "moderate", as you put it, and I hope they try to keep this balance in the next game - ideally, trying to make a better work than they did here with Maya, which was, in my opinion, far from satisfactory.
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I loved it. Part of me wants to say it was my favorite AA but part of me also doesn't want to. And since part of me doesn't want to, I feel like it isn't. Regardless, I definitely think this is gonna be the AA game that I revisit for a long time

The animation was absolutely superb. It really felt like THIS was the level that AA was trying to get to all this time. In Case 2 especially, the way the models interacted with the courtroom in ways we had never seen before was truly incredible and I'd love to see cases like 2-3 remade in this style. The breakdowns were the best we've ever seen in the series with particular attention to the ones at the end of 6-2 and the one at the end of 6-5's first trial day

Case 1 was my favorite first case of the series. Case 2 was my favorite second case of the series. Case 3 was kind of weaker but it works better as a building block to the grand story than it does its own chapter. Plus it made me cry so I can't really discount it. Case 4 was pretty weak I thought but I don't have to go over that again

I remember reading ahead of time that Case 5 should've been separated into two separate cases and I thought people were overreacting. Who says the final case needs to focus on one mystery? I'm willing to try new things and this sounds exciting

After playing...yeah Case 5 should've been two separate cases. But I liked both cases a lot in their own way. I thought the final villain was a really good opponent but not a great villain, just very average

I said this in another thread but I think the mark of a great game is how much it can successfully utilize every part of its premise (999 is another game that comes to mind). This really is a masterfully crafted story. I was very skeptical after seeing the announcement trailer but introducing us to a new country and learning its backstory and bloody history was incredible and I don't think it can be feasibly followed up on. The Divination Seances tying into the plot as well as spirit channeling was also extremely well done

Spoiler: Entire Game
I LOVED that Maya channeling a guy in Case 3 came back in the end in what was a really chilling twist. Tying the Divination Seance and DC Act into the plot of Case 3 was well-done and Case 1 itself was a perfect introduction to this new country

And it was a very small touch but I think making Nanya involved in Case 5 was very clever

I do think people are kidding themselves when they act as if this forms a trilogy with AJ and DD, though. SOJ is such a huge game that I think it's more of a trilogy by itself than tying AJ and DD with it. All it's missing is Apollo's first trial
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Oh and I also loved that almost every character had a response to presenting the badge :)
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JesusMonroe wrote:
Oh and I also loved that almost every character had a response to presenting the badge :)

The mark of a great Ace Attorney game.
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It's been several months since I've last played it and I have honestly forgotten a good deal of what happened in this game... aside from the above mark and the DLC case.

It's strange, since I actually really liked this game, but maybe it's more forgettable than I thought. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for nostalgia so Turnabout Time Traveler left a bigger impression on me. I'm not sure.

Or maybe I'm just getting dehydrated.
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I kind of agree. Obviously some of the bigger moments in the main story stand out like the spelunky thing in case 5 but overall? Not really that much despite of how much stuff was going on in the plot, but I think that might also be exactly why. It's nowhere near as bad as I-5, but it was on a bigger and more complex scale than DD's main story, but I felt similarly to AAI (but still not as bad) it kept piling on pretty wild ideas but because so many bombastic things were going on only few of them stuck and the overall picture felt kind of muddy to me. It's not that it actually is muddy, it just failed to resonate me despite how many sides were represented in the story.

I think the DLC case and case 2 stand out because they're lighthearted and sorta comical with vibrant character designs, and obviously there's just something neat about the Maya, Nick, Edgeworth reunion (and let's not forget Larry) in the DLC.

I felt like the game had potential but it didn't tap all of it and especially case 5 had a lot of really interesting elements that it ended up tiptoeing over rather than tackling them, and as a result case 5 ended up feeling sort of "meh, I could've cared more", and in return so does most of the overarching plot.

In some ways I actually thought Rayfa was the most disappointing character. I never expected much from Nahyuta from promo material, but I didn't get anything special either so it was exactly what I thought, but Rayfa surprised me early on with how much she strayed from her initial impression so it came as kind of a letdown in hindsight how her resolve wasn't... really anything remarkable. It felt like a very safe, traditional "moral of the story" moment when her character arc started wrapping up.

Obviously I liked it more than DD because this one actually had solid conclusions to draw from the crazy mysteries and not just "shrug, it was all a contrivance" for pretty much every case, but in the end it still didn't resonate with me near as much as it could've when you consider how intriguing it started to get as it was building up case 5 especially. It's one more game to prove that in my book Yamazaki needs to learn to write a good final case. It's always very hit and miss and it's a shame because case 5 can make or break a game. I know I2-5 is popular (or something) but for me it didn't click even when the main arc did.

Also regarding whether 6-5 should've been split... nah, it shouldn't... they should've just cut out the trial and surrounding case characters of day 1 and used it somewhere else or in a different game. Day 1 Spelunky and all of day 2 fits together cohesively and thematically. Day 1 case investigation and trial doesn't really have much to do with the rest, and thematically the main theme of the game is already beaten into your skull by the time you completed case 3 even and by case 4 and 5 part 1 it started to feel like patronizing redundancies, like "Just in case you still don't get where this story is about...!"
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I have very mixed feelings about the last case

Spoiler: 6-5 Part 1
-I really liked how the finale case started with a small unassuming accident. Obviously it was a murder but it wasn't like a huge plot-heavy murder or anything. It feels like the start to a typical case and it's mostly there to develop Apollo and Dhurke's relationship
-I liked the return of Pearl. I've seen a lot of people complain about this and I don't understand why. She's in Kurain village, why wouldn't she be there? The game's not any better or worse because of it. And she actually had some good character here too. She doesn't need to be super plot-heavy or anything
-I LOVED Paul Atishon but I already raved about him in another thread
-Sarge was a really cute witness and ending the first half with her standing was a really heartwarming moment
-I got spoiled that Phoenix would be a prosecutor for a case and I liked to see that it was actually a civil case, which was a good setup to put the two attorneys against each other
-I hated how Maya got kidnapped again and I especially hate how horrible Nick's performance in court was in hindsight knowing this
-Apollo's past is way too retconned

So overall the first half was extremely solid with two very large flaws but whatever

Spoiler: 6-5 Part 2
-I loved the investigation sequence. Lots of cute moments with Nick and Edgeworth and they reveal a lot of huge plot twists before the trial even starts
-Both Divination Seances were extremely lacking
-Ga'ran was...mediocre. I like the idea of a villain who's not above the law but IS the law, but it made her pretty dumb for not just immediately ending the trial from the beginning (and the game established she could do this). Her motive was pretty lacking and I thought it would've tied into a bigger plot point with the Founder's Orb or Holy Mother, which both had disappointing resolutions
-The moment Apollo finds out Dhurke is dead is incredibly chilling and by far one of my favorite turnabouts in the series. It was clear that this was the twist the trial was building up to and not the identity of the killer
-Trial was way too easy
-Trial was extremely long but I don't even remember what happened in it besides finding out Inga was channelled by Nanya, interrogating Amara, finding out Dhurke was dead, and then going after Ga'ran
-I like the ending

It definitely wasn't a bad final case and you can tell the team really put their heart and soul into it but I do feel it should've been scaled down and get some rewrites
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I honestly feel like the Japanifornia cases of the game were more well-written than the Khura'in cases.
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I probably need to replay 6-3 to get a final judgement on it but 6-1 is one of my favorite cases of the series
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FenrirDarkWolf wrote:
I honestly feel like the Japanifornia cases of the game were more well-written than the Khura'in cases.

Mostly because of 6-3 I feel. It's just a really boring case from a writing perspective. Pacing was bad, day 1 was a waste of time and despite all the overall story felt a bit forgettable even after the great moment at the end.
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linkenski wrote:
Mostly because of 6-3 I feel. It's just a really boring case from a writing perspective. Pacing was bad, day 1 was a waste of time and despite all the overall story felt a bit forgettable even after the great moment at the end.

I liked the second day of 6-3 quite a bit, the first day really dragged on for a really long time imho.
I did like 6-1 though, it was one of the better tutorial cases in my eyes, mostly because of Ahlbi and Guitar Jesus.
While I enjoyed 6-5, I have to agree that the case is very disconnected, and that Ga'ran, while cool, was a little disappointing because of how obvious she was.

6-2, 6-4 and the first half of 6-5 def. felt like they were better in my eyes, and I might be biased because I like Apollo and Athena more at this stage than I do playing as Phoenix.

In general just a lot of little things annoy me about the Khura'in trials, from Maya's Wolverine Publicity, to frustrated/felt that it was too easy I got with the Seances, to how some of the crimes just didn't plain make sense to me at times.
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I can actually see Dhurke becoming the new Athena or Godot of this game. Sorta one of those characters who seems perfect,but people dislike them more than you think.
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6-3 is one of the few (or maybe the only?) cases where I actually liked the investigation segments more than the trials. Maybe that's why I'm unsure about my feelings because I really liked the investigations in that case

And the badge was FINALLY the right answer for a piece of evidence. Took them 10 games but we got there
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Wait,when was that?
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The psyche-lock segment with Datz
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Oh. Really? I thought you were talking about court. The badge is always used to proceed in investigations. 1-4,2-3, and 6-2 immediately come to mind.
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I'm not talking about presenting to proceed, though. It's never been used in an explicit "what do I present?" scenario. That includes psyche-lock segments, court, and those moments in the courtroom lobby after trials where you need to present something to cheer the defendant up
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Eh, I'm still waiting on the moment when the badge is presented as pivotal evidence in court. There are plenty of ways to make it viable; letting it go missing due to circumstances around the incident and recovering it, letting it be tied to a motive of the culprit, letting the owner of said badge be involved in the incident somehow...

But it doesn't surprise me that they hadn't tried a situation like it yet in a game. It'd fit better with a game themed around the law or defense attorneys as a whole, and aside from AJ - though Phoenix was out of a badge the whole game and Apollo was pretty new to the whole law shtick - that hasn't happened. I don't mind seeing another game centrally themed on the law; we've seen it come up scattered across all the games, but never as significant as with AJ or GK2 (though in the latter's case, it's more about the abuse of the law and Edgeworth being dumb).
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JesusMonroe wrote:
And the badge was FINALLY the right answer for a piece of evidence. Took them 10 games but we got there

Technically the badge is the right answer in court once...
it's just not YOUR badge.
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GS6 was pretty solid game a definite improvement over GS5 and all the cases were good especially the final case
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FenrirDarkWolf wrote:
JesusMonroe wrote:
And the badge was FINALLY the right answer for a piece of evidence. Took them 10 games but we got there

Technically the badge is the right answer in court once...
it's just not YOUR badge.

It also wasn't an actual badge
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1st case was decent. Enjoyed the 2nd & 3rd cases a lot, fun characters, dialogue and an interesting story all the way through both of them. 4th case had some fun dialogue in there but otherwise felt more tutorial case-y than the game's actual tutorial case somehow. Thought that both halves of the final case were pretty disappointing to be honest, some fun ideas thrown around in it though.

Game was alright, more solid than DD overall I think.
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JesusMonroe wrote:
It also wasn't an actual badge

...Yes it was.
It was a defence badge issued to Dhurke when he was still an attorney. He kept it with him as a reminder of his cause.

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JesusMonroe wrote:

I do think people are kidding themselves when they act as if this forms a trilogy with AJ and DD, though. SOJ is such a huge game that I think it's more of a trilogy by itself than tying AJ and DD with it. All it's missing is Apollo's first trial

AJ, DD and SoJ were all peddling some sort of hokey legal reformation/revolutionizing theme. Pretty understandable that people would group the three together.
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A-K wrote:
JesusMonroe wrote:

I do think people are kidding themselves when they act as if this forms a trilogy with AJ and DD, though. SOJ is such a huge game that I think it's more of a trilogy by itself than tying AJ and DD with it. All it's missing is Apollo's first trial

AJ, DD and SoJ were all peddling some sort of hokey legal reformation/revolutionizing theme. Pretty understandable that people would group the three together.

I was thinking more trilogy because it somewhat follows Apollo like it did with Phoenix, IE starting out (AA/AJ)-> questioning your own beliefs or something like that (JFA/DD)-> becoming an amazing attorney in his own right and moving on and being able to do things alone or something (T&T/SoJ)

I saw a better explanation of this somewhere
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FenrirDarkWolf wrote:
JesusMonroe wrote:
It also wasn't an actual badge

...Yes it was.
It was a defence badge issued to Dhurke when he was still an attorney. He kept it with him as a reminder of his cause.

Sorry, thought you were referring to 3-3

A-K wrote:
JesusMonroe wrote:

I do think people are kidding themselves when they act as if this forms a trilogy with AJ and DD, though. SOJ is such a huge game that I think it's more of a trilogy by itself than tying AJ and DD with it. All it's missing is Apollo's first trial

AJ, DD and SoJ were all peddling some sort of hokey legal reformation/revolutionizing theme. Pretty understandable that people would group the three together.

Fair enough
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@JesusMonroe Well,if you mean being used in a what do I present scenario,then in 6-2,you have to present it on Trucy's perceive. So...
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Despite all AJ arcs centering around "darkness in the law" as a theme (but does SoJ really do that? It's not the same law we're talking about) They just feel too different in vibe for me to see some kind of trilogy out of it. I think people can have it that way if that's what they believe but it doesn't exactly feel obvious like it did with T&T making a trilogy out of PWAA and JFA because JFA harkened back to the central characters of PWAA (neither DD or SoJ really make proper use of the main cast of AJAA aside from Apollo, and Phoenix is Trilogy-lzed) and T&T took a lingering thread JFA had created purposefully to make a continuous arc and completed it. There was a tighter sense of coherence in theme and focus of the main lingering arcs, whereas AJAA, DD and SoJ despite how hard DD tried to bring those "Dark days" to task from AJAA, all feel like each their own stories with their own central themes and new main characters.

If Phoenix had stayed hobo and Trucy hadn't been replaced by Athena and other assistants in DD and SoJ maybe it would've felt like some sort of trilogy arc. The most I can give it right now is that it's "the three games where Apollo was in focus" except even he gets kinda shoved aside for Athena in DD despite how intriguing the buildup for his arc was.
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^Exactly that, and Klavier would've probably had a bigger role in DD as well akin to Edgeworth in JFA

How hard would it have been for the writers to replace Edgeworth with Klavier in 6-5 ;-;
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I've been wanting to say a few things about this game for some time now, but I waited until I fully finished the game. These will all be complaints, but that doesn't mean I didn't like the game. In fact, I liked it a lot, and if anything, it's for that reason, I feel I can focus on these complaints for now. I'll try to keep it brief!

1. There are way, way, waaaay too many flashbacks. And the flashbacks also last too long. Also doesn't help that there are some loading times before and after each flashback.

2. Some animations are also excruciatingly long and/or annoying, and it's an extra kick in the shins you can't skip them. If I can skip the text, I think I should also have the ability to skip the animations

3. Is it me or did they flanderize Phoenix a bit here. I don't think I've heard anyone call him anything but the Bluff King (or similar), and even he himself acknowledges he only ever bluffs. He just comes off as incompetent but lucky instead of being a great mind at theorizing.

4. I've definitely seen this complaint before, but the game script appears way too... formulaic. It doesn't help that the investigations are linear and you're literally told what to do each time, but also court proceedings follow the same pattern to the point the Judge even says "Oh, this is the last part" at, well, the last part. I don't know, it all just feels like a giant checklist, instead of natural progression.

5. This is a minor thing, but another thing I don't like about investigations aside from its linear nature is that for some reason, they always want a character right in front of your nose. So, if there is no other witness or anything at the scene, they'll always put your partner in front of your nose. That just looks awkward, as if you walk around always facing each other, with your partner walking backwards...

6. Another minor thing... I kind of miss being able to only move to places as if you're walking on a map, instead of being able to teleport to any place from any place. Makes it look less like roaming and more like just changing the backdrop by the press of a button.

7. This is a bit of a continuation of point 4, but presenting evidence was sometimes needlessly a hassle. Sometimes you had to present evidence several times in a row, and then also point out the exact thing on a picture when it was way obvious what the evidence means. One particular example comes to mind:
Spoiler: 6-5
When you have to present evidence proving Dr. Buffs murder happened near the coffee machine, you present the photo that shows the book with blood and coffee stains. You then get some dialogue and have to point out the specific book in the photo. Why do I have to do that? It's obvious why I would present the photo! For goodness sake, that book was almost in the middle of the frame and was stained with blood...

And lastly...

Spoiler: Whole game
8. There were way too few characters. Aside from one time, the killer has always been obvious right from the start. I know it's less of a whodunit and more of a howdunit, but it still took out a good chunk of the mystery for me. And it's not just the killer, but also secret identities of characters. Hm! I wonder who Selena's fiancé is! Well, not her own brother, not the age-old victim, and certainly not the brother's bride. It's especially grating, because all the characters act surprised when the identity is revealed and I can only think "No shit"

Re: What do you think of Spirit of Justice?Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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For no.8, yeah,I agree.
Spoiler: Whole Game +DLC
6-1 was fine,as it was a first case.
6-2,while I did suspect Bonny at first,Roger was too sleazy to not be the killer.
6-3,while the twist was great,Beh'leeb was the only one it could've been through process of elimination.
6-4....yeah,I didn't suspect Owen for a second. Geiru's design was more fitting for a breakdown IMO.
6-5 Civil War trial game at this point doesn't really give a damn and just gives you Atishon. Hmmm,could it have been the person we know didn't do it,the victim's child,or the sleazy politician who's the plaintiff?
The Khura'in one...with that transformation...yeah. Though it could've been neat for Amara to have done it.
The DLC case,there are 6 special characters. 2 of them are victims,so they couldn't have done it;2 are the couple,so it wouldn't be happy for either to be evil;one's a returning character,so he didn't do it; and the last one is the butler surgeon engineer with a spooky design. hmm,I wonder


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Its just like I'm playing AA1 :acro:
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8. There were way too few characters. Aside from one time, the killer has always been obvious right from the start. I know it's less of a whodunit and more of a howdunit, but it still took out a good chunk of the mystery for me. And it's not just the killer, but also secret identities of characters. Hm! I wonder who Selena's fiancé is! Well, not her own brother, not the age-old victim, and certainly not the brother's bride. It's especially grating, because all the characters act surprised when the identity is revealed and I can only think "No shit"

I have to agree - this one of the game's biggest problems. Some past cases have had so many characters that there was actually room for you to suspect multiple suspects.

1. There are way, way, waaaay too many flashbacks. And the flashbacks also last too long. Also doesn't help that there are some loading times before and after each flashback.

Amen to this.

3. Is it me or did they flanderize Phoenix a bit here. I don't think I've heard anyone call him anything but the Bluff King (or similar), and even he himself acknowledges he only ever bluffs. He just comes off as incompetent but lucky instead of being a great mind at theorizing.

Phoenix bluffs far more than Apollo and Athena do... he really feels like a novice. I don't remember his bluff feeling so unnatural before. Apollo seems to be a far better attorney at this point. (which isn't a bad thing, but Nick sure doesn't act like an attroney with "10" years of experience)

I do hate to keep nitpicking this game because I really did enjoy it. But I suppose once you've played so many games in a series, you can't help but nitpick.
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Danchat wrote:
I do hate to keep nitpicking this game because I really did enjoy it. But I suppose once you've played so many games in a series, you can't help but nitpick.

Yeah. I don't point out these things because I hate the games. I do it exactly because I love the games
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"I'm so sick of Khura'in!"

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I think it's unrealistic to expect any sequel to be everything the first game was but much better, especially in such a long running series, but I don't think there's anything wrong with expecting sequels to be as good as that game where it peaked. When a high bar is set there's nothing but disappointments to be had when another game just can't meet that expectation, and I think that's where SoJ's shortcomings begin to nag at me, as a fan of particularly the first and third game.
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I liked the game, but I agree with most of the points mentioned (especially unnecessary flashbacks, sometimes to less than 5 minutes of gametime ago!). As with most PW games, it'd be nice to have a broader range of suspects to pick from, too (as in more than one). Though the twist in 6-3 was certainly fresh (especially since
they had a perfect breakdown gimmick for Behleeb and didn't even use it - proper red herring!)
On the whole, though, the stories were entertaining and fun with a couple twists I really enjoyed (even if I saw the big ones coming a mile away). The biggest problem I have is a minor one with how they handled 6-4.
Aside from the case being convoluted in general, they dismiss Owen as a suspect WAY too early and easily because he acts childlike. I know it's Phoenix Wright, so the boob lady has to be evil, but they could've at least played around with expectations there and have Owen keep some kind of secret.
Also, Princess Tsundere was pretty darn cute and Dogboy sufficiently fulfilled his role as Butz/Gumshoe stand-in. Prosecutor was okay. Pees is best witness. Hobo Rider did the long pose a few thousand times too many, but was otherwise cool. I wish I remember who drew that comic several years back with Phoenix not telling Apollo/Trucy they were siblings until their wedding day. Because this person is a prophet. I'm not entirely sure Chief Prosecutors should have as much legal sway as Edgeworth seems to. And instead of having Emma, couldn't we just draw a face on a giant luminol bottle?
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"Pees is best witness"
-Jolly Old Saint

Also,the person who drew that was hiimdaisy.

And who's hobo rider?
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Southern Corn wrote:
"Pees is best witness"
-Jolly Old Saint

Also,the person who drew that was hiimdaisy.

And who's hobo rider?

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