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Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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[Whip the cream!]

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Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
I love posts like these. They so neatly wrap the dream thread into one strange cluster of weird.

A strange cluster of weird. I love that expression.
"Two for the price of one!" is what immediately popped into my head.

It's not only a Nick... it's a double Nick! Half the money, twice the satisfaction. (I'd love some chocolate right now.)
Come now. My Dad may be prone to being naked but he's not that mean. :p

I believe you!
Clearly Subby has been influenced too much by FF7 again, since my Ace Attorney characters somehow ended up on Gaia, chasing after a man with a machine-gun arm.

Gimme a "P"! Gimme an "I"! Give me a "P" and an "E"! What's that spell?! Pipe!
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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Nerd Processor

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Blasted photobucket... you'll have to make do with the default Gummy avatar for now. If any of you even remember me. :payne:

Hopefully this mass-post will make up for disappearing like Edgeworth. I will show once again that I am the catch-up master! :franny: (Albeit only from my last post - still that was on page 379!)

Going for Miles wrote:
Something about Larry wearing a spacesuit and being sucked into space with little to no relation to the actual case at hand, then returning for the next case which I think was 6-DLC. And heaven knows I love Larry but even so I thought it would have been hilarryous if he hadn't been in the last case, so that the last thing the player ever saw of him was him randomly getting sucked into space in a short sequence.

Oh Larry. I'm sure it was all according to plan. :butzthumbs:

Going for Miles wrote:
But I wanted to see the French Apollo fanart.
*mental image of Apollo in a beret, and it's actually hella cute*

*makes a mental note of something to attempt drawing* Hmm... I never did Klavier in Ziggy Stardust's outfit did I? I should fix that... :klavier:

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Nick was okay. He made it to the hospital and was expected to recover in a few hours.
What is it with people flexing serious injuries off in my dreams?

In this one instance that's not your dreams, that's correct in-game logic on Phoenix's part. If he can be alright for the second day of a trial after... I'm sure he can recover from a gun wound in a few hours. :phoenix: :phoenix:

Going for Miles wrote:
I hope it's to the Edgeworthian cult. The wormhole, on the other hand, goes to Spain. :klavier:

How do you gain access to an Edgeworthian cult?

Do you have to know how to tie a cravat properly? Or are you one of the very few who correctly calls it a jabot. :klavier:

Going for Miles wrote:
Klavier was lying in a bed, wearing fishnet stockings and some other item of clothing, I don't remember. A couple, man and woman, were caressing him. Someone asked if this meant Klavier was gay, I answered something like "What? This is one of the most bisexual things I've ever seen!".

:snap: I was reading another thread on here the other day, the one about characters sexualities, and my brain for some reason threw up 'Didn't Daryan sound really defensive when he said Klavier was straight as an arrow' ? (I've no idea why it decided to interpret it like that. I've interpreted it in the past as Daryan actually believing that or Daryan trying to protect Klavier's media persona but - that was the first time it had entered my mind that he may have been trying to get Apollo to back off for... other reasons... :bellboy: )

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Let's see... just a very quick dreamlet this time. Someone had created a software that merges two different images into a completely different one. I think it's supposed to be able to break down the individual images into their core elements and somehow rearrange them into something based on criteria you've specified. Though, I'm not too sure how a bicycle tire and a partly cloudy sky merge to become Phoenix Wright.

:payne: 'They... err.... well you see, it really is quite simple. If you..'.

:butzthumbs: 'Only a real artist knows the secret to that one.'

:nick: (Larry, I am pretty sure that is not physically possible, even with your 'skills'. Also I am sure many would not call you a real artist... )

Southern Corn wrote:
Well, sort of. The only real AA related part I remember was a sleeveless Quercus Alba crossing his arms while testifying about Samurai Dogs. Um

It was probably reminding you of the futility of actually getting testimony form him in game. :edgeworth: (I love AAI but even I agree the final case showdown was too long!)

Southern Corn wrote:

Phoenix Wright Go sounds somewhat amusing. Instead of Pokemon, collect all the villains. Final case ones ARE SUPER RARE

You can also catch Drunkworth as a bonus

Do you throw attorney badges instead of Pokeballs? :phoenix:

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
My tumblr blog came to life. The AA characters who have been acting as my "mods" have actually started up a board of members and they were having a meeting to discuss how to improve on the blog. Phoenix, Apollo, Athena, and Trucy were present. Maya and Pearl weren't this time; probably busy. Edgeworth was the chief moderator, though he had a different meeting scheduled and couldn't show up for theirs. And as chief moderator, whatever decisions they made would have to earn his permission. Phoenix was named the assistant chief, but it seemed more like a fancy title for the leader of the meetings.
And then Subby explained to me, "Just because he's your dad doesn't give him special treatment."
I rolled my eyes. "Oh, good thing I didn't think my mom got his position just because he's my mom."
"...Actually, that might be true..."
"Are you kidding me. Mom, Dad, leave my blog alone! I can manage it myself!"
Apparently they even heard me. Edgeworth replied, "You have an inconsistent schedule and poor quality control. Someone has to step in."
Phoenix added, "And we have nothing better to do anyway."
"Shut up, Wright."

That only happens to you in dreams? :udgey: :edgey:

Going for Miles wrote:
I like that the editing = adding a quote and a fourth Diego.
Oh yes, one supertroll is not enough.

WaitingforGodot wrote:
GfM: I didn't have the heart to remove them.

:godot: 'That's because your heart is not as black as the blackest coffee.' And now everyone knows why I never write Godot. I can't do it because I don't understand half of his canon lines properly.

WaitingforGodot wrote:
Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Rather, SC, that is the one way to start a new page. We've turned the thread around.

Yes, Turnabout Thread.

Turnabout Thread... where Franziska goes into a fury because someone points out in court that there's a very tiny loose thread on her outfit.

Subby. Shush. Just because you just read SC's post about their dream of complaining about bad fanfic in here doesn't mean you get to come up with an idea like that!

Bramimond wrote:
I found Phoenix! He was at an airport with a bunch of suitcases packed and gave no indication where he was going. Trucy convinced him to stay at the last minute.

You know, if Phoenix ever tried to pull what Edgeworth did, I can see it backfiring like that. He just doesn't have the forward planning skills. :edgey:

Southern Corn wrote:
I had a dream where Phoenix reviewed the Emoji Movie. He gave it a negative score, the bastard.

I doubt Phoenix even knows what they are considering the ancientness of his phone. (Huh. Apparently ancientness is actually a word? Coolio. :redd: )

Southern Corn wrote:
Also, happy birthday Rubia! Be a good Pom for your drunk parents, will you?

Belated birthday wishes to Rubia! I'm only, uh, 4 months late? :sadshoe:

Bramimond wrote:
I've been playing the hell out of Sims 4. So last night I dreamed I made the series' prosecutors and had them all live in a mansion together. But then they ran out of money, so somebody had to become a prostitute. Godot volunteered, and they made bank in no time.

Why only dream it? (I made some AA Sims in sims 4: ... ney-sims-4, ... ney-sims-4 :bellboy: Some still need more work. Maybe when I get Pets there'll be some more useful stuff) Uh... the first bit I mean, I don't think the latter is part of the Sims 4. And if it was EA would probably charge $100 for just that ability. :basil:

Bramimond wrote:
Unrelated: Phoenix tried to serenade Edgeworth from his car by playing Bohemian Rhapsody. It didn't work.

I would have thought serenading was more Klavier's thing... or Larry's. Not to Edgeworth mind you...

:edgeworth: 'Wright, what is with all this cacophonous noise? Do I need to call Gumshoe to arrest you? Have you been drinking actual grape juice this time?'

Southern Corn wrote:
I was Gumshoe's apprentice, and I was investigating a strange set of apartments where beds were elevators. I ran into a pretty grisly murder and I don't remember much after that.

Well the setting explains why he needed you to help investigate rather than Edgeworth...

:edgeworth: '...'

Eep. I meant that in a nice way, Edgey, honest! It was good of Gumshoe to think of that!

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Merry Christmas, everyone. Remember to eat a lot of candy and chocolate by the end of this month.

... I feel I am missing some reference here.

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Going for Miles wrote:
Klavier has a white horse, it's named Lady Briest.

Oh, yeah. No wonder Apollo got a horse for himself. Now the two knights on crystal-white steeds can ride off into the sunset together.

Stop giving me ideas for stuff I cannot possibly hope to draw! :will:

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
And it was the strangest thing that morning, to wake up to the sound of Phoenix's soothing voice (aka not any of his English dub voices) calling me to wake up.

So was it a different voice for Phoenix in English or did you just understand Japanese in the dream or something? (Maybe the voice you heard for Phoenix was either Turnabout Musical's versions or the Funimation Dub - which would be really weird when that doesn't exist for people to hear it yet. (Well not unless you're part of the dub team). I'm... I'm not sure where I was going with this. :bellboy:

WaitingforGodot wrote:
Uhh. The more I don't log in the... more I don't log in. And now I want a pomegranate, to eat, not to step on. And I want to hug Lamiroir. Just because. And look at those dog-pranks. And eat hamburgers with Nick after he got dressed. And I don't want to become the father of a prosecutor, or a father at all.

Objection! That was... objectionable! :think: (I've no idea what is going on here. Which means I must be home. :phoenix: ) :wacky-edgy:


One of my latest dreams, which I don't want to outline too much because it will spoil the fanfic I'm working on, involved Trucy not finding out that :phoenix: was in serious trouble because the manager on her tour wasn't passing messages onto her because she needed to 'focus on her act'.

There was also something with Gumshoe just the other night. I can't remember it clearly now though. It was my brain trying to explain where he's disappeared to. Sure interpol and Franziska was mentioned. :bellboy:

Honestly though I've watched Turnabout Music Multicam edit of the stage show on Youtube so many times this week that I'm surprised my Ace Attorney dreams haven't turned musical yet. Instead I just end up singing the songs constantly. :redd:
My Ace Attorney FanFiction Thread (Last updated: 5th August 2018)
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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[Whip the cream!]

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Nerdowl wrote:
Blasted photobucket... you'll have to make do with the default Gummy avatar for now. If any of you even remember me. :payne:

Nerdy ooowl! :wave: Default Gummy is pretty adorable, though! But Gummy always is.
*makes a mental note of something to attempt drawing* Hmm... I never did Klavier in Ziggy Stardust's outfit did I? I should fix that... :klavier:

Aw, yess. x3
How do you gain access to an Edgeworthian cult?

Repent from lawlessness and have faith. (An eucharist of grape juice now and then is good too, but not required.)
:godot: 'That's because your heart is not as black as the blackest coffee.' And now everyone knows why I never write Godot. I can't do it because I don't understand half of his canon lines properly.

Very, very true! Haha, an enigma that one is. Write Diego, all you have to do is to channel your inner troll to the limit.
Turnabout Thread... where Franziska goes into a fury because someone points out in court that there's a very tiny loose thread on her outfit.

That's very Franny.
I would have thought serenading was more Klavier's thing... or Larry's. Not to Edgeworth mind you...

I would love to see Larry serenade Edgeworth, especially with Bohemian Rhapsody.
... I feel I am missing some reference here.

Nah, just eat candy and chocolate. :D
giving me ideas for stuff I cannot possibly hope to draw! :will:

I believe in you, though.
Objection! That was... objectionable! :think: (I've no idea what is going on here. Which means I must be home. :phoenix: ) :wacky-edgy:

It suits this thread! :godot:
There was also something with Gumshoe just the other night. I can't remember it clearly now though. It was my brain trying to explain where he's disappeared to. Sure interpol and Franziska was mentioned. :bellboy:

I hope he's doing fine!
I'm surprised my Ace Attorney dreams haven't turned musical yet. Instead I just end up singing the songs constantly. :redd:

xD Works well enough too I would believe.
Gimme a "P"! Gimme an "I"! Give me a "P" and an "E"! What's that spell?! Pipe!
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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Nerd Processor

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WaitingforGodot wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Blasted photobucket... you'll have to make do with the default Gummy avatar for now. If any of you even remember me. :payne:

Nerdy ooowl! :wave: Default Gummy is pretty adorable, though! But Gummy always is.

:jazzedgy: Hey There WFG!

Yes, he is. Though I really should stop calling him Gummy... I wouldn’t put it past my subby to put a pet alligator in Ace Attorney dream or a scruffy detective in an MLP one. :eh?:

WaitingforGodot wrote:
I would have thought serenading was more Klavier's thing... or Larry's. Not to Edgeworth mind you...

I would love to see Larry serenade Edgeworth, especially with Bohemian Rhapsody.

:larry2: ‘Mama, just killed a man...’

:think: ‘Is that a confession?’

:larry: ‘Oh come on Edgy! Lighten up, can’t a guy use a song to -‘

:edgeworth: ‘Not at 3 in the morning!’

WaitingforGodot wrote:
There was also something with Gumshoe just the other night. I can't remember it clearly now though. It was my brain trying to explain where he's disappeared to. Sure interpol and Franziska was mentioned. :bellboy:

I hope he's doing fine!

I think this was to do with thinking back to AJ... Gumshoe was on my mind because of Turnabout Musical. Considering the help that he gives Phoenix in not only Turnabout Goodbyes but later Farewell My Turnabout, his brief presence in AJ is suddenly irking me more than Dual Destinies fudge of Edgeworth’s whereabouts. Gumshoe was present for the trial that got Phoenix disbarred and after that nothing??? I’ve kinda got it into my head after thinking about it some more and thanks to an rp with a friend that maybe he got into trouble for shouting at Klavier after the trial or something... anyway, I’m rambling about something not relevant to this thread. :bellboy:
My Ace Attorney FanFiction Thread (Last updated: 5th August 2018)
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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[Whip the cream!]

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Nerdowl wrote:
:jazzedgy: Hey There WFG!

Yes, he is. Though I really should stop calling him Gummy... I wouldn’t put it past my subby to put a pet alligator in Ace Attorney dream or a scruffy detective in an MLP one. :eh?:

Gummy suits him too well, though, haha! Oh my. Let's see what happens.
:larry2: ‘Mama, just killed a man...’

:think: ‘Is that a confession?’

:larry: ‘Oh come on Edgy! Lighten up, can’t a guy use a song to -‘

:edgeworth: ‘Not at 3 in the morning!’

Perfect. x´D
Dual Destinies fudge of Edgeworth’s whereabouts.

I like this part of a sentence. I really do.
I’ve kinda got it into my head after thinking about it some more and thanks to an rp with a friend that maybe he got into trouble for shouting at Klavier after the trial or something...

Mhmm... Oh, haha, that reason... wouldn't surprise me too much.
anyway, I’m rambling about something not relevant to this thread. :bellboy:

Well! We all do, haha!
Gimme a "P"! Gimme an "I"! Give me a "P" and an "E"! What's that spell?! Pipe!
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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Last night I had a dream where I was either playing, making, or watching a let's play of a fangame where Phoenix, Maya, and Edgeworth were staying at some sort of beach hotel. I assume they were just there for some reason and got wrapped up in a bunch of cases. I was playing the last part of the fangame and the credits were rolling. There were little videos that played in the credits (I assume one for each character) They were actually really well animated... :P They weren't even pixelated and I'm pretty sure it was actually 3D animation. Everything in them was shaded brown like an old movie. It... actually sounds like a pretty good idea for a fangame. All I vividly remember from those videos is someone, I think it was Maya, using sock puppets.

Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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The video game boy; the one who wins

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Blasted photobucket... you'll have to make do with the default Gummy avatar for now. If any of you even remember me. :payne:

Gummy is cute and of course we remember Owly :edgey:

Hopefully this mass-post will make up for disappearing like Edgeworth. I will show once again that I am the catch-up master!

Indeed you are! That mass-post served as my breakfast read. ^___^

*makes a mental note of something to attempt drawing* Hmm... I never did Klavier in Ziggy Stardust's outfit did I? I should fix that... :klavier:

Haha, right :D Do share if you decide to do it :klavier: :apollo:

:snap: I was reading another thread on here the other day, the one about characters sexualities, and my brain for some reason threw up 'Didn't Daryan sound really defensive when he said Klavier was straight as an arrow' ? (I've no idea why it decided to interpret it like that. I've interpreted it in the past as Daryan actually believing that or Daryan trying to protect Klavier's media persona but - that was the first time it had entered my mind that he may have been trying to get Apollo to back off for... other reasons... :bellboy: )

That's an interesting interpretation. Maybe Daryan's meddling is why Klavier claims to have never felt a man check him out. I mean come on. Look at him. Of course men check him out.

(I made some AA Sims in sims 4:

Niiice :D And whoop whoop for another fellow Sims-player :edgey:

Trucy not finding out that :phoenix: was in serious trouble because the manager on her tour wasn't passing messages onto her because she needed to 'focus on her act'.

Uncool, manager :/

I'm surprised my Ace Attorney dreams haven't turned musical yet. Instead I just end up singing the songs constantly. :redd:

Ahaha. AA-dream: the musical. I wish.

:larry2: ‘Mama, just killed a man...’

:think: ‘Is that a confession?’

:larry: ‘Oh come on Edgy! Lighten up, can’t a guy use a song to -‘

:edgeworth: ‘Not at 3 in the morning!’

Oh my god xD

Well! We all do, haha!

Speak for yourself. I'd never. *cough*

Phoenix, Maya, and Edgeworth were staying at some sort of beach hotel.


Everything in them was shaded brown like an old movie. It... actually sounds like a pretty good idea for a fangame.

Yeaah, it sounds neat.

All I vividly remember from those videos is someone, I think it was Maya, using sock puppets.

This sounds very correct.
(......Ack! I've run out of snide comments!)
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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[Whip the cream!]

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Going for Miles wrote:
Speak for yourself. I'd never. *cough*

Ahh, my apologies! GfM would never!
Dariox wrote:
I assume they were just there for some reason and got wrapped up in a bunch of cases.

Aw, they can't even chill a bit without getting wrapped up in stuff.
Everything in them was shaded brown like an old movie.

Oh! :D
Gimme a "P"! Gimme an "I"! Give me a "P" and an "E"! What's that spell?! Pipe!
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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The video game boy; the one who wins

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Aura asked Apollo to help her get Mr. Z out of the bathroom and into the white room. Why...? And shouldn't he like, wake up soon...? Stickfigure also made clear that "he [Zuka] didn't kill us [Apollo and Aura] and we didn't kill him, because if we did we would all be losers". Thank you.

Somewhere else entirely in AA-dream-verse... :bellboy:
Spoiler: nsfw
Anthony and Atipha were making out. This didn't really surprise me since last time I dreamed of the two of them together they were sounding a bit flirty towards each other. This was just a dreamlet and I was quickly thrust out of it in a flash of colour, but it was implied they were both getting a little frisky, but I don't know if they went any further than that.

Then I dreamed Atipha was on a folding chair. In Swedish they're called "clap-chairs" and apparently this was suitable since as they're not very sturdy, they'd go "clap-clap-clap" if someone were to move around on them. Atipha was straddling it and pressing his thighs tightly against its sides, and it was heavily implied he was gonna do some hands-on meditation over his earlier encounter with Anthony. He likes it when people kiss his neck.

(......Ack! I've run out of snide comments!)
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Nerdowl wrote:
Blasted photobucket... you'll have to make do with the default Gummy avatar for now. If any of you even remember me. :payne:

Heeey, we still remember you, Nerdy! How's the case ranking going, eh?

Hopefully this mass-post will make up for disappearing like Edgeworth. I will show once again that I am the catch-up master! :franny: (Albeit only from my last post - still that was on page 379!)

So much has happened since then. It feels like a completely different place now.

And yeah, this was also a bit of a nice breakfast read. Spooky.

Southern Corn wrote:
Well, sort of. The only real AA related part I remember was a sleeveless Quercus Alba crossing his arms while testifying about Samurai Dogs. Um

It was probably reminding you of the futility of actually getting testimony form him in game. :edgeworth: (I love AAI but even I agree the final case showdown was too long!)

Okay, unpopular opinion time.

I actually liked the final confrontation in Ablaze.

It was better than most of the case at least.

Southern Corn wrote:

Phoenix Wright Go sounds somewhat amusing. Instead of Pokemon, collect all the villains. Final case ones ARE SUPER RARE

You can also catch Drunkworth as a bonus

Do you throw attorney badges instead of Pokeballs? :phoenix:

This puts the 'Here's my badge' moments from AA in a completely different light.

Going for Miles wrote:
I like that the editing = adding a quote and a fourth Diego.
Oh yes, one supertroll is not enough.

WaitingforGodot wrote:
GfM: I didn't have the heart to remove them.

:godot: 'That's because your heart is not as black as the blackest coffee.' And now everyone knows why I never write Godot. I can't do it because I don't understand half of his canon lines properly.

I can sympathise lol. He's super hard to write. Coming up with cool sounding quotes for him is the worst.

WaitingforGodot wrote:
Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Rather, SC, that is the one way to start a new page. We've turned the thread around.

Yes, Turnabout Thread.

Turnabout Thread... where Franziska goes into a fury because someone points out in court that there's a very tiny loose thread on her outfit.

And then whips Gumshoe and orders him to get her a new one. :sadshoe:

Subby. Shush. Just because you just read SC's post about their dream of complaining about bad fanfic in here doesn't mean you get to come up with an idea like that!

Okay, you know when you have so many AA dreams when someone refers to one and you have no idea which one that was.

Southern Corn wrote:
I had a dream where Phoenix reviewed the Emoji Movie. He gave it a negative score, the bastard.

I doubt Phoenix even knows what they are considering the ancientness of his phone. (Huh. Apparently ancientness is actually a word? Coolio. :redd: )

My point is that if he did see it he would totally love it. :godot:

Southern Corn wrote:
Also, happy birthday Rubia! Be a good Pom for your drunk parents, will you?

Belated birthday wishes to Rubia! I'm only, uh, 4 months late? :sadshoe:

Better than 5 months late :D

Southern Corn wrote:
I was Gumshoe's apprentice, and I was investigating a strange set of apartments where beds were elevators. I ran into a pretty grisly murder and I don't remember much after that.

Well the setting explains why he needed you to help investigate rather than Edgeworth...

:edgeworth: '...'

Eep. I meant that in a nice way, Edgey, honest! It was good of Gumshoe to think of that!


Oh, you have Edgey with you? Nice. Tell him I said hi, okay?

WaitingforGodot wrote:
Uhh. The more I don't log in the... more I don't log in. And now I want a pomegranate, to eat, not to step on. And I want to hug Lamiroir. Just because. And look at those dog-pranks. And eat hamburgers with Nick after he got dressed. And I don't want to become the father of a prosecutor, or a father at all.

Objection! That was... objectionable! :think: (I've no idea what is going on here. Which means I must be home. :phoenix: ) :wacky-edgy:

You said it best. Have a pomegranate.

Or well, what's left of it. Sorry.

Honestly though I've watched Turnabout Music Multicam edit of the stage show on Youtube so many times this week that I'm surprised my Ace Attorney dreams haven't turned musical yet. Instead I just end up singing the songs constantly. :redd:

Cool! Is the Musical good?

Dariox wrote:
Last night I had a dream where I was either playing, making, or watching a let's play of a fangame where Phoenix, Maya, and Edgeworth were staying at some sort of beach hotel.


I assume they were just there for some reason and got wrapped up in a bunch of cases. I was playing the last part of the fangame and the credits were rolling. There were little videos that played in the credits (I assume one for each character) They were actually really well animated... :P They weren't even pixelated and I'm pretty sure it was actually 3D animation. Everything in them was shaded brown like an old movie. It... actually sounds like a pretty good idea for a fangame.

This sounds more like a great idea for an official game, honestly.

All I vividly remember from those videos is someone, I think it was Maya, using sock puppets.


Why does this make so much sense?

He likes it when people kiss his neck.

Was it like vampirism? Because it sure sounds like it.

Gaaah! I've had some other AA related dream lately, but I can't remember any of it! Just something to do with AA so I'll make it up by telling you guys what I think happened. Which means that this will be mostly speculation on my part.

Um...there was Kyle Hyde, so clearly this means this was a HD crossover dream! And there was Phoenix and maybe Maya, so clearly this emanate they were collaborating towards some larger goal! Um...I remember this scary place, so they were probably sneaking in there to find some crucial evidence which was some treasure. So I'll go out on a limb and say they were looking for a golden snake! Because that isn't overdone yet. I vividly remember the dream ending with blood and a scream, which is clear proof that all the characters went insane and killed each other.

...Sorry, I'm not very good at this. :payne:
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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The video game boy; the one who wins

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Was it like vampirism? Because it sure sounds like it.

I think you're confusing kissing with biting :-P

And yeah, this was also a bit of a nice breakfast read. Spooky.

Breakfaaaast. I mean, I just woke up again, so I guess next meal I eat will technically be breakfast II.

Um...there was Kyle Hyde, so clearly this means this was a HD crossover dream!


So I'll go out on a limb and say they were looking for a golden snake! Because that isn't overdone yet.

Klavier approves. Sorrpent Au Au.
(......Ack! I've run out of snide comments!)
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Going for Miles wrote:
Was it like vampirism? Because it sure sounds like it.

I think you're confusing kissing with biting :-P

Wait, that's not how you kiss?

And yeah, this was also a bit of a nice breakfast read. Spooky.

Breakfaaaast. I mean, I just woke up again, so I guess next meal I eat will technically be breakfast II.

Breakfast 2: Electric Boogaloo.

So I'll go out on a limb and say they were looking for a golden snake! Because that isn't overdone yet.

Klavier approves. Sorrpent Au Au.

Yeah, they were actually looking for his album because it sold out fast and they really wanted to find it.

In all seriousness, I realised that the spooky place they were in was a facility. They were all trapped in a Nonary Game which was hosted I'd put in a lot of work into it apparently and was really happy to see it go according to plan (which was supposedly everyone killing themselves?).

Do you guys think I would make a good Zero?
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Wait, that's not how you kiss?

Mostly not...

Yeah, they were actually looking for his album because it sold out fast and they really wanted to find it

Understandably so, he's very talented.

They were all trapped in a Nonary Game which was hosted


I'd put in a lot of work into it apparently and was really happy to see it go according to plan (which was supposedly everyone killing themselves?).

G-good for you...? :payne:
(......Ack! I've run out of snide comments!)
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Going for Miles wrote:
Aura asked Apollo to help her get Mr. Z out of the bathroom and into the white room. Why...? And shouldn't he like, wake up soon...? Stickfigure also made clear that "he [Zuka] didn't kill us [Apollo and Aura] and we didn't kill him, because if we did we would all be losers". Thank you

So glad that got cleared up.

Misunderstood... But it sounded like a cute dream. x3

Oh my, Atipha! :o xD x) Aw, it feels right that he likes to have his neck kissed.
Southern Corn wrote:
Wait, that's not how you kiss?

This makes me think about when little sister asked what "hickey" meant.
Um...there was Kyle Hyde

Um...I remember this scary place, so they were probably sneaking in there to find some crucial evidence which was some treasure. So I'll go out on a limb and say they were looking for a golden snake!

Everyone wants a sorrpent au au. Sorrpents au au are great.
Gimme a "P"! Gimme an "I"! Give me a "P" and an "E"! What's that spell?! Pipe!
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So glad that got cleared up.

Yeah. Now we can all move on knowing Zuka is definitely not dead. He has been passed out for like a minute though.

Misunderstood... But it sounded like a cute dream. x3

Welll I meaan maaybbeee~ Yeah it looked cute ^^ I approve of both of their taste in men.
(......Ack! I've run out of snide comments!)
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Going for Miles wrote:
Wait, that's not how you kiss?

Mostly not...

Hot darn, I've been living a lie.

Then again, I always was the quiet one in the family...

They were all trapped in a Nonary Game which was hosted


Surprised? :D

I'd put in a lot of work into it apparently and was really happy to see it go according to plan (which was supposedly everyone killing themselves?).

G-good for you...? :payne:


Say, would you mind participating in my next one? It'll be even better! :will:

WaitingforGodot wrote:
Southern Corn wrote:
Wait, that's not how you kiss?

This makes me think about when little sister asked what "hickey" meant.

Thank god then, I'm not alone.

Um...there was Kyle Hyde



Um...I remember this scary place, so they were probably sneaking in there to find some crucial evidence which was some treasure. So I'll go out on a limb and say they were looking for a golden snake!

Everyone wants a sorrpent au au. Sorrpents au au are great.

Most Nonary Games are held for a higher purpose.
Mine was for uncovering a music album.

Worth it. :godot:
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Surprised? :D


Say, would you mind participating in my next one? It'll be even better! :will:

Uhm, I'll check my schedule...

Oh my god, Kyle's big smile is so bright and sweet.

Most Nonary Games are held for a higher purpose.
Mine was for uncovering a music album.

Worth it. :godot:

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Going for Miles wrote:
Yeah. Now we can all move on knowing Zuka is definitely not dead. He has been passed out for like a minute though.

Throws some M&Ms on him! And poke him with a stick!
Welll I meaan maaybbeee~ Yeah it looked cute ^^ I approve of both of their taste in men.

Weell yeah, who knows. x) Aw, yes! ^.^

SC: Ah! I love that Kyle Hyde-image! :D

Worth it... totally, of course (GfM already wrote "totally", but I didn't see it because Firefox screwed up so I'll write it anyway). *Snake-noises* (999-Snake-noises. Eloquent ah-ing - I forgot about the ah-ing until now - and Snakesplaining.)
Gimme a "P"! Gimme an "I"! Give me a "P" and an "E"! What's that spell?! Pipe!
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Apollo fucking ate the m&m's. :( I just want them to use the bike... As of now, Apollo is awkwardly holding it while standing in the doorway to the bathroom.
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Ah that's right. :/ Run over him with it! (Not to kill him, of course, run over his legs or something.)
Gimme a "P"! Gimme an "I"! Give me a "P" and an "E"! What's that spell?! Pipe!
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Going for Miles wrote:
Say, would you mind participating in my next one? It'll be even better! :will:

Uhm, I'll check my schedule...

No worries, I'll make sure that schedules aren't a problem! You'll be all the way in Antarctica, where you won't have any schedule!

Oh my god, Kyle's big smile is so bright and sweet.

He does it three times in the entire game but it's the best thing ever. <3

WaitingforGodot wrote:
SC: Ah! I love that Kyle Hyde-image! :D


Worth it... totally, of course (GfM already wrote "totally", but I didn't see it because Firefox screwed up so I'll write it anyway). *Snake-noises* (999-Snake-noises. Eloquent ah-ing - I forgot about the ah-ing until now - and Snakesplaining.)

Ah. Ah. Ahhhhhhh~

Snakesplaining is a nice term. I wanna snakesplain maths to someone or something.

Going for Miles wrote:
Apollo fucking ate the m&m's. :( I just want them to use the bike... As of now, Apollo is awkwardly holding it while standing in the doorway to the bathroom.

Ah, darn.

Maybe Apollo turned into a pig bartender and had to take the bike to bartend to....uh, Drunkworth? He'd probably be in the bathroom.
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Southern Corn wrote:
He does it three times in the entire game but it's the best thing ever. <3

Uh-huh! :D Heartwarming. <3
Ah. Ah. Ahhhhhhh~

Snakesplaining is a nice term. I wanna snakesplain maths to someone or something.

Snakesplain it to Snake, you can go one Snakesplaining together. Or, you can Cornsplain.
Maybe Apollo turned into a pig bartender and had to take the bike to bartend to....uh, Drunkworth? He'd probably be in the bathroom.

How could I forget that pig? xD
Gimme a "P"! Gimme an "I"! Give me a "P" and an "E"! What's that spell?! Pipe!
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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Nerd Processor

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Going for Miles wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Blasted photobucket... you'll have to make do with the default Gummy avatar for now. If any of you even remember me. :payne:

Gummy is cute and of course we remember Owly :edgey:

:jazzedgy: Hey GFM. :phoenix:

Going for Miles wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Hopefully this mass-post will make up for disappearing like Edgeworth. I will show once again that I am the catch-up master!

Indeed you are! That mass-post served as my breakfast read. ^___^

Hehe. And your response sort of served as my waking up/breakfast one, I just didn't have time to login this morning.

Going for Miles wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
(I made some AA Sims in sims 4:

Niiice :D And whoop whoop for another fellow Sims-player :edgey:

Yuup. :phoenix: Though I do kinda wish I could somehow mod all the sims versions together. 4 is too bare-bones but has the best house building, 3 has the massive open world and best customisation but I don't always want the moving storyline when not playing the other houses, 2 has what is probably my favourite gameplay style, and 1... well 1 had the makin' magic pack that I spent way too long with. :bellboy:

Going for Miles wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Trucy not finding out that :phoenix: was in serious trouble because the manager on her tour wasn't passing messages onto her because she needed to 'focus on her act'.

Uncool, manager :/

Yup, but don't worry that manager didn't last long. Not even in the dream.

... Um, I don't mean the manager got killed. It was an AA Dream but there weren't any cases in it. :payne:

Going for Miles wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
I'm surprised my Ace Attorney dreams haven't turned musical yet. Instead I just end up singing the songs constantly. :redd:

Ahaha. AA-dream: the musical. I wish.

Hehe. Me too. I did write a song from Klavier's POV that I've been staring at and wondering whether I should give it to the AJ musical but... bleh. And that's not the same thing as dreaming stuff in song. :redd:

Going for Miles wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
:larry2: ‘Mama, just killed a man...’

:think: ‘Is that a confession?’

:larry: ‘Oh come on Edgy! Lighten up, can’t a guy use a song to -‘

:edgeworth: ‘Not at 3 in the morning!’

Oh my god xD

>D I couldn't resist.

Southern Corn wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Blasted photobucket... you'll have to make do with the default Gummy avatar for now. If any of you even remember me. :payne:

Heeey, we still remember you, Nerdy! How's the case ranking going, eh?

Hey SC! :edgey:

Ah, the case ranking... :payne: *checks my notes* I have what thoughts for the cases that are currently the bottom 12 on my list written out, but I've kinda still not played the last case (+DLC case) of SoJ, let alone played PLvsPW. I may end up slotting PLvsPW into my rankings afterwards rather than waiting any longer to post. (6 out of the 7 games (AA1-AA6, AAI)) I've played have a case in my bottom 12...)

Southern Corn wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Hopefully this mass-post will make up for disappearing like Edgeworth. I will show once again that I am the catch-up master! :franny: (Albeit only from my last post - still that was on page 379!)

So much has happened since then. It feels like a completely different place now.

And yeah, this was also a bit of a nice breakfast read. Spooky.

This thread moves from one conversation to another as quickly as actual dreams sometimes. :redd:

Southern Corn wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Southern Corn wrote:

Phoenix Wright Go sounds somewhat amusing. Instead of Pokemon, collect all the villains. Final case ones ARE SUPER RARE

You can also catch Drunkworth as a bonus

Do you throw attorney badges instead of Pokeballs? :phoenix:

This puts the 'Here's my badge' moments from AA in a completely different light.

Hahaha! Yeah it does doesn't it. :klavier:

Southern Corn wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Southern Corn wrote:
I was Gumshoe's apprentice, and I was investigating a strange set of apartments where beds were elevators. I ran into a pretty grisly murder and I don't remember much after that.

Well the setting explains why he needed you to help investigate rather than Edgeworth...

:edgeworth: '...'

Eep. I meant that in a nice way, Edgey, honest! It was good of Gumshoe to think of that!


Oh, you have Edgey with you? Nice. Tell him I said hi, okay?

I will do. I tend not to move him off my RP Tumblr account though. Franziska is overzealous and Klavier too relaxed. Besides without Edgeworth on TurnaboutProsecutors, Kristoph tends to get ideas on TurnaboutDefence. :bellboy:

Southern Corn wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Honestly though I've watched Turnabout Music Multicam edit of the stage show on Youtube so many times this week that I'm surprised my Ace Attorney dreams haven't turned musical yet. Instead I just end up singing the songs constantly. :redd:

Cool! Is the Musical good?

I love the fan musical but why not judge for yourself (url goes to the thread here on C-R about the musical because it was simpler to do quickly ^^;;)


No Ace Attorney dreams for me last night as far as I recall. :sadshoe: Perhaps I need some more confetti!!!
My Ace Attorney FanFiction Thread (Last updated: 5th August 2018)
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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:jazzedgy: Hey GFM. :phoenix:


Hehe. And your response sort of served as my waking up/breakfast one, I just didn't have time to login this morning.

Wiie! :D

Yuup. :phoenix: Though I do kinda wish I could somehow mod all the sims versions together. 4 is too bare-bones but has the best house building, 3 has the massive open world and best customisation but I don't always want the moving storyline when not playing the other houses, 2 has what is probably my favourite gameplay style, and 1... well 1 had the makin' magic pack that I spent way too long with. :bellboy:

Yes! I really like 1's kind of humor and oddity as well. 3 had... potential? With the open world and all that, but I could never get into it, it felt somewhat soulless to me. 4 seems cool from what I've seen/played. 2 is where it's at for me =)

Yup, but don't worry that manager didn't last long. Not even in the dream.

... Um, I don't mean the manager got killed. It was an AA Dream but there weren't any cases in it. :payne:

Haha, good he didn't last long and good he didn't get killed.

I did write a song from Klavier's POV that I've been staring at and wondering whether I should give it to the AJ musical but... bleh.

Cool :D

This thread moves from one conversation to another as quickly as actual dreams sometimes. :redd:

That's true, we do operate a lot on association... like dreams. Which... makes no conversation irrelevant since we capture the spirit of dreams! :apollo:

Perhaps I need some more confetti!!!

Confettiiii. You get confetti and you get confetti and everyone gets confetti!
(......Ack! I've run out of snide comments!)
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Nerdowl wrote:
... Um, I don't mean the manager got killed. It was an AA Dream but there weren't any cases in it. :payne:

Haaah, that would be... miserable.
No Ace Attorney dreams for me last night as far as I recall. :sadshoe: Perhaps I need some more confetti!!!

*loads confetti blaster*
GfM wrote:
Confettiiii. You get confetti and you get confetti and everyone gets confetti!

Gimme a "P"! Gimme an "I"! Give me a "P" and an "E"! What's that spell?! Pipe!
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Going for Miles wrote:
This thread moves from one conversation to another as quickly as actual dreams sometimes. :redd:

That's true, we do operate a lot on association... like dreams. Which... makes no conversation irrelevant since we capture the spirit of dreams! :apollo:

Yes! Wright has the Magatama, Apollo has his bracelet, Athena has widget, and Edgeworth has... uh... Logic... I will use my dreams to win! :object: (No... I have no idea how that works right now either).

Yay confetti! *throws more around* Here's hoping for AA Dreams for all tonight!

Edit: Okay changed my avatar to public where I'm hosting it to make sure it is showing. :maya:
My Ace Attorney FanFiction Thread (Last updated: 5th August 2018)
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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Hey, guys, what's uuuhp... YAY NERDY OWL IS BACK!! :jazzedgy: No worries, Gummy is a fine choice. Especially because his eyebrow movements are art.

Edit: You changed your avatar just as I submitted this post. xP Cute kitty.

WaitingforGodot wrote:
"Two for the price of one!" is what immediately popped into my head.

It's not only a Nick... it's a double Nick! Half the money, twice the satisfaction. (I'd love some chocolate right now.)

They should have used this slogan for T&T. Or DD. Or GS7 if we have another imposter Phoenix Wright.

Clearly Subby has been influenced too much by FF7 again, since my Ace Attorney characters somehow ended up on Gaia, chasing after a man with a machine-gun arm.


That's it. That's the games. Both of them.

Nerdowl wrote:
Hopefully this mass-post will make up for disappearing like Edgeworth. I will show once again that I am the catch-up master! :franny: (Albeit only from my last post - still that was on page 379!)

This thread goes too fast for its own good sometimes. So, so many good memories.

Going for Miles wrote:
I hope it's to the Edgeworthian cult. The wormhole, on the other hand, goes to Spain. :klavier:

How do you gain access to an Edgeworthian cult?

Do you have to know how to tie a cravat properly? Or are you one of the very few who correctly calls it a jabot. :klavier:

Say it with me, Nerdy: "Praise be to Gregory, Our Holy Father in Heaven, and His Drunken Holy Son." The jabots are optional.

???: It's called a CRAVAAAT!

...Did you guys hear something?

:snap: I was reading another thread on here the other day, the one about characters sexualities, and my brain for some reason threw up 'Didn't Daryan sound really defensive when he said Klavier was straight as an arrow' ? (I've no idea why it decided to interpret it like that. I've interpreted it in the past as Daryan actually believing that or Daryan trying to protect Klavier's media persona but - that was the first time it had entered my mind that he may have been trying to get Apollo to back off for... other reasons... :bellboy: )

Huh, I never really caught onto it like that, but now that you've mentioned it...

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Let's see... just a very quick dreamlet this time. Someone had created a software that merges two different images into a completely different one. I think it's supposed to be able to break down the individual images into their core elements and somehow rearrange them into something based on criteria you've specified. Though, I'm not too sure how a bicycle tire and a partly cloudy sky merge to become Phoenix Wright.

:payne: 'They... err.... well you see, it really is quite simple. If you..'.

:butzthumbs: 'Only a real artist knows the secret to that one.'

:nick: (Larry, I am pretty sure that is not physically possible, even with your 'skills'. Also I am sure many would not call you a real artist... )

Nick is just jealous that Larry is a combination of a pineapple and a sponge. I don't know where that came from.

Southern Corn wrote:

Phoenix Wright Go sounds somewhat amusing. Instead of Pokemon, collect all the villains. Final case ones ARE SUPER RARE

You can also catch Drunkworth as a bonus

Do you throw attorney badges instead of Pokeballs? :phoenix:

Sounds like a normal day at the WAA.

That only happens to you in dreams? :udgey: :edgey:

Well, since Subby has given me so many prophetic dreams in the past, I suppose this is the actual origin story behind my blog. I've just been turning a blind eye because Subby also trolls me so hard...

WaitingforGodot wrote:
Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Rather, SC, that is the one way to start a new page. We've turned the thread around.

Yes, Turnabout Thread.

Turnabout Thread... where Franziska goes into a fury because someone points out in court that there's a very tiny loose thread on her outfit.

The irony when she gets it snipped off later but then the tailor asks if she's okay and points out the split ends in her hair.

Southern Corn wrote:
Also, happy birthday Rubia! Be a good Pom for your drunk parents, will you?

Belated birthday wishes to Rubia! I'm only, uh, 4 months late? :sadshoe:

Your birthday wishes have been received and appreciated in return. ^^

:edgeworth: 'Wright, what is with all this cacophonous noise? Do I need to call Gumshoe to arrest you? Have you been drinking actual grape juice this time?'

:think: "This is why I always drink wine. It helps to maintain good blood circulation."
"It's also why we formed a religion around you, Mom."
:edgeworth: "What was that?"
"Um... Praise be to Grandpa?"

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Merry Christmas, everyone. Remember to eat a lot of candy and chocolate by the end of this month.

... I feel I am missing some reference here.

You better not shout
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why

Ganta Claus and Rudolph von Karma are coming to town~

They showed up in October. I dunno if they were early or really, really late.

So was it a different voice for Phoenix in English or did you just understand Japanese in the dream or something? (Maybe the voice you heard for Phoenix was either Turnabout Musical's versions or the Funimation Dub - which would be really weird when that doesn't exist for people to hear it yet. (Well not unless you're part of the dub team). I'm... I'm not sure where I was going with this. :bellboy:

Well, I think I just have a voice in mind for him that stuck around. But since you mentioned Funimation... I can see Johnny Yong Bosch playing Phoenix. Then again, Johnny is pretty much everywhere.

Honestly though I've watched Turnabout Music Multicam edit of the stage show on Youtube so many times this week that I'm surprised my Ace Attorney dreams haven't turned musical yet. Instead I just end up singing the songs constantly. :redd:

Whenever I think of Turnabout Musical, the first thing that jumps into my mind is the "It's Gotta Be the Butz" parody TriForce did.
"This song has contributed nothing! I suggest it be taken out of the show and put into High School Musical 3!"
"You are one sick, sick man."

Nerdowl wrote:
WaitingforGodot wrote:
I would have thought serenading was more Klavier's thing... or Larry's. Not to Edgeworth mind you...

I would love to see Larry serenade Edgeworth, especially with Bohemian Rhapsody.

:larry2: ‘Mama, just killed a man...’

:think: ‘Is that a confession?’

:larry: ‘Oh come on Edgy! Lighten up, can’t a guy use a song to -‘

:edgeworth: ‘Not at 3 in the morning!’

Get outta here, Larry. He's my mom. >:(

Going for Miles wrote:
Aura asked Apollo to help her get Mr. Z out of the bathroom and into the white room. Why...? And shouldn't he like, wake up soon...? Stickfigure also made clear that "he [Zuka] didn't kill us [Apollo and Aura] and we didn't kill him, because if we did we would all be losers". Thank you.

Yeah, why can't those AA villains all understand? It's no longer hip to be evil.

Southern Corn wrote:
:godot: 'That's because your heart is not as black as the blackest coffee.' And now everyone knows why I never write Godot. I can't do it because I don't understand half of his canon lines properly.

I can sympathise lol. He's super hard to write. Coming up with cool sounding quotes for him is the worst.

I like a challenge when I write, so he's actually one of my favorites to write, translate, sometimes roleplay...
"I can understand. Some people prefer their blackness stirred with a little white... but I prefer it black and bitter as they come."
"Prosecutor Godot, may we change the subject to something a bit... lighter?"
"...Hmph. Is this court of law a bit too bitter for your tastes, Mr. Trite?"
"Well... this coffee you threw at me sure didn't help."

Subby. Shush. Just because you just read SC's post about their dream of complaining about bad fanfic in here doesn't mean you get to come up with an idea like that!

Okay, you know when you have so many AA dreams when someone refers to one and you have no idea which one that was.

Same... wait, was it SC who complained? Was it a complaint?

Dariox wrote:
Last night I had a dream where I was either playing, making, or watching a let's play of a fangame where Phoenix, Maya, and Edgeworth were staying at some sort of beach hotel.


*buh-dum tsh*

Um...there was Kyle Hyde, so clearly this means this was a HD crossover dream! And there was Phoenix and maybe Maya, so clearly this emanate they were collaborating towards some larger goal! Um...I remember this scary place, so they were probably sneaking in there to find some crucial evidence which was some treasure. So I'll go out on a limb and say they were looking for a golden snake! Because that isn't overdone yet. I vividly remember the dream ending with blood and a scream, which is clear proof that all the characters went insane and killed each other.

...Sorry, I'm not very good at this. :payne:

There's nothing more to say by this point... "Feels right at home."

*rolls around in confetti* Aah... I've missed typing that.
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Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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[Whip the cream!]

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Nerdowl wrote:
Yay confetti! *throws more around* Here's hoping for AA Dreams for all tonight!

It's everywhere, may it help us! :D
Edit: Okay changed my avatar to public where I'm hosting it to make sure it is showing. :maya:

Aw! :)
Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
They should have used this slogan for T&T. Or DD. Or GS7 if we have another imposter Phoenix Wright.

Yes. xD Imposter... as long it isn't an Aploplo-style quadront it's... quite alright.

CraaVaaAAa... *turns sound off*

Nick is just jealous that Larry is a combination of a pineapple and a sponge. I don't know where that came from.

Wherever it came from it's... too fitting. xD
You can also catch Drunkworth as a bonus

:think: "This is why I always drink wine. It helps to maintain good blood circulation."

Oh! *sips wine*
*rolls around in confetti* Aah... I've missed typing that.

That's our pom! :D
Gimme a "P"! Gimme an "I"! Give me a "P" and an "E"! What's that spell?! Pipe!
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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Nerd Processor

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Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Hey, guys, what's uuuhp... YAY NERDY OWL IS BACK!! :jazzedgy: No worries, Gummy is a fine choice. Especially because his eyebrow movements are art.

Edit: You changed your avatar just as I submitted this post. xP Cute kitty.

:jazzedgy: Rubia, good to see you pom!

Hurray, glad it's showing up. It's our family cat when he was younger. :maya:

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Hopefully this mass-post will make up for disappearing like Edgeworth. I will show once again that I am the catch-up master! :franny: (Albeit only from my last post - still that was on page 379!)

This thread goes too fast for its own good sometimes. So, so many good memories.

Yes, the past of this thread... like the scent of fresh lemons.... :grossberg:

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Going for Miles wrote:
I hope it's to the Edgeworthian cult. The wormhole, on the other hand, goes to Spain. :klavier:

How do you gain access to an Edgeworthian cult?

Do you have to know how to tie a cravat properly? Or are you one of the very few who correctly calls it a jabot. :klavier:

Say it with me, Nerdy: "Praise be to Gregory, Our Holy Father in Heaven, and His Drunken Holy Son." The jabots are optional.

???: It's called a CRAVAAAT!

...Did you guys hear something?


Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Let's see... just a very quick dreamlet this time. Someone had created a software that merges two different images into a completely different one. I think it's supposed to be able to break down the individual images into their core elements and somehow rearrange them into something based on criteria you've specified. Though, I'm not too sure how a bicycle tire and a partly cloudy sky merge to become Phoenix Wright.

:payne: 'They... err.... well you see, it really is quite simple. If you..'.

:butzthumbs: 'Only a real artist knows the secret to that one.'

:nick: (Larry, I am pretty sure that is not physically possible, even with your 'skills'. Also I am sure many would not call you a real artist... )

Nick is just jealous that Larry is a combination of a pineapple and a sponge. I don't know where that came from.

:larry: "Hey! I do not look like a pineapple."

:nick: '(But no issues with being likened to a sponge I see...)'

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Southern Corn wrote:

Phoenix Wright Go sounds somewhat amusing. Instead of Pokemon, collect all the villains. Final case ones ARE SUPER RARE

You can also catch Drunkworth as a bonus

Do you throw attorney badges instead of Pokeballs? :phoenix:

Sounds like a normal day at the WAA.

Yup, and once you have caught them all to restore their health you put them in the magic panties... :trucy:

And that probably doesn't even come in the top fifty weirdest sentences I've ever typed. What am I doing with my life? :udgey:

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
That only happens to you in dreams? :udgey: :edgey:

Well, since Subby has given me so many prophetic dreams in the past, I suppose this is the actual origin story behind my blog. I've just been turning a blind eye because Subby also trolls me so hard...

Hey, at least your subby isn't :kristoph: , though he seems to have been controlling my dreams less lately. Should I be worried? :oops:

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
The irony when she gets it snipped off later but then the tailor asks if she's okay and points out the split ends in her hair.

Hah! :redd:

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Honestly though I've watched Turnabout Music Multicam edit of the stage show on Youtube so many times this week that I'm surprised my Ace Attorney dreams haven't turned musical yet. Instead I just end up singing the songs constantly. :redd:

Whenever I think of Turnabout Musical, the first thing that jumps into my mind is the "It's Gotta Be the Butz" parody TriForce did.
"This song has contributed nothing! I suggest it be taken out of the show and put into High School Musical 3!"
"You are one sick, sick man."

"Look a twenty five minute gaaap!" :godot: Oh man I haven't watched that in ages... can't even remember the exact quote about Rattlesnakes anymore. :bellboy:

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Southern Corn wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Subby. Shush. Just because you just read SC's post about their dream of complaining about bad fanfic in here doesn't mean you get to come up with an idea like that!

Okay, you know when you have so many AA dreams when someone refers to one and you have no idea which one that was.

Same... wait, was it SC who complained? Was it a complaint?

Um... I can't remember it exactly now either, read too much stuff yesterday. I know it was one of those meta ones where the dream included posting in here though.
My Ace Attorney FanFiction Thread (Last updated: 5th August 2018)
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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It's our family cat when he was younger. :maya:

D'aww. What's his name?

And that probably doesn't even come in the top fifty weirdest sentences I've ever typed. What am I doing with my life? :udgey:

Putting it to good use, by the sound of it :godot:
(......Ack! I've run out of snide comments!)
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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WaitingforGodot wrote:
Snakesplaining is a nice term. I wanna snakesplain maths to someone or something.

Snakesplain it to Snake, you can go one Snakesplaining together. Or, you can Cornsplain.

Or SC-spleen! I mean splain, sorry.

Maybe Apollo turned into a pig bartender and had to take the bike to bartend to....uh, Drunkworth? He'd probably be in the bathroom.

How could I forget that pig? xD

Mainly because he doesn't hog the spotlight a lot.

Nerdy wrote:
This thread moves from one conversation to another as quickly as actual dreams sometimes. :redd:

That's the beauty of it, non?

Edit: Okay changed my avatar to public where I'm hosting it to make sure it is showing. :maya:

Aw, what a cute kitty.

Reminds me of another cute kitty that used to post here in blue text a long time ago. I wonder where he went.

Rubzy wrote:
Well, since Subby has given me so many prophetic dreams in the past, I suppose this is the actual origin story behind my blog. I've just been turning a blind eye because Subby also trolls me so hard...

Is it possible to trollswat your Subby?

Same... wait, was it SC who complained? Was it a complaint?

I was apparently complaining about AA fanfics in my dream, but I'm not complaining about having too many AA dreams. And I actually appreciate the influx of AA fics because without those AA MSTs wouldn't exist.

Nerdy wrote:
Um... I can't remember it exactly now either, read too much stuff yesterday. I know it was one of those meta ones where the dream included posting in here though.

Yeah, it was. I had posted here complaining about AA fanfics for no reason and after I waking up I found it weird.

I'd like to thank you guys for the confetti last night because I had a dream today again. Praise the lord, it's a Christmas Thanksgiving miracle.

Basically I was Phoenix and I was in a game where's I was basically on the run from some evil guys along with a load of other irrevelant NPCs. We were on a train and had to avoid the bad guys. There were some terrible accidents and a few people died.

Then I was in this weird art museum following the crowd. I was accompanied by a little girl who wanted to meet an artist guy whose name was pronounced Michael but spelt like Michel or Michal. It was weird. Basically we were trying to find him and I caught up to him with the others in a room with a whiteboard which he was looking at. I tapped his shoulder and suddenly he fell down. I saw one of the staff members lock the door and give me the evil eye and a scowl (even in the dream I knew he had to have done the deed). As this happened, I saw Michel's stomach get shot at and explode out of nowhere and blood was oozing out!

I shrugged and looked around. Then I noticed the little girl who was my assistant had suddenly disappeared. I found this curious because in a previous playthrough (yes, I'd apparently played this game before) she was there and was crying over the body and ran away.

Sadly, that's where the dream ended and I woke up. :sadshoe:
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Praise the lord, it's a Christmas Thanksgiving miracle.

Indeed :gregory: They were playing Christmas songs in the store when I was grovery shopping. Dangit Drunkworth, it's more than a month left until your birthday rolls around.

I found this curious because in a previous playthrough (yes, I'd apparently played this game before) she was there and was crying over the body and ran away.

Sadly, that's where the dream ended and I woke up. :sadshoe:

Noo :(
(......Ack! I've run out of snide comments!)
Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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Going for Miles wrote:
Praise the lord, it's a Christmas Thanksgiving miracle.

Indeed :gregory: They were playing Christmas songs in the store when I was grovery shopping. Dangit Drunkworth, it's more than a month left until your birthday rolls around.

grovery, huh

Thanksgiving is a rather overlooked holiday which is understandable due to its unfortunate placement between Halloween and Christmas, lol

I found this curious because in a previous playthrough (yes, I'd apparently played this game before) she was there and was crying over the body and ran away.

Sadly, that's where the dream ended and I woke up. :sadshoe:

Noo :(

Yeah I was super sad because I wanted to see where this whole thing was going

And I guess the little girl crying was kind of sad too
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grovery, huh

It was a typo, I obviously meant to say groovery shopping.

Thanksgiving is a rather overlooked holiday which is understandable due to its unfortunate placement between Halloween and Christmas, lol

That's so sad. I for one give thanks that we don't even have it here.
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Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Going for Miles wrote:
grovery, huh

It was a typo, I obviously meant to say groovery shopping.

Aaah! I'm so sorry, it should've been obvious from the beginning!

Thanksgiving is a rather overlooked holiday which is understandable due to its unfortunate placement between Halloween and Christmas, lol

That's so sad. I for one give thanks that we don't even have it here.

Hey, I personally wouldn't mind. Another holiday here wouldn't sound so bad, actually.
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Hey, I personally wouldn't mind. Another holiday here wouldn't sound so bad, actually.

The timing is off, though. I would like a holiday right after summer ends, to cheer up spirits tired of getting back to work and school.
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Personally, I'd like a holiday after my summer holiday.
One month isn't enough.
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Nerdowl wrote:
Hey, at least your subby isn't :kristoph: , though he seems to have been controlling my dreams less lately. Should I be worried? :oops:

This can mean one of two things: either Kristoph has disappeared to further his plots or he's been replaced. I hope for your sake that the one who replaced him is someone trustworthy.

Yup, and once you have caught them all to restore their health you put them in the magic panties... :trucy:

And that probably doesn't even come in the top fifty weirdest sentences I've ever typed. What am I doing with my life? :udgey:

It makes sense to me. Trucy is a mage, so of course she'd be the one to restore their HP. Sometimes when Pearl comes by, she can offer them stat-boosting items.

...I feel like we're taking this joke pretty far.

"Look a twenty five minute gaaap!" :godot: Oh man I haven't watched that in ages... can't even remember the exact quote about Rattlesnakes anymore. :bellboy:

Aw, man. I just realized I can't either... Something about the 32nd gunshot?

SC wrote:
Mainly because he doesn't hog the spotlight a lot.

See, this is what I don't get. Because we have all already established that Apollo is a mix of a pig and a bicycle. So why is Phoenix also part bicycle? Are all lawyers just part bicycle? What is Athena, a duster and a bicycle?

Reminds me of another cute kitty that used to post here in blue text a long time ago. I wonder where he went.

He joined forces with Kristoph.

As this happened, I saw Michel's stomach get shot at and explode out of nowhere and blood was oozing out!

I shrugged and looked around.

I mean, that is what I would have done if I were there too. I blame Subby for my insensitivity. Sorry to hear about your dear assistant, though. I hope she'll be ok.

GfM wrote:
grovery, huh

It was a typo, I obviously meant to say groovery shopping.

Huh, sounds groovy.

The timing is off, though. I would like a holiday right after summer ends, to cheer up spirits tired of getting back to work and school.

True. August and September are pretty lackluster with holidays, except for those who celebrate Labor's Day. It's not really a festive holiday, though, more like an arbitrary day off.
If anything, we should get one in May as "Allergen Safety Awareness Day". So many people show up to school/work sick and it's just all-around terrible. Even worse is that it's exam season too.

I feel like I may need new confetti tailored specifically to my dreams because lately I've been dreaming of everything except Ace Attorney. It's been a while since I've caught up on oldies like FF7 and One Piece, but they've always stuck around with Subby. I guess she just doesn't want to lose them. :3 So whenever I feel like I'm starting to stir awake, I quickly review over what I actually dreamed about and shove some random minute detail in at the last minute.

Apparently, this time it was an image of Phoenix hugging me tightly and crying about how much he's missed me. "Dad, it's been two days."
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I hope for your sake that the one who replaced him is someone trustworthy.

This made me picture Drunkworth stumbling through a doorway.

So why is Phoenix also part bicycle? Are all lawyers just part bicycle? What is Athena, a duster and a bicycle?

What's going on.

Huh, sounds groovy.

Groovy, groovery, grooverest.

So many people show up to school/work sick and it's just all-around terrible.

Ew. Screw them.

Apparently, this time it was an image of Phoenix hugging me tightly and crying about how much he's missed me. "Dad, it's been two days."

He's been like, damn I haven't been having any Rubia-dreams lately :(
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Re: Ever have Phoenix Wright-related dreams? *possible spoilTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Nerdowl wrote:
Hey, at least your subby isn't :kristoph: , though he seems to have been controlling my dreams less lately. Should I be worried? :oops:

This can mean one of two things: either Kristoph has disappeared to further his plots or he's been replaced. I hope for your sake that the one who replaced him is someone trustworthy.

This reminds me of a puzzle when we figured out that Kristoph was erasing our memories of our dreams with his mind controlling antenna unicorn hair. Then I stuffed his face with cornflakes as punishment.

Those were good times.

Yup, and once you have caught them all to restore their health you put them in the magic panties... :trucy:

And that probably doesn't even come in the top fifty weirdest sentences I've ever typed. What am I doing with my life? :udgey:

It makes sense to me. Trucy is a mage, so of course she'd be the one to restore their HP. Sometimes when Pearl comes by, she can offer them stat-boosting items.

...I feel like we're taking this joke pretty far.

Maya would also be a good healer, and Blackquill could be the swordsman.

SC wrote:
Mainly because he doesn't hog the spotlight a lot.

See, this is what I don't get. Because we have all already established that Apollo is a mix of a pig and a bicycle. So why is Phoenix also part bicycle? Are all lawyers just part bicycle? What is Athena, a duster and a bicycle?

I personally choose to believe that the reason we never see the lawyers waist down in the courtroom is because they secretly transform into half bicycle things to enhance their bluffing powers.

As for the cutaways in the courtroom...they're all totally faked. Yep.

Reminds me of another cute kitty that used to post here in blue text a long time ago. I wonder where he went.

He joined forces with Kristoph.

Darn. I guess that explains the lack of AA dreams these past few months. :sadshoe:

As this happened, I saw Michel's stomach get shot at and explode out of nowhere and blood was oozing out!

I shrugged and looked around.

I mean, that is what I would have done if I were there too. I blame Subby for my insensitivity. Sorry to hear about your dear assistant, though. I hope she'll be ok.

Yeah, for me it's because my Subby is used to having deaths occur because of me. What with the recent Nonary Game I hosted and all.

As for my assistant, the strange thing was that she didn't cry this time. She had completely disappeared and most likely had vital information on this man's murder.

GfM wrote:
grovery, huh

It was a typo, I obviously meant to say groovery shopping.

Huh, sounds groovy.

And organic.

Apparently, this time it was an image of Phoenix hugging me tightly and crying about how much he's missed me. "Dad, it's been two days."

Two days is two long.

Nothing today, sadly. I did have a dream but forgot most of it (guess why). It wasn't AA related though so yeah.
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