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RESULTS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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~It's a battle of the OC's. And you're invited!~

That's right! The spriting comps are back and on a larger scale than ever before!
This is the first sprite competition crossing over Court Records, AAO AND the Ace Attorney Discord server! This time 3D model entries will also be permitted! To celebrate their return, the theme is a sequel to the "OC All Star Showdown" Competition hosted in June of 2017.

The *current* competition will focus on your *own* original characters and tasks you with bringing them to life with a sprite or 3D model in the Ace Attorney style. This is open to all skill levels! Part of the fun is making something and sharing it with others!

It's worth noting that this competition is purely for fun and is not the same as CR's OC competitions held semi-annually. The winner of this competition will be treated to some fan art of their OC drawn by SuperAj3 and the choice of theme for the next competition.


Spoiler: Results:
Tied 8th Place (no votes):
External-arm-616 with Adam Wright!
June-Pie with Truman Seeker!
bannedfrom7 with "Banned the Legitimate"!
Corrupted Flame with Martin Syrez!

Tied 7th place (1 vote):
FenrirDarkWolf with Alicia St. del Toro!
Double KO with frost!

6th place (2 votes):
ann-nna with Emmett Good!

5th place (3 votes):
Starora with Kielo Hicks!

4th place (4 votes):
Guiguiba with Orion Oh'doroki!

Spoiler: The Top 3
3rd place:
Jofe with Drake von Pyre! - 5 votes!

2nd place:
MasqureadeDemure with Molly Purcell! - 8 votes!

And with 10 votes...

1st place:

Congrats to the winner! Here's your prize!
Spoiler: Drawing of winning entry

The Voting Tokens are also gifts for all entrants!
Spoiler: Voting Tokens

Spoiler: 1. External-arm-616
Adam Wright
Link to Album:
Desc: Supposed to be Trucy's son :trucy: but him 20 years into the future where he is now a defense attorney
Personality: Very sassy and mean and only cares about a perfect record and his family
Entry for OC all star showdown 2
Spoiler: 2. Guiguiba
Link to Album:
Name: Orion Oh'doroki (Age: 20)
Occupation: Defense Attorney

Brief Personality Description: He's very calm, introverted, and anxious sometimes.
He likes drawing a lot, like some landscapes, people portraits, etc.

Brief Background: After moving from Khura'in, Orion started to study on
high school, and later, decided to de a defense attorney, like his father.
Then, he started to study on the Themis Legal Academy, where he met who
would turn to be his mentor, Kristoph Gavin, The Coolest Defense Attorney
On The West. Then, after finally passing the bar exam, Orion takes his first
trial, when he needs to defend a police-man for murder.

Connection to canon characters: Kristoph Gavin, Apollo Justice, Ema Skye.
Spoiler: 3. Starora
Meet Kielo Hicks, the punky Borginian prosecutor looking to create a brighter - and more fashionable - future for the world of the law!

Originally setting out into the world of music, an unforunate incident involving her brother (Turnabout Airlines), and hearing about the injustice which could have occurred, broadened her view of the world. The following trial, which should have been an upsetting occasion, turned out to be a surprisingly inspiring event, and a brief encounter with one Miles Edgeworth led her to channel her grief into determination, and realise her goal of training as a prosecutor, and helping him to bring justice to those in need.
It was a while before Kielo's graduation into the legal world, and, as her studies concluded, it just so happened that a new musical craze was taking hold in Borginia. The Gavinners were touring, and, by chance, their bass player suffered a wrist injury on their arrival into the country, conveniently allowing for Kielo to step in, and gain another influential prosecutor as a friend and ally.
It is not yet known what the future holds for this rookie prosecutor, but you can be sure that she'll try her best to make the world a better place!

A second pose, if I had been able to complete it to a reasonable standard (or any standard at all), would have been her casually showing off evidence on her phone screen. I had intended to make the phone a match for Akbey's (except in her clothing colours) to create a stronger link between the two of them being siblings.
Spoiler: 4. Suger Milk/June-Pie
Truman Seeker
Spoiler: 5. Jofe
Detective Drake von Pyre joins the competition


Description: He enjoys solving crime ... and blood? He is a talented detective without a doubt. Some seasoned detectives tremble at the most heinous crimes, so be sure if the crime scene is bloody, Detective von Pyre will be the most qualified to examine the crime scene. But no garlic allowed during the investigation.
Additional sprites:
Image Image Image
Spoiler: 6. BrushApocalypse

Betty Gulley-Bill is a upstanding young woman with an unfortunate habit of gambling away her family's money. She's constantly hounded after by all sorts of loan sharks, but it isn't her fault, honest! She'll pay them back soon, she just needs to win it big once. It's sure to happen any day now. Aaaaany day now...
Spoiler: 7. MasqueradeDemure

Molly Purcell is a young girl, and daughter of Tom Purcell- the founder of Japanifornia’s local animal shelter. She’s dubbed herself queen of the kittens, and spends most of her time showering affection onto the nearby shelter cats. When a crime occurs at her father’s shelter, the Wright Anything Agency is able to learn more about the whereabouts of the feline witnesses through her testimony; but is there something more to what she saw that day?

I have no idea because this case is completely theoretical
Spoiler: 8. bannedfrom7
Name: "Banned The Legitimate" (Real Name Undisclosed)

Personality: Stubborn, Mysterious, and Quirky

Occupation: Spy, Certified Assassin

Background: In a world where crime and chaos slowly rises, Banned is entrusted by a private organization with spying on potential threats on the legal system, social justice, and ensuring they won’t cause harm in society although his tactics for doing so are sometimes questionable. Despite his dangerous status and skills, he has never once taken a life nor ever intends to.
Spoiler: 9. FenrirDarkWolf
Name: Alicia St. del Toro
Age: 34
A pious young woman who turned to religion in her time of need. When she was younger, she was in an abusive relationship with someone who beat and scarred her, leaving her with scarring on her face and over her body. She ran away and was found by a convent who took her in and cared for her after hearing her plight. While she is not part of their convent, she did devote herself to their religion, and visits them occassionally.
Spoiler: 10. ann-nna
Emmett Good
Age: 21
Not really Good at the present time, but I've yet to decide on his cousin's maiden name. I've been trying to for 2 years now.._.;;
The son of a prosecutor and... his mother probably has something to do with food/restaurant business because I gotta explain somehow why he studied culinary arts. Grew up in a relatively rich family and got shoved into all sorts of activities his parents regarded as prestigious. Can play violin as the result. Didn't keep any of the other skills he might have acquired as a child because I didn't think of them in the 1st place. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Whether as a child, teen or a young adult, Emmett never had a say in his life, and the one time he wasn't able to do his parents' bidding ended with him on the streets.
Luckily, his cousin who has a daughter almost his age was more than happy to take him in. Bitter about what happened, he changed his surname to her maiden name unbeknownst to her.
Of course, he didn't say that he was kicked out, making up some nonsense about wanting to try to live independently and pretending everything's fine and he's the same arrogant jerk he used to be to hide the fact his self-esteem took a huge blow and ceased to exist.
Leilani (the cousin) might have bought it initially, however learning Emmett dropped out of the university and him slowly but surely descending into alcoholism made her think twice. Attempts to stop it bore no fruit, and ultimately Emmett simultaneously ended up in a hospital with concussion and the defendant's shoes, accused of attempting to hijack a car, so Leilani turned to Phoenix for help. Spoiler: she actually paid him. With money. :shock:
Spoiler: 11. Double KO
name: frost
description: kind of a jerk
personality: catgirl
Spoiler: 12. CorruptedFlame/ OM~!
Martin Syrez
Age: 60
An Art Collector and Validator, Martin Syrez used to be Chief Prosecutor, leaving after a case left him losing someone quite dear to him. This loss and the grief that constantly plagues him led to him becoming incredibly withdrawn and bottling his emotions up to the point where people think he just doesn't feel.


  • You are required to create a new sprite of your own original character, created solely for this competition (or previously unpublished). This can be crafted in any style, be it Trilogy, HD, Investigations or 3D modelled.
  • Please do not enter pre-existing characters from video games or other media. These should be your own original characters.
  • While not required, a description of your character including name, age and backstory can be submitted in tandem with your sprites.
  • At minimum, you must enter at least one static sprite/render but are able to submit a full sprite sheet, animated gifs, or 3D model files. Please upload your entries and link them either here or in the #court-records discord. For 3D modellers, if you plan to submit your 3D model, please also submit a render so viewers can see your character without 3D modelling software.


  • For C-R Members: Post your sprite to this thread.
  • For Discord Members: Post your sprite to the #court-records channel over on the discord.
  • For AAO Members: Post your sprite to the AAO entry thread.


  • Entries will be open from the time of this post and close on January 30th 2021.
  • Extensions for users can be granted up to 24 hours to combat timezone differences and issues with uploading.
  • Voting will then commence from February 1st to February 15th.

Link to the AAO thread: Here
Link to the AA discord: Here

~ Mar '15, May '15, Aug '15, Dec '15, Mar '16, May '16, Jul '16, Nov '16, Feb '17, Jun '17, Aug '17, Nov '17, Feb '18, Apr '18, June '18, Nov '18, Dec '20 ~

  • Each month a new topic will be picked (by the previous month's winner).
  • To enter, just post your entry here.
  • Stick to the theme! (This one's obvious), but make sure you enter something relevant to the theme picked.
  • ONE entry per person. You can submit one character/sprite design and it can be as little as a single frame, or as large as a full set! Up to you
  • NO USING OTHER FAN SPRITES. Even with permission, we want to see your own creative works. Editing official sprites is OK though.
  • Be creative! Simple recolors are not allowed. At least 2 character sprites edited together with a unique color palette counts as an original sprite. Also drawing custom outfits/costumes from scratch for existing sprites is also acceptable.

    Image Image
    (Custom drawn costume, or a splice of 2 or more official characters, with a unique palette)

    Image Image
    (Basic recolor of official sprite, or minimal editing of official sprites)
  • Please create an entirely new sprite for the competition. If you made a character you think really suits the theme, then you can still edit that sprite into a new one for the competition.
  • Both AA and AAI styled sprites are acceptable, except if the task specifies one or the other.
  • You get 2 weeks to vote after submissions close. This way people have time to look at the entries and vote.
  • Voting will be done after submissions have closed and, as CR has no polling system, all you need to do is post a comment saying your favorite.
  • You can vote for 2 of your favorite choices.
  • You are NOT allowed to vote for yourself.
  • You can use sprites/characters/poses from any RELEASED Ace Attorney game. Try to follow official Court-Records spoiler rules.
  • You can edit your sprite and resubmit it as many times before the cut off date (preferably by editing your original entry post). These can only be minor edits to your existing entry though like fixing some messiness, anatomy, or adding new poses. No brand new characters or 'second-chance' attempts that you've made. Have confidence in the first entry you make!

  • Make sure you pick a topic that hasn't been done before (Unless it's been over a year since it's been done)
  • Make sure you COPY the rules into your posts to notify everyone!
  • Name your topic as "CR Spriting Competition! - Insert genre/topic here"
  • You have creative freedom with selecting topics, provided the entries are in the AA style of sprites. Ideas like a 2 person team collab, or situations like "Twins" where 2 characters are in the 1 sprite are also allowed as potential topics.
  • For clarity's sake, make a quick sprite as an example of what you're expecting from contestants, and post it in the OP)
  • YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF COLLECTING VOTES! Unfortunately, CR doesn't have a polling system, and so votes will have to be through individual comments (to prevent people voting multiple times, we will stick to posting alone)
  • Once the voting is closed, it is up to you announce the results (1st, 2nd and 3rd place), and the winner.
  • You can take as long as you want to start up the next competition thread. If you don't want to be the one running it, you can let 2nd place be in charge.
  • You CANNOT enter if you are hosting, but you can vote.
  • If 2-4 entries receive equal votes, announce those who tied, and hold a tie breaker voting between those. If 5+ and/or every entrant ties, the host can pick the winner.
  • If a tie breaker ends with another tie, all those tied win, and they decide the next host amongst themselves.

Last edited by SuperAj3 on Mon Feb 15, 2021 6:08 am, edited 51 times in total.
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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Wow! The competitions are back! I'd really want to take a part in this one. Time to unleash some CR34T1V3 P0W3RZ! :sal:
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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Art Person

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Darth Wiader wrote:
Wow! The competitions are back! I'd really want to take a part in this one. Time to unleash some CR34T1V3 P0W3RZ! :sal:
Woo! We have a biter! Can't wait to see what you come up with! (Will you snag a win again!??? :inspect: )
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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manifesting ciconia phase 2

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oh yeah, think ive mentioned it before but for the sake of clarity im entering
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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Art Person

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A little over 3 weeks left to go!
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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Entered :redd:
Image Image Image

"The defense is petting everyone your honor!"
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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Entrant No.2: guiguiba has submitted via discord! OP updated
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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Art Person

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Entrant No. 3: Starora, has submitted through AAO! OP updated
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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Due to confusion over on AAO, I've had to clarify the rules a little. I've now highlighted in orange the important segments.

In case people were also confused here, the competition rules state you must enter a sprite/model of your own original character made specifically for this competition. It does NOT mean to make a new sprite of the OCs entered in the 2017 iteration of the "OC All Star Showdown" competition. Hope this clarifies things.
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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New Entry! Suger Milk (June-pie on AAO) submitted through Discord.
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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Another new entry from AAO!
Added to OP
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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Art Person

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Another new entry through AAO! Added to the OP.
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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Take that!

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I'd enter if I were more confident with my sprites xDD

Click the photos to be taken to my AU Stories!
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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Frechi wrote:
I'd enter if I were more confident with my sprites xDD
It's more for fun so if you want to use this as a chance to practice some spriting then still give it a go!
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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Am shy. Will lurk.

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'Ay, I found the time to get a quick entry done, so here she is:


Molly Purcell is a young girl, and daughter of Tom Purcell- the founder of Japanifornia’s local animal shelter. She’s dubbed herself queen of the kittens, and spends most of her time showering affection onto the nearby shelter cats. When a crime occurs at her father’s shelter, the Wright Anything Agency is able to learn more about the whereabouts of the feline witnesses through her testimony; but is there something more to what she saw that day?

I have no idea because this case is completely theoretical

Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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LOL at that last line of your description
OP updated!
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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1 week to go! Is anyone still wanting to enter but might want some extra time?
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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I think I may drop out from this one.
I decided that I really need to focus on one project at a time or I'll never get anything finished :ini:.
Plus, I already have my favourite entry. Good luck! See you in my sprite thread and (in possible near future) game thread!
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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New entry from discord added to the OP!
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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New entry from AAO added to the OP! EDIT: Make that 2 new entries!
There's just about 5 more hours before entries close, but I will leave another 24 hours open for those who want to enter but are running a little behind. Just message.
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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manifesting ciconia phase 2

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frick it last minute zero effort entry lets gooo hope i made the deadline

name: frost
description: kind of a jerk
personality: catgirl
Re: Cross-platform Spriting/3D Competition - OC All Stars 2Topic%20Title
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Art Person

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XD woah 3 entries in one day! Thanks I'll add to the OP now!
Re: VOTING BEGINS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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Voting is now open!
Re: VOTING BEGINS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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oh man, it's been a long time since i did this last.

it was really tough to decide, but ultimately, i'm gonna vote for:

Re: VOTING BEGINS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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Image :shoe:
Re: VOTING BEGINS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title

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I vote for number six, by BrushApocalypse!
Re: VOTING BEGINS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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Am shy. Will lurk.

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Re: VOTING BEGINS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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Okay, for my second vote:

Re: VOTING BEGINS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Really good entries here, dang. Was hard to narrow this down but my favourites are definitely 6 and 7. Those are my votes.
Re: VOTING BEGINS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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manifesting ciconia phase 2

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aw yeah cornucopia time
Re: VOTING BEGINS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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My votes go to:
Image Image
Image Image Image

"The defense is petting everyone your honor!"
Re: VOTING BEGINS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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Art Person

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The current tally - there are 4 days left to vote:
Spoiler: Votes
  • 1. 0 votes
  • 2. 4 votes
  • 3. 3 votes
  • 4. 0 votes
  • 5. 5 votes
  • 6. 10 votes
  • 7. 8 votes
  • 8. 0 votes
  • 9. 1 votes
  • 10. 2 votes
  • 11. 1 votes
  • 12. 0 votes

Re: VOTING BEGINS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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Knew this was going to get 0 votes even i am aware of how bad it is better luck next time then :phoenix:
Image Image Image

"The defense is petting everyone your honor!"
Re: VOTING BEGINS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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External-arm-616 wrote:
Knew this was going to get 0 votes even i am aware of how bad it is better luck next time then :phoenix:

Don't feel down! These competitions are, in my opinion, a chance for people to practice and try things they wouldn't otherwise do. Use this to learn from other spriters and to improve. Trust me if you saw the sprites I started off making, they were either horrible OCs or minimal edits.
Re: VOTING BEGINS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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I put all of the entries into a hunger games simulation and this happened





Image Image Image

"The defense is petting everyone your honor!"
Re: VOTING BEGINS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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Votes are now closed!
I'll be back in 24 hours to announce winners and (hopefully that's enough time to draw and) share the artwork of the winning entry!
Re: VOTING CLOSED! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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So my laptop charger stopped working and I’m waiting on a replacement to arrive. Will resume results as soon as I can get back to my computer.
RESULTS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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Spoiler: Results:
Tied 8th Place (no votes):
External-arm-616 with Adam Wright!
June-Pie with Truman Seeker!
bannedfrom7 with "Banned the Legitimate"!
Corrupted Flame with Martin Syrez!

Tied 7th place (1 vote):
FenrirDarkWolf with Alicia St. del Toro
Double KO with frost!

6th place (2 votes):
ann-nna with Emmett Good!

5th place (3 votes):
Starora with Kielo Hicks!

4th place (4 votes):
Guiguiba with Orion Oh'doroki!

Spoiler: The Top 3
3rd place:
Jofe with Drake von Pyre! - 5 votes!

2nd place:
MasqureadeDemure with Molly Purcell! - 8 votes!

And with 10 votes...
1st place:

Congrats to the winner! Here's your prize!
Spoiler: Drawing of winning entry

Re: RESULTS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Very epic! Congrats to the winner.
Re: RESULTS! Cross-platform Spriting/3D CompetitionTopic%20Title
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good job, to both the winner and everyone who participated. was some very steep competition this time around
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