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Name: Thommurstein D. Trout (Tommy D. Trout)

Age: 23

Friends and Family: No known family, best friends with Kaminogi Souryuu, whom he calls "chumley".

Background: Thommurstein "Tommy" D. Trout first appears as the prosecutor of a strange murder which occured during a fishing trip. Though unprepared, Tommy insisted that the case be his solely for the fact that fishing was involved. His superiors were against this entirely, but Tommy kept saying that he could win as long as he brought his "passionate fishing rod burning blue", his lucky fishing rod, to court. Again, his superiors were against this, but eventually agreed out of annoyance.

The same case happened to be Kaminogi Souryuu's first case at age 22. Before the trial began, Tommy (Who was still wearing his fishing hat and jacket) came to greet Souryuu and Marvin Grossberg, who was sitting in as his Co-Council at the time. This greeting ended in Tommy accidentally dropping the trophy salmon he brought on Grossberg's foot, resulting in Tommy running away and Souryuu looking confused.

During the actual trial, Tommy proved to be a more-than-worthy opponent, despite screwing up in calling the witnesses more than a few times. In fact, he had almost won the case, had he not commented on Souryuu's coffee-drinking in court, remarking that if the former could drink 17 cups of coffee a day, he could eat 24 anchovies a day. Tommy began to completely go off-topic and even brought out the trophy salmon again. Meanwhile, Souryuu was taking the time to check the Court Record, and eventually found a contradiction.

The trial ended in the defense's favor, whilst Tommy was left in shock at his defeat caused by his incredibly short attention span. After the Judge adjourned court, Tommy returned to the Defense Lobby to congratulate Souryuu and apologize to Mr. Grossberg. He then said flat-out that he and Souryuu were going to be rivals, and that he would kick his ass the next time.

Over time, however, Tommy and Souryuu eventually became friends, and Tommy took to calling Souryuu "Chumley Coffee Boy", or simply "chumley". The two remained friends for a long time, until Tommy had to leave for England when his half-uncle, who was the Chief Prosecutor in one of the cities there, needed his help. Thus, he never heard about the "Chinami Incident".

Personality: Tommy LOVES fishing, almost as much as Souryuu loves coffee. He isn't too serious about his job, and at certain times, may go completely off-topic in court and even whip out a fish or two. When the situation calls for it, though, Tommy can be good enough a prosecutor to match even the toughest defense attorneys... Though this is a rarity.

Being Souryuu's friend, Tommy tried to be as "cool" as the former, and tries to copy his friend. Tommy has many "unorthodox" pickup lines and catchphrases as well, like:

"So you call hot women 'kittens'... I CALL MINE 'HERRING'!!!"

"How you doing, herring?"

"Hehe! Nice try, chumley, but your theory lacks something as important as a Blue Marlin's nose... EVIDENCE!"

"You bring coffee mugs in the courtroom, well, I bring FISH!!! WE GOT SALMON!!!"

"Damn, I guess I used the wrong lure!"

Tommy has gotten himself and Souryuu in trouble more than a dozen times, either unintentionally or because he was being negligent.

Sprite Work: Odoroki recolor with additional edits and stuff. Flipped horizontally.
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hmm the problem is not that she is fat but that her anatomy looks kinda off. Like for example the head looks too small for the body so i think all you have to do is make the body smaller.
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Orcaizer Al wrote:

Name: Thommurstein D. Trout (Tommy D. Trout)

Age: 23....

dude great sprite i like the character already ^^ some of the lines could stand to be a bit smoother tho.
Re: Fan character spritesTopic%20Title

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Left to Right: Young Bishop King (1981-1999), Courtroom Shot of King VS Wright, Post-PW3 Bishop King
Bishop King / Taizou Kenji / Roi Trépas (alt.: Roi Eveque)

58 (1961-2022)

Friends and Family:
He is the last living member of his family, and he has no known relatives.

A psychic who became a prosecutor to bring people to justice.
During the 1980s, he became famous in the world of law for winning many high-profile cases.
His skills earned him several nicknames throughout the years, including "Checkmate" King and "the Prosecuting King of Death".

However, his powers placed a strain on his body.
His condition began to worsen, and he was forced to retire in 2000.
In the years that followed, his legacy was overshadowed by Manfred von Karma's 40-year perfect streak and the "Legendary Duo". To the rest of the world, "Checkmate" King was nothing more than a fading memory, and he fell into depression.

To escape his pain (both physical and emotional), King attended nearly every court proceeding.
Witnessing von Karma's defeat to Phoenix Wright gave him the strength to "rise from the ashes" once more, using Wright's fame to springboard his own into history.

Bishop King returned to the prosecutor's bench in 2017, determined to restore the prosecution's reputation by defeating Phoenix Wright and rebuild his legacy.
In order to do this, he is determined to separate him from his friends, the source of his "power". By taking them out of the equation, King intends to humiliate Wright and expose him to be a "fraud".
Unbeknownst to everyone, King's fate has already been sealed. Having "abused" his powers 20 years ago, the damage inflicted on his body is now irrepairable. Even with his medication, King isn't expected to live past 60...

*King was physically present in all of Wright's trials from February 2017-June 2017.
To prepare himself to confront Wright, King spent the first 3 years of his return polishing up on his skills. He would go against Phoenix Wright in 2020 (post-PW3/GS3).

Bishop King believes true justice cannot be fulfilled through rules that are set in stone, nor can one man decide the fate of another.
He follows a personal honor code - he will never, under any circumstances, manipulate the law for personal gain or fame, a lesson he learned when he began his career. He despises Manfred von Karma for using illegal methods to maintain his 40-year record and (for a short time) tries to keep Franziska from going down the same path.

He appears to be on good terms with the Judge's family, as well as the police department.

Sprite Work:
Young Bishop King:
Recolored Godot's body, and edited Edgeworth's head, combining his hair w/ Kaminogi's to get the final result you see now.

King VS Wright:
This King is a re-edit/recolored Wright. Both Wright and King's legs were edited to match the background.

Older Bishop King:
Flipped Wright's body and altered/recolored his outfit to resemble Kirihito's. I took Kaminogi's facial structure and his right eye to complete the face. His arms are re-edited from Edgeworth.
His inside vest and hair were both hand-made, though the color schemes were based on Turner Grey and Kaminogi. The nametag on the text box was pieced together from existing tags from the game. The "K" was the only letter I had to create from scratch.
Yes, I know his skin tone is different compared to his younger self. Can't a guy spend his 20 years of retirement working on a tan?

Misc. Information:
The idea for this character was inspired by SNK's Geese Howard and one of his arranged themes, "Geese ni Katakori".

Name Origin
(JPN/FRN name references were found on

USA: Bishop King & "Checkmate" King (nickname) =
Bishop, King, Checkmate: Chess references.

JPN: Taizou Kenji =
Taizou: Taken from "taishoku" (fading) and "izou" (legacy).
Kenji: means "public prosecutor".

FRN: Roi Trépas/Roi Eveque =
Roi: means "king".
Trépas: means "death. ("King of Death"...get it?)
Eveque: means "bishop"; supposed to be a alt. French version of "Bishop King".
Wii Code: 2249-0584-6376-4379
Brawl Code: 1289-8098-6633/EGX
Mario Kart Wii: 2105-9059-1291
Re: Fan character spritesTopic%20Title
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(PW1-3 version)
Name: Ike Von Karma
Age: 12 (PW1)
Family: Manfred is his father. Franziska is his sister (older)
Background: Ike never got along with his father. He resented him especially after the trial of Edgeworth (PW1-5) and didn't care that he got the death sentence. Not wanting to end up like his father, Ike decided to become a defense attorney. He also is a fan of Mega Man (hence the 'rock'. I didn't want to write 'mega' on it.) (sorry for the crappy story)
Spritework: Paint. Cody's body and head. Larry's hair.

(GS4 version)
Age: 21
Background: Now he's a defense attorney. And that's all I can think of.
Spritework: Paint. Kaminogi's head. Phoenix's body. Minuki's cape.
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Orcaizer Al wrote:
Haha. This spoils my fanfic A LOT. :P

If anybody here actually reads my fanfic and doesn't wanna get spoiled till later chapters are up... Griff's background is under a spoiler, just in case. :/


Name: Griffin Turner / Tomodachi Hirokeu

Nicknames: Griff, Flamehead / Hiro-nii-chan, Hiro-kun, Hokami-san

Age: 20

Height and Weight: 5'2'' (Yes, he's short.), 120 lbs

Family and Friends: His older sister is Midori Turner (Tomodachi Midori).

Their mother died when Griff was born, and their father died when Griff was 2 years old, from a large fire that witnesses say Griff started accidentally, resulting in the city blaming Griff for the death, treating him as an outcast for ten years.

Griff is best friends with Eddy Skye (Houdzuki Hideki), who looks up to him as an older brother.

Spoiler: Griff's Background. Click if you wanna get spoiled.
Background: Griff has led quite a tough life. His mother died giving birth to him, and when he was 2 years old, his father died from a fire which witnesses say Griff accidentally caused. Because of that death, people treated him as an outcast, and Griff had virtually no friends for ten years, becoming hostile to everybody, even his older sister Midori.

When Griff was 12 years old, he was accused of murdering a student from his school, and caused a large scandal by being the first minor to hold full trial for murder and risk the Death Penalty. Midori was shocked by this, and tried to find a defense attorney who could win Griff's case. That was when 22-year-old rookie attorney Zachariss "Chris" Truman entered the picture. He won the case, and Griff learned to make friends, Chris and Midori being the first ones. Ever since that case, Griff regarded Midori and Chris as his saviors, and vowed to repay them someday.

Griff then studied law, wanting to follow in the footsteps of Chris and his sister. His first case was successful, and he ended up causing Winston Payne to retire from prosecuting (and go completely bald). A new prosecutor, Lance Bladeston (Kusanagi Sasuke), soon appeared, and became Griff's rival. When Midori was put on trial for murdering a former client of hers, Griff took the case and went against Bladeston for the first time. He ended up winning the case and beat Bladeston, who was, until then, undefeated.

During State vs. Turner, Midori's case, Griff met Detective Thurston Razor (Kamisori Kouichi) and Eddy Skye (Houdzuki Hideki), 10-year-old son of the late Ema Skye. Eddy looked up to Griff as an older brother, and this respect grew stronger when Griff saved Eddy from getting shot by Felix Sourceton (Ibanagi Jin). After Griff successfully proved Midori innocent, Midori arranged for Eddy to work as Griff's Investigative Junior Partner.

Griff has a "special ability", which allows him to comprehend things 50 times faster than the average person, as well as form complex patterns in his head almost automatically, and find out who the real murderer of a case is. This ability suddenly disappeared when Midori was accused of murder, and returned only during the last day of the trial in the form of a disembodied voice which Griff heard whilst in a "dark room".

Griff's special ability to comprehend 50 times faster than normal people made him accelerate through school extremely fast. He was already a High School Senior when he was 12. However, this died down slowly.

Miscellaneous: Griff is insecure about his height, and often reacts comically to being called "short for his age"; especially when it comes from Bladeston, who gets a kick out of making fun of Griff's height since he's one foot taller.

Griff's catchprase is "You can count on that!", to which Eddy often replies, "Believe it!". Bladeston finds this annoying, though, and replies, "Is that your rule?".

Griff believes in the existence of ghosts, and has a great fear of them.

Griff uses the Wahrheitron T-3, a Lie Detector in the form of a blue wristwatch with parts that glow yellow-green, to interrogate witnesses. The Wahrheitron works much like a combination of the Psyche Lock and Minuku Systems, and Griff even yells "Right There!" when using it.

Griff also has a tendency to yell "Psy-ai-ai-ai-ai!!!" when shocked, either internally or verbally.

Sprite work: Completely made of scratch, done in the GIMP and MS Paint.

Extra: Not exactly a sprite, but meh.


Griff is awesome!!!
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Mighty Midget wrote:
Griff is awesome!!!

Too bad I lost all my fanfic documents in a computer crash and am now unable to finish said fic. >___<
I do not tolerate bullies. Good day.
Re: Fan character spritesTopic%20Title

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too bad :-( speaking of which I made a sprite for you... it's Griff!
I'll post it when I have the time
Making new sig...
half way to descisive witness...
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Orcaizer Al wrote:
Mighty Midget wrote:
Griff is awesome!!!

Too bad I lost all my fanfic documents in a computer crash and am now unable to finish said fic. >___<

NOOOOOO!!!!!! :larry:
Xbox Live: LadyDuoMaxwell
Re: Fan character spritesTopic%20Title

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I figured I should post this guy somewhere...


Name: Godai Infyre
Age: 32
Occupation: Chartered Accountant
Brief Physical Description: Godai is tall, standing at approximately 6'5''. He wears a business suit without the jacket; just the pants, tie, and white shirt. He has a large nose. His hair is smoothed back and orange and he has long, thick sideburns. Lastly, he has a scar going across his face and through his left eye.
Brief Personality Description: He used to love his job as a British Chartered Accountant, but, in recent years, it has become very tedious and boring to him. He has an obsession with fire and always carries around a small, silver lighter, which he clicks open and shut when in thought and he has a habit of lighting things on fire subconsciously. He is usually nice and gentlemanly towards people, but he can get quite angry when provoked.
Brief Background: Bored with his job as a Chartered Accountant, he decided to take a trip to the United States and ended up as the defendant in a crime of arson. Since he was found at the crime scene, has a fire obsession, and can get very anger, he was an obvious suspect.
Name origin: Not that hard to figure out. Just say his name aloud. Go-duh-eye In-fy-er

Made completely from scratch in MS Paint. The "screenshot" above was set up in Photoshop, however. MS Paint lacks the ability to make those little text boxes semi-transparent. I went through a lot of fonts to get that one but it's still probably wrong. Also, I hate myself for making him wear a white shirt. I always have trouble shading white.
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Orcaizer Al wrote:

His red hair & glasses remind me of Lawrence Locke. XD


Name: Lawrence Locke (Thanks to Al for the name xD)

Age: 27

Friends and Family: ?

Background: [I haven't thought of his background... yet]

Personality: A sadist (heheh), and will do anything to get a guilty verdict (classic, eh?), mysterious and very cruel.

Sprite Work: edited Odoroki's sprites.
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n0wM3 wrote:
Orcaizer Al wrote:

His red hair & glasses remind me of Lawrence Locke. XD


Tommy and Lawrence could be distant cousins or something.



A merged background? It might work, since Lawrence doesn't have a background yet, and Tommy has no background post-Souryuu's-Best-Friend and all that jazz. Maybe Lawrence could be Tommy's replacement in court after he leaves for England and grows to hate Souryuu or something like that, thus transforming him into a sadist. Heck, maybe Lawrence might even have a crush on Chinami or something. That's worth some pondering, in my opinion.
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Orcaizer Al wrote:

Name: Thommurstein D. Trout (Tommy D. Trout)

That guy sounds so bloody Norwegian X___X It's because it's said that Norwegians love fishing... So do I >_<
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