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What your favorite PW Ace Attorney Ship says about you.Topic%20Title
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Yes folks after a long absence I'm back and I'm here to share a little something that I did on DeviantArt about a couple of years ago so here we go. Oh yes and WARNING some of these may contain spoilers.

What your favorite Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Ship Says About You.

:phoenix: Phoenix Wright X :maya: Maya Fey- You want to keep things fairly canon and fairly wholesome (well all things considered). and/or You occasionally have to remind people that Japan’s statutory laws are a bit more lenient than in the US.

:phoenix: Phoenix Wright X :mia: Mia Fey- You want Phoenix to be with a lady who is more mature (in both personality & sex appeal) and wanted the lady to be a bit more age-appropriate.

:phoenix: Phoenix Wright X :iris: Iris- “If it wasn’t for Iris’ screwed up section of her family she probably would’ve been Phoenix’s wife by now” is something you often feel. and/or You like the dynamic of “Diego/Mia” but want the couple to be more endearing and less tragic.

:phoenix: Phoenix Wright X :edgeworth: Miles Edgeworth- Capcom has been pandering to the series’ Yaoi fan base so often over the course of the series it can make you wonder why these two don’t just bone and get it over with.

:edgeworth: Miles Edgeworth X :eh?: Dick Gumshoe- You're just a sucker for Yaoi pairings where the Big Guy/Bara would be the Uke.

:edgeworth: Miles Edgeworth X :franny: Franziska Von Karma- Despite the lack of cross-dressing you basically find this to be the James X Jessie of this series. and/or You figured that the best way Miles could get revenge on Manfred is to bone his daughter. ;)

:franny: Franziska Von Karma X :adrian: Adrian Andrews- Why should Edgeworth get all the homoerotic pairings himself, why can’t Fran get a little piece of that ship-teased fun huh?

:eh?: Dick Gumshoe X :salute: Maggey Byrde- You just want good things for the both of them and really who wouldn’t? The fact that you are also keeping things fairly canon is just icing on the cake for you.

:mia: Mia Fey X :april: April May- Come for the well known eroticism of “Sexy Lady Boss & her Sexy Secretary” stay for the realization that something like this would’ve saved both of these ladies a lot of trouble in Case 2. and/or You often wish there was a version of this pic that didn’t have Maya in it. ;)


:mia: Mia Fey X :godot: Diego Armando/Godot- You want to keep things canon but also love sexy power couples despite how incredibly tragic they became. and/or This is one of the main reasons why you really wish that Mia’s prequel stories should’ve been it's own continuity then having to be tied to the main series.

:mia: Mia Fey X :lana: Lana Skye- The line “Intellectually Attracted” basically makes Lana easily one of the most blatant cases of “Transparent Closet” in the franchise. and/or You often argue that “c’mon ladies who wouldn’t have a raging girl-crush on someone like Mia Fey here?”

:maya: Maya Fey X :scientific: Ema Skye- You always wanted a Yuri pairing that is far more adorable than anything else. Heck even if you are not into Yuri you figured that these two would be quite the besties.

So what do you folks think?
Re: What your favorite PW Ace Attorney Ship says about you.Topic%20Title
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There's Always Someone Else

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Wouldn't Phoenix x Maya be totally fine in the SoJ era. It's not like 28 and 35 is a scandalous age gap. Otherwise, this seems fairly accurate based on my interactions with people in the fandom.
Re: What your favorite PW Ace Attorney Ship says about you.Topic%20Title
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LilyGrace wrote:
Wouldn't Phoenix x Maya be totally fine in the SoJ era.

As far back as JFA, technically.
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