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Yes, I'm a FredHead

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Okay, this is my first fic, so please don't judge it too harshly, I am writing this in a unique (I hope) format that goes like this:

Date; Time

Hope you like it!

PART ONE - Cane and Able

Chapter One
Monday, April 14th, 2019; 10:57 AM
L.A. Prison: Solitary Confinement


It was Maya's fault, really. Somehow she'd managed to talk him into, once a month, visiting all those he'd gotten convicted. Why he went along with it he had no idea.


The door to the visitors chamber swung open.

"Prisoner number 4689: Yogi, Yanni." The guard announced. He was about a third of the way done. The first few had been overwhelmingly unpleasant, but Yogi always proved less toublesome.

"Mister Wright, how have you been?"

"Just fine Yogi, and you?"

"With good behavior they might let me out in a few years."

Glancing at his watch, he noticed it was almost eleven.

"Crap, almost eleven! Can't keep vonKarma waiting!"

The next visit was his least favorite by far. Manfred vonKarma wanted everything perfect. Even when people visited him in Prison. But as Phoenix approached the door the guard stepped in front of him.

"Prisoner number 4691: vonKarma, Manfred, is currently refusing to meet with you. Instead he has left you this."

With that the guard handed him a a pair of standard inmate-issue notecards. As Phoenix took them, he felt a sudden tightness in his chest, his vision swam, but then, as quickly as it had began, it ended. Massaging his head, Phoenix began to read...

"Mister Phoenix Wright,
Upon hearing of my daughter's defeat at your hands, and the further blasphemies you have brought against the vonKarma name..." Phoenix paused at this point, licked his thumb, and turned the page, "I hereby refuse to meet with you from here on out.
-Manfred vonKarma"

"Hmmm, guess that makes my life a whole lot easier," Phoenix muttered.

Tuesday, April 15th, 2019; 1:18 PM
District Courthouse: Courtroom 12

"I then heard two gunshots..."
Phoenix's voice rang out across the courtroom.


He slammed his desk. "The report clearly states that the murder weap-"

Phoenix suddenly clutched at his chest, then he coughed, once, twice, blood came up. Then suddenly he spasmed and collapsed on the floor.


Chapter Two

Tuesday, April 15th, 2019; 9:44 PM
University of L.A. Hospital

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing more we can do."

Maya was standing outside of a hospital room. Inside she could see Phoenix, lying on the bed. He might've been sleeping, if not for all the life-support hooked up to him.

"It might be tuberculosis, but every medication we've put him on has had no effect."

Maya was talking to Dr. Nguyen, the doctor overseeing Phoenix's treatment. Tears welled in her eyes.

"How... how long does he have?"

"We have him on life support, so... maybe a week and a half. With luck two."

Maya began sobbing.



Maya perked up, there might be a way!

"I have heard of a great master of diagnostic medicine. Perhaps he and his team could save Mr. Wright."

"So.. if we can get Nick to this doctor, he can save him?"

"Perhaps. But there's a problem. This doctor works on the east coast, the costs of transporting a life-support patient across the country would be enormous."

Maya quickly added up her life savings with the Wright & Co. profits.

"We've got about $20,000."

Nguyen shook his head.

"It's not enough to cover the transportation and medical bills."

Tears welled in Maya's eyes. Once again she had failed to help. Once again she was useless. But this time was different. The price this time would be much greater.
If they didn't do anything...

Phoenix was going to die.

Last edited by Edgeworth on Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title

Yes, I'm a FredHead

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Yes, I know the chapters are short, but I just chopped it up at good intervals. The entire story is quite long though.
Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title

Yes, I'm a FredHead

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Chapter Three

Tuesday, April 15th, 2019; 9:51 PM
University of L.A. Hospital

"How much?"

Maya spun around to see none other than Miles Edgeworth standing there. How had he gotten there? No one had noticed him come in.

"How much to transport and pay for Wright's treatment?"

"Well... we're looking at some 80,000 to 100,000 dollars." Dr. Nguyen replied.

"I'll cover it."

Maya lept to her feet and embraced Edgeworth.

"Thank you thank you thank you!"

Edgeworth fidgeted, "No, it's nothing, really..." he mumbled.

Sunday, April 20th, 2019; 7:44 AM
Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital Parking Lot
Dr. James Wilson

Wilson ran out to the street where the ambulance waited. Apparently this patient had traveled all the way from California in a vegitative state just to recieve treatment here. He scanned over the report. Apparently he had been diagnosed with tuberculosis, but wasn't responding to any medicatio. Spasms, prone to seizures, coughing up blood, apparently some other symptoms of tuberculosis too.


"He's gonna have a field day with this you know."

That was his boss, Lisa Cuddy.

"I can see why they brought it to him though. It's right up his alley." Wilson said.

Phoenix was then rolled by, followed by a prosession of machienery.

"And how typical of him not to be here." Cuddy replied.


With that a red motorcycle sped into the parking lot.

"Speak of the devil."

Chapter Four

Sunday, April 20th, 2019; 7:49 AM
Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital
Dr. Gregory House

"Sorry I'm late. I was in jail again."

"Well, not everyone has a perscription to otherwise illegal narcotics, House," said Wilson.

"Tell that to the cops. Who's dying today?"

"His name is Phoenix Wright..."

"Phoenix Wright!? What kind of name is that!?

"He's a lawyer..."

"Dammit another ambulence chaser."

"He has tuberculosis, but his medications aren't working..."

"'His medications aren't working!' If I had a nickel for evertime I've heard that!"

"And his condition shows no signs of improving."

"If his condition was improving he wouldn't be here to see me."

To say Wilson was House's best friend was a huge misinterpretation. Wilson was House's only friend, and probably the only person who truly cared for House.

Grabbing his cane from his motorcycle, House limped through the hospital doors.

"Well lets take a look at our Mr. Wrong."

Sunday, April 20th, 2019; 8:04 AM
Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital: Phoenix's Room

When Phoenix awoke his first sensation was that of extreme pain.


"Calm down, we have you on painkiller, so the pain should only be temporary."

As he said, the pain lessened, but didn't completely subside. Phoenix looked up at the doctor, he was a tall african-american man sporting a black beard and mustache.

"My name is Dr. Foreman, I work for Dr. House, who will be overseeing your treatment."

"Nice to meet you."

Phoenix tried to shake his hand, but when he tried to extend his arm it exploded in pain.


"Just stay still. You'll be alright."

Phoenix nodded.

Foreman got up to leave, then hesitated.

" I feel I should warn you... if two words could describe Dr. House, those two words would be 'Manipulative Bastard.'"

Last edited by Edgeworth on Fri Jun 15, 2007 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title
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[Watchin' you]

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Interesting to mash PW with House....but it seems like the story itself needs more build-up. Like explaining how Nick got the TB, or maybe who he got it from that may be carrying it.

But other than that it's a good concept.

*Hopes Nick doesn't die* D:
Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title

Yes, I'm a FredHead

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All will be explained in due time, don't worry. As for the build up, I agree it could use some more, but I like to keep the reader wondering.
Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title

Yes, I'm a FredHead

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Chapter Five

Sunday, April 20th, 2019; 8:34 AM
Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital: House's Office
Dr. Chase

How many times had they been in this assortment? He was Dr. Robert Chase, a blond Austrailian. About a yard to his left was Ms. Cameron, a slender brunette. To her immediate left sat Foreman. They all shared in the misfortune of working for the man who was, ironically, probably the best doctor at Princeton-Plainsboro.

Dr. Gregory House.

Off in another corner sat Dr. Wilson. He didn't officially work for House, but was House's only friend and helped House on a lot of cases.

They were in a standard Medical Director office. It included a fading monitor for the patient's condition and a whiteboard. The odd thing was House's desk, covered in anything from tennis balls to comic books. In one corner of the desk sat House's Gameboy Advance SP (tm). House stood reading his universal whiteboard.

"Spasms, coughing up blood, prone to seizures..."

House went on to list the different symptoms.

Popping a handful of pills in to his mouth, House added, "Did I miss any?"

Wilson glanced at his clipboard, "No, you got them all."

Cameron spoke up first, "So he has tuberculosis?"

"Ah... No." House said frowning.

"But all of those are clear signs of Tuberculosis." That was Foreman.

"Yet according to the reports, all tuberculosis treatments have failed."

Finally Chase spoke, "The records show that the medications began to have some effect, but it was negated before it could be determined if it was for better or worse. Could there be something dettering the treatment?"

“I hate you asking questions on the premise that I’m wrong. I’m going to run some tests.”

Cameron interjected- “You can’t just disregard our opinions House! Haven’t you ever heard ‘there’s no ‘I’ in team!?’”

“Yes, but there is a ‘Me’ if you jumble it up a bit.”

And with that House limped off.
Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title

Yes, I'm a FredHead

Gender: Male

Location: Under a rock somewhere.

Rank: Desk Jockey

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Posts: 110

Chapter Six
Sunday, April 20th, 2019; 10:08 AM
Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital: Phoenix's Room

Phoenix lay awake in his bed, unable to sleep. After a while he was almost asleep when...


The door flew open, and the last person he would expect to be working in a hospital limped in. He was unshaven, wearing a tattered coat, had matted hair, and was complete with bags under his eyes.

Phoenix knew exactly who he was.

"You must be Dr. House."

"You must be the dying ambulence chaser."

House limped over to the monitors and checked something. Growing tired of the silence, Phoenix spoke up.

"Dr. Foreman told me you were a manipulative bastard."

"It's just a pet name. I call him Dr. Bling."

House picked up a syringe and poured something into it.

I just need to give you an injection. It should give us a better idea of what the hell is wrong with you."

"That's reassuring."

House didn't respond. He walked over and stuck the needle into Phoenix's arm. Phoenix winced as the cold metal pierced his skin.

Sunday, April 20th, 2019; 10:44 AM
Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital: House's Office
Dr. James Wilson

A flickering diagram of Phoenix was displayed on the monitor.

"I'm a department head! Why don't I have hi-def in my office!?" House mumbled. "Anyways, the medication never makes it past here."

With that House indicated the left shoulder with his cane. The capilaries become impassible, I just don't know why..."

Only three people were in the room. Houle, Wilson, and Chase.

"Maybe there's an AVM?" (Arteriovenous Malformation) Chase suggested.

"If he had an AVM he would've had reprecussions before."

"Wouldn't hurt to check."

House was about to interject, when the door flew open and Foreman and Cameron barged in.

"We've got gland swelling!"

"What, both of you?" House said.

Sunday, April 20th, 2019; 10:23 AM
Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital: Phoenix's Room
Dr. Chase

"His throat's swelling!"

"He can't breathe!"

The surgical caps and masks obscured the faces of the some helf-dozen doctors in the room. A certain doctor with a cane limped over to Chase.

"Since when does tuberculosis cause gland swelling?"

"The patient is dying here and you're gloating!?" Chase shouted while trying to perform surgery on Phoenix's neck. They had to hurry and shrink the glands, he didn't have much time left.

"Not gloating, simply putting emphasis on the fact that I was right."

"The first thing we need to do is figure out why no medications are working!"

"If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, he doesn'y have an AVM!"

"If you won't check, I will!"
Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title

Yes, I'm a FredHead

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Location: Under a rock somewhere.

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Posts: 110

Chapter Seven

Sunday, April 20th, 2019; 7:55 PM
Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital: Dir. Cuddy's Office
Gregory House

Chase stormed into the room and slapped some files on to the desk.

"The AVM tests came back positive."

"The patient almost died this morning, and you're gloating?"

"Very funny House. We're going to need to conduct immediate surgery."

"So, we conduct the surgery, cure his deformity, and we go home, pat ourselves on the back for a job well done, and still have no clue what the hell is wrong with him!"

Dr. Cuddy picked up the files and looked over them.

"It's so close to his heart! How has this never affected him before?"

"We don't know."

Picking up his cane, House stood up. "I'll go tell Foreman to do that surgery."

Sunday, April 20th, 2019; 8:29 PM
Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital: Lobby

Maya had scarcely left the lobby all day. Earlier that morning, something had been going on near Nick's room, but a doctor wouldn't let her in.

*clack* *clack* *clack*

A rough looking man with a cane limped up to her.

"Wh-who are you?"

"I'm doctor House. Possibly the only person who can keep your friend from dying."


"Your friend has an AVM, an Arteriovenous Malformation, which is a deformity in blood vessel composition. His capillaries are almost completely inactive, that's why no medication could work. We're performing surgery as we speak."

"So.. Nick'll be alright?" Maya said as her face brightened.

"I'm not promising you anything, but his chances have improved."
Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title

Yes, I'm a FredHead

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Chapter Eight

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2019; 8:01 PM
Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital: House's Office
Dr. Foreman

"Lately we've been showing signs of minor seizures, difficulty breathing, and a burning sensation."

Wilson was briefing the team on Wright's worsening condition. A revised whiteboard included Difficulty breathing, Rash, Burning sensation, and discoloration of the skin as symptoms.

The team was stumped.

Chase spoke up, "Maybe something else caused this, maybe it's not a natural disease."

"That's definitley a possibility," Foreman said, "We've ruled out everything else."

"Exactly! I told you idiots yesterday to test for heavy metals poisoning!"

"House, you were high yesterday," Cameron stated, "Nobody paid any attention to you."

"Well then go test it now! And why are all the blinds closed? It's a beautiful day out!"

"House, it's after 8 PM." Foreman said, rolling his eyes.

House glanced around, "It's still Tuesday, right?"

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2019; 8:40 PM
Plainsboro International Airport
Miles Edgeworth

~Now disboarding Flight 2178 with service from L.A. at Gate A12~


Miles Edgeworth had just arrived from LA to check on Wright's progress with this Dr. House. He had to wait for a bit, though. Franziska was flying in from Germany upon hearing that Wright was showing no signs of improvement.

Edgeworth walked over to a coffee bar and purchased a cup of tea. Sitting down to drink, Miles began to ponder his situation.

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2019; 5:00 PM
LA District Precinct
Dick Gumshoe

The police chief had called a meeting, all detectives were required to come.

"A message has just arrived from New Jersy."

Some scattered shuffling.

"The sender needs a volunteer to do near impossible work, without pay, all to help a certain Mr. Wright."

Only one volunteered.

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019; 10:49 AM
Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital: House's Office
Dir. Lisa Cuddy

"House, one person responded to your request."

"Really? I just sent it to see what would happen."

"A Detective Gumshoe went and collected everything Wright interacted with on the day of his collapse."

Cuddy placed a large box on House's desk.

"Great. Now have Chase examine it all for particles of anything that could potentially kill someone."

Cuddy scowled. "You're a piece of work, ya know."

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019; 11:55 AM
Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital: Exam Room
Gregory House

House sat at the microscope with Gumshoe's box of crap.

Cameron stormed in, "The heavy metals test proved negative for Mercury."

"Try again."

"There are over 15 heavy metals that can kill, House! Heavy metals tests take a long time to do!"

"I know. That's why I'm heading home early. Have fun."

House was silent for a minute, then something caught his eye.

"Wait... run the test again..."

House spun in his chair.

"Only this time test for gold."
Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title
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Thanks to detriment at LJ!

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Nya! I love the sarcastic comments from House!
"...Your animal analogies have grown tiresome!"
Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title

Yes, I'm a FredHead

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Me too! He's a very fun character to write! I was considering giving Nick lupus, but, as all House MD Fans know, 'it's never lupus.'
Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title

Yes, I'm a FredHead

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Chapter Nine

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2019; 2:13 PM
Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital: Phoenix's Room


The pain was extreme now. He guessed that he didn't have much time left...

*clack* *clack* *clack*

He could tell who was coming before they even got there.


The door slammed open and in stormed House.

Pausing to speak, House obtained a more pleasant demeanor, as if he were chatting to someone over lunch, instead of a dying man in extreme pain contorted on a hospital bed.

"Some people have an interesting habit, you know. They will lick thier thumb when turning a page in a book or pamphlet," there was a sudden gleam in House's eyes, "Do you?"

"Y-y-yesss... w-why?" Phoenix barely managed to get this out.

"Nothing really. Only that you've been poisoned by ingesting gold into your system from these notecards."

House tossed on to the bed none other than the crds given to him by vonKarma over two weeks ago.

"I've got good news and bad news." House said.

"Th-the goo-od?" Phoenix croaked.

"The good news is that we can cure you. The bad news is that I'm out of Vicodin and am about to become very angry if someone doesn't get me some MORE!" House's voice rose to a shout by the end of the sentence, and outside several nurses ran to get Wilson to perscribe him some more.

Yeah, it was a short chapter, but there's only one more in Part One, then we're on to Part Two!

Last edited by Edgeworth on Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title
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Me likey bouncy!

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Hmm, bad at all. Very interesting. I think you got the characters persoalities down pretty well, I think things went a bit too fast, but other than that not bad.
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Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title

Yes, I'm a FredHead

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Posts: 110

Thanks for the comments everyone! So without further ado, here's the final chapter of Part One!

Chapter Ten

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2019; 6:55 PM
Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital: Lobby

"Mr. Wright will be okay."

As Foreman spoke these words Maya began to cry, Edgeworth became somewhat less rigid, and if Franziska was relieved, she did a fairly horrible job of showing it.

"The surgery and transfusions were sucessful, we only need to put him on some medication, you can see him by tommorrow."

Thursday, April 24th, 2019; 9:04 AM
L.A. Prison: Solitary Confinement
Manfred vonKarma

Manfred vonKarma lay silently on his cot, resting. He heard footsteps and glanced lazily in the direction of the door.


The door swung open and a dozen police officers stormed in.

"Manfred vonKarma?"

After he got over the shock of what had just happened, he nodded.

"You're under arrest for attempted murder!"

With that they handcuffed him and dragged him off to the detention center.

Thursday, April 24th, 2019; 2:21 PM
Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital: House's Office

"It might've been an accident."

"The man's in prison! Gold is not normally distributed among inmates."

Six people were meeting here to discuss the poisoning of Phoenix Wright. Miles Edgeworth, Franziska vonKarma, a temporarily wheelchair-bound Phoenix, Maya Fey, Director Cuddy was there, and to top it off, a very-annoyed-that-they-had-to-meet-in-his-office House.

"vonKarma faced Phoenix in court. Odds are he would've known about Wright's habit." Edgeworth pointed out, "He is a man for details."

"Papa could've scraped gold from his wedding ring." Franziska suggested.

Then, after almost a half-hour of discussion, House spoke up, "We've already established that this guy poisoned spikehead. The question is, will we take him to court? He's already in jail."

"We will. But where?" Phoenix said, "Not in L.A, there he has power over judges and prosecutors."

"And not here," added Miles, "here he could manipulate doctors and patients as to what they saw."

Looking out the window Phoenix said, "What about New York? It's close enough."

"Sure, anything to get you people out of my office." House said, playing his Gameboy, "And I'm guessing you'll all want me to make the arrangements."

Cuddy, standing up, said "Over my dead body! You'll get the entire New York court system pissed off at us! I'll make the arrangements."

"Good. Less work for me."

Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title

Yes, I'm a FredHead

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Location: Under a rock somewhere.

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Joined: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:48 pm

Posts: 110

Hope you all liked Part One! I also added a bit to the end of Ch. 1, nothing major though. Ch 1 of Part Two will be up on Monday!
Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title
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Thanks to detriment at LJ!

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Yay! Keep writing!
"...Your animal analogies have grown tiresome!"
Re: Edgeworth's FanficTopic%20Title

Gender: Female

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Hi, this story really great and I really want to know what will happened to Nick and Von Karma! Why you didn't continue?? Or you post the update in another forum/site?? I'm craving for this story update >,<
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