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Feenris 4ever ♥

Gender: Female

Rank: Desk Jockey

Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:20 am

Posts: 87


^Thanks to Megan-Chan for the awesome banner!
Thanks for reading, everyone, and please, take the time to review! I'm open to all constructive criticism :pearl:


Title: Soul Mates
Author: FlameTamer16 (aka Skye)
Pairing: Phoenix/Iris
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama/Romance/Humor
Warnings: Fluff, Spoilers for GS3 and GS4
Status: In Progress

Summary: It's been a tough seven years. Even so, Phoenix finally finds the courage to return to Hazakura temple. With his life back in motion, will Phoenix be able to become the Ace Attorney he once was, and save everyone - and himself - yet again?


Just a note, when I pasted all this on here from, it didn't copy the italics, so you can't clearly tell when someone's thinking. I'll get around to fixing it as soon as possible. Anyway, enjoy! :godot:

Spoiler: Chapter 1 - That Pink Sweater
Phoenix Wright looked into the mirror. Staring back he saw a young man in a gray hoodie, with spiky black hair sticking out from under a blue beanie cap. The only irregular things about the man in the mirror were his eyes. At first glance they were ordinary, soft brown eyes. But if you looked deeper, you saw the pain of a broken man. Seven years ago he had lost everything. His job, his friends, and his life. And that could have been just bearable. But then he gave up the one he loved the most, even though it ripped him in two. He still felt the pain now; a stabbing, ripping sensation in his chest every time he thought of her. Her long, raven black hair, her beautiful, heart-melting smile, and the adorable baby-pink hue her cheeks took on when she blushed.

Phoenix bit his lip, trying to stop the pain from overwhelming him. He needed to be strong: for Trucy, and for himself. Hah. Who was he kidding? If it wasn't for Trucy he would have been a wreck in a few months, by now most likely insane.

Forcing back the pain, Phoenix opened the closet door to pull out a new sweater (he had spilt grape juice all over his current one). As he groped through the messy wardrobe, something caught his eye that brought the pain back again, so sharply he had to sit down, pulling the item of interest along with him. He stared at it for a long while and then finally slipped it on under his hoodie. He then zipped the hoodie up to hide the fluffy, pink sweater underneath, with a large P sown onto the front. He had made up his mind.

Grabbing his cell phone, Phoenix darted out the door, stopping only breifly to lock it, and then made his way down the stairs and entered the lobby. He walked outside and hailed a cab.

"The Train Station," he told the driver. On the way there, Phoenix picked up his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Apollo Justice here."

"Apollo. I need you to look after Trucy today."

"Sure Mr. Wright," Apollo sighed.

"She's coming home at five", Phoenix informed him. "Spare key under the mat."

"I'll be there," Apollo confirmed. He disconnected the line.

"That will be eleven dollars," the taxi driver informed him.

Phoenix paid and got out of the cab. He walked over to the Station's information counter.

"Hello, can I help you?"

"Er, yes," Phoenix answered. Taking a deep breath, he asked, "When is the next train to Hazukura?"

Spoiler: Chapter 2 - Hazakura
It was freezing at Hazukara Station. Phoenix was extreamly glad he had worn a sweater as well as a hoodie. This sweater really is warm, He thought. I can still remember the day she gave it to me…..'Stop right there, Phoenix', a voice in his head commanded. 'You never know. Maybe she's forgotten about you, and moved on...'

The thought was too much for Phoenix to bear. Biting down on his lip hard, he trudged through the snow to Hazukara Temple.

The temple's gate became visible afer just a few minutes. However, Phoenix was so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he would have missed it altogether if it wasn't for the loud, booming laughter bringing him back to his senses. "Wahahahahha!"

Startled, Phoenix jumped and looked around. And there, just in front of the gate, stood a short, slightly plump nun wearing a demon warding hood. "What can I do for you?" Sister Bikini asked, obviously not recignising him. "I'm here to see Sister I-I-Ir-is" Phoenix bartely managed the last word. "She's in the main hall, preparing dinner", Bikini said, and with that she walked off in the direction of the courtyard. As soon as she was out of his line of sight, Phoenix unzipped his hoodie, took it off and stuffed it under his arm. And then, for the first time in seven years, Phoenix Wright took off his hat.

Iris slowly peeled a potatoe and placed it in a nearly-full pot of hot water. As she rinsed her knife, another salty drop was added to the small puddle on the floor. It was that day, many years ago, that she had met her Feenie in that college...'Shut up! He's not your Feenie anymore!' A voice in her head sounded harshly. Two more drops hit the floor. What did I do wrong? she thought. Even after seven years, the hurt had never healed. I can still remember when he said my name. My real name..."Iris!" Just like that, she thought. Wait a minute. She looked up in surprise. "Oh". She must be hallucinating now. Because right there, only a few yards away was her Feenie, with his spiky black hair, and still wearing the pink sweater she made for him. He even had the same, unsure look on his face as he approached her, one sep at a time.

"Ohhhh", she moaned, now sobbing uncontrolably, her hand still clentched tightly around the knife's handle. If I plunge this knife into my chest, she thought, would it end all of this? The excruciating pain, the overwhelming longing?

"IRIS!" She heard, through the ripping sound of her sobs, and felt a warm hand brush hers. She recognised that touch. All of a sudden, the pain stopped. Her mind went blank. Her heart pounded like it would beat out of her chest. She clutched his arm, and stared into his warm brown eyes, now filled with fear.

And then the world went black.

Spoiler: Chapter 3 - Forgiveness
Phoenix quickly lurched forward, catching Iris before she fell to the floor. He then snatched the knife she was clutching and dropped it in the basin. Lifting her easily in his arms, he sat down on one of the large, over-sized cushions and lay her gently on the floor, resting her head on his lap. Carefully, he brushed a strand of her raven black hair behind her ear. He then unfolded his hoodie, and laid it across her like a blanket. Phoenix cradled Iris gently and waited patiently but nervously for Iris to awaken.

A few minutes later, her eyes fluttered open.

"Feenie?" she asked weakly, tears welling up in her eyes again. "Oh, Feenie!" she cried, wrapping her arms around his waist and sobbing into his sweater. The only thing that kept Phoenix from joining her were words that rang in his head from long ago, Mia's words of wisdom. "You can't cry now Phoenix. The only time a lawyer can when it's all over."

Instead, Phoenix wrapped his arms around Iris and held her while she sobbed, occasionally fingering her long, black hair. Neither knew how long they sat there, Iris crying, and Phoenix resisting the urge to break down himself. Instead he pushed away all his pain, sorrow, and guilt, and tried to fill himself with the joy of the moment. They were reunited at last.

Finally, a few minutes later, Iris looked up. Her eyes were red and bloodshot, while Phoenix's were careful and guarded. She folded her legs into the same position as him.

"Feenie," she began.

Phoenix braced himself for the painful questions that were sure to come.

"Feenie, what did I do wrong?" Her voice broke on the last word.

Phoenix closed his eyes, but was unable to stop pain from showing on his face. His words came out half strangled. "P-please, Ir-is, n-ever think y-ou di-d anything wr-ong," he said, biting his lip so hard it started to bleed. "Seven years ago - when I was disbarred, I lost everything. But I still had you. And I was OK. I could move on. But when I thought about it - I had no job, no life - how could I s-support us, if it came to that? Y-you deserve more, Iris, than...than a pianist who can't even play a single song. S-so even though it hurt me more than anything I had ever done... overall, all I j-just wanted you to be happy. Because... Because I love you Iris, more than anything in the world."

"Oh, Feenie," Iris murmured, staring into his pain-filled eyes. She took his hand, hoping to ease his pain.

He gave her hand a gentle squeeze before he continued. "But I realize that it was the most stupid thing I ever did." He looked up, and locked eyes with her. "Iris - could you ever forgive me for what I've done?"

"Feenie!" Iris exclaimed. HE was asking forgiveness from her, when the answer was obvious? When all along he was trying to protect her? To make her happy? "Oh, Feenie, of course! How could I not! All those years ago, when you forgave me for deceiving you...and even when you pushed me away, you were just trying to make me happy!"

"Thank you," he said. A single tear escaped and left a small water stain on his jeans.

"Feenie," Iris tugged on his arm, eager to change the subject. But Phoenix's eyes remained hidden, and she knew he was torturing himself on the inside. Scrambling for something to say, she blurted the first thing that came to her mind. "Would you like to see my room, Feenie?"

It was so unexpected, It snapped Phoenix out of his depressing thoughts. "Huh?"

"Come on, I'll show you," Iris insisted, pulling at his sleeve. Still slightly confused by the abrupt change of subject, he let Iris lead him into a room overlooking the courtyard.

Spoiler: Chapter 4 - Unforgiveness
"This is a nice, erm, place you got here," Phoenix commented, gesturing around the room.

A single bed sat in the corner, with a basic wooden table and bookshelf at the far wall. A large window overlooked the courtyard. They could see Sister Bikini shoveling snow outside.

"I'm glad you like it, Feenie," Iris said, turning around to face him. But he was no longer next to her. In fact, he was across the room, examining an old, dusty newspaper article lying in the corner. Fear shot through Iris. "Ah, Feenie," Iris said, her voice a pitch higher in stress. "Could you please not-"

"Iris, what is this?" Phoenix interrupted her in a deadly quiet voce.

Iris swallowed. It was too late. He had already read it. "Er-"

"Please tell me it's not what I think it is."

Shaking, Phoenix slowly lowered himself onto the bed. He let out a low moan and covered his face in his hands.

"Feenie?" Iris asked nervously. They had been reunited at last, and she didn't want the moment to be tainted by that stupid thing she did six years ago...

"What have I done?" Phoenix asked weakly, rocking back and forth.

"Feenie, it's not your fault-"

"Oh yes it is!" Phoenix exclaimed, a sudden fury coming over him. "Don't lie to me Iris! Don't tell me you jumped off Dusky Bridge for some other reason!" he cried, gesturing towards the newspaper article: an attempted suicide report.

"But- but it was for another reason!" Iris insisted in vain.

"I can see your Psyche Locks," Phoenix said quietly, his hand clenching around the Magatama hanging around his neck. "You can't deny it when I have evidence."

Evidence, she thought. Once a lawyer, always a lawyer, I guess.

Phoenix was trembling on the bed. "I'm a monster," he moaned. "What have I done?"

"Phoenix," Iris said firmly, for once not calling him by his pet name, "what I did was...stupid. I wasn't strong enough, and..." Her voice broke off. "But I don't want this coming up again. Please. We are finally back together, after seven years, and I don't want that stupid jump I made affecting us now. P-please, Feenie."

"But Iris." he said, somewhat softer, " nearly died be-because of me!"

"And you nearly died because of ME as well!" Iris exclaimed, desperate for something to distract him from the torture he was putting himself through now.

It worked.

"What?" he asked, looking up.

"All those years ago? Dahlia was this close to killing you just because I couldn't get back that damned bottle!" she cried, tears of guilt and rage welling up in her eyes.

"But that was years ago," he argued.

"So was this," Iris countered.

Phoenix looked into her pleading eyes, and with a defeated sigh, gave in. He always would. He would never be able to do anything that hurt her or made her unhappy, and vice versa.

"Let's just forget about this. All of it," she said, taking his hand and sitting next to him on the bed.

Phoenix knew she was right. There was a ring of truth to her words that he hadn't considered before. Iris had forgiven him. Now the only question was: could he forgive himself? He could see what she was proposing. He forgave himself; and she forgave herself for that incident in college.

Finally, a teasing smile came to his lips, though it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"You're taking advantage of the fact that I can't do anything that upsets you," he said softly.

Iris looked up at him shyly. "I don't like to see you sad, Feenie."

They were both back to normal, it seemed. I wonder what happened before, Phoenix reflected. It must have been all her pent up anger and guilt from that poisoning case... he shook his head, trying to clear it. Now was not the time for that.

Now was the time for celebrating their reunion.

Spoiler: Chapter 5 - Peeling Potatoes
Phoenix and Iris sat on her bed, talking.

"Would you like to come back to the Talent Agency?" Phoenix finally asked. "You can stay with us. It's not really an office anymore, you know."

"Us?" Iris inquired.

"My adopted daughter, Trucy, and I," he explained. "I know you don't like it much here in Hazakura."

"Really, Feenie?" Iris asked, her eyes shining.

"Of course! Anyway, I'm getting reinstated in just about a month, so everything can get back to how it was... seven years ago."

"That's great, Feenie!" Iris exclaimed. Tears of joy welled up in her eyes as she thought of the bliss-filled days to come.

Phoenix took her hand, and together they walked back to the Main Hall. They were so caught up in the moment that they didn't even notice Sister Bikini until she gave a loud, over-the-top clearing of the throat, not unlike Marvin Grossberg's. Both Phoenix and Iris jumped.

"Ahahaha! And dinner's going to cook itself, I take it?" Bikini's voice sounded stern, but there was a mischievous glint in her eyes that gave her away.

Despite the fact that she was teasing, Iris blushed. "A-ah! Sister Bikini! O-of course I'm working on dinner. I'll get back to it soon...but...can I speak to you for a moment?"

She and bikini left the room, Iris signaling to Phoenix that she would be a few minutes.

While he waited, an idea came to Phoenix's mind. Sauntering over to the kitchenette in the corner of the main hall, he examined Iris's work so far. Several large potatoes were unpeeled and floating in a pot of water. A few more lay at the side, yet to be peeled. Brown peels littered the counter. Smiling to himself, Phoenix picked the knife and one of the potatoes and set to work.


Iris returned from her talk with sister Bikini a few minutes later to find all the potato skin gone, all the unpeeled ones in the pot, and one Phoenix Wright standing sheepishly by the counter, holding a paper towel to his hand, which appeared to be bleeding profusely.

"Feenie!" she cried, rushing forward. "Are you alright?"

Phoenix turned a bit red. "Eh heh heh. Well, I tried to, er, help out with dinner, but, um, as you can see, I can't even handle peeling some potatoes without slicing my hand open." He hung his head as he said those last words, abashed.

Gently, Iris took his bleeding hand in both of hers. She peeled off the soggy paper towel and carefully examined the wound. In his eagerness to help out with dinner, Phoenix had somehow managed to slash his hand with the knife quite badly. A long, deep gash ran from his third knuckle to the base of his thumb.

"Sister Bikini?" Iris called, her voice slightly strained. "Could you please bring over a first aid kit?"

"I've got one right here," Bikini said calmly, coming over from the storage cupboard and handing a small medical kit to her.

Iris opened it up and gently cleaned Feenie's hand, and mopped up all the blood. Then she gingerly wrapped his hand in a white bandage.

"Thank you, Rissy," he whispered in her ear when she was done.

She turned a little pink.

"I-It's nothing, Feenie," she stammered. Taking his good hand, she stepped back so they were side by side.

"So, Mr. Wright, you're back at last!" Bikini greeted him. "I must say, I can hardly recognize you, especially with that cap on," she said, glancing up at the hat that Phoenix had placed back on his head.

He chuckled. "Well, I guess I have changed quite a bit." His expression then turned serious. "Sister Bikini, I -"

"I know, I know," the Head Nun laughed. Gesturing towards Iris, she continued, "She told me everything. Just make sure you take care of her, Mr. Wright."

"I will," Phoenix vowed. And it was one promise he knew he would never, ever break.


Spoiler: Chapter 6 - Giving In


3:35 pm

"Mommy! Daddy! I'm hooooome!" Trucy Wright called as she darted down the Wright Anything Agency's hall leading to the bedrooms. "Trucy!" Phoenix Wright smiled, emerging from one of the rooms. He gave his sixteen year old daughter a hug and followed her into the 'living room' part of the agency. "So, how was school, Trucy?" "It was so much fun!" Trucy exclaimed. Father and daughter sat down on the couch together. "Wait", she said. "Where's Mommy?"

Trucy had taken to calling Iris 'mommy' only a few days after she moved in. Iris was surprised but pleased, and did her very best to be a good mother to Trucy. She quickly fell in place with the Wright's relaxed routine.

"Mommy's at the drug store. She'll be here any minute no-"The sound of the doorbell ringing cut him short. "Ah", he smiled, walking towards the entrance

He opened the door to a beautiful woman with light skin and long, flowing black hair. "Welcome home", he said softly, with a heart-warming smile.

Iris stepped inside, and he closed the door. "So," Phoenix began, wrapping his arms around her. "May I ask you what amazing new medicine at the drug store caused there to be a two hour long cue?" he asked, smiling, with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Iris blushed furiously and stammered. "Er-I- um – I went to, um, pick up some, er, m-mouthwash", she finished lamely. Phoenix raised an eyebrow. Mouthwash? That was undoubtedly the most miserable excuse he had ever heard. Iris went, if possible, even redder. However, thanks to his finely-honed poker skills, he didn't miss the slight motion she made, slipping something yellow and round into her pocket.

As if that wasn't enough, two Psyche-Locks closed over her chest. But Phoenix didn't press her. He was quite curios about her secret, however, the badly formed lie indicated it was somewhat unimportant. He had no doubt he would find out about it later. So rather than force it out of her, he'd rather have some fun.

"Whatever you say then, Rissy," he told her, far from sarcastic. Once again he beamed, and tried his best to sound genuine.

Iris instantly felt guilty as she saw his trusting smile, even for a little unimportant thing. She had always hated lying to him, and now, after that incident, even the smallest untruth, even if it was for a surprise, left a lump in her throat.

"Um, ok, then, Feenie, I'll just, um, put this in the, er, bathroom," Iris said hurriedly, giving his hand a squeeze and then practically running down the corridor, only to be stopped by one overactive magician.

"Mommy!" Trucy cried, bouncing up and down in excitement. "Hi, Trucy," Iris greeted her, forcing a smile. Her eyes darted nervously from the girl in front of her and Phoenix, who was watching them, and then back again. Not wanting to stress her out further, he chuckled to himself and walked over to the kitchen, where he pretended to start preparing dinner. In reality, however, he was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"How was your day at school, Trucy?" Iris voice was a lot less stressed now that Phoenix wasn't watching them. Out of the corner of his eyes, Phoenix saw her edging towards the bedroom. "It was great Mommy! I made a new friend – her name is Katy. She's a BIG fan of Troupe Gramaraye. She really likes magic!" Trucy continued, hyper as usual. "Um, that's great, Trucy!" Iris commented. "Just give me a second, Ok? I need to put something in the room..." And with that, she rushed down the hall once more.

Iris closed the door behind her, and, franticly searching for a place to put her bag, spotted a small, inconspicuous cabinet right next to the armchair. Perfect, she thought, stuffing the bag right at the back of the concealed hiding-hole. As soon as her 'surprise' was safely stowed away, Iris once again became calm.

She went back out into the hall, and walked back to the main section of the agency.

Trucy was most likely in her room, as Iris couldn't see her anywhere else, and Phoenix was in the kitchen, once again attempting to make dinner by roughly cutting chunks of vegetables and lamb with a large knife and placing them into a pan.

Iris came up silently behind him and placed her hands gently on top of his. "Don't," she murmured in his ear. "Remember what happened last time?"

Phoenix turned and looked at her sheepishly, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "Ah ha ha. I don't think I'll forget." He glanced down at the puckered pink line that ran down the back of his hand. Iris giggled and took the knife from him. "Here, let me do it." She began to neatly chop the vegetables.

Phoenix watched her work with a guilty expression on his face. "Are you sure there's nothing I can do, Rissy? I feel bad, letting you do everything. You cook dinner every night." Once again, Iris laughed. "It's ok. I like cooking. I make dinner every day at Hazukara."

She scooped up the chopped vegetables, placed them in the pan, and began working on the meat.

"Exactly," Phoenix said. "But I wanted it to be different for you here. I didn't want you to work so much, and-"

She put a finger to his lips, silencing him. "Shh. It's fine, Feenie, I promise," she said, giving him a heart melting smile.

"O-okay, Rissy. If you say so," he replied. Seeing her beautiful smile had simply drained him of all his will, and he gave in. Like always, Phoenix thought with a chuckle.

"Why don't you go spend some time with Trucy?" Iris suggested, turning back to the chopping board. "That's a great idea, Rissy," Phoenix agreed, pausing to quickly kiss Iris's cheek before making his way down the corridor to Trucy's room.

Now slightly pink, Iris resumed her task of cooking dinner.

Spoiler: Chapter 7 - That Purple Beanie
An hour later, Iris, Phoenix and Trucy sat at the Talent Agency's small wooden dining table for dinner.

"Ah," said Phoenix, once they were done. "That was fantastic. Like always, Rissy," he smiled at her, causing her to blush. "Ah-um-thank you, Feenie. It's nothing, though. It's not that great, really-"

"Yes it is, Mommy!" Trucy interrupted, making Iris flush even darker. "Your food's the best!"

Phoenix chuckled. "Guess you can't argue with both of us, now, can you?" he smiled, his eyes twinkling.

Phoenix helped Iris with the dishes while Trucy zoomed off to her room again. Whilst they were working, Iris decided to try her luck again, one last time. Tugging at his blue beanie cap, she said, "Please, Feenie, can you take it off?"

Phoenix laughed. "Of course not, Rissy! You've asked me so many times, already, but I've worn it for so long, I can't"

Phoenix's face paled as he trailed off. "Feenie?" Iris as asked worriedly. But he wasn't listening. E closed his eyes and the surroundings melted, only to be replaced by those in a memory from long ago...

"Feenie? Please, can I have that necklace back?" Phoenix laughed. "I can't take this off, Dollie! It's a symbol of our love!" "Ah-yes-I-of course, you're right..."

"Neck-k-l-ace," Phoenix choked, his eyes snapping open. He swayed on the spot, looking quite green. "Necklace?" Iris asked, confused. Then she put two and two together and gasped, realising her mistake.

"A-ack! Necklace! Er-I..." She flailed, searching for something to say. "I...sorry! I said it wrong..." Phoenix shook his head, slowly returning to his normal color. "No – no, it's okay. I was just reminded of some...past memories."

They both turned back to the dishes, and there was an awkward silence for a few minutes before Iris broke it. "I-I really am sorry, Feenie. I didn't mean to-""It's okay", Phoenix assured, turning to smile warmly at her. She smiled back, and the tension lifted.

Once they were done, Phoenix made his way over to the 'living room' and sat down. "Um, Feenie?" Iris asked, standing nervously a few feet away. Maybe she's going to revel that 'secret' now, he thought. "I have something to show you. Wait here, okay?" And with that she rushed off down the hall.

Phoenix's curiosity grew. What could this 'surprise' be? Obviously what she bought from the 'drugstore' or where ever else she really went...he pondered this for a while.

Meanwhile, Iris retrieved the bag she had stashed behind the armchair earlier, and pulled out something purple and thick from the inside. She then reached into her pocket and pulled out a large, round, yellow smiley-face button and pinned it on the purple item.

Then, she placed the violet Mama beanie cap on her head, and left the room

Iris proudly entered the 'living room' and watched Phoenix's eyes widen in surprise as he took in what he was seeing. Iris giggled. "Do you like it, Feenie?" She sat down next to him on the couch.

Phoenix put his arm around her and smiled. "I love it, Rissy" he said. "But-""But?"Iris asked, trying her best to stop the smirk from showing on her face. "But then I can't see your beautiful braids, Rissy," he said gently, slowly pulling the Mama cap off. Iris yanked it back on, smiling mischievously.

"I'm glad you like it, Feenie, because I'm not taking it off until you take of yours." Her voice was slightly smug.

Phoenix crossed his arms. "That's not fair, Rissy." "Yes, it is!" Iris sang, giggling. He sighed, and looked at her for a long while. Sighing again, Phoenix reluctantly took off the blue Papa hat.

"Thank You, Feenie!" Iris exclaimed happily. She leaned forward and kissed him softly on his lips.

"Hey," Phoenix teased playfully. "How am I supposed to be all upset about losing my hat with you distracting me like that?" he asked, crossing his arms again in mock annoyance.

Iris giggled shyly and rested her head against his shoulder. "I won't let you be sad, Feenie," she said with conviction.

Phoenix chuckled quietly and kissed her forehead. "I love you, Rissy." Iris's eyes were closed, and when she replied him her words were slightly slurred with sleep. "I love you too, Feenie." Within a few seconds she was asleep.

Phoenix smiled, and scooped Iris up in his arms, careful not to wake her, and carried her over to the bedroom.

"Goodnight, Iris" he whispered, gently tucking her into bed. He watched her peaceful, sleeping face for a moment, and then turned off the lights and left the room.

Spoiler: Chapter 8 - Burnt Hands & Golden Badges
8:05 AM

Phoenix ran down the hall, a broad smile on his face. 31st January. Today was the day he got his badge back.

The difference between the Phoenix now and the Phoenix from a month ago was astounding. He had change dramatically over the past four weeks, since Iris had moved in. Anybody could see the change; Iris saw it, Trucy saw it, Apollo saw it, even Guy Eldoon down at the local noodle stand saw it when Phoenix came for a meal.

It was kind of hard to miss, actually. Not only had he stopped wearing his beanie; he ditched his gray hoodie, too, and instead wore the navy-blue turtlenecks that Iris had made him. Not only was there a change in his clothes, but in his attitude and personality, too. He was recovering from the locked up state he had been in for seven years, and was becoming more like the old Phoenix every day.

He made his way over to the kitchen, nearly bouncing with excitement. He searched the counter for a package, not even noticing Iris standing there, frying some eggs. "Um... what are you looking for, Feenie?" He looked up in surprise. "Oh! Good morning, Rissy!" He exclaimed, picking her up in a huge hug and swinging her around. "Um...are you alright, Feenie?" Iris asked uncertainly, once he had put her down.

"Excellent!" Phoenix replied, practically dancing. He searched through the clutter on the counter before finally coming across a small package. "Here it is!" he cried in delight. "Here is what?" Iris asked. She had never seen him so excited. Well, if you excluded their time in college. "My attorney's badge!" he explained. Phoenix ripped off the paper to reveal a long letter from some High Justice Lawyer, blah blah blah, and then finally he came across a small, golden badge.

"Yes!" He held the badge out for Iris to see. Only then did he realize that she was slightly tense. He placed he badge back on the counter and took her hand. "Are you okay, Rissy?" She relaxed. "Y-yes, I'm fine, Feenie. You just startled me a bit."

"Sorry," he said sincerely, an apologetic expression on his face.

"No, it's OK. I know this means a lot to you," she smiled. Phoenix grinned back and grabbed the badge, and released her hand to pin it on his lapel. Then he realized he was wearing a sweater. "Ah," he said sheepishly. "I'm going to need a new suit."

They both laughed.

Just then, Trucy emerged from her room. "Mommy? Daddy?" she asked tiredly, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. "Hey there, Truce," Phoenix smiled at his daughter and ruffled her hair. "Hi, Trucy!" Iris said, embracing her. "You want some eggs? I was just making...some." She glanced over to the frying pan, where the omelettes lay burnt.

Iris sighed and made her way back to the kitchen. However, before she could start, well, restart, on breakfast, Phoenix stopped her. "I'm cooking breakfast today, Rissy. You go relax." "No, Feenie, it's fine-""OBJECTION!" he slammed the kitchen counter. "I heard you sigh! And Trucy-"He pointed dramatically at his daughter- "can testify to that!" The young magician rolled her eyes and went to put in the TV. Iris simply looked bemused.

"Alright, Feenie." She stood by anyway, and watched in amusement as Phoenix struggled to break an egg without getting shell bits in the bowl. After several failed attempts, he turned to look at Iris pleadingly.

Laughing, she stepped forward to help him. "T-thanks, Iris," he said, going red. "It's fine. Why don't you sit down and I'll-""No, no, Rissy! I'll take over. Why don't you, um, chat with Trucy?"

"Alright. If you say so, Feenie," she said, finding it pointless to argue. Why does he like cooking so much anyway? It's sweet that he doesn't want me to cook "all the time", but half the time he ends up injuring himself.

A few minutes later, Phoenix set down three omelettes on the dining table, along with plates, silverware, milk, and a bottle of grapejuice.

"This looks good, Feenie," Iris said once they were seated. 'Well, they'll never be as good as yours, Rissy". She blushed.

"Anyone for some grapejuice?" he asked, holding up the green bottle. When both Trucy and Iris shook their heads, he shrugged and poured himself a glass.

Iris frowned a little. "Feenie, grapejuice isn't healthy, you know. You shouldn't have too much of it..." Phoenix laughed. "Oh, I've improved, trust me. I used to go through a few crates a week. Now I only have one or two glasses a day."

Iris knew this was not true. Phoenix went through a few bottles a week, and if he only had a couple of glasses a day, they wouldn't need so much juice.

As if reading her mind, Phoenix added, "I said day. Not night." He smiled at her. Iris couldn't help but smile back.

That's when she noticed he was eating with his left hand. He never did that.

Iris crossed her arms. "You burnt your hand, Feenie." It wasn't a question, it was an accusation.

He went slightly red. "I-it's nothing. It's not so bad..." he mumbled. "Oh, Feenie. Let me see it." Reluctantly, Phoenix pulled his right hand out from under the table and stretched it out for Iris to examine.

Her eyes widened in shock. "" Most of the skin on his hand was peeling, and it was burnt in several areas.

She took his hand as gently as possible, but she still saw him wince and bite his lip.

"You need to go to a doctor, Feenie" "How?" he asked. "I can't drive like this, and you don't have a licence..."

"Have Polly take you!" Trucy piped up. She had finished her breakfast and was placing her plate in the sink. "Yeah, we could do that," Phoenix mused.

"Bye Mommy! Bye Daddy! I'm off to school!"

Trucy picked up her bag and opened the Agency's door. Phoenix and Iris got up to say goodbye. Iris gave Trucy a hug and a kiss, and Phoenix gave her an awkward, one - armed embrace. "See you soon, Truce!" he smiled. And then she was gone.

Iris picked up the phone and dialed Apollo's number, and then handed the phone to Phoenix. "Hey, it's Apollo." "'Pollo, it's me. Do you think you could drive us down to the doctor's? I… injured my hand."

Apollo said something Iris couldn't make out, and Phoenix turned red again. "Something like that. Yeah. Thanks, Apollo. Bye." He hung up.

"Polly'll be here in a few," Phoenix told her. They sat down together on the couch. Iris took his good hand and locked eyes with him. "Promise me, Feenie. Promise me you'll never cook again. You get hurt. And…and….I don't like to see you hurt, Feenie." Tears began to form in her eyes.

"Alright, Rissy. I promise," he said quickly, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. Iris smiled. "Thank you, Feenie".

There was a knock on the door. "It's me!" came Apollo's voice from outside.

A few minutes later, the threesome were driving to the hospital in Apollo's car. "So, how did you do that, Mr. Wright? Bake another cake again?" He snickered.

Phoenix's face reddened and he turned to look out the window.

Apollo answered Iris's unspoken question.

"He made a birthday cake for Trucy once. Or, I should say, tried to."

"What happened?" Iris inquired.

Phoenix refused to answer, so once again Apollo spoke. "The oven exploded. And Trucy….well, she ended up wearing her cake more than actually eating it."

Apollo laughed, and Iris joined in.

Phoenix glared at the lawyer clad in red for the rest of the way.

"There you go. Your hand will be fine in a couple of days." The doctor turned to Iris. "Here. This is the ointment and a pack of bandages. Make sure he changes the bandage every other day, and applies the ointment before every change."

"I will, doctor. Thanks".

They paid and left the clinic.

Back in Apollo's car, Phoenix and Iris pondered what to do for the day. "It's nearly noon", Iris said. "Maybe we can go for lunch….?" "Yeah!" Phoenix agreed enthusiastically. "We can see a movie, too", he added.

"Okay, Feenie." Iris smiled and took his hand.

"Hey! Do you MIND?" Apollo exclaimed as he glanced into the rear-view mirror. The two were leaning in towards each other. "I'm DRIVING here. And I really don't want to puke all over my dashboard, ok? Could you wait 'till you get home?"

Both Phoenix and Iris blushed furiously and turned their heads to look out opposite windows.

Apollo turned his attention back to the windshield and stifled a snicker. "We're here, guys. Now you can do whatever you want."

Phoenix muttered something unintelligible .

"Thank you, Apollo", Iris said, her face still a dark pink. "Yeah, thanks," Phoenix added gruffly. They both got out of the car.

Apollo drove away, laughing and shaking his head.

Spoiler: Chapter 9 - Coffee, Clients, & Co-councils


5:00 pm

Iris and Phoenix sat at home, drinking coffee in the living room as Trucy, who had returned from school an hour before, did her homework in her room.

"Ah, good coffee. Reminds me of him. Of Godot." Phoenix said.

"Mr. Godot...what happened to him?" Iris asked.

Phoenix's expression darkened. "He...was executed, two months ago. Sentenced to death by hanging."

Just like Dahlia. They both thought this at the same time; Iris with guilt and remorse, Phoenix with pain and fear. He truly never had stopped fearing the woman who had nearly claimed his life. She had starred in his nightmares for five long years before the truth was revealed. And even now, he couldn't forget. Those memories were burned into his mind, never to go away.

Two sisters. Both unforgettable, in very different ways.

Phoenix shook his head, clearing the traumatic thoughts from his mind.

"Did...did you go?" Iris asked quietly, stirring the brown liquid in her mug.

"Yes", Phoenix replied.

"Did he talk to you?"

"Yea. He...gave me some advice. And...a message to pass on to Mia, whenever I see her next".

Iris was confused by this. "But, wouldn't her?"

"I asked him that, too. All he said was, 'You never know, Trite. I might just end up in hell after all'"

Phoenix left out what Godot had said after that, as he knew it would hurt Iris further. 'Maybe then I can give that red-haired demon a piece of my mind'. Then, he had laughed.

"I see," Iris said, staring into her drink. She was thinking about her sister, and Phoenix knew it. But she was never coming back to haunt them, never going to get her revenge.

Because two weeks after that fateful trial, Maya had locked Dahlia's spirit in a jar. An urn, really. And that urn was sitting safely at the back of Phoenix's wardrobe.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, snapping both Iris and Phoenix out of their thoughts. "I'll get it," Phoenix said, standing up.

He opened the door to reveal a man in an orange leather jacket with a wobbly smile on his face. "NICK!" the visitor nearly yelled.

"Oh, NO WAY! What do you WANT, Larry?" Phoenix asked, eyeing his crazed school friend wearily.

"I heard you got your badge back, Nick! Good job! So, I've got this friend who needs defen-"

Larry stopped abruptly when he spotted Iris on the couch, watching their conversation in surprise. His eyes darted between Phoenix and Iris at an incredible speed. "N-Nick! How could you? NICK YOU DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG!"

And with that, he ran off crying.

Larry's changed unsurprisingly little, Phoenix thought. He slammed the door shut.

"Was that – was that Mr. Laurice?" Iris asked as Phoenix sat back down. "Um-yeah. Yes it was. How do you remember that, though? It was over 7 years ago."

"Not a lot of people come by Hazakura. I tend to remember the ones who do. And...I don't think I'll ever forget that case."

Phoenix nodded. Neither would he.

The phone rang.

"Oh, for goodness sake," Phoenix grumbled as he went to pick it up.

"Mr. Wright?" Came the voice from the other end. Odd. Phoenix swore he had heard it before...but where?

"Hey! You're, um, -"

"Lana. Lana Skye. Do you remember me, Mr. Wright?"

Of course he did.

Lana, Ema, Marshall, was one of those cases that he couldn't forget.

"Yes, of course. What's the matter?"

"I require your services again, Mr. Wright. Ema is in a very...tight spot, and I think you're the only one who can help her. I heard you got your attorney's badge back, by the way. Congratulations."

"Thank you. Shall we meet up? We can discuss the case."

"How about People Park, in twenty minutes?"

"Sure. I'll be there."

The line disconnected.

"I think I may have gotten my first client," Phoenix stated as he placed the phone back in its cradle. "Would you like to come, Iris? We're meeting at People Park".

"No, it's ok. I'll stay here with Trucy. You go ahead, Feenie."

Phoenix smiled and nodded. He walked over to the bedroom, and emerged a few minutes later in a tattered blue suit; his old attorney's outfit.

Iris walked over and straightened his tie. "It looks good on you, Feenie." She beamed. Phoenix grinned back. "It's a bit tight, though. I'm going to have to get a new one soon."

He walked over to the counter and slipped the house keys into his pocket, and then proudly pinned on his new attorney's badge.

"Bye, Rissy", he said, giving her a quick kiss before leaving out the door.



Phoenix scanned the park, searching for a sign of his old friend. He sighed in frustration. She hadn't told him exactly where they were going to meet, and People Park was not all that small. Phoenix didn't even know what she would be wearing.

Muffler, he thought. Look for a red muffler.

There. Sitting on a bench near the centre of the park.

He continued in that direction. Lana stood when she saw him. She extended a hand. "Mr. Wright, a pleasure to meet you again."

Phoenix shook her hand "It's been a while, Ms. Skye."

"Please, call me Lana."

They both sat down on the bench.

"What's the matter, Lana? What's the matter with Ema?" Phoenix asked.

"She's been accused of murder," she said, turning to look at him, pain and fear in her eyes.

Murder. Always murder.

"Can you give me some details on the case?"

"Sure. The victim, Angel Starr, was found dead in the car park of the prosecutor's office. Ema was there that day, discussing a case with Prosecutor Gavin. There is an eyewitness to the crime. The autopsy report states that Ms. Starr was strangled."

Phoenix nodded, taking all this in. "I see. But, two things. One: Do you know who the prosecutor is for the case? do you know so much about it?"

Lana's expression darkened. "Mr. Wright. The pr- I was the prosecutor for this trial."

His mouth dropped open. "B-but!"

"Yes. Mr. Gavin refused the case, and all the other prosecutors are currently occupied. The new Chief Prosecutor did not want to give me the case, but he had no choice. He thinks I will cheat – lose, on purpose. But like I said. Was. They changed the prosecutor, at the last minute. Her name is...Jen Armando."

Phoenix's mouth dropped open yet again. "A-armado?"

"Yes. Diego Armando's niece. But, Mr. Wright, she is very young. Only eighteen. They are calling her a prodigy."

Phoenix sighed. This sounded all too familiar. A certain whip-happy prosecutor came to mind. Now, yet another one, most likely bent on revenge. Great.

"Still, I have a lot of valuable information," Lana continued. "The most incriminating evidence is a set of Ema's fingerprints on Ms. Starr's watch. They must have wound up there when they shook hands."

"You mean...she DID meet the victim on the day of the murder?"

"It looks like it."

They were both silent for a minute.

"Mr. Wright, I really am sorry for asking this of you, but you're the only attorney I really trust to get Ema out of this."

"I just KNOW she didn't do it," she added a little fiercely.

"I know she didn't. Ema would never do such a thing. And of course I'll take the case," he said. "When's the trial?"

"The day after tomorrow," Lana replied. "And thank you, Mr. Wright. I truly appreciate this."

"No problem," Phoenix smiled. "I've got to get going now, though." Then under his breath, he added, "Iris will be worried.."

"I'll visit Ema at the detention centre tomorrow, and then do some investigating," he promised.

"Oh, you don't need to do the whole investigation by yourself, you know. I have some power as a prosecutor, and I intend to help you in every way I possibly can. I know one...private detective that would be more than happy to help out."

"Thanks, Lana," Phoenix said, relived. Maybe this wouldn't be like his other trials; hectic, chaotic, with hardly any help or co-operation from anybody. "So, I'll meet you tomorrow?"

"At the detention centre," Lana confirmed.

"Got it."

He stood up. "Just tell Ema to file her papers, ok?"

"Sure, Mr. Wright."

Around ten minutes later, Phoenix arrived home to smell the delicious aroma of chicken roasting, and the scent of various herbs and spices.

Phoenix followed the scent to the kitchen, where Iris was cooking dinner. She looked up and smiled when she saw him.

"You're back, Feenie. How did it go?"

"Pretty good, actually," he grinned. "I got myself a client...and a trial."

"That's great!" Iris put her knife down and took his hand.

He laughed. Then, all of a sudden, his expression turned serious. "Rissy?"

"Hmm?" She took a step back to see his face better, but didn't let go of his hand.

"Iris, will you be my co-council for the trial?"

"Of course, Feenie!" she exclaimed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her toes to kiss him on his lips.

Phoenix beamed. "Thank you, Rissy."

Iris dropped back onto her feet, and looked down.

"But-that is, if you want me as one. I really don't know anything about law."

Phoenix shook his head. "Ha. The only time my co-council knew about law was on my first case. And anyway, you'll be able to give me a heck of a lot more moral support than anybody else can. And...I really do want you there, Rissy."

"Then I'll be there, Feenie," Iris said firmly, resting her head against his chest contentedly.

Phoenix brushed a strand of her long black hair out of her eyes, and smiled.

Spoiler: Chapter 10 - Armando In The Courtroom


9:53 am

Phoenix Wright paced up and down the room as he waited nervously for his clients to arrive.

"Shhh...Feenie, relax. It's okay, you'll do great," Iris said, coming up from behind him and placing a hand on his shoulder.

Phoenix turned to face her, pasting a fake smile on his face to try and hide his nervousness. Iris wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head against his chest.

"I believe in you, Feenie."

Iris's words gave him strength, and this time he gave a genuine smile.

"Thank you, Rissy." He took her hand, and together they sat down on the sofa to wait.

A few minutes later, two women walked into the lobby. One was dressed in a white lab coat, the other in a brown prosecutor's outfit.

"Lana! Ema!" Phoenix rose to greet them.

"Hello, Mr. Wright," Lana replied, shaking his hand.

"Mr. *munch munch munch* Wright! It's great to *munch munch munch* see you again!"

What the heck is she eating?, Phoenix wondered.

Just then, the bailiff entered the room.

"Mr. Wright, the trial is about to begin."

Phoenix, Iris, and Lana entered the courtroom, while the bailiff escorted Ema to the defendants' stand.

Only a few minutes later, it began.

"Court is now in session for the trial of Ema Skye."

"The defence is ready, Your Honour."

"The prosecution is ready, Your Honour."

Phoenix glanced over to the prosecutions' table. There stood a young lady, just about, as Lana had said, eighteen. She had medium-length black hair, and wore a black shirt with white stripes and a pink tie attached to a pearly white chain. And in her hand...

Oh, no WAY! Phoenix thought.

...was a mug.

Is their whole family obsessed with coffee or something?

Jen met Phoenix's eyes, and gave him a wide grin. What Phoenix found odd about this, was that it was genuine. Friendly. Not cruel, calculating, or an I'm-gonna-kill-you-so-you-better-run-and-hide type of smile, either.

Could it be? Phoenix thought. That I've finally met a NICE prosecutor?

The judge banged his gavel.

"Very well. Let's begin."

"Er...Your Honour?" Phoenix spoke up. "Would it be alright if I asked the prosecution a question?"

The judge sighed. "Oh, alright, then. But make it quick."

"Um...Miss Armando?"

"Hmmm?" she asked, taking a sip from the brown liquid in her mug.


He had to know. It may have been the most pathetic question ever asked before a trial, but he had to know.

"What, this?" she asked, lifting her mug. "Nah, it's hot chocolate. I was never much of a coffee person. Uncle Diego was, though! You should have seen him! 32 cups a day, without fail!" She laughed.

Phoenix raised his eyebrows. Impossible. A nice prosecutor. And there he was, thinking she was going to be some vicious, revenge-seeking opponent who would stop at nothing to defeat him in court. Instead, she seemed just the opposite.

The Judge cleared his throat. "Is that all, Mr. Wright? I'm afraid I will have to penalize you for this. You have just wasted the courts' time."

"What?" Phoenix exclaimed. Well, this was off to a great start.


The judge blinked. "Yes, Miss Armando?"

"Don't penalize him, your honour. It's cool. After all, I would have been curios, too."

She smiled, and took a sip of hot chocolate. "Let's start this trial even. I don't want a handicap just because I'm young!"

The judge looked utterly surprised. "Um...if you insist, Miss Armando."

Phoenix and Iris exchanged a glance. Even though she had only been to a couple of trials, she knew enough to know that Jen's behaviour was far from normal compared to any other prosecutor.

He glanced over to Lana, who had a look of sheer disbelief on her face.

When Phoenix looked over to Ema, however, he only saw her frowning into an empty bag of snacks, muttering something about not bringing extra.

The judge banged his gavel once more.

"Very well. Miss Armando, your opening statement, please."

What the young prosecutor said next shocked Phoenix even more than her strange behaviour.

"When you eliminate the impossible, what remains must be...the truth."

Spoiler: Chapter 11 - A Surprise
Hours later, Phoenix walked out of the courtroom along with Iris and Lana. He was tired and exhausted, yet determined and very satisfied at his performance after so long.

"That detective," Lana muttered.

"Yeah," Phoenix said. "It's the first time this has happened. But if Ema didn't do it, then it means that detective Oscar Conway did it."

Lana nodded absently, deep in thought. "I'll get Jake to come around the crime scene this evening. Maybe we can gather more evidence."

Phoenix agreed with Lana's plan. They said their farewells and parted.

Phoenix and Iris were almost at the door when they were stopped.

"Mr Wright?"

Phoenix spun around to face Jen Armando. \


The prosecutor took a sip of hot chocolate. "I just wanted to say, I'm impressed. After seven years and as good as ever."

Phoenix blinked. "Uh, thanks Miss Armando."

"Please, call me Jen."

"Alright, call me Phoenix. And how do you know about ...?"

"You're other cases? Uncle Diego told me." Jen smiled.

Phoenix smiled too, and extended his hand. "It was nice to meet you, Jen."

"You too, Mr Wr- Phoenix."

And with that, she was gone.

"Hmm," Phoenix mused aloud. "That was odd."

"Feenie , are you going to investigate now?" Iris questioned.

"No, not now Rissy. A little later. Shall we go back to the apartment?"

"Okay Feenie," Iris took his hand and beamed.

Phoenix kissed the top of her head. His thoughts wandered to the diamond ring, carefully hidden in a blue box in his sock drawer.

Soon, he told himself. Soon, as soon as this case is over.

"I love you, Feenie."

He grinned. "And I love you Rissy. I love you."





Phoenix stood behind the defence bench, a smug look on his face. "We're going to do this," he said quietly to his co-council, Iris. "We've got all the evidence we need. That good for nothing detective was the killer! Now, I've just got to prove it!" He trailed off, muttering to himself.

Just then, Jen entered the courtroom. "Sorry I'm late, Your Honour. I had to...sort out something for the trial." Her expression darkened as she said this.

The Judge banged his gavel. "Very well. Let the proceedings begin. Yesterday, the defence came to the conclusion that the only other one that had an opportunity to murder Ms. Starr was the detective in charge himself, Mr. Oscar Conway."

"Yes, Your Honour. And I shall now call upon my witness, Oscar Conway himself. He will assure the court that he was in fact not present at the scene of the crime."

The detective took the stand, and testified. Phoenix began his cross-examination. He fired a barrage of questions, each digging deeper than the last. After a while, the detective began getting visibly nervous, sweating and fidgeting.

Phoenix glanced over to the prosecution table. Jen was watching the witness, drinking her hot chocolate. She showed no signs of objecting.

She knows, Phoenix thought. She knows he did it. And she wants me to prove it.

Phoenix slammed his desk.

It was time to end this.




"You did it, Feenie!" Iris exclaimed, jumping at Phoenix. She hugged him tightly.

"Yeah!" he agreed, his eyes shining. Exposing the truth, cutting through lies – he felt more alive then ever. In seven years, he had almost forgotten the feeling of being in court, of bringing the innocent to justice.

Just then, Lana and Ema entered the lobby.

"Mr. Wright!" They exclaimed at the same time.

"Thank you," Lana said. "I knew I could trust you, Mr. Wright."

"Heh heh. No problem!" Phoenix scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"Anything is possible with science! Did you use that luminol I gave you in the detention centre, Mr. Wright?" Ema asked.

"Yep. It's what solved this case, actually," Phoenix said thoughtfully.

"See? Science helped save me in the end! Thanks, Mr. Wright!"

Twenty minutes and many thank-you s later, the sisters left.

Phoenix took Iris' hand and they walked outside. He glanced at his watch. 7:00 pm. Perfect.

"Rissy, I just need to stop by the apartment to get something. The..there's somewhere I want to take you. A, um, victory dinner." He grinned.

"Alright, Feenie," Iris said happily. Her eyes sparkled. A surprise evening. She wondered where they would go.

Spoiler: Chapter 12 - Under The Stars
*Ahem*, A little note, I only realized this now, but if Phoenix visited Hazakura on the same day he met Iris, then this fic would be taking place in Fall. However, I intended this to be early Spring, so...
Sorry for the mixed up time line XD

Phoenix and Iris sat in a taxi, Phoenix beaming and Iris biting her nails in suspense. Phoenix was keeping it a secret where they were going. He had whispered something into the driver's ear, and Iris didn't recognise the buildings that they sped by. She didn't think she had been here before. Plus, it was dark, so it was hard to see.

"We're nearly there, Rissy," Phoenix murmured, barely able to contain his excitement.

Iris smiled. "So, are you going to te-"

"Nope!" Phoenix replied cheerfully.

He placed his hand against his jeans' pocket, making sure that the stiff, black box was still there.

They had both changed out of their formal court attire. Phoenix wore a navy blue shirt, and Iris a violet summer dress.

Just then, the cab stopped. Phoenix paid the diver and they got out of the car. Iris began to take in her surroundings. Further up she spotted an empty beach, the ocean...

Before she could take in any more, a warm hand covered her eyes. "No peeking," Phoenix whispered in her ear, his voice teasing.

Iris smiled and let him lead the way towards...well, towards their destination, wherever it was. They walked straight, turned left, and walked some more, until she felt sand under her shoes. After a little while, she heard the gentle lapping of the sea.

Finally, Phoenix lifted his hand from her eyes. "Surprise," he said softly.

Iris's eyes adjusted, and she gasped at the scene awaiting them.

The entire area was covered in sand. The beach stretched out, blocking out all buildings from view except for a small house situated not far away. The sky sparkled with thousands of stars, and a perfect crescent moon cast a faint glow onto the chairs and table in the middle of the beach. Well, if you could call it chairs and a table.

The seats were really two row boats sticking up in the sand. They had been moulded into chairs and lined with fabric. Oil lanterns stood at the top of each boat-throne to cast light upon it.

The outside of the seats were decorated with dozens of seashells, pulsing with a strange light.

The table seemed to be made of the ocean itself. It was made up of a strange, unique crystal that captured the sea in it; the sparkle of the water and the color of the waves.

She must have been gaping at the beautiful, picturesque scene for a while, because a minute later Phoenix chuckled and pulled her arm gently. "Come on then, Rissy," he said, his eyes twinkling.

Together they seated themselves on the boat-thrones, which were surprisingly comfortable.

"Feenie," Iris said, shaking her head in awe. "It's beautiful. Amazing."

Phoenix smiled. "I'm so glad you like it, Rissy," he said sincerely.

A thoughtful expression came over his face. "Say, Rissy, do you….do you still like seafood?"

"Yes, Feenie," Iris replied happily. She didn't eat fish very often, almost never. The only time she had ever tried it was during the time she had dated Phoenix as Dahlia. He had taken her to a seafood restaurant one weekend.

Phoenix looked relieved. "I'm glad. They only serve, well, fish here….."

As if on cue, two waiters appeared from the small shack Iris had spotted earlier, carrying a huge fish; around three feet long.

"Bon Appitite!" Phoenix declared, in a very un-French accent.


"Wow. I'm stuffed," Phoenix said, leaning back in his boat-throne.

"Me, too," Iris agreed happily.

Dinner's over, a voice in Phoenix's mind taunted.'ll be time...

Phoenix's stomach churned. What if he screwed up? Did something wrong? With his luck, it was only to be expected. He gripped the side of his chair with one hand, knuckles going white.

"Feenie? Are you okay?" Iris asked with concern.

"U-um, yeah. Fine," Phoenix replied, trying his best to relax.

Iris took his hand and squeezed it gently. Once again, it gave him strength. Taking a deep breath, he stood up.

"Would you like to go for a walk, Rissy?" He smiled.

"Sure!" Iris said cheerfully.

He took her hand and they walked slowly down the beach, listening to the peaceful sound of the waves, and enjoying the cool night breeze.

The moment was perfect. Finally Phoenix stopped at a patch of sand that glowed white under the moon beams.

He turned to face her, and took a deep breath, praying he wouldn't slip into the ocean or do something stupid like that. Then he smiled, and allowed the true excitement of what he was about to do take over him. Without hesitation, Phoenix knelt down on one knee, and pulled the stiff black box from his pocket.

"Iris," Phoenix began. "I love you. I loved you, twelve years ago, under the name of Dahlia Hawthorne, and I love you now. I knew...I knew that the woman who tried to kill me...wasn't my Dollie. And for once, I was right. We've been separated twice already, and I don't want it to happen ever again. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So..."

He flicked the lid of the box upwards, revealing a beautiful silver ring, a diamond embedded on the top. The jewel caught the moon's light, and sparkled like a star in the night sky.

"...Iris Hawthorne, will you marry me?"

"Yes," she whispered, closing her eyes. She felt like she would explode with joy. She was so full of happiness, and every second her bliss just grew until she couldn't hold it in any longer. Tears of joy welled up and ran down her cheeks. Her eyes snapped open. "Yes," she said again.

"Thank You," Phoenix said quietly. A smile slowly spread across his ace as the joy of the moment filled him, too, until he felt he could laugh and dance and weep all at once.

He was about to stand up, when Iris suddenly tackled him with an unexpected hug. Completely caught off guard, Phoenix fell into the sand and Iris along with him.

There was a muffled 'Thump' as he landed on his back. It didn't really hurt, as the sand cushioned his fall. He quickly sat up and found Iris, who had fallen next to him.

"You okay?" he asked gently.

Iris grinned. "Fine." She, too, sat up.

There was a short pause, and then both began to crack up.

Phoenix listened to the wonderful sound of her musical laughter, and gazed into her big, dark eyes, now reflecting his own.

He still couldn't believe that this perfect person, beautiful in every way, was his.

She was...what was the term he was looking for? Yes. Out of his league. She always had been. He admitted it to himself; he had been pretty pathetic in his college days.

And yet she still fell for me, he thought. Even though she probably could have any guy id she wanted...

But that's just it, a voice in his head pointed out. She never wanted anyone else. The fact that you're her today proves that.

"I love you, Feenie," Iris said softly. She had stopped giggling, and was now smiling, her head turned to face him.

Phoenix smiled back. His conscience was right. They were here, right now, and that was all that mattered.

She rested her head against his shoulder, and together they watched the stars gleaming in the night sky.

A single tear of pure joy slid down Phoenix's cheek.

The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over.

They had been through so much.

And now, Phoenix thought. Now, it really is all over.

Phoenix Wright couldn't have been more wrong.

Spoiler: Chapter 13 - Hey, Maya!

7:30 AM

"Good Morning, Rissy!" Phoenix said cheerfully as his girlfriend emerged from the bedroom.

Fiancée, a voice in his head corrected.

Just the thought made him smile.

"Oh! Feenie!" Iris exclaimed in surprise. "What are you doing awake?"

Phoenix grinned mischievously. "You're not the only one who can get up early," he teased.

"I-well-" Iris blushed a delicate pink.

Phoenix got up from the sofa, and walked towards her. "Haha. I'm just teasing, Rissy."

He picked her up in his arms. "I thought we could spend some time together this morning." He smiled.

"Okay, Feenie," Iris agreed, resting her head against his arms and staring into his soft brown eyes.

She still couldn't grasp that this warm, caring, gentle person was hers. Her Feenie. Who had forgiven her for deceiving him in the worst way possible without a second thought. Who had put himself through seven years of agony for her.

"I don't deserve you," she whispered.

Phoenix laughed. "You've got that backwards, my dear Rissy."

He put her down on the couch, and then sat next to her. He placed his arm around her and pulled her towards him, closing the gap on the sofa.

Iris leaned her head against his shoulder and sighed contently.

Phoenix kissed her forehead.

"So," he began, his breath tickling her ear. "What would you like to do today?"

"Whatever you want, Feenie," Iris murmured.

A serious expression came over his face. "Well…I was thinking…."

"Hmm?" Iris asked, lifting her head to look at him.

"Well, after I was disbarred, I cut connections with everyone I knew. So now….I thinks it's time to meet them again. Reconnect. After all," he grinned, his tone now teasing. "We can't have only two people coming to our wedding."

Iris giggled. "You're right, Feenie. So, where do you have in mind?"

"Well….I was thinking Kurian Village. Maya probably thinks I disappeared or something. And I'm dying to see Pearls, too."

"That's a great idea, Feenie!" Iris said.

Phoenix smiled. "All right then. It's settled. I just hope they forget me or anything."

He stood up, and Iris along with him.

"To Kurian!" he announced loudly.


9:30 AM

After two hours by train, Phoenix and Iris finally arrived at Kurian Village.

"Man. I don't know why it's so far away," Phoenix muttered rubbing his head.

"Yes," Iris agreed. "And Hazakura is even further…"

Phoenix scanned the village, but there wasn't a soul to be seen.

"Where do you think everyone is?" he asked.

"Hmm…." Iris thought about it for a minute. "Wait…what…date is it today?"

"20th of March," Phoenix replied.

"Ah! Then, they are probably at Hazakura. Every 18th, 19th, and 20th of the month, all the intermediate acolytes will leave and go for intense training."

"Oh." Phoenix looked disappointed. "But…hey! The Master wouldn't leave, would she?"

"No, I dn't thinl so." Iris answered.

"Oh, alright then. So we might be able to meet Maya. It would be a pity if we didn't since came all this way….maybe we should check the Main Hall:

"Okay, Feenie," Iris said, following him into the largest room of the Fey manor.

As soon as the walked in, it became apparent that the hall was empty. The channelling chambe was unlocked and uninhabited, and there was no-one in the winding way, either.

They returned to the hall, and, with a defeated sigh, Phoenix dropped to the floor, crossing his legs. Iris seated herself next to him.

"I-I'm sorry, Feenie. I should have known. The training-"

"Rissy, it's not your fault," Phoenix smiled and took her hand. "Come, should we go?"

They stood, and were about to leave, when a chirpy voice from across the room stopped them in their tracks.

"Oh, hello! I didn't see you there! Welcome to Kurian Vi-" the voice trailed off.

"Nick?" it sounded again, quietly.

The couple spun around to face a young woman in a kimono, the master's tailsman fastened around her neck.

"! Maya!"

She looked very different from seveb years ago, Phoenix noted. More like a cross between her normal self and when she was channelling her older sister, Mia.

"Nick!" she said again, louder this time.

"Uh..well….here I am!" Phoenix replied, a goofy grin on his face. "See, I was – OW!" he stepped back, rubbing the red slap-mark on his cheek. "W-what was that for?"

"For ditching your best friend for seven years, that's what!"Her tone appeared angry, but Maya's eyes had that mischevious glint in her eyes that gave her away.

"Yeah…um…about that," he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "It's a long story. A very long one. Maybe we can sit down..?"

"Sure!" Maya smiled, and then turned to Iris.

"Iris! It's great to see you again," she said happily.

"It's good to see you too, Mystic Maya."

"Sooo, Nick, I see you contacted Iris before me. Nice," she teased.

He turned a little pink. "W-well, er…" he placed an arm around Iris' waist.

Maya noticed this, and smiled slyly. "So you finally took my advice, Nick?"

Phoenix chuckled. "If you can call singing that 'sitting in a tree' song all day for several weeks 'advice', Maya, then I guess, yeah."

She snickered. "Nick and Iris, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G," she sang.

Both Phoenix and Iris blushed a deep shade of red.

"Come on, then. We can sit in the side room."

They followed her up the Winding Way to the side room. Maya gestured for them to take a seat around a large oak table in the corner, and they did.

"Alright, Nick. You've got a lot to tell me," Maya grinned.

Phoenix shook his head. "I guess I do. Where to start…?"

Maya placed her hand on her cheek at an angle. "How about…after that trial?"

Phoenix took a deep breath. This would be hard, but he could do it. He owed Maya that much, if not a lot more.

"After that case," he began. "I lost everything. Well, almost. I lost my badge, I ost my name, I lost myself. And it was tough. It was a terrible time for me. And I didn't want yoy guys – any of you – you, Maya, or you, Iris, or Pearly, Edgeworth…to have to put up with that for me. So I pushed everybody away. I thought…I thought it was for the better."

Phoenix swallowed. "But I was stupid. So stupid." He sighed.

"Feenie…" Iris said with concern, placing her small, smooth hand over his larger, warm one.

Phoenix took it, and smiled at her. He then turned back to Maya and continued.

"It was rough, those seven years. I kept working towards it – clearing my name. And, a month ago, I did, with the help of my subordinate, Apollo Justice. But…I missed you guys. A lot." A single tear escaped, but before Iris could react, he hastily wiped it away and went on.

"So, around three weeks ago, I went to Hazakura. I went to beg forgiveness, and Iris –" he looked Iris in the eyes and smiled. "-being the kind, loving soul she is, gave it to me."

"A-ah! Feenie-" she blushed furiously. "I-"

"Shhh…" he said gently, reaching over to tuck a lock of her raven hair behind her ear, causing her to flush even darker.

Phoenix looked back to Maya. "Like I said, it's been three weeks since then. I reclaimed my badge. I just solved my first case, actually."

"Really?" Maya exclaimed. "That's great, Nick!"

"Thanks, Maya." His eyes shone.

"And…we're getting married. In three week's time."

"R-really?" Maya looked stunned. "I'm so happy for you guys! Hey, can I come for the wedding?"

Phoenix rolled his eyes. "You're seriously asking that?" he said teasingly. "Of course!"

Maya nodded and laughed. "That's great! I'm so glad everything's coming together, finally…If there's anything I can do…." She trailed off.

There was a short silence, which Iris timidly broke.

"Um…Mystic Maya….will you…w-will you be my Maid of Honor?" she stammered.

Maya beamed. "Of course! I'd be honored!"

"T-thanks." Iris blushed yet again.

"My pleasure."

Phoenix opened his mouthe to say something, but was interuppted with the sudden sound of footsteps and hushed voices approaching.

"Oh!" Maya jumped up. "They're back!"

Iris frowned in confusion. "'s only morning. Don't the acolytes usually stay the night?"

Maya shook her head. "No. I don't mean the younger ones. The advanced acolytes just finished their training at Hazakura for the month. I just got back a day ago, myself…"

She was interrupted, however, with a loud "Mystic Maya!" A young gild just about Trucy's hieght danced into the room. She was dressed in acolyte robes and had light brown hair twisted into a pretzal-shaped bow.

"Ah! Pearly!"

She looks so different, Phoenix thought.

"Hello Mystic Maya! I'm ba-" Pearl froze when she saw the others in the room. Her eyes widened until they were as riund as saucers.

"Mr…Mr. Nick?"

Silence. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Then: "Mr. Nick! I knew you woulod return! I knew it! You've come to confess your love to Mystic Maya, haven't you?"

It was only then did she see his hand. And whose it was holding. She took in the shining ring on her sister's finger.

Slowly Pearl's face began to darken until it was a deep scarlet.

Oooooh, this is going to be bad….Phoenix thought.

He realeased Iris' hand and stood.

"Pearls," he began cautiously. "Calm down, and let me –"

"Mr. Nick…you….I…betray…."

Oh boy.

Pearls jumped at him. Phoenix staggered a bit, but Pearl latched on, screaming at the top of her lungs.

"How dare you betray Mystic Maya! No! No no no no Mr. Niiiiiiiiick!" she cried, slapping him after every word.

"OW! Ow ow ow ow!" he protested, while Maya tried desprately to pull her cousin off. "Pearly!"

Iris, not really knowing what to do, tried to help Maya pull Pearl off Phoenix. Several minutes later, they succeeded, leaving him with a very red, slightly swollen face.

Iris put a cool hand to Phoenix's rubicund cheek. It felt good against his raw skin. "Are you okay, Feenie?"

"Fine, Rissy." He smiled. "I'll always be fine. As long as you're here." He took the hand on his cheek in his, and held it to his chest. Iris blushed lightly at his words.

There was a moment's silence, and then Pearl burst into tears.

She didn't cry those loud, noisy tears and sobs like she did when she was younger. Instead, it was more of a miserable weeping which made Phoenix feel even worse.

"Mr. N-Nick….you never…you never loved Mystic Maya, did you?"

He sighed and placed a hand on the young girl's shoulder.

"Pearls. Listen. Of course I love Maya. I always have. But not like that. But of course I care about her and love her – I 'm just not in love with her."

"Yeah, Pearly," Maya piped up. "Nick's like this big brother, you know? A goofy, gullible bug brother, but still."

"H-hey! I'm not gullible!" he protested.

Maya snickered and went on. "Besides, your sister is getting married! Aren't you happy for her?"

Pearl sniffed. "Y-yeah, you're r-right, Mystic Maya." She cracked a smile. "I am." Her tears dried almost instantly as she hopefully asked, "Can I be flower girl? Pleaaase?"

"Sure!" Phoenix grinned broadly. His face was already returning to its normal color. "You and Trucy. Perfect. Oh! Which reminds me. You shoud definitely meet her."

"Trucy?" Pearl asked, confused.

"Yeah. Trucy. M-Our daughter."

Pearl was once again wide-eyed. "D-daughter?"

"Their adopted daughter," Maya explained. "I met her once. Before…." She trailed off.

Before I cut contact, Phoenix finished in his head.

"You two are the same age, actually," Iris said thoughtfully. "I'm sure you'd get along great."

"Yup," Phoenix agreed.

"Pearl!" a voice called from outside.

"Oh! I better go," Pearl said, rushing towards the door. "Goodbye Miss Iris, Mr Nick."

"You can call me 'sis'" Iris smiled. "I…I mean, i-if you'd like…" she added hurridly.

"Ok. Sis." The young girl beamed. "I'll see you both soon, right?"

"I promise you will," Phoenix affirmed.

Reassured by this, Pearl left the side room.

The three re-seated themselfves around the table.

"I'm really glad you came back, Nick," Maya said quietly. "We all missed you. Pearl…she didn't take it so well."

Phoenix winced.

"But you're back now, right? That's all that matters. The great Phoenix Wright has returned!" Maya lit up with one of her contagious grins.

"Right," Phoenix agreed. "Thanks, Maya."

"No problem, Nick." A mischivious smile crept onto her face. "See, I old you, didn't I Iris? You didn't believe me," she teased.

"Huh?" Phoenix asked, confused.

Maya's grin widened.

"Oh? Um, I, er…yes…" Iris blushed for what must have been the eightieth time that day.

"You see, the Master must frequent Hazakura to take the Ultra Course," Maya explained. "So I ran into Iris quite a lot."

Iris flushed a little darker, and looked away.

Maya giggled. "And I bet you can guess what she asked, every time. 'Mystic Maya? H-have you heard anything from Fe-er, Mr. Wright?'" she recounted in a decent impression of her cousin's voice.

Iris was now beet red, staring at the table. "I, er, well, …but…it…"

Phoenix just chuckled. "Oh, Rissy."

She looked up and smiled, the color slowly draining out of her cheeks. "Um, Mystic Maya? Where is the bathroom?"

"Second door to the left, by the main hall," she replied cheerfully.

Iris excused herself and left, leaving Maya and Phoenix alone. Almost immediately, her expression became serious.

"Nick," she started. "I need to warn you. About the urn."

Phoenix knew immidately that she wasn't talking about the old, cracked urn in the Winding Way. No, she was speaking of something far more dangerous.

"Dahlia's urn." He swallowed. "What? Is it…?"

"No," Maya said, shaking her head. "Nothing's wrong with the urn, really. It's more….her spirit. I told you this before, but…a spirit, especially a vegnful one, grows stronger when confined. When it is released, it will be strong enough to perhaps take over a medium against their will. But this spirit….I've never seen anything like it. I contacted my mother. She hasn't experienced anything like it either. Nick, I'm afraid if it gets out, it could even overpower me."

Phoenix stared, wide eyed. "But you're..."

Maya sighed, and rubbed her temple with one finger. "Yes, I know. But we have nothing to worry about, as long as that urn is kept safe."

Just then, the door swung open and Iris reentered the room.

Phoenix pasted a fake smile on his face, and signaled for Maya to do the same. She shot him a look - you didn't tell her? Phoenix shook his head ever so slightly before turning back to his fiancé.

"Iris," he said, greeting her as calmly as he could, and doing his best to make his smile appear genuine. He didn't want Iris to know, for several reasons. He was scared; afraid of would do if she found out. She would be in pain, he knew, if she found out her sister's spirit had been locked in an urn. But most of all, he didn't want to worry her. It hadn't even been a month yet. It was completely unnecessary burden her with something that probably wouldn't happen. That's what he always told himself.

Iris seated herself next to him again, apparently not noticing anything, or the shift in mood.

Phew. Maybe I'm getting better at this. I should have a perfectpoker faceby now, after all...anyway, she doesn't have to know, and worry...

"Do you want to talk to her?" Maya asked abruptly.

Phoenix, whose thoughts were still focused on the urn, misunderstood. "What!" he asked incredulously.

"Sis. I meant Mia." Maya replied calmly.

"Er...oh! Um, yeah, t-that would be great!" He grinned.

"Okay. Give me a sec..."

In the time it took Phoenix and Iris to blink, the woman sitting in front of them was no longer Maya.

"Chief," Phoenix said with a smile. "It's been a long time."

Mia sighed. "Yes. Yes it has. And you've got a lot of explaining to do, Phoenix. What happened to you for seven years?"

He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Not much, Chief. C'mon, I haven't changed that much."

"Not now.'re better. But for the past seven years? I know. I've been watching." She smiled. "Anyway, I'm glad you've...recovered. It would have been a shame to put all that I taught you to waste. Your apprentice, that Mr. Justice. He's a good lawyer, but sadly, he'll never be able to achieve what you have, Phoenix. And that's why you need to keep going."

He nodded. She was right, and now that he had found himself, he could do just that.

Mia then turned to her cousin. "Iris. It's a pleasure to meet you again. The only time we met was in court that day, if I'm not mistaken. It's good to get a chance to actually speak to you."

"It's good to see you too, Miss Fey."

"You can call me Mia," she said with a smile.

"Um, o-okay..."

Mia turned back to Phoenix. "Alright. You've got a story to tell."

"Right," he said.

Phoenix once again recounted the tale of the past seven years, all the way up to the part of re-visiting Hazakura.

"So you just accepted evidence like that?" Mia asked him sternly after he had relayed the events of his last trial.

"Er...I guess," he responded, abashed.

He then went on to tell her f his trip to the Eagle Mountains, and the events of the past month, with Iris piping up now and again with any details he had forgotten.

Finally, when he was done, he took Iris' hand in his and rested their arms on the table in front of them.

"Chief...we're getting married," he told her, anticipating her reaction.

Mia beamed. "That's great! I knew you would get around to it eventually. Congratulations, to the both of you."

Phoenix blinked. "You're not...?"

"Surprised?" Mia finished. "No, not at all." She chuckled. "After all, I'm the one who had to literally drag you from the detention center after your trial. And then five years later you find out what you had was real? What was I supposed to think? It was pretty predicable."

Phoenix blushed slightly, but recovered just as quick.

"I think I need to go now. Maya's been channeling me for over an hour. She's capable of much more, but I don't want to tire her out...oh! One last thing. Can I come to the wedding?"

"Of course!" Phoenix and Iris exclaimed simultaneously.

"All right then. I'll be there...watching. Nice ring, by the way." Mia smiled once more, and began to fade away.

"Hi guys!" Maya greeted them cheerfully, once she had returned to normal.

"Hey Maya," Phoenix replied. "Thanks. It was great to catch up with you and Mia."

"No problem," she said. " have to go?"

"Yeah. It was fun, though. I promise, we'll visit more often. And stop by the off- uh, agency any time!" Phoenix grinned and gave her a thumbs-up.

"Okay!" Maya said happily.

"Goodbye, Mystic Maya. It was great to meet you," Iris said as she stood up.

"Great to see you too, Iris." she said with a grin. "Bye, Nick!"

"See ya, Maya," he replied.

Maya watched them go, pleased with the idea that they would visit again. She had missed Nick, without a doubt. He was her best friend, and her brother in all but blood. But now Nick's back! And things can return to normal once again.

Chapter 14 - Coming Soon! :godot: ~ Feenie needs a Best Man! :think:

Last edited by FlameTamer16 on Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:03 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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The chapters are a bit short for my liking but it's good. The descriptions were cute.
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Feenris 4ever ♥

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Thanks for the review :phoenix:

Yeah, the first few chapters are a bit short, but they get longer. (I've actually just started posting here, the rest is on I'll get the rest of the 12 chaps up here soon, though :)
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Ace Procrastinator

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Loved it. Some pretty good fanfiction to fuel my addiction
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Feenris forever, baby!
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Avatar? I'm not even a bender!

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I don't usually read shipping fics, but this one might have just sparked a new interest inside me. I really enjoyed it, and it's a bit sad that it probably won't continue - the author hasn't been on CR for a while. Looking forward to reading more like this one.
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This was a good story. I don't wanna see it end here
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Phoenix_Wrong wrote:
This was a good story. I don't wanna see it end here

Hehe I know what you mean, my friend
Re: Soul Mates - Phoenix/IrisTopic%20Title

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as hardcore Phoenix-Iris shipper, I enjoy this fic a lot! I can't understand why it's very hard to find Phoenix-Iris fanfic :(
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Ace Procrastinator

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xxxshevax wrote:
as hardcore Phoenix-Iris shipper, I enjoy this fic a lot! I can't understand why it's very hard to find Phoenix-Iris fanfic :(

It's hard to find Feenris stuff in general :sob:
Anything I manage to find, I save. The struggle of being a Feenris shipper...
Re: Soul Mates - Phoenix/IrisTopic%20Title
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Butz the Klutz 52 wrote:
xxxshevax wrote:
as hardcore Phoenix-Iris shipper, I enjoy this fic a lot! I can't understand why it's very hard to find Phoenix-Iris fanfic :(

It's hard to find Feenris stuff in general :sob:
Anything I manage to find, I save. The struggle of being a Feenris shipper...

Yeah it saddens me when I can't find Feenris stuff. And it makes me cringe when I stumble across NaruMitsu *shudders*
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