Court Records

Panda Corp Sprites and Shop [Open]
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Author:  Panda Corp [ Wed Sep 21, 2016 6:03 am ]
Post subject:  Panda Corp Sprites and Shop [Open]

This is for my fan game. Please don't use. I do have a job, and I do this as a hobby. Some weeks I'm too busy to get a moment to myself, but when I do, all the work will be done!

Game Production
Story, 3 cases are completed and fleshed out with how it's done but not who says what. (so the investigation and how it's done why it's done and who has done it)

Working on them <3, I'll work on transparency later.

Main Protagonist! Chester Waterman / Chester Argile / Light Waterman / Light Argile/ Chester Nark(name pending)
Image Image

Puns with his name Chess, Watermelon, Argyle, Light
Type of Lawyer: Plays dumb to his advantage, pretends to sleep to listen to people chat, can be charming. Rather fit.
Weakness: Those who can fake distress or are in distress, driving/cars (He likes the machine but don't get him behind the wheel), singled mindedness drives him insane, he can't play an instrument or draw to save his life but wishes he could. Hates nature in general. Fake nature is fine. Ask him to go on a hike and he'll hate you for the duration of the hike. A bit lazy. People assume he's trying to get girls when really he isn't, and sometimes it can lead to awkward conversations or jealous boyfriends chasing him without him understanding why.
Likes: Sweets, sleeping, clients, murder (he loves his job, and sometimes people find him dark when he doesn't mean to be.),hot beverages and warm clothes, people watching
Hates: Being stuck in nature, exercise in general, waiting (Unless he can nap, or listen to people), cold foods (ice cream included, popsicals with chocolate coating are acceptable.) birds (thinks they're out to poo on him)
Fears: Birds (They're there to peek his eyes out, fly in his face, and poop on him.), Ice (If it's icy he can't and will refuse to step on it, ice for drinks is fine but he hates that ice that occurs in freezers)
Use to Enjoy hockey.
May or may not actually suffer some form of narcolepsy as he'll fall asleep during the prosecution's ramblings if he's bored of hearing them talk. This might be Selective or a joke.

Store (3 open spots)

Author:  Panda Corp [ Wed Sep 21, 2016 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Panda Corp Sprites and Shop [Open]

Image Image

So I'm testing his sleeping sprite. I haven't put in the sleep bubble or mouth action yet. I kept a smirk as he'll have 2 'sleeping' sprites.
1 for when he'll grin and wake up to catch someone in a lie
2. when he's got his sleep bubble from listening to the prosecution. I'm posting this on a new spot because it's been awhile seince my last post AND because I'd like the opinion of some peeps!
What do you think about this sprite. Is it off? I think it might be in the arm but I'm not sure....


The edited version is up it's the second picture on the right. I like that a bit more. still a line needs to be smoother but I'll do that a little later. I think it's getting better.

Author:  SuperAj3 [ Thu Sep 22, 2016 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Panda Corp Sprites and Shop [Open]

Welcome and nice work!
I think you did well with the shading and he has a cool design!
One little tip, for AA sprites, outlines shouldn't be too thick, try to make them one-pixel wide.

Author:  Panda Corp [ Thu Sep 22, 2016 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Panda Corp Sprites and Shop [Open]


I could try to do that. Should I redo all my sprites? I'm a little worried about doing it. I lack confidence but I'll still give it a go =3
Thank you for the heads up on it by the way! Presently I'm doing my editing in paint so I use the wider lines to see what I'm doing because I can't layer it in paint. I'd use GIMP but eh....I don't like how it's set up. I like simplicity of Paint.
Thank you for the compliment on his design. <3 Would you believe he use to have pink hair and a pure green vest with an olive stripe going down the left side?
I'll try to make the lines thinner I think I just thought of a way to fix it easily on the sleeves at least! The vest will give me the most trouble. Thank you again!


Thinned the lines, made his eyes more green. What do ya think?

Author:  SuperAj3 [ Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Panda Corp Sprites and Shop [Open]

It looks a lot nicer now! Cleaning it up shows off the deatils some more and refines it!

Author:  Panda Corp [ Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Panda Corp Sprites and Shop [Open]


Hope you're right. I do like the newer one. This one I'm not sure how to fix just yet. I think it is as good as I can make it sadly. I'll start animating the first sprite soon. Might take a break because this one really made me mad. The image broke the first time, so I had to do it all over. I was pretty sad. Ah well. Progress is progress.

Author:  Panda Corp [ Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Panda Corp Sprites and Shop [Open]

Been a few days since I posted. Here's a sprite for the first case that I"m working on! Meet the accused!


I'll animate it a bit later after I get some feedback on it =3. I took a break from the protag a bit to do this. I love that Larry was a reoccurring first case character. I was sad when that stopped and kinda miss him. So....I went back to it myself.

Author:  AJtheprogrammer [ Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Panda Corp Sprites and Shop [Open]

Heya! You're also a game developer!

These are some really well-drawn sprites!

Author:  Panda Corp [ Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Panda Corp Sprites and Shop [Open]


I am. Thank you for the compliment =3.
I'm learning python for the PyWright engine still. I'm use to RPG Maker programs as well as Renpai, but it seems Pywright might be the best way to go here. So I'll give it a go!

EDIT 4:22am
So I fixed up the protag's sleeping sprite. Before the snot bubble goes in.

Author:  mercurialSK [ Sun Oct 30, 2016 6:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Panda Corp Sprites and Shop [Open]

Nice OC edit. I like the character design XD

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