Court Records

Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida
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Author:  Akbey Hicks [ Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:14 am ]
Post subject:  Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

A defense attorney allowed to investigate? This is just absurd. Unless...


That is correct. It's official. A defense attorney is allowed to investigate. Some spoiler sprites are shown in my sprite topic.

Rider's Turnabout


Day 1: (Investigation)
The attorney from the west... east... wherever.
Online conversation

Day 2: (Trial)
The book of information... to be read in a few minutes.
Wait, who's the co-council?
Whipping the world
Cross-examinating Gumshoe 1-1


Much hasn't been started yet. All I do know is that there is a page on the site below.
Ace Attorney Comic Wiki.

EDIT: Yeah, I changed the logo size... and the text itself. :D And I added the center thing.

Author:  Akbey Hicks [ Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

Just released the first two strips.

Let me know how it turned out.

Author:  Dawn [ Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

Looks good so far. I might be watching this for a while, so keep it up!

Author:  Akbey Hicks [ Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

It turned out much better than the original. However, I can't use apostrophes as they do not exist in pwfont (from PWLib).

The original first frame is shown on my sprite topic. You can either go to my wiki page.

Author:  Akbey Hicks [ Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

This is more information about this sprite comic which has been planned. (Also, I am working on the third comic at the moment, it's just the recurring gags that bug me)

The following cases have been announced- Rider's Turnabout, Turnabout of the School (tentative title), Borginian Turnabout, Turnabout Revival (tentative title). There is also going to be a mini-series which is a spin-off, preferably after the second case.

Turnabout of the School features a Japanese school with Latin students (Euro-Latin).
Borginian Turnabout features Romeine Lettuce
Turnabout Revival takes place two years back

Franziska, Miles, and Gumshoe are all main characters in this.

EDIT: Okay, so the third comic is up. It has the biggest AAI:ME spoilers so far. Here is what was scrapped- you see the taxi moving on a road (wasted a day on that), Neo is inside (and you see the driver, oddly enough, he appears in the third case) and then the text lines show up. Gumshoe was originally supposed to be with Edgeworth telling Neo about the case and after that, Neo logs out and goes into the precinct. In the end, the idea was supposed to be 2 or 3 comics long, following a whole investigation sequence. Unfortunately, all that was also scrapped. (The idea of a Blue Badger was also supposed to show up at one point, still holding on to that idea)

Author:  Tap [ Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

It's okay so far. It's a bit boring but only because its the introduction. I loved though that Croik was in Part 3 :karma:

Also, use the PWExtended/International font for writing. Namefont1 is used for the name boxes and Namefont 2 is for like Case Selection boxes.

And there's a few grammatical errors in it along with missing punctuation so before posting read over it and see if there are any mistakes. Proof reading is a friend, not your enemy.

Author:  Akbey Hicks [ Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

As I said previously, there are NO apostrophes due to pwfont. I'll update to something else now, and the Court-Records references are funny and common. (Such as, for example, in the bar at the bottom, it originally said Court Records - Post a Reply) I also removed some of the punctuation to fit into the comic.

Anyway, other than that... the wiki page has a huge spoiler. Of course... :garyuu: I thought of everything when I was making this. I also tried to not contradict any of the titles. I'll try using PWExtended now. Namefont2 was for the name boxes, of course, but this is just a test right now.

Have to update the Wiki right now, because this is a fully working project and I'm working on Part 4 as we speak.

I noticed something odd about Part 3. It's the only part without any music. :redd: I missed that.

EDIT: Okay, Part 4 is up, confirmed as the longest part, features little information, waiting for DefenceLawyer to answer me so I can get on with Part 5, AKA the trial itself, where the defendant is finally announced if you didn't figure out by the silhouette.

EDIT3: Honestly, the wiki page is annoying me. It gives me random crap.

Author:  Akbey Hicks [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

Okay, I really didn't feel like updating my last post for the FOURTH time. Anyway, me and DefenceLawyer (oddly enough, he spelled defense wrong) are working on terms for Part 5, as the comic now is entirely GK-styled, so that's a hold-up. Two, I'm in the Family Lawn right now, three, I am working on the Best Game of 2009 thing, which if anyone wants to close, be my guest, too many people here are murder-lovers, and four... I am creating Neo's theme, which is the unused track in Gyakuten Saiban 1.

Also, Neo's sprite didn't fit in with Part 4, you may say? Well, that's true. The first turnabout is just a test, after than I'll insert all the custom themes used, maybe on YouTube or something.

Author:  Detective Redfield [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

A clever idea, getting gumshoe on your side by offering to get his salary increased. Edgeworth's reply was good.

Author:  Godman9 [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

Wahoo! I think I'm a new fan of your art work, capcom could hire! :gant:

Author:  Akbey Hicks [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

Okay, this is a response to comments-

To Detective Redfield- It was an old idea getting Neo to increase Gumshoe's salary. He was originally supposed to be a prosecutor, of course (which allowed the idea to be born), but that idea didn't fit with him aiming for the truth. After I made Neo a defense attorney, that idea never left, but that got rid of all the cases I originally planned, but not all of the ideas, such as Edgeworth being his mentor.

To aceking- Well, I drew Dusky Bridge. Neo is also my old idea, but... he is based off of Klavier. However, read about Part 5 for more details on him.

Also, on Part 5- it's a little halted down as I'm trying to create Neo's theme (that unused track from Ace Attorney) and Neo will have a major overhaul on his face. the suspeect will be released. Unless you go onto my Wikia page, that spoiled it. :beef:

Author:  Supersonic808 [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

To put it simply, Neo's neck is horrible and as is the collar of his jacket. Aside from that, a decent sprite. But the face is very "Klaiver-ish".

Author:  DarkDigiDragon [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

This is a really cool story it has nice sprites and everything you did a really good job. (I wish I knew how to do stuff like that... :sadshoe:

Author:  Dawn [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

DarkDigiDragon wrote:
This is a really cool story it has nice sprites and everything you did a really good job. (I wish I knew how to do stuff like that... :sadshoe:

You can try, you know? Do some basic edits and recolors and then move on to more advanced stuff.

Author:  DarkDigiDragon [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

Dragonclaw23 wrote:
DarkDigiDragon wrote:
This is a really cool story it has nice sprites and everything you did a really good job. (I wish I knew how to do stuff like that... :sadshoe:

You can try, you know? Do some basic edits and recolors and then move on to more advanced stuff.

Yeah I already have some recolors for Blake Haze (Prosecutor) but I'm trying to figure out how to make a series thingy like that and most people X_X hardness always gets the better of me but I'll try.

Author:  Tap [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

Don't overlap sprites like that because you'll find in GK, they only overlap in the 'zoom X2' versions when Edgeworth is rebutting. It just looks pretty bad at the moment with them not seperated :p

Also, do you expect us to play a Youtube video containing the music or play the album itself as soon as the new song comes up on screen?

And one more thing: Since your PWlib fan game Neo Nossida was him Prosecuting, do you still require that wiki page or can it be removed now?

Author:  Akbey Hicks [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

What wiki page? If you mean the one that the logo sends to, I'm keeping it, as it says that Neo is a defense attorney. I don't know any other one... but get rid of them.

Neo's neck is being redefined... again, and his collar is actually ripped if you look at the art I made, which is bad.

And I will post a Youtube video when I get the chance to finish ripping the lost song. Also, I was lazy to get rid of the sprites' behind them, but I was working on 200% and I didn't see clearly.

Author:  Godman9 [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

This is his wiki
Impressive, I never would have thought of any thing like this, congratulations.
One problem, Romein LeTouse is dead.

Author:  Tap [ Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

Heart's Soul wrote:
What wiki page? If you mean the one that the logo sends to, I'm keeping it, as it says that Neo is a defense attorney. I don't know any other one... but get rid of them.

Gyakuten Wiki. You have a page there for a Phoenix GS5 with a mysterious Prosecutor called "Neo Nossida". I'm assuming you aren't continuing that game then?

Author:  Akbey Hicks [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

No, that's over with.

Anyway, Romeine is alive at the time. It is 2020. So, to you I say... :karma:

Author:  Akbey Hicks [ Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

Wait... how long happened!? You know what, here's an update, I believe in Sims 3. I played that game hard over the last 2 weeks.

Oh, and I updated the wiki with my reason and info on the fifth case. Working on a spoiler.

Author:  Dawn [ Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

... It's been awhile since you updated. Glad to see you're still working on it.

Author:  Akbey Hicks [ Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

Yeah, I had to recreate it several times actually. Really annoying, my computer is as bad the wriggling piece of plywood, and Photoshop is really bad on it. I'm not changing, though.

Author:  Dawn [ Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

Did you try GIMP? I use it, and I really have no problem with using it. But yeah, those pages take a while to make.

Author:  Akbey Hicks [ Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

I used Photoshop for over a year and I don't want to change. Even in school, I use Photoshop whenever possible... even if they told me to use Photoshop Elements which I did not understand.

Other than that, I found a spelling error in GK4!!!

EDIT: Well, I worked on this for a short while, but it came out good. This is Neo in 2023. After this case, Neo will have a change from Klavier to Edgeworth. I'm evil like that. (Excluding case 4)

Spoiler: Spoilers of the fifth case! OMG!!!

Author:  Ice [ Sat Feb 20, 2010 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

Your comics look pretty good so far Though I noticed a mistake on the third pannel of the first part, Unless of course it's purposely meant to be like that. You spelt now as 'Npw'

Author:  Akbey Hicks [ Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

I just re-read both third scenes and there are no mistakes. One abuses the word now but no problems there. Also, I found the animation I wanted faster than I expected. The next part is close to completion.

Author:  Ice [ Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

Just thought I'd let you know just In case it was a mistake, anyhow I think I'll lurk a bit to see how this goes on.

Author:  Akbey Hicks [ Sun Feb 21, 2010 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

There is no npw. I have spellcheck and I use it.

Author:  Dawn [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 2:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

... Hmm, well, Franny's personality is off, I think. I'm not exactly sure, but is she still perfect?

Good so far.

((Akbey Hicks? I thought you were a new user, then I glanced at your location. Only Heart's Soul would have that.))

Author:  Akbey Hicks [ Wed Mar 03, 2010 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace Attorney Investigations: Neo Nossida

I'm still working on this, but I've joined the Otaku now and I have no regrets.

That's it in a nutshell.

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