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Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title
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some sort of diabolical mastermind

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Well, I need your help. Picture this scenario:

You're walking home from school, to the bus, when suddenly, guys from your school jump you! They attack you and leave you in the area next to it. You miss your bus, AND you can't use your right middle finger temporarily.

That's what's gonna happen to me...

On the last day for the term, I was literally ambushed by a pack of senior students. Apparently, they're nasty bullies. Nasty bullies I stood up against when they were picking on some of the junior students. One had a knife. A knife. I'm not exaggerating. Anyway, they try to attack me, but I run for my life, leaving all my homework on the ground. I just manage to get on the bus, but I swear they said "We'll get you for this." or something stupid.
The bus driver or no officials didn't see, but all of the people on the bus did. Some of them actually applauded me for what I did, saying "it's better to be a chicken than to be dead". There was a few guys at the back of the bus, looking at me if they felt I didn't succumb to their Neanderthal fight.
As soon as I got off, they looked at me, and muttered something. All of them were tight with my attackers.

Anyway, I have a week and three days to figure out how to defend myself. I know they're gonna jump me.

PS: I am not lying. I swear it. I'm seriously fearing for my life here.
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Dude, you have to tell someone about this. Someone you can trust. At the very least, get some friends to back you up. If they want to use numbers, so should you. Showing up alone without having told anyone is what they want you to do.

I'm not the biggest expert on this though, as I try to avoid starting shit whenever possible.
I yell "OBJECTION!" in the court sometimes!
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some sort of diabolical mastermind

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Chinese Infantry wrote:
Dude, you have to tell someone about this. Someone you can trust. At the very least, get some friends to back you up. If they want to use numbers, so should you. Showing up alone without having told anyone is what they want you to do.

I'm not the biggest expert on this though, as I try to avoid starting shit whenever possible.

Man, didn't you read? All the people on the bus saw it. The people I trust were ON the bus. They know.
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I did read the post, and other than what I suggested, I don't know what to say. All I do know is don't show up alone.
I yell "OBJECTION!" in the court sometimes!
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some sort of diabolical mastermind

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Chinese Infantry wrote:
I did read the post, and other than what I suggested, I don't know what to say. All I do know is don't show up alone.

Ah, that's the stupidest thing to do in my school. You see, the group I'm facing off is numerous (about 1/6th of the senior roster), and if I bring more, they're gonna bring more. And one of them has The Anarchist's Cookbook, if I'm correct. No one can make Survivalist's Stew like that guy. And by that, I mean it's terrible.

I could face them by myself, only if I had a weapon. And they're banned, both normal and improvisational. But when I'm out of school, you don't follow the rules. So what can I do? Smuggle a weapon in a hiding place near the entrance so when I'm attacked, I can pull it out?
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I'd advise you to not get a weapon, you'll only get in more trouble if you use one. I'd tell the police or something, maybe just even your parents, they can help you, seriously.
Floating down through these autumn leaves,
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Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title
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some sort of diabolical mastermind

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Aki wrote:
I'd advise you to not get a weapon, you'll only get in more trouble if you use one.

Well, if it's in self-defense, there are exceptions. I'd only use the weapon as a last-minute resort.
Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title

Phoenix is a hobo!?

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2 options:
1: Stand up, get friends and tackle the problem.
2:Pretend to be sick and ask if you can go on a holiday out of your country for the school term.
(i advise to use the 1st.)
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some sort of diabolical mastermind

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KickFlip wrote:
2 options:
1: Stand up, get friends and tackle the problem.
2:Pretend to be sick and ask if you can go on a holiday out of your country for the school term.
(i advise to use the 1st.)

1: Tackle the problem? As in tackling them? Yeah, let's all get our asses kicked.
2: Sick isn't a bad option, but not the holiday.
Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title

Phoenix is a hobo!?

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1: Tackle the problem? As in tackling them? Yeah, let's all get our asses kicked.

havent you heard of 'Figure of speech" Butz

still, wait............ i dont beleive you. I mean realy, think about it, give me proof, i'm not saying ur lying, i'm just quite not sure ur telling the truth.
Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title
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spr fckn srs peepz

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Carry a cellphone. You see a bunch of armed seniors going for you? Dial 911. - Because the only fantasy worlds I like are those I write myself.
Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title

Just for you Baki. can you marry me now?

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If they already attacked you once before, I think you may have some sort of right to call the police. You should try to hang around with many other people, and stay places where there are plenty of witnesses. Calling the police seems to be a good Idea here.
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Let a teacher know.

As whiny as that may seem, in a case like this it is most definitely not. Teachers aren't just there for teaching, you know.

If you really feel threatened by this, find a teacher that you trust and talk to them about it. That way, they can keep their eyes open and look for strange behavior or any bullying going on.
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First, I'd advise you to either tell an adult, or a parent, or just someone who can help you. It doesn't matter if it makes you out to be a coward, not telling someone about something so serious could end up getting you seriously injured.

Second, if it ever comes down to something like that, run away at the sight of them. Foolish fighting that can get you hurt is the easiest way to make them want to pick on you more.

And lastly, if anything does happen, let them throw the first punch. That way it'll be justified self defense, for which you can then easily get them in trouble without you getting muxh of the blame. And if they assault you with a knife, you could get them charged for assault with a deadly weapon.
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Ah yes, similair thing happened to me, but I was just out for a walk.. Some guys jumped me.. Luckily they had no weapons, but I had my mp3 with me. But of course, I hid it in my pocket, they didn't get it. But they.. tried to trade a pair of pants for it.. Eh? But anyway, there was no real damage to me, but I contacted the police.

Seriously, I know how you feel, on that day, I never ran so fast in my life.
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Sounds bad. You should be smart enough to know that you need adult help. Maybe you should wear a mask or something like that if that doesn't work.
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Really, do what everyone says: Go tell an adult. The police. the teachers. Your parents. SOMEONE!
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Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title

Phoenix is a hobo!?

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Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title

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Take a gun to school and vent your fury into innocent people.
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Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title


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Call the police, tell the principal, tell them everyone on the bus saw so they could question them. Tell the principal that the people in the back muttered something to you.

I mean what the heck do you think you should do? The first thing on my mind would be "alright i should tell my parents, the school faculty, and the police (not in that order)" and not "what would my online friends suggest I do?"
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I will protect you....Fräulein

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forget about being a snitch! Tell!
Thanks DarzieP for this sweet sig and avatar!!!!!
Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title
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CBW wrote:
Take a gun to school and vent your fury into innocent people.

... That's not funny.
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Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title

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CBW wrote:
Take a gun to school and vent your fury into innocent people.

Good job! You just got the victims and family/friends of Columbine to HATE you!

But damn. That sucks. Do you know WHY they're doing this?

But you probably won't die. It takes a lot of force to kill someone, even a blow to the head Trust me, I almost died a few years back.

m not saying ur lying, i'm just quite not sure ur telling the truth.

Nick Care to explain that, sir?
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spr fckn srs peepz

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Billiards Koopa wrote:
Good job! You just got the victims and family/friends of Columbine to HATE you!

But damn. That sucks. Do you know WHY they're doing this?

But you probably won't die. It takes a lot of force to kill someone, even a blow to the head Trust me, I almost died a few years back.

Not to mention the entire Dawson College and the women currently studing at the Polytechnical School of Montreal. - Because the only fantasy worlds I like are those I write myself.
Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title

Regular avvy was too big. ;_;

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If you can't avoid an encounter, and you're outnumbered with no place to run, aim for the family jewels. Cowardly I know, but the initial shock of a guy getting his balls squished will probably stun the others in shock long enough to buy you some escape time.

Get the police on your side too. That'll help. If worst comes to worst, you'll likely just be badly injured. Get everyone that could be on your side, on your side. Screw it if you're branded a snitch or a coward. In a life or death situation, it doesn't matter anymore.
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some sort of diabolical mastermind

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DarkFlood wrote:
Get the police on your side too. That'll help. If worst comes to worst, you'll likely just be badly injured. Get everyone that could be on your side, on your side. Screw it if you're branded a snitch or a coward. In a life or death situation, it doesn't matter anymore.

This will sound really wierd, but they have charisma. A whole lot of it. They could make the police turn a blind eye for a small thing. Trust me, they've done this before.
Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title

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You should seriously tell the police or anyone who will listen. This is bad, this is your life, and this is crazy. Who cares if this makes you a snitch. This is bad. Also mabye you should take up karate or somthing. Anything to defend yourself.
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I will protect you....Fräulein

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Anything you think on what you should do might help.
Thanks DarzieP for this sweet sig and avatar!!!!!
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Really, telling the authorities is the best thing you can do. Even if they've done it before, it must mean SOMETHING to the police if they are reported again!
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Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title

Phoenix is a hobo!?

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I've got a new plan 4 u. Kick them in da nuts!
(do this in self-defense>_>)
Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title

Phoenix is a hobo!?

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better yet, dont listen to me.
Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title

Regular avvy was too big. ;_;

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Erm, if they can make the police turn a blind eye to something serious like this, and if the police ignore your case too, then you should go to the local media and order an investigation. Because if the police are ignoring you, then that's some corruption right there.

I'd suggest running A LOT to build up your stamina so you can just make a sprint towards the bus.
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As everyone has said, tell an adult. A school resource officer would be the best person to talk to if you have one or the police in general. Do you know when and where they are gonna attack you and all of their names? That would be the most valuable information to have right now. Who knows, maybe you could suggest the police to station at the location undercover?

This thing is crazy, nothing like this ever happens at my school...

Last edited by Apeman1813 on Sat Apr 07, 2007 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title
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One other thing~~

Why make a thread like this if you're going to reject all the help we're trying to give you?

We're serious about this. Are you?

Tell someone. Anyone. That's all you need to do.
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*read the first post* Sadshoe
Holy crap! Why are you posting this on a video-gaming forum?
I never went through a bully issue myself but I know a few who have.

Tell your parents or the teachers but you'll probably won't do that, won't you?
Keep those pricks on their toes by telling the police (the knife-crime and all).
Having your friends back you up is even a higher priority for something like this.
Stay in touch with them and the police with something like a mobile phone.
Stay in the crowd and moderately near the teachers, hopefully the pricks won't be that stupid to attack you by then.

Giving us more detail on this would help. Eh?
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Mia oh Maya! wrote:
One other thing~~

Why make a thread like this if you're going to reject all the help we're trying to give you?

We're serious about this. Are you?

Tell someone. Anyone. That's all you need to do.

Hey that's a good point! Besides like I said it should be fairly obvious what to do...
Re: Oh god, I fear I may not make it... SERIOUSLY!Topic%20Title

SEELE Official

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Ya know what, it doesn't matter anyway. Just get some help from anyone. I applaud you for standing up to them but at this point it doesn't matter what you do. It would be easier to let people know, stay away from them. They are seniors, right? Well in a few months, those morons will be gone, and you don't have to worry about their active aggressive bullshit. Although, I agree, you are qquite quick to shoot down other's opinions for somebody who asks for help.
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They've all got a point! You're giving up before you're even trying! Try our suggestions first! If you're going to give up so easily, then why are you posting this anyway?
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spr fckn srs peepz

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Harry Miste wrote:
DarkFlood wrote:
Get the police on your side too. That'll help. If worst comes to worst, you'll likely just be badly injured. Get everyone that could be on your side, on your side. Screw it if you're branded a snitch or a coward. In a life or death situation, it doesn't matter anymore.

This will sound really wierd, but they have charisma. A whole lot of it. They could make the police turn a blind eye for a small thing. Trust me, they've done this before.


Carry a cellphone. They come menacingly, flee and call the police. No matter how charismatic they are, if they're fucking CHASING YOU they can't say shit.

Edit : What did you want us to say anyway!? Grab a fucking shotgun and go Doom 1 on their asses!? Hell naw. - Because the only fantasy worlds I like are those I write myself.
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some sort of diabolical mastermind

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OK, I rang the police, but they said they'd ring back. I'm waiting. It's been a day...
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