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What's your gaming story?
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Author:  dimentiorules [ Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  What's your gaming story?

I assume that all members of this forum are gamers. Every gamer has a story about how they became gamers in the first place, their earliest experiences with video games. This thread is for discussing this very topic.

When I was 4 years old, I wouldn't play with any toys my mother bought me. She was trying to find some way to entertain me, so my cousin offered to sell her a Nintendo 64 to her for $100, which was a lot cheaper than it would be to get one new at the time. She wasn't sure if I'd be interested, but he managed to convince her, and she sat me down, put the controller in my hands, and sure enough, I was hooked. The first video game I ever played was Super Mario 64. It was one of 4 games that came with the console, the other 3 being Ocarina Of Time, Harvest Moon 64, and, oddly enough, Mortal Kombat Trilogy. Yes, Mortal Kombat Trilogy was one of the first video games I ever played! Later my Mom got me a Game Boy Color, with 3 games for it: Super Mario Brothers DX, Donkey Kong Country, and a Spiderman game. I also got a PS1, and I later got a PS2, but it broke, and I got a Gamecube to replace it. The Gamecube had 3 games: Super Smash Bros. Melee, Luigi's Mansion, and Super Mario Sunshine. After that, I was pretty much a Nintendo fanboy, only getting a PS3 a few months ago.

Author:  CatMuto [ Sat Aug 16, 2014 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

Um, I think my brother got Harvest Moon for the Super Nintendo for Christmas '96 and I enjoyed watching him play it. I played it myself, but was more about the socializing than the work (hey I was 6 years old!) but I kept playing it and I think I became more and more obsessed with games, especially Smash Bros.


Author:  dimentiorules [ Sat Aug 16, 2014 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

Oops! I meant to put this in the Police Station, not Global Studios! Could a mod kindly move this to the proper forum?

Author:  Klonoahedgehog [ Sat Aug 16, 2014 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

Well let's see, the first game i ever played was Mario kart 64, i was like 2 years old maybe? I can't really remember that far back, but i do remember my older brother at the time taught me how to play the game, other games he owned at the time were stuff like Pokemon stadium 2, Diddy kong racing and Bettle adventure racing.
My family were fans of the racing genre.

My parents didn't let me have my own system until later, at the start of Generation 3 of Pokemon i begged my parents to get me Sapphire and a GBA, they said no... But as a great surprise that christmas i did get the things i asked for, that christmas vacation playing Sapphire, of course i picked May and torchic because she was my favorite character in the anime.

A while later my mom got me a Gamecube with Super smash bros, i remember running home with my cousin everyday to play Ssbm, those were fun times and i'll never forget them.

Author:  dullahan1 [ Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

I'm sure when I was little, I dabbled on my parent's Atari. First game I can recall playing though would be Super Mario Bros./Duckhunt on the NES. I don't think I really got into gaming until the 4th grade, where I made some new friends and they got all excited about the N64 and everything. Granted, I would play the NES every now and then, but I was more of a "play outside" kinda kid. Probably explains why I missed the whole SNES era, but at least I got to play that at my friends' houses.

Author:  Going for Miles [ Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

My dad put up his old NES when I was six years old and I became freaking obsessed with Super Mario Bros. (which had Duck hunt on it as well, which I sometimes played for a change). I played Super Mario Bros. 3 a little as well but it was a little too hard for me. Before and after that I mostly played children's computer games, and when I was eight or something me and my cousin played The Sims at my grandparent's house. Super Mario Bros. was the game I came back to though. I'm not sure I'd call myself a gamer though - surely I like videogames, but my interest in it is more on a theoretical level. I love reading analysises and reviews, academical and/or political takes on videogames and so on, and when I was younger I knew everything worth knowing about arcade games, The Sims and earlier Sim installments and the Super Mario franchise. Sometimes I even prefer watching other people play than actually playing myself because some games just don't fit me because I tend to lose my patience. Anyway, when I was 11-12 or something I developed an interest in old arcade games and learned everything about them, and occasionally I even played some of them, that is, the online versions. At this point we had an Xbox at home as well, but I don't remember what I played. Then on my 12th birthday I got a Nintendo DS and came back to Mario mostly, and some time later we got a Wii, which had me play some other games as well. At 14 or 15 I was all for The Sims 2 and a few years later I started looking for good games for my DS again, and along with some other games I found Ace Attorney and the rest is histo... well, it made my interest for games come alive again and I started buying DS games frequently.

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

First game I ever played was PM: TTYD on the Gamecube. I didn't know much about RPGs so I was barely scraping by the enemies in the game. I eventually got stuck on Gloomtail (VERY close to the end of the game) and realized I couldn't beat him, so I actually started the game over so I could be powerful enough to beat him on the next run-through. That game is such a memory for me. I remember trying to guess Doopliss' name and actually trying to guess it, thinking the game wouldn't give me the answer (but it did)

Author:  dimentiorules [ Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

JesusMonroe wrote:
First game I ever played was PM: TTYD on the Gamecube. I didn't know much about RPGs so I was barely scraping by the enemies in the game. I eventually got stuck on Gloomtail (VERY close to the end of the game) and realized I couldn't beat him, so I actually started the game over so I could be powerful enough to beat him on the next run-through. That game is such a memory for me. I remember trying to guess Doopliss' name and actually trying to guess it, thinking the game wouldn't give me the answer (but it did)

How old are you that that's your first game? Or did you just not get into video games until you got older?

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Sun Aug 17, 2014 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

I didn't get a Gamecube until I was in first/second grade, which was the same year Paper Mario came out

I'm 17

Author:  MBr [ Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

The first game I remember playing was Driver (the very first one). I don't know why my mom bought it for me. It was rated Teen and I was like 6. Good thing I didn't understand any of the content other than that cars go fast. Then I got Need for Speed III and became a fan of the franchise (although I was obviously bad at driving).

Hmm... then I started playing MMORPGs in the form of RuneScape and WoW. RuneScape holds a very special place in my heart, but sadly the game has changed from when I played back in 2004. I know you can play that version of RS if you pay for a membership, and I did play a version of the old RS, but I no longer have the patience for MMORPGs. RuneScape consumed my childhood and I have no regrets. As for WoW, it's the same thing over and over, but it still had me for 3 years.

So then I got into shooters. I was addicted, in a bad way. I eventually got out of it. If I play a shooter today, I make sure it's co-operative, like Left 4 Dead.

When I was playing RS, I also started playing Sonic. Now those times were the Dark Age of Sonic. I played Sonic Heroes, which at the time I thought was a good Sonic game. I was a foolishly foolish kid.

These days, I play both arcade andsim racing games (I have a steering wheel with paddle shifters), platformers, and of course Ace Attorney. I haven't explored the visual novel genre yet.

Author:  Franzise Deauxnim [ Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

First video games I remember watching were Legend of Zelda and Megaman 2

First ones I actually played were on my parents' Atari, though. Played Pole Position 2 so much the cartridge burned out. Ironically I can't stand most racing games now outside of Mario Kart (which barely counts).

god this topic makes me feel old, bunch of punk kids weaned on the 64

Author:  DoMaya [ Sun Aug 17, 2014 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

Duke Nukem 3D or Super Mario Bros 3

Author:  Sir Duke [ Sun Aug 17, 2014 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

The Crash Bandicoot/ Spyro crossover on GBA. Later got Pokemon LeafGreen and Sapphire and that started my video game craze.

Author:  tiger_festival [ Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

I entered "gaming" with Spyro the Dragon and Gran Turismo on PS1 back in 199(something). One game I replayed over and over for endless hours, and one game I could never beat. Then, I think I obtained Pokemon Yellow; after that, I hardly remember playing any games until 2006, when I first played Okami. And then stuff happened or something.

Author:  Thane [ Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

When I was a wee lad, the Super Mario games actually scared me a bit. I loved coming home from kindergarten and watch my mother and older brother play video games, but I didn't dare play on my own until I was around four, if memory serves.

I played all the Super Mario Bros. games and loved them dearly. But it wasn't until the Nintendo 64 came (I never owned a SNES) that I was utterly blown away. Mario jumping in 3D? And who is this Link, and how come I can go anywhere I want? What do you mean Mario can fly to awesome music for three minutes if I press a switch on a secret course you enter by looking up into the cieling?

Good times, good times. Of course, after that I was flooded with good games as technology improved and we got better computers. Knights of the Old Republic, Warcraft 3 and so on.

Author:  Mirii-chan [ Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

My earliest memory of video games was playing Quake with my dad. Well, I say playing, mostly I was just watching over his shoulder.

The first time I ever really played was when I got a Nintendo. I didn't play anything that interesting until a friend lent me the first Phoenix Wright game, and that was what really set me off. So, I guess it's all thanks to AA. :acro:

Author:  Anthony [ Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

My earliest gaming..... oh damn I don't remember but It had to be around Nintendo. I think my first game was either Kirby or Mario at age..... um.... 3 or 5?

Author:  Gwen [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

I have a brother that is a few years older than me, and he was in to games, so I just started playing them and we had a lot of fun playing games together. That's pretty much it.

Author:  General Luigi [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

I think the first games I was introduced to were old educational games for the PC back when I was four or five. I don't recall what my first game was, but I remember several games that my parents bought for me and my sisters. The one that sticks out the most in my memory is Logical Journey of the Zoombinis, but I also remember Puddles to Pondwater, Math Rescue, Word Rescue, Oregon Trail, and Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective. I think my first console game was Super Mario Bros. or Super Mario Bros. 3, though my family never owned a copy of either. There was this barber shop in town that had game consoles at each seat. The idea was that the video games would give the customers something to do while their hair was cut (or at least that's what I'm guessing the idea was). I'm pretty sure I played Super Mario Bros. and/or Super Mario Bros. 3 there once or twice, and also Super Mario Bros. 2. I'm pretty sure SimCity and SimCity 2000 are what got me properly "into" gaming, and Pokémon Blue expanded my enthusiasm to console games and portable games.

Author:  Southern Corn [ Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your gaming story?

I remember when PCs were new. Captain Claw,Midtown Madness,Road Rash, Doom, and Pong are some of the first few I played. Then in the late 2000s I started getting into newer games like Professor Fizzwizzle,the Clockwork Man,some other hidden object games,and then Bookworm Adventures 2. Then 2010 came and the iPad was introduced. I was hooked onto it and I still have the original with me. And now here I am I guess.

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