Court Records

Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!
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Author:  Bolt Storm [ Tue Oct 22, 2013 3:13 am ]
Post subject:  Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

So it may be that you've seen this topic stickied up at the top of the board once or twice these past six years. Our forefatherpotato Croik bestowed it upon us when we faced a sudden outbreak of non-coolness back in the olden days of Herr Foreheadness and Broom Mayas.

Today, I stand before you, with Dual Destinies on the horizon, to say, once again: everyone, Be Cool.

C-R has had its ups and downs the past six years, and it's not exactly a secret that between the Great Downtime and the gap in English games, we've shrunk a lot. I think we all want to turn around this situation as best we can, and the staff is hopeful that DD is going to bring some new life back into the forum.

But during GS5's Japanese release (and even before then), we've seen a lot of non-coolness going around. While it might not be a bad idea for most everyone to take a fresh look at the rules (yes, we have rules!) I think there's two in particular that need to be reiterated:

-NO FLAMING. Personal attacks of any kind will not be tolerated on this board. Phoenix Wright has a nice happy fandom so far and we all want it to stay that way, so don't air your personal grudges here. Everyone has a right to their own opinion in all matters but PLEASE, do so in a CIVIL manner.

-NO FLAMING PEOPLE'S PREFERENCES. Our fandom is very diverse. This is NOT the place to argue the merits of liking certain pairings, etc. Court Records invites discussion on all topics and "don't like don't click" is the golden rule of thumb. You can discuss the pairing. You can not attack people for liking or disliking the pairing.

At the end of the day, we're all fans here. We might have differing theories, differing opinions, and differing definitions of 'ladder', but that's part of being fans is all about. But shouting down anyone you disagree with, or attacking someone personally because of their opinions? Super not cool. I've personally spoken to former members who have left C-R because they felt their ideas were getting insulted and shot down without any respect or consideration.

This doesn't mean, "don't disagree". It means, simply, don't be a jerk about it. Read a person's post thoroughly. If they drop an opinion with no justification, ask if they would mind clarifying. Agree to disagree sometimes! And other times, admit you might have overlooked something. (Everyone in AA has overlooked evidence at some point or other, eh?)

On a similar note - make your own posts worth reading, especially in discussions. Give a reason or two for what you're thinking. Try to avoid loaded or inflammatory terms. And (this is hopefully going to fade out now that DD is coming to a language most of us understand), don't use secondhand info or others' opinions as the be-all-end-all. To give a concrete example: one of the members here who played DD in full gave their opinion that Athena is a 'Mary Sue', only in the sense that they felt too much of the plot revolved around her. I've seen both off-site and on-site that opinion get twisted into "Athena is a HORRIBLE character in every way, so-and-so said so" and "People at C-R are ridiculous, they all think Athena is THE WORST CHARACTER EVER" and then I have to go lie down with a cold rag on my forehead.

I realize that's kind of a lot to drop, but it needs saying, because we all want C-R to be a fun, friendly place to discuss the series, especially with new members coming in. At the end of the day, you all here are going to be who new members meet and interact with, and it's up to all of you to make C-R a cool, rather than un-cool, place. :minuki:

So that's all well and good, but what if you see someone being a jerk, or flaming, or denying the existence of stepladders, you ask? Well, the report button is there for a reason, and we'll do what we can to smooth the situation over with a minimum of evidence left behindfuss. And if you have a problem with a member in general feel free to send us a PM and explain your concerns. (This goes for pretty much anything actually.) I promise we mods don't bite, and especially with DD coming out we're making every effort to respond to any problems you might be worried about. (If a day or two passes and there's no response either try contacting another member of the staff, send another PM, or run screaming into the street, waving a burning shirt above your head, and make rudimentary smoke signals. Sometimes things slip through the cracks and we need the extra reminders!)

Okay scary mod stuff over. There'll be some minor forum cleanup coming soon which'll get its own post as well. On a lighter note, C-R will be holding its first contest in quite a while very soon to celebrate DD's release! Keep an eye out - this just might be your chance to snag some neat DD swag - maybe even a statue of a certain blue-suited lawyer...

Author:  dullahan1 [ Tue Oct 22, 2013 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

I realize that's kind of a lot to drop, but it needs saying, because we all want C-R to be a fun, friendly place to discuss the series, especially with new members coming in.

Oh c'mon. We can't even scare them, not even a little bit? You're taking the fun out of it! You're not planning on putting shock collars on us or anything to force us to behave around this fresh meat, are you?

In all seriousness though, this has been one fanbase I've really appreciated over the years. I was initially attracted to it because it was so tame and friendly, and overall, at least in my experience, it's remained that way for the most part and I'm glad it's been such a good, positive experience. Getting to know various people who have the same tastes, differing opinions and stances, and everything in between, and knowing that this community gets along so well despite all that, especially compared to other fanbases I've seen, is enlightening.

Looking forward to seeing what contests you guys will be cooking up.

Author:  Percei [ Tue Oct 22, 2013 3:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

Ugh. FINE. If I must.

*puts away various implements of pain and torture*

Author:  Pierre [ Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

maybe even a statue of a certain blue-suited lawyer...


The release will surely be a great thing indeed, I'm looking forward to even more influx in members.

Author:  DeMatador [ Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

Not enough Croik-style cuteness. Needs more "~"

Awesome post though. Hope it gathers enough attention.

Author:  jonathanrp [ Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

Looking forward to getting active again on the forums once there's discussion to be had about the new games! Hopefully the newcomers we'll get will be nice about discussion :P

Author:  jaydrick0620 [ Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

Ooooh. That's what they meant by 'Mary Sue'. I immediately googled after reading and totally disagreed with the definition. Ahyhoot, I agree with all that. This is the one fanbase I grew up in, and plan on staying in. Let's be friends!

Author:  Pierre [ Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

jaydrick0620 wrote:
Ooooh. That's what they meant by 'Mary Sue'. I immediately googled after reading and totally disagreed with the definition. Ahyhoot, I agree with all that. This is the one fanbase I grew up in, and plan on staying in. Let's be friends!

Friends tied with bonds of JUSTICCEE!

Gah, we're going to need to get a bunch of new smilies on the forum for the new cast. Would be good the sprites need to be organised properly again.

Author:  char13happy [ Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

Pierre wrote:
Gah, we're going to need to get a bunch of new smilies on the forum for the new cast. Would be good the sprites need to be organised properly again.

How will the sprites be organised? By their order of introduction or by its frequency in being used by members?

Author:  Pierre [ Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

char13happy wrote:
Pierre wrote:
Gah, we're going to need to get a bunch of new smilies on the forum for the new cast. Would be good the sprites need to be organised properly again.

How will the sprites be organised? By their order of introduction or by its frequency in being used by members?

Sorry I meant smilies.

They used to be categorised by what games they came from and then by whether they were spoilery or not.

As it is a new AA fan could join the site and get a lot of spoilers from the unsorted smilie list

Author:  Louise [ Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

Be excellent to each other

Author:  DoMaya [ Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

where the hell is the asterisk saying *except for DoMaya.
I'm not liking this one bit.

Author:  ReturnofthePhoenix [ Sun Oct 27, 2013 2:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

You're all adorable. In the good way. I love this community. We have our problems but we manage to persevere through it all and come out as an accommodating, lively, online community. Well done, court records, well done!

Author:  Chloe [ Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

Percei wrote:
Ugh. FINE. If I must.

*puts away various implements of pain and torture*

If this was a facebook status I would like this.

ReturnofthePhoenix wrote:
You're all adorable. In the good way. I love this community. We have our problems but we manage to persevere through it all and come out as an accommodating, lively, online community. Well done, court records, well done!

And I would like this too.

Author:  genodragon1 [ Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

Bolt Storm, as well-crafted as your message is, I cannot take it seriously. If only we were in some sort of enclosed space where one could communicate how serious something is. With a table, chosen out of many other tables, to convey just how utterly serious you are.

Alas, I shall just have to continue just not being a jerk.

Author:  Allie_Fey [ Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

I'll behave. :keiko:

Author:  Chloe [ Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

Allie_Fey wrote:
I'll behave. :keiko:

You always do. :sahwit:

Author:  Allie_Fey [ Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

Chloe wrote:
You always do. :sahwit:

:edgey: Cause i am Such a Good Girl ;3

Author:  Coffee Prosecutor [ Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!


Yup, that is no problem to me. :3

Author:  papasbuddy [ Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

I uh why are we supoose to be cool I mean I am cool but (puts on david Caruso/ hartio canie look)
Now im cool

can someone explain what we mean about being cool

Author:  DerpeyHerpmann [ Mon Dec 23, 2013 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

edgey2000 wrote:
I uh why are we supoose to be cool I mean I am cool but (puts on david Caruso/ hartio canie look)
Now im cool

can someone explain what we mean about being cool


Author:  sjaak [ Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

Just what I want with a forum. :)

Author:  papasbuddy [ Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

DerpeyHerpmann wrote:
edgey2000 wrote:
I uh why are we supoose to be cool I mean I am cool but (puts on david Caruso/ hartio canie look)
Now im cool

can someone explain what we mean about being cool


yes I still have not got done with the rules I mean is it like good or tell on people to the death

Author:  Pierre [ Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

papasbuddy wrote:
DerpeyHerpmann wrote:
edgey2000 wrote:
I uh why are we supoose to be cool I mean I am cool but (puts on david Caruso/ hartio canie look)
Now im cool

can someone explain what we mean about being cool


yes I still have not got done with the rules I mean is it like good or tell on people to the death

Papas, the mods just mean to stay calm on the forums. We can be a pretty heated community (hell we're fans of a game about lawyers shouting at each other) so just a reminder to give people the benefit of the doubt and not get too angry over something you see on the internet. If someone seems cross, perhaps they are just having a bad day or something give them the benefit of the doubt but just don't go off on a rampage and start fights with folks.

That's what being cool means. :jake:

Author:  papasbuddy [ Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yo, all forum-goers: Be Cool, 2013 edition!

yes I still have not got done with the rules I mean is it like good or tell on people to the death[/quote]

Papas, the mods just mean to stay calm on the forums. We can be a pretty heated community (hell we're fans of a game about lawyers shouting at each other) so just a reminder to give people the benefit of the doubt and not get too angry over something you see on the internet. If someone seems cross, perhaps they are just having a bad day or something give them the benefit of the doubt but just don't go off on a rampage and start fights with folks.

That's what being cool means. :jake:[/quote]

ohhhhhhhhh okay I was just being silly there

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