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reboot battlestar galacticia
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Author:  davech1987 [ Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  reboot battlestar galacticia

what where peoples thoughts on the reboot of battlestar galacticia I thought it was one of the best sci-fi series I have ever seen, It had a mix of genres, The ending while divisive I enjoyed about from 1 issue * don't want to spoil*

Overall an excellent show with great characters and music and some amazing moments

Author:  Shtak [ Wed Oct 29, 2014 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: reboot battlestar galacticia

Overrall I liked it and thought it was one of the very, very few shows that were actually smart, thought provoking and weren't afraid to rub the watcher in the wrong way (any day where I don't hear those words mentionned in the same sentence as Dexter, the walking dead or breaking bad is a good day in my book :shoe: ), but some recurring flaws spoiled my enjoyment on a regular basis. For starters, the writers were coming up with the plot as they went, and it definitely showed. The show also wasn't affraid to undergo some sudden major changes, but the problem is, they were systematically reverted just as suddenly at best one half season later : things like Apollo gaining weight and becoming a loser, that were never really elaborated on or properly exploited, stayed for a handful of episodes just for the sake of having some major change, and then disappeared in literally 5 minutes. And finally, (I guess that ties a bit with my second complaint) the heroes never, ever having to respond for their actions. They break/bend the law, lie and disobey their superior's orders on a daily basis, which always result in some heavy shitstorm in the following episode, and then...nothing.

Author:  Mary Faraday [ Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: reboot battlestar galacticia

This show is great, even though I've been watching a bit of it. My best friend is literally obsessed in Battlestar Galatica, haha. Always sticking to that show like a glue.

Author:  davech1987 [ Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: reboot battlestar galacticia

It is awesome :D

Author:  Mary Faraday [ Tue Nov 04, 2014 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: reboot battlestar galacticia

Yeah, I think so too! :D When my best friend's talking about it, dear god, he can't stop talking. xD So it must be really awesome, then!

Author:  Cravat of Doom [ Mon Nov 17, 2014 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: reboot battlestar galacticia

I would have peed my pants if I saw this thread four years ago. I was completely, utterly obsessed with Battlestar. I borrowed the DVDs from the library and watched the whole show in about four months (which I thought was really fast at the time, but seeing now how some people burn through shows on Netflix...). I adore the music especially; I'm still convinced that Bear McCreary is some sort of god and the music still gives me chills to this day. I especially love these tracks:

Gaeta's Lament - Gaeta was hands-down my favourite character. He really became central in season three, and my favourite experience watching this show was when they were doing that preview thing in the opening credits with the taiko drums in the background, and they showed a flash of Gaeta pointing a gun towards Baltar. I screamed so loudly! :) Good memories. The mutiny arc in season four absolutely destroyed me, too.

Something Dark is Coming - this one perfectly captures the atmosphere of the scenes it's in.

Two Funerals - probably the most emotional tune I've ever heard in a TV show, especially at the 2:50 mark

Kara's Coordinates When I realized what she was playing -- All Along the Watchtower -- I was so impressed. The way they wove that thread into her storyline was amazing.

This thread makes me want to watch this show a third time. I've already seen it twice, but it never gets old.

Author:  davech1987 [ Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: reboot battlestar galacticia

Nice Cravat and cool name :)

The mutiney arc was awesome :D

I Think Kara Remembers what very good theme aswell

Author:  Shtak [ Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: reboot battlestar galacticia

There's also a certain track that's used in season 3 that's quite chill inducing :shoe: track name is a spoiler, but you should remember it !

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