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Rate the Last Movie you Saw
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Author:  TopHatProfessor1014 [ Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Rubber. 4/5.

It's about a tyre that comes to life and kills people by exploding their heads with its psychic powers. It's just as stupid and ridiculous as it sounds, but it has a deeper meaning. Unlike Kung Pow: Enter the Fist; this movie is trying to say something. I guess it's supposed to be based off of those pointless or random scenes you see in every movie. Why does this movie exist though? No reason.

Author:  Franzise Deauxnim [ Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

TopHatProfessor1014 wrote:
Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
Garden of Words

Beautiful. Just about everything in this movie fits that description; the music, the visuals (the trees and river and such in the park border on photorealistic), the story... All the positives made the much too short 46-minute run time that much more painful, though. Time to go check out the rest of Shinkai's films, I guess.


I need to get around seeing more of Shinkai's films. I loved 5 Centimeters Per Second.

That's next on my list, I've actually had it for a while but just couldn't get myself motivated enough to watch it. Sometimes I'm just really weird about anime like that.

Author:  Pierre [ Tue Sep 24, 2013 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

TopHatProfessor1014 wrote:
Rubber. 4/5.

It's about a tyre that comes to life and kills people by exploding their heads with its psychic powers. It's just as stupid and ridiculous as it sounds, but it has a deeper meaning. Unlike Kung Pow: Enter the Fist; this movie is trying to say something. I guess it's supposed to be based off of those pointless or random scenes you see in every movie. Was does this movie exist though? No reason.

That uh.....that sounds pretty rad.

Author:  Church Of Sumire [ Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

TopHatProfessor1014 wrote:
Rubber. 4/5.

It's about a tyre that comes to life and kills people by exploding their heads with its psychic powers. It's just as stupid and ridiculous as it sounds, but it has a deeper meaning. Unlike Kung Pow: Enter the Fist; this movie is trying to say something. I guess it's supposed to be based off of those pointless or random scenes you see in every movie. Was does this movie exist though? No reason.

thats funny me and my girlfriend saw that movie on hulu but we didnt watch it since it looked dumb. :hotti:

Author:  TopHatProfessor1014 [ Sun Oct 06, 2013 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Rango. 5/5.

Here's an animated film that's going to appeal to adults way more than to kids. The best way to put it would be calling Rango a Quentin Tarantino film for families. Swearing, realistic violence, and alcohol; this ain't for the young kiddies. It takes every cliché of the Western genre, and reinvigorates it into something fresh and spectacular. The voice acting is spot-on, the score is fitting, and the animation is drop dead gorgeous. You seriously need to watch this film on Blu-ray to get the idea of how great it is.

It doesn't treats the audience like idiots, the jokes and seriousness are perfectly blended together, the pacing is great, and the film actually has some deep messages.

If there's one problem I had, it's...
...during the middle of the film where "Clint Eastwood" makes a fitting cameo. The cameo itself is great, but they wasted a great opportunity to actually use the actor. Instead, he's voiced by a look-a-like that does a decent job but I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't disappointed. It's only a few lines anyways. They seriously couldn't have gotten Eastwood to do a few sessions in the recording booth when they already have all these famous celebrities?

Minor quibbles aside, I can certainly see why this was the best animated film of 2011. Go see it!

Author:  linkenski [ Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Professor Layton And The Eternal Diva. 3.5/5
It was a good movie as a fan-service thing but as a standalone movie it was pretty meh. It had some good mysteries but I felt like they were ruined at the end by the typical surreal Layton-esque twist. And is it a spoiler to say there's yet another huge robot-castle-like thing in it? It was a bit too predictable overall, but it was still a testament to how succesful the franchise has become over the years. Any Layton fan should try watching it!

Author:  TopHatProfessor1014 [ Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

linkenski wrote:
Professor Layton And The Eternal Diva. 3.5/5
It was a good movie as a fan-service thing but as a standalone movie it was pretty meh. It had some good mysteries but I felt like they were ruined at the end by the typical surreal Layton-esque twist. And is it a spoiler to say there's yet another huge robot-castle-like thing in it? It was a bit too predictable overall, but it was still a testament to how succesful the franchise has become over the years. Any Layton fan should try watching it!

I'd give the movie a 4/5. For awhile, I thought that Layton was probably the best video game movie ever; until Ace Attorney came out that is.

The animation was beautiful, the voice acting was great (actually having an amazing English dub), and I did enjoy the story. I didn't really find it too predictable. And the twist at the end is pretty out there, but playing any Layton game has made me grow accustomed to that kind of thing. I also have to highlight the beautiful soundtrack, with special praise going to Nana Mizuki. I'd love to see another PL film some time.

Author:  Glacius [ Mon Oct 07, 2013 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

TopHatProfessor1014 wrote:
Rango. 5/5.

Here's an animated film that's going to appeal to adults way more than to kids. The best way to put it would be calling Rango a Quentin Tarantino film for families. Swearing, realistic violence, and alcohol; this ain't for the young kiddies. It takes every cliché of the Western genre, and reinvigorates it into something fresh and spectacular. The voice acting is spot-on, the score is fitting, and the animation is drop dead gorgeous. You seriously need to watch this film on Blu-ray to get the idea of how great it is.

It doesn't treats the audience like idiots, the jokes and seriousness are perfectly blended together, the pacing is great, and the film actually has some deep messages.

If there's one problem I had, it's...
...during the middle of the film where "Clint Eastwood" makes a fitting cameo. The cameo itself is great, but they wasted a great opportunity to actually use the actor. Instead, he's voiced by a look-a-like that does a decent job but I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't disappointed. It's only a few lines anyways. They seriously couldn't have gotten Eastwood to do a few sessions in the recording booth when they already have all these famous celebrities?

Minor quibbles aside, I can certainly see why this was the best animated film of 2011. Go see it!

I actually tried watching Rango a while back, but it felt a bit too slow-paced and I gave up at the point Rango started walking through the desert. :yuusaku:

Might give it a try again when I have the chance.

Author:  CatMuto [ Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Can I post a quick "Rate the latest Movie Trailer you watched"?

Kuroshitsuji (Live Action Movie) 3/5
Music was nice, the fact that Ciel is being played by a woman is fine by me, although Ciel has actually being changed into a woman named Genpo Shiori... my biggest complaint, though, is Mizushima Hiro playing Sebastian. Nothing against him personally, I'm sure he's a good actor, he did a nice job in the trailer and all. Just he doesn't look the part. You can't put someone into a black suit, say he's a butler and call him Sebastian. It won't work. Couldn't they have straightened his hair? Or at least molded it, so the characteristic bangs are in place?


Author:  Thelema [ Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

I admit it, your addiction to Kuroshitsuji is pushing me to watch the rest of its anime (like many others, I began to watch it, but never finished)

Author:  TopHatProfessor1014 [ Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Gravity. 5/5.

One of the best movies of the year. Watching this film gave me the same emotions as when I first saw 2001: A Space Odyssey and Blade Runner. I can't even describe how powerful and moving of a picture this is.

Author:  CatMuto [ Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

dangerousoffender wrote:
I admit it, your addiction to Kuroshitsuji is pushing me to watch the rest of its anime (like many others, I began to watch it, but never finished)

That reminds me... I think I read a spoiler for the anime...! :beef:

Well, for the second season to be exact. I was trying to not read any, not before I watched the anime myself. Ugh, considering what I read, I hope the manga ends differently.

By the way, what you mean, people started watching but never finished it?


Author:  Church Of Sumire [ Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Fatal Attraction 9/10. Saw it this weekend with my girlfriend and it was a really amazing movie, definitly a must watch psychological thriller. Best performance by Micheal Douglas and Glen Close.

Author:  Thelema [ Wed Oct 09, 2013 4:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

CatMuto wrote:
By the way, what you mean, people started watching but never finished it?


Uh, I didn't mean it. I expressed myself badly, sorry. What I actually tried to say is, like many other anime, I began to watch it but never finished. I'm not good at starting and finishing things. Most of the times, I just start them.

Author:  CatMuto [ Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

dangerousoffender wrote:
CatMuto wrote:
By the way, what you mean, people started watching but never finished it?


Uh, I didn't mean it. I expressed myself badly, sorry. What I actually tried to say is, like many other anime, I began to watch it but never finished. I'm not good at starting and finishing things. Most of the times, I just start them.

Ah... yeah I have that problem, too. Mostly in regards to writing stories...

Watching vocaloid videos or nico nico chorus videos on YouTube.
And every single song I listen to makes me wonder if I could make a Kuroshitsuji AMV out of it.
This may sound like a really bad case of obsession, but this is pretty much normal for me


Author:  Church Of Sumire [ Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

"The World's End" 10/10. Another amazing movie by the creators of Shaun of the Dead. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost were amazing in the movie and had me laughing the entire time. I didn't expect the ending to be like it was but it's a amazing movie and a must watch, I recommend it.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

The last movie I saw was actually the Phoenix Wright-movie. I wasn't going to see it, but curiosity got the best of me. It was... well, I was tipsy and tired so I got rather entertained, even thought it was rather cheesy. 3/5 perhaps?

Author:  TopHatProfessor1014 [ Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

WaitingforGodot wrote:
The last movie I saw was actually the Phoenix Wright-movie. I wasn't going to see it, but curiosity got the best of me. It was... well, I was tipsy and tired so I got rather entertained, even thought it was rather cheesy. 3/5 perhaps?

I think you should watch it when you're in a more relaxed state of mind. That goes for any movie.

Author:  WaitingforGodot [ Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

TopHatProfessor1014 wrote:
I think you should watch it when you're in a more relaxed state of mind. That goes for any movie.

Well, that is true, one's state of mind is important for the overall impression a movie makes, without a doubt.

Author:  foguwa [ Mon Oct 14, 2013 4:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

um Lolita: 7.5/10...
it made me unbelievably uncomfortable. Even more so than American Beauty. I mean those sounds are not supposed to come out of a 14 year old's mouth :meekins:

Author:  CatMuto [ Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

foguwa wrote:
um Lolita: 7.5/10...
it made me unbelievably uncomfortable. Even more so than American Beauty. I mean those sounds are not supposed to come out of a 14 year old's mouth :meekins:

I feel like saying, "Isn't that the point of the movie"?


Author:  foguwa [ Mon Oct 14, 2013 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

CatMuto wrote:
foguwa wrote:
um Lolita: 7.5/10...
it made me unbelievably uncomfortable. Even more so than American Beauty. I mean those sounds are not supposed to come out of a 14 year old's mouth :meekins:

I feel like saying, "Isn't that the point of the movie"?


oh it's not a "bad" movie by any stretch, i actually really like it. Not to mention it's based off an extremely canonical piece of literature so i'm not disrespecting it by any means. And yes, making the audience as uncomfortable as possible is the point of the move, even the tag-line is incredibly smug about it.

have you seen Lolita though? i mean pedophilia is kind of a no-no subject today, you can't blame me for being uncomfortable. I definitely don't think this movie could possibly be made in the 21st century so in a sense, it is a "gem" of sorts, kind of like how "Daria" could only have come into existence in the 90s :think-pw:

Author:  CatMuto [ Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

I haven't watched Lolita, but I don't think pedophilia was ever really fully "okay" and I am not referring to marrying off 12-14 year olds because they are of the "childbearing age" when they have their periods. And I haven't watched Daria, either - I watched a few episodes, but that's it.

Although I always wonder why people are all so "This thing could never have come into existence these days!" like that North movie, which they say is incredibly insensitive when it comes to races. I forget when it was made, in the 90s? I seem to recall that even in the 90s "racial insensitivity" was a big no-no. Then again, I personally see no point in being overly racially sensitive, but that's just me.


Author:  TopHatProfessor1014 [ Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

The Garden of Words. 5/5.

Dammit, Makoto Shinkai! Why does everything you touch have to look so damn good? It's practically scenery porn!

Author:  Pierre [ Sat Oct 26, 2013 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

The Eye : 5/10

Where I live we celebrate Halloween the Friday before (I don't know why), so I thought I'd enjoy a little horror film. It was....lacking, sure some of the things were kinda cool but it always seemed to lack the grim punch I was looking for. Ending was too happy, protagonist succeeds no main characters died that I can recall and the spooky creepies disappear from the protagonists life and she lives happily ever after with the bonus of knowing she saved a fair few lives along the way.

Granted some of the 'reapers' seemed relatively unnerving the first few times you see them but when you learn there's like infinite numbers of them it kinda takes away some of the impact compared to when you think it's just one being.

Had some ok tension, lacked any meaningful impact.

Author:  Hylian100 [ Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Pierre wrote:
The Eye : 5/10

Where I live we celebrate Halloween the Friday before (I don't know why), so I thought I'd enjoy a little horror film. It was....lacking, sure some of the things were kinda cool but it always seemed to lack the grim punch I was looking for. Ending was too happy, protagonist succeeds no main characters died that I can recall and the spooky creepies disappear from the protagonists life and she lives happily ever after with the bonus of knowing she saved a fair few lives along the way.

Granted some of the 'reapers' seemed relatively unnerving the first few times you see them but when you learn there's like infinite numbers of them it kinda takes away some of the impact compared to when you think it's just one being.

Had some ok tension, lacked any meaningful impact.

Original or remake? Because 9 times out of ten, the horror original's much better, with exceptions including The Thing and The Fly.

Author:  Pierre [ Sat Oct 26, 2013 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Hylian100 wrote:
Pierre wrote:
The Eye : 5/10

Where I live we celebrate Halloween the Friday before (I don't know why), so I thought I'd enjoy a little horror film. It was....lacking, sure some of the things were kinda cool but it always seemed to lack the grim punch I was looking for. Ending was too happy, protagonist succeeds no main characters died that I can recall and the spooky creepies disappear from the protagonists life and she lives happily ever after with the bonus of knowing she saved a fair few lives along the way.

Granted some of the 'reapers' seemed relatively unnerving the first few times you see them but when you learn there's like infinite numbers of them it kinda takes away some of the impact compared to when you think it's just one being.

Had some ok tension, lacked any meaningful impact.

Original or remake? Because 9 times out of ten, the horror original's much better, with exceptions including The Thing and The Fly.

Oh? There was an original?

I'm not sure, wasn't aware. I imagine it was a remake as it was pretty modern, had Jessica Alba in it.

Author:  TopHatProfessor1014 [ Sat Nov 23, 2013 4:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

I saw JFK today for the first time in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination.

Just wow. I didn't know much about this case before watching this, but now I'm definitely interested. This film only further shows why we shouldn't trust the government.

Author:  Church Of Sumire [ Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Last movie I saw was Hercules on Netflix. Definitely one of my favorite disney movies. :grossberg:

Author:  Pierre [ Sat Nov 23, 2013 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Aw nice Hercules is on Netflix? I'll need to check it out.

Author:  Church Of Sumire [ Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Pierre wrote:
Aw nice Hercules is on Netflix? I'll need to check it out.

Yeah they have other disney movies as well. They even have the Hey Arnold movie if you ever watched the show.

Author:  bratty waifu [ Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw


10 / 10

Author:  Louise [ Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Saw my first Monty Python film today.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail - 8/10

Absolutely ridiculous, I really liked it. It's on Netflix at the moment, I guess because of the reunion announcement. They'll hopefully put the others on too.

Author:  Pierre [ Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Louise wrote:
Saw my first Monty Python film today.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail - 8/10

Absolutely ridiculous, I really liked it. It's on Netflix at the moment, I guess because of the reunion announcement. They'll hopefully put the others on too.

Aww man you hadn't seen one before?
XD Holy Grail is up there with my best films ever.

Author:  TopHatProfessor1014 [ Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Pierre wrote:
Louise wrote:
Saw my first Monty Python film today.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail - 8/10

Absolutely ridiculous, I really liked it. It's on Netflix at the moment, I guess because of the reunion announcement. They'll hopefully put the others on too.

Aww man you hadn't seen one before?
XD Holy Grail is up there with my best films ever.

I've only seen Holy Grail myself along with a few skits from the show such as the famous Dead Parrot one. I really should see more of this franchise. I'm also aware of the "Biggus Dickus" joke too. :hobolaugh:

Author:  CatMuto [ Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Louise wrote:
Saw my first Monty Python film today.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail - 8/10

Absolutely ridiculous, I really liked it. It's on Netflix at the moment, I guess because of the reunion announcement. They'll hopefully put the others on too.

Due to the same character avatars I confuse you with Pierre

I don't remember if I watched Holy Grail... I know some jokes and I found the Ministry of Silly Walking to be funny from the show, but otherwise I found Monty Python to not be that funny. Maybe it's because it's basically british humor, which I don't understand, but mostly I just don't laugh that much.


Author:  Pierre [ Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

CatMuto wrote:
Louise wrote:
Saw my first Monty Python film today.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail - 8/10

Absolutely ridiculous, I really liked it. It's on Netflix at the moment, I guess because of the reunion announcement. They'll hopefully put the others on too.

Due to the same character avatars I confuse you with Pierre

I don't remember if I watched Holy Grail... I know some jokes and I found the Ministry of Silly Walking to be funny from the show, but otherwise I found Monty Python to not be that funny. Maybe it's because it's basically british humor, which I don't understand, but mostly I just don't laugh that much.


XD C'mon Cat don't fit into German stereotypes of a lack of humour. My friend who spent a year in Germany already says it's true Germans don't really have any humour but must be something.

Author:  Louise [ Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Pierre wrote:
Aww man you hadn't seen one before?
XD Holy Grail is up there with my best films ever.

I've been meaning to watch Monty Python for years. I just never got round to it. Now I want to see everything else they've done.

I can definitely see why non-Brits wouldn't like it, it's completely ridiculous.


Author:  CatMuto [ Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

XD C'mon Cat don't fit into German stereotypes of a lack of humour. My friend who spent a year in Germany already says it's true Germans don't really have any humour but must be something.

Thank you for generalizing people like everyone else on the internet.
Tell that to your friend, too. Germans have a sense of humor, it's just different.
Just like with Americans and British humor, like in this case.

I have a sense of humor, Pierre, thank you very much. And you should know that, I have made pun posts and mentioned things I find hilarious before. As I said, it's british humor that I don't understand. Ministry of Silly Walks? Funny. "Now that's what I'd call a dead Parrot"? Not funny.


Author:  Church Of Sumire [ Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Last Movie you Saw

Everyone has there own taste in comedy. Im an american but sometimes i never find american jokes as funny as most people do but i do enjoy most other comedies like British comedy and Japan comedy. What is considered German comedy?

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