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Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!Topic%20Title
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Remeku was looking around and gasping at all of the amazing things around her. She was so amazed that she forgot that she was holding an acid in her hands and a gas in her hands. She knocked them into each other and they poored on the floor, colliding together and creating fog. Eventualy, there was a big explosion that echoed through out the room they were in. Remeku through her goggles of her head and on the floor and started growling angerly. "Are you kidding me!? another potion that just DIES!? I object, I object to every thing that just happened! I am not the cool anime characters from the murder mystery anime show, but I still OBJECT!" Remeku yelled as she started coughing from the effect of the explosion. She then looked at the other suprised faces and then sighed. "Dont worry, dont worry.... it will be cleaned up... sigh...." Remeku said cleaning up the glass shards.
*coughs awkwardly*
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"W-What was that?!" Tatsuya yelled.

"A-An explosion..?"

"Dammit...can't you control your students, Mr. Slezak?!" he yelled running towards the explosion.
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Sakura jumped and shrieked as the explosion rang out, throwing an arm around Sayako on instinct. Looking around for the source, she was relieved to see it was just Remeku again. "Oh, gosh, don't scare me like that..." She said, sighing and lowering her raised arm. She went over to help the alchemist clear up, making sure to check for any glass sent flying in the blast.

Feena's reaction had been a bit more extreme. She yelled at the top of her lungs, then shouted "we're under attack!" Her hand went to her handbag as though looking for a weapon to defend herself with, before she realised what had caused the explosion. "Oh, just Remeku! Ahahahaha!" After laughing it off, she came to her senses and checked to see if anyone had been injured. She had first aid supplies in her handbag in case anyone needed them.

Finally, Thomlyn seemed to be absent. He must have slipped away earlier on in the tour for whatever reason.
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Meanwhile Sayako found herself frozen for several seconds, due to the shock of the explosion and the resulting... fallout. Once she snapped out of it, the first thing she did was quickly bow apologetically to Tatsuya and Ryuji - "I-I'm so very sorry about this." - then hurried over to ground zero to help Remeku and Sakura. "L-Lata-san," she addressed the girl, "I understand this is your work, but perhaps it would be a good idea to keep any potentially volatile chemicals in your lab?"
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"Whaddya mean it's just Remeku?!" Tatsuya cried out. "T-This expansion has been too expensive for any kind damage! If anything was destroyed, it'll cost too much to repair..."

"I-It's okay, T-Tatsuya," Ryuji sighed. "I-I'll go see how much damage was done..."

Tatsuya threw his hands up in frustration and ran his hands through his hair. "Mr. Slezak...should there be any outstanding damages, we are in the right to charge you with the fees. I hope you're aware of that..."
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"I-I understand Mr. Amari. I was unaware Ms. Lata carried her work so... openly. Rest assured that she will be given a stern talking-to later. I will, um, also cover any damages as a result of negligence on my part. Apologies once agan," Jeremy's voice was shaky as he, too, recovered from the shock of the explosion.

Jay had, meanwhile, dove for cover after the explosion reminded him of some events from his past. Peeking out from behind a couch, he asked in a very flustered voice, "I-I-Is everything alright? Th-there's no fire, right? N-Nobody's gonna die?"

Jeremy walked over to the scene and in an authoritative voice, called out, "Miss Lata, you should know better than to bring hazardous chemicals with you into public spaces! Thank goodness nobody was hurt, but you need to be aware of your surroundings. From this point forward, volatile potions are to be kept on school grounds. Understand?"
Thank you for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.
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Ryuji headed over to the explosion, staggering along the way. His mind was clouded, that explosion reminding him of a horrible incident which he had to face in his time at the killing game. The explosion triggered all of his memories -- remembering a certain fireman who had offered to help him escape, and remembering the brutal betrayal he had done to his friends.


Ryuji slumped to the ground, his hands clutching his forehead, unable to move a muscle.

"R-Ryuji!" Tatsuya yelled with concern, running over to him. "I-I knew this was a mistake...I just knew it."

Ryuji's face was white as snow, as his breaths became heavy and fast. "T-Tatsuya, I-I'm o-okay...r-really..."

"C-C'mon, you can't do the show like have to rest..." Tatsuya shot a glare at Jeremy while running over to the slumped Ryuji. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't contact the police...T-The show is supposed to start soon, and your students trigger an explosion..."
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Remeku stared at everyone yelling and frightened of the explosion. As soon as she heard Tutsuya say the words, "police", she started to cry. Remeku is not the one to cry, but over an incident with her potions? that was a different story. Remeku's hands and legs started shivering and quaking at the mess and trouble she caused. She had made all of the students scared, and had put proffeser Jeremy in a lot of stress. Heck, she had made the owner of the theater scream at Jeremy. Those thoughts sent her to her knees, making her grab her stomach and sob from the heat that radiated from her face. "I-I-I a-am s-s-s-o s-s-s-sorry everyone! I-I-I am so stupid f-f-f-f-for thinking it w-w-was okay t-t-to bring my potions t-to public..." Remeku said as she had tears streaming down her face.
Lumica sat down next to Remeku and laid her head on Remeku's shoulder. Lumica had always had to do this when they were in 3rd grade, because of all of the bullies that struck at Remeku's feelings. Lumica tryed her best to confort Remeku. "Remeku... its okay... im sure everything will go back to normal." Lumica said softly.
Remeku got up on her feet and went over to Tutsuya. "Mr. Tutsuya? p-p-p-please dont blame this on Proffeser Jeremy! this was a-a-a-all my fault! I deserve a-a-a-all the punishment t-t-t-there is!" Remeku said putting her head down. She then looked over at Ryuji and frowned. "And, Ryuji? i am so sorry f-f-f-for making you feel so sad... that is defidently n-n-n-not what i want myself to do to others. you can h-h-h-h-hate me if you want. I u-u-u-u-understand..." Remeku said still tearing up in disappointment of herself.
*coughs awkwardly*
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"Miss Lata... um, Remeku," Jeremy began, walking over to the Alchemist. He respectfully used last names, but felt when comfort was needed first names were appropriate in that situation, "Please do not beat yourself up over this. You were just so enhusiastic about your talent, but you must remember that others are not so understanding of it. That is why you must be careful and heed my warning in the future. Okay?"

Jay ran over to Ryuji and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Ryuji! Ryuji, please, it's gonna be okay. It's all over. We're all safe. Just remember: Keep Hope Alive. Keep. Hope. Alive. Be strong. You can do that, right? For Tatsuya. For all of us." Jay's voice was almost a whisper at this point.

Jeremy, after finishing his talk with Remeku, walked over to Tatsuya. "Mr. Amari, it was never my intention to cause a commotion and set such a bad example for Hope's Peak. I can see that I have failed in that aspect. If you will not press charges, I promise you that you will never be bothered by Hope's Peak ever again. N-none of my students are bad people, but it is clear now that by association, the school is not seen kindly. I-I... take full responsibility on behalf of Hope's Peak. I relinquish my Season Pass back to you, as there is no reason to return here and disturb you further. I wish the Kinmokusei Theatre great success despite Hope's Peak's meddling. Good day."
Thank you for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.
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Re: Danganronpa School Mode: SHSL Class Trip!Topic%20Title
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"W-Wait a minute..." Tatsuya grumbled, out of breath. "You can't just say that you guys will leave, and never come back...l-look at what you did to Ryuji..."

Ryuji stared weakly at Jeremy and Jay before grabbing Tatsuya's sleeve. "J-Just let them go, T-Tatsuya..." he managed to spit out. "T-There w-wasn't any m-major damage so just..."

Tatsuya maintained his glare on the brothers before letting out a sigh. "Y'know if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't accept that slipshod apology, but whatever...looks like the performance has to be cancelled too."

"I-I can do the performance...d-don't worry..."

"But Ryuji..!"

"T-Tatsuya, p-please..."

Ryuji turned to Jeremy and Jay. "Y-You all can stay for the performance...d-don't listen to Tatsuya...i-it's fine, really..."

"R-Ryuji, why are you..?!" Tatsuya sighed. "You're always like this, y' can stand to be a little less forgiving..."

"I-I'm not that forgiving..! A-Am I..?"

Tatsuya sighed, continuing his embrace in an effort to comfort Ryuji from the explosion. "Don't's one of your charms, I guess."

Without turning to Jeremy, Tatsuya grumbled, "you heard Ryuji. You stay, or you can leave. I don't care, just don't cause any more explosions. Or do anything that can hurt him anymore...I swear, if he wasn't here to stop me..."

Ryuji struggled to get up with Tatsuya's help, and after Tatsuya let out a few more slurs at the students, he led Ryuji to the dressing room to get ready for the show.
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Remeku whiped away her tears and put her goggles back on her head. she started to spill a potion all over the mess and put the cap back on the potion bottle. She then put her goggles on her face and sat down as she watched the whole mess slowly dissapear. Remeku, still in tears, finnaly opened her mouth again. "oh, i forgot to tell you all... I-I-I invinted invisibility. S-s-s-s-s-strange, isn't it...?" Remeku said puting every science belonging of hers into her science bag and ran outside as she stood there, staring at the beutiful sky. She then felt something steaming on her eye. She screamed and buckled to her knees as she covered her eye in pain. Lumica quickly ran over to Remeku in a panic and stared at her. "REMEKU! are you okay!?" Lumica said with a worried face. Remeku started to whimper. "I think some acid splashed on my eye when the explos- GNNNNNN!" Remeku was cut short but the liquid slowly going through her eye lid. Remeku risked the blood that would get on her hands, and quickly flicked the acid of her eye and started crying. She looked at Lumica in tears. Lumica covered her mouth and started to freek out. "R-Remeku? your right eye is TOTTALY gone!" Lumica said as she quickly took something out of Remeku's science bag. It was an eye patch that she had from when Remku and Lumica were kids and they would play pirate ship. "Here!" Lumica put the eye patch on Remeku's face and smiling nervously. Remeku whiped away a tear and got up. "T-Thanks..." Remeku said walking back in the building. Lumica quickly followed.
*coughs awkwardly*
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Jeremy sighed and resigned himself to his fate. "I am leaving. Let us be off, Jay, we have done enough damage for one week."

"J-Jeremy, you can't! Ryuji's counting on us to make the performance! W-we can't let him down," Jay pleaded, grabbing onto his brother's arm, but being pulled along instead of being able to hold him back.

"It is disrespectful to remain where one is not wanted. I cannot in good conscience attend the performance after this incident. I am only sullying our reputation further by letting us continue to stay here," Jeremy explained, unrelenting.

"B-but, but I... The students..." Jay attempted to say, letting go of Jeremy's arm and falling to his knees sobbing uncontrollably. There was no stopping Jeremy though, as he exited the theatre and began to make his way back to his room. However, he was stopped by the sight of one of his students outside having a patch pur over her eye. He ran over to her. "R-Remeku! Miss Lata! What is going on!? Are you okay? What happened Ms. Moon?"
Thank you for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.
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Remeku stoped and teared up again. Lumica looked at Remeku and sighed and looked at Jeremy and smiled nervously. "T-there was an accident... When the explosion acured, The acid that had blasted had gotten on her eye... there for, I-It..." Lumica breathed heavily and then spoke again. "It melted her eye..." Lumica said shaking at the words and then closed her eyes and frowned. Blood started driping from Remeku's eye patch when she was crying and made Lumica wide eyed. Lumica then stared at Jeremy with a nervous smile and started sweating. "ummmm! i think we should get something for this!" Lumica said covering Remeku's eye for her as Remeku screamed in pain.
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Vitkor came barging in. He was holding Alfons by the scruff, and Kaibo on his shoulders

"First thieves, now this. Remuku!" He pointed at her.

"Are you alright. Go to the first aid room. Or the hospital. I'll cover you."

He shouted off to Ryuji and Tatsuya.

"It was an accident. The show must go on. Make staff direct people away from the site."
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Lumica nodded and guided Remeku to the first aid room where she made Remeku sit down on the chair that was siting againts a wall that had a bunch of wires and electronic cords that hooked up to systems used for healing. "Its going to be okay..." Lumica said smiling at Remeku who had her arms raped around her legs that were resting on the chair she was siting on. Remeku never like hospitals, they always frightened her. Giving her the since of death. As you could tell, Remeku was not the "people" person. but, Lumica was.
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"W-what!? Th-thieves? Warden Esquivel, explain! Th-this is unfortunate. Most unfortunate indeed..." Jeremy inquired.

"Re-Remeku! Oh no no no no no NO! Jeremy what do we do!? What the hell do we do!?" Jay asked in a panic, watching Remeku being led to the first-aid room.

"Treatment Pod! We have to take her to the Treatment Pod in the Nurse's Office posthaste once we return to #11038," Jeremy replied.
Thank you for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.
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"But what did we steal..?" Alfons sighed from Viktor's shoulder. "There's nothing on me..."


"Oh, what now..?" Tatsuya huffed as he hurried Ryuji to the dressing rooms before running back to the lobby. The acid from Remeku's poison and burned through the floor and caused considerable damage. "Damn it! What the hell?!"

He received word from the medical staff that someone had been gravely injured as a result from the explosion, causing Tatsuya to kneel on the ground. "T-This is such a nightmare...what did Ryuji do to deserve this..?"
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"I am moving up the transfer, Jay," Jeremy whispered into Jay's ear, "As soon as the performance is over, corral all the students and have them return to their rooms. Signal me and I will initiate the autoreturn procedure." Jeremy hustled away without waiting for a reaction from Jay, calling out to Viktor, "Warden Esquivel, send me an email or come talk to me later with an explanation concerning the thefts, please and thank you!"

"I can't deal with this right now. I don't know what to do. Someone please come drag me off-screen so my emotional state is left ambiguous to the viewers," Jay rambled in an incoherent manner, unable to move in any direction.
Thank you for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.
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Viktor forced Alfons' mouth shut.

"Keys, food. More than enough. Don't pull this on me."
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[I didn't proof-read this so expect bad writing]

Ryuji sat in the dressing room, lying down on the couch. Struggling to get into character, costume and everything, he had struggled to shake his mind off of what was bothering him. Tatsuya was right -- the arrival of Hope's Peak had triggered everything he wanted to forget. It wasn't anything he could accept either. It was trauma, plain and simple.

Tatsuya walked into the room, sitting down on the couch next to Ryuji. He looked exhausted, almost as much as Ryuji. Sitting up, Ryuji lay his head on Tatsuya's shoulder, as the two just stared at the wall in silence. It wasn't awkward silence -- it was the kind of silence between two people who understood each other.

"...I'm sorry, Ryuji..."
Tatsuya sighed, breaking the quiet. "I should have turned them much went wrong..."

"It wasn't your fault," Ryuji affirmed. "I don't know why I can't get over that stupid game...I can't even meet people in public properly anymore...if you weren't here for me, I don't know what I'd do."

"You'll get better later," Tatsuya promised.

A few moments of silence passed, before Tatsuya began to tear up a bit.

"...It was all my fault. I'm the one who sent you to that school. I'm the one who let them stay here...they almost ruined our theater with that explosion...the acid burnt through the floor, Ryuji. The damn floor..."

Ryuji stifled a laugh. "T-That's Ultimates for you..."

"I wanted this week to be perfect, Ryuji...It would have been the first time we were in a show together since I got better."

Ryuji shook his head. "It's fine, Tatsuya. What matters is we put on a good show, right..? That's what we're here for. To entertain people."


"Ryuji, you're always like that..." Tatsuya laughed.

"W-What do you mean..?"
Ryuji asked with a blush. "I-I take my career seriously, you know..."

"...I know, Ryuji."

Several more minutes passed, before Tatsuya got in costume himself. The two headed backstage. Surrounded by the guests, they were forced to walk separately from each other. The rumors that the two were dating each other seemed to be growing more and more significant -- it was a secret that could break their career in the industry.


They arrived backstage, got their make-up done, and stood together with halted breath as they prepared to meet each other outside. They were performing the first play they had ever done together: Akrasia. The state of mind in which someone acts against their better judgment through weakness of will. Tatsuya clutched something in his pocket -- nervously shaking.

It was Tatsuya's idea to hide the information that the two were dating from the general public. The rumors began growing as the two couldn't control their public affection. Ryuji decided he cared more about their relationship versus their careers, but Tatsuya knew how important it was to Ryuji, so he hid it. The two disagreed vehemently on that, and for awhile, Tatsuya was lost about what to do.

"...Are you ready?"
Ryuji asked to Tatsuya, smiling brightly at him. He was more excited than ever before to finally perform with Tatsuya once more.

"...N-Not really,"
Tatsuya sighed. "I'm nervous, to be honest."

"What for? You're the mentor of the Ultimate Actor! You have nothing to be nervous about."

"...I guess you're right," Tatsuya sighed, breathing in and out. Ryuji tilted his head, sensing that something was up. What Ryuji didn't know was whatever Tatsuya was about to do would shake their relationship and the industry at its core.


Akrasia was a play about a man who killed his wife after he caught her cheating on him. The play was about the mental anguish the man went through -- it was a story about betrayal and consequence. Ryuji and Tatsuya once performed the play as the children of the man, but now they took center stage. Ryuji played the man, ready to kill Tatsuya's character, who the wife had cheated with.

"...W-Why not me..?" Ryuji asked in desperation to the woman. "Am I not good enough for you..?"

The wife, in bed, had the sheets up to her chin, covering up her body. Tatsuya sat next to her, raising his hand up to calm Ryuji down.

"Just calm down..." Tatsuya said. "Take it easy..."

"N-No! I can't take it easy!" Ryuji yelled, emotion taking over him, like a good actor should be able to emulate. He pointed the prop gun directly at the wife, hands shaking violently. "...All my life, I was never good enough, was I? outlook on life was weak...I was so...weak...And then I find you. You understood me..! You made me believe that...I was really..."

His eyes went dark, as his hands suddenly went still. He didn't seem to be nervous anymore, instead overtaken with a dark emotion that he could not control.

"," Ryuji muttered, as he pulled the trigger. The prop gun made a loud noise, as the fake blood spilled across the sheets. Tatsuya sat up in bed, his eyes pleading with Ryuji. The acting was so incredibly realistic, and raw, that everyone in the room felt the tension was real.

"J-Jesus Christ!" Tatsuya screamed. "Y-You killed her!!"

"...S-She was my love," Ryuji cried, his hands shaking again. He moved the gun over to Tatsuya. "T-Tell me! Why wasn't I good enough for her..? Is it my personality..? Is it the fact that I can't talk to her? That I can't make decisions? That every time I try to do something for her, it ends in failure..? That I have to rely on her?! That I can't protect her?! Is that why?!"

Tatsuya shook his head. He didn't have to act this time. "N-No...that's not why. I-I..."

There were a few moments of unscripted silence. It became unnervingly noticeable, as Ryuji's eyes began to shift left and right. "W-Well?!" Ryuji yelled, trying to break the silence.


"W-What?! Tell me already..!"

Tatsuya looked up at Ryuji, his eyes suddenly filled with a light. "...I'm sure that's what she loved about you..."

There was another gunshot. The first act of the play had ended, and the curtain fell.


The rest of the show went as planned. Ryuji had noticed the odd silence that Tatsuya had done, before recovering and proceeding with the show. During intermission, Ryuji went up to Tatsuya.

"W-What was that..? I guess you really were wouldn't normally flub like that."

"...Oh, sorry. My mind was...sort of elsewhere."

"Hmm..? What were you thinking of?"

Tatsuya didn't answer, only smiling, and returning back to the stage as Ryuji stood there with a confused look on his face.

The second act involved the character's arrest, and the trial, as he dealt with the families and the pain of knowing he killed the one he loved. The final act involved his acceptance, and his punishment. The final act, you see, ended with an execution. As the character found himself during his imprisonment, he realized he would be able to die in peace. It ended with a monologue as his character exposed to the world his true self -- the cowardly man who never had the chance to rise above his personality. The man who wished someone else had taken initiative and helped him to break out of his shell. But the man was able to die in peace, knowing that he was able to in the end, despite the brief time he had with his newly discovered self.

As Ryuji finished his monologue, Tatsuya watched from the side, mouth agape. He remembered the day the two first met -- Ryuji was in the audience, watching Tatsuya perform. He could remember the look of amazement on Ryuji's face, something so noticeable and bright that it reached Tatsuya's heart. He seemed to be experiencing the same thing now.

During the curtain call, where the cast took a bow, Tatsuya stopped Ryuji from leaving the stage. He grabbed onto his arm before Ryuji had disappeared backstage. Ryuji stood nervously, looking back and forth at Tatsuya's suddenly stern face, and the confused murmurs of the crowd.

"...T-Tatsuya?! What are you doing..?"

No response.

"T-Tatsuya! Come on! The show finished, we have to leave..!"

"...Ryuji, remember when you left for Hope's Peak..? I promised you that when you came back, I'd be ready to give you a present. That was our promise."

"H-Huh?! W-Well, now's not really the time for that..!"

"...No. I should have done this a long time ago."

"What do you mean..?! Tatsuya, we have to get off stage!"

Tatsuya looked at the crowd one more time. The audience was clearly confused. After a long standing ovation, they had expected the cast to leave the stage. They weren't expecting anymore of the show, and they were all clearly drained from an emotional standpoint.

"I wanted this week to be perfect..." Tatsuya sighed silently to Ryuji. "...But if I don't do it now, I don't know if I ever will. I was gonna do this from the start, anyways..."

Tatsuya got on his knee, and reached into his pocket. Suddenly, Ryuji understood. His present to Ryuji was something gold and shining. The light reflected off of the ring that Tatsuya had taken out of his pocket, seemingly brightening the entire room. Gasps and gossip could be heard throughout the entire audience, as Tatsuya looked up at Ryuji, smile wide across his face.

"...Ryuji, I want to spend the rest of my life with you," Tatsuya said. "...I don't care what anyone says."

The two were completely alone onstage. They ignored the loud murmurs of the audience, and the chaos this had brought. There were lots of questions to be had, after that moment. Tatsuya wondered what this would do to their careers -- very frequently, something like this would effectively end an actor's career. He wondered what that would mean for the theater. What would happen to the two of them.

Ryuji had wanted this for a long time, though. Those questions didn't even cross Ryuji's mind, as he gave Tatsuya an enthusiastic nod. As the two were stuck in an embrace, and as the audience had an uproar of confusion, crowding the floor, the spotlight fell off of them. The lights dimmed, but the voices seemed to grow louder and louder.

"...What happens now?" Ryuji asked Tatsuya, placing the ring on his finger.

"...Anything is possible," Tatsuya smiled.

The curtains shut on the two. The performance had ended.
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Apologies for the ears of anyone unfortunate enough to be sitting near Sayako during the performance. The play and following proposal had thankfully pushed the horror of what happened to Remeku to the back of her mind for the time being; what remained was a shrieking, applauding, spastic bundle of happiness.
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Anton gasped and put his hand to his mouth, ceasing his applause. For a brief moment, his composure broke, shouting his congratulations, before he regained himself and continued clapping.
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Ever since the explosion had happened, Felicity had been oddly silent and unreadable. But even then, she wasn't able to hide a smile as she clapped along with the others, though it was far more muted than it usually would have been.
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Sakura joined in with all the applause enthusiastically, unable to hold back delighted shrieks. "Congratulations!" She called out, though it was doubtful the couple on stage could hear her.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooo!" Feena cheered them on as well, at a much higher volume, somehow, than most of the others.

Thomlyn applauded alongside her, finding he was tearing up at the sight. "Beautiful..." He said quietly. He was clearly deeply moved by the idyllic proposal.
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Three other sets of claps came from Eta, Sophia and Rutake, who were near tears. Rutake himself had fallen onto the floor half-sobbing.
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Jay had typed a message into his e-Handbook as the performance ended but Tatsuya and Ryuji lingered behind: "Jeremy. get to the Auditorium now. You need to see this!"

"I can see it just fine." was the reply.

"What? You can?" Jay looked up and looked around frantically. Out of the corner of his eye Jay saw the distict sheen of Jeremy's hair and smiled. "You came after all!"

"Yes, I did. I had a change of heart. 'The Show Must Go On' after all!"

The brothers were elated for the new couple onstage, hoping that whatever negatives had befallen them this week as a result of all their arrivals was made up for by the promise of a happy life together, knowing full well that the blemish left in the floor would be a grim reminder of the unwanted school's presence.

"The transfer?" Jay typed into his handbook finally.

"I am torn. We absolutely must get Miss Lata back to #11038 as soon as possible, as well as remove ourselves before we cause any more trouble, but..." Jeremy couldn't think of the alternative and just sent that.
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A wild Strawpoll has appeared! Make your vote for the next location. Remember to review the Trip Log for details.
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Remeku and Lumica sat there, on that one chair in the first aid room and just looked at the ground. Loud screams finnaly reached their ears. "What is that? Lumica said siting up and opening the door. "Must be the show... i guess we missed it..." Lumica said closing her eyes. "Mabey, I will be able to be on stage some day, singing my heart out, as I have been wishing since I was little..." Lumica said taking out a note from her pocket. It was a note that her father gave her before she left for Hope's Peak. Its read: "Dear little LuLu, I wish you the very best at your new school! your mother and I are so proud! We wish we could be there to see you getting every grade aced... I hope you and Remeku do amazing there! And remember, if anyone is mean to you two girls, just make Remeku make a potion for bullies, it could be called, "The silence of the jerks"! hehe... dont accualy do that, i dont want you two to get in trouble. Make sure to not forget me and your mother, write to us every now and then. You know how your mother is about you being away for a while and not knowing how you are, she will start doing that thing that she does when she gets nervouce. Hehe, also make sure to show the whole school your beutiful singing skills. The whole world should know how amazing you are! I love you and I hope you are having fun! Love, Your father" Lumica read it silently and smiled. Her father was amazing, he would always send her a note to school before she went to kindergarten, or 1st grade, and all the way up to now. Lumica put the note back in her pocket and turned around to see Remeku smiling for once in the whole day. "What? Whats up with you Remeku?" Lumica said smiling at Remeku with a confused face. "W-what? I-I cant have happiness?" Remeku said sticking her tongue out at Lumica. Lumica smiled bright to the suprise of Remeku talking the first words since the incident. Lumica hugged Remeku as the two of them were happy again.
*coughs awkwardly*
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"Attention students: We will be departing for #11038 shortly. Please begin making your way back to your 'hotel rooms' and prepare for the return procedure. I will not bring us home until I see that everyone has made it back, so take your time but be prompt if you can help it."

The announcement came shortly after the house lights had illuminated the seats of the theatre and everyone had begun making their way out to the lobby. The brothers decided to head to the first-aid room to see how Remeku and her friend were doing. They walked in as Lumica was finishing reading her note.

"Oh! Lumica, how's Remmy doing?" Jay asked.

"Miss Lata, I have a plan for how we can fix this. It is very experimental and I will only attempt it if I have your full consent, but there is a newly-developed piece of medical equipment which can purportedly fix most issues and illnesses. Hopefully, it may even be able to fix your eye. As I said, I will only attempt it if I have your full agreement," Jeremy explained.

"W-wait! Does that mean it could fix MY vision too!?" Jay wondered, becoming quite excited at the prospect.

"Um, I believe it can only use DNA to replicate tissues. I do not believe it would be able to tell what exactly is wrong and the best way to fix it. Plus, your brain has adapted to your vision so I don not suggest making it have to re-adapt. I do apologize," Jeremy replied.

"I see... B-but if it means she'll have two good eyes again, that'd make me super happy!" Jay cheered, pumping his fist into the air.
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Ryuji ran to the lobby over to the Slezak brothers after hearing of their departure. They could see Tatsuya in the distance, watching over them like a hawk. He clutched his ring, keeping it happily on his hand as he trekked over to Jay.

"J-Jay, I'm here to say goodbye," Ryuji smiled. The crowds began to exit out of the theater over to the lobby, buzzing with mixed reactions over what had just happened. "U-Um, I know Tatsuya was a bit angry towards you guys, b-but he's a really gentle person, so don't take it the wrong way..."

Ryuji extended his hand out towards the brothers. "Tatsuya would be against it, b-but, you guys are welcome back anytime."
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"R-Ryuji! I'm glad I got to see you again," Jay replied after the Actor had come up to the brothers. He shook Ryuji's hand and put his free arm around Ryuji's back in a sort of half-hug, still remaining cautious, "Th-thanks, but I really don't think we should come back. Because of allowing people from that school here, there has been an explosion and a theft incident. I-I guess this school deserves its reputation after all. Regardless, I'd love to talk to you on my own time and, even if I never see you again in person, I can rest assured that your life will remain successful and happy wit Tatsuya behind you. Congratulations. Please, how can we keep in touch?" Jay explained, his final question hopefully garnering an answer.

Jeremy silently stood by, smiling as Jay bid farewell to his friend. He did not know the man personally so he had nothing of his own to say.
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Slezak wrote:
The announcement came shortly after the house lights had illuminated the seats of the theatre and everyone had begun making their way out to the lobby. The brothers decided to head to the first-aid room to see how Remeku and her friend were doing. They walked in as Lumica was finishing reading her note.

"Oh! Lumica, how's Remmy doing?" Jay asked.

Lumica jumped in suprise of the walk in and then finally stood strait to answer Jay's question. "Oh, it looks to me, that she is doing fine, but even if she smiles, it does not mean she has no pain..." Lumica said sighing in sadness. "Yeah... My ey- well my eye socket hurts like HELL!" Remeku said as she felt a sting and put her hand on her eye quickly.

Slezak wrote:
"Miss Lata, I have a plan for how we can fix this. It is very experimental and I will only attempt it if I have your full consent, but there is a newly-developed piece of medical equipment which can purportedly fix most issues and illnesses. Hopefully, it may even be able to fix your eye. As I said, I will only attempt it if I have your full agreement," Jeremy explained.

Lumica stared and gulped. She looked over at Remeku, who was starting to freak out. "Ummm..... Is that the only way? I mean.... That sounds so risky.... What if it does not work? what if it hurts me more? what if I DIE!?" Remeku said shaking and panting nervously. Lumica rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. "Remeku, Its professional equipment, I bet that they know what they are doing..." Lumica said reasonably. Remeku sighed. "I guess your right, okay! You have my full trust, Proffesor Jeremy!" Remeku said standing up and nodding to Jeremy.

Slezak wrote:
"W-wait! Does that mean it could fix MY vision too!?" Jay wondered, becoming quite excited at the prospect.

"Um, I believe it can only use DNA to replicate tissues. I do not believe it would be able to tell what exactly is wrong and the best way to fix it. Plus, your brain has adapted to your vision so I don not suggest making it have to re-adapt. I do apologize," Jeremy replied.

Lumica walked over to Jay and pated him in the back. "Its okay, Jay... Life is not perfect ya know? We all have our qwerks and our disabilities, its just a part of who we are!" Lumica explained to Jay.

Slezak wrote:
"I see... B-but if it means she'll have two good eyes again, that'd make me super happy!" Jay cheered, pumping his fist into the air.

Lumica and Remeku laughed. "Awwww.... thank you, Jay! But, I doubt that I will be geting this eye back..." Remeku said pulling at the patch on her eye. "Life is simply unfair, dont you think?" Lumica said in a dark mysterious voice and then started to laugh.
*coughs awkwardly*
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"Thank you for putting your trust in me. I know it sounds scary, but they've reassured me and I've seen the trial results, and it is remarkable what this device is capable of. Now c'mon, we need to go now." Jeremy helped the two girls stand up and Jay, Jeremy, Remeku, and Lumica exited the first-aid room. They all stepped outside and admired their final sights of Kinmokusei Theatre, as the lovely clear night sky shimmered above. The moon lit the scene perfectly, capping off a wonderful, if rather tumultuous first week's trip. A short while later, the first group was back in the hotel. Jeremy bid everyone farewell and they all headed to their rooms. Before long, all the students were safely in the dorms and prepared for the journey back to #11038.

"Attention all students: We are preparing to return to Hope's Peak. I have restricted the speed of the process so it will now take twenty minutes to complete. Please let me know if you still experience any unfortunate side-effects. Anyway, see you all in twenty minutes! Safe travels, hmhm." The TVs turned off and the robust locking sound could be heard again. Shutters blocked out the picturesque view out the windows; the last sight anyone there would have of Kinmokusei Theatre. Just as Jeremy announced, twenty minutes later, they were back inside their humble campus.

End of Week 1: Opening Night Performance

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The time spent back at Hope's Peak was meant to be used to discuss the next location and for all the students to wind down and reflect on the trip. However, only Jay and Jeremy ever seemed to have left their rooms. Jeremy attempted to call Remeku out of her room via the doorbell several times to no avail. Jay and Jeremy ate together alone in the Dining Hall, the meal almost having a father-and-son-like quality to it even though Jeremy was only five years older.

The next morning came and, since nobody had left their rooms, the process to travel to the next location began without a word or even an announcement. The shutters closed on their own and the doors locked, and twenty minutes later the students had arrived.

Start of Week 2: Things Are Sweet and Sour in Wanang

Stepping outside the confines of the rooms, the students would find themselves on a gravel path lined on either side by small split-level cottages where the dorm rooms reside. Stairs around the side led up to the second-floor rooms, none of which were occupied at the moment. The students were now free to explore the humble city of Wanang, Novoselic.

Your Location Menu has been updated! Please review it before beginning to travel around the city.
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"Novoselic, huh?", Eta muttered. "I heard here you always gotta be 13 minutes early. Well, might as well enjoy the scenery."
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Anton closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. "Ah... I am much more at home here than I was at Kinmokusei. There is much I would like to see here in Wanang. And I should very much enjoy seeing it with the rest of you as well..."

Anton looked on at the bits of activity here and there, indecisive.
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Alfons looked around his surroundings, plotting out his next great heist. After being caught by the Ultimate Warden, he knew he couldn't underestimate the other students anymore, as his eyes became shifty.
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"Mr. Slezak," said Viktor. He nudged Jeremy's shoulder. "It was suggested to me that Alfons be cuffed. To make sure he won't steal anything. What do you say?"
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"I can't say either way if he should be handcuffed, but I should mention that they have very strict laws in Novoselic." Thomlyn stated. "If he causes trouble... it could be bad. Very bad. For all of us, as we partially share responsibility for him."

"So basically, don't get caught, Alfie!" Feena called over cheerfully to the thief, while Thomlyn sighed in exasperation.
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Another idea struck Viktor like a bolt of lightening.

"We could tether him. Tether him to me. Less humility, half the trouble-making."
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