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C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past


The year is 2016 and things have gone wrong. The law can be fooled more easily and only one team of heroes can save the world... the heroes of C-R!

... Or so you thought. The year is now 2026, exactly ten years after the heroes came together to defeat Dimbo. After being transported through time to a post apocalyptic world where Dimbo is the Supreme Ruler, the heroes have emerged in the ruins of Lawville, the testing ground for Dimbo's ultimate biological weapon - Leviathan. A former ally returned for a few moments to pass on Dimbo's message that their only chance of survival and getting back to the past is to find the future Dr. Tap, though this might prove to be their hardest challenge so far....


C-R Adventure: The Forgotten Past is a sequel to The C-R Adventure, a thread spawning 28 pages. The point of the RP is to stop Dimbo from taking over the world and destroying it with his biological weapons that threaten the continued existence of humanity.

However, Dimbo himself finds amusement in heroes trying to stop him. To make the game more enjoyable, clues and charades are left by him for the heroes to discover. These clues and charades will help you (the heroes) discover your allies and location to Dimbo's secret base where it is up to you to destroy it and the virus. It will be tough as while you might gain a clue or two, one of Dimbo's generals will be there to confront and then destroy you before you can proceed any further.;

In The Forgotten Past, heroes will have to travel across the world to find the (future) elusive Dr. Tap, a genius scientist suspected of working with Dimbo. He holds the key you are looking for...

Posting Guidelines

1. Remember to follow all forum rules and regulations. This is absolute.
2. Godmodding is prohibited unless you have permission from the user controlling the character you wish to godmod. Having said that, godmodding is also allowed when you are not active for more than week.
3. Use double parenthesis when posting in OOC talk.
4. Do not spam or make your post one sentence long. All posts must be at least a paragraph and substantial so the RP can continue to develop.
5. There is to be no Ace Attorney talk at all. This RP is not related to the Ace Attorney series. Instead, it revolves around the users of Court-Records.
6. No swearing.
7. Anyone who disregards the rules will receive a warning. If you ignore the warning and continue to act inappropriately, you will be exited from the RP.
8. Remember to have fun!


Interested in joining the RP? Well, it is currently open for 2-5 new roleplayers!

As the RP is set in 2026 in Dimbo's world, you will have the choice of joining either two sides - a minion or the revolutionaries. If you were apart of the old RP, you will either be a hero or a boss. Please make sure to read the bios of each side before posting.

Minion of Dimbo wrote:
After the heroes disappeared from the world in 2016, Dimbo started Cold War II and launched his many biological weapons against the major cities of the world. Eventually, he was declared Supreme Ruler and has each country eating out of the palm of his hands. He is both feared and admired across the world.

Dimbo resides in a secret location that is only known to a select few. He has his own military force and an embassy in each country where you can join his army. Conscription has been enforced twice during the two great rebellions however there is no conscription at the moment in 2026.

There are four leaders of Dimbo's army - the four Generals. Their identity is not known but their aliases are just as feared as Dimbo himself...

By joining Dimbo's army, you swear to serve him for life and die for his cause. You will not question orders and will complete all missions without hesitation. All who oppose Dimbo's reign are enemies and must be eliminated.

Revolutionaries wrote:
During Cold War II, many opposed the force known as Dimbo. They did not want to surrender and become his subjects so they stood up against him only for most of them to be vanquished. The remaining survivors and countries have become known as the "Revolutionaries of the Empire of Dimbo".

There are revolutionaries in all countries however because technology flourished under Dimbo's reign, many spies are caught and are killed instantly. The life of a revolutionary is hard and the survival rate is 1 in 5.

A small fact not widely known is that there are many revolutionary groups and due to the wasteland that many regions of the world became, these groups find it incredibly hard to keep in contact with each other.

The greatest revolutionary surge were the two Great Rebellions which turned Western Europe into a shell of what it used to be when Leviathan was used.

Name: [CR Username]
Race: [Human, Mutant, etc]
Affiliation: [Minion of Dimbo OR Revolutionaries]
Brief History of your character:
*Not necessary


Last edited by Tap on Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:29 am, edited 3 times in total.
Re: C-R Adventure: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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Spoiler: Heroes (from the original RP)
Name: Dr. Tap
Age: 20 (Sometimes is disguised as a 60 year old man)
Appearance: Looks like Itachi Uchiha from Naruto:
Race: Human
Job: Scientist
Personality: A genius in most fields though he excelled spectacularly in Science. Dr. Tap is inquisitive, ambitious, decisive and mysterious.

Name: Meenyman
Age: 25
Job: Detective
Left eye currently bandaged.
Race: Human
Personality: Most of the time calm and serious, friendly, and a hard-working detective who likes to be a leader.
Brief History: Was going to be married to a women, however his fiance had died in a car accident, caused by an earthquake made by Dimbo. Also had discovered an artifact, known as the Millennium Eye in a rock passed by his family's generations, and is currently wearing the eye.

Name: Dragon
Age: 25
Job: Secret Agent/Weapons Engineer
Appearance: Black hair always tied up in a ponytail, and tannish skin. Dragon has brown eyes, and a slightly Asian look. She wears a white shirt under a black vest, and black pants with combat boots. Slung over her back is a sniper rifle, and carries things around in a small pouch.
Race: Werewolf
Personality: Calm and commanding in a situation, she's basically a planner. Doesn't get flustered easily and is pretty reliable.
Brief History: Dragon was a double agent to so speak for Dimbo and the FBI, and now helps out the heroes. She's a freelance weapons engineer, and actually had a robotic dragon.

Name: Lewis
Age: 28
Job: Secret Agent
Appearance: Blonde hair that's always ruffled, and has blue eyes. Lewis wears a brown jacket with an emblem of a bird pinned on it, black pants, and combat boots also.
Race: Human (?)
Personality: Bright, and often endlessly bantering with Dragon. He's pretty clever even though he doesn't look like it.
History: Dragon's friend and foe, he deals with all matters secretive and such.

Gender: Male
Age: 906
Appearance: Looks like a human male aged about 35, with dark brown hair that manages to be both messy and spiky, has brown eyes. Is quite tall, around 6'1'', and is quite skinny, Wears a slightly-electro-damaged blue pinstriped suit, with a dark red shirt and a dark red tie, accompanied by red converse trainers.
Personality: Shadow is naturally a fast person, and is a fast talker. His age can sometimes come across in his manner of speaking and emotion, and gets annoyed quite easily, but he has a good heart, and always tries to do what is right.
Brief History: Shadow began investigating the earthquakes once he was caught in one, and gradually met up with all the Heroes after that.

Name: Panda Prinzessin
Age: 26
Job: Police Chief
Appearance: Small for her age, she's "blonde and cute" as described by her subordinates- needless to say, this often makes being taken seriously as police chief difficult. She tends to wear black most of the time, even though she doesn't think it suits her, simply because she believes it makes her look more professional.
Race: Human
Personality: Panda likes to give off the impression that she's quite upbeat and easygoing but those who know her a little better know that she's stubborn, single-mindedly determined and hates being wrong.
Affiliation: Hero
Brief History of your character: She was Lawville's chief of police when Dimbo first emerged (incidentally both the youngest and first female ever to be elected to this office), which led to her being selected as a Hero. She doesn't know quite how the Heroes ended up in the future but is resolved to put a stop to Dimbo's plans. She had both a pet cat and a fiance back ten years ago, but thinks it unlikely that either are still alive.

Name: DeMat
Age: 15 (in 2016)
Job: Unemployed (High-School Student)
Appearance: Hair is like this; that is, shoulder-lenght brown hair. Wears a plain dark green t-shirt (like the picture, but dark green), blue jeans, and black sneakers.
Race: Human
Personality: Generally polite and reserved when around people he doesn't know, but outgoing and fun when with friends or family. Is quite the logical thinker, not that good of a practical thinker, but that changes when he goes through extreme situations.
Affiliation: Hero
Brief Bio: DeMat had led an ordinary life until the day Dimbo attacked Lawville. That day, he was suddenly woken up by the first tremblors. When he noticed it was due to an explosion, he tried to find out who or what had caused it, and found Wanacoba. They then found their way to the Lawville Police, where they were recruited to be part of the Heroes who would fight Dimbo.
He suddenly disappeared while the Heroes were in Cairo alongside Wanacoba. Neither of them reappeared since.

Spoiler: Villains (from the original RP - aka, Bosses)
Name: Inquisitor Amakiir
Age: 132
Job: Ex-Chuch Inquisitor. Playwrite
Appearance: His body is about average height and lean. When in combat he wears a pair of black pants and combat boots. His torso, arms, and legs are covered in scars. He has black leather bracers on his forearms. His black hair is hung just over his red eyes. When in casual or on business he wears a large, tattered yellow cape with the hood hung over so you can't see his face.
Race: Human
Personality: Religious zealot who's partially insane.

Name: The Crimson Blaze (Real name unknown)
Age: 28
Job: Former stage magician who was disgraced after the circus he performed in was shut down due to a dwindling fan base. Now runs a very shady circus which takes in the abandoned and the oppressed, or those considered "freaks" by society.
Appearance: He's a man of Asian descent, of average height and build. Has golden/light brown eyes. Oddly enough, he dresses only in white, wearing a white suit, tie, and top hat or, for less formal occasions, a fedora.
Race: Human
Personality: A very flamboyant man, the Crimson Blaze takes showmanship and performance very seriously. He will not tolerate second-rate performing, which means when doing something he will attempt to make it as over-the-top as humanly possible. Not a violent man by any means, he prefers to use clever tricks and disguises to confound, bewilder, and bamboozle his enemies. Still, the Crimson Blaze is not an unkind man, and has a soft spot for the outcasts of society. So he trains them day after day, hoping that they will one day be called upon once again to perform. In the meantime, they work under Dimbo because he promises the entire world as an audience...

Spoiler: Minions of Dimbo
Name: Christi Suzuka
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Affiliation: Minions of Dimbo
Job: Lieutenant of Dimbo's Air and Space-fleet Army divison.
Appearance: Just-above-shoulder length dark brown hair, very pale skin, brown eyes. Is about 5'6'' and quite slim. Wears Dimbo's Air and Space-fleet uniform. (See picture above)

Personality: Christi is a strong-willed woman, willing to do anything to see a task through to its end. She can come across as brash and commanding, but on the inside is actually a very lonely individual.

Brief History: Bio: Christi Suzuka is a member of Dimbo's Air and Space-fleet, as is reknowned for her expert targeting skills. Prior to that, she was among the children Dimbo had kidnapped to work for for him, to build his empire. Dimbo attempted to brainwash her along with many other children. She was the only one who resisted, intruiging Dimbo.

He spent the next 7 years training her to become his apprentice, teaching her several combat skills, crew-command skills, and omelette creation-skills. Despite all this, Christi longed for her parents all that time, despite Dimbo's attempts to turn her against them.

Name: Devian Matthiesen
Age: 25 (in 2026)
Job: Councillor of Dimbo's New World Order
Appearance: Shoulder-lenght, slick brown hair. Wears a white buttoned shirt, with a dark coat covering it, and blue jeans.
Race: Human
Personality: Generally quiet, but a superb councillor. Always thinks every single detail through, both logically and practically. When confronting the enemy, he can change completely from his quiet self to a maniac-like being. Can lose control when reminded of his past.
Affiliation: Minion of Dimbo
Brief Bio: First of the thousands of children that Dimbo recruits for his New World Order, he was recruited at the age of 15, under unknown circumstances. In fact, Devian's (forced) recruiting inspired Dimbo to look for children, ages 9-19, during 2016, preparing them for 2026, when he knew the Heroes would reappear. He knew that it would be easier to recruit them while they were children, and they would still be able to serve him 10 years in the future.
Devian is now Dimbo's councillor, helping him administer his global empire. Dimbo considers him his right hand, and thinks recruiting him was a key step in shaping up this new world. Devian is always extremely reluctant to talk about his past, reason why it's unknown.

Spoiler: Revolutionaries

Spoiler: Dimbo

Gender: Male
Age: ??
Job: Emperor

Appearance: Black hair, slightly aged face, is quite slim and very tall, around 6'5. Soemtimes wears a colour-reversed version of the Air and Space-fleet uniform to blend in around his troops, but otherwise wears a full regal gown and hat.

Personality: Dimbo is often smug and calm, yet is always over-confident, and assumes he always has the upper hand. However, when threatened, Dimbo can become extremely manic and violent.

Brief History: Bio: Little is known about Dimbo except that he wants to take over the world. He recently changed his body into a far more commanding one using a homemade version of Time Lord Regeneration. After a fiery and violent regeneration, Dimbo II was born.

Dimbo accomplished his goal after launching the TRADIS and most of its crew into the relatively near future. He also has apparently destroyed Lawville.

He now controls several private small armies to enforce the law, but his pride and joy is the Air and Space-fleet, his main army, featuring ships based on ones seen from TV Shows and Films he liked. (I.E. The Fanboy's Dream Army).

During the duration he trained DeMatador, a former member of the TRADIS Crew, and Christi Suzuka into his apprentices.


Last edited by Tap on Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:54 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Re: C-R Adventure: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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Here's my profile:

Name: Meenyman
Age: 25
Job: Detective
Appearance: Image
Left eye currently bandaged.
Race: Human
Personality: Most of the time calm and serious, friendly, and a hard-working detective who likes to be a leader.
Affiliation: Hero

Click my sig to see my YouTube channel! AA music is found here!
CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
"If you don't have any shadows, then you're not standing in the light."
Re: C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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They don't :c

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((Took the liberty of adding a "II" for clarity's sake. Still, awesome first post, Tap.
I'll post an updated profile once I'm on a non-Windows 98-crappy computer.

Also, Shadow, unless Dimbo's ever active again, we should both godmod his character. As long as it's absolutely necessary and makes sense, then I don't think there's a problem with that. What do you say?

Can't wait to get this thing going. Am I the only one picturing a C-R Adventure Trilogy...?))
Re: C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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"Too Awesome to Die"

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Ah yes. Now I will finally use my villian... Took you long enough to have me. I still have to go third though. Unless this is directly taking place after the time travel, at which point I can go either first or third.

Name: Inquisitor Amakiir
Age: 132
Job*: Ex-Chuch Inquisitor. Playwrite
Appearance: His body is about average height and lean. When in combat he wears a pair of black pants and combat boots. His torso, arms, and legs are covered in scars. He has black leather bracers on his forearms. His black hair is hung just over his red eyes. When in casual or on business he wears a large, tattered yellow cape with the hood hung over so you can't see his face.
Race: Human
Personality: Religious zealot who's partially insane.
Affiliation: MoD
Child of Lida_Rose and Aliucon. Married to yuzikichan0! Father of Ha³ and Apollo72.
Re: C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title

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What the hey, I'll join! But, I am not from the original RP so I will make a new profile.

Name: Dark Coffee Drinker
Age: 15
Appearance: A bit short with blue eyes and curly brown hair. Plaid jacket always on and wears blocky glasses. (Is this supposed to look like yourself?)
Race: Human
Personality: Nice and kind but does not tolerate ignorance. Also, is creative (lolego) and loves to draw.
Affiliation: Revolutionaries

Clickie the sig to go to my sprites! (Updated 10-14-10!)Court Records - The Game!
Thanks to PandaPrinzessin for the signature!
Son to Meenyman and kaisap112! Plus, brother to Madame Sho and Dawn!
Re: C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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They don't :c

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((Well, Elias (you don't mind me calling you that, right?), unless Justis wants to take part, and we find a way to fit him into this new storyline, then you would go first.

BTW, should I post 2016-DeMat's profile besides 2026-Devian's? I have the relation between the two planned out.

BTW2, Tap, you should include a "Bio" section into the application form for new members. Just for them to explain how they became Revolutionaries or Minions of Dimbo, that is, how they spent the 10 years after the Heroes' disappearance until this RPs' beginning. You should add that too, DCD (and your character doesn't need to be like your real self).))
Re: C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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[DeMatador - Regarding the profiles of Devian and DeMat's... I would just post Devian's but if you want to post both, you can do that. I'll add it anyway.

Good idea. I'll clear it up. :)

DCD - As DeMatador said, it doesn't need to be like your real self. I don't look like my persona here in the thread so :/]
Re: C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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Bam! Wait. That's a fish?!

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((Oh yes... same here. :/ I'm not a boy anyways.

Spoiler: Dragon a.k.a that Person that Gets Booted off a Cliff
Name: Dragon
Age: 25
Job: Secret Agent/Weapons Engineer
Appearance: Black hair always tied up in a ponytail, and tannish skin. Dragon has brown eyes, and a slightly Asian look. She wears a white shirt under a black vest, and black pants with combat boots. Slung over her back is a sniper rifle, and carries things around in a small pouch.
Race: Werewolf
Personality: Calm and commanding in a situation, she's basically a planner. Doesn't get flustered easily and is pretty reliable.
Affiliation: HEROES!
Brief History: Dragon was a double agent to so speak for Dimbo and the FBI, and now helps out the heroes. She's a freelance weapons engineer, and actually had a robotic dragon.

Spoiler: Lewis a.k.a the Person Who Gets To Boot Dragon off a Cliff
Name: Lewis
Age: 28
Job: Secret Agent
Appearance: Blonde hair that's always ruffled, and has blue eyes. Lewis wears a brown jacket with an emblem of a bird pinned on it, black pants, and combat boots also.
Race: Human (?)
Personality: Bright, and often endlessly bantering with Dragon. He's pretty clever even though he doesn't look like it.
Affiliation: HEROES!
History: Dragon's friend and foe, he deals with all matters secretive and such.

Let's get this started! Not yet, but you know what I mean...))
[Signature in construction until I make a new one]
I'm back, mate! Still lurking like a ninja but whatevs :3
Re: C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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((OH that's right, looking at Dawn's post I notice a brief history, would you mind if I added mine into my profile as well?))

Brief History: Was going to be married to a women, however his fiance had died in a car accident, caused by an earthquake made by Dimbo. Also had discovered an artifact, known as the Millennium Eye in a rock passed by his family's generations, and is currently wearing the eye.

Click my sig to see my YouTube channel! AA music is found here!
CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
"If you don't have any shadows, then you're not standing in the light."
Re: C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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DeMatador wrote:
((Took the liberty of adding a "II" for clarity's sake. Still, awesome first post, Tap.
I'll post an updated profile once I'm on a non-Windows 98-crappy computer.

Also, Shadow, unless Dimbo's ever active again, we should both godmod his character. As long as it's absolutely necessary and makes sense, then I don't think there's a problem with that. What do you say?

Can't wait to get this thing going. Am I the only one picturing a C-R Adventure Trilogy...?))

Good idea, DeMat. :) Yes, let's do that. ;)

Anyway, here's my bios. :D

Spoiler: Shadow Edgeworth
Name: Shadow Edgeworth
Gender: Male
Age: 906
Affiliation: Heroes

Appearance: Looks like a human male aged about 35, with dark brown hair that manages to be both messy and spiky, has brown eyes. Is quite tall, around 6'1'', and is quite skinny, Wears a slightly-electro-damaged blue pinstriped suit, with a dark red shirt and a dark red tie, accompanied by red converse trainers.

Personality: Shadow is naturally a fast person, and is a fast talker. His age can sometimes come across in his manner of speaking and emotion, and gets annoyed quite easily, but he has a good heart, and always tries to do what is right.

Brief History: Shadow began investigating the earthquakes once he was caught in one, and gradually met up with all the Heroes after that.

Spoiler: Christi Suzuka
Name: Christi Suzuka
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Affiliation: Minions of Dimbo
Job: Lieutenant of Dimbo's Air and Space-fleet Army divison.

Appearance: Just-above-shoulder length dark brown hair, very pale skin, brown eyes. Is about 5'6'' and quite slim. Wears Dimbo's Air and Space-fleet uniform. (See picture above) :redd:

Personality: Christi is a strong-willed woman, willing to do anything to see a task through to its end. She can come across as brash and commanding, but on the inside is actually a very lonely individual.

Brief History: Bio: Christi Suzuka is a member of Dimbo's Air and Space-fleet, as is reknowned for her expert targeting skills. Prior to that, she was among the children Dimbo had kidnapped to work for for him, to build his empire. Dimbo attempted to brainwash her along with many other children. She was the only one who resisted, intruiging Dimbo.

He spent the next 7 years training her to become his apprentice, teaching her several combat skills, crew-command skills, and omelette creation-skills. Despite all this, Christi longed for her parents all that time, despite Dimbo's attempts to turn her against them.

Spoiler: Dimbo
Name: Dimbo
Gender: Male
Age: ??
Job: Emperor

Appearance: Black hair, slightly aged face, is quite slim and very tall, around 6'5. Soemtimes wears a colour-reversed version of the Air and Space-fleet uniform to blend in around his troops, but otherwise wears a full regal gown and hat.

Personality: Dimbo is often smug and calm, yet is always over-confident, and assumes he always has the upper hand. However, when threatened, Dimbo can become extremely manic and violent.

Brief History: Bio: Little is known about Dimbo except that he wants to take over the world. He recently changed his body into a far more commanding one using a homemade version of Time Lord Regeneration. After a fiery and violent regeneration, Dimbo II was born.

Dimbo accomplished his goal after launching the TRADIS and most of its crew into the relatively near future. He also has apparently destroyed Lawville.

He now controls several private small armies to enforce the law, but his pride and joy is the Air and Space-fleet, his main army, featuring ships based on ones seen from TV Shows and Films he liked. (I.E. The Fanboy's Dream Army).

During the duration he trained DeMatador, a former member of the TRADIS Crew, and Christi Suzuka into his apprentices.

If they're any problems with these bios, please tell me. :edgy:
Engaged to Reiji!
Credit to Nadindi for the awesome sig! :D

Last edited by ShadowEdgeworth on Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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I'ma gonna blow you out of the water.

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Yay, I get a chance to be my evil self again!!! Sorry for not joining so much in the past thread, but it got so caught up in everything that I got a bit confused...

Name: The Crimson Blaze (Real name unknown)
Age: 28
Job: Former stage magician who was disgraced after the circus he performed in was shut down due to a dwindling fan base. Now runs a very shady circus which takes in the abandoned and the oppressed, or those considered "freaks" by society.
Appearance: He's a man of Asian descent, of average height and build. Has golden/light brown eyes. Oddly enough, he dresses only in white, wearing a white suit, tie, and top hat or, for less formal occasions, a fedora.
Race: Human
Personality: A very flamboyant man, the Crimson Blaze takes showmanship and performance very seriously. He will not tolerate second-rate performing, which means when doing something he will attempt to make it as over-the-top as humanly possible. Not a violent man by any means, he prefers to use clever tricks and disguises to confound, bewilder, and bamboozle his enemies. Still, the Crimson Blaze is not an unkind man, and has a soft spot for the outcasts of society. So he trains them day after day, hoping that they will one day be called upon once again to perform. In the meantime, they work under Dimbo because he promises the entire world as an audience...

Thanks go to Floran and TheBaronAndEma for the siggy and avy respectively.
They rock, so go request something from them!
Re: C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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ShadowEdgeworth wrote:
Spoiler: Dimbo
Name: Dimbo
Gender: Male
Age: ??
Job: Emperor

Appearance: Black hair, slightly aged face, is quite slim and very tall, around 6'5. Soemtimes wears a colour-reversed version of the Air and Space-fleet uniform to blend in around his troops, but otherwise wears a full regal gown and hat.

Personality: Dimbo is often smug and calm, yet is always over-confident, and assumes he always has the upper hand. However, when threatened, Dimbo can become extremely manic and violent.

Brief History: Bio: Little is known about Dimbo except that he wants to take over the world. He recently changed his body into a far more commanding one using a homemade version of Time Lord Regeneration. After a fiery and violent regeneration, Dimbo II was born.

Dimbo accomplished his goal after launching the TRADIS and most of its crew into the relatively near future. He also has apparently destroyed Lawville.

He now controls several private small armies to enforce the law, but his pride and joy is the Air and Space-fleet, his main army, featuring ships based on ones seen from TV Shows and Films he liked. (I.E. The Fanboy's Dream Army).

During the duration he trained DeMatador, a former member of the TRADIS Crew, and Christi Suzuka into his apprentices.

If they're any problems with these bios, please tell me. :edgy:

According to the first topic, Dimbo's appearance was supposed to be Count Bleck from Super Paper Mario, this.

Click my sig to see my YouTube channel! AA music is found here!
CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
"If you don't have any shadows, then you're not standing in the light."
Re: C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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Bam! Wait. That's a fish?!

Gender: None specified

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Meenyman wrote:
ShadowEdgeworth wrote:
Spoiler: Dimbo
Name: Dimbo
Gender: Male
Age: ??
Job: Emperor

Appearance: Black hair, slightly aged face, is quite slim and very tall, around 6'5. Soemtimes wears a colour-reversed version of the Air and Space-fleet uniform to blend in around his troops, but otherwise wears a full regal gown and hat.

Personality: Dimbo is often smug and calm, yet is always over-confident, and assumes he always has the upper hand. However, when threatened, Dimbo can become extremely manic and violent.

Brief History: Bio: Little is known about Dimbo except that he wants to take over the world. He recently changed his body into a far more commanding one using a homemade version of Time Lord Regeneration. After a fiery and violent regeneration, Dimbo II was born.

Dimbo accomplished his goal after launching the TRADIS and most of its crew into the relatively near future. He also has apparently destroyed Lawville.

He now controls several private small armies to enforce the law, but his pride and joy is the Air and Space-fleet, his main army, featuring ships based on ones seen from TV Shows and Films he liked. (I.E. The Fanboy's Dream Army).

During the duration he trained DeMatador, a former member of the TRADIS Crew, and Christi Suzuka into his apprentices.

If they're any problems with these bios, please tell me. :edgy:

According to the first topic, Dimbo's appearance was supposed to be Count Bleck from Super Paper Mario, this.

... But his appearance changed when he got regenerated. I recall his hair was blue or something. :/
[Signature in construction until I make a new one]
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Dawn wrote:
Meenyman wrote:
ShadowEdgeworth wrote:
Spoiler: Dimbo
Name: Dimbo
Gender: Male
Age: ??
Job: Emperor

Appearance: Black hair, slightly aged face, is quite slim and very tall, around 6'5. Soemtimes wears a colour-reversed version of the Air and Space-fleet uniform to blend in around his troops, but otherwise wears a full regal gown and hat.

Personality: Dimbo is often smug and calm, yet is always over-confident, and assumes he always has the upper hand. However, when threatened, Dimbo can become extremely manic and violent.

Brief History: Bio: Little is known about Dimbo except that he wants to take over the world. He recently changed his body into a far more commanding one using a homemade version of Time Lord Regeneration. After a fiery and violent regeneration, Dimbo II was born.

Dimbo accomplished his goal after launching the TRADIS and most of its crew into the relatively near future. He also has apparently destroyed Lawville.

He now controls several private small armies to enforce the law, but his pride and joy is the Air and Space-fleet, his main army, featuring ships based on ones seen from TV Shows and Films he liked. (I.E. The Fanboy's Dream Army).

During the duration he trained DeMatador, a former member of the TRADIS Crew, and Christi Suzuka into his apprentices.

If they're any problems with these bios, please tell me. :edgy:

According to the first topic, Dimbo's appearance was supposed to be Count Bleck from Super Paper Mario, this.

... But his appearance changed when he got regenerated. I recall his hair was blue or something. :/

Dark metallic blue, yes. I did forget about that actually. Paint.NET, here I come. :godot:
Engaged to Reiji!
Credit to Nadindi for the awesome sig! :D
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((All right! This reboot promises to be good fun~

Name: Panda Prinzessin
Age: 26
Job: Police Chief
Appearance: Small for her age, she's "blonde and cute" as described by her subordinates- needless to say, this often makes being taken seriously as police chief difficult. She tends to wear black most of the time, even though she doesn't think it suits her, simply because she believes it makes her look more professional.
Race: Human
Personality: Panda likes to give off the impression that she's quite upbeat and easygoing but those who know her a little better know that she's stubborn, single-mindedly determined and hates being wrong.
Affiliation: Hero
Brief History of your character: She was Lawville's chief of police when Dimbo first emerged (incidentally both the youngest and first female ever to be elected to this office), which led to her being selected as a Hero. She doesn't know quite how the Heroes ended up in the future but is resolved to put a stop to Dimbo's plans. She had both a pet cat and a fiance back ten years ago, but thinks it unlikely that either are still alive.
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[I've added everyone except you, DCD. If you wish to make changes to your profile, you can. If you don't want to change it, I'll add it. :)

And I think a trilogy is highly likely. The Forgotten Past will probably have the same amount of pages and by the end, the heroes will probably go back to 2016 and then in a new thread, finally defeat Dimbo. :karma: ]
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((Seeing a trilogy would be very nice indeed, but for that to happen we gotta keep things interesting in this one. =D))
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CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
"If you don't have any shadows, then you're not standing in the light."
Re: C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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Bam! Wait. That's a fish?!

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((Yeah, we should. Maybe we'll become the first finished RP or something. idk, but it'll be fun!))
[Signature in construction until I make a new one]
I'm back, mate! Still lurking like a ninja but whatevs :3
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((Call me a Donny Downer, but I think that the idea of a trilogy isn't the best. As technically an unfinished RP (since we didn't get to use every villain) the idea of making a direct sequel isn't the best.))
Child of Lida_Rose and Aliucon. Married to yuzikichan0! Father of Ha³ and Apollo72.
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((We should just see where the path of this RP takes us. :D

Anyway, we're only waiting for DeMat to post his profile, so once that is done, shall we begin?))
Engaged to Reiji!
Credit to Nadindi for the awesome sig! :D
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They don't :c

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Spoiler: DeMat
Name: DeMat
Age: 15 (in 2016)
Job: Unemployed (High-School Student)
Appearance: Hair is like this; that is, shoulder-lenght brown hair. Wears a plain dark green t-shirt (like the picture, but dark green), blue jeans, and black sneakers.
Race: Human
Personality: Generally polite and reserved when around people he doesn't know, but outgoing and fun when with friends or family. Is quite the logical thinker, not that good of a practical thinker, but that changes when he goes through extreme situations.
Affiliation: Hero
Brief Bio: DeMat had led an ordinary life until the day Dimbo attacked Lawville. That day, he was suddenly woken up by the first tremblors. When he noticed it was due to an explosion, he tried to find out who or what had caused it, and found Wanacoba. They then found their way to the Lawville Police, where they were recruited to be part of the Heroes who would fight Dimbo.
He suddenly disappeared while the Heroes were in Cairo alongside Wanacoba. Neither of them reappeared since.

Spoiler: Devian
Name: Devian Matthiesen
Age: 25 (in 2026)
Job: Councillor of Dimbo's New World Order
Appearance: Shoulder-lenght, slick brown hair. Wears a white buttoned shirt, with a dark coat covering it, and blue jeans.
Race: Human
Personality: Generally quiet, but a superb councillor. Always thinks every single detail through, both logically and practically. When confronting the enemy, he can change completely from his quiet self to a maniac-like being. Can lose control when reminded of his past.
Affiliation: Minion of Dimbo
Brief Bio: First of the thousands of children that Dimbo recruits for his New World Order, he was recruited at the age of 15, under unknown circumstances. In fact, Devian's (forced) recruiting inspired Dimbo to look for children, ages 9-19, during 2016, preparing them for 2026, when he knew the Heroes would reappear. He knew that it would be easier to recruit them while they were children, and they would still be able to serve him 10 years in the future.
Devian is now Dimbo's councillor, helping him administer his global empire. Dimbo considers him his right hand, and thinks recruiting him was a key step in shaping up this new world. Devian is always extremely reluctant to talk about his past, reason why it's unknown.

Ready to start now!))
Re: C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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The Real Human Being

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Name: DoMaya
Age: ???
Job: Balance keeper.
Spoiler: Appearance

Race: Angel
Personality: Sadistic to those who cross him, Honorable to those who show honor, Perverted when he wants to be, Romantic when he's lonely.
Affiliation: Hero
Brief History of your character: ???

((Doomsday's storyline is a lot longer than this one, but let's see how long this can go))
Still an Anti Hero

Last edited by DoMaya on Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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They don't :c

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((I'm interested. But just one thing: Anti Hero is not an actual affiliation, you need to be more specific. Based on your character, you would be a Villain (boss), and would have to take your turn after Amakiir and Blaze.

Everyone else, how many spots are we keeping open? I say DoMaya's, Dark Coffee Drinker's, and one or two more.))
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((From the first post I can gather there are 3 spots left. ;)

Story-wise, where shall we begin? Shall there be some time between C-R Adventure I and C-R Adventure II?))
Engaged to Reiji!
Credit to Nadindi for the awesome sig! :D
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((Oh. Cool.

And we should begin just after Devian leaves the Heroes, I believe.))
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The Real Human Being

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DeMatador wrote:
((I'm interested. But just one thing: Anti Hero is not an actual affiliation, you need to be more specific. Based on your character, you would be a Villain (boss), and would have to take your turn after Amakiir and Blaze.

Everyone else, how many spots are we keeping open? I say DoMaya's, Dark Coffee Drinker's, and one or two more.))

(( In fiction, an antihero is generally considered to be a protagonist whose character is at least in some regards conspicuously contrary to that of the archetypal hero, and is in some instances its antithesis. ))
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((Very well... so who shall start the RP? I could start it, but I don't think my opening post would be that good really, since I'll have to rely on memory, (Thank you Nintendo, for not adding a 2 tab system to the DSi) but I'll start if no one else can. :godot: ))
Engaged to Reiji!
Credit to Nadindi for the awesome sig! :D
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They don't :c

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DoMaya wrote:
DeMatador wrote:
((I'm interested. But just one thing: Anti Hero is not an actual affiliation, you need to be more specific. Based on your character, you would be a Villain (boss), and would have to take your turn after Amakiir and Blaze.

Everyone else, how many spots are we keeping open? I say DoMaya's, Dark Coffee Drinker's, and one or two more.))

(( In fiction, an antihero is generally considered to be a protagonist whose character is at least in some regards conspicuously contrary to that of the archetypal hero, and is in some instances its antithesis. ))

((Dude, I know what an anti-hero is. I just said that you need to fit into a pre-stablished category. That's the way this RP goes.))
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[Alright, I've updated it. DoMaya, please fix your profile so I can add it. You have to make it clear which category you wish to join. You can either join the Minions or the Revolutionaries. DCD, please fix your profile too or confirm you don't want it changed.

Btw, what about Wanacoba? Is he still going to be in this RP?]
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((If he doesn't post, I'll ask him.

But we should really get this thing started. Shadow, as soon as you get access to a computer, can you start? If you can't, I can start from the baddies' point of view, by RPing Devian, while you RP Dimbo, Shadow.))
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((You know, I actually prefer the idea of the villains at the beginning. I think that's a nice touch. And since I can't get access to a computer until tomorrow morning (UK time) that's the best option. Also, it'll allow me to introduce my secondary character.

So, DeMat, if you could start us off... ;) ))
Engaged to Reiji!
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((Ah yes, we haven't heard from the villian side for a while. It should also be the time where the new characters introduce themselves.))
Click my sig to see my YouTube channel! AA music is found here!
CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
"If you don't have any shadows, then you're not standing in the light."
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((Wana says he won't re-join the RP, everybody. So we should find a way to imply he's dead later.

Alright, time for the opening post! Just to make sure, I'm trying to give Dimbo's Empire a lot of development, to make it the main background of this part's storyline. It almost sounds like Star Wars (specially every time I write "the Emperor"), but let's try not to mix those two. Also, the big fat descriptions are an attempt to give the RP some more depth.

Without further ado, let's get this started!))

He was back at the cold, poorly lit room where he was some minutes ago. The Emperor of the New World stood there, grinning. He was almost laughing, triumphant.
"Very well, Devian..." Dimbo told him, "NOW you're ready."
Devian didn't respond.
Instead, he moved forward, towards the room's door. When he was close to it, the door opened itself, revealing a large hallway, with doors on its sides, all of them hermetically closed. These doors all had panels in their centers, the only way they could be opened. Devian kept walking until he reached another door, which also opened automatically once he approached it. On the other side of that door, the entire matrix of Dimbo's headquarters was exposed. Hundreds of people in front of computers, using their phones, or chatting, but all of them busy. Busy at work to keep Dimbo's Empire stable for the new day. It was a view that would amaze anyone, except, maybe, those who were used to it. And Devian was.

So he kept walking, not even glancing around. He had strided forward the entire way, until that moment, when he turned right, straight into another automatic door. Behind that one wasn't such a majestic scene, but a small operations room, with only two operators to the sides, staring into a large console's screens. Devian walked to the center of that console, and stopped. He looked up, and saw a headset with microphone. He took it, and placed it on his head, positioning the microphone just in front of his mouth. He looked down to the console's controls, and pressed a round button. He kept the button pressed for some seconds, until he heard a beeping sound.


Some voices came from the other side of the line. They were all from commanders of Dimbo's various armies, from the smallest private one, to the Air and Space fleet, all reporting in.
"To all commanders." Devian announced. Various "yessir"s were heard.
"As predicted, the Heroes have materialized at the Leviathan testing grounds, former territory of Lawville." he told them. "Following the Emperor's orders, they have been informed of Doctor Tap's importance. Therefore, the threat level has increased from Low to Moderate, and will increase to Substantial if the Heroes reach Dr. Tap."
"It is of great importance that they do not reach the scientist. Repeat, they must not reach Dr. Tap. Am I clear?" Again, a wave of "yessir"s filled Devian's ears, now stronger than before.
"I hope so." he responded. "The Emperor will not tollerate any incompetence. HQ out."

After saying that, he pressed the round button again, and the communication was cut off. He hung the headset where it was, and walked out of the room. He crossed the building's centre into another door, which led to a hallway, smaller than the other one. This one also had a set of doors on its sides; in fact, Devian was now facing one. He posed his hand in the door's panel, and it suddenly opened.

Inside was a small bedroom. To the door's right, a short bed, and to its left, a chair and a wooden desk with a computer. Devian entered the room, and the door closed immediately after. He rapidly let go off his coat, sat on the chair, and turned the computer's display on. When it was done, the screen showed a single image, one Devian had just seen live. He was watching the same feed that was being shown at the broadcast room: the Heroes, standing over a pile of rubble, where the Lawville Board HQ used to be.

Devian sat, staring at the screen, waiting for the Heroes to do something.

((lol stalker))
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((So wait, where am I in the villan order again?))
Child of Lida_Rose and Aliucon. Married to yuzikichan0! Father of Ha³ and Apollo72.
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((Edited profile))
*crack* *crack*
A body rises from the burning flame, and grows wings.
The wings spread, making the flames race into the wings.
The bodies of the fallen are charred, and inside the cremator only one remains standing

It raises it's arms forward, blasting intense heat through the steel walls of the machine.

A charred face pokes form the hole, staring at the Minions of Dimbo.
It licks it's would-be lips with a flaming tounge.


A report would be sent out that day to high ranking officers.

"An accident at a crematorium burnt the building to the ground, there were no survivors"
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((I think you're second, but I'm not exactly sure. :/ ))


Dimbo watched his computer screen smiling, laughing at the heroes looking over the rubble, his laugh echoing all around his office. "It's been a while... but I suppose it was bound to happen." He laughed as he fondled his comm badge.

The doorbell let out a tuneful squeak.
"Come." uttered Dimbo.

The door opened, and a brunette, pale woman in a dark red and black uniform stepped in, her hands behind her back. Dimbo's apprentice.
"Ah, Lieutenant Suzuka. What can I do for you? Actually, no. What can you do for me?"

After rolling her eyes, Suzuka replied, "I have heard infomation regarding the Heroes..."

"And you want to destroy them, correct? Ha. I admire your gall." Dimbo smirked. Suzuka just blinked as he had taken the words right out of her mouth, albeit making them blunter.

"I wish to... intercept them. Before they can damage the timeline." Suzuka stated, slamming her hand on Dimbo's desk.

"Hmm... you see, the Heroes have this spaceship called a TRADIS. It has an incredibly high hull integrity, so it's exterior cannot be destroyed by conventianal weaponry."

He sat back on his chair. "The secret weapon has been finished, anyway... so..."

He hit the comm badge on his chest. It let out a small noise, like keys jingling.
"Dimbo to Devian. I request your presence at my office. Posthaste. It regards that Neutoniam SuperWeapon I've been working on for years..."

Suzuka sighed. She and Devian never had got on well for as long as they had known each other. They often argued about various things... but they had developed a small mutual respect for one-another. Still, she was not looking forward to seeing him again...
Engaged to Reiji!
Credit to Nadindi for the awesome sig! :D
Re: C-R Adventure II: The Forgotten Past (Open!)Topic%20Title
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Bam! Wait. That's a fish?!

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((I shall kick off the Heroes' side.))

Dragon crouched and inspected the ashes. It was all that remained of Lawville's buildings, save for a forlorn sign that once hung on the Board HQ ten years ago.

"So... this is the power of the Leviathan... a weapon so destructive, it can level anything within a several miles' radius. No matter the size..." She picked up some of the ashes and let it trickle down back to the ground. "This... is the price the human race has to pay, merely for making a weapon of such scale... and it's all my fault..." Dragon looked away from the ashes.

Lewis remained silent as he looked around. The landscape as far as anyone could see was desolate, barren, and most importantly dead.

"We should get away from this place as fast as possible. It's too open here..." He remarked. "I don't like this place one bit."

((Quick question, who's with us in 2026 from 2016?

I remember that in our group was:


But is the 2016 Tap with us?))
[Signature in construction until I make a new one]
I'm back, mate! Still lurking like a ninja but whatevs :3
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"Hm... the ultimate weapon. Very curious." Shadow muttered. He croutched down and examined the ashes himself. He scooped up a handful and sprinkled it about. "I analyze thus in the TRADIS. Thankfully, the lab works on a mobile power source."

He stood up, putting some of the ashes in a tube. "Anywho, I think I can modify the TRADIS's Vortex Core to run on more conventional methods. We can't travel in time, or teleport, but at least we'll get some mode of travel." he said, staring around.
Engaged to Reiji!
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The ashes swept through the sky, darkening the scene, as if the sun wasn't out.

"You know, the fact that we survived is quite amazing, isn't it? Hmmmm, so now the TRADIS' powers will be limited. Sure it has weakened, but Dimbo hasn't completely stopped us yet. If we're going to travel with the TRADIS, where should our first destination be? There are barely signs of life remaining, it's not going to be easy to find life."
Click my sig to see my YouTube channel! AA music is found here!
CarChaseCityMan and Arkillian's son, Franzika Von ehmpke5 ,Lida_Rose and angel_of_nature's brother.
"If you don't have any shadows, then you're not standing in the light."
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