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Re: Danganronpa F2: Prisoner's Dilemma- Ch. 6 Class TrialTopic%20Title
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Lone wrote:
"Hm, is that really all you got?" says Byron. "God, you guys really are a bunch of emotionless sociopaths. No wonder you kill each other so easily."

"If we're emotionless sociopaths, it's yer fault." Maribelle said, suddenly very angry. "You trained us but good to make us turn to suspicion first and empathy second. I'll not hear you accusin' me of bein' damaged when you brought at least twelve high school students to be killed. So I'll ask you again-- Who the HELL are ya to me, and why the HELL are we here?"
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"Hey, quick word of advice," Simon adds, "Maybe DON'T call people sociopaths when you literally set up your own son to get eaten by sharks and then directly murdered five people in needlessly gruesome ways..."
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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"Hah, that's more like it. Yes, I remember when Bud died, you guys hardly batted an eye." Byron wipes away a tear. "Alas, my poor son. He really was a talented child. He went to every house in the state and had a one to one with them. He worked day and night on his campaign. I was truly proud of him for that. Not like my useless daughter. She couldn't even get into Hope's Peak, had not a talent to her name. I disowned her, I don't need no filth like that."
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"Yeah, please shed a tear for the son you could'a saved but chose not to." said Maribelle, wholly unimpressed. "Honestly, yer remindin' me more and more of 'The Vigilante' the more ya talk. You two probably should get to know one another- ya'd probably have a lot in common."

She addressed her fellow classmates next.  "Also, since the killin' game is over,  can't we just overpower this old geeser, take his hands 'n' unlock the boats with 'em? What're we even still doing talkin' to this ass? I'm pretty sure even if we had to kill him, no courtroom on Earth is gonna convict us fer havin' to kill our kidnapper to free ourselves."
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"You really want to do that?" asks Byron, eyeing Maribelle. "I have traps set all over this island. And believe me, I got over any fear of death long ago. Taking you down with me is something I'm willing to do. But yes, the trial must move on. Here's your next question:"

What is the purpose of this killing game?
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Lone wrote:
"You really want to do that?" asks Byron, eyeing Maribelle. "I have traps set all over this island. And believe me, I got over any fear of death long ago. Taking you down with me is something I'm willing to do. But yes, the trial must move on. Here's your next question:"

What is the purpose of this killing game?

"Not afraid of death/ but you've been hiding behind/ a toy this whole time..." Maribelle said in a sarcastically considerate tone. "That was fer a friend of mine. Also, it's pretty miraculous that if'n ya booby trapped this island as thoroughly as ya said, we've only run into one of yer traps."

Maribelle shrugged. "Oh well. I reckon this means yer not gonna answer my question, 'cause you want me to do it for ya."

"Anyway, the file cabinet in the veranda implies that yer collecting talents fer some reason or another. Not just ours, but the other ultimate students who were named in the file cabinet files, too-- the ones we've never met before. For what purpose? I have no idea. If'n I had to hazard a guess, I'd say you were somehow tryin' to harvest the talents of the students ya brought here for yer non-Ultimate daughter. Becky, if memory serves."

Last edited by MechaQdogg on Fri Dec 15, 2017 1:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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"I dunno, this guy seems like a total nutjob. How are we supposed to know how his mind works?" Simon says, "Maybe he wanted Bud to have the same wonderful experience he did, but forgot to not kill him and then just kept it going and hoped no one would notice. That makes about as much sense as any other explanation..."
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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"Hm. Let me tell you about our original killing game now then. 30 years since we'd graduated from Hope's Peak, and we felt that place got weak. Hope's Peak was founded on the grounds of cultivating and nurturing the talent of teens across the world. But they had fallen so far since then. They weren't keeping up to standard any more. Seriously, they let in someone for eating a lot of ice cream. That's not a fucking talent. He was just fat.

We needed to bring Hope's Peak back to its glory days. But first, we had to see if we were qualified. If our talents, were truly talents. After all, why advocate for Hope's Peak reform if we were part of the problem. So what better way, than a life and death game? Hahaha, we set up the Monokuma-system to keep things running, to make sure murder was the only way of escape. So I did just that. I set my wife on fire and pinned it all on that Spriggs guy. Too easy. People are so naive and gullible. Of course, by the time there were only two students left, we couldn't keep the killing going, so the Monokuma stopped. They lasted this far. Even if they hadn't killed, that must have required enough luck and skill to qualify them."

Byron takes a sip of water after all the talking.

"You see where I'm getting at?"
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"So... ya set all this up as some sort o' Social Darwinist experiment-- settin' us upon each other to prove that we're all 'talented' enough to deserve goin' to Hope's Peak? Accordin' to you, all those that died before us were unworthy o' the name of the school? That's... deranged. Seriously deranged."
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"So your measure of our generation's worth is whether they can stab a guy to death and still fall asleep at night?" Simon chuckles and says, "Wow, you sound like my parents... if they were complete psychopaths... That's a fun combination right there."
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
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"The strongest continue on, and the rest die..? Surely, there was a better way to test all of this, huh? You can be talented without having to stain your hands with blood."
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"Honestly, I found Bud to be a little on the... boisterous side fer my taste." said Maribelle. "But if'n he was raised by you, I need to revise my opinion of him. In retrospect, he seems much more normal and well-adjusted considerin' where he came from."
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"Yeah... my son was always a hog for attention. He was the younger child, and my wife kept pampering Beckie all the time. No wonder she turned out so useless. Still, he may have done good in becoming a senator like that, but it wasn't enough. He, and all the Hope's Peak students needed to be put to the test."

Byron glares at the class shouting at him.

"You remember your old friend Rina? Yeah, I had high hopes for her. Surviving for so long out on the streets just with her brother. She suffered through tough brutal conditions to get to where she was. Went from a coal to a diamond. And yet, still, she was too weak. It must have been that brother of hers. And all those animals. Had she toughed it all out alone, she'd still be here today. Just like I did."

Byron's glasses glint as he puts on a wide smile.

"Yes, I had life on the easy track. My parents were billionaires. I was a spoiled child with everything at my fingertips. I could click my fingers and have a butler tuck me in. It was all so... empty. I deserved none of it. Just because I was born to these people meant I got to have everything? No. If I was to have this, I had to earn it. So I slit my parents' throats and blamed it on some homeless guy. I blew up my home, and went off with nothing but the clothes on my back. I even changed my name to 'Lau'. Because that's what I set out to do. Create a name for myself, properly work to the tops and create the new world law!

It was a tough several years. I ate what I could from dumpsters, fought countless hobos for what change I could get. I eventually got a job at a factory. A sweatshop they called it. I saved up enough money from that and starting playing the stocks. Oh it took a while, but before long, I didn't need no job. I was the ultimate hobo stock-broker. Then I used THAT money to start my own businesses. They all did really well. Landed me a wife and kids and everything."

Byron stops, huffing and puffing.

"So now you see? By putting myself through such strain and hardships I became bigger and better than before. And Bud had to do the same. He couldn't piggyback off of me. He had to make the hard decision to strive. But nooo. He had to 'protect his friends'. Despite his personality, he was a smart kid. He figured out from speech patterns alone that I was the one behind Monokuma. Oh yes, that realization destroyed him. But he had to overcome that to truly shine. But he didn't. He died and withered away like some filthy sewer rat."
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Lone wrote:
"So now you see? By putting myself through such strain and hardships I became bigger and better than before. And Bud had to do the same. He couldn't piggyback off of me. He had to make the hard decision to strive. But nooo. He had to 'protect his friends'. Despite his personality, he was a smart kid. He figured out from speech patterns alone that I was the one behind Monokuma. Oh yes, that realization destroyed him. But he had to overcome that to truly shine. But he didn't. He died and withered away like some filthy sewer rat."

Maribelle shrugged. "Yeah I totally get where you have the gall to call us psychopaths."
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"Alright, we know about your stupid motivation for this game. Wanted to test us or whatever.

What about that next question, huh? Or do you want to rant to us about your dead son some more?"
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Byron puts a hand to his head and sighs.

"You fucking kids. I put so much effort into my speeches and you just brush it off. I try to spice things up all the time and you're just like 'whatever'. I wouldn't ever have considered debutante as a worthy talent, but apparently it is. And how is Veronica an actual witch? She's only done those things with the potions. Several of which I made. Heh. I'm more than just the Ultimate Businessman aren't I. The Ultimate Everything.

But that isn't really all yet. I scour out the best 4-5 students, more if they can successfully murder and escape, which no one has unfortunately. Then what. What do you think I wanted to do with the true Ultimates?"
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"I couldn't give a shit about your damn speeches. And I couldn't care less what you had planned for us, no matter how ridiculous. I want out of here so I can see my brother again."
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Lone wrote:
"You fucking kids. I put so much effort into my speeches and you just brush it off. I try to spice things up all the time and you're just like 'whatever'. I wouldn't ever have considered debutante as a worthy talent, but apparently it is. And how is Veronica an actual witch? She's only done those things with the potions. Several of which I made. Heh. I'm more than just the Ultimate Businessman aren't I. The Ultimate Everything."

Maribelle looked at Byron quizically. "In yer mind, are we here to listen to yer speeches? Because by my reckoning, we're here 'cause you put us here. The only reason I'm puttin' up with it is 'cause there's a possibility we might escape with our lives. Does that make me disrespectful? Maybe, but ya haven't done anything to earn my respect, so... I don't really feel like respectin' my kidnapper at the moment. I reckon you can understand that."

"What do you do with the 'true ultimates'...? Gee, I dunno, do you let 'em go back to their homes 'n' their families to deal with trauma in the healthiest environment possible?"
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"Ha. If that were the conclusion, then what would be the point of it all? No. I told you already, Hope's Peak got soft with their scouting. It became impure. They can't even determine true talent from fake. That's why it's up to us to overthrow it, start from scratch. Show them that us who have survived killing games are truly what it takes. Show them, glory like they've never seen before. We shall show them how it's done. How to cultivate true talent. How to properly nurture it into something great.

This is why you're on an island so far away. Hope's Peak has expanded far and wide. It even attempted to cultivate talent from prison inmates. The lowest scum of society. They weren't wrong in that, if only they'd tried it properly. This facility had long since been abandoned. We just cleaned it up, repurposed the Research Centers for you guys. Yes, have you not noticed the lack of classrooms here? Hope's Peak has abandoned that format. You can't teach talented students boring fucking geography. You need to get them to train and practice their talents. That's why, an individual tutor and Research Center for each student is required.

Don't you all see? By such a simple mistake, Hope's Peak is ruining everything. They let in fucking worthless scum. They have a damn reserve course because of money. Pfft, money. There are tons of ways to earn that stuff, why stoop to the lowest common denominator. But yes, this is our goal. We will build a true Hope's Peak with only the truest of true talents. No more boring lame old Hope's Peak. This one is going to only ever pump out the best of the best. With us at the top!"
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"Look, old man," Simon shouts, "If you wanna fix Hope's Peak, that's fine. If you wanna help talented people, that's fine. But none of us asked to be part of some stupid reform movement! So, leave us out of it!

Simon adds, "...Oh, and maybe don't murder people. I'm pretty sure that could help your cause, which you've basically ruined now by setting up this whole mess."
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
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Byron points at the screen. Another question has been added.

1) How was this class brought to the prison school?
2) Who is the mastermind?
3) What is the purpose of this killing game?
4) How hasn’t anyone come to rescue the class yet?
5) ???
6) ???
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"Cause of your stupid Frozen Forgetty Machine!" Simon shouts, "BOOM! Next question."
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"Do you not see the significance though?"
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"You're gonna blab on about how we aren't worthy of being people if we die here, or true talent only comes from bullshit hardships like this, am I right?"
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"Kids always needing things spoon-fed to them. Remember the very first motive? Yeah, I never once said things would be undone after the case was over. Unless you've killed someone, no one in the outside world even remembers you. Essentially, you have no home to go to."
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"And what, we're really supposed to believe that you somehow erased everyone's memory of us?" Veronica retorts. "Even if you did do that somehow, we're still getting out of here. Whether we have homes to go to or not."
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"So Raymond's precious brother remembers him, but otherwise we're out of luck when it comes to the outside world, is what yer sayin'." summarized Maribelle. "Yer the oldest livin' person that knows that most of us exist."

"Here's a question fer ya-- we all thought Hope's Peak was pretty good as-is. We accepted the invitation to attend, after all. You want us to help make Hope's Peak into yer vision of a fascist meritocracy. Why should we do that? What motivation are we s'posed to have?" Maribelle asked.
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"Why you ask? Heh. You have but no choice. Even if I let you go, you have no place to stay. Hope's Peak has no records of you. Your family have no recollection of you. You can't just show up to their homes and expect them to let you stay. If you have any banking accounts, all gone. You have no friends, no money, no family, no record, absolutely nothing out there. Whereas help me rebuild Hope's Peak into what it really becomes... you can have all of that back and then some. How's that... an offer you can't refuse?"

Byron takes another deep breath.

"I've been talking way too much. You guys understand that there's nothing out there now so..."

1) How was this class brought to the prison school?
2) Who is the mastermind?
3) What is the purpose of this killing game?
4) How hasn’t anyone come to rescue them yet?
5) Who wrote the notes found on each floor?
6) ???

Beware the Ultimate Businessman
You must expose the one behind it all to escape
Throw their own words back at them for victory
Discover the truth, and make the bold move

"Who wrote these, and how did they place them on each floor. You can't lock pick shutters."
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Maribelle sighed. "Well, it must be someone who had access to all the floors before the rest of us. That says that they didn't come in through the ground floor. Monokuma... er, pardon, Bye-Ron could've done it, but I don't see why he'd want to. Could be Damien-- maybe he was given some kind of special traitor access or somethin' like that. But then, he didn't tell us the contents of the final note-- presumably 'cause he didn't know it. Which means it ain't exactly likely he wrote 'em. Could be Bud, but then there's only evidence he made it to the fourth floor through the secret passageway, and couldn't get to any of the other floors. He couldn't pick the locks, I guess."

"So... I reckon the only reasonable conclusion is whoever's controllin' Monomi. Or whoever Monomi is, if'n no one's controlling her." said Maribelle. "She's got some modicum more control over this place than we do, 'n' hasn't seemed to be actively workin' for Monokuma."
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"Monomi was a purely automated system. Like anyone would want to control her."
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"Well, if'n it ain't Monomi, then the only other person I can imagine havin' that level of control over this place is the one controllin' Monokuma-- Myron himself."
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Veronica thinks for a minute. “Is it possible that they were left by previous survivors of the killing game?”
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"No. On both counts. Look here."

A picture pops up on screen.

It's of the second floor. Shutters block the way downstairs. On the shutters, appears to be a scanner slightly larger than a handbook.

"And since you guys keep going on about how I erased traces of you from the outside world, let me explain. Alright, so I've gotten Monokuma to draw a red X on your hands."

Everyone checks their hands. Sure enough, there's a red X.

"Now look on screen."

A weird multi-colored wave pattern shows up. It keeps everyone in a trance until.

"Look at your hands."

Everyone looks.

"What the-" says Simon. "When'd this get here?"

Byron smiles.

"So you see. Tune the footage to contain info on the students here and send it across the world. Computer screens, TV screens, we even have a version with radio waves. Send this all across the world. This is why no one will come and rescue you."
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A look of dreadful realization, crossed Simon's face. His voice shaking, he says, "W- Wait... Does this mean what I think it means...? Y- You're saying that Lil Mickey has no idea why he's in intensive care, and he can't even remember why he wrote his #1 hit 'Little Limehead'?"

Simon screams in rage, slams his fists on his podium, and shouts, "You monster! Have you no shame! That guy was a complete pile of shit, but not even he deserves a fate as horrible as that!"
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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After an awkward silence, Simon asks, "Hey, can we check everyone's handbooks on that scanner by the shutter door? And I mean not just the four of us, but everyone! Maybe even some of those handbooks in the library. This counter-traitor guy definitely had to get by that thing to leave behind those notes, y'know..."
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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"Heh, like I'd let a student handbook open it. Only handbooks registered to me would."
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Maribelle shook her head. "So did someone steal yer notebook at some time, Dylon?"
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Simon adds, "And if someone did, I think the most likely candidate was Bud, considering he broke into the Headmaster's Office."
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
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Byron takes his handbook out.

"Nope, it's never left my side. And you'd need my fingerprints to open it."
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"Then I'm fresh outta ideas. If no student's handbook could do it, 'n' it wasn't Brony's handbook that opened things up then I'm really not sure how this could've been accomplished." Maribelle said. "Unless whoever did it used the Handbook Registery machine to clone Brony's notebook to use it without his knowledge."
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