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Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface- End
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Author:  jumpfight5 [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Carrie spit out her meal and got right behind Seb and began to pull on the rope. She was clearly much stronger and was doing a good job, but poor Seb was dealing with the full strength of her fumes. He may have been better off touching a piece of graphite from Chernobyl.

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

"Do not worry," Ivan sighed. "Daniel and I will surely provide enough strength."

He joined the effort to pull him out of the sand.

"Let us act quickly, Daniel, or that foolish head may sink back into the ground once again."

Author:  Datamatt [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

"You're right, Ivan. Let's do this, unit! Come on!"

Daniel seems to continue pulling Benjamin up with even more strength, but you can tell the smell is driving him nuts by the expression. Oh god, oh fuck.

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

"It does give off quite a stench, but surely you have smelled worse?"

Even Ivan was put off a bit, but he did his best not to recoil.

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Benjamin successfully went above the sand. And then successfully got pulled in the direction of Carrie because that makes this whole thing faster. He was now on the other side. Slowly Benjamin grabbed the chain and pulled up his iron ball out of the sand and beside him too. He turned to thank Carrie but turning in her direction made the smell more pungent so he had second thoughts about the whole thing.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Seb, in the meantime, had passed out. But at least his body falling backwards unconscious had probably helped pull on the rope a little.

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

"...This is taking much longer than thirty minutes," Ivan mused to himself, attempting to wake Sebastian up again.

Author:  Datamatt [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Daniel stands up, covering his mouth and coughing violently for a dozen seconds.

After that's done, he clears his throat. "Well done, soldiers, but these delays are unacceptable. We must keep going. We clearly can't all get past the vine here. Those who can't should go to the other path. Those who can should keep going. We rendezvous at the point where both tunnels start in fifteen minutes after we begin our search. Either this, or we all head down the other path."

Author:  KamiPanda [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Seb might have objected to Daniel's plan, but couldn't by virtue of still being too near Carrie to regain consciousness.

Author:  Franzise Deauxnim [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Now that the immediate danger seemed to have passed, Shizune calmed down a bit. She typed up another message, this time folding it into a paper airplane and tossing it delicately across the quicksand.

Dear Stars,

Is everyone alright?

Anxiously awaiting your reply,
Shizune Takata

P.S. I have serious reservations about attempting to cross the quicksand.

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
Now that the immediate danger seemed to have passed, Shizune calmed down a bit. She typed up another message, this time folding it into a paper airplane and tossing it delicately across the quicksand.

Dear Stars,

Is everyone alright?

Anxiously awaiting your reply,
Shizune Takata

P.S. I have serious reservations about attempting to cross the quicksand.

"Perhaps someone truly should carry you across," Ivan offered. "Daniel or I would surely be able to swing across with you. Unless being pulled across with your wheelchair is more to your liking."

"...Also, someone please move Carrie aside, or we may have a dead body on our hands," he said, staring at Sebastian.

Author:  Collin1002 [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

"To think that the smell even permeated through the mask..." Oliver absently mumbled, staring at the unconscious Sebastian, pitying the poor boy for needing to deal with Carrie's stench.

Author:  Datamatt [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Daniel takes a deep breath and pushes Carrie away from Seb, in the hopes that he might wake up. Perhaps he's dead.

He seems to muse a bit after what Ivan says. "Hmm... Good point, Ivan. Both of us can get everyone across if need be. We know there's footprints, so we should go this way, most likely. It might be best to catch people swinging to the other side and help them up."

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

"We shouldn't do it if they are uncomfortable doing so," Ivan sighed. "Although our options are limited..."

Ivan motioned towards the others still on the other side. "Please make your decisions post haste. Should this path lead to no clues, we still have another route to explore."

Author:  WinterCoat [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

"I guess we should just all cross at this point." Brandy then looked at Lavender and Shizune. "Though we still gotta figure out how to prevent what jus' happened to poor Ben from happenin' to them."

Author:  Datamatt [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Daniel looks over at Benjamin, then at the quicksand. "We might be able to pull whoever across from the inside of the quicksand. It should work, but I won't deny it's dangerous, soldiers. Accepting it would take serious courage."

"As for the wheelchair, either Ivan or I can bring her across comfortably. The other can then carry the chair, and someone else can carry the typewriter. This is good, in my mind."

Author:  Cold52 [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Matt tired of all the chatter and uncertainty decided to hell with it, grabbed the rope and dragged himself across and begun to get up on the other side.

"see dumbasses it ea..."
it was at this moment his back went out.
"s-s-ee easy"
Matt layed on the other side unwilling to admit he was in serious pain.

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

[To resolve some confusion, Benjamin/Carrie/Daniel/Ivan/Seb/Matt are all on the other side. Daniel and Ivan never had explicit posts where it happened though and they're Star Teleporters]

"Anybody should be able to get across the same way I did!" Benjamin shouted to the other side, brushing sand off of him. "I only sunk underneath because of the ball... plus the people on this side now are stronger than just Seb."

Author:  Franzise Deauxnim [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Datamatt wrote:
Daniel looks over at Benjamin, then at the quicksand. "We might be able to pull whoever across from the inside of the quicksand. It should work, but I won't deny it's dangerous, soldiers. Accepting it would take serious courage."

"As for the wheelchair, either Ivan or I can bring her across comfortably. The other can then carry the chair, and someone else can carry the typewriter. This is good, in my mind."

After thinking it over for a few moments, Shizune adjusted her glasses, then unhappily slid out of her wheelchair and sat on the floor, arms around her typewriter.

Author:  Doctor Nanjo [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

It takes some more time (and no small amount of clever wheelchair maneuvering) but finally, with one another's help of course, the last person makes it to the other side.

As people are nursing wounds, Carrie's head perks up, spewing words completely unintelligibly while chewing on some delicious sand. The others look at one another in brief confusion, but follow Carrie as she makes her way out the other side of the tunnel.

What lay in front of the others was rather surprising. There was a large area with more vines growing everywhere. There appeared to be a surprising amount of foliage present there, making the other tunnel look tame in comparison. Fruits seemed to be growing on some of them high up. There was also a small waterfall in one side of the cave, flowing into a small pond. It appeared surprisingly clean, though not much of it seemed to be there. Still, the area seemed to be surprisingly vast

“Look! Other path here!” Carrie pointed at another tunnel with stalactites and spikes all over it. It did indeed seem to be the other tunnel the group encountered earlier. It did seem fortunate that they both led to this area.

After scouring the place a bit, it did seem that there weren’t any other tunnels present there. There did seem to be a large pile of rocks in one corner covering something, but they were large in size and many in number. It didn’t seem likely they could be easily moved.

“Well, that’s that. Seems we got a lot of stuff here, huh?” Bennett chuckled.

“I’ll say!” Brandy grinned. “We got ourselves a nice lil’ cave jungle over here!”

“Let’s not get too carried away”, Micah sternly reminded. “While this does look like quite an exciting new place, we still have a mission to carry out here.”

“Ah, of course. The missing poetess could possibly be around here.” Benjamin nodded. “We should keep an eye out for her if we can.”

“Well, it does look a bit dirty over here…” Oliver sighed. “I don’t want to get my clothes muddy and ruin my perfect visage.”

“Perhaps that would be best!” Lavender agreed. “It would be hard for me to perform in such poor condition!”

“Everyone!” Ivan’s voice suddenly called out. “I’ve found something important here! Quickly, come here!”

“My, what could it be?” Ciro asked curiously as he and the others went to Ivan’s side, where he was pointing towards the wall.

“Is that...some inscription there?” Klifford asked, squinting his eyes slightly.

“Not just ‘some inscription’, doc.” Daniel grunted. “Looks like good ol’ English to me. Though it looks to have been carved in by someone, rather recently too. Though the handwriting here’s a bit shoddy.”

“So then what the hell is it?” Matt asked indignantly. “Who could’ve written all this?”

Suddenly, the sound of typing was heard and in a few seconds Shizune handed over a paper to Ivan, whose eyes immediately lit up.

“Ah… You understood it?” Sebastian asked slowly, to which Shizune quickly nodded.

“So what does it say?” Charlotte asked. “What was written there?”

“Carrie would like to hear! Carrie no read.” Carrie explained.

“Yes, I’m quite curious as well.” Nail’s eyes twinkled with interest, an intrigued smile appearing on his face.

“Very well…” Ivan held up the paper that Shizune had given him and started reading aloud from it. Everyone stayed silent as he read it out.

Spoiler: Cave Writing
Welcome to Hell.
It’s so quiet down here.

Upstairs the world turns
Tires screech, leaves fall
Children cry, lovers scream
Stepping around the hole
I left behind.

Daddy’s found another lover
to dance with on Dizzy’s grave.
Mommy’s parting words
linger over the swingset.

Laughter over teatime
Thank God that freak’s gone
to Hell where she belongs.

Though the bitter cold stings worse
than it did before
I say welcome to Earth.
What’s in a name?

“...And that’s it.” Ivan put down the paper slowly. There was a confused silence for a few moments. Everyone glanced at each other, unsure what to say for a while.

Author:  Datamatt [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

"So that's that. The M-I-A was here, and they weren't happy about it." Daniel lowers his hat after staring at the inscription for a bit. It didn't seem like he had much to add, nor did he want to.

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Benjamin grimaced. "Dizzy must've been her mother, and Mr. Gardner must've recently moved on from her. 'Thank God that freak's gone' suggests to me that Enola may have done something terrible to her. I don't want to jump to the conclusion of murder, but that's certainly what's being suggested. The last stanza is especially cryptic to me, and I can't decipher the last verse at all." Benjamin seemed deep in thought and then looked over at the others, clearly expecting them to add their thoughts.

"... also the prose is a bit shoddier than I'd expect but I suppose she might not have been in the best state of mind."

Author:  WinterCoat [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

"Well that was... depressin'." Brandy was looking at the floor, unsure of how to analyze the poem. "I mean obviously the speaker had some demons but... was that really Enola? Do y'all think she ran down here to escape all that noise?"

Author:  Joker [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

"What's in a name...?" Klifford muttered, repeating the last line to himself.

"I don't like this 'poem' at all... I have a bad feeling about it."

Author:  DootDootDoot [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

"Okay, wait, so this is hell, right?" Charlotte had a hand over her forehead trying to figure out the poem. "But whoever died also went to hell? But the last verse also says welcome to Earth... Is she just crazy?"

Author:  WinterCoat [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

"Wait! 'What's in a name'?" Brandy suddenly shouted. "Enola backwards is 'alone'!"

She was very excited.

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

"Well done, Brandy!" Benjamin cheered. "That'll certainly make her name easier to remember."

Author:  KamiPanda [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Seb simply shrugged. "It doesn't really make a difference what we interpret from a poem. Poems are always vague and subjective anyway. We're here to rescue Enola, and that's all that matters. A mad woman's ravings are of no relevance."

He took another look around the large cavern they were in. "Granted I'm not really sure how we can progress from here."

Author:  Cold52 [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Matt scratched his head.
"So at the end of the day something bad happened and instead of finding some help the brat ran away, causing several people trouble to go find her, hell the brit in chains over there nearly bit the dust cause of this, yall can feel sorry for her but at the end of the day she's still causing trouble. she can get the proper help she needs after I yell the brats ear off."
Matt huffed and walked away.

Author:  Cesar Zero [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

"I guess, if anything, this at least means that Ms. Gardner made it this far safely..." Micah said, unable to take her eyes off of the strange poem. "Referring to the caves as 'Hell' could imply that she had come here before or was somehow familiar with them, maybe?" She wondered out loud. "That's the most helpful information I can take away from this, at least."

Author:  TheLetterF [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

"Such a fascinating somber, so melancholic..." Lavender remarks. "The last line definitely stands out to me. I wonder if this is some sort of riddle Miss Gardner left behind for us? Perhaps it could point to where she is located?"

Author:  Collin1002 [ Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Oliver crossed his arms, letting out a slight huff as he examined the poems. "Hmm... Or perhaps her referring to these caves as Hell is just her showing her distaste with them. Or... Or perhaps there's some sort of twisted secret down here. I surely hope not." He looked at the words of the poem, attempting to figure out the meaning behind them.

Author:  WinterCoat [ Tue Jul 16, 2019 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

KamiPanda wrote:
Seb simply shrugged. "It doesn't really make a difference what we interpret from a poem. Poems are always vague and subjective anyway. We're here to rescue Enola, and that's all that matters. A mad woman's ravings are of no relevance."

He took another look around the large cavern they were in. "Granted I'm not really sure how we can progress from here."

"A mad woman's ravin's are important when you're tryin' to find the mad woman," Brandy said. "But anyway, I'm sure if we have a look around we'll find some way to keep movin' forward."

Author:  JesusMonroe [ Tue Jul 16, 2019 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

KamiPanda wrote:
Seb simply shrugged. "It doesn't really make a difference what we interpret from a poem. Poems are always vague and subjective anyway. We're here to rescue Enola, and that's all that matters. A mad woman's ravings are of no relevance."

He took another look around the large cavern they were in. "Granted I'm not really sure how we can progress from here."

"Perhaps there's a clue in this 'mad woman's' ravings. I wouldn't dismiss them so quickly, they're the first real clue of her since we've gotten here." Benjamin lightly chided. "And if we're meant to interpret this as her committing a crime... well then I'm afraid this will only make it harder to find her if she doesn't want to be found."

Benjamin looked over at Ivan. "Were there are any recent murders or violent crimes in Rattlewater, Officer?"

Author:  SaizotheSixth [ Tue Jul 16, 2019 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Cesar Zero wrote:
"I guess, if anything, this at least means that Ms. Gardner made it this far safely..." Micah said, unable to take her eyes off of the strange poem. "Referring to the caves as 'Hell' could imply that she had come here before or was somehow familiar with them, maybe?" She wondered out loud. "That's the most helpful information I can take away from this, at least."

"Or that she considered this location to be Hell," Nail suggested, apparently being there despite having said he would rather stay behind. Ivan or Daniel more than likely dragged him into it somehow. Oh, well.

"It would mean that she would consider these caves to be the home to Satan, or someone like him. Definitely not something you want to read... or hear in a location such as this. Very ominous."

Author:  TheLetterF [ Tue Jul 16, 2019 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

WinterCoat wrote:
"Wait! 'What's in a name'?" Brandy suddenly shouted. "Enola backwards is 'alone'!"

She was very excited.

"Perhaps the "name" could also refer to Dizzy? "Dizzy" seems more like a codename than an actual name if you ask me." The ballerina suggests.

Author:  KamiPanda [ Tue Jul 16, 2019 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Seb looked uncomfortable now, and sidled away to go examine the pond. It was very pondy.

Author:  Franzise Deauxnim [ Tue Jul 16, 2019 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

Shizune considered the poem for several moments before adding her thoughts.

Dear Stars,

Is it possible Miss Gardner left her home because she felt unwanted? The poem seems to imply this is 'Hell' and later says 'Thank God that freak’s gone to Hell where she belongs.'

In any case, there doesn't seem to be anywhere else she could have gone. Could the pile of rocks we found earlier have fallen recently, covering another passage?

Shizune Takata

Author:  WinterCoat [ Tue Jul 16, 2019 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

SaizotheSixth wrote:
"Or that she considered this location to be Hell," Nail suggested, apparently being there despite having said he would rather stay behind. Ivan or Daniel more than likely dragged him into it somehow. Oh, well.

"It would mean that she would consider these caves to be the home to Satan, or someone like him. Definitely not something you want to read... or hear in a location such as this. Very ominous."

"Maybe she really has gone mad... I can't imagine why anyone would willingly wander into a place they call Hell." Brandy wondered. "Even still, at the end she calls it Earth. Maybe she feels like this is her home now? Or at least a safe place..."

Author:  CaptainPancakes [ Tue Jul 16, 2019 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Ch1 Exploration Pha

JesusMonroe wrote:
KamiPanda wrote:
Seb simply shrugged. "It doesn't really make a difference what we interpret from a poem. Poems are always vague and subjective anyway. We're here to rescue Enola, and that's all that matters. A mad woman's ravings are of no relevance."

He took another look around the large cavern they were in. "Granted I'm not really sure how we can progress from here."

"Perhaps there's a clue in this 'mad woman's' ravings. I wouldn't dismiss them so quickly, they're the first real clue of her since we've gotten here." Benjamin lightly chided. "And if we're meant to interpret this as her committing a crime... well then I'm afraid this will only make it harder to find her if she doesn't want to be found."

Benjamin looked over at Ivan. "Were there are any recent murders or violent crimes in Rattlewater, Officer?"

"Any crime with relevance to this case would have already been noticed," Ivan smiled. "Unfortunately, I have nothing to report at this time."

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