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Danganronpa F7 Sign-up Thread (Closed)Topic%20Title
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Welcome, one and all to…Danganronpa F7!


Presented by yours truly, and WinterCoat. Wonderful logo made by the latter.

The Danganronpa F games are a series of forum games based around the kinda-popular-I-guess game series known as Danganronpa. Knowledge of the four Danganronpa games, or other Danganronpa media is not required to participate and enjoy Danganronpa F7: Die on a Hill (referred to as F7, more often than not.) F7 will not spoil anything major about any official Danganronpa media or any of the past Danganronpa F games (barring potential references to certain F games).

The gist of Danganronpa, and therefore F7 is as follows:
A number of people with a standout talent, referred to commonly as “Ultimates” are trapped in a certain location and are forced to kill one another to escape. They must not be caught in the following “Class trial” where the innocent people attempt to catch the murderer. If/when the murderer is caught, they would be executed.

Spoiler: Game Teaser/Premise
Hm? What’s this? A letter is on your bed, and the word “winner” is stamped on the envelope in heavy, red ink. It looks like it’s from that lottery you entered a few months ago, it even has the same address and everything…

Dear contestant,

It is with the utmost pleasure that I congratulate you on your success! You have secured a spot, alongside a handful of other people, to take part in the grand opening of my newest casino on the Twilight Strip based on the following criteria:

-You are 18 years of age or older (thanks to the new law that lowered the gambling age to 18 in the state of Nevada, we were able to accept a few more contestants).
-Your reasons for entering moved us to the point of tears.
-You have a very “ultimate” quality about yourself that separates you from others.

As you know, for part of the grand opening, you and the other contestants will be competing to win the most cash over the course of a month. Consider it almost like a game or reality show, if you will, since it’s going to be broadcast on national television. The person who rakes in the most dough will get to keep it all to use however they wish. Enclosed in this envelope you will find a USB device containing more information, courtesy of my assistant.

-Mr. Hugh Stakes, Casino Extraordinaire

Just like the note promised, there’s a small USB drive taped to the inside of the envelope. Wasting no time, you put it into your laptop. Within the span of a few seconds, a video pops up on your screen. There’s a brief flash of a logo that reads “Stakes & Co.” before the video finishes loading. You are greeted by the voice of a woman who sounds almost too cheerful.

Congratulations, contest winner! You are one of the lucky few who gets to experience the magic of the Twilight Palace Hotel & Casino prior to its opening to the public!” the voice says. As she speaks, you see images of the aforementioned hotel. It’s a very sleek and stylish-looking building. Based on your personal superpower of being able to count, you estimate that it has at least 100 floors, plus or minus a few.

“Located over 80 miles north of Las Vegas, the Twilight Strip is the home of Mr. Stakes’ next big project that involves turning locations that are basically nothing into, well, something! Born in the small town of Rattlewater, Mr. Stakes has firsthand experience on what it’s like to live in the middle of nowhere and wishes to make sure fewer people have to suffer through something so horrible.” Again, as she speaks, more images are shown. This time they’re of the Twilight Strip, which looks like someone went a little crazy with neon lights. It’s practically a vaporwave enthusiast's wet dream. The whole “town” looks like it’s resting on what used to be some regular hill. The restaurants and hotels look like they have potential to be on the pricey side, but what did you expect from a place that’s trying to compete with Vegas? You also see a few images of Rattlewater in all of its small-town glory. Definitely not a vacation spot if you win this whole thing, you think to yourself.

“Of course, to get to the meat of this video, the casino you will be playing in is complete with some of the best technology of the 21st century so far. I know we’re only about a quarter of the way in, but it’s true! By working closely with the latest up-and-coming technological powerhouse, ALCO., Mr. Stakes has created one of the most advanced casinos in history. No longer will you have to deal with smug, human dealers, because now you can play with smug, robot dealers!” You see an image of a robot that looks straight out of a sci-fi book from the 1950s dealing cards at a blackjack table. It looks very smug, even without a face. You also see robots that traverse the floor by using a singular wheel carrying trays with drinks on them.

“Furthermore, the Twilight Palace is also home to the very first holographic artificial intelligence of all time, codenamed ‘LUCY’. Maybe you’ll see her when you stop in,” the voice says with a chuckle. Images of various games in the casino are shown, such as roulette, poker, slot machines, and so on. “That about wraps up this video, contestant. Remember, your stay at the Twilight Palace begins in two weeks. You may not bring a guest. You need not pack any spare clothing, we will take care of that for you. The same goes for toiletries, such as toothbrushes and the like. We will provide that for you. All food and alcohol enjoyed during your stay will be free. If you have any further questions, you may ask when your stay begins. We hope you are as excited for your stay as we are. Farewell, and congratulations again.”

The video disappears as a notification pops up on your screen that your computer no longer recognizes the USB device. Thinking nothing of it, you remove it and close your laptop. It’s been a long day, so you decide to lay down and go to sleep. As you drift off, your mind begins to wander and you think about the criteria listed in the letter. You’re happy your story and talent were enough to win you a spot in this contest. You feel lucky.

The general flow and format of F7 will be explained below.
Spoiler: General Game Format
Most of this game will take place over 5 separate chapters, much like previous F games and official Danganronpa games. Each chapter will consist of two broad segments, [Daily Life] and the [High-Stakes Game].

[Daily Life] is split into two other major phases. [Free Time] and chapter specific [Major Game].

[Free Time] will have the players freely roleplaying in the current chapter location. At the start of each chapter players will be introduced to the chapter location, and then [Free Time] begins. With a few exceptions that will be specific for each chapter, contestants can interact with each other and their environment freely.

During all of [Daily Life], players can request an individual, one on one thread with another player, referred to as [Free Time Events], or FTEs. These allow fellow contestants to bond with each other on a more personal, and private level. More specific details, and variations of FTEs will be further explained some time after the game begins, but it will pretty much be the same as the system used in previous F games.

The other major phase of [Daily Life] is the [Major Game]. Each currently surviving and able contestant is forced to participate in the [Major Game], where they play and compete in a challenge to earn more money in an attempt to reach the money goal. These games can range from Wipeout obstacle courses, to a trivia game, anything in between, or something radically different. Each game may or may not have differing rewards and consequences, but each will at least give one player, or the winner, some amount of money.

There will be more specific details about [Daily Life] and its two subphases that will be mentioned as needed after the game begins, chapter specific or not.

The [High-Stakes Game] phase begins at the end of [Daily Life], more often than not starting with several GM posts describing the situation before, during, and right after the murder, as well as setting up the start of this phases’s namesake, the [High-Stakes Game], or “Trial,” which is what everyone is probably gonna call it outside of the game thread. The purpose of the [High-Stakes Game] is to find the Blackened, or the one guilty of murdering another contestant (Usually referred to as “the Killer”). Players are able to volunteer themselves as the killer for a chapter, as well as submit a murder plan, or work with the GMs on a murder plan. Neither of that is necessary, however. Once the [High-Stakes Game] officially begins, players will receive a detailed Alibi and Investigation in their personal Quicktopic.

Once all the information has been sent out, the contestants are equipped with the knowledge to (hopefully) catch the Blackened, while they attempt to avoid capture in hopes to escape their confinement within the game. It’s advised as the player playing the Blackened to attempt to help guide the other players to solving the mystery, though it is not required. Please refrain from spoiling the mystery itself and giving away answers, though. There will be special Lifelines available to the players, and details on how to use them and what they do will be further explained once the first [High-Stakes Game] begins.

At the end of the [High-Stakes Game], the contestants will be required to vote for whoever they think the Blackened is. Once a majority is reached, there will be a brief period of waiting before the GMs confirm if the majority was correct or not. If the Blackened is caught, then they will be executed for their crimes, often violently. If they are not caught, then they are allowed to escape, with any money they have earned, and in turn, one of the innocent contestants will be executed in their place. Nobody is safe from this (Except from Pancakes of course :^).

Contestants who contribute and solve important things during the [High-Stakes Game] while also having posted frequently will get nominated as a Game Champion, or Trial MVPs. These contestants will get a bonus FTE request the following chapter, as well as some other bonuses. After the [High-Stakes Game], contestants will be given a break to mingle once again, like in [Daily Life], before the next chapter begins and the process repeats itself.

If you are still unsure or confused about how any of this works, then I would recommend reading any of the previous F games to get an example, either F5 or F6 for recent ones. Do not be afraid to ask questions in the thread either, WinterCoat and I would be happy to answer them.

Another important factor of the game will be Money.
Spoiler: Info on money
As said in the premise, contestants will be attempting to earn as much money as they can throughout the game. Players can earn money in various ways. More often than not, each chapter will have several interactive games, referred to as [Normal Games]. Again, more often than not, these will cost money to play, but have a chance to give a higher payout. Each player will have two actions each chapter, used to attempt any [Normal Games], or other things specific to each chapter (obviously socializing with other characters does not cost an action; that’s just silly). There will be exceptions with how many actions everyone gets each chapter, such as Game Champions earning an extra one. If two actions ends up being too little for one reason or another, the average will be bumped up at the GMs’ discretion.

Money can also be earned through the previously mentioned [Major Games], as well as earning a Game Champion title at the end of a [High-Stakes Game]. There will also be various things to spend money on throughout the game, many of which will provide benefits to the contestants.

Now that we’re through all that, let’s move on to some important information you need to sign up.

Quick refresher on the basic plot of the game, each contestant applied to play in Hugh Stakes’s game, from around the world. Applying with their self defined Ultimate Talent, each player is flown out to the Twilight Strip to participate in the game, to earn as much money as they can within the month.

Spoiler: Help #1
Each contestant has their own self defined Ultimate Talent. They are expected to actually be talented in whatever they apply as, but unlike the official games, this does not mean they are the best at that specific thing in the world. If I apply as the Ultimate Baseball Player, it does not mean my character has to be world famous like Leon Kuwata.

Due to the nature of F7 and its setting, we won't be accepting any Ultimate Gambler, or Ultimate Lucky Student applications, or anything along those lines. If you have any questions, or would like to confirm if your talent is acceptable, feel free to ask either myself or WinterCoat.

Spoiler: Help #2
Your character can be from anywhere in the world, as previously mentioned. Hugh Stakes is known worldwide. Your character has also signed up willingly. Your character can be related to another, or have some sort of shared history. However if you plan on doing this, please confirm it with the GMs before signing up with that character.

That should be all the info you need to sign up and enjoy Danganronpa F7: Die on a Hill.

The only thing that’s left is the sign up survey, which will be open for a week, starting with the day this thread was made. As such, the signup period ends on January 31st. If you for whatever reason need more time, please ask either WinterCoat or myself. Submitting your survey before the deadline will not increase your chances of getting into the game, so please take your time with it.

Once the deadline is over, within the next few days the final cast of 16 characters will be posted. This is a pretty hard limit. Unfortunately, that means if we receive more than 16 applications, someone will be forced to sit out of the game. Players will be chosen based on previous games they’ve played on here, as well as how their characters will fit into the game. Any newcomers will be prioritized, if there are any. This does not guarantee them a place, though.

The link to the signup survey is here, though I recommend reading the sample survey beforehand, which is just below.

If you are going to sign up, please state as much within the thread, either before or after your survey is sent in.

Sample Survey

Now, all that is left is the rules of the game (which is mostly just some guidelines/advice), and any answers to questions asked on Discord or in the thread.
Speaking of which, the link to the Danganronpa F game discord is here. It is not required to join but it is the easiest way to get in contact with us.

Spoiler: Rules / Guidelines
#1 Be active. We understand that things come up and not everyone can sit in front of a screen for 20 hours and always post. We’re not asking for that. We advise that you attempt to post frequently and meaningfully as often as you can, within reason of course. This applies to both Daily Life and Trial phases.

#2 Be active. Yes it’s the same thing twice. Activity during trials is more important, but please do not sacrifice daily life activity for trials. Both are essential in this game. Being inactive during chapters in general may cause your character to die in the following chapter, or in extreme cases, during the current one. Activity is important for the game as a whole and even one inactive player drags the game down more than one would normally expect. If you will be inactive for any extended period of time, like over two days, or at all during a trial, please inform the GMs as soon as is convenient.

#3 Develop your character. Okay that sounds more like a command, but it’s more of a request. Try and develop your character as the game goes on. Try your best to have some sort of impact on the cast, through reacting to things, daily life posts, and the such. Though at the end of the day try and play a character you’ll be satisfied with when they die, instead of being half baked and full of missed opportunities.

#4 Try to remain SFW (Safe for Work). This isn’t super strict. While this is a text game, so no flashy images will show up, there is no hard ban on stuff like fanservice, or explicit vocabulary. If you’re uncomfortable with murders and such, this probably isn’t the game for you. Some of the players check the game while at work or in public, so try to keep most of the content and posts okay to look at and read while at school, or at your desk at your job, or in front of ol’ aunt Carol, or poor SC, whose heart can hardly take anymore NSFW posts. I’m sorry about your allergy.

#5 We reserve the right to remove anyone from the game. This is just something everyone should be aware of, though we’ve never had any issues in past games where something like this had to happen. However, if needed, it will happen. Don’t break any of the hard rules or Court Records rules.

#6 No godmodding. Weird how this is so far down the list, ‘cause this is like, the big no-no for roleplaying. Godmodding is simply saying or insinuating what characters other than your own character are doing. Don’t do it. Even with the other player’s approval, more often than not, it’s better to let them respond themselves.

#7 Think about the game as a whole. Be flexible with your character, and don’t expect everything to go exactly as you envision it. Try to leave a strong impact on the game (in a good way; don’t be remembered for being bad), and try to do things that are better for the game as a whole, rather than what’s better for your character specifically. This game is, well, a game, but is also a group writing project, in a sense. A lot of roleplay is improv, and as some old man at Arby’s once said, “The worst thing you can do in improv is say no.” Or that’s how I interpreted his strange gurgling noises.

A lot of these rules are just the same rules as the past games with new paint on them. Either way, you should keep all this in mind as you play the game.

Spoiler: FAQ
Q: When do signups end?
A: One week from today (January 31, 2020)

Q: When does the game start?
A: Approximately two weeks after signups end (approx. February 14, 2020).

Q: Does this game take place in the past/present/future?
A: The game takes place during the present day, there is no super advanced technology, and technology used in the Twilight Strip is foreign to the contestants, and most of the world.

More questions will be put here as asked.

This post will further be updated with more info, such as accepted players, when the time comes.

If there is some circumstance that would delay you signing up, inform either WinterCoat or myself and we will allow you to submit your survey later if needed. If there is not enough interest or players to fit the 16 player goal, we will delay the sign-up period to allow more potential players to join, or attempt to run the game with sub-16 players. The former is more likely to happen.

The final player list has been decided!

Spoiler: Player List
1. SaizotheSixth
2. TheLetterF
3. DootDootDoot
4. KamiPanda
5. cold52
6. Hanzo Shimada
7. CaptainPancakes
8. Collin1002
9. Doctor Nanjo
10. Akkordian
11. Southern Corn
12. NIKI_4829
13. Joker
14. Datamatt
15. Franzise Deauxnim

The cast has been revealed! This time for real!
Spoiler: Cast Sprite Image

Feel free to ask any questions or for clarifications, preferably in the thread in case someone else happens to have the same question.

Hope to see you at the Twilight Strip Hotel & Casino!

Last edited by Kachu on Fri Feb 14, 2020 12:34 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Keeping an eye on it. Might join this time.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Will probably sign up
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Happy Maria

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Oh shoot this game is SFW I might sign up after all. I'll try and send my survey today but at worst expect it by the weekend. Cheers and toodly pip! Does anybody says that anymore? I don't know and I don't care, but one thing I will say completely unrelated to that strange sentence is that the premise for the game genuinely seems interesting and I really enjoyed how it was written out. That's it bye
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I am interested. Will submit my survey later.
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i'm interested
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Seems like F7 will have some interesting twists, what with the money and games. Looking forward to it!
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Oh no does this mean I have to change my avatar :(
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Survey sent YEAH. I am ready to die. I am so ready. My door is unlocked. Please just feed my dog when you come get me.
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Im interested, will probably apply later. :V
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Signing up. At least in theory. Depends on if I'm struck by a good character concept or not.
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I've had a character prepared for this for about a year. Setup for the game sounds totally rad, can't wait for it to start! Also glad to see it has a lot of interest already.
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U-um, hello, I'm interested.
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Happy Maria

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The survey has been sent!
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I've sent my survey that I will need to edit for character appearance later, because pinterest is giving me an aneurysm.
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As we are still expecting responses from some people, the sign up period will be extended by a couple of days (Or however many are needed.)

I apologize for anyone who was eagerly awaiting the end of the sign up period but we want to ensure that everyone who is interested will have a chance to sign up.
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The American Dream

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Hello all. Thank you very much to everyone that submitted a survey and applied to participate in F7, and thank you for your patience. The (extended) signup period is officially over!

Spoiler: Player List
1. SaizotheSixth
2. TheLetterF
3. DootDootDoot
4. KamiPanda
5. cold52
6. Hanzo Shimada
7. CaptainPancakes
8. Collin1002
9. Doctor Nanjo
10. Akkordian
11. Southern Corn
12. NIKI_4829
13. Joker
14. Datamatt
15. Franzise Deauxnim

Now that we've bribed/lied to everyone we could to get them to sign up, we have a full-ish cast! Look forward to all the planning stuff that will be happening in the next two weeks, as well as sprite reveals on the Discord server starting Soon(tm). The game is currently scheduled to start on Feb. 14. See you all there!
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Congratulations to all those that became part of the F7 cast (even myself)! I'll wish you all good luck and hope to see you at the Twilight Strip Hotel & Casino when it all go down!
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I didn't make it in :(
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Starting the game on valentine's, a day they can be guaranteed everyone is free on.
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Happy Maria

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Good luck everyone, see you when the time comes :)
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Who needs luck when I have friendship? Thank you, friends.
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Looks like a fun group of players! Really excited to see everyone's characters and for the game to start. Back during f5 the beginning was so much fun, I can't wait.

Also thanks to all friends, as always.
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Happy Maria

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You guys are great friends! thank you and you're welcome.
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what is ligma?
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Datamatt wrote:
what is ligma?

slugma nuts
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I'm still waiting for someone to say how much worse this signup thread is than the other ones.
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Kachu wrote:
I'm still waiting for someone to say how much worse this signup thread is than the other ones.

you suck and so does this sign up thread
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I thought about pointing it out but y’all are gonna have to figure out how to operate on your own without me here to constantly call you out eventually.
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
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Avatar from over here probably
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The American Dream

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joe mama
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Happy Maria

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A trail of destruction, but at least it's a trail.
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Planetbox wrote:
I thought about pointing it out but y’all are gonna have to figure out how to operate on your own without me here to constantly call you out eventually.

enigma balls
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The American Dream

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It’s not about the size of the Bud Light can, it’s about how hard you can throw it at grandma
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Here's the cast silhouette image! It's also been put in the OP.


Super excited to get this started soon! Thanks to KamiPanda for helping out with some sprites as well!
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Happy Maria

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whoa nobody told me there was gonna be a guy wearing a HAT this is hype as heck
Re: Danganronpa F7 Sign-up Thread (Closed)Topic%20Title
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Re: Danganronpa F7 Sign-up Thread (Closed)Topic%20Title
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The American Dream

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NIKI_4829 wrote:
How do i make a post

try turning it off and on again
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