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Danganronpa F8 Post-Game Meditation (We Survived!)Topic%20Title
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Hi guys! It's the post game thread! F8 is (nearly) over!

Many thanks to everyone who participated! I know that the game has a lot of negative aspects that were out of our control, but I really think everyone tried to have fun and I appreciate everyone's efforts in the game! This was a huge production that could not have inched past the finish line without an incredible amount of support, so thank you all very much.

My overall feeling about the experience is positive. I had fun running it and I had fun for basically every trial and often had fun in between. The cases, while they had their problems, had a lot of cool stuff in them. There were many funny moments and characterizations. I definitely got burnt out around the middle of chapter 3, due to a mixture of both a bad chapter format decision that was increasing my need to step in and intervene and shrinking time that I could devote to the game. After coping with that though, the game became easier. Next time I do something like this I want to give myself more time to plan and be more understanding of my own capabilities. I also have a lot to be happy about, considering the improvements I have made to my gming mentality.

Additionally I definitely want to tell SC that he's cool. I'm glad he supported me and he was very helpful as a co-gm for the time he devoted to it.

Shoutouts to Winston, Mec, Warningshot, and Seraph. Glad you guys played and stuck to it! Sorry if this didn't quite meet expectations!

So before I post the FTE's, I just want to say that, while this game was a bit cursed, hopefully nobody takes it as their own fault. The cast was filled with fun characters and players who put in a lot of mental effort to participate, but it wasn't easy for anybody.

We lost a ton of steam in this game and lots of people, including me, were feeling down on the whole thing and lacking confidence in our ability. I feel like we've set expectations for characters too high. A good character for our needs is just someone who sees what someone else is trying to do and then adds to it, enabling other people to have fun (even if others might not reciprocate). There's no need for a character arc or whatever else. Once you have that much the rest comes down to taste. I hope I can enable players in the future to have fun with their characters and feel more confident in them.

That said, I know that there were extrinsic factors at well that killed morale, such as discord negativity, bad game mechanics, and real life struggles. Discord can be moderated better against general unhelpful negativity. Better DL ideas can be developed by teams of passionate rp researchers. There's not a lot that we can do about the third thing, so it's best to be patient and understanding when people are struggling irl.

Overall, I would like to open up discussion on the game with what went well and what didn't and so on. I want future people to have good feedback for what to do next time. I also want to give people a space to decompress and let go of self-doubt they may have had during the game. Thank you everyone!!!!!

Here's the FTE's:

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i lose again
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gg Nanjo.

thank you for giving me a swan song i could be happy with.

i found another danganronpa rp now. after seeing how different it is from drf, it's hard to go back. i don't see myself coming back for future games.

but thank you for doing your best. the only thing keeping me going by the end was my mad respect for you. and that respect will push me to get an ending done too.
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Good game! I enjoyed it for what I played. I'm finally getting around to understanding how to actually make a good character and this game gave me great, even if hard to take feedback. I hope to atone for the mistakes I made in the next game. Some of you reading this are not hopeful, but I am. Matt 2024 baby.

Onto more serious matters.
- Elimination matches are neat gimmicks that did not stand on their own. I think old trials are a sufficient framework but we need to add some sort of spice to it and not overhaul the core gameplay too much? Hard to really say. I don't know and I think the only answer that can be given here is one that's thought up by everyone. Or when Lone elaborates on this mysterious Danganronpa RP and what they do differently.

- This game was a lot more toxic in OOC chat. In fact, the biggest reaaon I stopped being active in ch3 was that I saw no point to writing anything. It became increasingly hard to motivate myself to refresh the page when there were semi-constant of passive aggressive comments towards "certain characters" or the current trial. What was the point of continuing to write things when I know for a fact the loudest people are probably tired of my character and just want them to die? I assure you that people with bad characters probably do know they fucked up. I would have appreciated people telling me that I fucked up and how to fix it in Discord DMs. For instance, I would have really liked to know what was wrong with my character instead of having to go to friends from other servers or figuring it out myself from limited info and no feedback
II don't have any use for "this game is reverse F4". I, however, understand that IRL circumstances are hard for everyone. I hold no ill will after thinking about this for a few weeks.

- Reward matches are a step in the right direction. So are higher stakes in trials. I think we absolutely should keep SPECIAL stakes in trials for people that helped the culprit rather than "everyone else dies lol" as that has gotten old by now.

Thank you for doing your best and I look forwaed to the next forum game.
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@lone Considering your many gripes over the years with the DRF format, that sounds like it's probably for the best. I appreciate you keeping up your commitment to the trials for the duration for sure.

@Matt I think normal trials are generally sufficient, but I do like the idea of trials ending with trolley problems/having multiple options.
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geh geh
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Doctor Nanjo wrote:
@lone Considering your many gripes over the years with the DRF format, that sounds like it's probably for the best. I appreciate you keeping up your commitment to the trials for the duration for sure.

@Matt I think normal trials are generally sufficient, but I do like the idea of trials ending with trolley problems/having multiple options.

Yes! This is it. Rather than voting for a person it could probably vote for option X/Y/Z that are revealed when everyone has completed their trial work and the case is clear. Where none of them are really clearly good.
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I'm gonna say this one again voting for someone while someone else is in the lead is pretty much equivalent morally speaking to pulling the lever

I'll make a real post later I wanna read ftes
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good game bros it's been a ride
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Datamatt wrote:
Doctor Nanjo wrote:
@lone Considering your many gripes over the years with the DRF format, that sounds like it's probably for the best. I appreciate you keeping up your commitment to the trials for the duration for sure.

@Matt I think normal trials are generally sufficient, but I do like the idea of trials ending with trolley problems/having multiple options.

Yes! This is it. Rather than voting for a person it could probably vote for option X/Y/Z that are revealed when everyone has completed their trial work and the case is clear. Where none of them are really clearly good.

This is a lot of work to write. One of the biggest challenges is writing a lot of bad actors into a case (Such as Hubert and Lilith) or whatever else.

I do think it could be fun if the choice is between killing someone useful but evil, or killing someone good but useless.
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Ok I've finally made up my mind my character is going to to be a prisoner
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GG kids

I have a lot to say, a lot of it is good. I'll get to it and might ramble a lot with double posts or whatever or maybe I'll restrain myself slightly and make one big fat post or something

later though i wanna shower and eat a meal

At the very least I can say that F8 was GREAT and easily the most fun I've had in an F game to date. A lot of that is just what F8 brought to the table (which surely I'll mention later) and a lot of that was also on my end and changing how I play the game even if nobody noticed a difference there sure was one

Oh also @Lone
It's a bit of a shame, tbh. Like I know discussions can get heated and a lot of us have wildly varying opinions on how F games should be or DR games in general and what makes characters good/bad or whatever. I don't want to come off as talking out of my butt but I really wish we all could've worked stuff out and had a good time together.
I don't fault you in your choice at all though and ngl I'm kinda curious what this other group is about and if their games are public like this one. I wouldn't mind following along, might learn a thing or two maybe? Though I'm probably totally in the minority with this opinion so welp

finally ending this post huge huge huge thanks to Nanjo SC for getting this off the ground and literally everyone else in this game for making it super epic
Re: Danganronpa F8 Post-Game Meditation (We Survived!)Topic%20Title

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Before I start this off, I’d like to say that overall, the game (even though it definitely had its flaws) was still quite enjoyable and I liked the characters. However, I guess this post will about Kent so sorry if it’s a bit long and rambly but I just want to put my feelings out there. Feel free to skip this since it won’t really have any feedback on the game itself (I’m sure other people will give feedback that’ll be better than mine) and will be mainly about my performance.

When I came up with the idea for Kent, I thought he was going to be in a DR style game so I tried to come up with ideas that would fit with those mechanics. Up until the end of Chapter 2 Kent was going similar to how I had envisioned him (but I would’ve preferred it if he had a bigger presence and the group trusted him more). However, after this (and I’d like to reiterate that none of this is Nanjo's fault and I think he accommodated Kent well in a game that he really didn’t properly fit in) is where things diverge. If he was in a DR game, he wouldn’t have actually killed anyone himself (so he could hopefully still survive whilst still being evil) but he would’ve manipulated someone into killing so he could eliminate some of the competition in order to make it easier for him to win the killing game. This method would’ve been a lot more hands off and I think would’ve suited his character more. After this, whether he did anything major or not would’ve been up to the GM (if he died he would’ve been killed/executed in a way that invoked the person he manipulated) but ideally the cast would’ve always felt a big sense of threat from him after that point (which I also think I didn’t generate well in the real game). Maybe this was all a bit too ambitious idk. In conclusion, a lot of the issues with Kent weren’t even just due to the format but also had to do with my writing in general so I probably should’ve either not signed up or created a character better suited to this type of game.

Finally, I’d like to thank Nanjo. The EMs, the RMs and the whole game in general must’ve been very difficult and stressful to run especially considering how demoralising some parts turned out. I’ll probably take a bit of a break, but I’ll try to be back for future games like DRF or JM’s unannounced game.

TL;DR: Nothing I mentioned was Nanjo’s/the game’s fault. Kent wasn’t well suited to this YTTD game and my writing wasn’t that great. Once again sorry for the long post.
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Thanks Nanjo, can't even imagine how stressful it must have been running this

Uh I already pretty much mentioned my critiques earlier, fourth chapter was an improvement so there's that

I feel like maybe these 'serious' scenarios might not be a good fit with the format idk

As for the cast I don't really know what to say, it feels like we keep talking about inactivity and how to improve on it but it never really seems to change so

It seemed like there was a lot of praise for Cake but then literally nobody ever bothered to interact with her or give me anything to work with, it's basically Kagayaki all over again; by the time I finally got an FTE request in the third chapter I was already too demotivated to bother anymore

I doubt I'll remember much of anything about this cast, I just couldn't bring myself to really care about any of them mainly for the above reason which is kind of a bummer since the character interactions are mainly what I look for in these games but it's whatever at this point

Again thanks and sorry for mostly giving up in the last third or so

Might be back for the next game but I don't know, I do think a return to basics as far as the formula goes would be a good idea though
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I'll say for inactivity, people who were previously inactive were chosen to exit the game fairly early, or chose to exit the game early themselves. It doesn't really seem like that happened this game and it was a bummer. But that being said it was a large portion of us who were inactive which is not great.

Part of it is definitely because we are living in shitty times and I get that so I don't know if this is an indicator of what F9 will be like (if/when it happens). I think because everyone was pretty involved with F7 and there weren't a lot of issues in that game like there was in this one, it's not a total indication that we as a group are tired of F games. But at the same time it might be a good idea to depart from these for awhile.
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GG everyone! I feel bad about not being more active, I just ended up havin to take on a lot of responsibility in my life and whatnot and then I got like super bad posting anxiety. But anyways as a newcomer I thought that the concept of the game was super rad! The cast was super interesting as well and I appreciate that. Idk if I will do this again, 'cause I would wanna be more active, especially after seeing how much work it takes to run a game like this, and I really dont know if I can make the commitment.
But yeah the parts of the game where I was able to do more stuff were a lot of fun especially the reward matches imo. And I have said it before but again big thanks to everyone who was really welcoming to me joining the game bc that really helped me enjoy my experience!
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Yeah GGs all around. I'm not sure if my issues for this game came from a general lack of interest in these sorts of long-commitment free-form RP games or from my character getting continually dunked on within minutes of my first post. Probably a combination of both. Either way signing up was probably a mistake. I just feel like these games are supposed to be fun distractions, not an additional stressor, and while constructive criticism is good, if you take it too seriously you're actively preventing others from having fun.

But whatever. Nanjo's part in the game was pretty incredible. I liked the individual cases and thought the Elimination Matches were creative and interesting. I liked several cast members a lot, especially Clive, Griffin, and Vera. I was never that invested though, which means I've just been in way too many of these things. At this point I'll probably just be like Pierre and only join the shorter stuff.

Anyway I don't feel like writing anything else here so see ya later, I might respond to other posts maybe
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For what it's worth I think Zarmilla got "dunked on" cause there was the implication that there wasn't any consultation with Carmilla first, which I think is fair. Something like that in the future should probably be agreed to by both parties.

And yeah these games have definitely become more of a commitment than something we do for fun, which is why I think we should probably take a break from F games for awhile.
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CaptainPancakes wrote:
For what it's worth I think Zarmilla got "dunked on" cause there was the implication that there wasn't any consultation with Carmilla first, which I think is fair. Something like that in the future should probably be agreed to by both parties.

And that's totally fair, but at that point there was objectively nothing that I could do about it. So that carried the message not that my character was bland or forgettable, but that the game itself would be better off if I wasn't in it. I was still stuck playing that character though. I was trapped in an unwinnable situation which neither me nor the GMs foresaw. How am I not supposed to blame myself for that? The fact that I made it through this without falling into a spiral of self-hatred is honestly impressive.
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Well it worked out and at the end of the day I don't think it was really a big deal
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Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
I feel like maybe these 'serious' scenarios might not be a good fit with the format idk

This is a really important point, I think.

F games are most suited to fun, upbeat scenarios. I don't know how I do it but I keep making games that are too serious on the whole where people feel pressure to write their characters too seriously. (Which means the idea I had for the game with F is also probably not worth doing)

My suggestion for F9 is just to release us from that as much as possible. I would suggest not putting any restriction on characters personality or experience.

I also suggest having a straightforward and fun monokuma-type villain. Don't let the nature of the situation be a mystery at all.

I think these suggestions are kinda obvious, but when coming up with ideas I'll accidentally paint over thing.

We could also just literally be students again, but that's one thing where I like the tweaks. Ultimate talents are also a really nice thing and we still don't know of anything that's a suitable replacement for them.

So, yeah. I'll just concur with this.
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I think that's a good point. Having F7 in between F6 and F8 I think kind of proves these games lend themselves better to more "upbeat" scenarios just judging by player engagement.
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Yeah. I'm not sure if the framing of "just be upbeat" is too simple, but I definitely see the basic formula as a method to being upbeat, since people can express more comfort and familiarity with it, and having a monokuma-like villain makes the drama very straightforward.

The reason why that stuff should be straightforward is because, like Franzise said, the best stuff is the spontaneous relationships that are formed for sure. And that's above even like the mysteries and so forth.

I definitely get if after f6 and f8 my advice sounds bad, but I think I just keep getting caught up in overarching stories that barely even matter reframing my entire game concept.
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I'm wondering how much having pre-planned and characters are lessening player engagement. In BF2 there was a minimal amount of planning but a lot of the best content when it comes to the cast was pretty spontaneous, like you said. And games like F4 and F7 have had really good characters because people didn't feel pressured to having to write a character arc with each other or whatever.

Speaking personally just in the past three games, when I paired up Briggs x Allister, Blaze x Psycho Bitch, Adel x Deirdre, I had more fun that way and I think others responded better too. Not that having something preplanned can be a bad thing.

I know people wanted to replicate the BF2 magic but also like I thought I think that kind of creates some problems when you try and force yourself to be involved with another character. There's not much freedom there.

It seemed like in this game everyone knew everyone else in the beginning, and it even kind of goes as far as dictating who you even FTE with even though that character might not be that interesting.
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Yeah not many pre-planned relationships have flourished in these games pretty much ever. Which, I guess we should live and learn from that.
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I don't think they are a bad thing, I just think they can be too restrictive if people don't try and branch out from them. Even going with the last point if you already have a strong cohort with someone behind the scenes like Dante x Preston, then you don't need to have an FTE between those two.

Another good example for me personally I think was Ivan x Benjamin, where we didn't even have an FTE but we just sort of vibed in-thread with one another, and that was in the more serious F6.

I feel like this has been said before though so I don't know.

Oh I think maybe we can get rid of the FTE restrictions that does seem kind of silly to me.
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The fte restriction thing is actually a pretty interesting point

Like mostly the value I can see for it is making players value ftes more or not stretch themselves too thin making too many (@doot in f7, you know what you did)

But even considering that I think there's also value in just letting players set their own limits for that kinda stuff and not feel like they're wasting something by not keeping an fte going for an entire game
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I'm just trying to encourage ways for people to respond more to others or like try and start a pairing that wasn't really expected to begin with, and I think letting people get creative with FTEs might help with that. But it might not, idk.

Also I just kinda wanna point out sometimes casts just don't jive for reasons other than they don't jive. Like at a certain point F3's cast was just good cause it was good, if that makes sense. Sometimes I feel like that could just happen and there's not really one strong reason for that.

I also wanted to mention that I think people should just make characters they think they'll enjoy. I used to prioritize quality in a way and that resulted in me playing a character like Ivan and I didn't really enjoy him. People are probably more inclined to interact with others more if they like the character they are playing, which is why at this point I don't really care if my characters are the "same" as one another anymore. I'll play dumb comic relief characters until the day I die!!
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Ok fellas time for my hard-hitting exposé piece on this game:

I had fun. I feel like I'm getting the hang of how these games go and i really hope to get better at just like. Interacting in general.
I kinda threw w the sudden Preston relationship but I thought it was funny exactly bc it would make no sense. (once again, you are welcome to read our fte for psychic damage). Will keep in mind all the points that are being made in this thread rn.

Here's the art i made for this game, safely stored in a google drive folder and helpfully divided into "Dante" and "Not Dante". Enjoy. (I really wanted to draw the "Everyone trees" post but i didn't know what to do. Maybe one day i will do it.)

Taht's it luvs...
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ggs gamers

A hell of a lot of thanks to Nanjo for hosting the game, I can't imagine how much of a hell this must've been for him.

Despite running out of steam around chapter 3ish I think due to midterms and shit, I still enjoyed myself for the most part. I don't have of much in-depth stuff to say like some others, but uhhh. Wish I had posted more and tried to solve more of the puzzles and stuff when they were being discussed.
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Datamatt wrote:
- This game was a lot more toxic in OOC chat. In fact, the biggest reaaon I stopped being active in ch3 was that I saw no point to writing anything. It became increasingly hard to motivate myself to refresh the page when there were semi-constant of passive aggressive comments towards "certain characters" or the current trial. What was the point of continuing to write things when I know for a fact the loudest people are probably tired of my character and just want them to die? I assure you that people with bad characters probably do know they fucked up. I would have appreciated people telling me that I fucked up and how to fix it in Discord DMs. For instance, I would have really liked to know what was wrong with my character instead of having to go to friends from other servers or figuring it out myself from limited info and no feedback
II don't have any use for "this game is reverse F4". I, however, understand that IRL circumstances are hard for everyone. I hold no ill will after thinking about this for a few weeks.

I'm sorry you were hurt by me Matt. I legitimately didn't know, and if I ever did at any point, would have immediately stopped.

Kachu wrote:
Oh also @Lone
It's a bit of a shame, tbh. Like I know discussions can get heated and a lot of us have wildly varying opinions on how F games should be or DR games in general and what makes characters good/bad or whatever. I don't want to come off as talking out of my butt but I really wish we all could've worked stuff out and had a good time together.
I don't fault you in your choice at all though and ngl I'm kinda curious what this other group is about and if their games are public like this one. I wouldn't mind following along, might learn a thing or two maybe? Though I'm probably totally in the minority with this opinion so welp

we're currently at max capacity, but it's mostly a discord rp. it has bots and stuff to help things along. i like the characters here a lot, and even enjoy the dls a ton because of it. i can send you an invite if you personally ever want to join.

Planetbox wrote:
And that's totally fair, but at that point there was objectively nothing that I could do about it. So that carried the message not that my character was bland or forgettable, but that the game itself would be better off if I wasn't in it. I was still stuck playing that character though. I was trapped in an unwinnable situation which neither me nor the GMs foresaw. How am I not supposed to blame myself for that? The fact that I made it through this without falling into a spiral of self-hatred is honestly impressive.

oh dang, sorry to hear that planetbox. i legitimately liked zarmilla, and she takes the number 1 or 2 spot for me. i was a bit disappointed in how the cool character prompt was interpreted for this game, but zarmilla was one of the few characters who i felt had a genuinely interesting interpretation.

Doctor Nanjo wrote:
@lone Considering your many gripes over the years with the DRF format, that sounds like it's probably for the best. I appreciate you keeping up your commitment to the trials for the duration for sure.

thanks for being so understanding nanjo. you really did the best you did, and i appreciate all your effort.
Re: Danganronpa F8 Post-Game Meditation (We Survived!)Topic%20Title
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Nanjo I love you. Marry me

Also I'm vibing
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Southern Corn wrote:
Nanjo I love you. Marry me

Also I'm vibing

SC vibing is the last semblance of stability in my life
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101% Agreeing with Pancakes on making sure you like your character. I know my activity this game wasn't perfect but playing someone I enjoyed was what made the game so great for me despite all the issues.

Clive didn't end up anything like what I planned for him, tbh. And that's okay! I feel like some of us might stress way too much over making a thrilling character arc or having an epic and cool backstory or interesting and unique talent, but as cool as that stuff can be, I've found that my enjoyment has only gotten worse when trying for stuff like this. It's stupid cause it's kinda obvious why that'd happen but it's only really been hitting me recently.

And with the spontaneous stuff, I'm sorta getting it now too (Even though it's F8 it's only finally hitting me yes) mainly with the Zarmilla FTE, who was easily top 3 in this for me and the interactions with her in the FTEs also made my enjoyment of this game pretty big despite my initial doubts on her character due to the confusion and lack of communication at first. Makes me feel bad that PB feels bad Zarmy was GREAT
It also helps to know how to do a much better FTE PB carried me kinda hard there but now I've learned.

Speaking of, I'm not too sure how I feel about FTE restrictions, I can see cases for both sides. Though normalizing ending FTEs early or just being able to say "hey I dunno if this is working out do you mind if we just stop?" would be very good. Like very very good.

I'll say a pre planned interaction can also be cool but don't get your hopes too high. Hubert and Clive should've been a much bigger deal but due to a lot of things that never worked out and it was kinda crummy, though their connection wasn't super huge in the first place so I don't think people missed too much? Does that make any sense? Basically I'm saying to keep stuff like "We met in jail once" which was what Dante/Lilith were gonna be initially and see if something can go from there I guess? Or maybe others can just wing it way better than me.

This is getting kinda long so I'll post more about inactivity later, but finally I'll just respond to Lone since I'd feel like a butt if I didn't.

Lone wrote:
we're currently at max capacity, but it's mostly a discord rp. it has bots and stuff to help things along. i like the characters here a lot, and even enjoy the dls a ton because of it. i can send you an invite if you personally ever want to join.

Ah I was only interested in spectating anyways, but maybe one day? Glad to hear you're having fun though.
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Thank you Nanjo for running this game. It was full of ups and downs, but honestly I appreciate a lot of the more unique ideas put forth in this game. I'm really only disappointed with the game's narrative and my own performance with Lilith, honestly. Nanjo had a lot on his plate so I don't blame him for the lack of narrative when he was trying his hardest to make the mysteries as good as they could be. I wish I did better with Lilith, but I was so overwhelmed by IRL shit that it just kept slipping. I'm glad I was able to be around for the last trial, though, I had a lot of fun there even if I didn't get to run with my initial plan (which, tbh, good thing I didn't I don't think that this game needed any more clutter).

I'm going to address my toxicity in the earlygame, which I deeply apologize for. I said it in the dead chat on Discord but I was pretty stressed by external factors and my frustration just came out and manifested itself against Zarmilla as a character. I'm not using it as an excuse, since there's no reason to be an asshole like that, and I'm sorry to PB for contributing towards his negative feelings about his character.

I feel like, were it any other year, F8 would have been a fine experience, but everyone just wants to kind of kill themselves right now and all external negative feelings probably contributed to a lot of the dysfunction on the player-end of this game (Lone's bullshit didn't help, but that's over with).

See you all in F9. Depending on how life is, it will probably happen next spring, possibly in March. I'll drop a teaser in here at some point, too. Hopefully things are better and we can all enjoy ourselves with it. It will be a return to form for these games in some aspects.
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don't worry guys I already have my characters for f9 through f13 lined up
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ill continue my tradition of not having a character until the last day :sunglasses:

jk this time will be different
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