Court Records

PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation
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Author:  Dawn [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

"Yes. What did you see last night? And namely, who do you think it was?" Dragon got down to drilling him about the murder and what he saw. Dragon stowed the important papers into her bag and got out a notebook to write down his statement.

Author:  OriginalBubs [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

"Well, ma'am, I was walking home from a party I was at. I had decided to take a shortcut through the park. As I was on one of the paths I heard a gunshot, when I turned, I saw a figure, female I suppose, holding a gun. The painter had a small light so I could see the figures purplish hair.In a panic, I ran to the entrance of the park, found a payphone and called the police. I truly and utterly believe that Ms. ... Denerop was it?... was the killer."

Author:  Rarikou [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation


"Well, then make the dective report." Rariikou demanded,

Explains why Gumshoe got a raise... Rarikou thought

Author:  Dimbo [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

``Ah! Detective! And you must be... Mr. Bubs isn't it? Well, Witness I'm sorry but you must come with me, you are under police protection from now on, And where is Richard? I just hope he isn't drunk again...´´

*Dimbo calls Richard on the phone*

((Oh, and Rarikou, does this help?))

Author:  Rarikou [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

{{only if that's the exact scene of the crime... }}

It seems I have no choice... I must meet this Dimbo...

Author:  Dimbo [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

Rarikou wrote:
{{only if that's the exact scene of the crime... }}

((It is...))

Dimbo, after getting all the evidence from the police department, decided to meet this ``Rarikou´´ guy, but he still was wondering why Richard didn't answered the phone...

``Rarikou, a good defense attorney, I think he might have talked wit the detective, and the witness, OriginalBubs, is already in the safety of the police, now, let's meet the defense attorney and his partner...´´

Author:  RichardZZK [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation



Something... distant


"Hm...mmhphh". Not yet... I haven't fond her...

Trim, Trim!

Richard gets up. So it was you! He trys to kill the phone with looks. This won't work. How can I shut this phone? ...Oh, yeah, it works when I awnser.
Richard grab the phone and looks on the screen who is calling him: Dimbo? Who is... oh, no.




"He hanged off... He has no patience! How could him espect me to awnser that fast?"I'll call him then... later. Now...I need to get read. Oh...

Richard then sits on its bed. He opens the window.

Hellow sunshine. I think we can be friends again... No? You don't want to? Alright them. I have my secret weapon. With that "said" Richard put his sunglasses on. He takes a look at his ID, "Richard Schannen, 19 years old" Enough to drink... but enough to get arrested. I liked it better when I wasn't alowed to drink. Even because, forbidden drink tastes better.

He goes to his wardrobe and put something on. I can't go to work only with underwear...
Richard took a look at the mirror. He was wearing a jeans, and a clean simple white t-shirt. Very confortable. And also flip-flops. I know jeans and flip-flops aren't exactly fashionable... But they are confortable. And my if looks won't cause a good impresion... my actitude will. He actually look good. He wasn't athletic, but he wasn't fat. And he had green eyes. Not that anyone would see, because he was wearing sunglasses. He didn't shaved for three days, so he had a small beard, but it was actually pretty. He didn't looked bad at all.

Then, he took his toy gun. It looked like a real one. No one could tell it was a fake. But it was: the bullets wouldn't kill, but cause a little pain, which would be a distraction. Can't risk to kill someone. But this at least give me something to bluf onto... it is my poker face.He them reloaded it. He shoted at his hand, but it wasn't a mistake. "Argh! ...It hurts. A lot. Well, it is working... and it will only hurt --a lot-- whomever I would have to kill."

"Guess I should call Dimbo back...Oh, wait. I haven't eat yet". Richard then drink a single glass of milk. "That's enough for breakfest. I'll see that Dimbo pay me lunch. Time to call him."


Author:  Rarikou [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

Rarikou met Dimbo at a cafe' close to the scene of the crime, "It's nice to meet you..."

Author:  RichardZZK [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

((Let's be careful with godmoding guys. It ain't nice.))

Author:  OriginalBubs [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

Well, guess all I can do is wait for the trial, OriginalBubs thought.

[Yeah, I probably won't RP anymore until the actual trial]

Author:  Dawn [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

Dragon wrote what the witness said and thanked him. She called Dimbo.
"Hey, where are you? I'll be coming down with some papers you might want to see." She told him as she walked out of the park.

Author:  Dimbo [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

``What papers, Dragon? What is it?´´ Dimbo said, heading in the direction of Ms. Dragon...

Author:  Dawn [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

"Reports to be exact. Meet me at the cafe down by the corner. I would rather have it where I can be sure no eyes are watching us." Dragon headed to the cafe.

Author:  Dimbo [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

``Sure!´´ Dimbo headed to the café with Dragon...

Edit: Oh! Sorry Richard! I didn't notice you were calling me...

When Dimbo was heading to the café, the telephone ringed...
``Prosecutor Dimbo here, who is it?´´

Author:  Dawn [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

Dragon arrived at the cafe before Dimbo and ordered a cappuccino for herself. She grabbed a stool and sat by the window, sipping her coffee.

Author:  RichardZZK [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

((EDIT: Oops, didn't see your edit. Know wait until I edit this...))

Author:  RichardZZK [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

``Prosecutor Dimbo here, who is it?´´

"Am I getting arrested, Mister? Why were you calling me at that time? And why didn't you waited me to anwser? Humm?"

Richard was smirking. Then he realized. Oh yeah! ...I work for this guy. I shouldn't be talking like this to him. "Hehe...He. How are you doing, bro? Missing me?" That doesn't suit either...
"Uh... how can I help you, Dimbo?" Yeah, yeah! That totally do it! Richard felt that that would make his morning awesome. But he forgot he was late. He forgot that his father wasn't paying the bills anymore either...

But right know...Richard was happy.

Author:  Dimbo [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

``I need you at the Godot's café right now, the detective have some information for us...´´

((I just came with a name for it :godot: ))

Author:  RichardZZK [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

"Aye, aye sir!" Richard said bubbly. He also shut the phone right away.

A location... and a mission. Namely... taking information from a detective

Then Richard realized. Information from a detective? We have a case? Oh boy, I should have asked him what case this is... Oh, but can't call him. Not right now. Right now... I'll go meet him. Then I'll get the information I need to get the investigation started. I don't know what I'll be investigating though...Oh, well, Dimbo shall tell me.

Richard headed to the front door. Then he realized anouther thing.... Godot's cafe? Where is it? I actually don't know... Oh what to do...Ah! On those situations... There is only ONE thing a man can do: ask uncle Google.

Richard then swithed the computer on, and acessed google maps.It's kinda far away... I can't go walking. Guess I'll need a cab. Richard then took a look at his wallet. No way. No cab for me... then I'll need a ride. Who can give me a ride?

No, she says I need to grown up.

... Neightbor?
No, I barely talk to him.

No, I'm supposed to meet with him, not making him come here get me.

No, I don't have one.

...Strange person?
That will have to do.

And so Richard went out. Luckly, there were a truck right in front of him, waiting for the red lights turn green. Richard ignored the "No rides" sign and jumped into the truck.

"Hey buddy? How you doing?" Richard said bubbly to the truck driver.
"No rides, fella." The driver said.
"Oh, come on. It will be fun!"
"Sorry fella, but I'll get real screwed if I let you in."
"Fella..." Richard said. He knew how to convince people to do things his way. "I'm already inside here... Oh, oh! Green light! Go, go, go!"
"Fella, get down now!"
"It'll go red again... The driver behind you is already red. He might be angry because of you..."
"Ugh... you go down the next stop!"
"Next stop: Godot's cafe! Yay!"
"No, fella, I mean it!"
"Come on, I'll make Dimbo pay you a coffe."
"Who is Dimbo?"
"Oh, a wonderful person... you see, he will pay you a coffe."
"I don't have time for coffe."
"Ok, ok... we are almost there."
"Get out!"
"listen, listen... I have a joke for you..."

Amazingly, against all probabilitis, Richard get his way talking to the driver the whole way.

"Thanks fella! Godot's cafe is right there" Richard said.
"Hehe, see ya fella!" The truck driver replied.

Richard then jumped out. He headed towards the cafe...

Author:  Dawn [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

Dragon noticed all of the weird people through the window. She left off highlighting her copies of the reports and waved at the weird guy being dropped off by a truck. She wondered where Dimbo was.

Author:  Dimbo [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

``Ah! Mrs. Dragon, there you are! We just need to wait for my partner...´´

Author:  Dawn [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

"Took you forever to get here." Dragon took a sip of her coffee. "I'm going to go and get more for myself." Dragon said as she walked up to the counter to order another cappuccino.

Author:  RichardZZK [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

Richard waved back to a strange woman.

Do I know her?

...Maybe she is an Ex of mine? Dude...It is bad to forget a ex...
She is actually pretty, though.

"And where the heck is Dimbo?" Richard said out loud.

Richard didn't realized that she was "the" detective, and those "fancy papers" on her hand were "the" reports.

"Oh, there he is."

Oh, no! He is talking to her! Who is she?
...Oh. I see. She is his girlfriend!

Haha, Dimbo, you are such a womanizer!

Oh wait. No, no. I think she is the detective. Ah, let's go talk to them. This is the fastest way to find out what is happenig today.

So Richard walked toward them, smilling. No, not smiling, grinning.

Author:  Dimbo [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

((Richard, please refrain from swearing...))

``Why the smile?´´

Author:  Dawn [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

Dragon thought for a quick minute and ordered another cappuccino. She walked back to where she was sitting and grinned back at the stranger. "Hi, and stop being so dumb." She said as she flicked a spoonful of coffee at Richard. "I presume you're his weird little assistant?"

Author:  RichardZZK [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

((I edited it. Sorry. :sadshoe: ))

``Why the smile?´´

"What smile?" Richard said smilling.

"Hi, and stop being so dumb." A woman said as she flicked a spoonful of coffee at Richard. "I presume you're his weird little assistant?"

Do these guys dislike smiles by the mourning? Dude... I was just being simpatic. Oh, not really. I just couldn't help.

"Sorry, I was just being simpatic." Richard said, with a serious face. "And please, don't call me weird." Richard smilied again. He was actually used to that kind of reaction.

When I entered this mission... of smiling to a sad world... I knew there would be those ones who wouldn't understand. But the problem is when you get addicted to smiling.

Author:  Dawn [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

((Say wha?))

"Whatever." Dragon rolled her eyes and went back to highlighting the reports.

Author:  Dimbo [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

``The detective have something to tell us, what is it DragonClaw?´´

Author:  Dawn [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

Dragon's eyes darkened. "It's Dragon for your information, fop." She sighed. "Go through these, they're reports for your case." Dragon handed a large stack of papers to Dimbo.

((Seriously, just call me Dragon. You don't have to tack on the Claw part. ))

Author:  RichardZZK [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

Richard got behind Dimbo to look at it as well.

"What is in it, Dimbo?"

Author:  Dimbo [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

``This is basically one, big, autopsy report... I'll show it in court tommorow...´´

FAT Autopsy report added to court record

Author:  Dawn [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

"And here are the details on the crime scene and the murder weapon. And also, the witness's testimony which I noted down earlier." Dragon handed Dimbo a smaller stack of papers.

Author:  RichardZZK [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

"Can I have a copy? I'm sure this will help my investigation." Richard said.

Author:  Dawn [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

"I'll give you a digital copy. Paper kills tree you know?" Dragon snickered. "But you won't be able to get one until later this afternoon." She pointed out.

Author:  RichardZZK [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

"Hm... I see." Richard wasn't happy with the news.How am I suposed to investigate then? I'm in the dark here! ...Matters not. I'll look at Dimbo's copy.

"Can I take a look at yours then, Dimbo? After that, I shall set myself onto investigation, while you interview the detective."
One thing that Richard was proud of was his dynamic sence.

((Oh yeah, I probably won't be able to post here for the next 4 days. Sorry. About the copies Dimbo, if you show them to Richard (character) PM them to me please.))

Author:  Rarikou [ Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

"First my car breaks down,.... making me late to everythin g..." Rarikou said...

He went to where an obvious prosecutor sat, "If I may ask, are you prosceutor Dimbo?"

Author:  Dimbo [ Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

``Yes I am, how can I help you?´´

Author:  Rarikou [ Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

"I recieved word we were supoosed to meet... Rarikou, Ace Attorney..." Rarikou said.

Author:  Dimbo [ Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

``Ace Attorney´´... Hehehe, very well, I am Dimbo, I received the nickname of ''The seeker of truth''. Do you have anything to ask me?´´

Author:  Rarikou [ Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PA-9- Turnabout Artists Day 1- Investigation

{{You're really making me work my but off, aren't you guys... *Muteers to self: Stupupod prosection-,with0they're-fancy-detectives-and-sense-of-absoultly-no-fair-play.}}

"Then me and you are one and the same, for all I wish is the truth... I'll tell you what I know, and you tell me what you know... fair trade....

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