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Re: Phoenix gets into a relationship with Iris after case 5?Topic%20Title

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Raelle wrote:
What? Phoenix asks why she didn't call for help or otherwise put up a fight when Dahlia made the switch, which would have alerted everyone else to what was going on and saved them a lot of grief and danger. Iris explains that she let her do it because he loves Dahlia. It's straightforward, and doesn't exactly require an elaborate paragraph of justification about how Iris is totally innocent, really.

I don't think Iris "planned" to let Dahlia out of the cave. She didn't plan the earthquake. She didn't plan on "helping" her. She was earnestly trying to work with Diego to stop her. But when faced with her sister? She gave in, as always, and essentially by her inaction told Phoenix (and the rest of the investigation team), "Have a delicious, rabid serial killer who has tried to kill you in the past, still holds a deep grudge against you, and who I'm fully aware is actively trying to kill someone precious to you. As a bonus, she's wearing the face of someone you trust so you probably won't suspect until it's too late. Enjoy!!!1" This is consistent with her major character flaw that runs throughout the entire case, and I'm sorry, I don't think that's made any better because Dahlia was unarmed at the time she strolled out of the cave.

She wasn't trying to hurt Phoenix, but she was absolutely willing to risk them to go along with her sister. You can't whitewash it, and I'm astonished that people are trying.

As for the last scene, I can't buy that Phoenix "suspected" and the confession was just "confirmation", given that he expresses first confusion ("Huh...? What do you mean?"), and then absolute shock ("N-n-no way! It just can't be true!") when she comes clean.

He asks her why she went alone. Considering Iris wouldn't have known it was Dahlia, don't you think shock would have played a factor in her not fighting back? Dahlia is more willing to use violence than Iris as we see numerous times and perhaps a part of her didn't wish to hurt Maya (after dealing with Misty's death she has to be completely aware of what happens to the medium in these cases. It is only Dahlia's soul, not her body). Why she didn't call out? Are we sure she was conscious? The fact that she was awake when the door was opened a day later (which is never stated by the way) does not mean she was so when she was locked in there. Dahlia just tells us that she switched places with her. After all wouldn't knocking her out have been the most efficient way of switching places (if hit hard enough, you can be unconscious for awhile)? I don't believe Dahlia was willing to kill her sister (for reasons I won't explain here), but knocking her out so she could get loose. I see this as a distinct possiblity, particularly considering Dahlia's personality. I also ask, if Iris was compliant, why doesn't Dahlia claim her as an accomplice as she does with the fake kidnapping (obviously she would claim this later than when she talked about the fake kidnapping)? Dahlia is not opposed to dragging Iris down with her as is shown there. Also, add on top of this that while Dahlia may try to shift the blame from her sister in the end, she is very angry at her. I assume this is partly from past events, but I also read it as being due to the fact that Iris was willing to defy her here by cooperating with Godot and Misty (and perhaps what happened at that temple). We can't know what happened during the switch and afterward it wouldn't have taken them any less time to get the locks undone since they had been set by Dahlia in Maya's body (they tell us the one who set them is the one who needs to remove them or it takes forever). I also want to add that I don't fully trust any of Phoenix's asumptions as he doesn't understand all of the circumstances until the very end and as I said a lot of his assumptions are wrong about this particular case. Phoenix is human too. Depending on the circumstances, I don't feel we can judge her actions here. In reference to your last point, I don't think Phoenix suspected Iris was his "Dollie." I honestly didn't expect another reaction. The whole fell into place finally and I think his calm reaction was now, with the mysteries of his past behind him, he is finally at peace. With this I read the last lines as a new beginning for Iris and Phoenix without their past weighing them down. You may read it anyway you like, but perhaps we should just agree to disagree on Iris/Phoenix. I am not really trying to change your mind, just to defend a pairing I like and which has a much basis in the text as any of the other possible pairings for Phoenix.
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Re: Phoenix gets into a relationship with Iris after case 5?Topic%20Title
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We can come up with any number of hypothetical reasons Iris might have willingly let Dahlia out of the cave. I could list you several plausible things right now that a person in her situation might have thought of: she was threatened, she was physically subdued, she was worried about Maya. But Phoenix asked Iris: why didn't you do anything, why didn't you let us know, why didn't you call for help? And Iris gave us her answer. There's no reason to assume it was anything else--to do so is basically just making things up.

I don't think this current discussion has anything to do with Phoenix/Iris. Liking Phoenix/Iris has nothing to do with understanding the choice Iris made when she came face to face with her sister in the Sacred Cavern. As I said, this trait of hers is something I like about her. It gives her layers and makes her fascinating.
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It was believed Maya was in there, but there wasn't any proof that she was in there or even alive, which since no one can sit completely still and make no noise for such a long period of time, tells me that whoever was in there probably wasn't conscious. We know Dahlia could hear Pearl come in while fighting with the trick lock and since I don't see her making a ton of noise when she's alone and scared, it is likely the walls aren't that thick. If Iris was conscious, movement should have at least been heard.
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And it somehow follows that when Phoenix asked her why she stayed quiet, Iris wouldn't simply tell him "I'm sorry, I was knocked unconscious", but instead go on a random tangent about how much she loves and admires Dahlia?
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She feels guilty about everything that happened, both past and present. That much is obvious. To be fair, I still think Iris was more referring to the past then the present and that she was partially explaining why she helped Dahlia all those years ago. She says she always "loved" her sister and not "loves." Why the use of the past tense? I know Dahlia's dead, but when I speak of my deceased relatives I use "love". The fact that they're dead hasn't changed my feeling for them. She follows all this with telling him that she has something she needs to tell him later.
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...and again: Phoenix asks her a direct question about why she stayed silent and passively participated in Dahlia's deception with the Sacred Cavern switch, and Iris chooses to go on a random tangent instead of giving the simple answer, which according to the "knocked unconscious" hypothesis would absolve her of real responsibility anyway?
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Because what she wanted absolution from was her actions all those years before. He may have been asking about the Sacred Cavern and he was asking about more than that. He asks about why she helped Dahlia as much as she did indicating more than that one thing (although all he knows about is the fake kidnapping at this time). That was her explanation for her past offenses and don't forget they were interrupted by the judge's request to see her. She tells him she'll tell him more later. This is not included in her long speech, but why would it have been. It was a minor point for later.
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Re: Phoenix gets into a relationship with Iris after case 5?Topic%20Title

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I think it's coming down to: "Why and *HOW* did Dahlia and Iris switch places?" P/I shippers are going to pick that Dahlia did everything bad. Non-P/I shippers are going to say that Iris CONCIOUSLY let out Dahlia.

Now whoever can find that direct, quoted, whatever reference in the game that can answer that question, can probably have a more plausible argument.

In my opinion, I totally believe in P/I. I'm replaying it now to see, but when we see the Sacred Cave, it's dark. I don't think it's any stretch of the imagination to think that Dahlia lured her twin, Iris, to open the cage, in the guise of Maya. Or at least, in the dark.

When Phoenix asks, "Hey, why didn't you say anything?" to Iris, I believe that's like asking the question, "Hey Godot, why didn't you just tell me all your problems instead of taking it out on me?" And when Iris answers, it's like everyone else: Vague and open to everyone's interpretation to make them happy.
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To add, I've been trying to make a script of Case 3-5. >>;; Man, this is hard work. Anyway, I'd love to help out if someone else already has a script up. (I only see a partial script on the website, so I'm continuing from there.)

Also, to correct everything:

Phoenix: "Why didn't you say anything?!" (When he breaks Iris' psychlocks after the 'earthquake' and we find out that Iris is Dahlia's twin sister.)
Iris: Because my sister always does the right thing.

And this is AFTER Dahlia and Iris switch places. So in fact, it is DAHLIA speaking (as Iris), and not Iris herself, so Iris truly never answers why she let her sister out.
Re: Phoenix gets into a relationship with Iris after case 5?Topic%20Title
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raging klavier crush

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Fumei, that's not the part of the script I'm referencing. I'm talking about after it's uncovered that 'Iris' is Maya-Dahlia, and Phoenix talks to her in the court lobby after Iris is let out of the sacred cavern.
Re: Phoenix gets into a relationship with Iris after case 5?Topic%20Title

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Raelle wrote:
Fumei, that's not the part of the script I'm referencing. I'm talking about after it's uncovered that 'Iris' is Maya-Dahlia, and Phoenix talks to her in the court lobby after Iris is let out of the sacred cavern.
Sorry about that. @_@ I just read the "Why didn't you say anything?!" quote and thought it was that reference point I wrongly pointed out.

Well, what the script says for Phoenix and Iris when they talk AFTER Dahlia is banished in the courtroom (yes because I am super dork and I still want to make a script for this case due to my love for NickxIris):

Spoiler: Huge T&T spoiler script
Iris: I'm truly sorry about everything. You were working so hard to defend me... But I was missing all day, and we didn't even have a chance to talk...

Phoenix: (...She's right. When I met "Iris" at the Training Hall yesterday... ...they had already switched places... and Iris was inside the Sacred Cavern.)

Iris: ...I wanted to at least be in the defendant's box today to root you on.

Phoenix: W-Well, it wasn't your fault. You were locked up this whole time... There's something more important than that, though. I have to ask you... Why did you help your sister out as much as you did?

Iris: Huh...?

Phoenix: If you had tried to get help at the Sacred Cavern yesterday... you wouldn't have spent an entire day locked up in there.

Iris: ... My sister... I felt sorry for her. She was abandoned by our mother and never got any love from our father either.

Phoenix: Yes, but... it was the same for you too, wasn't it?

Iris: Yes, but at least I had Sister Bikini, who was like a mother to me. If only Dahlia had come with me to Hazakura Temple... I always... I always loved her... Dahlia was always so smart, so strong... She never complained about a thing. That's why I... That's why I promised her that I would help her.

Phoenix: Are you talking about the fake kidnapping case 11 years ago?

Iris: ...Yes. I-I wanted to be useful to her in some way... B-But, as usual... I was too cowardly... At the last minute, I ran away. Because of that... Dahlia's half-sister, Valerie, ended up...

Phoenix: (That was the case that wounded Mia so badly...)

Iris: But... things didn't end there, of course. Some people suspected that my sister was involved in the murder.

Phoenix: Some people...? You must mean...

Iris: Yes, two defense lawyers. Mia Fey... and Diego Armando. After poisoning Mr. Armando, who was getting too close to learning the truth... ...Dahlia even tried to kill the person who had unknowingly hid the poison for her. You.

Phoenix: (... That's right...) ...Iris. There's one more thing that I have to ask you.

Iris: Yes, what is it?

Phoenix: On the night of the murder... ...the person who cleaned up the corpse of the victim, Elise Deauxnim... Was it... Was it really you?

Iris: ... Yes... It was me. That night, after I rang the lights out bell... I went back to my room. At around 10:30, I received a call on my cell phone.

Phone: "There's a problem... Come to the Inner Temple right away."

Iris: I... I got on the snowmobile and headed for the Inner Temple. But...!

Phoenix: The path to the Inner Temple was cut off... Right?

Iris: Exactly.

Phone: "We can't just leave the body here..." "... Alright, let's do this as you said..."

Iris: It was me... I was the one that received her body. The murder weapon had been left in her body so she wouldn't bleed too much. The staff that Mystic Elise always held...

Phoenix: I knew it... So the actual murder weapon was the staff.

Iris: ...Yes, that's right. I brought the body back to Hazakura Temple on the snowmobile.

Phoenix: But why... Why did you alter the body?

Iris: ...I didn't want anyone to know that the staff was the murder weapon. I didn't want to leave anything that would lead back to Misty Fey. So I dressed her in a robe and stabbed her with the Shichishito... I wiped the blood off the staff's blade and left it next to her on the ground.

Phoenix: ...Iris. Just tell me one last thing. Tell me the name of the person that called your cell phone. The real killer.

Iris: ...I'm sorry, Mr. Wright. I can't do it... I can't say who did it.

Phoenix: ... I... I see...

Bailiff: Defedant! The judge is calling you! He wants to see you in his chambers! He has some questions about Dahlia Hawthorne.

Iris: ...Alright. ... Well then... I'll see you later... There's something I want to tell you later.

Phoenix: *! sound effect* Oh, um... OK... ("Something she wants to tell me?")

To me, with Dahlia hiding in the back of the Sacred Cavern, it looks like Iris didn't willingly help her sister. It looks like she's talking about her past loyalties to Dahlia and helping her in GS3-4, not GS3-5. That Iris was telling Phoenix she was helping Dahlia in Case 4, and not Case 5. At least that's why I think Iris didn't switch with Dahlia conciously, after all, Dahlia had unlocked the single trick lock already (so she knew the 'combination lock' already) and could let herself out anytime, and switched with Iris with or without Iris' consent.

Though, those lines are pretty vague. Iris always loved her sister. Whether she's talking about loving her sister and helping her out in the cave, or talking about having LOVED her sister before she died/in reference to Case 4, well...

As for saying, "I felt sorry for my sister (so I let her out)" deal, I think she did go off in a random tangent about how she and Dahlia were unloved blahblahblah after Phoenix told her that she should have waited for Edgey to get help etc, but I don't think she meant "Oh yeah, I saw Dahlia in the Sacred Cavern and I switched with her and then she locked me up!" But again, those lines in the above script can be taken either way, I think. Darn vague PW scripts! Making fandoms grow!

[Edit]Darn, now that I look at it, it really is open to interpretation. XD; Iris seems dumbfounded when Nick asks why Iris helps Dahlia. (Wether that refers to the current case, most probably or the previous case they talk about) But when thinking about it, we really don't know if Iris helps out Dahlia or not, as Dahlia was capable of making the switch with Iris with or without her consent, and it does look like Iris did help out her sister, maybe Dahlia calling out to Iris, as Maya (or even as herself), but really, basically Iris approaches the sacred cavern and what happens imbetween that time and the time she is locked in the Sacred Cavern is unknown and that's why I totally just went in a circle. Argh. XP;
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As you said, much of PW scripts are left rather open which leaves interpretation up to the player, something which I've always found very interesting considering how many different opinions you can get about the same thing. I've already stated how I read it, so I won't say it again. I think we should leave it at that and let everyone make up their own minds (which is made easier by the script now posted here- thanks Fumei!). We have seem to have drifted a bit off topic anyway as this is supposed to be about Phoenix/Iris and not about Iris's personality in general.
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If Ace Attorney prison allows conjugal visits, Phoenix + Iris

If not, Phoenix + Reflection of Phoenix in full-length mirror
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Law Name Pun wrote:
If Ace Attorney prison allows conjugal visits, Phoenix + Iris

I saw a funny little fic about that, recently :)
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I don't think Iris letting Dhalia out of the sacred cavern was a sign that she still loves Dhalia. It was more of a debt she owes. We can't say Iris still loves Dhalia the way she did in the past, or are we all forgetting that Iris was willing to kill Dahlia to protect Phoenix? That being said, she obviously loves Phoenix more than Dahlia.
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Bailiff: Defedant! The judge is calling you! He wants to see you in his chambers! He has some questions about Dahlia Hawthorne.

Man, the Judge sure doesn't think too hard about his pick-up moves.
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After reading the script, the most logical conclusiondoes seem to say that she didn'tcall for help while locked up because of whatever the reason was (although I'm willing to bet she was overpowered when the switch ocuresd). As muxch as I love P/I though, I have a concern about the legitimacy of their previous relationship: Phoenix states quite clearly during 3-1 one that Dahlia is "so shy", ands that all she ever says to him is "Please get it back now". This statement has me so confused... how could their relationship hold any water if THAT was the depth of their relationship? However, it is also mentioned that Iris makes her own homemade sandwhiches, and I would also assume the sweater was by her, at the very least. So how exactly does that statement reflect on their relationship? Is it accurate?
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She had to get that necklace back. Dahlia was going to kill him if she didn't. I would say that is a decent reason to keep asking for it.
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Obviously, but look at the way he said it. He clearly says that almost all she ever said to him was "Please give it back now." That's certainly nice and all, but that doesn't warrant his feelingof betrayal towards her, his undying love, or the tension in case five. All I can do is to hope that that's not what they meant, or they only said that to cast suspicion on Dahlia.
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Image - H-hi, Dollie...
Image - Please give it back now.
Image - Oh, a boxed lunch? Aww, you shouldn't have...
Image - Please give it back now.
Image - S-so...would you like to sit under the cherry tree today?
Image - Please give it back now.
Image - I...I love you, Dollie...
Image - Please give it back now.

I'm sure Nicky boy was exaggerating a tad.
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Byakko wrote:
If GS4 is anything to go on, he didn't get lucky with either of 'em -.-

Also, remember that Iris is serving a jail term for being an accessory to murder; it'll be probably be a while before Nick can do anything but visit her in jail.

Phoenix, could be Iris' defense attorney and try to get her out!
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Also, I just replayed 3-1 and Nick doesn't say that all "Dahlia" ever says to him is "Please give it back now," he says she asks him that every time she sees him. Big difference.
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Oh god... that thing make me have headhaches everydays...the phoenixXiris thing XD I don't know what to think of this at all this is too foggy and I love Iris and Maya... I think the fact that phoenix can't stop looking at her (this topic is already full of spoiler) doesn't tell anything beside the fact that he still have feelings for her but honestly I don't think it is going nowere...(he can't stop looking at edgey boy too when he was in detention uhahahha XD) I would like them to be together but I would also see hobo phoenix with an adult Maya XD to much favorite couple for me...So in the end I hope we will never know and this way all fan will be able to imagine their favorite couple together ^^ (oh and i'm french sorry for the mistakes)
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Even though they aren't together in GS4, they could have been for a while between then and the end of GS3. Possibly. Not that I'd want them to have been, but...
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this is possible but I don't think so, anyway, it's up to our imagination
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Spoiler: End of Case 5 Iris and Phoenix Convo
Iris: I want to... I want to apologize to you.

Phoenix: Apologize? To me? For what?

Iris: For the case six years ago, of course.

Judge: I just remembered... Weren't you poisoned by your own lover?

Phoenix: ...Not exactly, but yeah, something like that. Even now... 6 years later, I can hardly believe it. She was going to do it... She was planning to kill me...

Iris: ......It's not all that surprising. The two of you... You hardly knew each other.

Phoenix: Huh...? What do you mean?

Iris: You and my sister... You only met twice.

Phoenix: ......Huh. W-We only met t-twice?

Iris: The first time you met was on that fateful day... The day she poisoned Mr. Armando in the cafeteria of this very courtroom. The next time you met her was... six months later. You met her again on the day that she stole your cold medicine... and Doug Swallows was killed.

Phoenix: N-N-No way! It just... It can't be true! I mean, during our whole relationship, we were...

Iris: ......For those six months... ...the girl that you thought was Dahlia Hawthorne... She wasn't actually my sister.

Phoenix: (Huh? It wasn't Dahlia...?)

Iris: I hope one day you can forgive me... Feenie.

Phoenix: You... Y-Y-You mean...?

Iris: That's right... I lied to you... for six months.

Judge: B-But why...!? Why would you do such a thing?

Iris: Ever since she gave you the bottle that day... my sister was trying to get it back as soon as she possibly could. Because of the police investigation and their surveillance... she couldn't move about freely.

Phoenix: So that's why you...?

Iris: My sister... From the beginning, she was prepared for the worst.

Phoenix: P-Prepared for the worst?

Iris: She thought that you might discover the truth. That's why she was always ready to deal with you at a moment's notice...

Phoenix: (You mean she was ready to kill me, don't you...?)

Iris: She already had so much to answer for, I didn't want any more sins on her soul. I begged her not to do it, and she agreed to give me a chance.

Phoenix: And that's why... you came to me? You came to get the bottle pendant back from me in her place?

Iris: But I couldn't get you to give it back... I failed at something even as simple as that. Six months passed and I still couldn't get it back from you. Finally, my sister couldn't wait any longer. She didn't consult me about her plans for you that day. ...It was the first time that had ever happened.

Phoenix: That was a bit strange, wasn't it? Up until that day, you two were partners in crime, and she would confer with you...

Iris: I think... she must have noticed.

Phoenix: ...? Noticed what?

Iris: My feelings for you. If I had found out that she planned to kill you... ...I would have done whatever was neccesary to stop her. Even if it meant her life... or mine.

Phoenix: I-Iris...!

Iris: After spending half a year by your side... My feelings for you... They changed.

Phoenix: ...... I have something to say to you, too.

Iris: Y-Yes?

Phoenix: You really are the person I always thought you were. Even after Dahlia Hawthorne was found guilty... I still believed in you.

Iris: ...... Thank you.

I'm pretty sure Iris says more to Nick when they were young than that. Plus, I don't think it's too far an assumption to think that she made things for him and talked to him in other words than "Please give it back now."

As for calling for help, uh, I don't think she was concious or anyone could hear her while in the sacred cave. After all, they spent all day unlocking the locks, even if she was calling for help.

I can't help it, I love Phoenix x Iris.
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I doubt it. Sure, he could visit her in the detention center, but...
Spoiler: GS4
He wouldn't after GS4's "beginning" due to shame.

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Re: Phoenix gets into a relationship with Iris after case 5?Topic%20Title
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Geodude wrote:
You make good points. But this brings me to an interesting question:

After all the time that has passed since their relationship, and how much he has learned and grown, would Phoenix have attempted to cross a burning bridge to get to Iris?

If he thought her life was in danger from an escaping killer? Uh, probably. :yuusaku:
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Of Course he did.!And All of the FeenRis supporters on this forum can prove it!
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Right after, Iris is in jail, probably serving a year or more [since she did commit a crime assisting with the murder]. Iris is Pearl's sister and Maya's cousin, and since Phoenix is virtually an honorary member of the Mia-Maya-Pearl family, by extension they're kind of like cousins too.

Phoenix is no doubt still attracted to Iris, but a serious relationship probably wasn't going to happen. Phoenix had never stopped believing that she wasn't the murderous Dahlia Hawthorne, but that didn't mean he'd remained in love with her after all those years. And there is no Iris in GS4.

Also Iris is a nun, I don't know if Japanese nuns don't marry, but it makes that kind of thing less likely. Probably they will remain friends/surrogate family with a slight crush between them.

I also get the feeling that Iris is just a bit too timid to be Phoenix's perfect partner. The writers seem to like keeping all possible ships open though, but I think it speaks volumes in GS4 that
Phoenix is unmarried, has no partners shown onscreen, and has an adopted daughter, suggesting he's less likely to get a biological one.

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I honestly believe that even if you said GS4 never happened, Phoenix still would never have gone back out with Iris. I just don't think they had enough of a relationship during those sixth months, and even if they did, six months isn't a very long time. Three years however, is a very long time. If you don't see someone who you loved or talk to them at all for three years, I find it hard to beleive you'd still be as devoted and love sick for them are you originally were.

Plus, people change. I think Phoenix changed a lot between his college days and 3-5. He matured a lot, and his basic personality changed a bit too. [I mean, I couldn't detect any of his usual sarcasm in 3-1] And in my opinion, someone as quiet, shy, and loyal would get annoying after a while. Iris doesn't seem like the type to voice her OWN opinions often, and that would weird most people out after a while, I think.

Not to mention the whole thing with Dahlia, which various points have been discussed to death elsewhere in this thread and the pairings thread. [and by, 'the whole thing with Dahlia' I mean any possible lying/not lying, deceit, betrayal things that would have to be dealt with between them]

Also, speaking generally, Iris and Iris and Phoenix's relationship seemed really thrown in there. It didn't really have much impact on me. So in my opinion, Phoenix/Iris as a romantic couple is very unrealistic.

I mean, do any of you guys still have a crush that you loved from three years ago? [provided you haven't communicated with said crush in three years?] But hey, that's just my opinion. ^^Also, I'm a die hard Edgeworth/Phoenix: past, present, future. So I'm completely biased, but I really don't think it shows in my points. XP
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Well, as much as I like this pairing, Iris was
probably serving prison time up to the event happening 2 months after 3-5 when Phoenix loses his badge. It seems he sort of cut off relations with people after that, and even after Iris got out of jail she may not have been able to find her Feenie, who may have been too bogged down by emotional baggage to start a relationship...

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icer wrote:
I also get the feeling that Iris is just a bit too timid to be Phoenix's perfect partner.

Iris is naive and perhaps a bit timid, but there is so much more to her in that she has an inner strength in her personality. She is fully willing to take the blame for a murder she didn't commit even knowing the consequences for a conviction, she rushes over to the Inner Temple after the earthquake to check on Maya not worrying about the state of the bridge (or what would happen if another one struck while she was on the bridge or in the inner temple), and goes out to help Godot deal with the body when things go wrong despite the fact that she was still frightened by the "blackmail" letter. Iris has an inner strength that comes out when she needs it and I think that it would come out more and more as she grew up a bit. They need each other. He helps her find and bring out that inner strength, while she supports and loves him whole-heartedly for who he is which would be very important particularly going into the time frame after T&T.

As for whether or not he still has feelings for her, he does seem to be rather entranced by her even after the shock factor would have worn off (in the credits) as well as having a remarkable amount of faith in a woman who looks like a person who hurt him badly. I certainly would have had trouble trusting her, but Phoenix never hesitates in his faith of Iris (or his belief that his "Dollie" was not the person on the stand in 3-1). Five years later, he still can't accept that his "Dollie" tried to kill him despite the fact that it seems to be extremely clearly. Why after five years can't he simply accept it and simply move on if no feelings for her still remain? The case was solved quite cleanly, but Phoenix can't accept the results of this case despite what appears to be true. There is a lot more I could use to make this point, but I won't for now. I certainly think that there is evidence to suggest that he still has feelings for her, but of course no one has to agree with me.
Spoiler: GS4
It is true that Phoenix is still clearly unattached in GS4, but after playing through the game I saw nothing that indicates that he lost touch with the important people in his life (and a few things to indicate that he at least keeps lose ties with some of his old friends), so he could still have contact with Iris without us seeing her. They just aren't married or living together clearly, but that she's left his life. Phoenix has no reason to tell Apollo about a bunch of people Apollo's never heard of before and having Phoenix do so would have seemed more than a little strange. As for his adopting Trucy, there was a specific plot reason for that but I won't say more because of more severe spoilers, so I'm not sure you can use anything in GS4 to rule out any previous ship.

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..The way I envision this... is...

Spoiler: Gs4
So like Phoenix becomes the hobo he is, and during much of GS4.. there is (in my knowledge, correct me if I am wrong) absolute no mention of Iris. Sure this is probably because this is all about Apollo's point of view, but when Phoenix ended up in the hospital... he mentioned Maya had sent him a balloon and a huge collection of Steel Samurai DVDs. Now you'd think that Iris would also send a gift to Phoenix too, but no. The only thing mentioned during that scene was Maya's gifts.

Now, Iris would probably be out of prison after seven years. And I think it was stated somewhere that Phoenix visited Iris quite frequently. If that's the case, Phoenix would be hanging out with her when she was let free. But look, not a single mention... nor a single 'get well' gift from Iris. Nope.

There's my ten cents.
Re: Phoenix gets into a relationship with Iris after case 5?Topic%20Title

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Maya's gifts take up half the room and Phoenix will only comment on them if you examine them. Sending a bunch of Steel Samurai stuff (whether or not he wanted them) is a very Maya thing to do and I certainly wouldn't call it romantic. He references them as coming from a "kid." Just because Iris has the sense not to fill the room with senseless stuff (and make him write reports on the videos <_<) or sends something smaller that isn't so obvious doesn't mean she's not involved.

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When did I say that Iris would fill a room completely with something? I realize it's not a romantic thing to do, more of a friendly thing. But yes I see what you mean, and I was merely using that sequence to... back up my theory. Oy, I'm not very good at this.

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She's in jail, he's ... well, otherwise occupied within 2 months. So that's a resounding no in canon I'd say :)

I can just imagine Iris' reaction when Phoenix visits her in the detention center and introduces her to Trucy. She'd probably have a heart attack.
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Do you seriously think that Pearl would let that happen?
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Re: Phoenix gets into a relationship with Iris after case 5?Topic%20Title

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Iris/Phoenix is the strongest canon relationship that would hold water to any other (non-established couples; ie NOT Diego/Mia, Maggey/Gumshoe). At the end of 3-5, Phoenix could have gotten with anyone and no one. However, it's pretty undebateable that they are the closest thing to canon. (Maya and Phoenix? don't get me started on that.)

Of course, I still prefer Iris/Phoenix. <3
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jonathanrp wrote:
Do you seriously think that Pearl would let that happen?

Do you seriously think Phoenix is enough of a gutless loser to let a ten-year-old tell him who he can and cannot date?

...Why do I feel like I've said this several times already? :yuusaku:
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