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3-2 is boring as hell (spoilers)Topic%20Title
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No offense to anyone who likes it, I understand that people see Ron as a likeable character and all, and yeah, he is cute. But the circumstances surrounding this case are boring as fuck.

First off, most AA cases start with a "mysterious" factor that makes you thrilled during the very first part of the investigation. In 2-4, we have Maya being kidnapped by someone we don't know... in 1-4, we have Edgeworth being accused of murder, somebody we definitely didn't expect to be Phoenix's client. In 2-2, the case starts as very ambiguous as to whether Maya had actually channeled a spirit, or if the murderer was a completely different person.

3-2 starts off... boring. It is about a stolen urn. No murder, no complex mystery, no nothing. Luke Atmey is a prick from the very start, and he doesn't even try to hide his "true personality". He is just the exaggerated caricature of a narcissist.

You learn of an actual murder only in the middle of the case, after you "prove" that Ron isn't Mask DeMasque... but there is nothing particularly exciting about it. The victim is a money hungry prick, too, and there are no sob stories surrounding the whole thing, no likeable villain, no likeable victim... just a bad guy, blackmailing another bad guy, who was blackmailing the good guy. Compare it to 2-2, for example, where the two villains (Morgan and Mimi) have powerful emotionally-driven motives to commit their crimes... and 3-2 is just this simplistic filler case.
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Happy Maria

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I actually really like simplistic cases. 1-3 and 6-4 are in my top fifteen. My main beef with this case however is that it was really hard to follow and was way too hard for a second case. The characters were alright though
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I agree that it is kind of hard to follow, but to me, it is mostly because I find it boring... not exactly difficult.

About 1-3... well, Vasquez is a better villain than Atmey, and more realistic as a character.
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Happy Maria

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Yeah,I feel that 1-3 has way more nuance to it. It also works on a meta level because you're not used to the tropes yet so you question if even Sal or Cody or even Penny. 3-2.... has Dessie,I guess,but that wouldn't make for a happy ending,so it had to be Luke again. His plan was way more impressive though,and he only slipped up at the very end.
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Thelema wrote:
I agree that it is kind of hard to follow, but to me, it is mostly because I find it boring... not exactly difficult.

About 1-3... well, Vasquez is a better villain than Atmey, and more realistic as a character.

I've noticed that it tends to be that those who like 1-3 a lot prefer it vastly over 3-2, and vice versa. 3-2 is a much more complex case, while 1-3 focuses more on the fun aspect. I myself prefer 3-2 quite a bit, but I completely understand your points.
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When I first saw this post, I had already started replaying 3-2 on the 3DS port.
I just finished replaying that case today.
Yeah, I kinda agree, it's boring.
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Re: 3-2 is boring as hell (spoilers)Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Eh, replaying this case wasn't quite as bad. I actually find Atmey to be quite enjoyable. His motivations are actually a bit more interesting than just narcissism imo. He finds himself to be great, sure, but the lengths he goes to achieve his are large. First when Mask*DeMasque comes he thinks he has a new rival but when he realises who it is he's disappointed but instead chooses to help Ron so that he can continuously try to thwart his own 'genius' plans, because to him, no one else is better than he is. And then when Bullard finds out and blackmails him, he kills him but also establishes a secure alibi as a thief. It's an over the top plan, but it works. He's also super fun to present stuff to and also press because he always somehow brings the topic back to himself. His claims can also be pretty grandiose but have very mundane reasons (like how he was just the Vice President of his boxing club). His testimonies are also well crafted, especially the last one and his mistake was subtle but also understandable. So overall, this case can be a drag sometimes, but I think it has a pretty good villain if nothing else.
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I just find Stolen Turnabout forgettable. Aside from Godot and Atmey, I can't think of a moment in the case I'm super fond of remembering. Ron's shtick about being a double red herring gets old after a while and I can't remember a single line Desiree said. Oh yeah and Larry exists, I guess.
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Happy Maria

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Eh, yeah. I guess it also had some forgettable characters. Dessie was only there as a red herring (which you can present for some extra dialogue) but wasn't otherwise useful to the case. Pearl was just there for some extremely unfunny comic relief about slapping Phoenix unconscious and all. This is probably her worst OT appearance just because of that joke. Adrian was also kind of there but I did like it because it gave us a nice glimpse into how he's doing after 2-4. Larry was…yeah, screw him. Every appearance he's add after AA1 has been absolutely garbage, and his role here was no better. He just behaves like a douchebag the whole case and hits on Dessie as well as Pearl, inadvertently. On the other hand, 3-3 has a more varied array of characters as well as more suspects so there's more people to cross examine other than Gumshoe, the defendant and the killer.
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Holy crap I actually forgot Adrian was in this case even though I remember her sprites...

I guess I'll give 3-2 this: Kane does have a pretty memorable design for a victim kek
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This case was boring and Pearl is just there for no reason.
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It's one of my favourite cases and I think the build-up was great and so were the characters. Rather than starting off with a mystery hook it felt more like the thrill of the case was riding it out and seeing what it actually was all about and I loved how Ron and Atmey played each other.
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Re: 3-2 is boring as hell (spoilers)Topic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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I think Pearl actually does have a good reason for being there. She's with her cousin, her only family with her now. Plus, it's also a good time to explain why she ships Phoenix/Maya so much. She also provides enough variety in the cast dynamic to keep me entertained, even though I'm not a fan of the slapping jokes. Or how Nick gets knocked out by them.
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While I wouldn't exactly call this case boring, it's not written very well. I can't exactly put my finger on it but the banter between Phoenix and Maya just feels off.

Also, what's with Maya telling Phoenix that if she gets held hostage that she wants him to rescue her. Did she just forget everything about 2-4?
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I think what I liked about this case was that it was unique (at the time)--sure, it technically isn't the only two-trial case out there, but the crimes involved were different, and the defendant was actually guilty of one of the crimes (and got away with it)!

Ron and Desiree were adorable. I liked how Ron and Luke were competing with each other to see who was found guilty of the lesser crime. I liked catching up with Adrian after she'd paid her debt to society. Larry well, Larry. And Pearl...well, I never enjoy it when they play off her physical abuse of Nick as a joke, but I liked that Maya explained why Pearl was sensitive to romantic pairings. (Interesting that she bought a strawberry cake as an apology of all things... reference to 2-2, when Morgan served jaw-droppingly large strawberry desserts?)
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I actually thought it was meant to start off simple just to seemingly give them a break, only to pull it out from under them.

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