Court Records

Court-Records is looking for copywriters... again!?
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Author:  Bolt Storm [ Sun Aug 27, 2017 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Court-Records is looking for copywriters... again!?

They say only three things are certain in life: death, taxes, and us putting out a call for copywriters every six months!

This time, though, things are a little different. We've brought on Lumos as a dedicated manager to oversee getting the site content back up to scratch! This means that we won't be letting things flatline like we have in the past, and all we need now is folks to actually start putting pen to paper (or finger to keyboard).

I'll let her say the rest:


Hey, everyone!

In our newest update to the trials and tribulations of creating Court Records 3.0, I'm joining the team as a copywriting manager. I'll be keeping track of what needs to be updated, and organizing all our volunteers.

That said… it would be helpful if I had volunteers to manage. So that’s where you come in! We need help -- lots of help -- rehauling everything written on the site: case summaries, character profiles, transcripts, general information… You name it, it prob’ly needs to be rewritten. We also need people willing to do some research, within the games and throughout the internet, so that we can make sure our information is as accurate as possible.

We’re hoping to take this one step at a time, so you’ll start off with one project and move on as it's finished. You'll need English fluency, and basic HTML skill -- things like starting a paragraph or formatting text. (Though if you don't know any HTML and you're willing to learn, feel free to apply and we can go from there.)

So! If you’re looking to apply, here are some the steps you should take:

First off, write up a summary of The First Turnabout. We’re looking for something short and sweet, but make sure to include the major plot points and contradictions of the case. If you need an example, check out the page for Turnabout Big Top. ( It’s pretty well written, stylistically. Also, plagiarizing an article will, of course, disqualify you from the position, so please stick with something written in your own words!

Second, I’d like you to edit the following paragraph. Definitely proofread, but don’t be afraid to make some content suggestions as well. Rewriting parts, or even the whole paragraph, is useful, too. Good editing happens when the overall product is better than when it started.

“Phenix Wright and miles Edgeworth are the best of allies. In elementray school, they hung out with Larry Butz a lot and had adventures. After Miles came back they reunited and became friends again. They work on cases together to find the truth of the case. They really are good frinds even though they’re relationship isnt the closest and Edgeworth says he has “unnecessary feelings” because of wright and Phoenix sometimes gets mad at him like when he left the country and pretends to be dead. But you can still see they care about each other. Because Phoenix defends Miles when he is accused of murder and Edgeworth flies right over from Europe when Phoenix falls into the river. That’s why there the best of friends.”

Once you’ve done that, send the result to (There’s no “s” at the end) and we’ll take a look. We’ll let you know what we think as soon as we can.

We’d love to have you guys on our team, so we hope to see your application in soon!

Thanks, guys!

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