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This is a forum for fans of the Gyakuten Saiban series, known outside Japan as Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. It is also the official forum for the PW fansite Court Records.

Please follow the rules listed below at all times when participating in the forum:

  • No flaming. We here at Court Records will not stand for personal attacks on other users. You’re free to disagree with other users, but if you can’t express your disagreement without being a jerk about it, just let the matter drop.

  • No flaming people over their preferences. Our fandom is very diverse. This is not the place to argue the merits of liking certain pairings, etc. Court Records invites discussion on all topics and "don't like, don't click" is the golden rule of thumb. You may discuss the pairing. You don't have to support the pairing. You may not attack people for liking or disliking the pairing.

  • If you have a problem with another user, report them. Do not respond to a jerk by being a jerk yourself. Either report the post or contact someone on the admin/mod team. We will deal with the problem as quickly and smoothly as possible. The report button is the little "!" near the bottom of the post.

  • Respect the staff and their decisions. If a moderator or admin asks you to knock something off, we ask that you do as you're told. If you have a problem with a mod's decision, you can take it up with them over PM; if you feel you need to speak to someone else, please contact an admin (Bolt Storm, General Luigi, or Gerkuman). They will discuss the matter with staff as appropriate.

  • Keep your signature small. Sigs are NOT to exceed 600x220 pixels. The intent is that signature images be no more than 200p in height and that the extra 20p is for text, but we won’t force you to adhere to that. Everyone also is allowed to upload a 200x200 avatar if they so choose. Avatars are not to exceed 300KiB in size, and sigs 500KiB. If a Moderator or Admin tells you to change your avatar and/or signature, please change it or they’ll do it for you. Text and quotes count into the size of the sig. Finally, please do not put spoiler tags in your signature.

  • Keep it PG-13. NSFW content is not acceptable on this forum. …Well, okay, there’s one thread where it’s allowed, but anywhere other than in that thread, you may not post NSFW content—and even then, that thread only allows Ace Attorney-related content. The same holds true for TSFW (technically safe for work) content. Just because all the naughty bits are covered doesn’t make the image okay to share here. Links to NSFW content are permitted as long as they are clearly marked as such, but sharing them just for the sake of sharing NSFW content is discouraged. Finally, please refrain from wandering into raunchy topics of discussion.

  • Watch your language. We’re not going to ban you over an occasional F-bomb, but try to be reasonable; cluster F-bombs aren't necessary. Also, even as a joke, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or other slurs are not acceptable (this includes dog-whistles and symbolism). We’re not 4chan.

  • Please make attempts at proper grammar and spelling. We understand that English isn’t everyone’s native language here. We also understand that typos happen. You’re not going to get banned just because you said “to” when you meant to say “too.” That said, if you can spell properly, do it. You are not Sal Manella; no one is impressed by your 1337.

  • Do not hotlink off of Court Records. That means if you want to show off a piece of art or a sprite, host it on your own site/photobucket/imageshack/imgur/whatever hosting site you use. It hurts the site when you hotlink.

  • No spamming. Though this is a very open-ended rule, it makes life easier if your posts stay on topic and don't include a dozen quote boxes, image macros, smiley floods, etc. Think before you post. If your post doesn’t contribute anything worth noting, just don’t post.

  • Leave ROMs alone. Do not ask for ROMs. Do not ask for emulators. On that note, do not offer those things here, either. We are not looking to be a virtual black market. If you’re looking to find or offer those things, we won’t stop you from doing that elsewhere, but please do not do it here.

  • Advertising is only allowed in the Press Conference and in signatures. Do not advertise for your boards/games/home pages anywhere else or it will be removed.

  • One account, one person. If you are banned or suspended, the best thing to do is to contact the staff off the forums. Some of us have posted our contact info here. If you want other posters to know you were banned, ask us and we'll announce it (if we haven't already). If you create a spare account to try and explain yourself, we'll lock its posting abilities. If you try and get away with having multiple accounts to circumvent bans and continue posting freely, both will be banned, possibly permanently depending on the severity of the offense. If you have an extra account for another reason, contact the staff and we'll figure out how best to handle it - most likely, we'll close one account and ask you to stick to the other.

    • If you live with someone else who has an account here, please mention that to us as soon as possible. We catch alternate accounts by checking IP addresses. If you get banned, we may mistake your IP-mate for an alternate account if we don’t know beforehand that they’re not you.

    • Please do not share your account with anyone else. Having multiple people share an account means that if one of them does something to get banned, everyone else who has the account has to suffer through the ban, too, despite having done nothing.

  • Don’t bump old threads without a good reason. If the most recent post is more than three months old, a thread is dead. This forum is not militant about necro-posting (posting in a dead thread). However, if you search out an old thread, ask yourself if what you're about to say is really relevant before posting. If a thread is necro'd with pointless lol-ing or irrelevant banter, it'll be locked. Also, if the post is old, please look at the user’s profile to see when they were last online before responding to them.

  • Follow the spoiler rules. No spoilers in any format (written or otherwise) are allowed in signatures and avatars, and they may only be posted on the forums inside spoiler tags. Any linked-to spoilers must clearly be labeled as such. We will announce any changes in the spoiler rules, but it is still your responsibility to keep up-to-date on them.

  • Be cool. In general we're all fun people here. A lot of us enjoy jokes and sarcasm. Sometimes it's hard to tell sarcasm online, but this is a fansite, so if you find yourself taking something too personally or too seriously, try to take a step back before letting it get the better of you. But at the same time, being a jerk in the name of humor is not really humor, so remember that everyone is here to have fun and there's no need to be mean-spirited. We also know people sometimes get into arguments. Please remember to attack your opponent’s argument, not your opponent. A guide to civil debate and discussion can be found here.

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Re: RulesTopic%20Title

I think, therefore I am The Thinker

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Accessing the image was impossible or file isn’t a valid image.
I tried setting my signature image to but it says it is invalid. Is it somehow against the rules or some technical thing?
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Tony_Tony_Gangsta wrote:
Now I didn't see this in the rules but just wondering what's the max size for a sig? I think it's the same as an avatar but not sure.

You should read a little more clearly:
Wooster wrote:
-KEEP YOUR SIG SMALL. Sigs are NOT to exceed 600x200 pixels, no exceptions. Everyone also is able to upload a 200x200 avatar if they so choose. Avatars are not to exceed 120kb in size, and Sigs 200kb. No warnings will be given if your avatar or sig is too large - it will be deleted.

The current picture in your sig is 182x184, which is fine, though since the above measurements are for the whole sig itself, it may be a bit too much with the text.

The one I want is in the 400's and I think that's a lot. And is it possible to make a pic smaller? (Sorry I don't know much about the picture stuff for my comuter Meekins )

You can make a sig smaller by either cropping out excess parts (like blank space) which make the picture unnecessarily big, or you can resize the picture easily in any picture editing software (though how differs mostly by software).
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Minor Character

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The Thinker wrote:
Accessing the image was impossible or file isn’t a valid image.
I tried setting my signature image to but it says it is invalid. Is it somehow against the rules or some technical thing?

It could just be the type of forum this is. I know that APnet rejects off-linked avatars. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
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Kanpeki Choujin

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I posted before reading the rules am I banned
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nuuuuu, stoooooop

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Yes, Carter. Totally BAN'D. And yet, the awesome power of your sig compells me to change my mind. Unban'd.

Speaking of banning, I've come up with some new additions for the rules:

-IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ANOTHER FORUMER, REPORT THEM. Do not engage your fellow members in useless arguments. Either simply report the post, or contact someone on the admin/mod team, and we will deal with the problem as quickly and smoothly as possible.

-IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH A MOD, TELL CROIK. Do not engage the mods in useless arguments. As past experience has shown by now, snapping at a mod because you don't agree with their modly decision is the quickest way to get banned. If you don't feel you can talk to a mod in a calm, mature fashion, please save yourself some trouble and come to me. I will do my best to resolve the issue quickly and smoothly.

-IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH, I dunno. Well, you can still come to me. I'm a pretty calm person most of the time. I have no problem accepting criticism as long as it's worded in a mature manner. Or, if your burning hatred of me is so great, talk to Anders. Just don't whine. Which brings me to:

-DON'T WHINE. Whining will bring down any number of punishments upon you, ranging from a quick kick in the pants to a shiny new Payne-a-tar, depending on the situation. If you can't express yourself in a somewhat serious manner, we don't want to hear it.

Thank you, that is all~
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Croik wrote:
Or, if your burning hatred of me is so great, talk to Anders. Just don't whine.

*is buried under hate-PMs*

Just a quick reminder to folks that the Court-Records forums are here for the benefit of the community, not the individual. If you report someone and a mod looks into the situation and determines that they've done nothing wrong, that's your cue to get over it. Continual pestering of the mods over an isolated individual incident will net you with the aforementioned Payne-a-tar or, god forbid, whatever other form of mod-entertainment I manage to come up with. Matt
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Struck by a blunt objection

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I am Interested in seeing this Payne-a-tar. If you need some extra cruel punishment, Feel free to use mine, if not already your idea.
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nuuuuu, stoooooop

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Mind if I add text to that, Mikker? Von Karma
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Struck by a blunt objection

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Croik wrote:
Mind if I add text to that, Mikker? Von Karma

Of course not. Von Karma
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Minor Character

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Payne is shockingly buff.

I'd treat that as more of a pleasant surprise than a punishment. Maybe I should start whining about someone or something...
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A Kodac moment.

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OK, I finally transferred. (shame that my post count is at 0 again... Sadshoe)

By the way, is my original avatar and my sig too big?

Sorry, I can't count pixels... :(

OBJECT!Marquees are fun...Whip
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Poltergust wrote:
By the way, is my original avatar and my sig too big?

Sorry, I can't count pixels... :(

Right-click on the avatar/sig picture, hit "Proterties". Dimensions tell you how long and tall the picture is, Size is the file size of the picture. Both are acceptable, as far as I can tell.

And I'd say not to complain about the move. What's done is done, and at this point it's fairly late to undo it and tell everyone to go back to the old forum on a whim. Everyone else is settled in now, as you will be soon. Post count shouldn't mean much, anyway. Not as much as what's in the posts, at least to me.
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Struck by a blunt objection

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Blademaster_Orca wrote:
Poltergust wrote:
By the way, is my original avatar and my sig too big?

Sorry, I can't count pixels... :(

Right-click on the avatar/sig picture, hit "Proterties". Dimensions tell you how long and tall the picture is, Size is the file size of the picture.

Not always possible, though. Alot of avatars and signitures on this board has the data becoming unaccessable when run through the transparancy filter.
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Just Chiko

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Croik wrote:

Eat all the potatoes in the world and leave her with... ... ... I don't know... Onions and green peppers.

*read rules*
Re: RulesTopic%20Title

Not Pazuzu

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Wooster wrote:
KEEP YOUR SIG SMALL. Sigs are NOT to exceed 600x200 pixels, no exceptions. Everyone also is able to upload a 200x200 avatar if they so choose. Avatars are not to exceed 120kb in size, and Sigs 200kb. No warnings will be given if your avatar or sig is too large - it will be deleted.

Um... Wooster?

...Your sig...
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Man, Pazu, you pissed Wooster off BIG-TIME.
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Struck by a blunt objection

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Worry not, citizen! Mikker comes to the rescue AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT! Will Powers

bumpyphoenix2.gif [ 127.72 KiB | Viewed 750024 times ]

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Minor Character

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Pazu wrote:
Wooster wrote:
KEEP YOUR SIG SMALL. Sigs are NOT to exceed 600x200 pixels, no exceptions. Everyone also is able to upload a 200x200 avatar if they so choose. Avatars are not to exceed 120kb in size, and Sigs 200kb. No warnings will be given if your avatar or sig is too large - it will be deleted.

Um... Wooster?

...Your sig...

Bring on the Payne! Franziska
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Mikker wrote:
Croik wrote:
Mind if I add text to that, Mikker? Von Karma

Of course not. Von Karma
I-I'll behave - Maya Fey
Re: RulesTopic%20Title

Just for you Baki. can you marry me now?

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Wait! Wooster can't punish himself, can he? *head asplodes*
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As I was bored of the big empty space under my posts, I made a new sig.
Unfortunately, my computer knowledge past 'How To Get On The Internet' is pretty much zilch, so... ummmm.... bites are smaller than kilobites, right? If so my sig's in size, but if not...crap. Oops
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It's fine, Impulse.
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Should should only really worry about max size when you have animated sigs/avatars, really.
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Thanks. I was just being careful, considering I've already been booked 3 times for my sigs/avatars.
I'll take the opportunity to say sorry about all that now. Sorry, I'll try and keep my sigs in size/un-hotlinked (which, in my defense, was before I knew what hotlinking was)/in file size, from now on. Edgy
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Fixed my signature so it's not completely humongous now...

Well? Does it follow the rules?
I do not tolerate bullies. Good day.
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It's fine. The text and pics add up to around 170 px. of height, as far as I can tell.
And don't you n00bs forget it! (comic courtesy of Brevity.)
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what is hotlinking?
Thanks DarzieP for this sweet sig and avatar!!!!!
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I checked my signature twice but it still seems too big. Help?
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nuuuuu, stoooooop

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Posts: 5255 to big. Take out one of the pictures.
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I ain't good at byte sizing so umm.. is my sig ok? *covers head*
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Darzie the image is fine, but remember that the sig restriction counts Text as well. If you could squish your text higher, I'd appreciate it.
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I'll see what I can do croik.
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I just had a stupid question. If you have a big picture that you want to put in your sig, could you put it under a spoiler tag or something?
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Madfoot713 wrote:
I just had a stupid question. If you have a big picture that you want to put in your sig, could you put it under a spoiler tag or something?

No, you tricky tricky Madfoot. If you're so anxious for someone to see your graphic genius, post it in Wright & Co. Sal
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I'm pretty sure mine's under measurements, but I just want to make sure.
Stop chewing that phonecord, young man!
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Umm, how tall is text considered in pixels?
I yell "OBJECTION!" in the court sometimes!
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Minor Character

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I dug this out of the old country. :3

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How about this?
No offense, Croik...
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