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Re: Things you do NOT want to see in GS5Topic%20Title
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- Treating :gipsy: as a respectable character
- :kyouya: as the main prosecutor
- Any appearances by :garyuu:
- An official :phoenix: or :odoroki: pairing with someone. (I have no interest in Ace Attorney becoming a love story)
- Any Major appearances by :maya: :pearl: :godot: :larry:
- No Case Art
- No 2 day trials (Except the opening case)
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Mr. Ygrrjfjdosowhatever

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Platinum Skye wrote:
- An official :phoenix: or :odoroki: pairing with someone. (I have no interest in Ace Attorney becoming a love story)

Does Phoenix not already have Iris? And Apollo, uh... Vera, I guess?

Platinum Skye wrote:
- Any Major appearances by :maya: :pearl: :godot: :larry:

No Godot!? Godot must make an epic return! And I agree on the matters of keeping the Butz out, as well as Pearl.

Platinum Skye wrote:
- No Case Art
- No 2 day trials (Except the opening case)

Agreed on both matters; no case art for AJ was a real bummer! BTW I'm assuming that you mean that you want some 3 day trials, not seen since Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney. Although, on this matter, I really felt that PW Case 3 dragged on too long, BUT Case 4 deserved 3 days, certainly.
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What I wouldn't want to see?


Pretty much every single non-main character from AJ, especially Brushel.... I dunno, perhaps if he looked different I'd feel more open about him being in the next installments.

But as a reporter/photographer slot, I'd pick Lotta over Brushel any day.

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YggdrasilsSword wrote:
Platinum Skye wrote:
- An official :phoenix: or :odoroki: pairing with someone. (I have no interest in Ace Attorney becoming a love story)

Does Phoenix not already have Iris? And Apollo, uh... Vera, I guess?

I do support :phoenix: - :ayame: However I would not want any pairing to become the major focus of character development in the Ace Attorney series. As for :odoroki: - :draw: let's just wait till GS5 to see if Vera makes another appearence.

BTW I'm assuming that you mean that you want some 3 day trials, not seen since Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney. Although, on this matter, I really felt that PW Case 3 dragged on too long, BUT Case 4 deserved 3 days, certainly.

1-3/Turnabout Samurai I can understand. 1-4 and 1-5 deserved that extra day. I feel that if the developers don't cram everything into two days, they can make another good 3 trial day case.
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Yeah. Klavier was way too nice. He... like... helped you get the right verdict. It was like, at the end, I was all...
"I didn't need your help Klavier... thanks a lot, now I feel like I didn't do it by myself..."

We need Godot back. No personality change in Godot, hopefully, like Edgeworth's change. I want to see Apollo scream and be in emotinal turmoil, like 2-4 or 3-5. I want him to feel the true wrath of an evil prosecutor. Godot could come back. It's possible.

Remember, although Godot killed Misty/Dahlia, it could be argued that he did it to protect Maya. Any good defence attorney (like Grossberg, by then Grossberg should know that Godot=Diego Armando, and Diego worked at Grossberg's law firm, right? So it could be, like, 5-8 year sentence, maybe? Hopefully?

Whoever said nothing was impossible obviously never tried to close a revolving door.
"Suspense msuic plays" Oh crap, SAVESAVESAVE! Oh wait, that's my phone. And the caller ID is... MOM!?
"Cornered music plays"
Oh, ****
Re: Things you do NOT want to see in GS5Topic%20Title
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I'd say

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The Objector wrote:
We need Godot back. No personality change in Godot, hopefully, like Edgeworth's change. I want to see Apollo scream and be in emotinal turmoil, like 2-4 or 3-5. I want him to feel the true wrath of an evil prosecutor. Godot could come back. It's possible.

Remember, although Godot killed Misty/Dahlia, it could be argued that he did it to protect Maya. Any good defence attorney (like Grossberg, by then Grossberg should know that Godot=Diego Armando, and Diego worked at Grossberg's law firm, right? So it could be, like, 5-8 year sentence, maybe? Hopefully?

If you wanted Godot not to change and be as hard on Apollo as with Phoenix it wouldn't work out too well...

He mainly went and started prosecuting because he wanted revenge on Phoenix. In 3-5 he's come to resolution about it, I don't see him being the "evil", frustrating prosecutor he was in GS3.

Anyway, my list...

-Having Klavier as the main prosecutor. Keep Klavier but either give him more reason to want to win or switch with a different prosecutor. I'm not a big Klavier fan but I have to admit, considering how "RAWR! MUST GET VERDICT!" all the other prosecutors have been he's a nice change. The problem is as said before, he's too nice. It's good from a story POV but not a gameplay POV.
-Main characters from the original three games getting lots of focus. Their story is done, it would take a lot of time, it steals focus, and you can bet no matter how it's handled some fans are going to complain about how the characters are handled (like Phoenix).
-No case art.
-The jurist system to never be heard of again. They introduced it, they might as well bring it back for a case or two but improved/part of the actual gameplay.
Not touching on the whole Apollo/Trucy/Thalassa thing at all.

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...Is it even possible for the last one to not happen...
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spr fckn srs peepz

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I want almost all these things to happen, just so that all of you are pissed off. - Because the only fantasy worlds I like are those I write myself.
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Apollo72 wrote:
...Is it even possible for the last one to not happen...

Considering some of the shows/stories I've read, it both very possible and very cheap because it's the writer's way of teasing the reader/watcher...

One more.

-Kristophe not coming back. He isn't my favorite character but he actually had some interesting potential, especially with those black locks since I think it mentioned something about despair being linked to them. I could oddly see him appearing in a Hannibal Lector way, considering him and Apollo were Mentor/student for a while.
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Things I do NOT want to see... hmm... I can think of a few...

- Payne. His voice makes many ears bleed in agony.
- Kristoph Gavin. He creeps me out.
- Any of the 'villains' from previous games coming back and saying they've turned over a new leaf only to kill the main character with nothing but a banana and a paper clip.
- I like Klavier as a person with his whole 'I MUST DISCOVER THE TRUTH FOR THE SAKE OF ALL HUMANITY AND FOR THE SAKE OF MY SUPER HOLY AIR GUITAR MAD SKILLS' aura, but I don't think he'd make a good prosecutor. He has no whip, he has no visor and he has no cravat. or anything else frilly. All he's got is hair he stole from a unicorn.
- I swear, if Ini, Dahlia or Alita make any comebacks, I will take a gun and shoot them. If I miss, I'll just use the trap door.
- The lack of presenting profiles for information. I do not want to find out about someone's past when I'm really asking how their socks ended up strangling the victim.
- Any prosecutors coming back with a makeover. I do not want this:
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- Winston Payne - He's getting old (not old by the age but, y'know). ._.
- Klavier. - I don't want a prosecutor who ruins the fun. :U
- More panty hunting. >_>
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Re: Things you do NOT want to see in GS5Topic%20Title
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I do not want any of the characters from the Phoenix arc to come back. One or two cameos would be acceptable, and I hate how they completely abandoned everybody besides Phoenix in GS4, but what's done is done. Phoenix has passed the torch, and now Apollo should be the one to carry the game. In regards to Phoenix, I hope he gets phased out. In GS4, he was onscreen during all 4 of the cases, and played a major part in 3 of them. They really need to tone that down.

Along the same lines, I don't want anybody holding Apollo's hand through cases. The only way that Apollo is going to develop as a character and mature as an attorney is if he solves these puzzles by himself. I can see it during the first game as a way to artificially lower the diffculty for the new players, but no more of that.

And finally, I DO want the case-art and profile presentation to return, and I'm not positive why either of these was not in AJ other than sheer laziness. (The reasoning for not having the profiles in AJ is weak at best, IMO. When you have a new gameplay mechanic, you normally don't just throw it away because you've changed the main character of your franchise.)
Bitchy Ema.Topic%20Title
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Ema Skye.

I hate her now. Yeah, I'm a fan of Ema. But the 16-year old Ema is waaaaay better than the GS4 Ema! Argh! :notes:


I must say Klavier is the most boring prosecutor ever. I would rather have Payne. But, it would be cool if Phoenix took the board exam again and became a prosecutor.

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Okay I'll do a real list.

-Payne, unless he has a 'fro. Then he cool.
-Apollo to be a complete idiot throughout all 4 cases.
-An organic inclusion of PW-era AA characters (otherwise known as put them in if you need to but otherwise don't).
-That the "Lamiroir is Apollo's mother" twist be the only one in GS5. Give us something, y'know, worth a damn. - Because the only fantasy worlds I like are those I write myself.
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well what i REALLY dont wanna see is....PAYNE. he is so annoying with his hair. i mean it really freaks me out. another thing is that i hope no specials characters die including all these people :hobohodo: :pearl: :eh?: :edgy: :maya: oh and especially :franny: fighting her in the court is so funny the way she whips the judge

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Re: Things you do NOT want to see in GS5Topic%20Title
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Actually, I really would like to see some AJ characters in GS5. And by AJ characters I really mean Apollo, Trucy, and Thalassa (and maybe Ema). Everyone else I don't really care whether they do or not.

Though I really hope :kyouya: doesn't come back. I found his character very uninteresting in GS4

Capcom should also learn that :meekins: doesn't need to be in every single game in the series. He only shows up to screw up, get accused of the crime, and YELL INTO HIS MEGAPHONE! :megaphone:

I also hope someone from the original trilogy like :maya: :pearl: :edgeworth: :franny: or :eh?: doesn't get killed off.

And someone PLEASE get rid of the current saving function. I don't like having to go through the title screen and choosing my file again just to save my current progress. I also want to be able to exit the game through the pause screen so can I restart from my save point without turning off my DS whenever I make too many mistakes.
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* Ladder/Steppladder Jokes - it was funny for the first and maybe the second game, but afterwards it just became an overused joke. Capcom, either explain the difference between "ladders" and "stepladders" (I know the difference, thank you very much) or send that joke to the grave. I don't need to read the following dialogue again...
"Hey look it's a (step)ladder!"
"Actually, that's a (step)ladder."
"What's the difference?"

* Official pairing for Phoenix - it ruins the fantasy. Well, it might not stop fanfiction writers, but it would most likely results in tons of new fanfiction with the general story of said official love interest dying and Phoenix going with the writer's preferred character then. Plus, this is a law game, not a romance novel.

* Ema as the main detective - I never was too fond of her. I don't hate her, but I also don't love her. And she seemed really pissy and frustrated with her job in GS4 - if she hates it so much, she should just quit and re-take the forensice exam.

* Klavier as the main prosecutor - he is to Apollo what Edgeworth is to Phoenix. The constant rival, but also friend. Having him face Phoenix a lot would just feel weird.

* Re-appearance of Godot/Any new information on the Fey Clan - Goddammit, they used the entire purpose of T&T to explain the Fey Clan, their story and Godot's is over. Just leave it alone already. Maya and Pearl can have cameos just fine, but don't make them into way-too-big-a-deal characters.

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I know people are gonna hate me for this but... I kinda don't wanna see something that has already been officually announced. The Heart Scope. I don't know it just seems a little bit TOO out there for the Ace Attorney series. Well... now that I think about it, not really but with Spirit Mediums and Psyche-Locks already within the game, I feel like a Heart Scope is bringing to much Investigation stuff into the Courtroom (if anyone knows what I mean cause I'm kinda confusing myself)

Something I DO want to see is some cooperative defense work like what Professor Layton and Phoenix did in PLvsAA... except with Apollo replacing Professor Layton. I think that would be cool, or maybe switch out defense attorneys every now and again between Apollo and Phoenix like they did with Mia in GS3!
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Hotti, Manfred and DL-6 references.

Hotti is obvious. Manfred's already dead and his "record" exposed, there's nothing left to remember about him. And in all games but AJ we hear the DL-6 music, we see DL-6 pictures, we see the case summary over and over and fuck it, man, enough already.
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SkylarHewitt7 wrote:
I know people are gonna hate me for this but... I kinda don't wanna see something that has already been officually announced. The Heart Scope. I don't know it just seems a little bit TOO out there for the Ace Attorney series. Well... now that I think about it, not really but with Spirit Mediums and Psyche-Locks already within the game, I feel like a Heart Scope is bringing to much Investigation stuff into the Courtroom (if anyone knows what I mean cause I'm kinda confusing myself)

Something I DO want to see is some cooperative defense work like what Professor Layton and Phoenix did in PLvsAA... except with Apollo replacing Professor Layton. I think that would be cool, or maybe switch out defense attorneys every now and again between Apollo and Phoenix like they did with Mia in GS3!

And I entirely dissagree with you on that. This "Emotions as Evidence" thing the Heart Scope (which is likely just a name!) brings to court is something I've been waiting for since 1-1.
( :object: "Your honor, just look at the witness' face!" --> :sawit-mad: )
What I don't want to see is this being underused, like Apollo's bracelet in GS4, where you could only use your powers for very brief, single-point moments. I want to see this being incorperated propperly (now I'm confusing myself).
Serve the Story - that's one of my rules.
That wasn't an objection, honest! I was just pointing someone to the bus stop!
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If there's one thing I absolutely do NOT want to see, it's pop-culture references thrown in for the lulz.
Pop culture references do NOT make a work funny. The localization team needs to learn this.
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sumguy28 wrote:
If there's one thing I absolutely do NOT want to see, it's pop-culture references thrown in for the lulz.
Pop culture references do NOT make a work funny. The localization team needs to learn this.

I really love the pop-culture references, actually. Especially the ones that reference older things since they will bring back childhood really randomly. (One in particular I recall in Investigations where Edgeworth says something about Extraterritorial Rights and Gumshoe goes crazy, saying "Mr. Edgeworth, does that mean the truth is out there?" As a Hardcore X-Files fan I got a kick out of that. I also liked the music references in AJ. "Oh, look! A Red Light!" "You don't have to turn on the red light". ROOOOOXXXXXXXXXXXAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

I think how funny a pop-culture reference is depends on how well you know/love what they are referencing, and if it's intrusive or just a little thing. I'm not always crazy about really intrusive ones because I tend not to connect it because it's so big in the dialogue I miss it. An Example would be Phoenix saying that that 3-5 was more confusing than "The Grid: Revelations". When I played it the first time I didn't get that they were referencing the Matrix Revolutions and thought it was a real, in-universe thing because of the fact it was in the middle of a dramatic scene. So I could see backing away from these kind of references. (Also, I didn't think Revolutions was that bad, but that's just me).
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Re: Things you do NOT want to see in GS5Topic%20Title
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I agree with ADA McCoy - some pop culture references can be quite fun.
But I also don't think that they should be taking over a game or any media too much. For example, I would hate it if there were any mentions of Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, ... um .... Justin Timberlake... or any 'recent' celebrities and occurences. Yes, I would actually hate a 9/11 reference - not because I think it would be in bad taste, but because I kind of hate putting more and more and more attention onto it.
It was terrible.
We get it.

I never watched X-Files that much, but I got the reference for it and that was kind of fun. Some others I didn't understand, although they were probably during "my time". Although I would like some references to other Videogames - perhaps the rivalry-friendship thing being misunderstood or compared to that thing that Cloud and Sephiroth have together.
Because Cloud and Sephiroth really appear.... literally, obsessed with each other.
Especially Sephy-chan.

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CatMuto wrote:
I agree with ADA McCoy - some pop culture references can be quite fun.
But I also don't think that they should be taking over a game or any media too much. For example, I would hate it if there were any mentions of Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, ... um .... Justin Timberlake... or any 'recent' celebrities and occurences. Yes, I would actually hate a 9/11 reference - not because I think it would be in bad taste, but because I kind of hate putting more and more and more attention onto it.
It was terrible.
We get it.

I never watched X-Files that much, but I got the reference for it and that was kind of fun. Some others I didn't understand, although they were probably during "my time". Although I would like some references to other Videogames - perhaps the rivalry-friendship thing being misunderstood or compared to that thing that Cloud and Sephiroth have together.
Because Cloud and Sephiroth really appear.... literally, obsessed with each other.
Especially Sephy-chan.


The thing I like about the AA references is that many of them are "older" non-recent ones: things that either have "stood the test of time" or are just wacky references the translators remembered from when they were younger. I doubt they'd put in any recent pop-culture, unless it was huge and deeply embedded in the internet/nerd culture where they pull most of their stuff. I think they would know not to just insert a Jersey Shore or a Lady Gaga reference. Maybe if AA is still around in 10 years that will happen. They also are usually very subtle, which is key to them working. That's why I wasn't crazy about "The Grid: Revelations" because it was way too in your face. If there had been a day during the investigation where you clicked on the movie poster inside Phoenix's office and he made a comment about The Grid: Revelations, (Maya put it up maybe?) then I would have enjoyed it more. (I hadn't even seen the Matrix the first time I played this, and for a minute I thought The Grid: Revelations was the name of the movie that made everyone cry...But I guess we'll never know what that was.)

(Also, CatMuto, The entire X-Files series is on Netflix right now, so you should check it out. Some people say it jumps the shark after the first couple of seasons. I'm only on season 2 now (I used to watch reruns that weren't in any order) so I can't gurantee that but as long as you remember it was a 90's network tv show with a 90's network tv budget you'll enjoy it. (Assuming you're into Aliens, supernatural occurences, and cop shows). The only thin to warn you about is that the leads are often really wooden, especially the woman. And they say eachother's name way too much.)
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X-Files doesn't interest me at all. Supernatural is can take to a certain degrees, but Aliens?
Nah, too boring. Or, at least, it can't hold my interest for very long.
I go more for intelligent, big vocabulary stuff like House or ER.
Actually, I forget, wasn't there a line in one of the AA games that basically was "Everybody lies"?

What I don't want to return is the lack of the option to present Profiles.
I started with JFA and I liked it how I can present profiles to people and get a reaction - especially when showing Gumshoe his own or Edgeworth's profile. Always fun to see what they might have to say about themselves.
So when I played the first game, I really missed that option - I even hate it that I can't present profiles in AJ!

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I really don't want GS5 to be similar to my first experience of playing AAI. I am replaying AAI currently and enjoying it, but I remember the first time I played it I found it so annoying how many random characters would show up. The annoying ones like Larry, Oldbag and Meekins. I mean most Ace Attorney games do these 'hey look, remember this hilarious character' and usually I'll find it funny and endearing, but in AAI it felt overdone. Especially when Ema Skye gets put in and then you don't get to do any cool forensic stuff, what the hell was the point in that?!
So on the one hand I do want to see characters like Maya, Trucy and Apollo... but I don't want it to be a line-up of old faces.

I don't want the MACE system. I just don't. If there is going to be jury then fine, but please don't have the game focused on them or how it works. I want to investigate and then object in court. Not too much to ask for.

Apart from those two things I pretty much want everything else! I'm so sure that GS5 is gonna be awesome :will:
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CatMuto wrote:
X-Files doesn't interest me at all. Supernatural is can take to a certain degrees, but Aliens?
Nah, too boring. Or, at least, it can't hold my interest for very long.
I go more for intelligent, big vocabulary stuff like House or ER.
Actually, I forget, wasn't there a line in one of the AA games that basically was "Everybody lies"?

What I don't want to return is the lack of the option to present Profiles.
I started with JFA and I liked it how I can present profiles to people and get a reaction - especially when showing Gumshoe his own or Edgeworth's profile. Always fun to see what they might have to say about themselves.
So when I played the first game, I really missed that option - I even hate it that I can't present profiles in AJ!


I liked House a lot too. I stopped watching it though because I felt like it began to get really repetitive (Case comes in, no one knows what it is, House sees the answer in something random, barges in, Cuddy gets mad, House saves the day). Also I thought they got too focused on House and Cuddy's relationship. I love Hugh Laurie though. I never got to see ER, but I want to because it was created by my favorite author of all time, Michael Crichton.
I think you would find that the X-Files goes about aliens in a very intelligent way (It's not like that show Ancient Aliens or anything like that) but if it doesn't interest you then you won't enjoy it.

I was always confused as too why you couldn't present profiles in AJ. I don't know if it was just because it was never "needed" in the gameplay or if they for some reason wanted to replicate everything about Phoenix's rookie days (including in inability to present profiles.)

gems_01 wrote:
I really don't want GS5 to be similar to my first experience of playing AAI. I am replaying AAI currently and enjoying it, but I remember the first time I played it I found it so annoying how many random characters would show up. The annoying ones like Larry, Oldbag and Meekins. I mean most Ace Attorney games do these 'hey look, remember this hilarious character' and usually I'll find it funny and endearing, but in AAI it felt overdone. Especially when Ema Skye gets put in and then you don't get to do any cool forensic stuff, what the hell was the point in that?!
So on the one hand I do want to see characters like Maya, Trucy and Apollo... but I don't want it to be a line-up of old faces.

I don't want the MACE system. I just don't. If there is going to be jury then fine, but please don't have the game focused on them or how it works. I want to investigate and then object in court. Not too much to ask for.

Apart from those two things I pretty much want everything else! I'm so sure that GS5 is gonna be awesome :will:

I think AAI was really set up to be like that, personally. It also seems as though they had AJ, which got some criticism for not having the original characters, so when they made AAI they threw in as many as they could. I think it also stems from the fact that they couldn't introduce tons of new characters/plot lines that couldn't get resolved in one/two games because of the fact that the AAI series really can't have any effect on the AA history. I think for GS5 they're only going to insert people who need to be there.

I really liked the MASON system, but I wouldn't want it to be used everyday and I think that was only for that one case due to the circumstances. If they use a jury trial, my bet is that it will not be any different from other trials, and it will simply be a shot of the Jury replacing a shot of the Judge when the not guilty words come up.

I don't usually get excited for Video Games but I am really really pumped for GS5. Maybe it's because it's finally a "sequel" to AJ and maybe because it's made my purchasing a 3DS XL worth it, but I'm really excited.
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lol I wrote the MACE system... clearly been hanging out with the von Karma's too much :franny:

but yeah I pretty much only brought a 3DS because of GS5, Phoenix Wright vs Professor Layton and VLR. So far I've only been able to play VLR, but I know the other two games are gonna make my 3DS worth it :edgy:
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gems_01 wrote:
lol I wrote the MACE system... clearly been hanging out with the von Karma's too much :franny:

but yeah I pretty much only brought a 3DS because of GS5, Phoenix Wright vs Professor Layton and VLR. So far I've only been able to play VLR, but I know the other two games are gonna make my 3DS worth it :edgy:

So far the only games I really played and loved and got addicted to on the 3DS were Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy, Metal Gear Solid 3D: Snake Eater and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. The rest of my games (James Noir's Hollywood Crimes, Tetris Axis, and Ridge Racer 3D) were all forgettable titles that I bought when they were $20 or less because I had nothing new to play. I liked Star Fox 64 3D but I played it so much on the N64 it wasn't that addictive this time around. I picked up Resident Evil Revelations but I haven't played it yet.

Ironically the 3DS has mainly been used to play DS games I missed the first time around, like Hotel Dusk and the Professor Layton games (in order to prepare for the Vs. game). I've been enjoying Layton and picked up Miracle Mask, so that might turn out to be another great 3ds game.

I tend to lean more towards plot-based, text-heavy games for my 3DS, and right now the majority of games released for it are traditional action/3d games, which are great, but just isn't something I'd go pay 40 bucks for.
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The main reason I bought my 3DS was to play Paper Mario Sticker Star. But after waiting all that time for it to come out, when I actually played it, it was a HUGE dissapointment.
Besides that, the only other 3DS game I actualy have are LoZ: OoT 3D (which I still don't really like and therefore haven't played that much), and Super Mario 3D Land (which I've already 100%ed out of sheer boredom).
Like ADA, I'm mainly using it to play my old DS games. I'm actually replaying the AA series for the umpteenth time (to prepare for AA5). I would use it to play Ghost Trick (by far my favourite DS game ever) but I've lend that out to a friend who isn't speaking to me anymore these days.
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That wasn't an objection, honest! I was just pointing someone to the bus stop!
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The AJ gang stealing the spotlight like Phoenix did in Apollo Justice. This is Phoenix Wright's time to shine, not the AJ crew.

I don't mind cameos as long as it doesn't feel forced and that we are not bombed with them only for fanservice intentions than plots.

And a prosecutor that helps you too much like Klavier. There's no challenge, the whole trial would feel pretty dull...again.
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Also I thought they got too focused on House and Cuddy's relationship.

Well, that is a main focus on Season 7, but disappears at the end of it.
I have yet to watch the final episode (my box deleted it before I could watch it!) but I do know how it ends for Wilson (Oh, the irony!) and I have my suspicions for House.

I bought my Japanese 3DS solely for Tales of the Abyss 3DS - ALL BECAUSE OF THOSE FUCKING REGIONLOCKS!! STOP IT WITH THE REGIONLOCKS!! :fire:
Of course, that'll be helpful for GS5 in the first place, hehe. :godot:
Although I did buy a European 3DS a few weeks ago, because I didn't want to import for the 3DS all the time. Too expensive - I'll gladly do it for the odd game for my consoles now and then, most of my collection is imported stuff, but not exclusively.

Actually, I can see the AJ crew getting more spotlight in GS5. Just to be a kick in the nuts for Phoenix being important in AJ? Although I do hope they don't overdo it with the cameos - I looked at the character roosters in GK2 and was surprised to see Penny Nichols and Will Powers in there. If Oldbag was there, I repressed her. Cameos are fun, but not when they're shoved into your face repeatedly.

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:phoenix: / :ayame:

nuff said.
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CatMuto wrote:

Well, that is a main focus on Season 7, but disappears at the end of it.
I have yet to watch the final episode (my box deleted it before I could watch it!) but I do know how it ends for Wilson (Oh, the irony!) and I have my suspicions for House.

I'll probably watch all of them when they come on Netflix or something, as I do want to see the finale. I just became just uninterested enough to mean that spending 40 dollars a season wasn't worth it for me. (I don't have cable or anything. I only get one channel haha).

CatMuto wrote:
Actually, I can see the AJ crew getting more spotlight in GS5. Just to be a kick in the nuts for Phoenix being important in AJ? Although I do hope they don't overdo it with the cameos - I looked at the character roosters in GK2 and was surprised to see Penny Nichols and Will Powers in there. If Oldbag was there, I repressed her. Cameos are fun, but not when they're shoved into your face repeatedly.


I agree about the cameos thing. The AAI/GK2 stuff doesn't bother me since they're spin-offs, but I was just talking on the "characters you want to see in GS5" that I really want new stories and characters at the forefront, followed by Apollo Justice-related things, and have a very small emphasis (if any) on original trilogy characters. I'd like to see Apollo be in the game as much as Phoenix was in AJ. If he's going to be a side-character he needs to be an important one.

Emiko Gale wrote:
:phoenix: / :ayame:

nuff said.

This was the only actual canon romance Phoenix ever had (I know people do that "shipping" thing but in terms of actual games none of Phoenix's relationships with women were ever romantic apart from this one) , so I wouldn't care if they brought her up in conversation for a second or something. What I would take issue with is if they made it more than that and started putting in George Lucas-like wooden romance scenes or something. Romance is really not a factor in the other games so it would be awkward to suddenly have that be a big deal. Also she'd probably still be in prison so it's not like she's going to be in the game physically.
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After 7-8 years, Iris would still be in prison for accomplice to murder/tampering with crime scenes/desecrating of corpses?
I thought it was mentioned that accomplices and/or tampering netted only about 6 months prison, in case of Adrian, proven. I don't really want them to say, "Oh yeah, Phoenix has actually been dating Iris all this time. We just haven't mentioned her, cause she wasn't important. But yes, they are a couple... again."
Like I said, GS is not a Dating Sim, nor is romance ever really that important - unless it's for boyfriend-girlfriend relationships between witness/defendant. Although I wonder if GS5 will have a case where the witness asks the defendant, in the middle of court, if they will marry them. And when they say yes, they can say, "I am now in a position where I can say that I refuse to testify"
And knowing the GS courtsystem, that will probably work...

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CatMuto wrote:
After 7-8 years, Iris would still be in prison for accomplice to murder/tampering with crime scenes/desecrating of corpses?
I thought it was mentioned that accomplices and/or tampering netted only about 6 months prison, in case of Adrian, proven. I don't really want them to say, "Oh yeah, Phoenix has actually been dating Iris all this time. We just haven't mentioned her, cause she wasn't important. But yes, they are a couple... again."
Like I said, GS is not a Dating Sim, nor is romance ever really that important - unless it's for boyfriend-girlfriend relationships between witness/defendant. Although I wonder if GS5 will have a case where the witness asks the defendant, in the middle of court, if they will marry them. And when they say yes, they can say, "I am now in a position where I can say that I refuse to testify"
And knowing the GS courtsystem, that will probably work...


I would love to see that.
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A few weeks ago I read an interesting fanfic where Phoenix finds hidden diary entrys of Iris and finds out that even though she was infactuated with him, she was also in love with Dahlia. (I remember a debate going on at the Phoenix/Maya club kind of made me wonder if Iris ever so slightly loved Dahlia more than Phoenix, in a romantic sense.)

In the end she kills herself to make her sister truely happy again.

And I'm probably the only one who thinks that could've fitted in with the canon (whether romantic or not) because that could probably be the reason Phoenix didn't mention Iris during GK4.
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Like I said, I would seriously doubt they'd even bring her up. Even if Adrian's sentence was only a short while, they could just say Iris' crime was worse just for the sake of not having to account for her. And I doubt Phoenix saw anyone during the time he was taking care of Trucy, based on his attitudes and priorities in AJ. But if they did mention her I don't think it would be "Oh We're a couple" kind of thing. I would imagine if there was a reference it would be along the lines of just mentioning her name, not even talking about the relationship with Phoenix. That's what I would be ok with. I don't want them to suddenly get teenage television soap opera-y on me. (The games are already pretty soap opera-y as they are!)
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